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A psychoanalysis of Kitty's decision towards a better life in The Painted Veil by William Somerset Maugham.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities UIN Sunan Ampel



Sugiharto Indrazid

Reg. Number A73213132





Indrazid, Sugiharto. 2017. A Psychoanalysis of Kitty’s Decision Towards a Better Life in The Painted Veil by William Somerset Maugham. English Departement, Faculty of Humanities. State Islamic University of SunanAmpel Surabaya.

The Advisor: Abu Fanani SS M.Pd

This thesis attempts to analyze a very remarkable novel written by writer William Somerset Maugham entitled The Painted Veil. The Painted Veil tells of a woman named Kitty Fane who fights for love when she is in China because she has committed an affair, so she follows her husband to go to China. The purpose of this Skrispi is the first to know the characteristics of Kitty Fane. Second to find out why Kitty prefers her husband rather than her affair.

This thesis uses descriptive analysis method. In that method the first is to read novel stories; Secondly, collecting important sections dealing with the issues to be discussed; Third, analyze, which uses two theories, the new criticism as the supporting theory and psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud as the main theory. Then the fourth ends with a conclusion. The result of this analysis is that with caring, optimistic, courageous and good people, Kitty Fane defend her marriage because she knew the truth that her affair did not love her, and Kitty Fane followed her husband to go to China to live a better life.

Key words: Decision, Better life, Comfortable


Indrazid, Sugiharto. 2017. A Psychoanalysis of Kitty’s Decision Towards a Better Life in The Painted Veil by William Somerset Maugham. English Departement, Faculty of Humanities. State Islamic University of SunanAmpel Surabaya.

The Advisor: Abu Fanani SS M.Pd.

Skrispi ini mencoba untuk menganalisa sebuah novel yang sangat luar biasa yang ditulis oleh penulis bernama William Somerset Maugham yang berjudul The Painted Veil. The Painted Veil menceritakan tentang Wanita bernama Kitty Fane yang memperjuangkan cinta ketika dia berada di China karena dia telah melakukan perselingkuhan, sehingga dia mengikuti suaminya pergi ke China. Tujuan dari Skrispi ini adalah yang pertama untuk mengetahui karakteristik Kitty Fane. Kedua untuk mengetahui alasan Kitty yang lebih memilih suaminya daripada selingkuhannya.

Sementara skrispsi ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Dalam metode tersebut yang pertama adalah membaca cerita novel; kedua, mengumpulkan bagian-bagian yang penting yang berhubungan dengan isu yang akan di bahas; ketiga, menganalisis, yang menggunakan dua theory, yaitu new criticism sebagai teori pendukung dan psychoanalysis Sigmud Freud sebagai teori utama. Selanjutnya keempat berakhir dengan sebuah kesimpulan. Hasil dari analisi ini bahwa dengan egois, peduli, optimis, berani, dan orang baik,, Kitty Fane mempertahankan pernikahannya karena dia mengetahui kebenaran bahwa selingkuhannya tidak mencintai dia, dan Kitty Fane mengikuti suaminya pergi ke China untuk menjalani hidup yang lebih baik.

Kata Kunci: Keputusan, Hidup lebih baik, Nyaman


Declaration Page ... iii

Advisor’s Approval Page ... iv

Examiner’s Approval Page ... v



2 Theoretical Framework ... 10

2.1 Psychoanalysis Theory ... 10

2.1.1 The ID ... 13

2.1.2 The Ego ... 14

2.1.3 The Superego ……….. 15

2.2 New Criticism Theory... 16

2.2.1 Character ………... 17

2.2.1 Characterization ... 20

2.3 Review of Related Study ……… 21


3.1 Kitty Fane Characterization ………...……… 23

3.1.1 Caring ………….……….…… 24

3.1.2 Optimistic ………...………. 26

3.1.3 Brave ………... 29

3.1.4 Kind Person ……….……… 31

3.2 Kitty’s Decision Retained Her Marriage ...……….…… 33


WORKS CITED ……….….. 43






1.1 Background of Study

According to Warren and Wellek literature is the work made to reveal

something (107). Literature is based on feelings, ideas and creativity from which

language is transmitted to the media, so that it becomes work that has had a positive

impact for the reader. According to Long, Literary works are generally made to

channel the imagination of a writer, literature is as a method of channeling the

imagination that is formed from the arrangement of words and sentences that are

beautiful (8). Inside there is an expression, emotion and experience of an author.

There are three genres of literature, prose, poetry, and drama. The novel is a

literary work of prose about the equality of a person based on the experiences of the

author (Taylor, 46). Prose fiction is a story carried by certain characters, setting, and

characterization of a series of events from the author's imagination, the most

important thing in the novel is the character. Because of the behavior of the characters

can make the reader become understand about the purpose of the novel made. The

novel usually tells about a psychology characters that includes psychology in the

novel so readers can know the story with imagination already in the novel, according

to Siswantoro stating that behavior that is reflected from the sayings and deeds of the

characters can be used as data or empirical facts which refer to psychological



In the novel, the researcher would like to find the purpose of characters based

on the existing problems and reflected clear of psychology character. To understand a

character, the researcher need a theory that discusses about psychology of a person

who is seen from the explanation or the experience of the characters in the story

(Nevid; 2). The theory of psychology which discusses about how to find problem and

behavior of a character includes the id ego and superego, therefore, psychoanalysis is

the good way to reach an understanding of the personality a character in a literary

work of (Nevid, 3).

The Painted Veil by Williem Maugham Somerset tells about story of the effort

of a character to struggle of love. Kitty Garstin, a British woman, married Walter

Fane, a bacteriologist, who worked as government doctor in Tching Yen, China.

Actually, Kitty did not agree with the idea to marry Walter Fane, but she had no

choice since Kitty wanted to live separately from his mother. Soon after their

marriage, the newlywed couple moved to Hong Kong. They moved to an area called

Tching Yen. At the beginning, everything seemed to be happy and pleasant. Kitty

waited for her husband after work, but Walter was too busy with his works. Kitty felt

that their marriage was not happy as she wanted. She felt that their marriage was


In a social gathering, Kitty met Charlie Townsend, an assistant of secretary

government. Charlie Townsend was a nice man. He matched with Kitty very well.

