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B1J010115 14.


Academic year: 2017

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Teks penuh


Lampiran 1.

Spesifikasi Bahan Dan Peralatan

No. Nama Alat Merek/Tipe Kegunaan Tempat

1. Akuarium - Tempat pemeliharaan

ikan uji

Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan

2. Aerator Amara Sumber oksigen Lab. Struktur

Perkembangan Hewan

3. Timbangan


Ohaus Menimbang bubuk

metiltestosteron dan

aliuzarin red

Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan

4. Gelas ukur Iwaki


Mengukur volume larutan

Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan

5. Beaker glass Iwaki,

PYREX 50ml

Tempat menampung larutan

Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan

6. Milimeter blok - Mengukur panjang

tubuh ikan uji

Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan

7. Pipet tetes - Untuk memindahkan


Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan

8. Timbangan


CHQ Menimbang berat

ikan uji

Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan

9. Piring kecil - Tempat

mencampurkan milt dan sel telur

Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan

10. Mikroskop


Olympus CH20

Mengamati jaringan histologis sirip ikan uji

Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan

11. Termostat Sobo

Akuaking Amara

Setting temperatur Lab. Struktur

Perkembangan Hewan

12. Spuit injeksi OneMed


Untuk injeksi ovaprim ke tubuh induk ikan uji

Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan

13. Saringan - Memisahkan sel telur

dengan seminal plasma sperma pada saat pemijahan

Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan


No. Nama Alat Merek/Tipe Kegunaan Tempat

14. Kamera Nikon Mendokumentasikan

jaringan histologis sirip

Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan

15. Eye piece micrometer

Olympus Mengukur panjang dan

luas sirip ikan uji

Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan

16. Botol sampel - Meletakan sampel

sirip ikan uji

Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan

17. Kertas label - Mencatat informasi


Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan

18. Cavity slide - Meletakkan ikan yang

akan diamati dibawah mikrooskop

Lab. Struktur Perkembangan Hewan

19. Magnetic stirer Menghomogenkan

larutan alizarin red, penjernih A, B, dan C

Lab. Fisiologi Tumbuhan


No. Nama Bahan Spesifikasi Kegunaan

1. Ovaprim Syndel 10ml Induksi induk ikan


2. Alkohol 70% C2H5OH Mol: 46,07 g/mol Pelarut


3. 17α


Mol:302,451 mg/L Larutan yang

digunakan sebagai medium

pemeliharaan ikan uji

4. Pelet Protein 41%, Lemak 6%, Serat 2,5%,

Abu 16%, Kelembaban 11%

Pakan ikan uji

5. KOH 1% Menjernihkan otot

ikan uji

6. Asam asetat glasial Pembuatan larutan

alizarin red

7. Alizarin Red C14H8O4. pH 5,8-7,2 Mewarnai sirip ikan


8. Gliserin PA Pembuatan pewarna

alizarin red

9. Alkohol 1% Pembuatan pewarna

alizarin red

10. KOH 2% Pelarutalizarin red

preparat histologis

11. KOH 4% Pembuatan larutan

penjernih A dan B

12. Gliserin Pembuatan larutan

penjernih A, B dan C

13. Alkohol 96% Fiksasi ikan uji

14. Akuades - Pelarut

15. Larva ikan nilem Usia 1 hari penetasan Ikan uji

16. Induk ikan nilem Matang gonad Penyedia ikan uji


Lampiran 2. Diagram alir penelitian

Pemijahan dan Penyediaan Ikan Uji

Persiapan Bak Pemeliharaan

Pembuatan Medium Pemeliharaan Ikan uji

Pemeliharaan Ikan Uji

Evaluasi Perkembangan sirip secara makroskopis Pengambilan data

perkembangan sirip secara mikroskopis

Pewarnaan sirip menggunakan metode

alizarin red

Evaluasi hasil pewarnaan Analisis Data

Setting temperatur


Lampiran 3. Hasil analisis ANOVA panjang dan luas sirip caudal ikan Nilem


O. hasselti

) yang dipelihara dalam medium dengan temperatur

dan kadar metiltestosteron berbeda.

1. Panjang Sirip Caudal

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects



Type III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept Hypothesis 6.706E7 1 6.706E7 298.947 .000

Error 1345985.642 6 224330.940a

Suhu Hypothesis 260677.867 2 130338.934 .581 .588

Error 1345985.642 6 224330.940a

Suhu * Ulangan Hypothesis 1345985.642 6 224330.940 1.261 .323

Error 3202939.998 18 177941.111b

Hormon Hypothesis 846965.477 3 282321.826 1.587 .227

Error 3202939.998 18 177941.111b

Suhu * Hormon Hypothesis 3178602.112 6 529767.019 2.977 .034

Error 3202939.998 18 177941.111b

a. MS(suhu * ulangan) b. MS(Error)


Panjang Sirip Caudal


perlakuan N Mean


Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower

Bound Upper Bound

t1m1 3 1.1723E3 431.43603 2.49090E2 100.5735 2244.0665 718.36 1577.00

t1m2 3 1.6596E3 89.82171 51.85859 1436.4838 1882.7428 1574.30 1753.35

t1m3 3 1.0961E3 207.11204 1.19576E2 581.6552 1610.6448 868.90 1274.30

t1m4 3 1.2199E3 504.06203 2.91020E2 -32.2262 2472.0928 914.44 1801.73

t2m1 3 2.1562E3 554.19036 3.19962E2 779.5448 3532.9152 1751.19 2787.80

t2m2 3 9.1890E2 456.11008 2.63335E2 -214.1402 2051.9402 439.85 1347.95

t2m3 3 1.7542E3 901.55101 5.20511E2 -485.3269 3993.8269 768.90 2537.80

t2m4 3 1.1037E3 119.19750 68.81871 807.5703 1399.7763 968.90 1195.25

t3m1 3 1.5567E3 313.22895 1.80843E2 778.6295 2334.8372 1195.25 1747.95

t3m2 3 1.3143E3 178.32206 1.02954E2 871.3601 1757.3132 1121.60 1473.46

t3m3 3 1.0117E3 220.48833 1.27299E2 463.9300 1559.3767 786.36 1227.00

t3m4 3 1.4146E3 512.43734 2.95856E2 141.6517 2687.5816 1068.90 2003.35

Total 36 1.3649E3 502.42757 83.73793 1194.8705 1534.8645 439.85 2787.80


Multiple Comparisons

Panjang Sirip Caudal LSD

Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig.

