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Submitted to the English Education Department of FKIP Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya as a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for getting Sarjana Pendidikan Degree








Trisna Gumiwang. 2016. Students’ Attitude toward Computer Assisted

Language Learning (CALL) in EFL Class. Program Pendidikan Bahasa

Inggris. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Siliwangi.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sikap umum yang dimiliki para mahasiswa pendidikan bahasa tingkat satu di salah satu universitas negeri di Tasikmalaya terhadap CALL pada kelas bahasa inggris. Dengan menggunakan kualitatif survey, 32 responden dilibatkan dalam pengisian kuisioner dimana skala Likert digunakan sebagai pengukurnya dan diikuti dengan mewawancarai 3 responden untuk mengetahui bagaimana perasaan dan pemikiran mereka tentang seberapa pentingnya CALL untuk mereka. Kuisioner yang digunakan mencakup tiga komponen, yaitu: affect, cognitive dan behavior. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa mereka memiliki sikap positif paling dominan terhadap CALL. Untuk mengecek kembali hasil kuisioner, maka wawancara terstruktur di pilih agar mendapatkan jawaban yang jelas dari responden. Mereka setuju bahwa CALL membantu mereka untuk mempelajari bahasa dengan cara yang lebih nyaman dan menyenangkan, khususnya bahasa inggeris. Dengan belajar menggunakan CALL, mereka setuju bahwa kecakapan bahasa dan kosa kata mereka juga biasa meningkat. Sejauh ini, mereka menggunakan berbagai jenis CALL untuk keperluan mata kuliah maupun di luar mata kuliah.



All praises are due to Allah swt., the Lord of the universe. By efforts and

all of God’s mercies, this thesis can be conducted entitled, “Students’ Attitude

toward Computer Assisted Language Learning in EFL Class”. It submitted to the

English Education Department of FKIP Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya as a partial fulfilment of the requirements for getting Sarjana Pendidikan Degree.

The writer realizes that this thesis cannot be accomplished without any help and support from other people. Therefore, in this opportunity, the writer

would like to express her sincere gratitude, especially to: 1. Head of the English Education Department of FKIP Siliwangi University


2. Yusup Supriyono, S.Pd, M.Pd., as the first supervisor for his time and patience in guiding the writer to write this thesis;

3. Melisa Sri, S.Pd, M.Pd., as the second supervisor for her time and patience in guiding the writer to write this thesis;

4. Lecturers of English Education Department FKIP Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya;

5. Her lovely parents who have supported her spiritually and financially. 6. Her beloved brothers who always give her love, support and prayer.

7. Her beloved friends and students of English Education Department who have given the inspiration in writing this thesis.



The writer realizes that there must be many weaknesses. Thus, the writer readily opens the objective criticism and constructive suggestions of this thesis. Finally, the writer expects this thesis will be beneficial not only for the writer herself but also for the readers.

Tasikmalaya, October 2016

The writer










B. Formulation of the Problems………..2

C. Operational Definitions………...3

D. Aim of the Research………...3

E. Uses of the Research………...4


1. Attitude………...5

a. Definitions of Attitude……….……5

b. Attitude Components………...6

c. Positive and Negative Attitude toward CALL……9

2. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)…….12



c. Evaluating CALL in Language Learning………...17

d. Uses of CALL in Language Learning………19

B. Study of the Relevant Research………...19


CHAPTER III RESEARCH PROCEDURES A.Method of the Research………...21

B. Focus of the Research………..22

C.Data and Source of the Data………....22

D.Steps of the Research………...23

E. Techniques of Collecting the Data………..24

F. Research Instruments………..24

G.Techniques of Analyzing the Data………..25

H.Time and Place of the Research………..26

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH RESULT AND DISCUSION A. Research Result and Discussion………..27


B. Suggestions……….38




Picture 2.1: engVid………14

Picture 2.2: Edmodo …………...…..………15

Picture 2.3: Kamus 2.03.………..…..………16

Picture 2.4: Skype ……….………16




This chapter consists of five subtitles. The first is background that explains

the issues about students’ attitude toward Computer Assisted Language Learning

(CALL) in English as Foreign Language class. The second is formulation of the

problems leading to the question of students’ attitude toward CALL in language

learning. The third is operational definitions that explain some terms related to the topic of this research. The fourth is the aims of the research that has been achieved. Finally, this thesis enables to give some contributions for education

field, especially in students’ attitude toward CALL in EFL class.

