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Diajukan untuk memenuhi persyaratan penyelesaian program S-1 Program Manajemen Perhotelan Program Studi Manajemen

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Kristen Petra


Annette Veronica Kosasih NRP: 33403024

Hellen Novia NRP: 33403029













Annette Veronica kosasih NRP: 33403024

Hellen Novia NRP: 33403029

Diterima dan disahkan oleh:

Program Manajemen Perhotelan Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi

Universitas Kristen Petra

Surabaya, Juni 2008

Pembimbing I: Pembimbing II:

Dr. Samuel Hatane, M.Si. Monika Kristanti, S.E., M.A

NIP: 94-033 NIP: 03-003

Ketua Tim Penguji:

Dr. Samuel Hatane, M.Si.

NIP: 94-033

Kepala Program:

Deborah C.Widjaja, S.S., M.S.M.

NIP: 96-023




Dengan segenap kerendahan dan ketulusan hati, penulis panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala petunjuk, rahmat dan hikmat- Nya yang tidak pernah berhenti, sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan skipsi yang berjudul Analisa Faktor-Faktor Perilaku yang Mempengaruhi Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Restoran dengan Stinulus “50% Discount” di Restoran-Restoran Surabaya. Dalam kesempatan ini penulis mengucapkan banyak terima kasih dan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada yang terhormat:

1. Bapak Dr. Samuel Hatane, M.Si. Sebagai dosen pembimbing yang telah menyediakan waktu, tenaga, dan pikirannya di dalam mengarahkan penulis dalam penyusunan skripsi ini.

2. Ibu Monika Kristanti, S.E., M.A. Sebagai dosen pembimbing yang telah menyediakan waktu, tenaga, dan pikirannya di dalam mengarahkan penulis dalam penyusunan skripsi ini.

3. Ibu Serli Wijaya, S.E, M.Bus. Selaku dosen penguji yang telah banyak membantu penulis dengan memberikan banyak inspirasi demi kelancaran penyusunan skripsi ini.

4. Ibu Dra. Fransisca Andreani, M.M. Selaku dosen penguji yang telah banyak membantu penulis dengan memberikan banyak inspirasi demi kelancaran penyusunan skripsi ini.

5. Bapak Frans dan Ibu Marina yang telah banyak membantu penulis.

6. Orang tua dan keluarga yang telah memberikan dukungan baik secara materiil maupun moril.

7. Para responden yang telah bersedia berpartisipasi dalam penyusunan skripsi ini.

Penulis menyadari bahwa skripsi ini jauh dari kesempurnaan karena keterbatasan pengetahuan dan kemampuan, namun demikian penulis berharap skripsi ini dapat membantu para rekan mahasiswa yang membacanya dan memberikan sumbangan pikiran bagi semua pihak yang membutuhkan.



Akhir kata, penulis berharap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa berkenan membalas segala kebaikan saudara-saudara semua. Dan harapan agar skripsi ini membawa manfaat bagi rekan-rekan semua.

Surabaya, Juni 2008





Sebagai mahasiswi Universitas Kristen Petra, yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya:

Nama : Annette Veronica Kosasih NRP : 33403024

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, menyetujui untuk memberikan kepada Universitas Kristen Petra Hak Bebas Royalti Non-Eksklusif (Non Exclusive Royalty Free Right) atas karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul: Analisa Faktor-Faktor Perilaku yang Mempengaruhi Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Restoran dengan Stinulus “50% Discount” di Restoran-Restoran Surabaya beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan Hak Bebas Royalti Non- Eksklusif ini Universitas Kristen Petra berhak menyimpan, mengalih- media/format-kan, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data (database), mendistribusikannya dan menampilkan/mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis/pencipta.

