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El e c t ro n ic

Jo ur

n a l o

f P

r o

b a b il i t y

Vol. 13 (2008), Paper no. 61, pages 1886–1908. Journal URL


Comparison Results for Reflected Jump-diffusions in the

Orthant with Variable Reflection Directions and Stability


Francisco J. Piera

∗ Department of Electrical Engineering

University of Chile Av. Tupper 2007 Santiago, 8370451, Chile


Ravi R. Mazumdar

† Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Waterloo Waterloo, ON N2L3G1, Canada


Abstract We consider reflected jump-diffusions in the orthantRn

+with time- and state-dependent drift, dif-fusion and jump-amplitude coefficients. Directions of reflection upon hitting boundary faces are also allow to depend on time and state. Pathwise comparison results for this class of processes are provided, as well as absolute continuity properties for their associated regulator processes responsible of keeping the respective diffusions in the orthant. An important role is played by the boundary property in that regulators do not charge times spent by the reflected diffusion at the intersection of two or more boundary faces. The comparison results are then applied to provide an ergodicity condition for the state-dependent reflection directions case.

Key words: Jump-diffusion processes;pathwise comparisons;state-dependent oblique reflec-tion;Skorokhod maps;stability; ergodicity .

Research supported in part by VID, U. of Chile, Chile, DI Project REIN 06/05, by CONICYT, Chile, FONDECYT Project 1070797, and by the Millennium Science Nucleus on Information and Randomness, Dept. of Mathematical Engineering, U. of Chile, Chile, Program P04-069-F.


AMS 2000 Subject Classification: Primary 60J60, 60J75; Secondary: 60G17, 60J50, 60K25, 34D20.




Reflecting stochastic differential equations have found a wide variety of applications over the last decades. They play an increasingly important role in several disciplines such as economics and operations research, where they serve to model portfolio and consumption processes, option pricing and subsidy phenomena in interdependent economies, among others (see for example[10; 15; 21; 16] and references therein). They also play a central role in several fields of applications in the electrical engineering context, where they are used to model, in conjunction with weak convergence methods, from systems such as adaptive antenna arrays to stochastic communication networks (see for example[12; 13]and references therein).

In the context of stochastic networks, such models appear as heavy-traffic limits of complex network models, otherwise difficult to analyze, giving rise to corresponding approximations in terms of re-flected diffusions. Reflections are taken into account via the Skorokhod map, and are due to the non-negativeness requirements for the buffer occupation processes in the network (see for exam-ple[26; 4]and references therein). Reflected jump-diffusions appear in this queueing application context when for example network stations are subject to service interruptions (see [11; 25]and references therein). In the same way, time- and state-dependence in the corresponding drift and diffusion coefficients, as well as directions of reflection, obey to the corresponding dependence in network traffic parameters, such as arrival and service rates, and station-to-station routing proba-bilities (see for example[13; 14]and references therein).

Due to the wide variety of applications of reflected diffusion models, as summarized above, the avail-ability of comparison properties for such class of models have become of practical and theoretical importance. For example, the pathwise comparison between buffer occupation processes in queue-ing networks or cumulative subsidies transferred among entities in interdependent economies, both considered as the respective model parameters change, are of self-explicatory importance. Such pathwise results in general demand not only the comparison between the respective constrained jump-diffusion processes (constructed in terms of the Skorokhod map, as detailed further in the next section), but also the corresponding establishment of absolute continuity properties for the associated regulator processes (constraining the diffusions to the domain of interest, as for example the non-negative orthant). In this context, comparison results for reflected jump-diffusions in the orthant have traditionally been restricted to the case of normal reflection directions upon hitting boundary faces (see[23]). However a comparison result in the oblique reflection directions case is available in the context of the deterministic Skorokhod problem in the orthant (see[21]), the frame-work in which it is established makes its application to the diffusion setting only possible when the stochastic integral term driving the respective diffusion is state-independent. We will show in the paper that this requirement is essentially a boundary condition at the faces of the orthant, being able to include then a controlled state-dependency in that term over the interior of the orthant covering for example the important case of a product-form setting (see[17; 19]) in queueing network ap-plications. A crucial role is played here by an appropriate boundary behavior characterization, and in particular by the boundary property in that regulators do not charge times spent by the reflected diffusion at the intersection of two or more boundary faces (see[18; 19]).


corre-sponding Skorokhod map, which is not ensured in the state-dependent case.