95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

t1m1 t1m2 -487.29333 3.55470E2 .183 -1220.9477 246.3611

t1m3 76.17000 3.55470E2 .832 -657.4844 809.8244

t1m4 -47.61333 3.55470E2 .895 -781.2677 686.0411

t2m1 -983.91000* 3.55470E2 .011 -1717.5644 -250.2556

t2m2 253.42000 3.55470E2 .483 -480.2344 987.0744

t2m3 -581.93000 3.55470E2 .115 -1315.5844 151.7244

t2m4 68.64667 3.55470E2 .848 -665.0077 802.3011

t3m1 -384.41333 3.55470E2 .290 -1118.0677 349.2411

t3m2 -142.01667 3.55470E2 .693 -875.6711 591.6377

t3m3 160.66667 3.55470E2 .655 -572.9877 894.3211

t3m4 -242.29667 3.55470E2 .502 -975.9511 491.3577

t1m2 t1m1 487.29333 3.55470E2 .183 -246.3611 1220.9477

t1m3 563.46333 3.55470E2 .126 -170.1911 1297.1177

t1m4 439.68000 3.55470E2 .228 -293.9744 1173.3344

t2m1 -496.61667 3.55470E2 .175 -1230.2711 237.0377

t2m2 740.71333* 3.55470E2 .048 7.0589 1474.3677

t2m3 -94.63667 3.55470E2 .792 -828.2911 639.0177

t2m4 555.94000 3.55470E2 .131 -177.7144 1289.5944

t3m1 102.88000 3.55470E2 .775 -630.7744 836.5344

t3m2 345.27667 3.55470E2 .341 -388.3777 1078.9311

t3m3 647.96000 3.55470E2 .081 -85.6944 1381.6144

t3m4 244.99667 3.55470E2 .497 -488.6577 978.6511

t1m3 t1m1 -76.17000 3.55470E2 .832 -809.8244 657.4844

t1m2 -563.46333 3.55470E2 .126 -1297.1177 170.1911

t1m4 -123.78333 3.55470E2 .731 -857.4377 609.8711

t2m1 -1060.08000* 3.55470E2 .006 -1793.7344 -326.4256

t2m2 177.25000 3.55470E2 .623 -556.4044 910.9044

t2m3 -658.10000 3.55470E2 .076 -1391.7544 75.5544

t2m4 -7.52333 3.55470E2 .983 -741.1777 726.1311

t3m1 -460.58333 3.55470E2 .207 -1194.2377 273.0711

t3m2 -218.18667 3.55470E2 .545 -951.8411 515.4677

t3m3 84.49667 3.55470E2 .814 -649.1577 818.1511

t3m4 -318.46667 3.55470E2 .379 -1052.1211 415.1877

t1m4 t1m1 47.61333 3.55470E2 .895 -686.0411 781.2677

t1m2 -439.68000 3.55470E2 .228 -1173.3344 293.9744

t1m3 123.78333 3.55470E2 .731 -609.8711 857.4377


t2m1 -936.29667* 3.55470E2 .015 -1669.9511 -202.6423

t2m2 301.03333 3.55470E2 .405 -432.6211 1034.6877

t2m3 -534.31667 3.55470E2 .146 -1267.9711 199.3377

t2m4 116.26000 3.55470E2 .746 -617.3944 849.9144

t3m1 -336.80000 3.55470E2 .353 -1070.4544 396.8544

t3m2 -94.40333 3.55470E2 .793 -828.0577 639.2511

t3m3 208.28000 3.55470E2 .563 -525.3744 941.9344

t3m4 -194.68333 3.55470E2 .589 -928.3377 538.9711

t2m1 t1m1 983.91000* 3.55470E2 .011 250.2556 1717.5644

t1m2 496.61667 3.55470E2 .175 -237.0377 1230.2711

t1m3 1060.08000* 3.55470E2 .006 326.4256 1793.7344

t1m4 936.29667* 3.55470E2 .015 202.6423 1669.9511

t2m2 1237.33000* 3.55470E2 .002 503.6756 1970.9844

t2m3 401.98000 3.55470E2 .269 -331.6744 1135.6344

t2m4 1052.55667* 3.55470E2 .007 318.9023 1786.2111

t3m1 599.49667 3.55470E2 .105 -134.1577 1333.1511

t3m2 841.89333* 3.55470E2 .026 108.2389 1575.5477

t3m3 1144.57667* 3.55470E2 .004 410.9223 1878.2311

t3m4 741.61333* 3.55470E2 .048 7.9589 1475.2677

t2m2 t1m1 -253.42000 3.55470E2 .483 -987.0744 480.2344

t1m2 -740.71333* 3.55470E2 .048 -1474.3677 -7.0589

t1m3 -177.25000 3.55470E2 .623 -910.9044 556.4044

t1m4 -301.03333 3.55470E2 .405 -1034.6877 432.6211

t2m1 -1237.33000* 3.55470E2 .002 -1970.9844 -503.6756

t2m3 -835.35000* 3.55470E2 .027 -1569.0044 -101.6956

t2m4 -184.77333 3.55470E2 .608 -918.4277 548.8811

t3m1 -637.83333 3.55470E2 .085 -1371.4877 95.8211

t3m2 -395.43667 3.55470E2 .277 -1129.0911 338.2177

t3m3 -92.75333 3.55470E2 .796 -826.4077 640.9011

t3m4 -495.71667 3.55470E2 .176 -1229.3711 237.9377

t2m3 t1m1 581.93000 3.55470E2 .115 -151.7244 1315.5844

t1m2 94.63667 3.55470E2 .792 -639.0177 828.2911

t1m3 658.10000 3.55470E2 .076 -75.5544 1391.7544

t1m4 534.31667 3.55470E2 .146 -199.3377 1267.9711

t2m1 -401.98000 3.55470E2 .269 -1135.6344 331.6744

t2m2 835.35000* 3.55470E2 .027 101.6956 1569.0044

t2m4 650.57667 3.55470E2 .080 -83.0777 1384.2311

t3m1 197.51667 3.55470E2 .584 -536.1377 931.1711

t3m2 439.91333 3.55470E2 .228 -293.7411 1173.5677

t3m3 742.59667* 3.55470E2 .047 8.9423 1476.2511

t3m4 339.63333 3.55470E2 .349 -394.0211 1073.2877

t2m4 t1m1 -68.64667 3.55470E2 .848 -802.3011 665.0077


t1m2 -555.94000 3.55470E2 .131 -1289.5944 177.7144

t1m3 7.52333 3.55470E2 .983 -726.1311 741.1777

t1m4 -116.26000 3.55470E2 .746 -849.9144 617.3944

t2m1 -1052.55667* 3.55470E2 .007 -1786.2111 -318.9023

t2m2 184.77333 3.55470E2 .608 -548.8811 918.4277

t2m3 -650.57667 3.55470E2 .080 -1384.2311 83.0777

t3m1 -453.06000 3.55470E2 .215 -1186.7144 280.5944

t3m2 -210.66333 3.55470E2 .559 -944.3177 522.9911

t3m3 92.02000 3.55470E2 .798 -641.6344 825.6744

t3m4 -310.94333 3.55470E2 .390 -1044.5977 422.7111

t3m1 t1m1 384.41333 3.55470E2 .290 -349.2411 1118.0677

t1m2 -102.88000 3.55470E2 .775 -836.5344 630.7744

t1m3 460.58333 3.55470E2 .207 -273.0711 1194.2377

t1m4 336.80000 3.55470E2 .353 -396.8544 1070.4544

t2m1 -599.49667 3.55470E2 .105 -1333.1511 134.1577

t2m2 637.83333 3.55470E2 .085 -95.8211 1371.4877

t2m3 -197.51667 3.55470E2 .584 -931.1711 536.1377

t2m4 453.06000 3.55470E2 .215 -280.5944 1186.7144

t3m2 242.39667 3.55470E2 .502 -491.2577 976.0511

t3m3 545.08000 3.55470E2 .138 -188.5744 1278.7344

t3m4 142.11667 3.55470E2 .693 -591.5377 875.7711

t3m2 t1m1 142.01667 3.55470E2 .693 -591.6377 875.6711

t1m2 -345.27667 3.55470E2 .341 -1078.9311 388.3777

t1m3 218.18667 3.55470E2 .545 -515.4677 951.8411

t1m4 94.40333 3.55470E2 .793 -639.2511 828.0577

t2m1 -841.89333* 3.55470E2 .026 -1575.5477 -108.2389

t2m2 395.43667 3.55470E2 .277 -338.2177 1129.0911

t2m3 -439.91333 3.55470E2 .228 -1173.5677 293.7411

t2m4 210.66333 3.55470E2 .559 -522.9911 944.3177

t3m1 -242.39667 3.55470E2 .502 -976.0511 491.2577

t3m3 302.68333 3.55470E2 .403 -430.9711 1036.3377

t3m4 -100.28000 3.55470E2 .780 -833.9344 633.3744

t3m3 t1m1 -160.66667 3.55470E2 .655 -894.3211 572.9877

t1m2 -647.96000 3.55470E2 .081 -1381.6144 85.6944

t1m3 -84.49667 3.55470E2 .814 -818.1511 649.1577

t1m4 -208.28000 3.55470E2 .563 -941.9344 525.3744

t2m1 -1144.57667* 3.55470E2 .004 -1878.2311 -410.9223

t2m2 92.75333 3.55470E2 .796 -640.9011 826.4077

t2m3 -742.59667* 3.55470E2 .047 -1476.2511 -8.9423

t2m4 -92.02000 3.55470E2 .798 -825.6744 641.6344

t3m1 -545.08000 3.55470E2 .138 -1278.7344 188.5744

t3m2 -302.68333 3.55470E2 .403 -1036.3377 430.9711


t3m4 -402.96333 3.55470E2 .268 -1136.6177 330.6911

t3m4 t1m1 242.29667 3.55470E2 .502 -491.3577 975.9511

t1m2 -244.99667 3.55470E2 .497 -978.6511 488.6577

t1m3 318.46667 3.55470E2 .379 -415.1877 1052.1211

t1m4 194.68333 3.55470E2 .589 -538.9711 928.3377

t2m1 -741.61333* 3.55470E2 .048 -1475.2677 -7.9589

t2m2 495.71667 3.55470E2 .176 -237.9377 1229.3711

t2m3 -339.63333 3.55470E2 .349 -1073.2877 394.0211

t2m4 310.94333 3.55470E2 .390 -422.7111 1044.5977

t3m1 -142.11667 3.55470E2 .693 -875.7711 591.5377

t3m2 100.28000 3.55470E2 .780 -633.3744 833.9344

t3m3 402.96333 3.55470E2 .268 -330.6911 1136.6177

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

2. Luas Sirip Caudal

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:LUAS SIRIP CAUDAL


Type III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept Hypothesis 2.111E7 1 2.111E7 107.748 .000

