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Academic year: 2022



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Submitted to the board examination in partial fulfilment of the requirement for Bachelor Degree

at English Literature Department















The Last and Final Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (pbuh) a good role model and the leader of human kind.

I dedicated this thesis to:

Myself who never give up no matter what happen.

To both of my parents who always give me the best prayers, supports, and love.

To my brother and sisters is always there for me in any circumstances.



اَل َو ا ْوُنِهَت اَل َو ا ْوُن َزْحَت اُمُتْنَا َو اَن ْوَلْعَ ْلا اْنِا اْمُتْنُك اَنْيِنِم ْؤُّم

“And do not (feel) weak, and do not (also) heart, because you are the highest (feel), if you are believers.”

“Dan janganlah kamu (merasa) lemah, dan jangan (pula) bersedih hati, sebab kamu paling tinggi (derajatnya), jika kamu orang beriman.”

(Q.S Taha Ayat 44)




Firstly, the writer would like to say Alhamdullilahirabil‟alamin, all the praise to Allah SWT the lord of all creatures, for his blessing from the starting point of my study until now the end of my study. After that, Shalawat and salam be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW, hopefully we will get his syafa’at later at the last day. Secondly, writer would like to express my deepest gratitude to people who helped the researcher in accomplishing this thesis. The would like to thank my supervisors H. Mislan, M.Pd and Firdiansyah, MA who have helped, adjusted, supported and suggested me in writing this thesis. The writer also would like to say thanks for all classmates English Literature 2017 who have given additional suggestion and support to finish this thesis.

To accomplish this thesis, the researcher had been given one great deal to many people. So, the researcher would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Suaidi, MA., Ph. D as a Rector of State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Halimah Dja’far. S. Ag., M. Fil. I. as the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

3. Dr. Ali Muzakir, M. Ag as the first Vice Dean of Academic. Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed as the second Vice Dean of Finances, and Dr. Roudhoh, S.Ag.,SS.,M.Pd.I as the third Vice Dean of University Student of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

4. The Head of English Literature Department Dian Mukhlisa, MA and The Secretary of English Literature Department Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd.

5. All the Lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, then contribution and assistant during studying in UIN of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

6. My father, Khaidir ( Alm ) who always reminds me of Allah, who always told me to be patient and accept what happen for those are Allah’s



teachings and plans. For my mother, Khoiriah who always gives me the best she could possibly give, for always there when I need her. And Stepfather Edi who always support anything.

7. For my brother Dudi Cahyadi and sisters Murnilawati their are always there for me in any circumstances.

8. For all of my classmates for sharing all the moments during 3 years pass.



Bepi Lupita Sari, 2021 : Mental Disorder Issues Experienced by Arthur as seen in Joker Film By Todd Phillips

Supervisor I : M. Mislan, M.Pd

Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, MA

This study aims to observe what mental disorders are and what causes experienced by Joker as the main character in the film entitled Joker. The purpose of writing this study is to analyze and find mental disorders and what causes these mental disorders from Arthur Fleck.

This thesis research uses Sigmund Freud's psychological approach. The method to analyze the problem in this thesis is a qualitative descriptive method.

The data of this research are men in the Joker movie and other sources related to the formulation of the problem. Data were analyzed from attitudes, behaviors and events experienced by Arthur Fleck. The theory of types of mental disorders by American Psychiatric and the theory of causes of mental disorders by Scot C.


The results of this study indicate that Arthur Fleck has 3 mental disorders experienced by Arthur, namely delusional disorders, mood disorders and adjustment disorders. The causes of mental disorders experienced by Arthur are psychological factors and environmental factors.

Keywords: Mental Disorder, Joker, psychological.



Bepi Lupita Sari, 2021 : Mental Disorder Issues Experienced by Arthur as seen in Joker Film By Todd Phillips

Supervisor I : M. Mislan, M.Pd

Supervisor II : Firdiansyah, MA

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati apa saja ganguan jiwa dan apa saja penyebab yang di alami oleh Joker sebagai karakter utama dalam film yang berjudul Joker. Tujuan dari penulisan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan menemukan ganguan jiwa dan apa penyebab dari ganguan jiwa.

Penelitian skripsi ini menggunakan pendekatan psikologi Sigmund Freud.

Metode untuk menganalisis masalah dalam skripsi ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data dari peneitian ini adalah laki-laki dalam film Joker dan sumber- sumber lain yang terkait dengan perumusan masalah. Data dianalisis dari sikap, perilaku dan peristiwa yang dialami Arthur Fleck. Teori jenis ganguan Jiwa oleh American Psychiatric dan terori penyebab ganguan jiwa oleh Scot C. Litin

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Arthur Fleck memiliki 3 ganguan jiwa yang di alami Arthur, yaitu ganguan delusi, ganguan suasana hati dan ganguan penyesuaian. Penyebab ganguan mental yang di alami oleh Arthur adalah faktor psikologi dan faktor lingkungan.

Kata kunci: Gangguan Jiwa, Joker, Psikologis.









MOTTO ... vi





CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research ... 1

B. Problem of the Research ... 3

C. Limitation of the Research ... 3

D. Purpose of the Research ... 3

E. Significance of the Research ... 4


B. Kinds of Mental Disorder... 5

C. Causes of Mental Disorder ... 6

D. Psychological Approach... 5

E. Definition of Film ... 8

F. Character ... 9

G. Previous Studies ... 20

CHAPTER III: METHOD OF THE RESEARCH A. Design of Research ... 19

B. Source of Data ... 20

C. Technique of Data Collection ... 20



D. Technique of Data Analysis ... 21

CHAPTER IV: FINDING AND ANALYSIS 1. Kinds of Mental Disorder as seen in Joker film by Todd Phillip .... 23

a. Delusional Disorder ... 23

b. Mood Disorder ... 26

c. Adjustment Disorder ... 29

2. Causes of Mental Disorder Reflected to the Main Character in Joker Film by Todd Phillip ... 32

a. Psychological Factor ... 32

b. Environmental Factor ... 41

CHAPTER V: CONSLUSION A. Conclusion ... 52

B. Suggestion ... 53





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research

Literature is a work of art that describes human social life in society in a way that can be enjoyed, understood, and utilized by the community. The writer will express his imagination through literary works. According to Moleong, as stated by Spadlex, literature is "knowledge gained through human activity and used to reflect and communicate experience." According to another viewpoint, literature is one of the most creative and global tools of transmitting mankind's emotional, spiritual, and intellectual problems.1