The organization of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 we specify the setting to be considered throughout as well as some related notation. In Section 3 we establish the main comparison results of the paper. In Section 4 we apply those results to derive an ergodicity condition for the continuous case. Finally, in Section 5 we provide the corresponding proofs of the main results in Section 3.


Setting and Notation

Letn≥2 be an integer1 and(Ω,F,(Ft)t0,P)be a stochastic basis satisfying the usual hypotheses, i.e.,F0 contains all theP-null sets ofF and the filtration(Ft)t0 is right continuous. Throughout

the paper we consider pair of processes(X,Z)satisfying reflecting stochastic differential equations (RSDEs) in the orthant Rn

+ = {x = (xi)ni=1 ∈ Rn : xi ≥ 0 ∀i} = ×ni=1R+, with state- and

time-dependent reflection directions upon hitting boundary faces, of the form


Z t


b(s,Xs−)ds+ Z t




Z t




δ(s,Xs,r)N(ds,d r) +

Z t


R(s,Xs)d Zs, t≥0, (2.1)


X = (Xt)t0= (X1t, . . . ,Xtn)t0is an(Ft)t0-adaptedRn

+-valuedc`ad l`a g3 semi-martingale.

b = (bi)ni=1 : R+×Rn+ →Rn and4 γ = (γi j)ni,j=1 : R+×Rn+ → Rn

×n are Borel-measurable

functions. As usual, we refer to b and a= (ai j)in,j=1 =. γγT as the drift vector and diffusion matrix, respectively.

W = (Wt)t0= (Wt1, . . . ,Wtn)t0 is an(Ft)t0-standard Brownian motion onRn.

E =. E1× · · · ×En with each Ei being an arbitrary Polish space (e.g., R with the usual

Eu-clidian distance), δ = (δi j)ni,j=1 : R+×RnE → R

n×n is a Borel-measurable function and N(ds,d r) = (. N1(ds,d r1),· · ·,Nn(ds,d rn))with each Ni(ds,d ri) being an independent Pois-son random measure over [0,∞)×Ei with intensity measure λidsGi(d ri), whereλi ≥0

andGi is a probability distribution on(Ei,B(Ei)). Note since the Poisson measures are inde-pendent, any number of them do not “jump” simultaneously at any time (a. s.), and therefore to ensure that a jump does not takeX outside the orthant we ask for eachδi j to be such that δi j(t,x,rj)≥ −xi for allt≥0,x = (xl)nl=1∈R



Z= (Zt)t≥0= (Z1t, . . . ,Ztn)t≥0 is a continuous(Ft)t≥0-adapted Rn+-valued process with each

Zi being non-decreasing and such thatZ0i =0 andR0Xsid Zsi =0.

1All results in the paper apply to the one-dimensional setting as well (n=1). However, in order not to include trivial

cases in our proofs, we simply considern≥2.

2Throughout, (in)equalities involving vectors and matrices are understood to hold componentwise and elementwise

respectively, and vectors are envisioned as column vectors.

3Acronym in French standing forcontinuous from the right with limits from the left.


R= (Ri j)ni,j=1:R+×Rn

+→Rn×n is a Borel-measurable function. As usual, and since the j-th

column ofRgives the reflection direction upon hitting the interior of the j-th face Fj =. {x = (xl)nl=1 ∈Rn

+ : xj = 0}, we refer toR as the reflection matrix5 and assume, without loss of

generality, the normalizationRii(·,·)≡1 for eachi.

We now identify different sets of conditions that will be alternatively considered as assumptions in the results given in the paper.