Error 1175414.280 6 195902.380a

Suhu Hypothesis 1220837.642 2 610418.821 3.116 .118

Error 1175414.280 6 195902.380a

Suhu * Ulangan Hypothesis 1175414.280 6 195902.380 1.057 .423

Error 3336345.851 18 185352.547b

Hormon Hypothesis 2407338.413 3 802446.138 4.329 .018

Error 3336345.851 18 185352.547b

Suhu * Hormon Hypothesis 2797308.143 6 466218.024 2.515 .060

Error 3336345.851 18 185352.547b

a. MS(Suhu * Ulangan)

b. MS(Error)


Multiple Comparisons


Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig.

95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

KONTROL 1,6 nM 568.49444* 2.43383E2 .026 72.7388 1064.2501

16 nM 381.77778 2.43383E2 .127 -113.9779 877.5334

32 nM 681.07889* 2.43383E2 .009 185.3232 1176.8346

1,6 nM KONTROL -568.49444* 2.43383E2 .026 -1064.2501 -72.7388

16 nM -186.71667 2.43383E2 .449 -682.4723 309.0390

32 nM 112.58444 2.43383E2 .647 -383.1712 608.3401

16 nM KONTROL -381.77778 2.43383E2 .127 -877.5334 113.9779

1,6 nM 186.71667 2.43383E2 .449 -309.0390 682.4723

32 nM 299.30111 2.43383E2 .228 -196.4546 795.0568

32 nM KONTROL -681.07889* 2.43383E2 .009 -1176.8346 -185.3232

1,6 nM -112.58444 2.43383E2 .647 -608.3401 383.1712

16 nM -299.30111 2.43383E2 .228 -795.0568 196.4546

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.




eron N Mean


Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower


Upper Bound

KONTROL 9 1.1736E3 595.87269 1.98624E2 715.5361 1631.5927 374.99 2436.05

1,6 nM 9 6.0507E2 305.20786 1.01736E2 370.4665 839.6735 1.75 1081.06

16 nM 9 7.9179E2 775.91967 2.58640E2 195.3620 1388.2113 124.45 2633.48

32 nM 9 4.9249E2 126.37564 42.12521 395.3446 589.6265 222.34 670.93

Total 36 7.6573E2 559.01046 93.16841 576.5847 954.8686 1.75 2633.48


Lampiran 4. Hasil analisis ANOVA panjang dan luas sirip dorsal ikan Nilem


O. hasselti

) yang dipelihara dalam medium dengan temperatur

dan kadar metiltestosteron berbeda.

1. Panjang Sirip Dorsal

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects



Type III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept Hypothesis 1.450E7 1 1.450E7 33.571 .001

Error 2590796.684 6 431799.447a

Suhu Hypothesis 1043037.880 2 521518.940 1.208 .362

Error 2590796.684 6 431799.447a

Suhu * Ulangan Hypothesis 2590796.684 6 431799.447 2.395 .071

Error 3245759.622 18 180319.979b

Hormon Hypothesis 910321.145 3 303440.382 1.683 .206

Error 3245759.622 18 180319.979b

Suhu * Hormon Hypothesis 148539.152 6 24756.525 .137 .989

Error 3245759.622 18 180319.979b

a. MS(Suhu * Ulangan) b. MS(Error)

2. Luas Sirip Dorsal

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:LUAS SIRIP DORSAL


Type III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept Hypothesis 1647188.287 1 1647188.287 14.592 .009

Error 677313.890 6 112885.648a

Suhu Hypothesis 407069.857 2 203534.929 1.803 .244

Error 677313.890 6 112885.648a

Suhu * Ulangan Hypothesis 677313.890 6 112885.648 5.719 .002

Error 355325.747 18 19740.319b

Hormon Hypothesis 344106.914 3 114702.305 5.811 .006

Error 355325.747 18 19740.319b

Suhu * Hormon Hypothesis 651482.341 6 108580.390 5.500 .002

Error 355325.747 18 19740.319b

a. MS(Suhu * Ulangan) b. MS(Error)


Multiple Comparisons


Std. Error Sig.

