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Nama Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Pst Cintawana MataPelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : IX /Genap Materi Pokok : Narative Text Alokasi waktu : 2 x 2JP


3.7 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairytales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Indikator Pencapaian

3.7.1 Menganalisis fungsi sosial struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan berbentuk fairytalespendek dan sederhana

3.7.2 Membandingkan dua teks naratif lisan pendek dan sederhana berbentuk fairytales terkait dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan.

A. Tujun Pembelajaran

Melalui pendekatan saintifik dengan menggunakan model Discovery learning, peserta didik dapat membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, sert unsur-unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks narative fairy tales dan terampil alam menangkap makna terait fungsi sosial, struktur tes dan unsur-unsur kebahasaan dengan penuh rasa ingin tahu, disiplin, percaya diri, selama proses pembelajran serta mampu berkomunikasi dan bekerja samadengan baik dengan kelompok.

Fokus Penguatan Karakter:

Religus, disiplin, percayadiri dan kerjasama.

4.7 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, strukturteks dan unsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana terkait fairytales.

Indikator pencapaian :

4.71Menyimpulkan informasi rinci dari teks naratif lisan fairytales.

4.72Menampilkan (to perform) informasi rinci teks lisan fairytales.

Indikator :

- Mengamati dan menyimak dan mengamati dongengGolden Eggs.

- Tanya jawab secara lisan terkait informasi tertentu tentang naratif teks.

- Dengan bimbingan guru, mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu terkait topik dan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaa dari

video/cerita yang ditayangkan. Menemukan generic structure dari teks narative.

Alat :Spidol, papan tulis, laptop, infocus/smartboard

Media:Teks pembelajaran terkait Teks Narative.

Sumber : Think Globally Act Locally, Kelas IX,

Kemendikbud.Revisi 2018




- Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka

memanjatkan doa dan rasa syukur kepada Tuhan yang maha Esa, sebelum

pembelajaran dimulai.

- Memeriksa

kehadiran peserta didik. Juga mengingatkan tentang


- Menyiapakan fisik dan psikis peserta didik dalam mengawali kegiatan


- Menyampaikan tujuan

pembelajaran dan materi


yang akan


Kegiatan Inti

- Pemberian rangsangan (stimulation); guru memberikan contoh dongeng dan siswa menebak dongeng tersebut dilanjutkan Peserta didik mengamati dengan seksama tayangan video/ gambar/ cergam tentang

“Golden Eggs”.

- Identifikasi masalah ( Problem statement);

setiap peserta didik mengamati, mengidentifikasi, mengkritisi, memberikan penilaian secara kreatif tentang makna cerita

“ Golden Eggs”. Dengan tanya jawab -

-What is the title of the story?

-How many characters are there in the story?

- Who have the good character?

- Who have the bad characters?

- What is the moral value?


- Pengumpulan data (Data collection);

Peserta didik mengumpulkan informasi yang relevan untuk memahami makna cerita

“Golden Eggs” melalui kegiatan mengamati gambar/ membaca text, atau membaca sumber lain.

- Secara kreatif (creativity) dengan

bimbingan guru peserta didik merangkum dan menyimpulkan tentang apa yang terdapat dalam dongeng, dan pon-poin yang menarik tentang dongeng juga pesan moral yang terkandung dalam dongeng.

- Tanya jawab untuk hal-hal yang belum dipahami.

Menjawab latihan-latihan yang diberikan.

- Guru memeriksa ppekerjaan peserta didik . apresiasi bagi pekerjaan yang tepat dengan diberi paraf.


- Mengaitkan materi /tema/kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan denga teks naratif peserta didik dengan materi yang sudah dibahas.

- Pengolahan data (data processing); peserta didik dalam kelompoknya berdiskusi, berkomunikasi secara jelas dan berkolaborasi dengan yang lain dalam mengolah informasi yang telah diperoleh terkait makna cerita”Golden Eggs”.

- Pembuktian (verification); Peserta didik mendiskusikan dan memverifikasi hasil pengamatannya dengan data-data atau buku sumber dengan maksud menambah keluasan dan kedalaman materi sampai kepada pengolahan informasi yang bersifat mencari solusi.

Menarik simpulan (generalization) mengkomunikasikan secara lisan atau mempresentasikan makna cerita “Golden eggs” dengan membacakan ringkasan disertai suara nyaring dalam kelompok masing-masing, dengan berani dan rasa percaya diri

- Memberikan penghargaan kepada

kelompok yang memiliki

kinerja dan kerja sama yang baik.

- Guru

memberikan tugas kelompok terstruktur, dan menyampaikan materi yang akan dipelajari.

Guru Mata Pelajaran Kepala SMP Pesantren Cintawana

Hj. lva Navisah, S.Pd Dede Rostiana, S.Pd M.Pd NlP : 197709032005012002 NIP : 19720216 200501 2007



 Pengetahuan

Penilaian pengetahuan dalam pembelajaran KD ini meliputi :

1. Tes formatif melalui penilaian hasil lembar kerja disaat pembelajaran dan tes tulis berupa essai

No Teknik Bentuk Instrumen

Butir Instrumen Waktu Pelaksanaan

Keterangan 1 Penguasaan


Pertanyaan Disajikan teks narrative peserta didik dapat menuliskan pesan

moral dan

informasi yang terkandung dalam teks tersebut.


pembelajaran berlangsung dan/atau setelah usai.