Saya bersedia untuk menanggung secara pribadi, tanpa melibatkan pihak Universitas Kristen Petra, segala bentuk tuntutan hukum yang timbul atas pelanggaran Hak Cipta dalam karya ilmiah saya ini.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di : Surabaya

Pada tanggal : Juni 2008

Yang menyatakan

(Annette Veronica K)




Sebagai mahasiswi Universitas Kristen Petra, yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya:

Nama : Helen Novia NRP : 33403029

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, menyetujui untuk memberikan kepada Universitas Kristen Petra Hak Bebas Royalti Non-Eksklusif (Non Exclusive Royalty Free Right) atas karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul: Analisa Faktor-Faktor Perilaku yang Mempengaruhi Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Restoran dengan Stinulus “50% Discount” di Restoran-Restoran Surabaya beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan Hak Bebas Royalti Non- Eksklusif ini Universitas Kristen Petra berhak menyimpan, mengalih- media/format-kan, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data (database), mendistribusikannya dan menampilkan/mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis/pencipta.

Saya bersedia untuk menanggung secara pribadi, tanpa melibatkan pihak Universitas Kristen Petra, segala bentuk tuntutan hukum yang timbul atas pelanggaran Hak Cipta dalam karya ilmiah saya ini.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di : Surabaya

Pada tanggal : Juni 2008

Yang menyatakan

(Hellen Novia)





1.1 Research Bakground

Many businesses grow fast in Surabaya. It makes the owner think a strategy to attract more costumers. For an example, Matahari’s 50% discount at christmast or holiday season. The same strategy is also used by some restaurants like Banana Leaf, Fu yuan Chinese Restaurant, Pro Steak, Prime Ribs, and XO.


To get an effective strategy, it’s important to know which factor of consumer behaviour really affect consumer buying decision. Consumer buying decision making process is ussualy affected by some factors. According to Kotler (2006, p.129) consumer behaviour like culutural, personal, psychological, and social can affect consumer buying decision making process. One of that factors could affect bigger than another.

The researchers did pre-interview to ten respondents, in order to know why and what factor affects consumers to eat in 50% discount’s restaurant.

Seven respondents answer that because of discount the price become cheaper, besides the taste of food must be good. Two respondents answer because of the influence of family and friends. And one respondent answers he wants to try to eat in a new reataurant. Which this phenomenon, the researchers are interested to study consumer behaviour that influence consumer buying decision making with 50 % discount stimuli.

1.2 Research Problem Definition

What are the factors of consumer behaviour factor that affect consumer buying decision making with 50% discount stimuli?

1.3 Research Objectives

To know which factor of consumer behaviour that influence consumer buying decisoin with 50% discount stimuli.


viii 1.4 Deliminations

This research will study deeply about the factors of consumer behaviour that affect consumer buying decision with 50% discount stimuli. This research will not discuss the other promotion strategy.




2.1 Theoritical Concepts 2.1.1 Consumer Description

Individual or organization which obtained product and service through trading transaction (Boyd, Walker, 1992, p.10).

2.1.2 Consumer Behaviour Description

Behaviour shown by consumer in search of buying, using, evaluating, and substituting product and service intended to satisfacting consumer behaviour (Schiffman, Kanuk, 2004, p.8).

2.1.3 Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour 1. Social Factors

a. Group

An individual’s attitude and behaviour influenced by many small groups like primary groups ( family, friends, working colleagues) and secondary groups ( religion group, trading union). (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, pp.203-204).

b. Family Influence

Family affects mostly in buying behaviour. Kids as an example, mostly involved in fast food’s buying decision. (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, p.204).

2. Personal Factors a. Economic Situation

Individual’s economic situations leads product choice and buying decision of certain product (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.137). During ressesion times, consumers reduce expenses. If economic situation indicates ressesion, restaurants might initiate in producing lower price of new items (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, p.208).

b. Lifestyle

Individual’s life pattern expressed in activity, opinion, and preference (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.138). People come from different culture, social



classes, and occupations might have different lifestyles (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, p.208).

c. Personality and Self Concept

Personality is unique psychological characteristic which leads to stability and continuous responses in individual’s environment (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.140). Each individual possesed complex self concept which consisten with individual’s behaviour (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, p.212).

d. Age and Life Cycle Stage

People change products and services bought as their life cycle. Food tastes, clothes, furnitures and recreation tends to relating to age (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, pp.205-206).

e. Occupation

Individual’s occupation affect bought products and services (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.137). For example construction worker bought lunch from catering, while business executive bought lunch from a full service restaurant (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, p.207).

3. Psychological Factors a. Motivation

Essential needs which leads an indivudual in search of need’s satisfaction.