A. Background

Learners’ attitude sets up learners’ attention. Attention is an important

thing to be existed in every learner in learning process. Learner is ready to receive what he learns if he appears his attention showing his readiness to

learn. As Mill (1960) stated, “A child’s attitude toward subject matter often set

up a process of selective attention. What he will learn is determined in part by

his readiness to receive” (p. 213). It means that someone will be ready to

receive what he listens and sees to subject matter or something, If he is ready, he will give his attention to material being learned belong he has positive attitude.

Learners’ attitude affects students’ learning achievement. Rahimi

(2015) stated, “Students’ positive attitudes towards CALL, motivate them in

learning via CALL and thus achieve more in the exams” (p. 9). It means that


students’ motivation toward CALL and their examination result of lesson

using CALL depends on their attitude toward CALL. Learner’s attitude

toward CALL has also important role in someone’s language acquisition.

Talebinezhad and Abarghoui (2013) argued, “The attitudes of learners toward

CALL could play an important role in language acquisition” (p. 330). They

added, “… attitudes toward CALL could be either positive or negative” (p.

331). It means that attitude toward CALL can be positive or negative.

From the description above, the writer tries to conduct a study entitled

Students’ Attitude toward Computer Assisted Language Learning in EFL

Class. The study of using CALL in language learning had been ever conducted by Tuncok (2010) titled Students’ Attitudes towards Computer Assisted Learning, Computer Assisted Language Learning and Foreign

Language Learning. His study is conducted to students’ of Turkish American

Association in Turkey. The result showed that they have positive attitude toward CALL. The difference of this study is in the setting of study. This study is conducted to Asian learner while the previous research was hold in Middle East learners and the object is the students in one of state university in West Java, Indonesia.

B. Formulation of the Problems

Since students’ attitude is an influence factor for CALL, this study

becomes an attempt to investigate it. Consequently, a question that will be



C. Operational Definitions

The terms used in this study are as follows:

D. Aim of the Research

This research aims to investigate the students’ attitudes toward CALL

in EFL class.

E. Uses of the Research

There are some contributions from this research, as follows:

1.Students’ attitudes : It is a concept of behavior impacted on

both learners’ achievement and

performance. In this term, attitude is how learners react and behave toward CALL and how they feel after using CALL in language learning.

2. Computer Assisted Language :

Learning (CALL)


1. Theoretical Use

This research is used as a study relevant for the next researchers with different objects. Beside, the findings of this research can be as an inspiration for the readers or teachers about using technology CALL in language learning to analyze the same issues in their places.

2. Practical Uses

This research is expected to be beneficial for the English teachers, for the students, for the researcher, and for the next researchers, as follows:

a. For students, this research is intended to inspire them in language learning and acquisition by using CALL in both formal and informal ways.

b. For teachers, this research is expected to give some information and a reference of how to evaluate students who use CALL in his class and how to apply CALL in his language teaching as his innovation in EFL classroom.

c. For researcher, this research is expected to enrich the researcher’s

knowledge about students’ attitude toward the use of CALL in

language learning.





This chapter consists of three parts. Those are theoretical studies and study of the relevant research. Theoretical studies discuss some theories related to

students’ attitude and computer assisted language learning. Meanwhile, study of

the relevant research explains the previous studies related to this research.

A. Theoretical Study

1. Attitude

a. Definitions of Attitude

Someone’s behavior is properly arranged by his attitude.

Fabrigar, Petty, Smith and Crites (2006) said, “…attitude is a

meaningful guide to behavior…” (p. 568). It means that behavior is

directed by attitude. Our behavior follows our attitude. If our attitude turns left, then our behavior will follow to the left and conversely.