Finally, they had a love relationship secretly. For the next two years, they had their



deeply although their marriage was in trouble and empty. Later, Walter Fane knew

what happened between Kitty and Charlie. Still, Charlie Townsend assured Kitty that

he would stand by her. He also promised that he would not let Walter Fane to

intervene again. Yet, Walter Fane gave Kitty an ultimatum. He was threatening Kitty

that he would divorce her if she did not come with him to move to Mei Tan Fu, a

place with Cholera epidemic in China. Walter also made a deal with Kitty. He would

divorce Kitty if Dorothy Townsend, Charlie’s wife, divorced Charlie and Charlie

remarried Kitty. Kitty went to Charlie immediately. She begged Charlie to divorce

Dorothy, but Charlie refused. Now, Kitty knew Charlie’s true-nature.

As she went home, she found that Walter had packed her luggage. Kitty

realized that she had no other choices. She had to accompany Walter to Mei Tan Fu.

The journey they took was unpleasant. Kitty felt heartbroken. Walter did not speak at

all to her. In Mei Tan Fu, Kitty met Mr. Waddington, a deputy commissioner. Mr.

Waddington accompanied Kitty to adapt the China society. It was a difficult time for

Kitty. She met new people. Some were friendly and some were unfriendly. With the

guidance from Mr. Waddinton, Kitty started to adapt with the society. She came to a

chapel where she acknowledged some French nuns. She also met Mr. Waddington’s

wife who was a Manchu. In that chapel, she helped to take care babies and taught the

Chinese children. Soon, she learned about love. She realized about what love was and

she could understand his husband more and more.

In Mei Tan Fu, Kitty was pregnant, but she was not sure who the father was.



every day. Walter was busy in his laboratorium finding the cure for Cholera Epidemy.

One day, Kitty was told by Mr. Waddington that Walter was dying because of

Cholera. He was infected by Cholera while doing his research. Kitty felt sorry for

Walter because she could not give him a lot of love. On the next day, Walter died.

After taking care the things in Mei Tan Fu, Kitty moved back to Hong Kong. She met

once again with The Townsends. Dorothy asked her to stay with them longer, but

Kitty refused it. Kitty moved to England. She found that her mother had died. Her

father was appointed as Chief of Justice in British Colony in Carribean. She ensured

her father to bring her to Carribean. Kitty, finally, dedicated all her life to take care of

her father and his son, who was named after Walter.

Novel The Painted Veil is a 1925 novel by British author W. Somerset

Maugham. The title is taken from Percy Bysshe Shelley's sonnet. Beginning with

"Lift not the painted veil roommates Reviews those who live / Call Life". The novel

was first published in serialized form in five issues of Cosmopolitan (November 1924

- March 1925). Beginning in May 1925 it was serialized in the United Kingdom in

eight parts in Nash's Magazine. William Somerset Maugham born in 1874 and lived

in Paris until he was ten years old. He was studying at King's School, Canterbury, and

at Heidelberg University. He never spent time in St. Thomas's Hospital to study

medicine, but the success of his first novel, Liza of Lambeth, which was published in

1897 made him choose to write. Of Human Bondage his first major work published

in 1915, and with the release of The Moon and Sixpence in 1919s. His reputation as a



consolidated. His first play, A Man of Honour, followed by a successful series right

before and after the First World War broke out, and ended his career in the theater in

1933 (www.caxtonclub.org).

The novel by W. Somerset Maugham interesting to be analyzed especially on

female characters. Because in the novel The Painted Veil Kitty Fane shows changes

in attitudes and behavior after making a big mistake to get the romance back by her

husband needs. Then the researchers will analyze Kitty Fane effort to get the

harmony family with her husband

1.2Statement of problem

In this study the researcher wants to know about feeling experience by one of

the character in novel The Painted Veil, the researcher analyzes woman character

based on the actions performed by Kitty Fane to get her love back. From several

scene stories shows struggle characters Kitty Fane to her husband, so the researcher

finds the question as follows

1.How is Kitty Fane characterized in The Painted Veil?

2.Why does Kitty Fane more choose her marriage?

1.3Objective of the study

Based on statement of the problem, the objectives of the study are formulated



1.To characterize Kitty Fane character in The Painted Veil

2.To know the reason why Kitty Fane prefer her marriage

1.4 Significant of the study

The researcher uses two categories, the theoretical category and the practical

category. The researcher expects that it is useful for readers or anyone who want to

study about literature especially in new criticism approach to analyze the characters.

The researcher hopes on this research to understanding Kitty characterization and

Kitty’s process towards better life in The Painted Veil novel by William Somerset


Theoretically, the result of this research is expected to give some contribution

to develop the study and analysis in literature study related with new criticism

approach in the novel The Painted Veil by W. Somerset Maugham.

Practically, the researcher wants to make this research as a review study for

other researchers. It examines again as a basis for developing new research and

analyzes literary study especially in English Letters Department (for those who are

taking bachelor degree of English Letters) of State Islamic University of SunanAmpel


1.5 Scope and limitation

This study will look in detail about a person psychology and find out about

person action of interest to us. This study was limited in the analysis of a person



Painted Veil, journal, websites about The Painted Veil analysis and psychoanalysis.

But researcher also take the sample data based on daily life.

1.6 Method of the Study

This research applies qualitative research method. It means this writing

describes and analyzes the data which are not numeral data but they are taken from

words and sentences. Then, in this research there are several steps used, they are

research design, sources of research data, the data collection and analysis of data.

1.6.1 Research Design

To answer some of the issues that will be discussed in statement of the

problem, this research uses literary research using some books and other references

such as articles, journals, and websites related to the subject matter to be analyzed.

This study is also using a qualitative descriptive study to describe the results of the

analysis in the form of words and sentences because the results are not statistically or

numeric data.

1.6.2 Source of Data

In this research, there are two sources of data, primary and secondary data.

The primary data source comes from a novel The Painted Veil written by William

Somerset Maugham, published 2006 by Vintage (first published 1925). The

secondary data comes from several important works, journals, websites and several



1.6.3 Method of Collecting Data

Because the data becomes the most important aspect in this research, so it

must be collected effectively and orderly. Methods of data collection is one of the

research methods sections that will explain how data collected to support the

research. In gathering the data for which is based on qualitative research methods,

data collection measures are:

a. Preparing and reading a novel entitled The Painted Veil as the main


b. Re-reading the novel many times to get a good grasp on the whole


c. Selecting and collecting of novel’s narration and conversation related

to the problem and to obtain accurate data.

d. Selecting references related to the novel that can support research data.

