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Sport Nutrition: Desiani Rizki Purwaningtyas, S.Gz, M.Si


Academic year: 2022

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Desiani Rizki Purwaningtyas, S.Gz, M.Si

Sport Nutrition:


Basal metabolic rate (BMR)

Specific dynamic action (SDA) Physical activity level (PAL)

Energy expenditure for exercise Growth factor (10-18 y.o athlete)

Energy requirement = [(BMR + SDA) x PAL] + energy

expenditure for exercise + growth factor (optional)


Source of

Energy SDA

CHO 5-10% BMR

Fat 0-5% BMR

Protein 20-30% BMR

Alcohol 20% BMR

SDA in diet which consist of various source of energy:

10% BMR

Rumus BMR Harris Benedict:

Laki-Laki : 66 + (13,7 x BB) + (5 x TB) – (6,8 x U) Perempuan: 655 + (9,6 x BB) + (1,8 x TB) – (4,7 x U)

Thomas & Bishop. 2007. Manual of Dietetic Practise.


Cabang OR

Berat Badan (Kg)

50 60 70 80 90

Balap Sepeda:

- 9km/jam - 15km/jam - Bertanding

35 8

46 10

47 12

58 13

69 15

Bulu tangkis 5 6 7 7 9

Bola basket 7 8 10 11 12

Bola Voli 2 3 4 4 5

Dayung 5 6 7 8 9

Golf 4 5 6 7 8

Hockey 4 5 6 7 8


Gender Age Additional Energy Boys & Girls

10-14 2 kkal/b.w

15-16 1 kkal/b.w

17-18 0,5 kkal/b.w


Contoh :


Atlet rekreasional bola basket, laki-laki - usia 19 tahun, BB 60 kg

- berlatih basket 5 kali seminggu @ 4 jam - Sehari-hari sebagai mahasiswa.

Hitung kebutuhan energinya!

BMR = (15.3x BB) + 679 = 1597 kkal SDA = 10% x 1597 kkal = 159,7 kkal

(BMR + SDA ) x 1.7 = 2986.39 kkal Energy Expenditure Olahraga

5 hari x 240 menit x 8 kkal = 9600/7 hari = 1371 kkal




• Sumber energi utama tubuh saat OR

• Simpanan KH tubuh yakni glikogen yang disimpan dalam hati dan otot dimetabolisme selama olahraga bersamaan dengan lemak.

• Tidak seperti lemak yang menyuplai energi saat istirahat dan

berolahraga ringan, karbohidrat merupakan sumber energi yang cepat saat berolahraga dengan intensitas berat.

• Mengingat latihan dan kompetisi umumnya terdiri dari gerakan dengan intensitas yang berat, maka pemenuhan simpanan

karbohidrat menjadi sangat krusial.


➢ Indeks glikemik: Ukuran seberapa besar efek suatu pangan dalam meningkatkan kadar glukosa darah.

➢ Semakin tinggi IG pangan maka semakin cepat pangan tersebut

menaikkan kadar glukosa darah setelah seseorang mengonsumsinya.

Kategori Pangan Rentang IG

IG rendah <55

IG sedang (intermediate)


IG tinggi >70


Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi indeks glikemik pangan:

➢ Proses pengolahan:

• Ukuran partikel: semakin kecil ukuran partikel, enzim semakin mudah bekerja sehingga IG semakin tinggi.

• Tingkat gelatinisasi pati: semakin tinggi tingkat gelatinisasi maka semakin tinggi IG.

➢ Kadar amilosa dan amilopektin:

• Amilosa: polimer glukosa tidak bercabang

• Amilopektin: polimer glukosa bercabang

• Struktur rantai yang tidak bercabang membutnya terikat kuat sehingga sulit dicerna. Semakin tinggi rasio amilosa:amilopektin, IG semakin rendah.

➢ Serat pangan: keberadaan serat pangan menurunkan nilai IG.

➢ Kadar lemak dan protein: pangan tinggi protein & lemak akan

memperlambat laju pengosongan lambung, pencernaan di usus halus

lambat sehingga memiliki IG yang lebih rendah disbanding pangan sejenis

➢ Jenis gula:

• Fructose: 23 Lactose: 46

• Sucrose: 65 Glucose: 100


Drewnowski (2009)


Carbohydrate : an essential nutrient and substrate for almost all metabolic processes.

Carbohydrate is stored in the body in the form of glycogen in muscle and liver.

Carbohydrates can provide more energy per unit of time than fats.

Carbohydrates can be used both aerobically and anaerobically.

At low to moderate exercise intensities: oxidative phosphorylation of acetyl- CoA derived from both carbohydrate and fat.

