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Bahan Mata Kuliah Matematika Ekonomi Gratis Terbaru - Kosngosan Situs Anak Kost Mahasiswa Pelajar Course 5


Academic year: 2017

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(Course 5)







 In economic modelling we work with the simples function that can

adequately represent a relationship, but sometimes a curve rather than a straight line is required.

 We used quadratic functions to represent total revenue and

average variable cost

 General form : y = ax2 + bx + c

where a, b, and c are constants. When you sketch a quadratic

function you find it has either a hill or U shape and that generally two values of x give the same value of y.

 A quadratic function has a term in x2 but no higher powers of x.  A quadratic equation  you can solve it graphically or sometimes

by factorizing it or by using the formula.

 We first write it in the form ax2 + bx +c = 0. The value(s) of

x for which this equation is true can be found graphically by plotting


Algebraic methods are more accurate than graphical ones,

but the

squared term means we need a special technique. Sometimes

factori- zing the expression helps. Consider for example:



- 20x = 0

Since each term is divisible by 5x we can factorize the left hand

side and write: 5x(x-4) = 0

There are now two term multiplied together, 5x and (x-4). For

their product to be 0, one of term must be zero. This mean

either 5x = 0 or (x-4) =0.

If 5x = 0, dividing by 5 we find that x = 0 and this one possible

solution to the equation.

If x – 4 = 0, adding 4 to both sides we find that x = 4, which is

the other possible solution.


A more general method for solving the quadratic equation ax2+bx

+c =0 uses a formula:




– 4ac

x =


Where a is the coefficient of x


, b is the coefficient of x and c is the

constant term.

Example: 8x


– 20x + 3 = 0

We identify a= 8, b= -20 and c= 3. Notice that the sign of the

coefficient must be included. Begin the calculating the expression

the square root sign. This gives:



– 4ac = (-20)


– (4 . 8 . 3) = 400 – 96 = 304

We take the square root of this value and obtain 17.436. substituting

this result , -b and a into the formula gives: 20


x =


x = 37.436/16= 2.34 or x = 2.564/16 = 0.16




Quadratic equation arise in economics when we want to

discover where a quadratic function, say marginal cost,

cuts another quadratic function, say average variable

cost, or cuts a linier function, say marginal revenue.

We equate the two functional expressions, then subtract

the right hand side from both sides so that the value on

the right becomes zero.

After collecting term we solve the quadratic equation

using one of the methods explained above.


 To maximize profits the firm chooses to produce where marginal cost

equals marginal revenue. Equating the MC and MR functions we have that: 3Q2 – 32Q + 96 = 236 – 16Q

Subtracting the right hand side from both sides gives: 3Q2 – 32Q + 96 – (236 – 16Q) = 0

Removing the bracket gives

3Q2 – 32Q + 96 – 236 + 16Q =0

And by collecting term we obtain:

3Q2 – 16Q – 140 = 0


b2 – 4ac

We now use the formula for solving a quadratic equation: x = ---2a

where a= 3, b= -16, and c = -140. Calculating the expression within the square root sign gives: b2 – 4ac = (-16)2 – (4 . 3. -140) = 256 + 1680 =


1936 = 44. We have them:

x = (1644) / (2 . 3) = 60/6 or -28/6




When economists model how market operate, they often

use different equations to represent different aspects of the


For market equilibrium, they values of the variables are

such that are true simultaneously.

Quantity demanded and quantity supplied are function pf

price (P). In equilibrium these quantities are equal.

To solve for equilibrium values, we equate the two

expression in P, thus eliminating Q. We obtain an equation

which we can solve for P.

Another method of eliminating a variable is to subtract (or


 Solve the simultaneous equation 2x + 4y = 20 and 3x + 5y = 28

 For ease of reference we number the equation

2x + 4y = 20 ….. (1) 3x + 5y = 28 ……(2)

we choose the variable to be eliminated, say x. We need to get x with the same coefficient in both equation. Using x’s coefficient in the other

equation, we multiply through equation (1) by 3 and equation (2) by 2. This give:

6x + 12y = 60 …… (3) 6x + 10y = 56 ….. (4)

Now that x has a coefficient of 6 in both equations we subtract the corresponding sides of equations (3) and (4). We obtain:

0 + 2y = 4

Since 2y = 4  y = 2 is solution for y. Now substitute it in to either equation,

say (1). We get:

2x + 4(2) = 20  2x + 8 = 20

Subtracting 9 from both sides gives: 2x = 12  x = 6

As a check, substitute x = 6, y = 2 in equation (2). The left hand side is 3(6) + 5(2) = 18 + 10




Demand and supply in two related markets forms

an example of an economics model using

simultaneous equations.

Demand each market depend both on the price of

the good it self and on the price of the related


To solve the model we use the equilibrium

condition for each market and equate the quantity

supplied to the quantity demanded in that market.

This give two equations in two unknows which we


 The market for activity holidays is represented by the functions

Demand : Qa = 600 – (Pa/3) + (Pb/4) Supply : Qa = -100 + Pa

and the market for beach holidays is represented by the functions Demand : Qb = 1800 – 3Pb + (Pa/3)

Supply : Qb = -400 + 3Pb

Where Qa and Qb are quantity of activity and beach holidays respec tively and Pa and Pb are the prices of each type of holiday. Find the equilibrium prices and quantities of each type of holiday.

 Equating the quantity supplied and demanded in the activity holiday

market and substituting, we get:

-100 + Pa = 600 – (Pa/3) + (Pb/4) or (4Pa/3) – (Pb/4) = 700 …… (1)

And equating the quantity supplied and demanded in the beach holiday market give:

-400 + 3Pb = 1800 – 3Pb + (Pa/3) or (-Pa/3) + 6Pb = 2200 …… (2)

We now have two simultaneous equation equations to solve for Pa and Pb. Multiply equation (2) by 4, which gives:


Adding equation (1) and (3) we find:

0Pa + 23.75Pb = 9500

so, 23.75Pb = 9500

Pb = 400

We can now find Pa from equation (2)

Pa/3 + 6(400) = 2200

Subtracting 2400 from each sides we have: (-Pa/3) = -200

Multiplying by -3 gives :

Pa = 600

We can find the quantities of holidays most easily from the

supply equations. For activity holidays: Qa = -100 + Pa

Which gives: Qa = -100 + 600 = 500

Using the beach holidays supply equation: Qb = -400 + 3Pb

Which gives: Qb = -400 + 3(400) = 800

The solution is:


Check by substituting in the demand equations

Activity holiday: Qa = 600 – (Pa/3) + (Pb/4)

The right hand side gives:

600 –(600/3)+(400/4) = 500 = Qa

Beach Holiday: Qb = 1800 – 3Pb + (Pa/3)

The right hand sides gives:

1800 – 3(400) + (600/3) = 800 = Qb


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