1.6.4 Method of Data Analysis

The data collected will be analyzed uses the literary theory. This research was

taken based on some reference library. To analyze this research uses descriptive

qualitative methods. This research describes the results of the analysis in the form of

words and sentences rather than numeric data. For data analysis will involve several



a. Connecting the data collected with the theory.

b. Analyzing the data that have been collected use descriptive qualitative

based on the theoretical framework.

c. Making conclusion based on the result of data analysis

1.7 Definition of Key Term

Decision : A choice that people make about something after thinking about it


Better Life : Do something that can change her life become better


Comfortable : Fell something that makes the need fulfilled so as to feel satisfaction





In this chapter, researcher will focus on the theory and previous studies which

will be used as a guide to conduct this research. This chapter will explain the theory

used to address problems in this research. This research will use the theory based on

the concept of the theory of psychoanalysis and new criticism. The theory that is used

to analyze the novel The Painted Veil work of Somerset Maugham. In providing a

clear explanation, this chapter is divided into two parts. The first section gives full

explanation of the theory of psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud formulated to be used

in psychiatric in character while new criticism is used to describe the characters and

characterization. The second section explains some of the other studies that have done

the analysis with the same literary novel The Painted Veil, but using different


2.1 Psychoanalysis

According to Plato, in approximately 400 BCE, when a psychology was still

as philosophy, it means the study of the nature, substance, and the life of the human

soul. Psychology comes from psyche meaning soul, and logos meaning science which

means soul or the science which investigate and study human behavior (Atkinson via

Minderop, 3). Psychology is the study of mental processes and the soul in relation to

human behavior. Though the soul itself does not appear, but life psychological can



According to Wellek and Austin, the term psychology literature has four

understandings. The first is the study of the psychology of the author as a type or as a

person. The second is the study of the creative process. The third type of study and

psychological laws applied to literary works. Finally, the fourth study is the impact of

literature on the reader (psychology reader) (90). Although the difference between

psychology and literature has the same intersection that is both equally examine

human and his life as a source or a quiz.

Psychoanalysis was first presented by the "father of Psychoanalysis" Sigmund

Freud famously originating from Austria. "Psychoanalysis is a special term in

research psychology literature" (Endraswara, 196). That is, psychoanalysis is widely

applied in any of the research literature that use the psychological approach.

Generally, in any implementation of psychological approach towards the study of

literature, which is taken from the theory of psychoanalysis is only the parts that are

useful and appropriate, especially with regard to the discussion of the nature and

character of the man. A discussion of the nature and character of the man includes a

relatively broad coverage because men always show the condition of the soul.

Psychoanalysis also outlines abnormalities or disorders of the soul, "but it is

certain that Psychoanalysis is not the whole of the science of the soul, but is a branch

and possibly even basic of the whole science soul" (Calvin, 1995:24). Based on the

statement in general, it can be concluded that psychoanalysis is a basic psychiatric

research Pike in achieving a more serious research phase, in particular literary work



in a drama or novel psychologically. The figures generally a figment of the

imagination or authors who are in conditions of a healthy psyche nor distracted, then

poured into a beautiful masterpiece. The State of the soul in healthy and

compromised this was the birth of the mirror works with are healthy or disturbed.

In the year 1893, Breur and Freud published "Studies on Hysteria" which is

seen as the beginning of psychoanalysis. Initially Freud argues, psychic life contains

two parts i.e. consciousness (the conscious) and unconscious (unconscious) likened

with part of the unconscious part of the iceberg that visible on the surface of the sea.

Part of unconsciousness, which is much larger, is under the sea level, contains the

instinct that encourages all human behavior (Rustiana, 170).

Freud then revised the consciousness and unconsciousness and introduce the

id, ego, and superego. Psychoanalysis is the process of using what we know about the

third part of the personality of the person to analyze the way people behave. Freud

defined the id as if it were the King, the ego and the superego as the ministry and as a

pastor. ID acting like absolute Kings that everyone must respect, spoiled, arbitrary,

and super selfish. In short, he should get whatever he wants. The ego has the role of

the Ministry in charge of tasks related to the reality and response to the expectations

of the community. Moreover, the superego as the priest always evaluate as bad desire

Idol and keeping them shows good judgment (Minderop, 21). Clearer explanation



2.1.1 Id (Das Es)

ID in Germany is Das Es. ID or Das Es personality facet is the oldest, the first

personality system that exists from birth (perhaps even before birth) and

genetically-derived and directly related to boost-human biological impulses. According to

Bertens, inner layer id is owned by human long before humans are aware of its

presence (33). The ID consists of the human soul that contains the primitive impulses.

Primitive impulse is the argumentation of human that immediately wants to be filled

or implemented the desires or needs.

Freud says that id is a bridge between biological and psychic respects human,

so that id is primitive. Because it contains a primitive impulse, Id is kaotik (chaotic,

without rules), ignorant of the moral, have no sense of right – wrong. The only thing

that is known is feeling happy – not happy, so Id is said to work based on the

principle of pleasure (pleasure principle). ID always pursues pleasure and avoid strain

(Minderop, 21). If the thrust on them are met, soon it will arise to a sense of happy,

satisfied and excited. On the contrary, if it is not met or implemented immediately,

then the opposite will occur (Hartono, 3).

One of the primitive urge in sexual urge that ID is also known by the term

libido. Freud says that much of human behavior is common and done daily based on

the sexual drive in one of its forms. Since someone is still small, impulse-sexual drive

is already manifested in actions such as sucking fingers (Dirgagunarsa, 63-64). As

you get older, the sexual impulse is realized in accordance with the realities of life



In carrying out its function, Id has two basic mechanisms, namely the reflex

movements and primary process. Basic movements in the form of a wink, or

spontaneous movements, sneezing breastfeeding babies and so on. However, it is not

always efficient reflex relieve tension for that primary process is required. The

primary process is the process by which human beings form an image of an object

that is useful for the gratification of a need. Primary processes have characterized the

illogical, irrational, unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality. To keep

holding on surviving humans should be able to distinguish which one is the

imaginary and real, thus making the system as a second personality, is the ego

(Hartono, 4).

2.1.2 Ego (Das Ich)

Ego in Germany language called Das Ich. Ego is a facet of the personality that

should be subject to Id and need to find the reality of what it takes the Id as

satisfaction needs and relief tension. According to Bertens, ego is fully controlled by

objective reality thought of demanding social needs (33). Thus, the Ego, in terms of

personality, can be distinguished between fantasy and reality and unwilling to bear

the tension in a certain boundaries.