95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

t1m1 t1m2 -192.74667 1.69365E2 .266 -542.2984 156.8051

t1m3 93.71667 1.69365E2 .585 -255.8351 443.2684

t1m4 26.60333 1.69365E2 .876 -322.9484 376.1551

t2m1 -570.02667* 1.69365E2 .003 -919.5784 -220.4749

t2m2 34.81667 1.69365E2 .839 -314.7351 384.3684

t2m3 -365.24333* 1.69365E2 .041 -714.7951 -15.6916

t2m4 14.68667 1.69365E2 .932 -334.8651 364.2384

t3m1 -97.45333 1.69365E2 .570 -447.0051 252.0984

t3m2 18.96000 1.69365E2 .912 -330.5918 368.5118

t3m3 54.05000 1.69365E2 .752 -295.5018 403.6018

t3m4 109.26000 1.69365E2 .525 -240.2918 458.8118




N Mean


Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower

Bound Upper Bound

t1m1 3 1.4112E2 219.57102 1.26769E2 -404.3213 686.5680 4.32 394.39

t1m2 3 3.3387E2 158.44780 91.47988 -59.7361 727.4761 180.67 497.09

t1m3 3 47.4067 51.59707 29.78958 -80.7676 175.5809 3.24 104.12

t1m4 3 1.1452E2 177.67154 1.02579E2 -326.8406 555.8806 9.05 319.65

t2m1 3 7.1115E2 407.17165 2.35081E2 -300.3204 1722.6204 281.21 1090.90

t2m2 3 1.0631E2 151.33297 87.37213 -269.6253 482.2386 15.68 281.01

t2m3 3 5.0637E2 441.89402 2.55128E2 -591.3589 1604.0923 76.42 959.31

t2m4 3 1.2644E2 111.57109 64.41560 -150.7213 403.5946 3.24 220.67

t3m1 3 2.3858E2 72.51268 41.86522 58.4452 418.7082 154.86 281.75

t3m2 3 1.2216E2 76.66350 44.26169 -68.2794 312.6060 76.42 210.67

t3m3 3 87.0733 21.53881 12.43544 33.5680 140.5787 66.42 109.40

t3m4 3 31.8633 27.66039 15.96973 -36.8489 100.5756 14.86 63.78

Total 36 2.1390E2 263.78014 43.96336 124.6544 303.1551 3.24 1090.90


t1m2 t1m1 192.74667 1.69365E2 .266 -156.8051 542.2984

t1m3 286.46333 1.69365E2 .104 -63.0884 636.0151

t1m4 219.35000 1.69365E2 .208 -130.2018 568.9018

t2m1 -377.28000* 1.69365E2 .036 -726.8318 -27.7282

t2m2 227.56333 1.69365E2 .192 -121.9884 577.1151

t2m3 -172.49667 1.69365E2 .319 -522.0484 177.0551

t2m4 207.43333 1.69365E2 .233 -142.1184 556.9851

t3m1 95.29333 1.69365E2 .579 -254.2584 444.8451

t3m2 211.70667 1.69365E2 .223 -137.8451 561.2584

t3m3 246.79667 1.69365E2 .158 -102.7551 596.3484

t3m4 302.00667 1.69365E2 .087 -47.5451 651.5584

t1m3 t1m1 -93.71667 1.69365E2 .585 -443.2684 255.8351

t1m2 -286.46333 1.69365E2 .104 -636.0151 63.0884

t1m4 -67.11333 1.69365E2 .695 -416.6651 282.4384

t2m1 -663.74333* 1.69365E2 .001 -1013.2951 -314.1916

t2m2 -58.90000 1.69365E2 .731 -408.4518 290.6518

t2m3 -458.96000* 1.69365E2 .012 -808.5118 -109.4082

t2m4 -79.03000 1.69365E2 .645 -428.5818 270.5218

t3m1 -191.17000 1.69365E2 .270 -540.7218 158.3818

t3m2 -74.75667 1.69365E2 .663 -424.3084 274.7951

t3m3 -39.66667 1.69365E2 .817 -389.2184 309.8851

t3m4 15.54333 1.69365E2 .928 -334.0084 365.0951

t1m4 t1m1 -26.60333 1.69365E2 .876 -376.1551 322.9484

t1m2 -219.35000 1.69365E2 .208 -568.9018 130.2018

t1m3 67.11333 1.69365E2 .695 -282.4384 416.6651

t2m1 -596.63000* 1.69365E2 .002 -946.1818 -247.0782

t2m2 8.21333 1.69365E2 .962 -341.3384 357.7651

t2m3 -391.84667* 1.69365E2 .030 -741.3984 -42.2949

t2m4 -11.91667 1.69365E2 .944 -361.4684 337.6351

t3m1 -124.05667 1.69365E2 .471 -473.6084 225.4951

t3m2 -7.64333 1.69365E2 .964 -357.1951 341.9084

t3m3 27.44667 1.69365E2 .873 -322.1051 376.9984

t3m4 82.65667 1.69365E2 .630 -266.8951 432.2084

t2m1 t1m1 570.02667* 1.69365E2 .003 220.4749 919.5784

t1m2 377.28000* 1.69365E2 .036 27.7282 726.8318


t1m3 663.74333* 1.69365E2 .001 314.1916 1013.2951

t1m4 596.63000* 1.69365E2 .002 247.0782 946.1818

t2m2 604.84333* 1.69365E2 .002 255.2916 954.3951

t2m3 204.78333 1.69365E2 .238 -144.7684 554.3351

t2m4 584.71333* 1.69365E2 .002 235.1616 934.2651

t3m1 472.57333* 1.69365E2 .010 123.0216 822.1251

t3m2 588.98667* 1.69365E2 .002 239.4349 938.5384

t3m3 624.07667* 1.69365E2 .001 274.5249 973.6284

t3m4 679.28667* 1.69365E2 .001 329.7349 1028.8384

t2m2 t1m1 -34.81667 1.69365E2 .839 -384.3684 314.7351

t1m2 -227.56333 1.69365E2 .192 -577.1151 121.9884

t1m3 58.90000 1.69365E2 .731 -290.6518 408.4518

t1m4 -8.21333 1.69365E2 .962 -357.7651 341.3384

t2m1 -604.84333* 1.69365E2 .002 -954.3951 -255.2916

t2m3 -400.06000* 1.69365E2 .027 -749.6118 -50.5082

t2m4 -20.13000 1.69365E2 .906 -369.6818 329.4218

t3m1 -132.27000 1.69365E2 .442 -481.8218 217.2818

t3m2 -15.85667 1.69365E2 .926 -365.4084 333.6951

t3m3 19.23333 1.69365E2 .911 -330.3184 368.7851

t3m4 74.44333 1.69365E2 .664 -275.1084 423.9951

t2m3 t1m1 365.24333* 1.69365E2 .041 15.6916 714.7951

t1m2 172.49667 1.69365E2 .319 -177.0551 522.0484

t1m3 458.96000* 1.69365E2 .012 109.4082 808.5118

t1m4 391.84667* 1.69365E2 .030 42.2949 741.3984

t2m1 -204.78333 1.69365E2 .238 -554.3351 144.7684

t2m2 400.06000* 1.69365E2 .027 50.5082 749.6118

t2m4 379.93000* 1.69365E2 .034 30.3782 729.4818

t3m1 267.79000 1.69365E2 .127 -81.7618 617.3418

t3m2 384.20333* 1.69365E2 .033 34.6516 733.7551

t3m3 419.29333* 1.69365E2 .021 69.7416 768.8451

t3m4 474.50333* 1.69365E2 .010 124.9516 824.0551

t2m4 t1m1 -14.68667 1.69365E2 .932 -364.2384 334.8651

t1m2 -207.43333 1.69365E2 .233 -556.9851 142.1184

t1m3 79.03000 1.69365E2 .645 -270.5218 428.5818

t1m4 11.91667 1.69365E2 .944 -337.6351 361.4684


t2m1 -584.71333* 1.69365E2 .002 -934.2651 -235.1616

t2m2 20.13000 1.69365E2 .906 -329.4218 369.6818

t2m3 -379.93000* 1.69365E2 .034 -729.4818 -30.3782

t3m1 -112.14000 1.69365E2 .514 -461.6918 237.4118

t3m2 4.27333 1.69365E2 .980 -345.2784 353.8251

t3m3 39.36333 1.69365E2 .818 -310.1884 388.9151

t3m4 94.57333 1.69365E2 .582 -254.9784 444.1251

t3m1 t1m1 97.45333 1.69365E2 .570 -252.0984 447.0051

t1m2 -95.29333 1.69365E2 .579 -444.8451 254.2584

t1m3 191.17000 1.69365E2 .270 -158.3818 540.7218

t1m4 124.05667 1.69365E2 .471 -225.4951 473.6084

t2m1 -472.57333* 1.69365E2 .010 -822.1251 -123.0216

t2m2 132.27000 1.69365E2 .442 -217.2818 481.8218

t2m3 -267.79000 1.69365E2 .127 -617.3418 81.7618

t2m4 112.14000 1.69365E2 .514 -237.4118 461.6918

t3m2 116.41333 1.69365E2 .498 -233.1384 465.9651

t3m3 151.50333 1.69365E2 .380 -198.0484 501.0551

t3m4 206.71333 1.69365E2 .234 -142.8384 556.2651

t3m2 t1m1 -18.96000 1.69365E2 .912 -368.5118 330.5918

t1m2 -211.70667 1.69365E2 .223 -561.2584 137.8451

t1m3 74.75667 1.69365E2 .663 -274.7951 424.3084

t1m4 7.64333 1.69365E2 .964 -341.9084 357.1951

t2m1 -588.98667* 1.69365E2 .002 -938.5384 -239.4349

t2m2 15.85667 1.69365E2 .926 -333.6951 365.4084

t2m3 -384.20333* 1.69365E2 .033 -733.7551 -34.6516

t2m4 -4.27333 1.69365E2 .980 -353.8251 345.2784

t3m1 -116.41333 1.69365E2 .498 -465.9651 233.1384

t3m3 35.09000 1.69365E2 .838 -314.4618 384.6418

t3m4 90.30000 1.69365E2 .599 -259.2518 439.8518

t3m3 t1m1 -54.05000 1.69365E2 .752 -403.6018 295.5018

t1m2 -246.79667 1.69365E2 .158 -596.3484 102.7551

t1m3 39.66667 1.69365E2 .817 -309.8851 389.2184

t1m4 -27.44667 1.69365E2 .873 -376.9984 322.1051

t2m1 -624.07667* 1.69365E2 .001 -973.6284 -274.5249

t2m2 -19.23333 1.69365E2 .911 -368.7851 330.3184


t2m3 -419.29333* 1.69365E2 .021 -768.8451 -69.7416

t2m4 -39.36333 1.69365E2 .818 -388.9151 310.1884

t3m1 -151.50333 1.69365E2 .380 -501.0551 198.0484

t3m2 -35.09000 1.69365E2 .838 -384.6418 314.4618

t3m4 55.21000 1.69365E2 .747 -294.3418 404.7618

t3m4 t1m1 -109.26000 1.69365E2 .525 -458.8118 240.2918

t1m2 -302.00667 1.69365E2 .087 -651.5584 47.5451

t1m3 -15.54333 1.69365E2 .928 -365.0951 334.0084

t1m4 -82.65667 1.69365E2 .630 -432.2084 266.8951

t2m1 -679.28667* 1.69365E2 .001 -1028.8384 -329.7349

t2m2 -74.44333 1.69365E2 .664 -423.9951 275.1084

t2m3 -474.50333* 1.69365E2 .010 -824.0551 -124.9516

t2m4 -94.57333 1.69365E2 .582 -444.1251 254.9784

t3m1 -206.71333 1.69365E2 .234 -556.2651 142.8384

t3m2 -90.30000 1.69365E2 .599 -439.8518 259.2518

t3m3 -55.21000 1.69365E2 .747 -404.7618 294.3418

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.