Condition 2.1. b and R are continuous. Also, b,γ,δand R satisfy a linear growth condition and are Lipschitz continuous, both in the state variable x ∈Rn

+ and uniformly in all the other corresponding

variables, i.e., there exists K∈(0,∞)such that, for all x,y∈Rn

with the usual Euclidian and Frobenius norms inRn andRn×n, respectively. Moreover6,


Conditions 2.1 and 2.2 in particular guarantee that, given anF0-measurable initial conditionX0


+ and b, γ, W, δ, N and R as above, the pair (X,Z) is the pathwise unique strong solution of

RSDE (2.1). Indeed, this follows from[6]in the continuous case (i.e., in absence of jumps), jumps being taken then into account via standard piecewise construction arguments (see for example[13, Section 3.7, pp. 134]). Whenever that is the case, we write

(X,Z) =RS DE(X0,b,R),

omittingγ,W,δandN in the notation since in all comparison results between pairs

(X,Z) =RS DE(X0,b,R) and (Xe,Ze) =RS DE(Xe0,eb,eR)

they will be the same for both7.

5One in general may assume each R

i j as given on Fj and extended to the whole orthant by setting Ri j(·,x)

6Note from (2.2) in particular follows thatP


7In some of the corresponding proofs we will find useful to emphasize the commonγthough, including it explicitly in


Conditions 2.1 and 2.2 in fact guarantee the well posedness of the Skorokhod problem (SP) in the orthant with state-dependent reflection directions (see [24] for a detailed treatment of the (modified) SP in the orthant with state-dependent reflection directions), and one may then write

X = Φ(U)





Z ·


b(s,Xs−)ds+ Z ·


γ(s,Xs−)dWs+ Z ·




δ(s,Xs−,r)N(ds,d r)

andΦ: D([0,∞):Rn)→ D([0,∞):Rn

+)the Skorokhod map8, i.e., with(X,Z) solving the SP for

U and R on an a. s. pathwise basis9. D([0,∞) : G) denotes here, as usual, the space of cad l` `a g

functions mapping[0,∞)intoG⊆Rn.

Condition 2.2 is standard in the context of RSDEs and SPs in non-smooth domains (see for example

[6; 5; 21; 8]) as it guarantees thatR(t,x)is completely-S, for eachx ∈Rn

+andt≥0, in that for each

principal sub-matrix R(t,x)extracted from R(t,x)there always exists a non-negative vector v, of the corresponding proper dimension, such thatR(t,x)v>0. Each suchR(t,x)is also non-singular. This structure, along with Condition 2.1 above and Condition 2.5 below, in particular guarantee that (see[18; 19]) for eachA ⊆ {1, . . . ,n}with cardinality|A | ≥2

Z ∞

0 1{Xj

s=0,∀j∈A }d Z


s =0 a. s. (2.3)

for eachi∈ A, with1{·}denoting as usual the corresponding indicator function.

As it will be seen in Section 5, the boundary property in equation (2.3) plays an important role in the establishment of the results in the paper.

Finally, we identify the following conditions on the coefficients of δ and γ and on the diffusion matrixa.

Condition 2.3. Eachδi j is such that, whenever x = (xl)nl=1∈R


+and y= (yl)nl=1∈R


+ with xiyi, xi+δi j(t,x,rj)≤ yi+δi j(t,y,rj), rjEj, t≥0.

Condition 2.4. There exist measurable functions{ηi j}ni,j=1, mappingR 2

+intoR, such that for each i,j

γi j(t,x) =ηi j(t,xi), x = (xl)nl=1∈R


+, t≥0.

Condition 2.5. The diffusion matrix a is positive definite for each x∈Rn

+and t≥0, i.e.,



ai j(t,x)ξiξj>0, ξ= (ξl)nl=1∈R

n, ξ6=0.

8The mapU(X,Z)is generally known as the solution mapping of the SP (for a givenR) or, in queueing theory

jargon, as the reflection map (see[25; 26]). In this same jargon, theZcomponent is usually referred to as the regulator process.