In contrast to the Id which is a work based on the principle of pleasure, the

Ego is a work based on the principle of reality (reality principle). This means humans

can delay gratification of oneself or look for other forms of gratification that is more



(Koeswara, 34). Ego runs the secondary process (secondary process), meaning that it

uses the ability to think rationally in search of the best problem solving (Hartono, 4).

The ego is often also called executor because the system is directly connected

with the real world. ID and the super ego often mutually competing to win, so the ego

as the executor must be able to meet the demands of both the personality system in a

balanced way. Ego try to choose which among the desires of the id and the ego that

match was carried out in the face of problems. Semiun outlines five ego functions, i.e.

first is to give satisfaction on needs for food and protecting the organism, the second

is to set effort id with the demands of reality around, pressing the third impulse that

cannot be accepted by the superego, the province set up conflicting demands and

finishing id and superego (66).

2.1.3 Superego (Das Über Ich)

The Superego is a third personality in a person containing the word heart

(conscience). The word heart is related to social and environmental values that have

rules and norms in a society so it is a control or sensors against a boost that comes

from the id. Super ego wants only certain boost from id awareness, while the impulse

which does not comply with moral values in order to stay not to meet (Dirgagunarsa,


Freud's superego divides into two subsystems, namely the conscience and ego

ideal. Conscience through punishment of various children's behavior that are rated



ideal is the result of praise and gift over a range of behaviors that are rated "good ‟ by

parents. Children pursue excellence and goodness to have a value of self (self-esteem)

and self-pride (pride). In contrast to the ego that holds on to the principles of reality,

the superego facilitates people to have self-control (self-control) that will always

demand perfection in human thinking, talking and acting (Hartono, 4-5). Therefore,

when the dynamical personality that is reflected in the behavior of individual think

and be contradicted because of decisions that determined the superego (Semiun,


The Superego is non rational in demanding perfection, punishing a mistake by

the ego, the good that has been done recently or in the mind. With the superego, the

individual can do something based on morality or values which are in force in the

community. Therefore, when the dynamics of personality which is reflected in the

behavior of the individual’s mind and arguably because of decisions that determined

the superego (Semiun, 13). In addition, there are three functions of the superego: first

is to push the ego succeeds in realistic objectives with the objectives of the morality,

the second is the rule of Id impulses, especially sexual and aggressive impulses as

opposed to the standard value of the community, and the third, the pursuit of

perfection (Hall and Lindzey, 67-68).

2.2 New Criticism

According to Tyson, to analyze a novel new criticism approach is theory that

dominates the criticsm, since 1940-1960 (183). This theory was applied in the



in the early decades of the twentieth century and dominated the teaching and

scholarship until the early 1960s (Castle 122) – Anglo-America.

According toAbrams, New formalist criticism is a movement in literary

theory which dominated American literary criticism in the 20th century. On the other

hand, literary criticism is a discipline to interpret, to analyze and to evaluate works of

literature (46). Literature is generally defined as a piece of writing works that have

been going on for years because they relate to interesting ideas which are timeless

and universal with exceptional artistry and power. This could include poetry, novels,

plays, essays, memoirs, etc. (Gellispie, 4). The previous picture of literary criticism is

to study, to interpret, to analyze, to evaluate and to formulate a general principle of

literary works.

The new critics insist that everything from the pages of irrelevant, ignore the

psychology, philosophy, history, biography, and many other literary discussion of

possible investigation (Gillespie, 173). New criticism concentrated on the paradox

and ambivalence that may be formed in the text. It clearly focuses primarily on a

writer of poetry, Mark Schorer,extented main teachings to include analysis of the

fictional ofprose (Carter 27-28). This point says that the new criticism in mostly

focused on poetry.

2.2.1 Character

It is a principal character in a work of literature (novels, stories, romance and



described as human in the real world. In the literary works, it should be lifelikeness

(henry and robin, 68).

The characters are obviously relevant to us and our experience like ourselves

or other people as we know it the character is an actor's story (Kenny, 27). The

characters are the ones presented in the narrative works that convey their personal

qualities through dialogue and actions that readers understand the thoughts, feelings,

intentions and their motivation (Nurgiyantoro, 165). Abrams said that the character is

a person who is represented in the works of dramatic or narrative, which is interpreted

by the reader as a moral, intellectual and emotional that certain conclusions from

what people say, how they say the dialogue and from what they do-action (32).

According to Jones, the character is portraying a real person shown in the

story (qtd in Nurgiyantoro, 165). Perhaps, the single most important aspect of a good

novel is the character. The reader should care about the characters to care about what

happens to them.

The characters are divided into several categories, there are several categories

for the main character in a literary work, especially in fiction. The first is a character

who is always involved in the theme. The second is a character often associated with

other characters. The last one is a character needs a lot of time to express (Gillespie,


Koesnobroto tells us that we can distinguish two types of characters. They are



important while the second is the most important figure in a story. In any literary

work, there will always be priority. Synonym of main character is the protagonist.

The protagonist is the main character in the story, such as a work of literature or

drama. (Henry and Robert Scott, 1453)

The protagonist is in the middle of the story that had to make a difficult

choice and key decisions, and should experience the consequences of those decisions.

The protagonist can influence the decision of the main character. The protagonist had

to push the story forward. If a story contains headlines, or narrative that comprises

several stories, then there may be characters that are interpreted as the protagonist of

each sub plot or story. (StephenDuncan, 33)

From the explanation above, we can find some elements of the novel and its

elements including the characters. The characters are divided into two, the main

characters, and this character is small. The main character is a man who is the key to

all conflict situations in the novel or, while the small characters are the ones that

support the main character in the novel.

In this study, researchers focused on the analysis of Kitty Fane as main

characters. Kitty Fane is the protagonist who is depicted with her struggle for the sake

of getting the things she wanted, namely a sense of love from her husband. In the

beginning of the novel, Kitty Fane made a mistake so that her husband did not care



2.2.2 Characterization

Holman said that in fiction (drama, novels, short stories, and narrative poetry),

the author reveals the character of an imaginary person. Characterization means that

the authors present and reveal character, by Description, by displaying the character

in action or by presenting other people that help to define each other ("fictional


Characterization refers to the way a writer develop a fictional people who fill

a novel. Characterization is how a writer helps us to know all the characters in a

book. The author may develop character through dialogue, and action. There are two

ways an author convey information about characters. They are the direct and indirect

characterization. The direct way means that the author describes directly about

character. If not, an indirect characterization of the authors do not only tell the

characters but also show them to the reader through the display of characters, the

characters do, say, thinks, and how it affect the other characters from five things,

readers can understand and get a clear picture character ‟ s personality (Hughes 3).