At very high intensities: glycogen is rapidly broken down to pyruvate and lactate to provide energy to the working muscles.

Depleted carbohydrate especially glycogen leads to fatigue.


D-7: 90 minutes exercise & 5 g/kg

b.w/day CHO

D-6 & D-5:40 minutes & 5 g/kg

b.w/day CHO

D-4: 40 minutes & 5 g/kg b.w/day CHO

D-3: 20 minutes & 10 g/kg b.w/day CHO

D-2: 20 minutes & 10 g/kg b.w/day CHO

D-1: No exercise & 10

g/kg b.w/day CHO


➢ Pilih pangan sumber karbohidrat yang mudah dicerna

➢ Pilih pangan dengan nilai IG dan beban glikemik yang tinggi

➢ Perbanyak konsumsi karbohidrat sederhana

➢ Batasi pangan sumber serat

➢ Batasi pangan yang tinggi protein

➢ Pilih pangan dengan densitas energi tinggi.


The uptake of glucose into muscle cells and adipose tissue is under hormonal control.

Insulin is released from the β cells of the islets of

Langerhans in response to an increase in the concentration of blood glucose.

During exercise the release of insulin is suppressed by an

increase in the concentrations of the hormones noradrenaline and adrenaline, collectively called catecholamines.

Low-intensity exercise:

increase in noradrenaline.

High-intensity exercise:

adrenaline release from the adrenal medulla.

The inhibition of insulin

secretion during exercise:

protects hypoglycaemia.


Three hours after a pre-exercise meal containing HGI

carbohydrates there is suppression of fat oxidation during 60 min of submaximal treadmill running compared with a meal containing LGI carbohydrates.

A greater rate of fat oxidation and lower rate of

carbohydrate oxidation improve endurance capacity.

A pre-exercise meal of LGI carbohydrate results in a higher rate of fat oxidation because the insulin suppressed

mobilisation of fatty acids is not as great as after an HGI carbohydrate meal.


• to continue to fill muscle glycogen stores if they have not fully restored or loaded since the last exercise session;

• to restore liver glycogen levels, especially for events undertaken in the morning where liver stores are depleted from an overnight fast;

• to prevent hunger (yet avoid gastrointestinal discomfort and upset during exercise);

• to improve endurance capacity during prolonged exercise.

Carbohydrate consumed in the 3–4 hours prior to an event:


➢ Pre-event meals: 1–4 g/kg b.w. eaten 1-4 hours before an event.

➢ Finish topping up glycogen stores in muscles and liver

➢ Leave your gastrointestinal system feeling comfortable during the event Complete meal: 3-4

hours before event with low GI foods.

Snack: 1-2 hours before exercise

with low GI foods.

5-10 menit before power exercise with HGI



CHO ingested

before exercise

Rise in insulin

Exercise started is

Increase uptake of glucosa


caemia Reduce

performance Effect of CHO intake a moment before

endurance event:


Benefits of ingesting carbohydrate solutions during prolonged cycling (>2 hours).

Maintenance of blood glucose concentration and

maintenance of high rates of carbohydrate oxidation,

especially late in exercise when endogenous carbohydrate sources are running low.

The optimal amount of exogenous carbohydrate that will achieve the maximum oxidation rate is around 70 g/hour.

By using mixtures of glucose and fructose, more carbohydrate can

be absorbed and utilised by the exercising muscle: improve fluid

delivery & improve exercise performance.


➢ 30–60 g CHO an hour during prolonged events.

➢ 90–100 g CHO an hour during extended endurance events such as stage-race cycling (5–6 hours) or Ironman triathlon (8–15 hours).

Source: Burke & Cox (2010)


➢ The process of glycogen re-synthesis begins immediately after exercise and is most rapid during the first hours of recovery.

➢ The uptake of glucose into the muscle takes place through specific glucose transporter proteins called GLUT4.

➢ GLUT4 are normally stored in vesicles in the sarcoplasm of the muscle fibres.

➢ As a consequence of contractile activity and a reduction in glycogen concentration they translocate to the cell

membrane where they transport glucose into the muscle cell.

➢ After exercise they slowly return to the vesicles but for the first

hours after exercise there is still an increased number of GLUT4

at the cell membrane and this helps glycogen restoration.


The most important to glycogen resynthesis.

Golden period: first hour recovery.

CHO requirement: 7-12 g/kg b.w.

High GI foods, liquid is more effective. Combination glucose and fructose. Adding protein and some amino acids to carbohydrate generally results in an increase in insulin concentrations.

Frequent depends on the time for recovery.

Speedy refuelling (less than 8 hours recovery): 1–1.2 g per kg

immediately after first session repeated each hour until the normal meal

schedule is resumed.



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