Attitude is beliefs and feeling affecting someone’s learning

achievement. Latchanna and Dagnew (2009) found that attitude is accepted as an important concept to understand human behavior and is defined as a mental state that includes beliefs and feelings. Beliefs about language learning is directly associated with success in language classes (as cited in Oroujlou and Vahedi, 2011, p. 994). It is

obviously human behavior presents attitude to understand someone’s

attitude to see his behavior. Meanwhile, beliefs and feeling are

included into someone’s attitude. Someone’s success in language class


relates to someone’s belief about language learning itself. If someone has a good belief toward language learning, then he has a good attitude toward it. If someone has a good attitude toward language learning, then he will be successful in his language class.

Success in IT system is impacted by attitude toward IT system itself. Gracia and Pintrich (1996) found that studies on information

technology continuously reports that users’ attitude are important

factors affecting the success of the system (as cited in Rahimi, 2015,

p. 8). It means that someone’s success in IT system is affected by

someone’s attitude itself.

It can be concluded that attitude is a concept of behavior

impacting on both learners’ achievement and performance. In this

term, attitude is how learners react and behave toward CALL and how their feelings after using CALL, such as Edmodo, e-learning, BBC Learning English and so on.

b. Attitude Components

A number of researchers have considered how cognitive, affective and behavior components contribute to the formation and expression of attitudes. It is inline with Maio and Haddock (2013)

who said, “Attitudes have cognitive, affective, and behavioral

components” (p. 32). Besides, Breckler (1984) also said, “It is very

common to identify three attitude components: affect, behavior, and



“…three components in the attitude: emotional response, beliefs

regarding the subject, behaviour related to the subject” (p. 158). It

means that attitude is identified by three components: affective, behavior and cognition. The following are the explanations.

1) Affective

Feelings and emotions toward somebody or something is defined as an affect. Gass and Selinker (2008) said, “Affect is “a feeling or emotion as distinguished from cognition, thought, or

action” (p. 398). In other words, it refers to feelings or emotions

that individuals have about something. Besides, Maio and Haddock

(2013) said, “The affective component refers to feelings or

emotions associated with an attitude object” (p. 32). In addition,

Middleton and Spanias (1999) said that when it refers to an

emotion, ‘positive’ normally means ‘perceived as pleasurable’. So,

anxiety when confronting a problem is seen as ‘negative’ (as cited

in Zan and Martino, 2007, p. 159). It means that affect toward something or someone is measured by feeling expression or interest toward it.

We can see someone’s attitude toward a language as much

as someone’s interest toward it. Gardner (1985) described, “A

measure like interest in foreign languages can be characterized as

much more general than one like attitude toward learning…” (p.


measurement. For example: if he is interested in CALL, we can see that he has positive attitude toward CALL.

2) Behavior

Behavior is someone’s action appears from past experience

and reaction towards something or somebody. Maio and Haddock

(2013) said, “The behavioral component refers to past behaviors

with respect to an attitude object” (p. 33). It means that behavior is

an action caused from the past behavior towards something. In addition, our attitude indicates our behavior. Fabrigar, et al. (2006)

stated, “…attitudes influence behaviors” (p. 576). It means that

behavior is affected by attitude. Our action indicates our behavior, including our choice to choose what we should do and our way to get some information.

In the institution sight, good behavior can be seen through an achievement. Middleton and Spanias (1999) said:

When it refers to behaviour, ‘positive’ generally means

‘successful’. In the school context, a successful behaviour is

generally identified with high achievement: this naturally poses the problem of how to assess achievement (as cited in Zan and Martino, 2007, p. 159).

It means that achievement can be an indicator of a positive behavior. Because behavior is attitude component, then we can identify our attitude through an achievement. Gardner (1985)

stated, “…a measure of attitudes toward learning a second language



that achievement is indicated our attitude, even in language learning.

3) Cognitive

Someone’s beliefs and thoughts are referred to someone’s

cognitive. Maio and Haddock (2013) said, “The cognitive

component refers to beliefs, thoughts, and attributes associated with

an attitude object” (p. 32). In addition, Breckler (1984) said,

“Beliefs, knowledge structures, perceptual responses, and thoughts

constitute the cognitive component” (p. 1191). It means that

cognitive is a knowledge or perspective about a concept.

c. Positive and Negative Attitude toward CALL

As stated Talebinezhad and Abarghoui (2013), “…Attitudes

toward CALL could be either positive or negative” (p. 330). Here are

the explanations. 1) Positive Attitude

Positive attitude is an emotional dominance towards other things or people. Zan and Martino (2007) said, “… a ‘positive’

attitude is a positive emotional disposition toward the subject” (p.