Holman stated that there are three basic methods of characterization in fiction:

(1) explicit presentation by the author through direct exposition of character, both in

the introduction blocks or more often bit by bit throughout the work, described by

action; (2) presentation of characters in action, with little or no explicit Comments by

the author, hopes that the reader will be able to infer properties from the actions of

actors; and (3) representation of character, without commenting on the character by



that the reader will come to a clear understanding of character attributes (76) so the

characters and related characteristics, it is also important to be a point of character

analyzed in this study. The writer tried to express Linda Brent’s struggle for freedom

in slavery, doing and thinking involved.

2.3 Preview Study

In an earlier study describes the colonization until the cholera attacks the

Chinese citizens.The researchers also used a post-colonialsm approach to find

problems and solutions in research. Problems that occur in this research finding and

the response of the community of East and West, as seen from when social problems.

The study was written by Endah Pramesti R University of Diponegoro. The result of

the research was colonialism United Kingdom in China has a specific purpose.

Economic factors included is going on in China. This research also has positive and

negative impacts such as ' the Chinese people have a strong culture of The View of

Religion and beliefs and knowledge about scientific causing conflict in the story in

the novel.

The second study analyzed using the theory of intertextuality. The study

was written by Victoria Sjoberg KARLSTADS University. The aim of this study is to

investigate what these intertextual references bring to the novel and what their

functions are. The researcher use method of looking at different reference used by

Maugham and stated purpose and meaning to the novel. The result of the

investigation described how to use the Shelley's theme of veiling, and hiding marks



between married couples and how society is broken. Kitty Fane, wife get her life





This chapter discussed the characteristics of Kitty Fane as the main character

in The Painted Veil novel. The Researcher used theory psychoanalysis and new

criticism to answer research questions. The researcher divided the analysis into two

parts. First, the researcher revealed the characteristics of Kitty Fane, the two will

discuss about Kitty's psychological dealing with two choices between together with

her husband or another man.

3.1 Kitty Fane Characterization

This section discusses the character and characterization of Kitty Fane. Kitty

is the main character in The Painted Veil by William Somerset Maugham. She

becomes the main character because he always appears in every part of the story. It is

accordance with Nurgiyantoro’s statement (176), he states that the main character is

an important character in a story that appears continually. Since Kitty described as the

main character, automatically she also regarded as a protagonist. Moreover, Kitty’s

characterization belongs to flat character because of his personality never changes. It

is accordance with Abrams’ statement (31), he said that the flat character is usually

played by protagonist.

In approaching the characterization, the researcher uses direct and indirect

characterization. From direct characterization, the researcher is able to understand the



indirect characterization, the researcher is able to understand the Kitty’s

characterization by drawing conclusions from the things he does, think and say. Here

is the Kitty’s characterization:

3.1.1 Caring

The word care has diverse meanings. Many literatures categorize them based

on caring people, caring people and so on. Therefore, concerns concerning tasks,

roles, and relationships. The word caring also deals with personal, emotional and

needs (Gatyo 2012). According to Philips, defining care as achievement of something

outside of itself. Caring is also often associated with warmth, positive,

meaningfulness, and relationships.

In the novel The Painted Veil tells Kitty's sense of concern for her husband.

When Walter told Kitty that Walter would be assigned to deal with an outbreak of

cholera in Mei Tan Fu China, and Walter also made sure that the cholera outbreak

was so dangerous that Walter had to go there. Kitty was shocked to hear her husband

say, until finally she advised Walter not to go to Mei Tan Fu China. Although Kitty

does not love her husband but she still cares about her husband and Kitty tries to

change Walter's opinion not to go, even Kitty expresses caring feelings to her

husband to tears.

"What are you crying for?" His voice was cold.

"You're not obliged to go, are you?"



"Please don't, Walter. It would be too awful if something happened. Supposing you died?" (Maugham 77)

Walter convinces Kitty to take her to Mei Tan Fu china. Walter is not a

doctor, Kitty worries about Walter's condition if he does go there. Kitty thinks that

Walter's condition will be very bad if it's there, because there's an epidemic of cholera

that can make people die. Even when Kitty cried when he heard Walter desperate to

go to a dangerous place, and Kitty begged Walter not to go because he was very

worried about Walter's condition if he was there.

When she follows her husband to China, Kitty meets Waddington. The man

taught Kitty many things about kindness, Waddington invites Kitty to visit the

orphanage. Kitty meets the nun's chief here, Kitty tells her that she is willing to help

with the work on the premises, because she feels needed on the spot. Kitty's concern

is very visible when she takes care of some work there especially when she takes care

of some babies who live without parents. Cholera disease that attack, make Kitty very

concerned with the condition of the children there.

"The lady's husband will be pleased with them," said Sister St Joseph. "I think he could play by the hour with the babies. When they cry he has only to take them up, and he makes them comfortable in the crook of his arm, so that they laugh with delight."(Maugham 156)



From the quotation above explains Kitty's desire to help the nuns. Kitty is

very happy with the situation there, she felt sad when she saw some babies born

without parents, so Kitty feels concerned about the situation there. Kitty's sense of

caring can also be seen from the words of Sister Joseph. She says that Kitty is very

happy when she takes care of the baby there. He also said Walter would be happy

with what Kitty was doing there. Sister St. Joseph also saw Kitty's strong sense of

concern for being a mother. Kitty also told Walter about the activities she was doing

there, and Kitty was hoping to always help the nuns there.

3.1.2 Optimistic

Optimism is one of the components of positive psychology associated with

positive emotions and positive behaviors that lead to health, stress-free life, social

relationships and good social functioning (Daraiei 2012)

Besides care, Kitty also has an optimistic nature. The trait emerged when

Kitty was in Mei Tan Fu China. Kitty was initially like a woman who had just stayed

home and had not done any activities inside the house, but Kitty was bored because

she did not feel like a dummy just staying home. Kitty had met Walter's friends.

