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Code Switching in Indonesian Idol 2012 Program: A

Case Study of the Judges

Comments and the

Viewers’ Attitude

A Research Paper

Submitted to English Education Department as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Sarjana Sastra Degree



English Education Department

Faculty of Language and Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education


Code Switching in Indonesian Idol 2012

Progra : A Case Study of the Judges’


e ts’ a d the Viewers’ Attitudes


Andita Pribana Dewi

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Andita Pribana Dewi 2013 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Februari 2013



Code Switching in Indonesian Idol 2012 Program: A Case Study of the Judges’ Comments and the Viewers’ Attitude

A Research Paper


Andita Pribana Dewi


Approved by

Main Supervisor

Dra. Sri Setyarini, M.A.

NIP. 196312291990022001


R. Dian Dia-an Muniroh, S.Pd., M.Hum.

NIP. 198110242005012001

Head of Department of English Education

Faculty of Languages and Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education

Prof. Dr. Didi Suherdi, M.Ed.



The study entitled “Code Switching in Indonesian Idol 2012 Program : A Case Study of the Judges’ Comments and the Viewers’ Attitudes” aims to investigate

the types and functions of code switchingand the viewers’ attitude to the use of code switching. Transcripts of 23 videos and interviews of 10 viewers of University students were used as data. Some main theories were used to analyse the data, namely Poplack (1980), Koziol (2000), and Garrett (2010). Based on the results of analysis, this study shows that all types of code switching were found in

Indonesian Idol 2012 program judges’ comments namely intrasentential switching, intersentential switching, and tag switching. Ten functions were

identified such as emphasis, untranslatability, mitigating message, reiteration,

clarification, aggravating message, quotation, personalization, designation, and interjection. Regarding the frequency of using code switching, Agnes Monica

seems to show the highest frequency (53.11%) among the two others judges, Ahmad Dhani and Anang Hermansyah. In addition, the results also reveal that the viewers mostly show their positive attitudes as they take code switching phenomena as the media for learning a language.

Keywords: Code Switching, Types of Code Switching, Functions of Code

Switching, Attitudes


Penelitian yang berjudul “Code Switching in Indonesian Idol 2012 Program: A Case Study of the Judges’ Comments and the Viewers’ Attitudes” memiliki tujuan untuk menginvestigasi tipe dan fungsi dari alih kode dan sikap penonton terhadap penggunaan alih kode tersebut. 23 transkrip video dan interview 10 mahasiswa dari salah satu Universitas digunakan sebagai data dalam penelitian ini. Teori utama yang dipakai yaitu Poplack (1980), Koziol (2000), dan Garrett (2010). Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diketahui bahwa seluruh tipe alih kode ditemukan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu intrasentential switching, intersentential switching, dan

tag switching. sepuluh fungsi teridentifikasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu emphasis, untranslatability, mitigating message, reiteration, clarification, aggravating message, quotation, personalization, designation, and interjection. Berdasarkan


Andita Pribana Dewi,2013




2.5 Indonesian Idol ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.6 Previous studies ... Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER III ... Error! Bookmark not defined. RESEARCH METHOD ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.1 Formulation of Problems ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.2 Research Design ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.3 Data Collection ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.3.1 Data Source ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.3.2 Subjects ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.4 Data Analysis ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.4.1 The Video-Recordings Data ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.4.2 The Interview Data ... Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER IV ... Error! Bookmark not defined. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1 Types of Code Switching ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1.1 Intrasentential switching... Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.1.2 Intersentential switching ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.1.3Tag switching ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2 Functions of Code Switching ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.1 Emphasis ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.2 Untranslatability ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.3 Mitigating Message... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.4 Aggravating message ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.5 Clarification ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.6 Personalization ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.7 Reiteration ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2.8 Designations (endearments and name calling) ... Error! Bookmark not defined.


4.4 The Viewers’ Attitude towards Code Switching ... Error! Bookmark not defined.




This chapter gives an overview of this study. It consists of background of the

study, research questions, aims of the study, scope of the study, methodology,

clarification of the key terms, and organization of the paper.

1.1 Background

In the era of globalization, people are required to be able to speak more

than one language. The use of two or more languages is called as bilingualism

(Grosjean, 1982 cited in Jalil, 2009). Furtheremore, bilingualism has occurred in

every country. It is emphasized by Grosjean (1982:1 cited in

Brezjanovic-Shogren, 2002) who argues “Bilingualism is present in practically every country

of the world, in all classes of society and in all age groups. In fact, it is difficult to

find a society that is genuinely monolingual.” Therefore, bilingualism has

occurred in all countries including in Indonesia. In fact, Indonesia cannot be

separated from the term bilingualism since it has various local languages such as

Javanese, Sundanese, Bataknese, etc.