Film is a type of literary language. Film is a medium that can be offered to moviegoers. Film is a medium for entertainment, education, and knowledge enhancement. Film, as a medium, is a good way to solve life's difficulties. The film depicts a life that is similar to real life. Watching movie is one of the daily activities for some people. People can be happy ,sad, mad, disappointed, etc. When they watch movie. According to Mario Klarer's book, "An Introduction to Literary Studies." The presentation of a film, such as camera angle, editing, Montag, slow and rapid motion, frequently parallels or may be interpreted within a textual framework. Film has its own distinct traits and jargon.2

Films provide information and ideas, and they show us places and ways of life that we might not otherwise encounter. However valuable these gains may be, something else is at stake. We find film to provide a very satisfying method of viewing and feeling. Stories frequently drive the encounters, with characters prompting them to investigate visual or auditory features. A movie takes the viewer on a journey, providing a structured experience that stimulates our intellect and emotions.3

1 The Encyclopedia of Americana, vol. 22:559

2 Mario klare, An Introdustionto Literary Studies second Edition, (Londonand New York Roudladge, 2004), p.56

3 Kristin Thompson and David Bardwell, Fill Art; An Introduction, (New York; McGraw- Hill 2008).


Film is influenced by literary method; conversely, literary practice develops specific characteristics as a result of film. Camera angle, editing, editing montage, slow and fast motion, and other distinctive styles of presentation in film sometimes parallel or can be described within a textual framework.4 “Many films to convey stories, thanks to the commercial narrative (a chain of events in a cause-effect relationship) cinema's overwhelming dominance.”5

Mental diseases affect cognition, emotion, and behavioral control, making it difficult for children to learn and adults to function in their families, workplaces, and communities. Mental diseases are more likely to begin early in life and recur throughout time.6 Schizophrenia is a long-term mental illness marked by periods of vivid psychotic symptoms such hallucinations and delusions. In the absence of appropriate stimuli, hallucinations are sensory experiences. Hallucinations can occur in any sensory modality, but auditory hallucinations are the most common in schizophrenia, such as hearing voices or noises. Delusions are persistent incorrect ideas that are unrelated to a person's culture and that the patient maintains despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Negative symptoms, or abnormalities in normal skills, such as severe social deficiencies, impoverishment of cognition and speech, blunting of emotional responses, and a lack of drive, are also present in patients.

Patients often exhibit cognitive symptoms such as disorganized or illogical thinking, as well as a difficulty to keep goal information in mind when making decisions or planning actions.

Mood disorders are defined by extensive abnormalities in the person's predominant emotional state, such as depressed, elated, or irritable. These core emotional symptoms are accompanied by irregularities in physiology, such as changes in sleep, food, and energy, as well as alterations in cognition

4 Mario Klarer, Introduction to General Literary. (WissenchaftlieheBuchgesellellschaft, Darmastadt, 2004) p.56

5 Amy Villarejo, Film Studies the basics, New York; Rout ledge, 2007. P. 12

6 Steven Hyman, Dan Chisholm, Ronald Kessler, Vikram Patel, and Harvey Whiteford Mental Disorder. “ International Journal of Public Health .2003. p. 605


and behavior, in mood disorders. Concurrent somatic symptoms are also commonly reported in developing nations, and they may be the primary complaint. Unipolar depressive illnesses are distinguished from bipolar illness by a widely accepted subclassification of mood disorders (defined by the occurrence of mania). The symptoms, course of sickness, patterns of familial transmission, and treatment response are used to make this difference.7

In this research, the writer chooses this film as the object of the research because it has many controversial issues in this movie. In the other hand, this movie successfully grabbed two Golden Lions award and two Oscars Golden Globe in Venesia Film Festival (VFF) as one of the best movie in 2019. According to CNN, the main actor of this movie, Joaquin Phoenix gets 'best actor' as the main character in film Joker.8

Furthermore, there are mental disorder issues in the film Joker by Tood Phillips which makes the film is interested to be analyzed deeply. The writer chooses this object because distrubed mental healthy may result in mood disorder, thinking ability, and emotional control that may eventually lead to bad behavior. By knowing the facts, which becomes the most interesting reason of choosing this subject , the writer tries to find out and analysis MENTAL DISORDER ISSUES EXPERIENCED BY ARTHUR AS SEEN IN JOKER FILM BY TODD PHILLIPS.

B. Problem of Research

The problem formulations are as follows, based on the problem's background:

1. What kinds of mental disorder experienced by Arthur as seen in Joker film?

2. What are the causes of mental disorder experienced by Arthur as seen in Joker film?

7 Steven Hyman, Dan Chisholm, Ronald Kessler, Vikram Patel, and Harvey Whiteford Mental Disorder. “ International Journal of Public Health .2003. p.607

8 https:m.liputan6.com/citizen6/read/4091583/tak-senang-lihat-kesuksesan-film-joker-joaquin- phonix (accesses on February 17.2020)


C. Limitation of the Problem

To make this research focus, the writer limited the analysis only on mental disorder experienced by Arthurs as the main characters of joker Film which was released in 2019. The writer put the data from scene used captured of the movie and dialogues that show mental disorder in this film by Todd Phillip.

D. Purpose of the Research

The following are the research objectives, as stated in the aforementioned formulation:

1. To find out the kinds of mental disorder by Arthur experienced as seen in Joker Film.

2. To find out the causes of mental disorder toward experienced by Arthur.

E. Significance of Research

1. Theoretically, this research can be a useful resource for understanding the content of the film and how psychoanalytic theory is applied in this research. This research is also expected to be seen by students, teachers, and other parties who are interested in the film.

