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The Analysis of Nominal Group in the Abstract of Qualitative and

Quantitative Research in English Education Department of Muria Kudus

University in Year 2011


Nur Izzatin Nada NIM 2008–32–305





The Analysis of Nominal Group in the Abstract of Qualitative and Quantitative Research in English Education Department of Muria Kudus

University in Year 2011


Presented to the University of Muria Kudus in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For Completing the Sarjana Program in English Education


Nur Izzatin Nada NIM 2008–32–305





“Do the best thing in your life and do it because of Allah SWT”

“Man jadda wajada”

“Today’s dream is the fact of tomorrow”


This skripsi is dedicated to: My beloved husband, Mas Dian My lovely parents

My beloved sister and brother, Abdullah and putri

All my family

My best friends, Shofa and Syah All my friends




This is to certify that Sarjana Skripsi of Nur Izzatin Nada has been approved by the thesis advisors for further approval by the Examining Committee.

Kudus, 27 September 2012 Advisor 1 :

Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M.Pd NIS. 0610701000001155

Advisor 2:

Dr. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd NIP. 19621219 198703 1 001

Acknowledged by

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Dean,




This is to certify that the Skripsi of Nur Izzatin Nada (NIM 2008-32-305) has been approved by the Examining Committee as a requirement for the Sarjana Degree in the English Education.

Kudus, 27 September 2012 Thesis Examining Committee:

Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M.Pd Chairperson

NIS. 0610701000001155

Dr. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd Member

NIP. 19621219 198703 1 001

Diah Kurniati, M.Pd Member

NIS. 06107010000011590

Dr. H. A. Hilal Madjdi, M.Pd Member

NIS. 0610713020001020 Acknowledged by

The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Dean,


vii conducting this research, I would like to thank all those who have encouragement, advice, guidance, and suggestion. Her appreciation goes to:

1. Drs. Susilo Rahardjo, M.Pd, as the dean of Engish Education Department of the University of Muria Kudus.

2. Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M.Pd, as the head of English Education Department of the University of Muria Kudus who give their wise tuition and solution till this skripsi can be accomplished.

3. Dr. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd, as the advisors who give their wise tuition and solution till this skripsi can be accomplished.

4. All the lectures of English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty the University of Muria Kudus who have been supplying a wide knowledge, giving motivation so that I can finish the skripsi, and also the staffs who give contribution to complete the skripsi. 5. All of my friends at the University of Muria Kudus especially Putri Puji

Lestari, Shofa and titis.



7. Those who can’t be mentioned one by one toward their support to me in completing this research paper.

Finally, I expect this paper will be useful.

Kudus, August 2012 The writer



Nada, Nur Izzatin. 2012. The Analysis of Nominal Group in the Abstract of Qualitative and Quantitative Research in English Education Department of Muria Kudus University in Year 2011. Skripsi. English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisors: (i) Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M.Pd., (ii) Dr. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd.

Keywords: Nominal Group, Abstract of Qualitative Research, Abstract of Quantitative Research

Abstract is one of part in final project consists of background until conclusion. It is covers all of information of it. The information can be packaged more tightly and condensed information. By analyzing nominal group in the abstract of qualitative and quantitative research it can increase ability of learners in mastering nominal group and the result of the research can be used as reference to help the students in having a good ability in written discourse.

The objectives of this research are to find out the elements and the patterns of nominal group structure found in the abstract of qualitative and quantitative Research in English Education Department of Muria Kudus University in Academic Year 2011 and to describe the differences and similarities between the abstract of qualitative and quantitative Research in English Education Department of Muria Kudus University in Academic Year 2011.

The design of the research is the descriptive qualitative. The data of this research is nominal group whereas the data sources of this research are the abstract of qualitative research and the abstract of quantitative research.

The result of the research shows that the elements and the patterns of nominal group are: D+T, D+T+Q, C+T, D+C+T, N+T, T+Q, E+T, D+E+T, D+PD+T, D+N+T, 27,68% and abstract of quantitative research has 31,16% .



Nada, Nur Izzatin. 2012. Analisis Nominal Group di Penelitian Abstraksi Qualitative dan Penelitian Abstraksi Quantitative di Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Muria Kudus.di Skripsi. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muria Kudus. Pembimbing: (i) Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M.Pd., (ii) Dr. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd. Kata Kunci: Nominal Group, Penelitian Abstraksi qualitative, Penelitian Abstraksi Quantitative.

Abstrak adalah salah satu bagian dari skripsi yang dimulai latar belakang sampai penutup. Dia memuat semua informasi. Informasi itu dikemas secara singkat dan padat.

Itu semua karena struktur dari nominal group di penelitian abstraksi qualitative dan penelitian abstraksi quantitative itu harus dikemas. Dengan menganalisis nominal group di itu bisa meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam memahami nominal group dan hasil penelitian ini bisa di gunakan sebagai referensi untuk membantu siswa mempunyai kemampuan yang baik dalam menulis wacana ilmiah.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (i) untuk menemukan bagian-bagian dan pola-pola struktur nominal group yang terdapat dalam abstrak penelitian Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muria Kudus tahun 2011, (ii) untuk menjelaskan perbedaan dan persamaan antara abstrak penelitian Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muria Kudus tahun 2011.