Human needs are arranged according to a hierarchy from the most essential to the least important (psychological needs, safety, social, self esteem, self actualization) (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, p.214).

b. Perception

Process in which individual choose, organize, and redefine information to form meaningfull thought of the world. People could form different thoughts out of a stimuli. (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, p.215).

c. Learning

As consumers act they learn. Learning is changes in individual’s behaviour which rises from experience (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.144).

d. Beliefs and Attitudes

Beliefs is a descriptive thought of individual’s faith which is based on knowledge, opinion, and faith (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.144). While attitudes



are evaluation, like or unlike, and relatively consistent tendency of an individual on an object or idea (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.145).

4. Cultural Factors a. Culture

Basic values, perception, wish, and individual behaviour are learned through family and other essential departments (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.129).

Culture as the basic determinant of individual wishes and behaviour compromises basic values, perception, wishes, learned constantly by an individual inside a neighborhood (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, pp.201-202).

b. Subculture

Group of individual sharing value system based on life experience, and situation (nationality, religion, and region) similarity (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.130). Despite of different country consumers have similarity. Their value, behaviour, and attitudes are mostly dramatically uncommon (Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2003, p.202).

c. Social Class

Individual grouping based on the same value, preference, and behaviour.

Social class is not only determined by one factor like income, but also by occupation, education, wealtth, and etc (Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, p.132).

2.1.4 Decision Definition

Decision is choosing one of two alternatives, in other words, people can make decision if alternatives are available ( Schiffman, Kanuk, 2004, p.547).

2.1.5 Purchase

Finally consumers decide not only which brand and product that they must buy but also when and how to buy it. Buying decision leads to :

1. Fully Planned Purchase, brand and product has been choosen before. Planned purchase can be converted by marketing tactic like discount price, coupon, or another promotion activity..



2. Partially Planned Purchase, product has been choosen, but brand choosing is delayed until learning process. Buying decision can influence by discount price, or product.

3. Unplanned Purchase, brand and product choosen at buying place. Consumers usually use catalog and display product as shopping list. In other words, display can remind people of their needs and attract purchase (Engel, F.James, et.al , 2001, pp.127-128).

2.1.6 Promotion Strategy Definition

A part of marketing strategy that a company creates to comunicate with the market, through the company activity, and offer to the market. (Busch, Houston, 1985, p.625). In this research , the promotion strategy is :

1. Advertising

An important marketing tool which helps build brand awarness, loyalty, and stimulates demand (Semenik, 2002, p.265). Advertising is divided into :

a. Above the line (ATL), advertising technique using mass media to promote brand (TV, radio, and internet).

b. Below the line (BTL), believe in building brand strategy, like direct mail and using unmoved picture ( newspaper, magazine, and banner) 2. Sales Promotion

A tool to create bigger brand value perception between consumers, traders, and business buyers. It is to increase sales by motivating consumes to try and pushed bigger repeat purchase. (Semenik, 2002, p.383). 50 % discount is price-off deals sales promotion technique. Discount price can push the consumers to buy in bigger quantity (Belch, Belch, 2004, p.541).

2.2 Association Betwen Concepts

Consumer behavioral factors such as cultural, social, psychological and personal have influenced consumer’s decision making. Before decision is being made the consumers must go through few processes which are searching information related to the problem. Consumers who want to dine in a restaurant at lower price while get information from inside the neighborhood (friends and



family), or outside the neigborhood such as newspaper advertising, and banners.

In this case the outside information received is “50 % Discount”. One of these factors could have bigger influences from other factors, by knowing which factors influencing most certainly it will bring great help in doing effective promotion strategy.

2.3 Conceptual Model

Picture 2.3


1. Kotler, Amstrong, 2006, pp.134-144 2. Sheth, Mittal, 2004,pp.277-305

3. Engel, F.James, dkk, 2001, pp.127-128

50% Discount

Decision Making Process

Problem Recognition

Information Search

Alternative Evaluation

Purchase Psychological:

Motivation Perception

Learning Belief&Attitude


Culture Subculture Social Class


Economic Situation Lifestyle Personality &Self Concept

Occupation Social:

Group Family Influence



50% discount stimulating people to do buying decision making process, which begins by identifying the source of the problem. Then they will absorb all of the surrounding information which could support in problem solving, continued with evaluating all the information, just by then decision is made and purchase is done.

