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pesta modul drk Referensi 6b


Academic year: 2017

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The study includes 26 cement dust samples collected from differ- ent points on dry process lines in four of the major cement plants in the United Arab Emirates.. The collected

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This results in a mean chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal of 60 per cent for tannery B and more than 70 per cent for tanneries A and C with COD o = 5,710mg l –1 and mean

Disampaikan dengan hormat, bahwa dalam rangka pelaksanaan Program Kurikulum SMK diharuskan melaksanakan Pendidikan Sistem Ganda (PSG), guna memberikan pengalaman kerja dan

Presents fi ndings from an investigation of the adoption of different “ abatement” technologies in 30 Danish fi rms, encompassing tradi- tional iron manufacturers and electroplating

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya,bahwa saya telah menerima subsidi tunjangn sertifikasi sebesar Rp.8.550.000,( Delapan Juta Lima Ratus Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah )-untuk

Empha- sizes its importance as one contribution that attempts to prevent the destruction of the world in which we live.. Stresses that it is everyone’s responsibility – that of