159). It means that positive attitude is a positive preference in something.


person or thing, even it is CALL in language learning. Rahimi (2015) stated:

According to some research findings, students have positive attitudes towards using computers for learning language skills. For example, Greenfield (2003) found that the participant in his research felt that the computer helped them improve the productive skill, i.e., writing and speaking through developing their way of thinking and motivating them for more interaction and cooperation. (p. 8-9).

It means that positive attitude can be identified by their feeling toward computer for learning language skills or get motivated to use computer to support their language learning.

Positive attitude toward CALL also can be seen how much

someone uses it. Liaw, et al. (2007) stated that as individuals’

attitudes on e-learning and computer-based learning become more positive, they will have greater behavioral intention to use it (as cited in Rahimi, 2015, p. 10). It means that the more individual uses CALL, the more positive his attitude is.

2) Negative Attitude

Negative attitude is low self-confident and it can be seen through act low ability or even feels low ability. Zan and Martino (2007) said:

…negative’ attitudes…might be referred to the ‘beliefs about the self’ component, outlining as ‘negative’ those beliefs about

the self which are characterized by a scarce sense of

self-efficacy (“I’m not able”, “I can’t make it”, “I’m hopeless”). (p.



It means that negative is low degree of self-ability, whether it is unconfident or disability.

Negative attitude is indicated by feeling dislike toward

something. Dornyei and Ushioda (2011) stated, “Negative attitude

towards the L2 (i.e. dislike of the way the language sounds and/or

operates)” (p. 149). It means that feeling dislike towards L2

indicates someone’s negative attitude toward L2 itself. Feeling

dislike to something such as learner who feels dislike to his teacher or the way teacher teaches by CALL indicates learner’s negative attitude toward CALL.

Students who do not like using computer for language learning is indicated their negative attitude toward CALL. Salehi

and Habibi (2015) said, “Learners' negative attitudes toward CALL

integration in language learning made them resist using computers” (p. 62). It means that negative attitude toward CALL can be identified if learners reject to use computer as language learning tool.

Someone’s positive and negative attitude can be seen if we


2. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

a. Definitions of CALL

Language teaching and learning through computer can be

perceived as CALL. Hani (2014) said, “CALL is the acronym for

computer assisted language learning and it is related to the use of

computers for language teaching and learning” (p. 644). It means that

CALL is an abbreviation from computer assisted language learning which means computer used for language teaching and learning.

CALL is computer application learning or searching for language teaching and learning. Naeini (2012) said, “CALL stands for the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and

learning” (p. 9). As well as stated by Levy (1997: 1) “CALL may be

defined as ‘the search for and study of applications of the computer in

language teaching and learning’ (as cited in Berns, 2010, p. 460). It

means that CALL is a study or a search of language teaching and learning using computer. Those applications are such as Edmodo, e-learning, and BBC Learning English.

CALL is an approach for language teaching and learning which uses computer technology to support language teaching and learning activities. As Berns (2010) said:



It means that CALL is the way of language teaching and learning by

involving computer to strengthen someone’s language and to asses it. It

is inline with Zhang and Barber (2008) said, “CALL: An approach in language learning in which a computer presents material to the learner or where the computer is used as a tool to aid language learning” (p. 239). It means that the way and tool of teacher in teaching language using computer to present the material in language learning can be defined as CALL.