2. Practically, it is hoped that the research can be used as a reference for students who are interested in / analyzing this film or other films and it is hoped that this research can be used by other people who enjoy watching films to better understand them. Finally, the entire list of significances should serve as an extra resource, particularly for students.





Because Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Mental Disorders (DSM- HI-R) is supposed to be a theoretical manual that is agreeable to clinicians and researchers of all theoretical persuasions, the definition of mental disorder is of particular relevance to the conceptual structure of DSM-III-R.

One might wonder if theories as different as psychoanalysis and behaviorism have anything in common that may serve as the foundation for a common nosology. The explanation, as described in DSM-III-theory-neutral R's definition, is that all theories of mental disorder presume a common pre- theoretical idea of mental disorder.

Philosophers, medics, psychologists, and others have discussed this subject for centuries, differing in their definitions and classifications of mental diseases based on suspected origins, observed symptoms, preferred treatment procedures, or societal and political ideals. A mental disorder is a clinically significant syndrome, behavioral pattern, or psychological person who is often connected with a symptom of suffering or disturbance in one or more important human tasks. Furthermore, it was determined that the dysfunction was a behavioral, psychological, or biological malfunction, and that the interference was not limited to the interaction between people and society.9

Part of the ambiguity in diagnosing mental diseases stems from their broad scope and hazy definitions. Premenstrual syndrome, aggression toward others, or other maladaptive personality traits have all been recognized as indicative of mental disorders, ranging from premenstrual syndrome to full- blown insanity. Furthermore, distinguishing between mental wellness and mental problem might be challenging at times. Emil Kraepelin, the 19th- century grandfather of mental disease classification, observed: Wherever we

9 https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/sites/default/files/fundamental-facts-15.pdf Accessed on 14 June 2019, at 13 : 45


try to mark out the frontier between mental health and disease, we find a neutral territory, in which the imperceptible change from the realm of normal mental life to that of obvious derangement takes-place.10

If such theories are to be specific theories of mental disorder, the idea identifies the area of conditions that they must explain. As a result, the notion acts as a glue that keeps the mental health profession together. Because the notion is theory agnostic, it can be used to create an atheoretical guidebook.

To do so, the collection of criteria for each of the DSM-III-disorder R's categories must be valid as indicators of disorder when appraised only on the basis of the shared notion of mental disorder, regardless of any extra theoretical assumptions (at least this is the ideal goal). Unlike theory-based diagnosis guides, which use numerous theoretical ideas to help them in determining what constitutes a disorder, the DSM-III-R relies solely on the idea of mental disease to give intellectual justification for such determinations.

Mental illnesses are basically brain problems. These disorders are frequently caused by a complex interaction between an individual's genes and their surroundings. Such factors include lifestyle factors and health habits, such as smoking and exercising, as well as life experiences, such as severe and chronic stress or a history of abuse. Such factors frequently interact with a person's genetic or biological propensity to mental illness. A catastrophic brain injury, for example, or a mother's exposure to viruses or harmful chemicals while pregnant could all have a role. The use of illegal drugs or having a major medical disease such as cancer can also enhance the chance of mental disorder. The now-debunked concept that mental illness is a moral failing has been replaced by research on the etiology of mental illness.11

10 U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, The Biology of Mental Disorders, OTA-BA-538 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, September 1992).

11 Sperry, Len .2016 .Menta and health and mental disorder. Library of Congress Cataloging-in- Publication. P.1


B. Kinds of Mental Disorder

According to American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statically Manual of Mental Disorder in the book there are some kind of mental Disorder including;

1. Organic Mental Syndromes and Disorder

In the DSM-III-R, organic mental syndromes are separated from organic mental diseases. The term "organic mental syndrome" refers to a collection of psychological and behavioral signs and symptoms that aren't related to a single cause. (For example, Organic Anxiety Condition, Dementia); "organic mental disorder" refers to a specific organic mental syndrome for which the etiology is known or suspected (for example, Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium, Multi-infarct Dementia).

The term disorder is used in the DSM-III-R classification when an organic mental syndrome is linked to an Axis III physical disorder or condition, such as Organic Delusional Disorder due to a brain tumor.

When the cause is uncertain, the term disorder is also used, however it would be more accurate to say syndrome in this scenario.

Because organic mental disorders are such a diverse group, no single definition can encompass them all. Clinical presentation reflects changes in the underlying pathophysiologic process's localization, mode of initiation, progression, duration, and type.

2. Psychotic Substance Use Disorders

Symptoms and maladaptive behavioral changes linked with more or less regular use of psychoactive substances that impact the central nervous system fall under this diagnostic category. In practically every culture, these modifications in behavior would be frowned upon. The development of serious withdrawal symptoms following the cessation or reduction of psychoactive substance use, as well as continued use of a psychoactive substance despite the presence of a persistent or recurrent social, occupational, psychological, or physical problem that the person


knows could be exacerbated by that use, are examples. These illnesses are referred to as mental disorders in this paper, and they must be distinguished from nonpathological psychoactive substance use, such as moderate alcohol use or the use of specific medications for medical reasons.

Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders must be distinguished from Psychoactive Substance-Induced Organic Mental Disorders since they pertain to maladaptive behavior associated with more or less regular use of psychoactive drugs. The direct acute or chronic impact of these substances on the central nervous system is referred to as psychoactive substance-induced organic mental disorders. A Psychoactive Substance Use Disorder is nearly often accompanied by a Psychoactive Substance- Induced Organic Mental Disorder, such as Intoxication or Withdrawal.

3. Schizophrenia

This disorder is defined by the presence of characteristic psychotic symptoms during the active phase of the illness, functioning below the highest level previously achieved (in children or adolescents, failure to reach the expected level of social development), and a duration of at least six months with characteristic prodromal or residual symptoms. Schizophrenia always involves delusions, hallucinations, or certain specific disruptions in emotions and cognitive form at some point during the illness. Only when it is impossible to prove that a biological component caused and maintained the abnormality is a diagnosis made.

If the symptoms are caused by a Mood Disorder or Schizoaffective Disorder, no diagnosis is established.

4. Delusional Disorder

A major feature of this disorder is the presence of a persistent, non-bizarre delusion that is not linked to any other mental condition, such as Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Condition, or Mood Disorder.