Waddington, she told Kitty about a chapel that was home to children and babies in

Mei Tan Fu China. Waddington also offered Kitty to visit the place, until finally Kitty

was invited by Waddington to visit the Chapel. There Kitty meets with some nuns,

they talk about Walter's work and her daily activities, then invited by St. Joseph's to

see some children and babies there. Kitty felt sad when she saw the situation there.



the nuns did not believe in Kitty, but she tried to convince St. Joseph's sisters to help


"That encourages me, ma mere", said Kitty. "I have been feeling that I had come at a very unfortunate moment. You said the other day that there was more work than the Sisters could do, and I was wondering if you would allow me to come and help them. I do not mind what I do if I can only be useful. I should be thankful if you just set me to scrub the floors." (Maugham 174)

From the quotation above explains that Kitty's arrival at that time was not

quite right, but Kitty came to make sure she was accepted to help the work there,

Kitty also convinced St. Joseph to accept it and Kitty was so optimistic that even she

was willing to clean the floor. Kitty think that she saw a small number of nuns, and

with a nun who died at yesterday. So Kitty confidently told her to be allowed to help.

St Joseph was not convinced that Kitty could do the work at the orphanage,

nor did Joseph want to make Kitty feel overwhelmed by doing the work at the

orphanage. Kitty is a beautiful woman and looks like a weak woman, so St. Joseph

says that Kitty is better at home. But the caring nature that Kitty possesses is very

strong, Kitty is trying to convince St. Joseph to allow her to help in an orphanage.

Because Kitty feels she is more useful if she was there, and Kitty also feels sad to see

the situation there, with the lack of nuns and the number of children and babies who

are getting less attention



would be a charity that you were doing me if you would let me be of some help to you." (Maugham 175)

"You make me feel very useless and very helpless. It seems incredible that there should be nothing that I can do." (Maugham 176)

It explains the optimism of Kitty which she convinced St. Joseph with her

earlier words. Kitty also states that she does not want to make others see her weak. So

she wants to show St. Joseph about her desire to help in that place. Kitty sensed that

she was needed in that place, because there were very few nuns. Kitty also rejected

St. Joseph's suggestion that Kitty is a weak Woman. Kitty is optimistic, she is very

confident with her help, she will do anything. Kitty also says it's impossible that

nothing she can do, Kitty is young, strong, and passionate. So she feels optimistic and


After talking to St. Joseph, Kitty kept trying to get him allowed to help there.

Kitty also says that she is willing to help because the situation there is very sad. Until

finally Kitty pleaded and promised St. Joseph to give her a chance to help and Kitty

would show that she could be useful if allowed to help there.

"It is very good of you. I think I can find something for you to do. It is true that now Sister St Francis has been taken from us, it is impossible for us to cope with the work. When will you be ready to start?"


"A la bonne heure. I am content to hear you say that."



When a person makes a promise, it is certain that the person has a sense of

optimism with the actions he will perform according to his promise. After Kitty was

allowed to help there, Kitty was optimistic and promised to take advantage of the

opportunities provided by St. Joseph with all her might. So he does not look like a

weak woman, and he also wants to show that he is capable of doing any work.

When Kitty takes care of several children there, Kitty does her job well and is

like taking care of her own child. But there was one girl who was strange to Kitty, at

first she was disgusted that the girl had a strange physique and the girl always

followed Kitty wherever. After asking St. Joseph about the girl, Kitty was sad to see

the girl, but the next day the boy stepped away from Kitty

“But suddenly the child, with an idiot perversity, left her; it seemed to lose

interest in her, and that day and the following days paid her no attention. Kitty did not know what she had done and tried to lure it to her with smiles and

gestures, but it turned away and pretended not to see her.” (Maugham 180)

In the quotation above explains Kitty's efforts to get a strange girl. After the

boy had turned away from Kitty, Kitty felt there was something wrong with her. So

Kitty is optimistic to approach the kid by watching her, smiling, and playing with her.

It was done Kitty to change the girl's attitude.

3.1.3 Brave

Brave is an act that shows courage without any fear, courage is divided into

two parts. The first is courage because of honesty or defending the truth, this is



courage because of curiosity or challenge, this is usually done by a character who acts

according to his wish without thinking of the impact that will occur.


As the main character in The Painted Veil novel, Kitty Fane has bold

characteristics. Kitty who married for wanting to have a better life has made a

mistake. She had an affair with Charlie in her own home when her husband went to


She knew that he was in love with her before he told her, and a little

frightened she kept him at a distance. He was impetuous and it was difficult. She was afraid to let him kiss her, for the thought of his arms about her made her heart beat so fast. She had never been in love before. (Maugham 50)

It shows that Kitty continues her relationship with Charlie. Even though Kitty

is married, she still meets Charlie secretly. When Kitty meets Charlie, she feels that

Charlie is in love with her. It shows when Charlie tries to kiss and hugs Kitty. Kitty

initially wanted to refuse it, but after Charlie managed to kiss and hug her, Kitty felt

great comfort. Kitty's courage begins when she meets Charlie and she has a happy

encounter. Kitty's daring attitude is very challenging with the ethics of marriage.

From the quotation above also explains that Kitty does not think of her husband's

feelings, so he just obeys his brave wishes

From Kitty's meeting continues until sex, even Kitty and Charlie do that in



Notwithstanding the darkness of the shuttered room he saw her face on a sudden distraught* with terror.

"Someone just tried the door." (Maugham 5)

From the quotation above explains that Kitty is a brave woman. She is a

married woman; she has sex with other people in her room. One of the reasons Kitty

did that was because she felt uncomfortable with her husband's qualities, even though

her husband was a very loyal man. Another cause is, Kitty has been seduced by

Charlie, the man who makes Kitty feel more comfortable. So Kitty dare to have an

affair with Charlie.

3.1.4 Kind Person

In The Painted Veil Kitty's story is described as a good person. Kitty did a lot

of good things when she was in Mei Tan Fu China. When Kitty was in Chapel, she

did a lot of good things. She helped the nuns work there by taking care of the children

and babies there.

ALL the next day Kitty thought of the convent; and the morning after, early, soon after Walter had gone, taking the amah with her to get chairs, she crossed the river. It was barely day and the Chinese crowding the ferry boat, some in the blue cotton of the peasant, others in the black robes of

respectability, had a strange look of the dead being borne over the water to the land of shadow. And when they stepped ashore they stood for a little at the landing-place uncertainly as though they did not quite know where to go, before desultorily, in twos and threes, they wandered up the hill.(Maugham 171)



In the quotation above describes the activities of Kitty. He departed early in

the morning to go to the chapel, which Kitty did after she visited the chapel

yesterday. Kitty, who had volunteered to help work there, was given permission by

St. Joseph, so she was eager to leave early as the workers in Mei Tan Fu China. It is a

very noble act. Kitty's character is portrayed as a good person when she helps a job in