Gadget such as smart phones or tablet that uses computer application for language learning also included into CALL. Scott and

Beadle (2014) said, “CALL refers to any process in which the learner

uses a computer to improve foreign language competence. The technology includes not only computers but also smart phones, tablets,

MP3 players…” (p. 19). It means that whatever electronic tools for

language learning purpose are included into CALL.


b. Kinds of CALL

Edmodo, e-learning, BBC Learning English are included in Language–learning tools as some of five kinds of CALL. Here are five kinds of CALL as Scott and Beadle (2014) stated:

CALL therefore includes:

1. Authentic foreign language material, such as video clips, flash-animations, web-quests, pod-casts, web-casts, and news etc.;

2. Online environments where learners can communicate with foreign language speakers, through email, text-based computer-mediated communication (synchronous and asynchronous), social media, or voice/video conferencing;

3. Language-learning tools (online apps or software), such as for phonetics, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and clause analysis, which may include a text-to-speech function or speech recognition, and often includes interactive and guided exercises;

4. Online proprietary virtual learning environments, which offer teacher-student and peer-to-peer communication;

5. Game-based learning. (p. 19). It means that CALL is concluded in:



Edmodo is used for learning and assessment medium, teacher and students can communicate each other to discuss or asking questions. Teacher is an administrator in his own group account. He can make a group for each class he taught, give materials and exercises, and assess his students through a test he made. Students will get their score after doing their test immediately.

Picture 2.2: Edmodo

3. Language-learning tools (online apps or software) such as Dictionary application. User can type in the blank space word he wants to know

and click “find” or click “Enter” on their laptop, computer, or android


Picture 2.3: Kamus 2.03

4. Online proprietary virtual learning environments, which offer teacher-student and peer-to-peer communication such as Skype. Skype is an application that you can share a story, celebrate a birthday, learn a language, hold a meeting or work with friend through video-call online. We can speak, see and instant message other people on it.

Picture 2.4: Skype



face your android screen about your forehead and you need a friend to give you clues about the appeared vocabulary or phrase. If you want to change the appeared words, you have to down it up. So do if you just answered it.

Picture 2.5: HeadsUp!

c. Evaluating CALL in Language Learning

Evaluating CALL in language learning means choosing what kinds of CALL will be used for students in learning language. Is it suitable and effective for students in language learning are CALL

evaluation’s purpose. As Pavon (2012) stated:

Ever since technology and computers were first introduced into language teaching and learning, there were doubts concerning whether multimedia resources had much to add to the language learning experience. These doubts underlined the need for a comprehensive evaluative model for CALL aimed at helping to determine the kinds of multimedia tools which are more effective in language learning, based on the measurable impact these resources make on the learning of language students. (p. 64).


There are six criteria for CALL evaluation as Ducate and Arnold (2006) stated:

1. Language learning potential: The degree of opportunity present for beneficial focus on form;

2. Learner fit: The amount of opportunity for engagement with language under appropriate conditions given learner characteristics;

3. Meaning focus: The extent to which learners’ attention is directed toward the meaning of the language;

4. Authenticity: The degree of correspondence between the learning activity and target language activities of interest to learners out of the classroom;

5. Positive Impact: The positive effects of the CALL activity on those who participate in it; and

6. Practicality: The adequacy of resources to support the use of the CALL activity. (p. 6).

It means that before students are given recommendation to use CALL, we have to find: 1) is there more potential benefit of it; 2) learner interest based on their characteristics; 3) purpose of the uses; 4) the

balances between learning activity and learners’ interest; 5) good

impact; and 6) enough material resources in CALL will be used.

d. Uses of CALL in Language Learning

Under mentions below shows that CALL can be used to improve language learning beside its uses in language learning. As Hani (2014) stated:

CALL can be an adequate medium for improving the quality of

…learning the language. This is due to the following leverage points:



also be a tool for the integration of the four skills, and (6) the computer can provide learners with immediate feedback. (p. 1611). It means that there are six CALL uses in language learning. They are: 1) CALL is used for students’ learning activity engagement;

2) CALL is used for place learning flexibility;

3) CALL is used for autonomy language learning (ALL); 4) CALL is used for student-center approach;

5) CALL is used for enhancing language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing skill;

6) CALL is used for providing immediate feedback.

B. Study of the Relevant Research

The writer conducts this study based on relevant study entitled

Students’ Attitudes towards Computer Assisted Learning, Computer Assisted


study also suggests that the participants who have CALL experience have more positive attitudes to CALL than those who are not familiar with it.