Desain dari penelitian ini adalah deskriptif Kualitatif. Dimana, data penelitian ini adalah nominal group dan sumber data penelitian ini adalah abstrak Penelitian Kualitatif dan abstrak Penelitian Kuantitatif.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bagian-bagian dan pola-pola nominal group yaitu: D+T, D+T+Q, C+T, D+C+T, N+T, T+Q, E+T, D+E+T, D+PD+T, D+N+T, PD+T, N+T+Q, N+C+T, C+T+Q, E+C+T, D+C+T+Q, D+N+T+Q,

D+PD+T+Q, D+E+T+Q, N+C+T+Q, D+PD+C+T, PD+E+T, N+E+T,

D+N+C+T+Q, PD+C+T, PD+T+Q, D+N+E+T, D+E+C+T and D+N+C+T. Perbedaannya adalah total dan jenis tiap-tiap nominal group. Kemudian kesamaan antara abstrak Penelitian Kualitatif dan abstrak Penelitian Kuantitatif adalah persentase terbesar yaitu formula D+T (artikel – benda) yang ditemukan di kedua abstract tersebut. abstrak Penelitian Kualitatif mempunyai 27,68% dan abstrak Penelitian Kuantitatif mempunyai 31,16%.




xii The Elements of Nominal Group Based on Gerot and Wignell ... 13


xiii The Elements of Nominal Group Based on M. A. k. Halliday ... 19

2.4 Abstract of Qualitative and Quantitative Research ... 22

2.5 Previous Study ... 21

2.6 Theoretical Framework ... 23


3.1 Design of the Research ... 25

3.2 Data and Data Source ... 26

3.3 Procedures of Collecting Data ... 26

3.4 Procedures of Analyzing Data ... 27


4.1 Elements and the Pattern of Nominal Group Structure Found in the Abstract of Qualitative and Quantitative Research in English Education Department of Muria Kudus University in Academic Year 2011. ... 30

4.1.1 The Element of Nominal Group in the Abstract of Qualitative Research ... 31

4.1.2 The Element of Nominal Group in the Abstract of Qualitative Research ... 52

4.2 The Differences and the Similarities between the Abstract of Qualitative and Quantitative Research in English Education Department of Muria Kudus University in Academic Year 2011... 74



5.1 Elements and the Pattern of Nominal Group Structure Found in the Abstract of Qualitative and Quantitative Research in English Education

Department of Muria Kudus University in Academic Year 2011. ... 77

5.1.1 The Element of Nominal Group in the Abstract of Qualitative Research ... 78

5.1.2 The Element of Nominal Group in the Abstract of Qualitative Research ... 96

5.2 The Differences and the Similarities between the Abstract of Qualitative and Quantitative Research in English Education Department of Muria Kudus University in Academic Year 2011... 112


6.1 Conclusion ... 116

6.2 Suggestions ... 117





Table Page

3.1 Analysis of nominal group structure elements of the abstract ... 29 4.1 The Mood System of Anger Expression in Avatar Movie” by Juniar

Prabowo ... 31 4.2 Parataxis and Hypotaxis Construction in Hillary Clinton’s and Susilo

Bambang Yudhoyono Scripts” by Dian Rizkiawati ... 33 4.3 The Comparison of Mood Analysis Found in Devil Moy Cry “PC

Game” and Bully Scholarship “PC Game”” by Muhammad Irmawan. ... 35 4.4 Cohesive Devices Found in the Introduction of Journal Article in

Language and Education an International Journal Volume 16 and TEFLIN Journal Volume 17" by Amalia Rahmawati ... 38 4.5 An Analysis of Ideational Meaning in Cosmetic Labels by Ahmad

Alfred Gough and Miles Millar” by Dzikria Novita ... 46 4.9 Theme in Barack Obama’s Speech” by Zakiyah ... 48 4.10 Frequency Table of Nominal Group Patterns in the Abstract of

Qualitative Research in English Education Department of Muria Kudus University in Academic Year 2011 ... 51 4.11 The Effectiveness of Comic Media and Picture Media in Teaching

Vocabulary of the Eight Grade Students in MTS Guppi Banjaran in Academic Year 2010/2011 by Dewi Rusmala ... 53 4.12 The Speaking Ability of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA 1 Kudus

Taught by Using You Tube Video as Media” by Liya Noor Iffah ... 54 4.13 The Students’ Speaking Ability Taught by Using Multimedia System in

I-tutor.net Course Rembang” by Hetty parwaningsih ... 57 4.14 The Reading Ability of Science Field Students (IPA) and Social Field

Students (IPS) of Eleventh Grade Students of SMA N 1 BAE Kudus in Academic Year 2009/2010” by M. Ainur Rofiq ... 58 4.15 The Ability of Reading Narrative Text of the Eight Grade Students of



4.16 The Use of Task Based Learning Methodology to Improve Simple Past Tense Mastery of the Eight Grade Students of MTS Abadiyah Gabus Pati in the Academic Year 2010/2011” by A. Nurul Jannah ... 62 4.17 The Mastery of the English Verb of the Fourth Grade Students of SD N

5 Sukolilo Pati in the Academic Year 2009/2010 taught by Total Physical Response (TPR)” by Rafika Nur Aini ... 65 4.18 The Ability of Reading Report Text of Eleventh Grade Students of

Social Program of SMA NU Al-Ma’ruf Kudus in Academic Year 2009/2010 Taught by Using Mind Mapping” by Fatkur Alam ... 68 4.19 The English Pronunciation Ability of the Fourth Grade Students of SD

N 1 Bakalan Krapyak Kudus in the Academic Year 2011/2012 Taught by Using Phonics Method” by Saadatin Nikmah ... 69 4.20 Frequency Table of Nominal Group patterns in the Abstract of

Quantitative Research in English Education Department of Muria Kudus University in Academic Year 2011 ... 71 4.21 The percentage of each pattern of nominal group in the abstract of

qualitative and quantitative research... 73 4.22 The percentage of each pattern of nominal group in the abstract of




Figure Page


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