A diagnosis is only given when it is impossible to prove that a biological


component created and maintained the aberration. Behavior is not visibly unusual or weird apart from the delusion or its repercussions.

Hallucinations, whether auditory or visual, are not noticeable. In the DSM-III, this category was referred to as paranoid disorder. However, because delusions are the most common symptom of mental disease, and the term paranoid has numerous definitions, it can be difficult to distinguish between the two, In this manual, the term Delusional Disorder is utilized. Delusional Disorder appears to be distinct from both Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders, according to current evidence from demographic, family, and follow-up research. It's difficult to tell the difference between Delusional Disorder and severe Paranoid Personality Disorder.

Types and their associated characteristics. Delusional Disorder is characterized by the following delusional themes: erotomanic, grandiose, jealous, persecutory, and somatic. The major delusional topic determines the type of Delusional Disorder. There are many cases that present with more than one delusional theme.

a. Erotomanic Type.

An sexual delusion's fundamental premise is that one is loved by another. Rather than sexual desire, the hallucination frequently involves idealized romantic love and spiritual unity.

The person who is the subject of this belief is frequently of higher rank, such as a celebrity or a boss, and may even be a complete stranger. Attempts to contact the object of the illusion, such as phone calls, letters, presents, visits, and even surveillance and stalking, are common, however the illusion is sometimes kept hidden.

b. Grandiose Type.

Grandiose delusions are characterized by a person's belief that he or she has a tremendous but undiscovered ability or


insight, or that he or she has made a significant discovery that he or she may present to various government bodies (e.g., the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the U.S. Patent Office). The delusion that one has a particular relationship with a renowned person, such as being the daughter of a movie star or a Presidential advisor, or that one is the prominent person, in which case the actual person, if living, is considered as an imposter, is less prevalent. Grandiose illusions can have religious overtones, and persons who have them can become cult leaders.

c. Jealous Type.

When a person has the illusion of jealousy, he believes, without reason, that his partner or lover is unfaithful. Small pieces of "evidence," such as disorganized clothing or stains on bed sheets, can be collected and used to support hallucinations Almost always, the individual experiencing the hallucination confronts his or her spouse or lover, and may take drastic measures to prevent the alleged infidelity. Limiting the autonomy of the husband or lover by insisting that he or she never leave the house alone, secretly following the spouse or lover, or investigating the other "lover" are examples of these attempts." The delusional person may violently attack his or her spouse or lover, or, in rare cases, the other "lover."

d. Persecutor/ Type.

This is the type that is most common. The persecutory delusion can be simple or complicated, and it typically involves a single or numerous themes, such as being conspired against, cheated, spied on, followed, poisoned or drugged, intentionally misrepresented, harassed, or obstructing long-term goals. This is by far the most common type. The persecutory delusion can be simple or complicated, and it typically involves a single or numerous themes, such as being conspired against, cheated, spied


on, followed, poisoned or drugged, intentionally misrepresented, harassed, or obstructed in achieving long-term goals. People with persecutory delusions become angry and enraged, and they may resort to violence against those they believe are harming them.

e. Somatic Type.

Somatic delusions can take many different forms. The most common convictions are that the person has a foul odor coming from his or her skin, mouth, rectum, or vagina; that he or she has an insect infestation on or in his or her skin; that he or she has an internal parasite; that certain parts of his or her body are misshapen and ugly, despite all evidence; and that certain parts of his or her body are misshapen and ugly, despite all evidence.; and that, despite all evidence, particular parts of his or her body are deformed and unsightly, or that specific sections of his or her body (for example, the large intestine) aren't working properly.

People with somatic delusions frequently seek therapy from nonpsychiatric clinicians for their reported somatic problems.

5. Psychotic Disorder Not Elsewhere Classified

This diagnostic category includes psychotic disorders that aren't categorized as Organic Mental Disorders, Schizophrenia, Delusional Disorders, or Mood Disorders with Psychotic Features. Brief Reactive Psychosis, Schizophreniform Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Induced Psychotic Disorder are the four distinct classifications. Finally, there is a residual category for psychotic disorders that do not fulfill the criteria for any specific psychotic illness or for which there is insufficient information to make a specific diagnosis, called Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.

6. Mood Disorder

The pattern of mood episodes defines a mood disorder. When one or more Major Depressive Episodes occur without a history of a Manic


or unambiguous Hypomanic Episode, the diagnosis of Major Depression is made. Bipolar Disorders and Depressive Disorders are the two types of mood disorders. The presence of one or more Manic or Hypomanic Episodes is an important component of Bipolar Disorders (usually with a history of Major Depressive Episodes). One or more spells of depression without a history of Manic or Hypomanic Episodes are a key component of Depressive Disorders.

This group of illnesses is defined by a change in mood that is accompanied by a full or partial Manic or Depressive Syndrome and is not caused by any other medical or mental illness. A protracted emotion that colors one's entire psychic existence is referred to as mood, and it usually entails depression or elation. Affective Disorders was the name of the diagnostic category in DSM-III.

7. Anxiety Disorder (or Anxienty and Phobic Neuroses)

Symptoms of anxiety and avoidance behavior are typical in this group of disorders. In Panic Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, anxiety is typically the most obvious symptom, but avoidance behavior is virtually always present in Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia. When a person with phobic disorders is confronted with a feared object or circumstance, they experience anxiety. Anxiety arises when a person with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder tries to overcome their obsessions or compulsions. Avoidance behavior is virtually always present in phobia disorders, and it is especially common in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Because the major symptom is the repetition of a trauma, rather than worry or avoidance behavior, the diagnosis of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is controversial. Despite this, anxiety symptoms and avoidance behavior, as well as markers of increased arousal, are extremely common.

Despite the fact that separation anxiety is a sort of phobic reaction, Separation Anxiety Disorder is classified in the section


Disorders Usually First Evident in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence.

Sexual phobic avoidance, on the other hand, is classified as Sexual Aversion Disorder and may be found in the section Sexual Disorders.

