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Diana Kumalasari 22010112140041 Lap.KTI Bab7


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Case Processing Summary


13.4333 13.3667 16.6167 1.53188 3.02567 1.53286 13.0000 13.9500 16.7500

11.80 9.60 14.60

15.40 16.40 18.30

6 6 6

9.2167 12.2000 11.8000

2.46205 5.79310 6.95270

8.8000 10.6500 9.6500

6.30 6.60 5.20

13.40 22.10 23.60

12 12 12

11.3250 12.7833 14.2083 2.94468 4.44825 5.41923 12.0000 12.6000 15.6500

6.30 6.60 5.20

15.40 22.10 23.60


Setelah LPS Melat onin 1 Melat onin 2

Tests of Normality

.878 6 .260

Melat onin 1

Melat onin 2

St at ist ic df Sig. Shapiro-Wilk

Lillief ors Signif icance Correction a.


Setelah LPS

Melatonin 1


Kelompok Kontrol


Paired Samples Statistics

13.4333 6 1.53188 .62539

13.3667 6 3.02567 1.23522

13.3667 6 3.02567 1.23522

16.6167 6 1.53286 .62579

13.4333 6 1.53188 .62539

16.6167 6 1.53286 .62579

Setelah LPS Melat onin 1 Pair


Melat onin 1 Melat onin 2 Pair


Setelah LPS Melat onin 2 Pair


Mean N St d. Dev iation

St d. Error Mean

Paired Samples Correlations

6 .679 .138

6 .954 .003

6 .725 .103

Setelah LPS & Melatonin 1

Pair 1

Melat onin 1 & Melat onin 2 Pair 2

Setelah LPS & Melatonin 2

Pair 3

N Correlation Sig.

Paired Samples Test

.06667 -3.25000 -3.18333 2.28269 1.62819 1.13739

.93190 .66471 .46434

-2.32887 -4.95868 -4.37696 2.46220 -1.54132 -1.98971

.072 -4.889 -6.856

5 5 5

.946 .005 .001

Mean Std. Dev iation Std. Error Mean

Lower Upper 95% Confidence Interv al of the Dif ference Paired Diff erences

t df

Sig. (2-tailed)

Setelah LPS -Melatonin 1

Pair 1

Melatonin 1 -Melatonin 2

Pair 2

Setelah LPS -Melatonin 2


Kelompok Perlakuan


Paired Samples Statistics

9.2167 6 2.46205 1.00513

12.2000 6 5.79310 2.36502

12.2000 6 5.79310 2.36502

11.8000 6 6.95270 2.83843

9.2167 6 2.46205 1.00513

11.8000 6 6.95270 2.83843

Setelah LPS Melat onin 1 Pair


Melat onin 1 Melat onin 2 Pair


Setelah LPS Melat onin 2 Pair


Mean N St d. Dev iation

St d. Error Mean

Paired Samples Correlations

6 .716 .110

6 .586 .221

6 .667 .148

Setelah LPS & Melatonin 1

Pair 1

Melat onin 1 & Melat onin 2 Pair 2

Setelah LPS & Melatonin 2

Pair 3

N Correlation Sig.

Paired Samples Test

-2.98333 .40000 -2.58333 4.38197 5.88761 5.61833

1.78893 2.40361 2.29367

-7.58193 -5.77867 -8.47941 1.61526 6.57867 3.31275

-1.668 .166 -1.126

5 5 5

.156 .874 .311

Mean Std. Dev iation Std. Error Mean

Lower Upper 95% Confidence Interv al of the Dif f erence Paired Diff erences

t df

Sig. (2-tailed)

Setelah LPS -Melatonin 1

Pair 1

Melatonin 1 -Melatonin 2

Pair 2

Setelah LPS -Melatonin 2




Group Statistics

6 13.4333 1.53188 .62539

6 9.2167 2.46205 1.00513


Independent Samples Test


Equality of Variances t df

Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Dif f erence

Std. Error Dif f erence

Lower Upper 95% Conf idence Interv al of the Dif f erence t-test f or Equality of


Equal v ariances assumed

Equal v ariances not assumed Setelah LPS

Group Statistics

6 13.3667 3.02567 1.23522

6 12.2000 5.79310 2.36502

Kelompok Kontrol Perlakuan Melat onin 1

N Mean Std. Dev iat ion

Std. Error Mean

Independent Samples Test


Equality of Variances t df

Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Dif f erence

Std. Error Dif f erence

Lower Upper 95% Conf idence Interv al of the Dif f erence t-test f or Equality of


Equal v ariances assumed



Group Statistics

6 16.6167 1.53286 .62579

6 11.8000 6.95270 2.83843

Kelompok Kontrol Perlakuan Melat onin 2

N Mean Std. Dev iat ion

Std. Error Mean

Independent Samples Test


Equality of Variances t df

Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Dif f erence

Std. Error Dif f erence

Lower Upper 95% Conf idence Interv al of the Dif f erence t-test f or Equality of


Equal v ariances assumed

Equal v ariances not assumed Melat onin 2

Case Summaries - Melatonin 1



- Melatonin 1

Selisih Setelah LPS - Melatonin 2

Tests of Normality

.883 6 .282


Selisih Setelah LPS - Melatonin 1



NPar Tests

Mann-Whitney Test

Group Statisti cs

6 -.0667 2.28269 .93190

6 2.9833 4.38197 1.78893

Kelompok Kontrol Perlakuan Selisih Setelah

LPS - Melatonin 1

N Mean St d. Dev iation

St d. Error Mean

Independent Samples Test


Equality of Variances t df

Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Dif f erence

Std. Error Dif f erence

Lower Upper 95% Conf idence Interv al of the Dif f erence t-test f or Equality of


Equal v ariances assumed

Equal v ariances not assumed Selisih Setelah LPS - Melatonin 1

Ranks Selisih Setelah

LPS - Melat onin 2

N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Test Statisticsb

10.500 31.500 -1.203 .229

.240a Mann-Whitney U

Wilcoxon W Z

Asy mp. Sig. (2-tailed) Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)]

Selisih Setelah LPS - Melatonin 2

Not corrected f or ties. a.






Nama : Diana Kumalasari

NIM : 22010112140041

Tempat/tanggal lahir : Ambon/20 Oktober 1993 Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan

Alamat : Jl. Meranti Raya No.313, Banyumanik, Semarang Nomor Telepon : : -

Nomor HP : 081226593317

e-mail : dianakumalasari@yahoo.com

Riwayat Pendidikan Formal

1. SD : SD N 09-10 Semarang Lulus tahun : 2005

2. SMP : SMP N 21 Semarang Lulus tahun : 2008

3. SMA : SMA N 4 Semarang Lulus tahun : 2011

4. FK UNDIP : Masuk tahun : 2012

Keanggotaan Organisasi


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