The buying decision making itself is influenced by four consumer behavior factors (social, personal, psychological, and culture).

2.4 Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a statement regarding the relation between two or more constructs or concepts, at which the truth of the statement still needs empirical support. The nature is still a suggestion, or temporary answer of studying phenomenon (Sulianto, 2006, p.30). The researchers suggest that with “50%

Discount “stimuli

H1 : Social factors have positive influence on buying decision.

H2: Personal factors have positive influence on buying decision.

H3 : psychological factors have positive influence on buying decision.

H4 : cultural factors have positive influence on buying decision.




3.1 Type of Research

Research type used in this research is quantitative causal, it is conclusive research type whose purpose is to determine causal relation of a phenomenon (Tjiptono, Santoso, 2001, p.48). In this case to examine if consumer behaviour effects buying decision with”50% Discount” price promotion existence.

3.2 Population and Sampling Decision 3.2.1 Population

Population is a group of people or object which has similarity in one or few things and which formed primary problem in a special research (Tjiptono, Santoso, 2001, p.79). Population in this research include all restaurants consumers who live in Surabaya. Because the large scale of research population, this research only take a few unit samples of determined population to represent the population.

3.2.2 Sample

Sample is part individual of population which are being studied and able to describe representatively about the population condition (Arikunto, 2002, p.109)...

Based on Solimun opinion(2005, p.57) which defines ”... suggested sample amount is 100 ( one hundred ) samples”. To anticipate unvalid questionaires the researchers have decided 140 (one hundred and fourty) samples at which one hundred and nine questionaires were valid and thirty one were not valid.

Technique used in sampling method is judgemental sampling and non probability.

As the sampel characteristics of this research are consumers who had tried ”50%

Discount”, Surabaya’s residence, and aged 17 years old up.

3.3 Types of Data 3.3.1 Primary Data

Primary data obtained from all Surabaya’s residence as consumers who have tried ”50% Discount” price promotion. The data are obtained by giving



questionaires through the ground survey including social, personal, psychological, and culture of consumer behaviour which influence buying decision making process when facing ”50% Discount” promotion phenomeneon.

3.3.2 Secondary data

Obtained from published guide book, such as magazine, journal, library literature, and college materials.

3.4 Variables and Operational Variables Definition

• Independent Variables

• Dependent Variables

3.5 Data Analysis Technique

Technique used in this research is Structural Equation Model (SEM) . SEM is used to test few dependent variables at once, with few independent variables. Seven steps in doing SEM model:

a. Model expantion based on concept and theory

SEM Model is based on causal relation, where the change of a variabel assumpted would cause another variabel’s change. The strength of causality relation between two variables assumed by researchers are not based on the method chosen, but on theoritical justification to support the analysis.

b. Constructing Path Diagram

Structural model has two variables, exsogen and endogen. Exsogen variable’s value is determined outside the model ( independent variable and


Group Family


Economic Situation Lifestyle Personality &Self



Motivation Perception

Learning Beliefs&Attitud


Culture Subculture Social Class


Planned Purchase Partially Planned




instrument variable). While Endogen variable’s value is determined based on the model (dependent variable).

c. Converting Path Diagram into Equation

Equation in this research is structural model ( Y= γ1X1 + γ 2X2 + γ 3X3 + γ

4X4) to examine causal relation between researched variables.

d. Choosing Matrix and Estimation Technique

Input matrix chosen in this research is covarians matrix because it is better to show valid comparity betwen different population or different samples.

Maximum Likelihood (ML) is chosen in estimation technique for AMOS 4 because it is a basic technique, and require only a small amount of samples.

e. Examining Identification Problem

Models are being examined, criteria of fit model are : RMSEA < 0.08, RMR < 0.05, TLI, AGFI, GFI, PGFI, NFI, CFI >0.9. If the model doesn’t fit next essential step is to correlate one variable with another.

f. Goodness of Fit Evaluation.