Anxiety Disorders are the most common in the general population, with Simple Phobia being the most common in the general population, but Panic Disorder being the most common among those seeking treatment, according to recent studies. First-degree biological relatives of people with panic disorder, phobia diseases, and OCD appear to be more common than the general population.

8. Somatoform Disorder

The first disorder in this group is Body Dysmorphic Disorder (previously known as Dysmorphophobia), which is defined by a fixation with some believed flaw in one's physical appearance. Conversion Disorder is a psychiatric ailment in which psychological factors are assumed to be etiologically connected to a loss or change in physical functioning that suggests a physical disorder. Hypochondriasis is defined by a fear of, or belief in, suffering from a serious illness. A obsession with pain that is not induced by another mental or physical ailment is known as somatoform pain disorder. Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder is a clinical illness that resembles Somatization Diagnosis but does not meet all of the criteria for that disorder.Clinical conditions that resemble Somatization Diagnosis but do not meet all of the criteria for that disorder are classified as Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder.

9. Dissociative Disorder (or Hysterical Neuroes Dissociative Type) Many illnesses are marked by a disturbance or disruption in the normally integrated functioning of identity, memory, or awareness. The interruption or change could be sudden or gradual, and it could be temporary or permanent. When it happens primarily in identification, the person's usual identity is temporarily lost, and a new one is assumed or imposed (as in Multiple Personality Disorder), So when familiar sense of


one's own reality fades away and is replaced by a sense of unreality (as in Depersonalization Disorder). Important personal events cannot be recalled if the disturbance is largely memory-related (as in Psychogenic Amnesia and Psychogenic Fugue). Important personal events cannot be remembered if the disturbance is largely memory-related (as in Psychogenic Fugue and Psychogenic Amnesia)

10. Sexual Disorder

There are two categories of sexual disorders. Arousal in response to sexual objects or situations that are outside of normal arousal activity patterns characterizes the paraphilias, which might interfere with the ability to engage in reciprocal, affectionate sexual behavior to varied degrees. There are two categories of sexual disorders. Arousal in response to sexual objects or situations that are outside of normal arousal activity patterns characterizes the paraphilias, which might interfere with the ability to engage in reciprocal, affectionate sexual behavior to varied degrees.

11. Sleep Disorder

The sleep disorders detailed in this chapter are chronic (lasting more than a month), as opposed to the transitory sleep disturbances that are a part of normal life. As a result, sleeplessness brought on by a psychosocial stressor that lasted a few nights would not be diagnosed (though if it were accompanied by other clinically significant features, it might be considered an Adjustment Disorder).

Sleep disturbances are a common symptom of many mental and physical diseases, including. The use of certain medicines may be connected to depressive disorders and physical conditions that cause pain or other misery. In addition, sleep issues can contribute to or exacerbate other physical or mental conditions. A Sleep Problem is diagnosed when sleep disruption is the major complaint and is linked to another mental disorder or physical illness in any of these ways. (Of course, any other


mental or physical conditions should also be included.) The Dyssomnias and Parasomnias are the two primary subgroups of sleep disorders. The amount, quality, or timing of sleep is the most common disturbance in the Dyssomnias. The most common symptom of parasomnia is an aberrant event that occurs during sleep.

12. Factitious Disorder

"Factitious" refers to something that isn't real, genuine, or natural.

Factitious Disorders are characterized by created or feigned physical or psychological symptoms. The sense of purposely generating a sickness is subjective, and a third party can only infer it. The person's ability to simulate disease in such a way that he or she is unlikely to be discovered contributes to the conclusion that the symptom is purposely generated.

This entails timing and concealment considerations that necessitate a degree of judgment and mental activity suggestive of "voluntary" control.

These activities, on the other hand, have a compulsive nature in the sense that the person is unable to abstain from engaging in a certain habit despite knowing its dangers. As a result, the activities should only be deemed "voluntary" in the sense that they are deliberate and purposeful (intentional), not in the sense that they are controllable. As a result, conduct that appears to be under "voluntary" control is exploited to achieve involuntary aims in Factitious Disorders.

13. Impulse Control Disorder Not Elsewhere Classified

This is a residual diagnostic category for impulse control disorders that do not fit into any of the other categories, such as Psychoactive Substance Use Disorders or Paraphilias. The following are the key characteristics of impulse control disorders:

a. Failure to resist a strong urge, drive, or desire to do something detrimental to oneself or others. The impulse may or may not be met with conscious opposition. The conduct may or may not have been planned or deliberate.


b. Before committing the act, there is a growing sense of tension or excitement.

An experience of pleasure, fulfillment, or release during the time of the act. In that it matches to the individual's current conscious desire, the act is ego-syntonic. Actual sorrow, self-reproach, or guilt may or may not be felt immediately after the act.

14. Adjustment Disorder

This disease is defined a maladaptive reaction to a recognized psychosocial stressor, or stressors, that occurs within three months after the stressor's onset and lasts no more than six months. Symptoms that are beyond a typical and expected response to the stressor, or impairment in occupational (including school) functioning,ivities, suggest that the reaction is Adaptive or social links The problem isn't just one instance of a pattern of stress overreaction or a deterioration of one of the mental illnesses indicated earlier in this guidebook. The disruption is supposed to fade away after the stressor is removed or, if the stressor persists, until a new level of adaption is reached. The degree of the stressor, as well as the specific stressor, should be recorded on Axis IV.12

C. Causes of Mental Disorder

According to Litin, metal health disorders can be induced by a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. People with a family history of mental illness are more likely to develop one themselves. A change in diet might also lead to mental illness. Psychological and environmental factors, such as parenting and social exposure, can help lay the groundwork for negative thought patterns linked to mental illness.

Only a certified mental health practitioner can accurately diagnose the

12 American Psychiatric, Diagnostic and Statiscal Manual of Mental Disorder, 3rd cd.,rev.(Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Asso-ciation,1987)


reasons of a developing problem. The following things may raise your chances of acquiring a mental illness:

1. A history of mental illness in a blood family, such as a parent or sibling, increases your chances of acquiring mental illness yourself.