C. Framework





In this chapter, the writer discusses research procedures which consist of several points. Those are method of the research, focus of the research, data and source of the data, steps of the research, techniques of collecting the data, research instrument, and techniques of analyzing the data and time and place of the research.

A. Method of the Research

The writer uses survey research as a method in this study. As stated by Widodo (2010):

Here are commonly used qualitative research design in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and Applied Linguistics: Survey: This research design attempts to examine as much information as possible qualitatively though the data can be descriptively quantified. (p. 14-15).

He added:

Dornyei (as cited in McKay, 2006, p. 35) points out, survey can provide three types of information:

Attitudinal information─Attitudinal questions seek to find out more

about the options, beliefs or interest of teacher or learners. (p. 15-16). It means that by using this method, the researcher investigates students’ attitude of a chosen population toward the use of CALL in English language learning.


B. Focus of the Research

This research focuses on students’ attitudes toward Computer Assisted

Language Learning at first grade students of English Education Department - Siliwangi University.

C. Data and Source of the Data

1. Data

The data for this research are obtained from questionnaire and interview.

2. Source of the Data

The data resources of this research are students of English Education Department at 1st grade in Siliwangi University, Indonesia. The researcher uses purposive sampling to choose a population. Frankel and Wallen (2009) stated, “…purposive sampling is based on previous knowledge of a population and the specific purpose of the research,

investigators use personal judgment to select a sample” (p. 99). The

researcher chooses the population of which they use CALL on their English language learning at structure class.

The researcher takes 20% of the population. Sw (2006) stated,

Menarik sejumlah persen tertentu dari pospulasi, misalnya 2, 5, 10, 20

atau 50 persen dari N” (p. 25). It means, “Take a number of certain



Based on the explanation above, the researcher takes 20% from the amount of students in 1st grade. It is 32 participants from 156 students as population to be observed. Dornyei (2003) described, “From a purely statistical point of view, a basic requirement is that the sample should

For the interview, the researcher chooses six interviewees from Students of English Education Department at 1st grade in Siliwangi University; three interviewees who has positive attitude toward CALL, two interviewees who has neutral and one who has negative based on the questionnaire result.

D. Steps of the Research

To make the research systematic and well planned, there are some steps in doing this research. Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen and Razavieh (2009) described the steps of qualitative research are:

a. Planning; Survey research begins with a question that the researcher believes can be answered most appropriately by means of the survey

method. For example, “How do elementary teachers feel about

retaining students?”

b. Defining the population; One of the first important steps is to define the population under study. To whom will you distribute the survey? The population may be quite large, or it may be rather limited.


that would have been obtained if the entire population had been

e. Conducting survey; Once the data-gathering instrument is prepared, it must be field tested to determine if it will provide the desired data. f. Processing the data. The last step includes coding the data, statistical

analysis, interpreting the results, and reporting the findings. (p. 378-379)

E. Techniques of Collecting the Data

The writer collects the data through questionnaire and interview. Frankel and Wallen (2009) stated, “The most common types of instruments

used in survey research are the questionnaire and the interview schedule” (p.

416). It means that questionnaire and interview are commonly used for survey research to describe the characteristics of a population.

F. Research Instruments

The writer sets questionnaire and interview as survey research

instruments. Frankel and Wallen (2009) stated, “The most common types of

instruments used in survey research are the questionnaire and the interview

...” (p. 416). It means that questionnaire and interview are commonly used for

survey research to describe the characteristics of a population.

There are 30 statements in the questionnaire. Sw (2006) stated,

Banyaknya item antara 30-40 buah untuk sebuah sikap tertentu” (p. 99). It

means, “The amount of item is 30-40 items each certain attitude.” As stated



decides to measure attitude toward CALL based on the three components: Affect (Emotions, preference or interest such as “like” or might be “dislike”) in five items, Behavior (Repetitive activity such “always” or “never” and even achievement) in six items, Cognitive (Thought, perspective or

performance towards something or person such as “useful” or “unuseful”) in

19 items.

In the interview, there are three points interviewed: general opinion about CALL, CALL using, feeling to use CALL, and its benefit for language skills.