9Note the continuity ofZis ensured from the facts thatX


As mentioned before, since the Poisson jump measures{Ni(ds,d ri)}ni=1 are independent, any num-ber of them do not “jump” simultaneously at any time (a. s.). Therefore, Condition 2.3 is useful when comparing processesX andXe, coming from

(X,Z) =RS DE(X0,b,R) and (Xe,Ze) =RS DE(Xe0,eb,Re),

as it ensures that for eachi


at any jump instant (i.e., that jumps cannot alter the order between corresponding components). In this same comparison context, Condition 2.4 will guarantee for the semi-martingale local time at level zero associated with each difference(XXe)i to be null. It also makes eachγi j independent

of the position over the correspondingi-th faceFi, and hence each diagonal diffusion coefficientaii

too. Condition 2.4 is required for comparisons even in the case of normally reflected jump-diffusions in the orthant (see [23]), and it encompasses the important case of a product-form setting (see

[17; 19]) in queueing network applications.

In addition to play a role in the establishment of relationship (2.3) above, Condition 2.5 also guar-antees for reflections from the boundary to be instantaneous (see[18; 19]).


Main Results: Comparison Properties

We establish in this section the main results of the paper, regarding comparison properties between different pairs

(X,Z) =RS DE(X0,b,R) and (Xe,Ze) =RS DE(Xe0,eb,Re).

The following additional notation will be used from now on in the paper, with I denoting the identity matrix inRn×n.


(X,Z) =RS DE(X0,b,R) and (Xe,Ze) =RS DE(Xe0,eb,Re)

with relationship (2.2) in Condition 2.1 holding, respectively, and define the mapping ψ = (ψ1, . . . ,ψn) : [0,∞)×Rn+ → R

n (resp., ψ) by setting eache ψ

i (resp., ψei) as the net-drift includ-ing jumps in the i-th coordinate, i.e.,



=bi(t,x) +X

j λj



δi j(t,x,rj)Gj(d rj), x ∈R+n, t≥0,

and similarly forψewitheb in place of b. We write



X0≤Xe0 a. s., ψ(t,x)≤ψe(t,y) and R(t,x)≤eR(t,y)

10Recall that inequalities among vectors and matrices are understood to hold componentwise and elementwise,


as x,y∈Rn

+with xy and t≥0. If in addition R(·,·)≤I≤eR(·,·), then we write


Finally, we write

dZe<<d Z

when the random measure eachZe·i induces in[0,∞)is absolutely continuous with respect to the corre-sponding one associated to Z·i, denote by

deZi d Zi the related Radon-Nikodym derivatives, and write


d Z ≤1 a. s.

when each Radon-Nikodym derivative above is less than or equal to1 a. s.

In order not to opaque the continuity in the exposition of the results, we postpone their correspond-ing proofs to Section 5. We begin with the case wheneR(·,·)≡I.

Theorem 3.1. Let

(X,Z) =RS DE(X0,b,R) and (Xe,Ze) =RS DE(Xe0,eb,I),

both under Conditions 2.1 to 2.4, respectively. Assume that


Then we have

XtXet, t≥0©=1, dZe<<d Z and dZe

d Z ≤1 a. s. Remark 3.2. Note deZ<<d Z with


d Z ≤1 a. s. is equivalent to

ZtZsZetZes, ts0©=1,

which in particular implies

ZtZet, t0©=1.

The next result considers the case whenR(·,·)≡I. In that case, a full comparison between the tuples

(X,Z)and(Xe,Ze)is possible whenRe(·,·)is constant, a partial comparison being possible otherwise. As it will become clear in Section 5, the main difficulty in getting a full comparison for non-constant


R(·,·)relies on the fact that the usual alternative characterization of (Zet)t0 (Ze0 =0) when eR(·,·)

is constant (say eR(·,·)≡ eR), as being the (unique) pathwise-minimum non-decreasing continuous process satisfying (see for example[25; 26])




e U·



Z ·


eb(s,Xes−)ds+ Z ·


γ(s,Xes−)dWs+ Z ·




δ(s,Xes−,r)N(ds,d r),

is in general not guaranteed for non-constanteR(·,·)(see for example[21]).