Mei Tan Fu China, as she did from the above quote. Previously, Kitty saw the

condition of children and babies there. She felt like being a useful person, so she

decided to help out in the chapel

"My dear child, do you not think that you have done enough in coming with your husband here? That is more than many wives would have had the courage to do, and for the rest how can you be better occupied than in giving him peace and comfort when he comes home to you after the day's work? Believe me, he needs then all your love and all your consideration." (Maugham 174)

Kitty's goodness is also felt by others, St. Joseph. From the quotation above of

St. Joseph says that the arrival of Kitty with Walter to Mei Tan Fu China has helped

many people especially in terms of goodness. St. Joseph was greatly helped by

Walter's arrival there. With Kitty coming to the chapel, St. Joseph also felt very

helpful because there was a dead nun there. When Kitty was allowed to help work

there, the nuns saw that Kitty was enjoying her job at the chapel. The kindness that

others see is Kitty's high and optimistic concern makes the children's lives better than



3.2 Kitty’s Decision Retained Her Marriage

The second part of this discussion is about Kitty Fane's decision when given

her choice by her husband. Researchers try to analyze based on the theory of

psychoanalysis. In this case, Kitty's actions against her choice were influenced by

three personality agents, namely ID, Ego, and Superego. This section will be divided

into three parts. The first is about Kitty ID. The second is about Kitty's Ego. The third

is about Kitty Superego.

It aims to know the wishes and choices of Kitty for the choices given by her

husband. The choice her husband gave her when she had an affair with Charlie. Kitty

who accepts the choice tries to ask Charlie, because she believes Charlie loves her.

ID is personality facet is the oldest, the first personality system that exists

from birth (perhaps even before birth) and genetically-derived and directly related to

boost-human biological impulses. According to Bertens, inner layer id is owned by

human long before humans are aware of its presence (33).

After marriage, Kitty Fane is not happy. So he sought his comfort again.

When Kitty attends a party event in China, she meets Charlie. Initially, they just get

acquainted like normal friends. Then they often meet and talk about their

personalities. And when Charlie says something nice about her, Kitty drifts off in

Charlie's words of seduction. Kitty who feels uncomfortable with her family



Fane was having an affair with Charlie Townsend because Kitty Charlie thought it

was a man who could make her feel good. Like the following quote.

He did not answer, but he smiled at her with roguish eyes. She knew and

loved that charming look of his.

"Well, what is it? I know you're going to say something awful."

"Well, you know, women are often under the impression that men are much more madly in love with them than they really are."

For the first time she laughed. His confidence was catching. (Maugham 70)

From the quotation above explains that when a woman feels anxious about her

problem, they need a person who can calm her mind and make them feel comfortable.

After Kitty fane is worried about her act of infidelity with Charlie, she feels uneasy

and restless. But from the quotation above explains that Kitty Fane falls in love with

someone who can make her feel comfortable. When he's worried Charlie convinces

Kitty to throw that far away and Kitty's comfort is portrayed when for the first time

she can laugh and feel confident.

It was also explained when Kitty Fane was having an affair in the room. But

there are mysterious people who want to enter the room. Instantly Kitty worries and

feels that it's Walter Fane, but Charlie tries to calm Kitty's feelings. Kitty was very

nervous at the time; she was uncomfortable with the shadow of the mysterious

person. Charlie said not to worry. With Charlie Kitty's seduction feeling calm so



She gave him the shadow of a smile. His rich, caressing voice reassured her and she took his hand and affectionately pressed it. He gave her a moment to collect herself. (Maugham 7)

"Don't worry your pretty little head about our mysterious visitor. I'm quite sure it was the amah. And if there's any trouble I guarantee to get you out of it." (Maugham 11)

From the quotation above it is explained that the words spoken by Charlie

have given tranquility so that Kitty feels comfortable and does not feel anxious

anymore. When Charlie said "Do not worry your pretty little head about our

mysterious visitor" that means Charlie has made Kitty feel calm. When someone

experiences anxiety and there are people who can calm his anxiety, then the person

will feel comfortable. Another factor that supports Kitty's comfort is her love for

Charlie. Like the above quote, Kitty's nervousness has been lost when the person she

loves says that there is no need to worry

It is very common that a woman can gain comfort with more attention, in the

above discussion it has been explained that Kitty married only to seek the comfort of

her parents, until she finally had an affair with Charlie. Walter actually knew that

Kitty had not been comfortable with her. Kitty insinuated Walter's attitude all along

that made her feel uncomfortable with her. Like the following quote

"If a man hasn't what's necessary to make a woman love him, it's his fault, not hers."



From the quotation above explains that women will feel comfortable when all

his needs are met. Kitty felt Walter's stiffness and more concerned with her work so

Kitty did not feel like a wife. A woman will be very happy if she feels to have

everything including things that can make her feel comfortable. So Kitty satirical

Walter with these words. Unknowingly, Kitty had expressed Walter's discomfort even

though they were married. And that's what caused Kitty to have an affair with


Ego is a facet of the personality that should be subject to Id and need to find

the reality of what it takes the Id as satisfaction needs and relief tension. According to

Bertens, ego is fully controlled by objective reality thought of demanding social

needs (33)

When Kitty feels uncomfortable with her husband and she prefers to have an

affair with Charlie because she feels Charlie has what she wants, even though she

realizes it's wrong and cannot be justified by anyone because they're both married.

Like the following quote.

"Are you angry with me?" he asked her.

"I adore you," she whispered.

"Don't you think you were very silly to waste so much time?"

"A perfect fool."(Maugham 51)

Regret is a very bad thing for humans, especially the wrong spouse choosing



marrying Walter, Kitty also feels that Walter is not the person who can make her feel

comfortable until she finally finds a man like Charlie, who can make her happy and

comfortable. This is also evident in the following quotation.

HER happiness, sometimes almost more than she could bear, renewed her beauty. Just before she married, beginning to lose her first freshness, she had looked tired and drawn. (Maugham 52)

From the quotation above illustrates that Kitty's situation after marriage

changed drastically. The young Kitty has a beautiful face and the freshness of her

face is clearly visible. But the happiness was lost because he was not happy with the

situation he was living with her husband, until finally he had an affair with Charlie, a

figure that can make him back beautiful as a rising rose. In a domestic situation, there

needs to be a harmonious relationship between couples, because the happiness can be

obtained with harmony. Comfort is the most important part in feeling happy and

harmony, so as to make women look beautiful as felt Kitty when she was happy to

feel comfortable with Charlie.