2. A stressful life scenario, such as a financial crisis, the death of a loved one, or a divorce.

3. A long-term (chronic) illness, such as diabetes.

4. Traumatic brain injury, such as a forceful blow to the head, resulting in brain damage (traumatic brain injury).

5. A traumatic experience, such as war or assault in the military.

6. Indulgence in alcoholic beverages or narcotics 7. A history of childhood maltreatment or neglect.

8. You have a small number of friends or relationships that are healthy.

9. A history of mental illness.13 D. Psychological Approach

In his long and productive career, Sigmund Freud produced many important ideas, the majority of which are associated with his status as the founder of psychoanalysis strictly speaking; Psychoanalysis is a medical practice, a strategy, and a form of therapy used to help mentally ill or distressed people comprehend the basis of their symptoms.14. Psychology and literature both examine human beings, yet they are interested in different things. Literature deals with the human imagination, whereas psychology works with real-life problems. According to literary theory, “By psychology of literature, we can refer to the study of the writer as a type and individual of the creative process, or the study of psychological types and laws found in works of literature, or ultimately, the effect of literature on its reader

13 Dr. Scot C. Litin Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, Ultimate home medical 2018

14Wilfred L Guerin. A Handbook of Critical Approach to Literature, Oxford University Press, USA 2000, P 154-158


(audience psychology).15 Psychology can be used to assess literary works because it is the science or study of the mind and its operations. Character, which might be good, terrible, or frustrated, is another contribution of psychology to literary criticism. The psychological features of this research project are examined, particularly the character's personality.

Literary work is viewed as a reflection of the author's psychology in literature. Because of this, research into the psychology of literature is crucial. Literature psychology is the study of literature through the lens of psychological activity. The authors will work with creation, feeling, and work. It's the same with the reader, who can't separate their psychology from their response to the work. Furthermore, literary psychological study is more difficult than other types of research since it involves unconscious psychology, which necessitates greater caution Literary psychology should be constructed using three different methodologies at the same time. In terms of skillfully presenting characters, portraying their moods, and drawing the reader into the psychological dimension of human existence, a literary work benefits from psychology.16

E. Definition of Film

Film is an art form with its own language and aesthetic. It conveys data and ideas. It introduces us to places and cultures that we might not otherwise be aware of. Film provides us with new ways of seeing and feeling that we find incredibly satisfying. They take us on a journey through life. The encounter could also lead to a desire to investigate visual features or sound textures. A video is created from our travel, providing a structured experience that stimulates our intellect and emotions.17

15 Wellek, Rene and Warren, 1989. Theory of Literature. New York; Harcourt Brace and World.


16Badegul Can Emir,”Literature and Psychology in the Context of the Interaction of Social Sciences”,Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.19, No.4, 2016

17 Burhan Nurgiantoro. 1995 Teori pengkajianFiksi.mm Gajag mada University Oress. . p. 165


Film, like literature, excels at particular tasks. It is a great setting for the blending of many genres, storytelling systems, and literary styles.

Literature is clearly superior to other forms of expression, capable of greater intricacy and nuance.18 In their work, Andrew Bennet and Royle (2014) argue that film is intrinsically linked to the study of literature. Innovative methods of thinking about literature emerge from thinking about film, and vice versa.

Their comment demonstrates the intimate relationship that exists between film and literature. We associate movies with literature. Because the movie includes literary works from time to time. Camera angle, editing, montage, and slow and fast motion are all examples of film's distinctive styles of presentation, which often parallel or can be interpreted within a textual framework.19 It means that, despite the fact that film has its own distinct qualities and vocabulary, it is feasible to examine Because film criticism is so closely linked to traditional approaches to textual studies, literary criticism methodologies can be used to investigate it.

F. Character

A character is a person who plays a part in a play, narrative, or other work. This element must be present in a character, especially in a film or literary work, because a story cannot be enjoyed without it. “Character originates from Greek meaning a “instrument of forming and providing impress, stamp, distinctive mark, and distinguishing nature," according to jour Kupperman's character. A unique mark stamped, engraved, or otherwise created in the first literal sense. According to Kupperman, "Character is important in how we act; having character is acting in such a manner that the person you're with plays a big role in any explanation of your actions." It implies that the character plays a significant role in the play. Characters are also important in films; without characters, a literary work would be dull and uninteresting, and characters are an integral aspect of the story.

18 Robert Stam.2000; Film Theory an Introduction. Department of cinema Studies, New York University. Page 12

19 Klarer,Mario. An Introduction to Literary Studies. London and New York: Routledge,2004.p.78


Character will be an extended, verbal depiction of a human being in literary works in general, and in fiction in particular. Thought, speech, and conduct are all influenced by our inner selves. It's easy to tell whether a character created by the author is nice or terrible. Any person, personal identity, or entity that appears in a work of art is referred to as a character.

Plot, setting, theme, and style are all intrinsic elements. Character is regarded as one of the most important aspects of fiction. A character is a tale participant who is usually a human, but can also be any person or entity whose existence is based on a fictitious work of performance.

G. Previous Studies

In this thesis, the writer is the second researcher at the Department of English Literature at Sultan Thaha Saifuddin State Islamic University Jambi, who will conduct research on mental disorders in Todd Phillip's Joker film. The writer presented several previous findings regarding mental disorders, among others.

Firtly Laurie Davis's study is titled "Mental Disorder Meets Creativity in New Journal of Literary Arts." The writer combined qualitative research with documentary analysis in this study. The author discovered that people who have a lot of artistic ability also have a lot of mental turmoil.

