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Lesson 19 VALIDATION COPY 1.0 JUNE 2007 Militer The Military


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Lesson 19



The Military

In this lesson, you will learn basic military vocabulary, including the terms for rank, weapons, and military equipment.


1. Read along while listening to the following terms and repeat them after the speaker. Military Militer

Civilian Sipil/ Orang sipil

Soldier Tentara

Troops Pasukan

To search Mencari

Weapons Senjata-senjata

Rifle Senapan

Machine gun Senapan mesin

Mine Ranjau

Mine field Daerah ranjau

Mortar Mortir

Grenade Granat

Pistol Pistol

Uniform Seragam

Helmet Helem

Boots Sepatu bot (military boots) Bulletproof vest Ves anti peluru

Tank Teng panser

Humvee Mobil hamfi

Armed Forces Angkatan Bersenjata

Army Angkatan Darat

Air Force Angkatan Udara

Navy Angkatan Laut

Police Angkatan Kepolisian Marines Angkatan Marinir Coast Guard Penjaga Pantai Army base Pangkalan militer To wear/ To use Pakai/ Memakai

Cache Tempat menyembunyikan perlengkapan- perlengkapan

To be careful Berhati-hati/ Hati-hati Checkpoint Pos pemeriksaan Road block Blokade jalan

Curfew Jam malam

In charge (of a patrol, base, etc.) Petugas To be in charge Berkuasa

To pass by Lewat

To show Tunjukkan/ Menunjukkan To appoint Tunjuk/ Menunjuk

To go home Pulang

Only Hanya


May Boleh

To step out Langkah keluar/ Melangkah keluar Grammar Notes


Indonesian uses certain classifier words before nouns. This is similar to English when writing or saying ---

“a pair of,” “a bunch of,” “a flock of,” and so on. The general classifier word for things in Indonesian is buah, for weapons it is pucuk, and for people it is orang.

Se should be used before classifier words when a singular item is indicated, such as one, a, or an.

There are many more classifier words that are not listed here.

Dua orang polisi memakai pistol. Two policemen used pistols. Dia seorang sipil. He/She is a civilian. Mereka punya sebuah truk hamfi. They have a Humvee.

Nano memakai sepasang sepatu bot. Nano wears a pair of military boots. While se is used to indicate singularity, the classifier and prefix ber is use to indicate many.

Berpucuk-pucuk senjata ada di kamar itu. Lots of weapons are in that room. Berpasang-pasang sepatu bot dikirim lewat pos. Many pairs of boots were sent through the mail.

Prepositions ke and di:

Ke means “to” or “toward.”

Jalan ke pangkalan militer. This is the way to the military base.

Di (at, in, or on) may be followed with atas (above), bawah (below), dalam (inside), or luar


Mereka tinggal di pangkalan militer. They live on the military base. Saya taruh pistol dibawah tempat tidur saya. I put my pistol underneath my bed.


You have learned that adalah or ialah is the “to be” verb. You have also learned that its use is optional.

Ada, on the other hand, means “there is” or “there are,” and it may be used with the preposition di. Ada, in this case, has the meaning of where something is located, like at, in, or on.

Ada dua tentara di dalam mobil hamfi. There are two soldiers inside the Humvee.

Ada banyak keluarga militer tinggal di daerah ini. There are many military families

that live here. As stated in a previous lesson, the prefixes pe, pem, peng, peny, and pen, with the suffix an, turn verbs


Periksa (to inspect) becomes pemeriksaan (the inspection).

Note: The “p” sound is dropped from the word periksa.

Ini pos pemeriksaan. Anda harus keluar dari mobil anda! This is a checkpoint. You must get out of your car!

Dia punya pemeriksaan kesehatan di rumah sakit militer itu. He had a physical exam at that military hospital.

The prefix ber can be added to verbs, nouns, or numerals to form active intransitive verbs. Remember, intransitive verbs cannot take a direct object. When added to nouns, it changes the noun into its

possessive form, just as an apostrophe “s” does in English.

Kuasa means “power,” and berkuasa means “to have the power” or “to be in charge.”

Dia berkuasa di pos pemeriksaan itu. He is in charge in that checkpoint. Presiden berkuasa untuk menunjuk kepala staf. The president has the power to

appoint the chief of staff.

2. “What do soldiers do?” “What do soldiers use?” “What do soldiers wear?” Read along as you listen to the statements and repeat them after the speaker. Confirm the items shown in the photographs.

The soldier uses a(n)… army truck. tank. weapon.

Tentara pakai… sebuah truk Angkatan Darat.

sebuah teng panser.


The soldiers have… a map. weapons.

a radio.

Tentara punya… sebuah peta.

berpucuk-pucuk senjata.

sebuah radio. The soldier wears a… helmet. boots.


bulletproof vest.