Theorem 3.3. Let

(X,Z) =RS DE(X0,b,I) and (Xe,eZ) =RS DE(Xe0,eb,eR),

both under Conditions 2.1 to 2.4, respectively. Assume that


Then we have

XtXet, t≥0 ©


If moreovereR(·,·)is constant, then we also have

dZe<<d Z and dZe

d Z ≤1 a. s.

The following corollary is a direct consequence of Theorems 3.1 and 3.3.

Corollary 3.4. Let

(X,Z) =RS DE(X0,b,R) and (Xe,Ze) =RS DE(Xe0,eb,eR),

both under Conditions 2.1 to 2.4, respectively. Assume that


Then we have

XtXet, t≥0©=1.

If moreovereR(·,·)is constant, then we also have

dZe<<d Z and dZe

d Z ≤1 a. s.

Finally, the next result shows that a full comparison is possible for non-constant oblique reflection directions, provided reflections upon hitting each boundary tend to bring the remaining coordinates closer to the origin. In order to compare X andXewe generally require in this case an ordering at the boundaries on the drift vectorsbandeb, as it will become clear in Section 5, ensuring in turn a pathwise comparison between the increments of the processesZ andZe. It is in this context where the boundary property in equation (2.3) plays an important role. The result is the following.

Theorem 3.5. Let


both under Conditions 2.1 to 2.5, respectively. Assume that


withRe(·,·)≤ I , and that further each pair of drift coefficients bi andebi satisfies the same ordering as ψi andψei but only on the corresponding i-th face Fi, i.e., that11

bi(t,x)≤ebi(t,y), x,yFi, xy, t≥0,

for each i. Then we have

XtXet, t≥0 ©

=1, dZe<<d Z and dZe

d Z ≤1 a. s.


Stability Applications: An Ergodic Result

In this section we use the comparison results of Section 3 to establish an ergodicity criterium related to solutions of RSDEs as in equation (2.1), the main idea being to exploit those comparison prop-erties, and the stability results in[1]for the constant reflection directions case, to provide a simple but useful ergodicity condition in the context of state-dependent directions of reflection.

For simplicity we consider the continuous case, i.e., in absence of jumps (δ(·,·,·)≡0). Therefore, we consider RSDEs of the form

Xt =X0+

Z t



Z t



Z t


R(Xs)d Zs, t≥0, (4.1)

where of course coefficients are assumed to be time-independent. Note whenbandγare constant,

X in equation (4.1) reduces to a Semi-martinagle Reflecting Brownian Motion (SRBM) in the orthant with state-dependent reflection directions (see[24]).

We denote byXx the processX in equation (4.1) when starting fromX0=x∈Rn

+, whose existence

and uniqueness is ensured under Conditions 2.1 and 2.2, and introduce accordingly and as usual the family of distributions{Px :x ∈Rn

+}on the path space of continuous functions mapping[0,∞)


+, denoting asEx expectation with respect toPx. Also, for each x ∈Rn+ andt ≥0, we write

Px(t,·)for the law ofXtx inRn +, i.e.,

Px(t,A)=. P¦Xx

tA ©

=PxXtA , A∈ B(Rn


abusing notation in the last equality12. (NotePx(0,·) =δx(·), unit mass atx ∈Rn+.)

We will consider in this section a boundedness condition onbandγ, and a uniform non-degeneracy condition on the corresponding diffusion matrixa(=γγT).

11Note this condition is in particular implied by the ordering onψandψewhen jump-amplitude coefficients (δ) do not

depend on the state.



Condition 4.1. b andγare bounded, i.e.,

Moreover, the diffusion matrix a is uniformly elliptic, i.e., there existsς∈(0,∞)such that X

Conditions 2.1 and 2.2, along with the boundedness requirement in Condition 4.1, guarantee the family{Xx :x ∈Rn

+}satisfies the Feller property13. Indeed, from[21, Proposition 3.2, pp. 515]and

using the Burkholder-Davis-Gundy inequalities[9, Theorem 26.12, pp. 524], it is easy to see that there exists a constant 0<C<∞such that, for all t≥0 and all x,y ∈Rn

and therefore, on invoking again (4.2), and the arbitrariness of 0<T<∞, we conclude

E[kXtxXtyk2]→0 askxyk ց0,

for eacht>0 and all x,y ∈Rn

+. The Feller property of the family{Xx :x ∈Rn+}then follows from

standard arguments (see for example[15], proof of Lemma 8.1.4, pp. 133-134.).