Code switching tends to occur in any kind of discourses such as in the

written one when people write novels, comics, magazines or in the spoken

discourse such as in business conversation and daily conversation. Furthermore,

code switching can also occur in the mass media such as Television, Radio, and


working or involved in an entertainment program (Gardner-Chloros; Charles,


People who are able to speak more than one language is called a bilingual

(Grosjean, 1992). A bilingual can switch code easily in an interaction. In an

entertainment program, a bilingual tends to switch languages since the setting of

communication in the program is informal and the concept of the program itself

sometimes requires the people to switch the language (Gardner-Chloros; Charles,


The discussions of code switching in Bahasa Indonesia may lead us to

the discussion of language attitudes. Indonesian people may show certain attitudes

towards the use of code switching in Bahasa Indonesia because Bahasa Indonesia

is an official language in Indonesia. Sarnoff (2001 cited in Llamas, Mullany, &

Stockwell, 2007) points out that attitude is „a disposition to react favourably or

unfavourably to a class of objects‟. It means that Indonesian people may have

positive or negative attitudes toward the use of code switching in Bahasa


The phenomena of code switching have attracted many researchers. Code

switching is examined from various subjects or aspects. The first study to be

discussed is Nakamizu (2003) who took a pragmatic approach focusing on

conversational strategies of young Brazilian bilingual speakers. She found that

young Brazilian bilingual speakers who lived in Japan used five functions as his


Furthermore, Cardenas-Claros and Isharyanti (2009) analyzed code

switching in the Internet. They analyzed code switching occurrences in a chat

room based environment between Spanish and Indonesian users who used

English. In their study, they did not only analyze the occurrences of code

switching, but also code mixing in each culture. Then, they analyzed topic which

was common or less common within both cultures. The results of the analysis

showed that Indonesian users more frequently switched languages than Spanish


Poplack (1980) investigated the speech of twenty Puerto Rican residents of

a stable bilingual community. The respondents were divided into two categories;

the first one was non-fluent bilinguals (they claim that they know more Spanish

than English) and the second one was the fluent bilinguals of English and Spanish.

The results showed that non-fluent bilinguals tend to use intersentential switching.

In contrast, fluent bilinguals tend to use intrasentential switching but they did not

violate both grammatical rules of languages.

In contrast, Montes-Alcala (2000) analyzed code switching not in oral

discourse, but in written one. She analyzed bilingual individual code switching in

their public journal (blog). In her study, she investigated when and why bilingual

individual alternated two languages (Spanish-English), exposed the grammatical

and pragmatic constraints, and also analyzed social function in their code

switching. The findings showed that bilinguals switch code when they exposed


Alenzi (2010) analyzed language attitudes towards Arabic and English

code switching used by teachers in a sciences class of Human Development for

Occupational Therapy in Kuwait University. This study showed that the

respondents of a science class tend to have positive attitudes towards the use of

Arabic-English code switching in their class and they took advantages of using

code switching for their academic performances.

The present study addresses those issues by focusing on code switching

in a television program. This study is interested in Indonesian Idol 2012 program

since the judges of Indonesial Idol 2012 tend to use code switching in Bahasa

Indonesia and English while giving their comments to the finalists. This study

aims at discovering the types and functions of code switching, revealing which

judge who uses code switching the most, and investigating the viewers‟ attitudes

towards the judges‟ comments.

Furthermore, the viewers‟ attitudes towards code switching may be

affected by judges‟ language use through a mass media which presents the

program to the public as the Television viewers. It is emphasized by Garrett

(2010) who argues that media is one of the important sources of attitudes in social

environment besides people personal experiences. Moreover, code switching used

by the public figures in an entertainment program may influence the society as

their language performance is viewed by the viewers (Sofyan, 2012).

Code switching used by the Judges of Indonesian Idol 2012 program can be


how the ability of someone in using languages can be performed and practised

through their language choices.

1.2 Research Questions

The research investigates the code switching practice of thejudges in

Indonesian Idol 2012 program. This research proposes three questions as follows:

1) What types and functions of code switching are used by the judges of

Indonesian Idol 2012 program?

2) Which judges code switch the most in Indonesian Idol 2012


3) What are the viewers‟ attitudes towards code switching used by the judges of

Indonesian Idol 2012program?

1.3 Aims of Study

Based on the research questions stated above, the aims of the study are as


1) To discover the types and functions of code switching used by the judges

of Indonesian Idol 2012 program.