Tentara pakai… sebuah helem.

sepatu bot tentara.

pakaian seragam.

sebuah ves anti peluru.

3. Match each statement with the correct picture. Check your answers with the Answer Key.

A. Dia orang sipil. Dia tidak punya senjata. B. Dia tentara. Dia punya senjata.


4. Match each term with the correct picture. Use the vocabulary list to check your answers.

1 2 3

4 5 6

a.) Mortir d.) Geranat b.) Senapan e.) Ranjau c.) Senapan mesin f.) Pistol

5. Listen to each statement and translate it into English. Check the Answer Key. A. Dimana tempat persembunyian senjata terdekat?

B. Apa anda tahu jalan ke pangkalan militer? C. Hati-hati! Disini ada daerah ranjau.

D. Ini pos pemeriksaan Bravo. Anda punya KTP?

E. Mereka sedang memeriksa semua mobil-mobil untuk senjata-senjata di blokade jalan itu (lit. at that road block.)


6. In each line below, three out of four items logically go together. Cross out the item that does not belong with the others. Check your answers with the Answer Key.

a.) Teng panser Granat Truk Hamfi

b.) Senapan Mortir Helem Senapan mesin

c.) Seragam Tentara Orang sipil Ranjau

d.) Radio Peta Daerah ranjau Senjata e.) Helem Senapan Ves anti peluru Sepatu bot f.) Pangkalan Ranjau Pos pemeriksaan Tempat

menyimpansenjata militer

7. Review the following vocabulary. Read the list while listening to the audio and repeat after the speaker. Then, fill in the blanks with the correct word from the vocabulary list. Check your answers with the Answer Key.

Tempat menyimpan senjata Pangkalan militer Daerah ranjau Blokade jalan Pos pemeriksaan Jam malam Hati-hati Bertugas A. Apa ini patroli? Ya.

Siapa yang _________________________? Pemimpin patroli.

B. Apa ada ____________________________? Ya, dari jam 8:00 malam sampai jam 6:00 pagi. C. ____________________! Ada daerah ranjau!


8. The U.S. Army rank structure is listed below with the Indonesian military equivalents.

Enlisted Bawahan

Private Tamtama

Private First Class Prajurit dua (Prada)

Specialist Prajurit satu (Pratu)

Corporal Kopral dua (Kopda)

Sergeant Kopral satu (Koptu)

Staff Sergeant Kopral kepala

Sergeant First Class Bintara


First Sergeant Sersan satu (Sertu)

Sergeant Major Sersan kepala

Command Sergeant Major Sersan mayor (Serma)

Officer Opsir

2ndLieutenant Letnan Dua (Letda)

1stLt Letnan Satu (Lettu)

Captain Kapten

Major Mayor


Colonel Kolonel

Brigadier General Berigadir Jenderal (Brigjen)

Major General Mayor Jenderal (Mayjen)

Lt. General Letenan Jenderal (Letjen)


The Flag of the Indonesian Army

The dark green background is the army's color, representing the natural vegetation of Indonesia, which the army will defend from any land threat and invasion. The star represents the army as the main instrument - a symbol of high aspiration. The Garuda Bird represents the knight's spirit, the brave and mighty one. The shield which is divided diagonally red and white represents the national spirit - gallantry and purity. The ten feathers on each wing represent October, the month the Indonesian Army was born. The seven feathers on the tail represent the seven soldier's manners, the “Sapta Marga.”

9. Translate the following sentences into English. Check your answers with the Answer Key.

A. Dimana tempat penyimpanan senjata terdekat? B. Siapa yang berkuasa di daerah patroli ini?

C. Anda harus menunjukkan KTP waktu lewat pos pemeriksaan.

D. Semua orang sipil harus digeledah untuk mencari tahu kalau bawa senjata.

E. Jam malam mulai pada jam 9:00 malam. Pulanglah ke rumah anda (lit. Go to your home.)


End-of-Lesson Tasks

1. Write a caption for each picture below. Compare your answers to those in the Answer Key.

2. Translate the following into Indonesian. Check your work with the Answer Key. A. Please step out of the car. We must search the vehicle for weapons.

B. It is now after curfew. You must come with me for questioning. C. The weapons cache is on the other side of Checkpoint Delta. D. Who is in charge here?

E. Be careful, there is a mine field on the east side of the railroad tracks. F. Civilians are not allowed on the military base.