This was revealed in a study of well-known visual and literary artists, and Robert Lundin expanded the findings to include contemporary artists who had battled mental illness. Despite the fact that all of these artists were well- known for their work, they had either been institutionalized for mental illness or had attempted or committed suicide. After studying the psychiatric histories of many artists, Jamison discovered that the majority of the people she studied had suffered from probable major depression, manic-depressive disorder, or cyclothymic psychosis, a manic-depressive psychosis marked by alternating periods of excitement and activity with periods of depression and



Secondly, mental disorder has been analized by Sandra Muthiah Imansari 2020. She was graduate from Adab and Humanities Faculty the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. This thesis analyzes about Mental Disorder of Mia Hall Reflected in the Fim If I Stay by Gayle Forman. This research analyzes the mental disorder experienced by Mia Halls the main character in the film If I Stay. The research choose this topic because of mental disorder is one of the issues in the world that everyone has some kind of mental disorder on their own. The purpose of this study is to find the types of mental disorders, signs and factors that cause mental disorder that happened to Mia Hall in the film. The research uses the theory of David Rochefort, David A Karp and the National Institute of Mental Health to analyze the data. The theories make it easier to determine the classification of mental disorders. The research uses qualitative research using descriptive methods in conducting research. The sources of data are the script, dialogue, gesture, expression and picture on screen of film If I Stay.

The technique of data collecting is documentation. This research uses descriptive technique for analyzing data. The results of this study, (1) there are 3 (three) types of mental disorders in the film If I Stay by Gayle Forman experienced by Mia Hall as the main character, namely Bipolar Disorder, Depression, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In addition, Mia Hall's dominant or most prominent mental disorder is bipolar disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. (2) There are two signs which are re-experiencing symptom and arousal reactivity symptom. (3) Causal factors are psychological and environmental factors.21

Thirdly, Erika Hanley's research, "Perception of Mental Disorder Based on its Portrayal in Film," is featured in the previews. In this study,

20Laurie Davis, 2002, Mental disorder Meets Creativity in New Journal of Literary Arts, The University of Chicago Chronicle, Vol.21,No.11, March 7 2002

21 Sandra Muthiah Imansari, Mental Disorder of Mia Hall Reflected in the Fim If I Stay by Gayle Forman, Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, 2020


writers who had seen more films depicting mental illness had higher knowledge and sympathy for mental illness than those who had seen fewer films depicting mental illness. It was also expected that individuals' knowledge of mental disorders would contain more social stereotypes about mental diseases than true information about mental diseases. Women, on the other hand, were expected to demonstrate sympathy more than men. Mental disorder perceptions are still a matter worth discussing, and facts on mental diseases should be widely disseminated.22

Forthly, Abdur Rahman, 2020 wrote, “Personality Disorder as seen in Joker Movie by Todd Phillip” She was graduate from Adab and Humanities Faculty the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. In his study, she focused on personality Arthur’s and Theodore Millon’s theory.

personality disorder experienced by Arthur, borderline personality disorder, depressive personality disorder, sadistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and negativistic personality disorder. Personality disorder in Arthur's character is triggered by Psychologial factor and environmental factor.23

Fifhly, Dissociative Identity Disorder Potrayed by Malcolm Rivers in the “Identity” Movie by Jams Mangold. Has been writeen by Aliya 2020. She was graduated from Adab and Humanities Faculty the State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. This thesis analyzes about , Dissociative Identity Disorder Potrayed by Malcolm Rivers in the “Identity”

Movie by Jams Mangold. The types and causes of dissociative identity disorder are discussed in this thesis, which is based on Malcolm's experiences as the main character in the film Identity. The goal of this study is to investigate and determine what types of dissociative identity disorder exist, as well as what causes them This thesis research uses psychologycal approach by Wellek and Warren, Paulette M. Gillig on dissociative identity disorder, as

22Erika Hanley, Perception of Mental disorder Based Upon its Portrayal in Film, University of Central Florida,2015

23Abdur Rahman, Personality Disorder as seen in Joker Movie by Todd Phillip, islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi,2020


well as Nevid's hypothesis of types of dissociative identity disorder and Thomas Oldmans' notion on the cause of dissociative identity disorder. The qualitative descriptive method was utilized to analyze the problem in this thesis. According to the findings of this study, Malcolm has dissociative identity disorder, has 10 different personas, and has four different types of dissociative identity disorder: the main personality, the dominant personality, the dissociative identity which there is no connection between the personality and the dissociative identity which there is connection between the personality. The cause of DID experienced by Malcolm is Psychological factor where he remembered what happened when in the past and he could not forget it that was why he want to be independent.24

From several researches above, those research are about Mental Disorder that experienced by some character in literary work. Actualy this research has the same topic. But has different literary work. The difference of this research is the object and theory to answer the problem formulation.

Some of the studies above examine different objects and use several theories from other experts.

24 Aliya, Dissociative Identity Disorder Potrayed by Malcolm Rivers in the Identity, State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. 2020




In this research, the researcher used a qualitative research method that was appropriate for the study's goal. Qualitative research is a method of gathering descriptive data from people who may be observed in the form of written words. It signifies that the qualitative method is analytic descriptive and produces descriptive data in the form of spoken words from the person or action being studied.

Qualitative research is a type of investigation that generates descriptive information in the form of written words and from persons who may be observed. It signifies that a qualitative characteristic is analytic descriptive and produces descriptive facts spoken by the person or activity being studied.25

The researcher uses descriptive approach to explain material because it analyzes the nature of an object, methodically describes a situation, problem, or phenomenon, or to provide information about the living conditions of people, or to convey an attitude about a problem.. The descriptive method can be interpreted as problem solving in which the current state of the subject or research object (novel, drama, film, short story, poem) is investigated by drawing or depicting the state of the subject or research object (novel, drama, film, short story, poem) based on visible facts or unification. It signifies that a descriptive approach is a problem-solving procedure that involves describing the status of the subject or object in the study.

Because it investigated the nature of items, described a scenario systematically, problem, phenomena, or provided information about the living conditions of a community, or described attitude toward an issue, the writer used qualitative descriptive approach to explain the materials. As a

25 Aliya thesis, Dissociative identity disorder potrayed by malcolm rivers in the identity movie by James Mangold. 2020.p. 15


result, the analysis is presented in the form of an image and a sentence. The procedures that the writer must take in order to produce the most effective study result are research design, data and data sources, data collection strategy, and data analysis method.26

B. Source of Data

The data for this study was derived from the film Joker. Warner Bros.

will release the film Joker in 2019. The film is 122 minutes long. In the process of gathering information. The information was gathered from words, phrases, sentences, actions, character conversation, and certain quotations linked to Arthur's personality as seen in the Joker film.