On the other hand, the uniform ellipticity requirement in Condition 4.1, along with Conditions 2.1 and 2.2, in particular guarantee irreducibility in that the probability measurePx(t,·)and Lebesgue measure inRn

+are, for each x∈R


+andt >0, mutually absolutely continuous.

We are now in position to state and prove the advertised ergodic result.

Theorem 4.2. Consider the family{Xx : x ∈Rn

+}as above, under Conditions 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 and 4.1.


and assume that there existsRe= (eRi j)ni,j=1 ∈Rn×n witheR I ,Reii =1for each i andσ(ReI)<1,

and such that R(·)≤eR and14, witheb= (. ebi)ni=1∈Rn,


R−1eb<0. (4.3)

Then there exists a unique invariant distribution for the family {Xx : x ∈Rn

+}, in that there exists a

unique probability measureπon(Rn

+,B(Rn+))such that

+), and therefore in particular we have that the measure

R Rn


Px(t,·)π0(d x)converges weakly toπas t increases to infinity, i.e.,


Before giving the proof of the theorem we make the following remark.

Remark 4.3. Note the key ergodicity condition in Theorem 4.2, equation (4.3), does not coincide in the case of constant directions of reflection, say R(·)≡R, with the corresponding one ine [1], which reads in this case This is a consequence of supporting our result in an auxiliary comparison, as it will be done in the proof below. However, as mentioned at the beginning of the section, equation (4.3) provides a useful ergodicity condition for the case of applications with state-dependent reflection directions.

Proof. Consider for each x∈Rn

+the auxiliary RSDE given by


Xtx =x+ebt+

Z t


γ(Xesx)dWs+eRZetx, t≥0,

whose well-posedness is straightforwardly ensured, and write ePx(t,·), t≥0, for the corresponding laws. From the theorem’s assumptions, the Lipschitz continuity of the Skorokhod map in this con-stant reflection directions case (see[26]) and[1, Theorem 2.16, pp. 8], we conclude the tightness, for eachM ∈(0,∞), of the family of probability measures

¦ e

Px(t,·):kxk ≤M,t≥0©,

14Note the structure of eRnot only guarantees foreR−1 to exist, but also to be (elementwise) non-negative (see for


15As usual,C

b(Rn+)denotes the space of bounded continuous functions fromR



which in turn ensures, since by Theorem 3.5 in Section 3 we have

XxXex a. s.,

the corresponding tightness of the family

Px(t,·):kxk ≤M,t≥0 .

The above tightness, along with the theorem’s assumptions and the Feller structure of the family

{Xx :x ∈Rn

+}, then give the corresponding existence of an invariant distributionπ(see[7]). The


turn from[13, Theorems 1.1. and 1.3, pp. 142 and 144, resp.]. That in particular the measure




Px(t,·)π0(d x)

converges weakly toπ as t increases to infinity, is a direct consequence of Portmanteau’s theorem (see for example[3]).„


Proofs of the Main Results



Proof. Consider an index i, fixed throughout the proof. Note sinceφi is clearly a semi-martingale

with X

associated to φi, with y indicating the corresponding level, exists (see [20]). We denote it by

Lφi = (Lφi(t,y))t0,yR. In order to prove the lemma, we first verify that Lφi(·, 0)≡0 a. s.

Indeed, denote by([φi,φi]c

t)t≥0the path-by-path continuous part of the quadratic variation process ([φi,φi]t)t≥0 with[φi,φi]0c

and that, from Conditions 2.1 and 2.4,



On the other hand, by the occupation times formula of semi-martingale local times (see[20])




[ρ(u)]−1Lφi(t,u)du a. s., t≥0,

and therefore, in light of equations (5.3) and (5.4) and since

Lφi(t,u)→Lφi(t, 0) as uց0 a. s., t≥0,

we conclude, by the same arguments as in[22, Lemma 3.3, pp. 389], that

Lφi(t, 0) =0 a. s., t≥0.