Penilaian untuk, sebagian, dan/atau pencapaian pembelajaran (Assesment for, as and of learning)

2 Tertulis Essai Disajikan teks

narative peserta didik dapat menentukan dan menuliskan pesan

moral dan

informasi yang terkandung dalam teks tersebut.

Setelah pembelajaran usai

Penilaian pencapaian pembelajaran (Assesment of learning)

 Rubrik Penilaian Pengetahuan

Peserta didik diberikan teks yang berbeda yaitu yang berjudul Cinderaella.

1. What kind of the text is it ? 2. What is the structure of the text?

3. Who is the main character of the text?

4. Her sister and step mother always manner for her, What did she do for solve the problem?

5. Who had helped Cinderella when she want to follow the ball?

6. Why Cinderella have to rush for went home?

7. What was the way the prince to find his princess 8. Did the prince and cnderella could meet each other?

9. What happened after that?

10. What is the moral value from the text.

Key answer :


1. Narative text score : 5

2. Orientation- event –resolution-reorientation score : 10 3. Cinderella. Score : 5

4. She always try to be patient and always dilligent. Score : 10 5. The fairy. Score : 5

6. Because the magic will work until midnight. Score : 10

7. He found girl with the glass slipper that fits in her foot. Score :10 8. Yes, they did. Score ; 5

9. He married Cinderella and live happily. Score ; 10

10. We have to face the problem with patient and have the good character. We can get the offortunity and the happiness. Score :10

Score : 80

 Keterampilan

Penilaian keterampilan dalam pembelajaran KD ini meliputi : 1. Penilaian untuk kerja (read aloud) disaat pembelajaran No Teknik Bentuk


Butir Instrumen Waktu Pelaksanaan

Keterangan 1 Praktik Menyusun

paragraph Teks Cinderella


kecepatan dan kerjasama.


pembelajaran berlangsung dan/atau setelah usai.

Penilaian untuk, sebagian, dan/atau pencapaian pembelajaran (Assesment for, as and of learning)

 Rubrik Penilaian Sikap

Nilai Deskripsi

SB Sangat Baik dalam bekerjasama dalam kelompok, disiplin dan percaya diri membaca/mencari informasidari sumber lain.

B Baik dalam bekerjasama dalam kelompok, disiplin dan percaya diri membaca/mencari informasidari sumber lain.

C Cukupdalam bekerjasama dalam kelompok, disiplin dan percaya diri membaca/mencari informasidari sumber lain.

K Kurang dalam bekerjasama dalam kelompok, disiplin dan percaya diri membaca/mencari informasidari sumber lain.



One day, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lived with a wicked stepmother and her two stepsisters. They treated Cinderella very bad and did not appreciate her. Near from her home, there was a king's palace which was so beautiful and there would be held a big party. Her stepmother and her sisters were invited to attend the party. However, they did not allow her to go to the party. She was ordered to sew the party dresses that would be worn by her mother and sisters. While, she did not have time to sew her dress. Her mother and her sisters went to a party and left Cinderella alone at home.

She felt very sad and cried. Between her tears, suddenly a fairy godmother appeared and said

"do not cry, I can send you to the ball now!", But she kept crying and looked so sad. She said,

"I do not have a dress to wear in the ball". The fairy godmother of course would not be worry and waved the wand to transform the Cinderella’s old clothes into the new dress which was very beautiful. Furthermore, that fairy godmother touched Cinderella’s foot with the wand and suddenly Cinderella had beautiful glass slippers. Cinderella was shocked and said, "wow, thank you, but how I could go to the ball?". Fairy godmother then went into the kitchen and saw four rats. She turned it into golden four horses and into a beautiful buggy. Before leaving home, the Fairy Godmother said "Cinderella, you have to go home at middle of the night, because this magic will works only until midnight!"

When Cinderella entered the palace, everyone was stunned by her beautiful face. In fact, no one recognized her because she was so different. Cinderella was so pretty with the dress and the glass slippers. A handsome prince also saw Cinderella and he fell in love. He met Cinderella and asked, "Do you want to dance?" And she said, "yes, I want to dance with you". Prince and Cinderella danced during the night and she was so happy at that night. She forgot the fairy godmother warning that she should go home in the middle of the night. At the last moment, Cinderella remembered her promise to the fairy godmother and went home. "I must go!", said her. She ran quickly and one of her glass slippers left but she did not come back to pick it up.

Cinderella arrived home a few minutes later. When she arrived, the clock struck in twelve.

The horses and the buggy back into the previous shape and she did not wear the glass slippers and the beautiful dress anymore. After that, her stepmother and sisters came home and talked about the beautiful women who danced with the prince. They were very curious about the identity of the woman who suddenly appeared.

In the palace, Prince kept thinking about Cinderella and he fell in love. Prince wanted to find out the identity of the girl, but he even did not know her name. Prince has only found the glass slipper, and he said, "I will find her, and I will marry the woman whose foot fits into this glass slipper!".


In the next day, the prince and his bodyguards went to all the existing home. They wanted to find a woman whose foot matched with the size of the shoe. Cinderella stepsisters also tried the glass slipper but their feet do not match. When Cinderella wanted to try, her stepmother prevented and forbidden her. However, the prince said, "let her trying!". When Cinderella wore a glass slipper, she had a perfect leg for the shoe. The prince then recognized her and he was convinced that she was a woman who danced with him at the dance. He married Cinderella and they lived happily.


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