But Kitty's decision does not last long, her husband who knows Kitty cheats

prefer to keep it. Walter gave Kitty the option to ask her to come with him to Mei Tan

Fu or divorce her. Then Kitty meets Charlie to tell him that Walter has known the

problem about his affair. Kitty initially believes that Charlie will defend her and

divorce her, but Charlie gives Kitty a painful answer, Charlie does not want this

problem involving Doris, so Charlie's decision makes Kitty choose Walter's offer that



"I don't think that my husband ever thought of bringing an action."

"Then why in God's name have you been frightening me out of my wits?" he asked.

She looked at him coolly.

"He knew that you'd let me down." (Maugham 102)

Walter who knew Kitty had an affair, then invited him to come to Mei Tan

Fu. When Kitty refuses to come along and is convinced of his choice that Charlie

loves, but Kitty's decision is wrong, when she comes up and asks Charlie, she is

disappointed that Charlie is more defensive with his wife. Kitty finally knew the

reason why Walter let her see Charlie and with Charlie's reply made Kitty have to go

with Walter. If the sense of comfort given by a man turns into disappointment, then

we must accept and undergo other options. The quotation above explains that the

happiness and comfort that Kitty chooses is wrong, even she does not realize Walter

knows it, but with the reason of love, Walter further defends Kitty to follow her in

Mei Tan Fu, even though Walter gives Kitty the opportunity to meet Charlie even

though Walter knew the outcome.

The Superego is a third personality in a person containing the word heart

(conscience). The word heart is related to social and environmental values that have

rules and norms in a society so it is a control or sensors against a boost that comes

from the id. Super ego wants only certain boost from id awareness, while the impulse

which does not comply with moral values in order to stay not to meet (Dirgagunarsa,



When Kitty had an affair with Charlie, there was a mysterious figure who wanted

to knock on the door that made Kitty feel uncomfortable. Kitty's feelings were mixed

together, the discomfort and the fear if it was Walter. Kitty thinks of how her husband

responds if he really knows that his wife is having an affair. Then Kitty contacted the

laboratory where Walter worked to make sure Walter was at work and to make sure that

the one who came when he was having an affair was not Walter

"Ring up the laboratory and ask if Walter is there," she said then.

"They won't know your voice."

He took up the receiver and asked for the number. He inquired whether Dr. Fane was in. He put down the receiver. (Maugham 9)

While in the room and startled by the voice of a person who mysterious. Kitty

wanted to make sure it was not Walter, to pitch her to work. Kitty's consciousness

came when she felt that it was Walter, of course she was very embarrassed if it was

Walter. It is very inappropriate for a wife to have an affair when the husband is at

work. Kitty feels scared if it's Walter, because the moral seen is, she's a cheap woman

and not a good woman. According to society, good women are women who are able

to maintain relationships with their partners, and women who remain faithful. When

Walter said that he knew Kitty was having an affair, Walter gave her two choices to

choose from. Walter filed a divorce suit to Kitty and at that time kitty felt very

ashamed. Like the following quote.

"Townsend will marry you only if he is co-respondent* and the case is

so shameless that his wife is forced to divorce him."



"You stupid fool." (Maugham 81)

It is embarrassing that a woman is sued for divorce because of a case of

infidelity, it is not appropriate for a woman. From the quotation above Kitty feels that

she will be very embarrassed if divorced due to a case of infidelity, and Kitty also

thinks of the feeling of his wife Townsend. Kitty is famous for beautiful women and

good comes from families who have a high social affair with her sister's husband.

That is a very bad deed if the public knows, so Kitty is afraid to and does not want

her sister to know.

After receiving Walter's offer, Kitty meets Charlie to inquire that she will be

divorced on condition Charlie must divorce his wife as well or Kitty goes with Walter

to Mei Tan Fu China.

"You know, darling," he said, "whatever happens we must keep Dorothy out of this."

She looked at him blankly (Maugham 93)

The answer from Charlie has made him feel ashamed, when women realize he

has been deceived by men especially in affairs, surely they feel so disappointed.

Charlie did not want to involve his wife, and Kitty also knew it would be

embarrassing to see people. Really, he wanted to have a relationship with Charlie, but

the decision Charlie said made her disappointed. So he was forced to go with Walter





This chapter discusses about the conclusion of thesis. This thesis uses

Psychoanalysis theory to analyze the action of main character Kitty Fane in novel The

Painted Veil. Before analyzing the action of Kitty, the researcher has to know about

the character and characteristic that will be analyzed by using psychoanalysis theory

and then new criticism approach to find Kitty’s action

In this analysis, it shows that Kitty has a care, and optimistic nature. Kitty's

sense of concern was visible when she was in China, Kitty who initially looks like a

weak and beautiful woman can show her cares when she helps in chapel work.

Although at first the nuns were not convinced that Kitty could do the work there, but

Kitty's heart felt sad when she saw the condition in the chapel. So she decided to help

by caring for the baby and the children there. Kitty's optimistic feeling was shown

when she convinced the nun's chief that she be allowed to help work there.

Previously, the nuns were not convinced because Kitty was a beautiful and visible

woman who never worked hard. Kitty continues to show their optimistic nature. So

she is allowed to help work there.

According to the psychoanalysis theory that discusses ID, Ego, and Superego,

Kitty's ID properties refer to comfort, this is shown when he chooses to marriage and

away from his mother because he feels uncomfortable living with his mother and he



also shown when she chooses to have an affair with Charlie, as she feels

uncomfortable with Walter's very stiff attitude. Ego Kitty was also shown when she

was having an affair with Charlie, and ignored Walter's feelings. Kitty does not care

about her husband even though she realizes that her actions are wrong. Superego

Kitty is shown when she is having an affair with Charlie, Kitty is afraid that Walter

knows about it. Superego Kitty is also shown when he will be sued for divorce by

Walter on allegations of infidelity, Kitty would feel ashamed if sued for the case of

infidelity, he thinks of other people's opinions if it is actually done by Walter. After

being given two options by Walter, Kitty decided to go with Walter to China because

she felt disappointed by Charlie, Charlie said she would never divorce his wife and

would not marry Kitty so Kitty was very disappointed. It refers to the mood that Kitty

felt when she was having an affair and when she was given two choices by her


So Kitty Fane is the main character in the painted veil novel that has a

optimistic, and caring nature. The nature is clearly demonstrated from every action

that Kitty does, and changing Kitty's life feels better than ever. The reason Kitty

prefers her husband to Charlie is because of her high comfort and moral sense.

Because of his comfort, he does not want to be considered a man like a woman who




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figure that can make him back beautiful as a rising rose. In a domestic situation, there


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