Lampiran 5. Hasil analisis ANOVA panjang dan luas sirip pectoral ikan Nilem


O. hasselti

) yang dipelihara dalam medium dengan temperatur

dan kadar metiltestosteron berbeda.

1. Panjang Sirip Pectoral

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects



Type III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept Hypothesis 3.302E7 1 3.302E7 840.711 .000

Error 235660.396 6 39276.733a

Suhu Hypothesis 160167.880 2 80083.940 2.039 .211

Error 235660.396 6 39276.733a

Suhu * Ulangan Hypothesis 235660.396 6 39276.733 .587 .737

Error 1205159.976 18 66953.332b

Hormon Hypothesis 157692.190 3 52564.063 .785 .518

Error 1205159.976 18 66953.332b

Suhu * Hormon Hypothesis 264515.166 6 44085.861 .658 .684

Error 1205159.976 18 66953.332b

a. MS(Suhu * Ulangan) b. MS(Error)

2. Luas Sirip Pectoral

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:LUAS SIRIP PECTORAL


Type III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept Hypothesis 6334122.844 1 6334122.844 212.740 .000

Error 178644.242 6 29774.040a

Suhu Hypothesis 23865.812 2 11932.906 .401 .686

Error 178644.242 6 29774.040a

Suhu * Ulangan Hypothesis 178644.242 6 29774.040 1.594 .206

Error 336287.995 18 18682.666b

Hormon Hypothesis 137784.693 3 45928.231 2.458 .096

Error 336287.995 18 18682.666b

Suhu * Hormon Hypothesis 181570.797 6 30261.800 1.620 .199

Error 336287.995 18 18682.666b

a. MS(Suhu * Ulangan) b. MS(Error)


Lampiran 6. Hasil analisis ANOVA panjang dan luas sirip anal ikan Nilem


O. hasselti

) yang dipelihara dalam medium dengan temperatur

dan kadar metiltestosteron berbeda.

1. Panjang Sirip Anal

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:PANJANG SIRIP ANAL


Type III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept Hypothesis 1.283E7 1 1.283E7 147.247 .000

Error 522773.348 6 87128.891a

Suhu Hypothesis 208797.072 2 104398.536 1.198 .365

Error 522773.348 6 87128.891a

Suhu * Ulangan Hypothesis 522773.348 6 87128.891 1.141 .379

Error 1374520.002 18 76362.222b

Hormon Hypothesis 1099169.873 3 366389.958 4.798 .013

Error 1374520.002 18 76362.222b

Suhu * Hormon Hypothesis 1104762.639 6 184127.107 2.411 .069

Error 1374520.002 18 76362.222b

a. MS(Suhu * Ulangan) b. MS(Error)




testosteron N Mean


Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum

Lower Bound

Upper Bound

KONTROL 9 8.8416E2 380.16387 1.26721E2 591.9402 1176.3798 150.00 1421.60

1,6 nM 9 5.0951E2 214.15475 71.38492 344.8950 674.1228 161.75 837.15

16 nM 9 5.7475E2 360.38300 1.20128E2 297.7329 851.7627 168.10 1421.60

32 nM 9 4.1946E2 284.76991 94.92330 200.5698 638.3569 68.10 866.20

Total 36 5.9697E2 350.91810 58.48635 478.2364 715.7036 68.10 1421.60


Multiple Comparisons







Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig.

95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

KONTROL 1,6 nM 374.65111* 1.49324E2 .017 70.4885 678.8137

16 nM 309.41222* 1.49324E2 .046 5.2496 613.5748

32 nM 464.69667* 1.49324E2 .004 160.5341 768.8592

1,6 nM KONTROL -374.65111* 1.49324E2 .017 -678.8137 -70.4885

16 nM -65.23889 1.49324E2 .665 -369.4015 238.9237

32 nM 90.04556 1.49324E2 .551 -214.1170 394.2081

16 nM KONTROL -309.41222* 1.49324E2 .046 -613.5748 -5.2496

1,6 nM 65.23889 1.49324E2 .665 -238.9237 369.4015

32 nM 155.28444 1.49324E2 .306 -148.8781 459.4470

32 nM KONTROL -464.69667* 1.49324E2 .004 -768.8592 -160.5341

1,6 nM -90.04556 1.49324E2 .551 -394.2081 214.1170

16 nM -155.28444 1.49324E2 .306 -459.4470 148.8781

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

2. Luas Sirip Anal

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:LUAS SIRIP ANAL


Type III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept Hypothesis 277623.610 1 277623.610 28.915 .002

Error 57607.783 6 9601.297a

Suhu Hypothesis 32158.991 2 16079.496 1.675 .264

Error 57607.783 6 9601.297a

Suhu * Ulangan Hypothesis 57607.783 6 9601.297 3.626 .016

Error 47663.751 18 2647.986b

Hormon Hypothesis 48973.522 3 16324.507 6.165 .005

Error 47663.751 18 2647.986b

Suhu * Hormon Hypothesis 67775.931 6 11295.988 4.266 .008

Error 47663.751 18 2647.986b

a. MS(Suhu * Ulangan) b. MS(Error)



Luas Sirip Anal


N Mean


Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound

t1m1 3 42.3467 28.27991 16.32741 -27.9045 112.5978 25.75 75.00

t1m2 3 1.2628E2 45.16820 26.07787 14.0760 238.4840 90.06 176.89

t1m3 3 43.1533 3.18957 1.84150 35.2300 51.0767 41.02 46.82

t1m4 3 38.9433 15.60585 9.01004 .1762 77.7104 21.02 49.52

t2m1 3 2.4781E2 104.98236 60.61160 -12.9807 508.6007 152.16 360.13

t2m2 3 49.9100 26.63805 15.37949 -16.2626 116.0826 21.29 73.98

t2m3 3 1.5797E2 142.16000 82.07611 -195.1750 511.1150 15.81 300.13

t2m4 3 63.5667 77.30838 44.63402 -128.4780 255.6113 6.83 151.62

t3m1 3 1.3891E2 50.00094 28.86805 14.7041 263.1225 101.08 195.60

t3m2 3 38.1533 23.85924 13.77514 -21.1163 97.4230 13.92 61.62

t3m3 3 82.6333 87.14720 50.31446 -133.8523 299.1190 21.55 182.43

t3m4 3 24.1200 31.00330 17.89977 -52.8965 101.1365 3.65 59.79

Total 36 87.8167 85.21904 14.20317 58.9827 116.6506 3.65 360.13

Multiple Comparisons

Luas Sirip Anal LSD

Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig.