When modification is done, reevaluation to the fit model is sure to be taken.

g. Interpretation and Modification Model

Once model is fit, interpretation needs to be done in order to examine if the hypothesis could be accepted or declined. Is independent variable really influence dependent variable. Because of it, SEM provides information, first the same with structural model and second the same with path analysis (Solimun, 2005).




4.1 Company Description

1. Prime Steak & Ribs Tel : (+62)317340544 / 5947672, located onJl HR Muhamad 41, and Jl Manyar Kertoarjo 66, Surabaya which serve western food with specialization in steak and barbeque. Open from 18.00-22.00

2. Pro Steak Tel : 7343736/5912678, located on Jl Darmo Permai Selatan 1 No 93, and Jl Manyar Kertoarjo 50, Surabaya which serve western food with specialitation in steak and barbeque. Open from 11.00-22.45

3. Banana Leaf : Tel (031)5669034; (031) 5923222, located on Jl Mayjend Sungkono 141, and Jl Manyar kertoarjo 35, Surabaya which serve seafood.

Open from 18.00-22.00

4. Ah Yatt Abalone Tel : (+62)31 5670011, Located on Jl MH Thamrin no77 , Surabaya which serves chinesse food, dim sum, and buffet. Open from 11.30-14.30.

5. Lan Hua Tel : (+62)31/5623000 - Fax : (+62)31/5678383

Opening hours : 11.00 -14.30 (Monday-Saturday), 09.00 -14.30 (Sunday) Located on Jl Raya Darmo 68 - 78 60264 Surabaya – Indonesia is one of two restaurants that Mercure Hotel has. Lan Hua is a chinesse restaurant which has chinesse modern serving style . With ninety seats capacity, air conditioner, and three private rooms.

6. X.O. Suki Tel : (+62) 31 7325882 / 5472933

Open from 11.00-15.00 &16.00-22.00 (Monday-Friday), 08.00-15.00 &16.00 22.00 (Week end). Located on Jl Kupang Indah 15, Mall Galaxy, and Plaza Tunjungan, Surabaya which serve shabu-shabu, dim sum, and chinesse food.

7. Fu Yuan Tel : (+62)31 5490981, located on Jl Pregolan Bunder ( MEX Building),Surabaya. It is a restaurant which serves dim sum with chinese modern style. Opening hours : 11.00-14.45 (Everyday)


xix 4.2 Data Analysis and Disscusion

4.2.1 Structural Equation Modelling Analysis 1. CFA Analysis (Confirmatory Factor Analysis)

The purpose of CFA test is to identify whether the indicator is a part of research variable. Indicator is a part of variabel if have CR significant value <

0,05. In this research, CFA will be done to 32 items to measure 5 construct variables. Hair et.al. (1995) and Kelloway (1998) recommend using covarians matrix in estimating model because correlation matrix input can make interpretation easier. This test will be used as a base to validity analysis.

Tabel 4.19 Goodness of Fit CFA test

Picture 4.1 CFA test picture

To test variables dependently, each

variable must have minimum four indicators. In this case researcher correlate the variables together because social variable only has two indicators at which correlation value must be under 0,9 to get good discriminant validity. From CFA test above, it can be seen that model is fit already, where cmin value under two. In this step the researchers also calculate construct reliability and variance extract whose formula equation is shown below(Hair et al., 1995, p. 665):

Construct reliability = (Σ of Stdz.Loading)2 (4.1) (Σ of Stdz.Loading) 2 + Σ of Indicator Measurement Error Variance Extract = Σ Std Loading2 (4.2) Σ Std Loading2 + Σ ε j

Chi square

Df P value

CFA value

Goodness of FIT

C min 1.971 < 2 AGFI .729 >0.9

GFI .813 >0.9 RMSE


.099 < 0.08

RMR .139 <0.05 TLI .835 >0.9 CFI .871 >0.9 NFI .776 >0.9 PGFI .562 >0.9



Construct reliability and variance extract summary calculation shown at Tabel 4.25.

Tabel 4.25 Construct Reliability and Variance Extract

Construct Reliability Variance Extract Sosial 0.643 0.475 Personal 0.817 0.709 Psychological 0.752 0.594

Culture 0.755 0.624 Purchase 0.776 0.699 Source : Data process

Reliability construct is used to see whether the indicator can be used to measure variables very well and are not influenced by random error. According to Kline (1998, p.194), coefisien reliability arround 0,90 is perfect, 0,80 is verry good, 0,70 is good. The result shown that every variable is reliable and has good variance extract, at which every indicator built unidemensional construct.