G. Every soldier should have a radio and a map of the area. They should know all the checkpoints and road blocks.



1stLieutenant Letnan Satu (Lettu) 2ndLieutenant Letnan Dua (Letda) Air Force Angkatan Udara Armed Forces Angkatan Bersenjata Army base Pngkalan militer

Army Angkatan Darat

Boots Sepatu bot (military boots) Brigadier General Berigadir Jenderal (Brigjen) Bulletproof vest Ves anti peluru

Cache Tempat menyembunyikan perlengkapan- perlengkapan

Captain Kapten

Checkpoint Pos pemeriksaan Civilian Sipil/ Orang sipil Coast Guard Penjaga Pantai Colonel Kolonel

Command Sergeant Major Sersan mayor (Serma) Corporal Kopral dua (Kopda)

Curfew Jam malam

First Sergeant Sersan satu (Sertu) General (four star) Jenderal bintang empat Grenade Granat

Helmet Helem

Humvee Mobil hamfi

In charge (of a patrol, base, etc.) Petugas

Lt. Colonel Letnan Kolonel (Letkol) Lt. General Letenan Jenderal (Letjen) Machine gun Senapan mesin

Major Mayor

Major General Mayor Jenderal (Mayjen) Marines Angkatan Marinir

Master Sergeant Sersan dua (Serda)

May Boleh

Military Militer

Mine Ranjau

Mine field Daerah ranjau

Mortar Mortir

Navy Angkatan Laut

Officer Opsir

Only Hanya

Pistol Pistol

Police Angkatan Kepolisian Private First Class Prajurit dua (Prada)


Rifle Senapan

Road block Blokade jalan Sergeant First Class Bintara Sergeant Major Sersan kepala Sergeant Kopral satu (Koptu)

Soldier Tentara

Specialist Prajurit satu (Pratu) Staff Sergeant Kopral kepala

Tank Teng panser

To appoint Tunjuk/ Menunjuk To be careful Berhati-hati/ Hati-hati To be in charge Berkuasa

To enter Masuk

To go home Pulang

To pass by Lewat

To search Mencari

To show Tunjukkan/ Menunjukkan To step out Langkah keluar/ Melangkah keluar To wear/ To use Pakai/ Memakai

Troops Pasukan

Uniform Seragam


Answer Key

Exercise 3

A. He is a civilian. He does not have any weapons. A. Dia orang sipil. Dia tidak punya senjata.

B. He is a soldier. He has a weapon. B. Dia tentara. Dia punya senjata.

C. The soldier searches the civilian for weapons.

C. Tentara menggeledah orang sipil untuk mencari senjata. Exercise 4

1. Mortir (Mortar) 2. Senapan (Rifle) 3. Senapan Mesin (Machine Gun)

4. Geranat (Grenade) 5. Ranjau (Mine) 6. Pistol (Pistol) Exercise 5

A. Where is the nearest weapon cache? B. Do you know the way to the military base? C. Be careful! This is the area with the land mine. D. This is Bravo check point. Do you have ID?

E. They are inspecting all the vehicles to find weapons at the road block. Exercise 6

a. Tank Grenade Truck Humvee b. Rifle Mortar Helmet Machine Gun c. Uniform Soldier Civilian Patrol Leader

d. Radio Map Minefield Weapon

e. Helmet Rifle Bulletproof Vest Boots

f. Army base Mine Checkpoint Weapons Cache


Exercise 7

A. Apa ini patroli? Ya.

Siapa yang bertugas? Pemimpin patroli. A. Is this a patrol? Yes.

Who is in charge? The patrol leader. B. Apa ada jam malam?

Ya, dari jam 8:00 malam sampai jam 6:00 pagi. B. Is there a curfew?

Yes, there is. From 8:00 PM to 6:00 AM. C. Hati-hati! Ada daerah ranjau!

C. Be careful! There is a land mine!

9. Translate the following sentences into English. A. Where is the nearest weapons cache?

B. Who is in charge of this patrol?

C. You must show identification when you pass the checkpoint. D. All civilians must be searched for weapons.

E. Curfew starts at 9 p.m. Please go home. F. Only soldiers may enter the military base. End-of-Lesson Tasks




A. Please step out of the car. We must search the vehicle for weapons.

A. Silahkan keluar dari mobil. Kami harus menggeledah untuk cari senjata. (lit., search to look for weapons)

B. It is after curfew. You must come with me for questioning.

B Ini lewat jam malam. Anda harus pergi dengan saya untuk menjawab pertanyaan2 saya. (lit., to answer some questions of mine)

C. The weapons cache is on the other side of Checkpoint Delta.

C. Tempat penyimpanan senjata ada di sebelah luar dari pos pemeriksaan Delta. D. Who is in charge here?

D. Siapa yang berkuasa disini?

E. Be careful, there is a mine field on the east side of the railroad tracks. E. Hati2, ada daerah ranjau di sebelah timur jalan kereta api.

F. Civilians are not allowed on the military base. F. Orang2 sipil tidak dibolehkan di pangkalan militer.

G. Every soldier should have a radio and a map of the area, and they should know all the checkpoints and road blocks.

G. Tiap tentara harus punya sebuah radio dan sebuah peta di daerahnya dan mereka harus tahu semua pos pemerisaan dan blokade2 jalan.


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