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With draw paper Hikari


Academic year: 2017

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Re: Withdraw Paper AMS310610

Bengkulu November 19, 2013


Managing Editor: E. Minchev

Subject: Withdraw a paper AMS310610

Dear Dr.Emil Minchev,

I regret to inform you that I have to withdraw my Paper AMS310610 that I submitted to your Journal Applied Mathematical Science.

The main reasons to withdraw my paper is your Refree Report does not correctly report the new result of my the paper. In the 5th line of the Refree’s report is written “It is proved in the paper that f(3,k) ≤ 4k + 5 and f(3,k) = 4k + 5 for k = 1,2 and all the triangle-free graphs of order f(3,k) for k = 1,2 have been characterized”. This had been

proved by Simanihuruk et.al and Achuthan et.al that is clearly stated on the 9th – 11th lines of page 2 of my paper. Hence the quote sentence is not the result of my paper. Therefore your refree is not an expert in the topic of my paper.

The second reason is The Directorate of Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia uses the website scholarlyoa.com/publishers/ to evaluate the reputation of the international jounal (see http://pak.dikti.go.id/portal/?p=41). Hikari Ltd is on the list of the website scholarlyoa.com/publishers/.

The first and the second reasons will give a zero credit for me. Therefore I have to withdraw my paper.

The 300 Euro page charge is up to you. It is pleasure for me if you can refund some of them back to me. If you agree with this you can transfer back to me to the following address.

Beneficiary bank : Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Beneficiary branch bank : Bank Negara Indonesia Bengkulu SWIFT CODE : BNINIDJABKL

Address of the bank : Jalan S.Parman No.14, Bengkulu, Indonesia Beneficiary’s name : Mudin Simanihuruk

Beneficiary’s account number : 0071735498

Beneficiary’s address: Jalan Unib Permai II No.16, Bengkulu, Indonesia 38125.

I apologize to you for this inconvenience.

Best regards,

Mudin Simanihuruk Department of Mathematics Bengkulu University Indonesia

e-mail : mudinsimanihuruk@yahoo.com.au

From: Hikari Ltd <minchev@m-hikari.com>

To: Mudin simanihuruk <mudinsimanihuruk@yahoo.com.au> Sent: Tuesday, 19 November 2013 12:50 AM

S bj t R t f h AMS310610

Mudin simanihuruk Today at 9:10 AM

To Hikari Ltd

  



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