The claim then follows by invoking the sample path continuity ofLφi(·, 0). We now turn into proving

the lemma. From Meyer-Itô’s formula (see[20]) we have19

(φ·∧i T

But, from Condition 2.3 we have


and that from the definition ofZ andeZwe have


and also, on{T>0},

[Ri j(s,Xs)−eRi j(s,Xes)]dZesj≤0, s∈(0,T


we obtain equation (5.1). In the same way, by writing

Ri j(s,Xs)d Zsj − eRi j(s,Xes)dZesj = [Ri j(s,Xs) − eRi j(s,Xes)]d Zsj + eRi j(s,Xes)[d ZsjdZesj]

we find, by similar arguments than before, equation (5.2). The lemma is then proved. „

Having established the lemma, we now give the proofs of the results in Section 3. SetN∗=. {1, 2, . . .}

and, for eachk∈N∗, indexiandx = (xl)n




x(k,i)= (. x1, . . . ,xi−1,xik−1,xi+1, . . . ,xn).

In addition,

Fi(k)=. ¦x = (xl)nl=1∈R


+:xik−1 ©


for eachk∈N∗and indexias well.

Proof of Theorem 3.1.We first consider the comparison between20

(X(k),Z(k))=. RS DE(X0,b,γ(k),R) (5.5)


(Xe(k),Ze(k))=. RS DE(Xe0,eb(k),γ(k),I), (5.6)

where for eachk∈N∗, x Rn


ebi(k)(t,x)=. ebi(t,x) +k−1

for eachi, and

γ(i jk)(t,x)=.


ηi j(t, 0) if xF


i γi j(t,x(k,i)) =ηi j(t,xik−1) elsewhere

for eachi,j, with{ηi j}ni,j=1taken from Condition 2.4. Note (5.5) and (5.6) are clearly well defined

since the linear growth and Lipschitz continuity conditions are correspondingly inherited. As in Section 3, we associateψ(k)andψe(k) to (5.5) and (5.6), respectively, and note thatψ(k)≡ψand that, since


as x,y ∈Rn

+with xy andt ≥0, we have

ψ(k)(t,x)e(t,y) +k−1=ψe(k)(t,y)

for eachk∈N∗, as x,y Rn

+ with xy andt ≥0 as well. Fix now ak∈N∗. From Lemma 5.1,

equation (5.2), applied to

(X(k),Z(k)) = ((X(k),l)nl=1,(Z(k),l)nl=1)



shows, by a direct argument by contradiction based on equation (5.7), that T∗=∞a. s. Thus, we conclude that

i.e., with the corresponding replacement ofZeby Z in the right-hand-side of equation (5.9). (Note sinceeR(·,·)≡I, it has been therefore correspondingly omitted in equations (5.9) and (5.10).) Then, since X·(k)≤ Xe·(k)a. s., by using Meyer-Itô’s formula as in the proof of Lemma 5.1, it is easy to see

N are defined, throughout the proof, with respect toX

(k),Xe(k),Z(k)andZe(k). Obviously,T=


By lettingN ր ∞as before, Fatou’s lemma then shows that


Xs(k)+ (Uet(k)−Ues(k)) + (Zt(k)−Zs(k))≥0 a. s., ts,

i.e., by right-continuity


Xs(k)+ (Ue·(k)−Ues(k)) + (Z·(k)−Zs(k))≥0 on[s,∞) a. s.,

and therefore, by the alternative characterization of(Zes(+k)hZes(k))h0(see Section 3), we conclude



Zt(k)−Zs(k)≥Zet(k)−eZs(k), ts≥0o=1. (5.11)

Finally, from the uniform convergence (on[0,∞)×Rn +)

eb(k)→eb and γ(k)→γ askր ∞,

the regularity requirements from Condition 2.1 and the continuity results for the solution mapping of the SP in the orthant with state-dependent reflection directions from[24], we have that for each

t≥0 there exists a subsequence{nk}∞k=1 along which lim



t =Xt and lim kր∞Z


t =Zt a. s.





t =Xet and lim kր∞Ze


t =Zet a. s.