95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

t1m1 t1m2 -83.93333 54.07596 .134 -195.5406 27.6740

t1m3 -.80667 54.07596 .988 -112.4140 110.8006

t1m4 3.40333 54.07596 .950 -108.2040 115.0106

t2m1 -205.46333* 54.07596 .001 -317.0706 -93.8560

t2m2 -7.56333 54.07596 .890 -119.1706 104.0440

t2m3 -115.62333* 54.07596 .043 -227.2306 -4.0160

t2m4 -21.22000 54.07596 .698 -132.8273 90.3873

t3m1 -96.56667 54.07596 .087 -208.1740 15.0406

t3m2 4.19333 54.07596 .939 -107.4140 115.8006

t3m3 -40.28667 54.07596 .464 -151.8940 71.3206

t3m4 18.22667 54.07596 .739 -93.3806 129.8340

t1m2 t1m1 83.93333 54.07596 .134 -27.6740 195.5406

t1m3 83.12667 54.07596 .137 -28.4806 194.7340

t1m4 87.33667 54.07596 .119 -24.2706 198.9440

t2m1 -121.53000* 54.07596 .034 -233.1373 -9.9227

t2m2 76.37000 54.07596 .171 -35.2373 187.9773

t2m3 -31.69000 54.07596 .563 -143.2973 79.9173

t2m4 62.71333 54.07596 .258 -48.8940 174.3206


t3m1 -12.63333 54.07596 .817 -124.2406 98.9740

t3m2 88.12667 54.07596 .116 -23.4806 199.7340

t3m3 43.64667 54.07596 .428 -67.9606 155.2540

t3m4 102.16000 54.07596 .071 -9.4473 213.7673

t1m3 t1m1 .80667 54.07596 .988 -110.8006 112.4140

t1m2 -83.12667 54.07596 .137 -194.7340 28.4806

t1m4 4.21000 54.07596 .939 -107.3973 115.8173

t2m1 -204.65667* 54.07596 .001 -316.2640 -93.0494

t2m2 -6.75667 54.07596 .902 -118.3640 104.8506

t2m3 -114.81667* 54.07596 .044 -226.4240 -3.2094

t2m4 -20.41333 54.07596 .709 -132.0206 91.1940

t3m1 -95.76000 54.07596 .089 -207.3673 15.8473

t3m2 5.00000 54.07596 .927 -106.6073 116.6073

t3m3 -39.48000 54.07596 .472 -151.0873 72.1273

t3m4 19.03333 54.07596 .728 -92.5740 130.6406

t1m4 t1m1 -3.40333 54.07596 .950 -115.0106 108.2040

t1m2 -87.33667 54.07596 .119 -198.9440 24.2706

t1m3 -4.21000 54.07596 .939 -115.8173 107.3973

t2m1 -208.86667* 54.07596 .001 -320.4740 -97.2594

t2m2 -10.96667 54.07596 .841 -122.5740 100.6406

t2m3 -119.02667* 54.07596 .038 -230.6340 -7.4194

t2m4 -24.62333 54.07596 .653 -136.2306 86.9840

t3m1 -99.97000 54.07596 .077 -211.5773 11.6373

t3m2 .79000 54.07596 .988 -110.8173 112.3973

t3m3 -43.69000 54.07596 .427 -155.2973 67.9173

t3m4 14.82333 54.07596 .786 -96.7840 126.4306

t2m1 t1m1 205.46333* 54.07596 .001 93.8560 317.0706

t1m2 121.53000* 54.07596 .034 9.9227 233.1373

t1m3 204.65667* 54.07596 .001 93.0494 316.2640

t1m4 208.86667* 54.07596 .001 97.2594 320.4740

t2m2 197.90000* 54.07596 .001 86.2927 309.5073

t2m3 89.84000 54.07596 .110 -21.7673 201.4473

t2m4 184.24333* 54.07596 .002 72.6360 295.8506

t3m1 108.89667 54.07596 .055 -2.7106 220.5040

t3m2 209.65667* 54.07596 .001 98.0494 321.2640

t3m3 165.17667* 54.07596 .005 53.5694 276.7840

t3m4 223.69000* 54.07596 .000 112.0827 335.2973

t2m2 t1m1 7.56333 54.07596 .890 -104.0440 119.1706

t1m2 -76.37000 54.07596 .171 -187.9773 35.2373

t1m3 6.75667 54.07596 .902 -104.8506 118.3640

t1m4 10.96667 54.07596 .841 -100.6406 122.5740

t2m1 -197.90000* 54.07596 .001 -309.5073 -86.2927


t2m3 -108.06000 54.07596 .057 -219.6673 3.5473

t2m4 -13.65667 54.07596 .803 -125.2640 97.9506

t3m1 -89.00333 54.07596 .113 -200.6106 22.6040

t3m2 11.75667 54.07596 .830 -99.8506 123.3640

t3m3 -32.72333 54.07596 .551 -144.3306 78.8840

t3m4 25.79000 54.07596 .638 -85.8173 137.3973

t2m3 t1m1 115.62333* 54.07596 .043 4.0160 227.2306

t1m2 31.69000 54.07596 .563 -79.9173 143.2973

t1m3 114.81667* 54.07596 .044 3.2094 226.4240

t1m4 119.02667* 54.07596 .038 7.4194 230.6340

t2m1 -89.84000 54.07596 .110 -201.4473 21.7673

t2m2 108.06000 54.07596 .057 -3.5473 219.6673

t2m4 94.40333 54.07596 .094 -17.2040 206.0106

t3m1 19.05667 54.07596 .728 -92.5506 130.6640

t3m2 119.81667* 54.07596 .036 8.2094 231.4240

t3m3 75.33667 54.07596 .176 -36.2706 186.9440

t3m4 133.85000* 54.07596 .021 22.2427 245.4573

t2m4 t1m1 21.22000 54.07596 .698 -90.3873 132.8273

t1m2 -62.71333 54.07596 .258 -174.3206 48.8940

t1m3 20.41333 54.07596 .709 -91.1940 132.0206

t1m4 24.62333 54.07596 .653 -86.9840 136.2306

t2m1 -184.24333* 54.07596 .002 -295.8506 -72.6360

t2m2 13.65667 54.07596 .803 -97.9506 125.2640

t2m3 -94.40333 54.07596 .094 -206.0106 17.2040

t3m1 -75.34667 54.07596 .176 -186.9540 36.2606

t3m2 25.41333 54.07596 .643 -86.1940 137.0206

t3m3 -19.06667 54.07596 .727 -130.6740 92.5406

t3m4 39.44667 54.07596 .473 -72.1606 151.0540

t3m1 t1m1 96.56667 54.07596 .087 -15.0406 208.1740

t1m2 12.63333 54.07596 .817 -98.9740 124.2406

t1m3 95.76000 54.07596 .089 -15.8473 207.3673

t1m4 99.97000 54.07596 .077 -11.6373 211.5773

t2m1 -108.89667 54.07596 .055 -220.5040 2.7106

t2m2 89.00333 54.07596 .113 -22.6040 200.6106

t2m3 -19.05667 54.07596 .728 -130.6640 92.5506

t2m4 75.34667 54.07596 .176 -36.2606 186.9540

t3m2 100.76000 54.07596 .075 -10.8473 212.3673

t3m3 56.28000 54.07596 .308 -55.3273 167.8873

t3m4 114.79333* 54.07596 .044 3.1860 226.4006

t3m2 t1m1 -4.19333 54.07596 .939 -115.8006 107.4140

t1m2 -88.12667 54.07596 .116 -199.7340 23.4806

t1m3 -5.00000 54.07596 .927 -116.6073 106.6073


t1m4 -.79000 54.07596 .988 -112.3973 110.8173

t2m1 -209.65667* 54.07596 .001 -321.2640 -98.0494

t2m2 -11.75667 54.07596 .830 -123.3640 99.8506

t2m3 -119.81667* 54.07596 .036 -231.4240 -8.2094

t2m4 -25.41333 54.07596 .643 -137.0206 86.1940

t3m1 -100.76000 54.07596 .075 -212.3673 10.8473

t3m3 -44.48000 54.07596 .419 -156.0873 67.1273

t3m4 14.03333 54.07596 .797 -97.5740 125.6406

t3m3 t1m1 40.28667 54.07596 .464 -71.3206 151.8940

t1m2 -43.64667 54.07596 .428 -155.2540 67.9606

t1m3 39.48000 54.07596 .472 -72.1273 151.0873

t1m4 43.69000 54.07596 .427 -67.9173 155.2973

t2m1 -165.17667* 54.07596 .005 -276.7840 -53.5694

t2m2 32.72333 54.07596 .551 -78.8840 144.3306

t2m3 -75.33667 54.07596 .176 -186.9440 36.2706

t2m4 19.06667 54.07596 .727 -92.5406 130.6740

t3m1 -56.28000 54.07596 .308 -167.8873 55.3273

t3m2 44.48000 54.07596 .419 -67.1273 156.0873

t3m4 58.51333 54.07596 .290 -53.0940 170.1206

t3m4 t1m1 -18.22667 54.07596 .739 -129.8340 93.3806

t1m2 -102.16000 54.07596 .071 -213.7673 9.4473

t1m3 -19.03333 54.07596 .728 -130.6406 92.5740

t1m4 -14.82333 54.07596 .786 -126.4306 96.7840

t2m1 -223.69000* 54.07596 .000 -335.2973 -112.0827

t2m2 -25.79000 54.07596 .638 -137.3973 85.8173

t2m3 -133.85000* 54.07596 .021 -245.4573 -22.2427

t2m4 -39.44667 54.07596 .473 -151.0540 72.1606

t3m1 -114.79333* 54.07596 .044 -226.4006 -3.1860

t3m2 -14.03333 54.07596 .797 -125.6406 97.5740

t3m3 -58.51333 54.07596 .290 -170.1206 53.0940

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.