G. Techniques of Analyzing the Data

To analyze questionnaire, the researcher used frequency count. As

stated by Dawson (2002), “…count your responses and reproduce them. This

is called a frequency count…” (p. 123). Each chosen response will be scored

one. All chosen responses in each criterion will be summated and presented in percentage. Hatch and Farhady (1982) stated:

Number of instrumental responses

Percent = (100) ∙ (p. 43) Total number of responses


the report (Braun and Clarke, 2006, p. 16-23). Hence, the data will be coded and then sorted into potential themes based on Zan and Martino (2007) about positive attitude and negative attitude. The positive attitude is due to student who tends to support CALL, to think or to feel good about CALL. On the contrary, the negative attitude is due to student who does not tend to support CALL, to think or to feel good about CALL.

H. Time and Place of the Research




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Enclosure I

No. Subject: …..


Investigating Students' Attitude toward Computer-Assisted Language Learning in EFL Class.

Kuisioner ini dilaksanakan untuk keperluan penelitian demi menempuh gelar sarjana pendidikan di universitas Siliwangi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu sikap anda sebagai pengguna CALL di kelas Structure I terhadap CALL atau pembelajaran bahasa berbantukan komputer. Perlu diketahui bahwa banyak jenis-jenis CALL, diantaranya: websitwebsite internet, youtube, medsos, edmodo, e-learning, google, mp3, dll. Seluruh penggunaan hardisk, software, ataupun internet yang bertujuan mempelajari bahasa adalah termasuk CALL. Identitas partisipan tidak akan dipublikasikan dan akan dijaga kerahasiaannya. Partisipasi kalian sangatlah berharga untuk penelitian ini.

Special Thanks Trisna Gumiwang


PERSONAL INFORMATION: Please tick (√) the appropriate choices

and provide the necessary information below.

Have you studied English via any Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) tool before?

Yes No If yes, can you name it?



SECTION II: Questionnaire

Please read each statement carefully and indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements. Please tick (√) your choices based on the provided criteria.

1. I can access knowledge addition more easily during a CALL class. 2. I feel comfortable enough to share my

ideas in English during CALL classes. 3. 6. CALL is a useful enlargement of

classical learning methods

7. CALL gives flexibility to language learning.

8. CALL is as useful as traditional language learning.

9. CALL can stand alone.

10. CALL builds a more relaxed and stress-free atmosphere.

11. Learning a foreign language assisted by computer enhances your knowledge. 12. I would like to learn foreign language

by computer.

13. The feedback provided by computer is clear.


The feedback provided by computer gives me enough information on where I went wrong.


No. Questions

17. CALL develops my listening skills. 18. CALL develops my speaking skills. 19. CALL develops my grammar. 20. CALL develops my vocabulary


21. CALL allows me to participate in online discussions.

22. Teacher’s enthusiasm in CALL largely defines my own motivation.


Teacher’s proficiency of using

computers in language learning largely defines my own attitude toward CALL. 24. I have faith in computer- based language


25. I have faith in computer- based language exercises.

26 CALL allows me to get immediate feedback from my teacher.

27 I do not have technical problems in using computers during CALL classes. 28 I understand everything we do in CALL


29 It takes less time to explain something during CALL classes.



39 Enclosure II


Attitude toward Computer Assisted Language Learning

No Components Indicators Key words Items


Enclosure III

Table 1: CALL’s Experience Result

CALL Experience Frequency Percent

No, I have not 0 0

Yes, I have 32 100

Kinds of CALL

Edmodo 32 100

E-Learning 2 6.3

Internet Sites 7 21.9

Blogs 4 12.5



47 Enclosure IV



Name : Trisna Gumiwang Place of Birth : Ciamis

Date of Birth : 19th September 1993 Religion : Islam

Address : Ds. Sindangsari RT/RW 06/04 Dusun Kedung Kendal Kec. Banjarsari, Kab. Camis, West Java

Education : 1. MI Al-Ma’arif Kedung Kendal (2000-2006). 2. SMPIT Al-Fawwaz Banjar (2006-2009). 3. SMAN 1 Banjarsari (2009-2012).


Table 2: Questionnaire Result


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