3. Structural Model

After measurement model is fit already and constract used has good reliability and validity, the next step is doing structural model analysis. The first model analysis shown that none of goodness of fit criteria has been fitted (GFI, AGFI, TLI, CFI, NFI > 0,90, while RMSEA < 0,08 and RMR < 0,05 ). Then modification model needs to be done to get fitted model.

Tabel 4.27 Goodness of FIT First Model

Picture 4.2 First structural model

Chi square Df P value


value Goodness of FIT

C min 3.028 < 2 AGFI .633 >0.9

GFI .73 >0.9 RMSEA .143 < 0.08

RMR .351 <0.05 TLI .665 >0.9 CFI .724 >0.9 NFI .646 >0.9 PGFI .533 >0.9



From the modification model GFI, TLI, CFI, and NFI value still < 0,90, RMR value > 0,05 RMSEA > 0,08 only cmin value < 2. According to Solimun (2005) if only one or more parameter fitted then the model is fit.

Tabel 4.29 Goodness of Fit Final Model Chi square

Df P value


CFA Goodness of FIT

C min 1.866 < 2 AGFI .755 >0.9

GFI .831 >0.9 RMSEA .094 < 0.08

RMR .171 <0.05 TLI .857 >0.9 CFI .888 >0.9 NFI .793 >0.9 PGFI .574 >0.9

Picture 4.3 Final structural model

4.2.2 Discussion

From hypotesis test, model research can explain that purchase, social and pshycological variables have elase relationship. Buying decision making is really influenced by social and pshycological side of consumers.

The first model analysis shows that none of goodness of fit criteria has been fitted (GFI, AGFI, TLI, CFI, NFI > 0,90, while RMSEA < 0,08 and RMR <

0,05 ). Then modification model needs to be done to get fitted model. From the modification model GFI, TLI, CFI, and NFI value still < 0,90, RMR value > 0,05 RMSEA > 0,08 only cmin value < 2. According to Solimun (2005) if only one or more parameters fitted then the model is fit.




5.1 Conclusion

Based on the result, it can be concluded that as follows:

a. Psychological variable gives positive and significant influence to the 50 % discount restaurant’s consumer purchase. It means, the more promotion is held, the more consumer will tend to think and believe with “50% discount”

the price become cheaper. Therefore when the consumers want to eat they prefer to dine in “50% discount” restaurant.

b. Social variable give positive and significant influence to the 50 % discount restaurant’s consumer purchase. It means the bigger influence of consumer’s neighborhood ( family, and friends) , the more frequent consumers gather and increase their purchase.

c. Culture variable give positive influence but not significant to the 50 % discount restaurant’s consumer purchase. This means that the more people have culture to eat rice or having dinner with family will not increase their purchasing due to “50% discount”, offered by the restaurants.

d. Personal variable negatively and not significantly influencing to 50 % discount restaurant’s consumer purchase. This means 50 % discount program could not affect individual’s personal in purchasing 50 % discount food product, because individual’s lifestyle (preference, opinion, activity) Economic situation, personality, self concept, and occupation are different.

5.2 Recommendation

Based on the research’s study, here are some ideas for “50%

discount”, restaurant:

1. Psychological recommendation:

• Restaurant creatively invent new attractive menus to attract consumer’s willingness to try.

• Keeping consumer’s perception by not reducing food portion, serving food portion as advertised so that the consumers will not disappoint and lose their trust to the restaurant.


xxiii 2. Social recommendation:

• Restaurant held events, such as watching Euro 2008 together.

• The restaurants states minimum purchase, for example one hundred thousand rupiahs, so that it is expected the costumers will dine in groups.

• Making promotion program which includes family event (more discount, or compliment f & b for birthday.

• Adding more facilities such as: LCD, karaoke spot, and child care.

3. Purchase recommendation

Most of the purchase done is partially planned purchase, which means that planned purchase could be converted with promotion

• Restaurant could do more advertising (banner) in strategic places

• Newspaper advertising should include food pictures


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