C. Technique of Data Collection

The goal of data collecting is to gather information about the subjects.

“The primary approaches relied on by qualitative researchers for acquiring information include engagement in the setting, direct observation, in-depth interviews, and document review,” according to Chaterine Marshall and Gretchen B. Rossman.27 To gather information for the research, the writer will employ the documentation methodology. “Documentation is a type of evidence that has already been established. Documents might be a written, picture, or colossal arts from a single person. Documentation in the form of works of art, namely pictures, sculptures, films, and others.”28

Documentation is a written record of previous events. Documentation might take the shape of a person's writing, artwork, or monumental achievements. Documentation in the form of a piece of art, such as photographs, sculptures, films, and other media. Because, according to the statement above, documentation might take the shape of a text, an image, or a literary piece, the writer employed the documentation approach to collect the data in this research. The writer gathers information from the Joker film,

26 Aliya thesis, Dissociative identity disorder potrayed by malcolm rivers in the identity movie by James Mangold. 2020. P. 15-16

27 Sugiono, Metode penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Alfabeta, 2012.p.309

28 Ibid, p. 312


which is one of the literary works included in the document. The information was gathered by viewing films and reading scripts. The writer has some steps in collecting the data, in order to make this reseach more specific. They are:

1. Whatching the film

To find the data, the writer watches the film repeadly and comprhensively for some sense, dialogues that exixt in Joker film.

2. Marking on the Dialogues

Making a note of all the significant statements and information, as well as marking the words or sentences. After carefully reading the text, the writer highlights any significant statements to aid in the analysis of the issues.

3. Identifying and Classifying

After finding all the data completely, the writer processes the data to analyze them. The writer identified the data and made assumptions about The Causes of Mental Disorder issues Experienced as seen In Joker 2 film by Todd phillips. The writer classified the picture and dialogues from Joker film which correlated with the research problems.

D. Technique of Data Analysis

The writer analyzed the data after gathering it. In qualitative research, technique analysis data are used to answer the formulation of the problem According to Bogdan, The writer will employ descriptive analysis. Which descriptive analysis searches for information and elaborates on a phenomenon? The writer can obtain data for this study from the film's expression, action, or script.

In order to make this research more particular, the author took the following procedures in analyzing the data:


1. Data Reduction.

This methodology is the first of three aspects of qualitative data analysis, according to Miles and Iluberman. The process of selecting, concentrating, reducing, abstracting, and manipulating data found in written field notes or transcriptions is known as data reduction. From all of the facts, the writer selects the most important information. The author identified the data that relates to the main character's psychology.

2. Data Display.

The writer chooses the most important information from all of the facts. The facts relating to the main character's psyche was identified by the author. Information is compressed into a form that allows for conclusion drawing. A display can be a long piece of text, a diagram, a chart, or a matrix that allows you to organize and think about more textually integrated data in a new way. The writer will construct the narrative by extracting information from the picture, action, and discussion that is relevant to the study problem.

3. Verification.

Stepping back to explore what the studied data imply and their implications for the questions at hand is what conclusion drawing entails.

Verification, which is inextricably tied to conclusion making, includes returning to the data as many times as necessary to cross-check or verify the findings that have emerged.

The writer analyzes, describes and explains the data about Mental Disorder Issues Experienced by Arthur as seen in Joker Film by Todd Phillips. After whole of the data have been analyzed, described and explained, the writer made the conclusion based on theory and approach above.29

29 Miles, M.B., and Huberman, A.M Qualitative Data Analysis. Newbury Park CA: Sage, 1984.

Goole book web. 20 Des 2017




This chapter focuses on identifying and analyzing the many types of mental disorder difficulties that have been encountered, as well as the causes of mental disorder difficulties as seen in the Joker film. Based on analysis, the writer found that main character named Arthur Fleck (Joker) experienced mental disorder. The kind of mental disorder that experienced by Arthur are Delusional Disorder, Mood Disorder, Adjustment Disorder. The causes of mental disorder that experienced by Arthur are Psychological and Environmental factors.

1. Kinds of Mental Disorder as seen in Joker 2 film by Todd Phillip a. Delusional Disorder

Nowadays, the neo-kraepelinian descriptions of delusional disorder in DSMIV (1994) and ICD10 (1992-92) apply equally to each subtype, so a patient with a persecutory subtype would have a relatively encapsulated delusional system and a well-presecutory beliefs are often associated with querulousness, irritability, and anger and the person who acts out his rage might be violent and even murderous at times. The cause for violence may be primarily a notion that he is defending himself or a desire for retribution in expressing his sentiments in this manner. As previously stated.30

Picture 131

30 Alistar Munro.1999. Delusional Disorder paranoia and related illnesses. Cambridge university press.

31 Duration 00:12:02-00:15:21


From the picture, Joker thought that he was on TV at a live with Murray Franklin, so it was delusional and delusional to meet and hug Murray at his favorite stand-up show. In the picture, the Joker hopes to be famous and become a famous stand-up.

Delusions and hallucinations are the most common signs of a psychotic disease. Delusions are false perceptions or sensations that a person experiences but which are not reasonable and do not exist. When someone has hallucinations, they see or hear something that isn't "real" or doesn't exist.

Psychoses are the medical term for delusions and hallucinations. Delusional persons may feel that others are trying to harm them, or that they are a secret agent or Santa Claus. Hallucinators believe they see, feel, hear, or smell things that others do not.32

Picture 133 Murray : Come on! come on!

*Okay we got a show tonight stay tune. we’ll be right back.*

Murray : That was great Arthur, thank you

: I mean. I loved hearing what you had to say. It made my day.

Arthur : Thanks, Murray

Murray : You see all this, the lights. The show. The audience all that stuff. I’d give it all up. In a heartbeat. To have a kid like.34

*Then the Joker hugged Murray with pleasure*

From the picture, the Joker feels pleasure when he is hugged by Murray, feeling that this is really happening in the real world. The Joker is

32 Carrie iorizzo. Schizophrenia an psychotic disorders. Crabthreebook

33Duration 00:14:23-00:15:16



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