The theorem then follows from equations (5.8) and (5.11) by the right-continuity ofX andXeand the continuity ofZ andZe. „

Theorem 3.3 follows by the same corresponding arguments as in the previous proof (save the cor-responding consideration of equation (5.1) in Lemma 5.1), and its proof is therefore omitted. The proof of Corollary 3.4 is also omitted, as it is a direct consequence of Theorems 3.1 and 3.3 by noting that we can always “sandwich” a functionψ

ψ(t,x)≤ψ(t,y)≤ψe(t,z), x,y,z∈Rn

+, xyz, t≥0,

withbdefined by

bi(·,·)=. ψi(·,·)− X

j λj



δi j(·,·,rj)Gj(d rj), eachi,

satisfying the regularity requirements in Condition 2.1, the same as b andeb. We then proceed to the proof of Theorem 3.5.

Proof of Theorem 3.5.As in the proof of Theorem 3.1, we first consider the comparison between

(X(k),Z(k))=. RS DE(X0,b,γ(k),R(k)) (5.12)



witheb(k)andγ(k)defined the same as before and, for eachk∈N∗, xRn

withk0 sufficiently large so as forR(k)to satisfy Condition 2.2, inherited from22R. Also as before, we associateψ(k)(≡ψ) to (5.12) andψe(k)to (5.13), and fix in what follows ak∈N∗. From Lemma

where we setT⋄in the corresponding definition ofT as

T⋄=. inf

23As the reader will notice, equation (5.1) in Lemma 5.1 serves the same to prove the theorem since off-diagonal

elements ofR(k)are strictly negative, in particular non-positive. 24Note as before,T,TandT



0 denoting the complement of I0 and

P j∈;


= 0 (recall off-diagonal elements of R(k) are

negative, in particular non-positive). Hence, since also eR(·,·)≤ I, the same arguments leading to the proof of[21, Theorem 4.1, pp. 521]show that

X·(k),lXe·(k),l on [0,ξ)∩[0,TN) a. s., eachl∈ I0, (5.15) and therefore, equation (5.15) holding for eachN≥0,

T>0 a. s., in light of the boundary property (see equation (2.3))


for eachA ⊆ {1, . . . ,n}with|A | ≥2 andA ⊃ {i}. Right-continuity ofX(k)andXe(k), continuity of

bandeb(k), the ordering

bi(t,x)<eb(ik)(t,y), x,yFi, xy, t≥0,

and the standard fixed-point-equation characterization of

(ZS(k+)hZS(k))h0 and (ZeS(k+)h−eZS(k))h0

(see[24]), then show that for t in some vicinity[S,S+ε)∩[0,T), withε >0 depending on the paths as well,

Zt(k),iZS(k),i= sup


(−Vu(k),i)+≥ sup


(−Veu(k),i)+=eZt(k),i−eZS(k),i, (5.16)


Vu(k),i =.

Z u



j Z u


ηi j(u, 0)dWuj+ X

j6=i Z u


Ri j(k)(u,Xu(k))d Zu(k),j (5.17)


e Vu(k),i=.

Z u



j Z u


ηi j(u, 0)dWuj.

Thus, since also

Zt(k)−Zs(k)≥0 for allts≥0, we conclude



Zt(k)−Zs(k)≥eZt(k)−Zes(k), T>ts≥0o=1.

Equation (5.14) then shows, by the same corresponding arguments as in the proof of Theorem 3.1, that indeedT =∞a. s. and that




Therefore, we conclude that for eachk∈N∗ P






Zt(k)−Zs(k)≥Zet(k)−eZs(k), ts≥0



and a limiting argument as in the proof of Theorem 3.1 gives then the desired result. „


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