Lampiran 7. Hasil analisis ANOVA panjang dan luas sirip abdominal ikan

Nilem (

O. hasselti

) yang dipelihara dalam medium dengan

temperatur dan kadar metiltestosteron berbeda.

1. Panjang Sirip Abdominal

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects



Type III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept Hypothesis 3.035E7 1 3.035E7 148.719 .000

Error 1224357.107 6 204059.518a

Suhu Hypothesis 3807916.632 2 1903958.316 9.330 .014

Error 1224357.107 6 204059.518a

Suhu * Ulangan Hypothesis 1224357.107 6 204059.518 1.083 .409

Error 3391247.814 18 188402.656b

Hormon Hypothesis 547611.738 3 182537.246 .969 .429

Error 3391247.814 18 188402.656b

Suhu * Hormon Hypothesis 705800.436 6 117633.406 .624 .709

Error 3391247.814 18 188402.656b

a. MS(Suhu * Ulangan) b. MS(Error)



Temperat ur

N Mean


Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower


Upper Bound

RUANG 12 7.3494E2 483.85867 1.39678E2 427.5067 1042.3650 303.24 2021.60

27 C 12 1.3751E3 500.37365 1.44445E2 1057.1869 1693.0314 657.02 2274.30

30 C 12 6.4438E2 221.48140 63.93617 503.6624 785.1076 277.97 985.53

Total 36 9.1814E2 525.81729 87.63621 740.2324 1096.0543 277.97 2274.30

2. Luas Sirip Abdominal

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects



Type III Sum

of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept Hypothesis 210752.151 1 210752.151 12.458 .012

Error 101504.462 6 16917.410a

Suhu Hypothesis 50137.835 2 25068.917 1.482 .300

Error 101504.462 6 16917.410a

Suhu * Ulangan Hypothesis 101504.462 6 16917.410 2.085 .106

Error 146046.438 18 8113.691b

Hormon Hypothesis 29179.143 3 9726.381 1.199 .339

Error 146046.438 18 8113.691b


Suhu * Hormon Hypothesis 93295.429 6 15549.238 1.916 .133

Error 146046.438 18 8113.691b

a. MS(Suhu * Ulangan) b. MS(Error)


Lampiran 8. Hasil analisis ANOVA panjang tubuh ikan Nilem (

O. hasselti


yang dipelihara dalam medium dengan temperatur dan kadar

metiltestosteron berbeda.

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable:PANJANG TUBUH


Type III Sum of

Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Intercept Hypothesis 1854.738 1 1854.738 520.108 .000

Error 21.396 6 3.566a

Suhu Hypothesis 10.089 2 5.044 1.415 .314

Error 21.396 6 3.566a

Suhu * ulangan Hypothesis 21.396 6 3.566 1.353 .286

Error 47.444 18 2.636b

Hormon Hypothesis .616 3 .205 .078 .971

Error 47.444 18 2.636b

Suhu * hormon Hypothesis 69.444 6 11.574 4.391 .007

Error 47.444 18 2.636b

a. MS(suhu * ulangan) b. MS(Error)


Panjang Tubuh


Perlakuan N Mean

Std. Deviation

Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower

Bound Upper Bound

t1m1 3 6.3500 1.05825 .61098 3.7212 8.9788 5.13 7.02

t1m2 3 7.3900 1.58767 .91664 3.4460 11.3340 6.02 9.13

t1m3 3 6.1267 1.01908 .58837 3.5951 8.6582 5.24 7.24

t1m4 3 6.9333 1.39543 .80565 3.4669 10.3998 5.45 8.22

t2m1 3 9.5733 2.05627 1.18719 4.4653 14.6814 7.56 11.67

t2m2 3 4.3700 .66363 .38314 2.7215 6.0185 3.67 4.99

t2m3 3 7.6267 3.14518 1.81587 -.1864 15.4397 4.22 10.42

t2m4 3 6.1000 2.05939 1.18899 .9842 11.2158 4.61 8.45

t3m1 3 5.6800 1.49369 .86238 1.9695 9.3905 4.42 7.33

t3m2 3 9.4600 1.19578 .69039 6.4895 12.4305 8.24 10.63

t3m3 3 8.3933 2.30622 1.33149 2.6644 14.1223 5.90 10.45

t3m4 3 8.1300 .11000 .06351 7.8567 8.4033 8.02 8.24

Total 36 7.1778 2.06321 .34387 6.4797 7.8759 3.67 11.67


Multiple Comparisons

Panjang Tubuh LSD Difference

(I-J) Std. Error Sig.

95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

t1m1 t1m2 -1.04000 1.38283 .459 -3.8940 1.8140

t1m3 .22333 1.38283 .873 -2.6307 3.0774

t1m4 -.58333 1.38283 .677 -3.4374 2.2707

t2m1 -3.22333* 1.38283 .028 -6.0774 -.3693

t2m2 1.98000 1.38283 .165 -.8740 4.8340

t2m3 -1.27667 1.38283 .365 -4.1307 1.5774

t2m4 .25000 1.38283 .858 -2.6040 3.1040

t3m1 .67000 1.38283 .632 -2.1840 3.5240

t3m2 -3.11000* 1.38283 .034 -5.9640 -.2560

t3m3 -2.04333 1.38283 .153 -4.8974 .8107

t3m4 -1.78000 1.38283 .210 -4.6340 1.0740

t1m2 t1m1 1.04000 1.38283 .459 -1.8140 3.8940

t1m3 1.26333 1.38283 .370 -1.5907 4.1174

t1m4 .45667 1.38283 .744 -2.3974 3.3107

t2m1 -2.18333 1.38283 .127 -5.0374 .6707

t2m2 3.02000* 1.38283 .039 .1660 5.8740

t2m3 -.23667 1.38283 .866 -3.0907 2.6174

t2m4 1.29000 1.38283 .360 -1.5640 4.1440

t3m1 1.71000 1.38283 .228 -1.1440 4.5640

t3m2 -2.07000 1.38283 .147 -4.9240 .7840

t3m3 -1.00333 1.38283 .475 -3.8574 1.8507

t3m4 -.74000 1.38283 .597 -3.5940 2.1140

t1m3 t1m1 -.22333 1.38283 .873 -3.0774 2.6307

t1m2 -1.26333 1.38283 .370 -4.1174 1.5907

t1m4 -.80667 1.38283 .565 -3.6607 2.0474

t2m1 -3.44667* 1.38283 .020 -6.3007 -.5926

t2m2 1.75667 1.38283 .216 -1.0974 4.6107

t2m3 -1.50000 1.38283 .289 -4.3540 1.3540

t2m4 .02667 1.38283 .985 -2.8274 2.8807

t3m1 .44667 1.38283 .749 -2.4074 3.3007

t3m2 -3.33333* 1.38283 .024 -6.1874 -.4793

t3m3 -2.26667 1.38283 .114 -5.1207 .5874

t3m4 -2.00333 1.38283 .160 -4.8574 .8507

t1m4 t1m1 .58333 1.38283 .677 -2.2707 3.4374

t1m2 -.45667 1.38283 .744 -3.3107 2.3974

t1m3 .80667 1.38283 .565 -2.0474 3.6607


t2m1 -2.64000 1.38283 .068 -5.4940 .2140

t2m2 2.56333 1.38283 .076 -.2907 5.4174

t2m3 -.69333 1.38283 .621 -3.5474 2.1607

t2m4 .83333 1.38283 .552 -2.0207 3.6874

t3m1 1.25333 1.38283 .374 -1.6007 4.1074

t3m2 -2.52667 1.38283 .080 -5.3807 .3274

t3m3 -1.46000 1.38283 .302 -4.3140 1.3940

t3m4 -1.19667 1.38283 .395 -4.0507 1.6574

t2m1 t1m1 3.22333* 1.38283 .028 .3693 6.0774

t1m2 2.18333 1.38283 .127 -.6707 5.0374

t1m3 3.44667* 1.38283 .020 .5926 6.3007

t1m4 2.64000 1.38283 .068 -.2140 5.4940

t2m2 5.20333* 1.38283 .001 2.3493 8.0574

t2m3 1.94667 1.38283 .172 -.9074 4.8007

t2m4 3.47333* 1.38283 .019 .6193 6.3274

t3m1 3.89333* 1.38283 .010 1.0393 6.7474

t3m2 .11333 1.38283 .935 -2.7407 2.9674

t3m3 1.18000 1.38283 .402 -1.6740 4.0340

t3m4 1.44333 1.38283 .307 -1.4107 4.2974

t2m2 t1m1 -1.98000 1.38283 .165 -4.8340 .8740

t1m2 -3.02000* 1.38283 .039 -5.8740 -.1660

t1m3 -1.75667 1.38283 .216 -4.6107 1.0974

t1m4 -2.56333 1.38283 .076 -5.4174 .2907

t2m1 -5.20333* 1.38283 .001 -8.0574 -2.3493

t2m3 -3.25667* 1.38283 .027 -6.1107 -.4026

t2m4 -1.73000 1.38283 .223 -4.5840 1.1240

t3m1 -1.31000 1.38283 .353 -4.1640 1.5440

t3m2 -5.09000* 1.38283 .001 -7.9440 -2.2360

t3m3 -4.02333* 1.38283 .008 -6.8774 -1.1693

t3m4 -3.76000* 1.38283 .012 -6.6140 -.9060

t2m3 t1m1 1.27667 1.38283 .365 -1.5774 4.1307

t1m2 .23667 1.38283 .866 -2.6174 3.0907

t1m3 1.50000 1.38283 .289 -1.3540 4.3540

t1m4 .69333 1.38283 .621 -2.1607 3.5474

t2m1 -1.94667 1.38283 .172 -4.8007 .9074

t2m2 3.25667* 1.38283 .027 .4026 6.1107

t2m4 1.52667 1.38283 .281 -1.3274 4.3807

t3m1 1.94667 1.38283 .172 -.9074 4.8007

t3m2 -1.83333 1.38283 .197 -4.6874 1.0207

t3m3 -.76667 1.38283 .584 -3.6207 2.0874

t3m4 -.50333 1.38283 .719 -3.3574 2.3507

t2m4 t1m1 -.25000 1.38283 .858 -3.1040 2.6040


t1m2 -1.29000 1.38283 .360 -4.1440 1.5640

t1m3 -.02667 1.38283 .985 -2.8807 2.8274

t1m4 -.83333 1.38283 .552 -3.6874 2.0207

t2m1 -3.47333* 1.38283 .019 -6.3274 -.6193

t2m2 1.73000 1.38283 .223 -1.1240 4.5840

t2m3 -1.52667 1.38283 .281 -4.3807 1.3274

t3m1 .42000 1.38283 .764 -2.4340 3.2740

t3m2 -3.36000* 1.38283 .023 -6.2140 -.5060

t3m3 -2.29333 1.38283 .110 -5.1474 .5607

t3m4 -2.03000 1.38283 .155 -4.8840 .8240

t3m1 t1m1 -.67000 1.38283 .632 -3.5240 2.1840

t1m2 -1.71000 1.38283 .228 -4.5640 1.1440

t1m3 -.44667 1.38283 .749 -3.3007 2.4074

t1m4 -1.25333 1.38283 .374 -4.1074 1.6007

t2m1 -3.89333* 1.38283 .010 -6.7474 -1.0393

t2m2 1.31000 1.38283 .353 -1.5440 4.1640

t2m3 -1.94667 1.38283 .172 -4.8007 .9074

t2m4 -.42000 1.38283 .764 -3.2740 2.4340

t3m2 -3.78000* 1.38283 .012 -6.6340 -.9260

t3m3 -2.71333 1.38283 .061 -5.5674 .1407

t3m4 -2.45000 1.38283 .089 -5.3040 .4040

t3m2 t1m1 3.11000* 1.38283 .034 .2560 5.9640

t1m2 2.07000 1.38283 .147 -.7840 4.9240

t1m3 3.33333* 1.38283 .024 .4793 6.1874

t1m4 2.52667 1.38283 .080 -.3274 5.3807

t2m1 -.11333 1.38283 .935 -2.9674 2.7407

t2m2 5.09000* 1.38283 .001 2.2360 7.9440

t2m3 1.83333 1.38283 .197 -1.0207 4.6874

t2m4 3.36000* 1.38283 .023 .5060 6.2140

t3m1 3.78000* 1.38283 .012 .9260 6.6340

t3m3 1.06667 1.38283 .448 -1.7874 3.9207

t3m4 1.33000 1.38283 .346 -1.5240 4.1840

t3m3 t1m1 2.04333 1.38283 .153 -.8107 4.8974

t1m2 1.00333 1.38283 .475 -1.8507 3.8574

t1m3 2.26667 1.38283 .114 -.5874 5.1207

t1m4 1.46000 1.38283 .302 -1.3940 4.3140

t2m1 -1.18000 1.38283 .402 -4.0340 1.6740

t2m2 4.02333* 1.38283 .008 1.1693 6.8774

t2m3 .76667 1.38283 .584 -2.0874 3.6207

t2m4 2.29333 1.38283 .110 -.5607 5.1474

t3m1 2.71333 1.38283 .061 -.1407 5.5674

t3m2 -1.06667 1.38283 .448 -3.9207 1.7874


t3m4 .26333 1.38283 .851 -2.5907 3.1174

t3m4 t1m1 1.78000 1.38283 .210 -1.0740 4.6340

t1m2 .74000 1.38283 .597 -2.1140 3.5940

t1m3 2.00333 1.38283 .160 -.8507 4.8574

t1m4 1.19667 1.38283 .395 -1.6574 4.0507

t2m1 -1.44333 1.38283 .307 -4.2974 1.4107

t2m2 3.76000* 1.38283 .012 .9060 6.6140

t2m3 .50333 1.38283 .719 -2.3507 3.3574

t2m4 2.03000 1.38283 .155 -.8240 4.8840

t3m1 2.45000 1.38283 .089 -.4040 5.3040

t3m2 -1.33000 1.38283 .346 -4.1840 1.5240

t3m3 -.26333 1.38283 .851 -3.1174 2.5907

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.


Garis besar

Dokumen terkait

Sehubungan dengan telah berakhirnya masa sanggah terhadap Pengumuman Hasil Kualifikasi Nomor : 602.1/07/SS-TAPEM/POKJA-SETDA/STG/X/2014, tanggal 10 Oktober 2014 untuk

berarti Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Round Robin Brainstorming berbantuan Hypnoteaching. berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri

Berdasarkan jawaban dan wawancara terhadap subjek S3 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa subjek S3 hanya mencapai level 0 (Pengenalan), terbukti dengan subjek dapat menjawab soal nomor

Sehubungan dengan telah dilakukannya evaluasi administrasi, teknis dan kewajaran harga serta isian Dokumen Kualifikasi untuk penawaran paket pekerjaan tersebut

Subjek berkemampuan matematika sedang dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita tentang kerangka balok dan luas permukaan kubus mengalami asimilasi dan ekuilibrium dalam

Sehubungan dengan telah dilakukannya evaluasi administrasi, teknis dan kewajaran harga serta formulir isian Dokumen Kualifikasi untuk penawaran paket pekerjaan tersebut diatas,

Diproduksi oleh: Junaidi ( http://junaidichaniago.wordpress.com )... Diproduksi oleh: Junaidi (

pendapatan nasional merupakan barang dan jasa selama 1 tahun sedangkan pendapatan perkapita adalah pendapatan rata-rata penduduk1. pendapatan nasional dihitung pada tahun anggaran