2) To reveal which judge uses code switching the most in Indonesian Idol

2012 program.

3) To investigate the viewers‟attitudes toward code switching that is used


1.4 Scope of the Study

This study specifically analyzes code switching used by the judges of

Indonesian Idol 2012 program. The researcher chose Indonesian Idol 2012

judges‟ comments as the data resource because the researcher found that the

judges of Indonesian Idol 2012 program seem to switch code to make comments

to the finalists. Therefore, the researcher is interested in code switching used by

judges in an entertainment program.

The study investigates code switching in Bahasa Indonesia and English

which are used by Agnes Monica, Anang Hermansyah, and Ahmad Dhani as the

judges of Indonesian Idol 2012 program and the viewers‟ attitudes towards the

use of code switching by judges.

1.5 Methodology

1.5.1 Research Method

This study employs a qualitative method and categorized as a case study.

The data consisted of a transcription of the video of Indonesian Idol 2012 program

judges‟ comments and the analysis of the interviews of viewers‟ attitudes towards

code switching used by the judges.

1.5.2 Data Collection

The data were compiled from video-recordings on

http://www.indoidolonrecord.co.nr/. To collect the data, the 23 videos of


conducted to get the data from the respondents as the viewers of Indonesian Idol

2012 program.

1.5.3 Data Analysis

The data for this study consist of video-recordings of judges‟ comments

and the interview data. The video-recordings data were analyzed through

following steps. First, transcribing the videos to make the identification of code

switching found in the judges‟ comments videos. Second, identifying the code

switching found in the transcripts of videos. Third, classifying code switching

based on types of code switching. The theory proposed by Poplack (1980) was

applied to analyze the types of code switching. Meanwhile, the theory proposed

by Koziol (2000) was used to analyze the functions of code switching. Fourth,

quantifying the occurrences of each type and each function of code switching.

Finally, discussing the findings so that the conclusion could be drawn.

Meanwhile, the interview data were analyzed through the following

steps. First, transcribing the audio-recording interviews. Second, classifying the

respondents‟ answer based on the components of attitudes proposed by Garrett

(2010). Third, quantifying the respondents‟ answer based on each question.


1.6 Clarification of the Terms

To avoid misconception and misunderstanding, there are some significant

terms that have to be clarified here:

(1) Code switching: “Code-switching is the alternation of two languages

within a single discourse, sentence or constituent” (Poplack, 1980).

(2) Indonesian Idol 2012 program: Indonesian Idol is a reality show of

singing contest which is adopted from Pop Idol in England

sponsored by Fremantle Media (retreived from en.wikipedia.org) and

cooperates with RCTI, one of TV stations in Indonesia. The

Indonesian Idol 2012 program is the seventh seasons during the

Indonesian Idol program.

(3) Judges of Indonesian Idol 2012 program: Agnes Monica, Ahmad

Dhani, and Anang Hermansyah were the judges of the program who

judge and comment the finalists‟ performances.

(4) Spektacular Show: a round after the elimination session which have

12 finalists. In Spektakular Show, the finalists should sing competing


1.7 Organization of the Paper

The paper is organized as follows:

1) CHAPTER I (Introduction)

This chapter contains background of the study, research questions,

aims of the study, scope of the study, methodology, clarification of

the terms, and organization of the paper.

2) CHAPTER II (Theoretical Foundation)

It consists of theoretical foundation that provides a basis for

conducting the research problems.

3) CHAPTER III (Research Method)

This chapter deals with the research methodology, discussing the

steps and procedures of the study, and the data resources in

conducting the study.

4) CHAPTER IV (Findings and Discussions)

In this part, the results of the study are presented. This chapter

contains the research findings and discussions for the representation

of the data.

5) CHAPTER V (Conclusions and Suggestions)

This last chapter contains the interpretation toward the results of the

research in the form of conclusions and suggestions that are expected

to give benefits and inputs for the readers who are interested in




This chapter presents the research method of the present study. It consists of four

sections: formulation of problems, research design, data collections, and data

analysis. This study investigates code switching practices in Indonesian Idol 2012

program to discover and reveal the types, functions, and viewers’ attitudes of code switching towards Indonesian Idol 2012 judges.

3.1 Formulation of Problems

The study investigates code switching of the judges of Indonesian Idol 2012 and

the attitudes of the viewers of Indonesian Idol 2012 program towards code

switching used by the judges. This research proposes three questions as follows.

1) What types and functions of code switching are used by the judges

of Indonesian Idol 2012 program?

2) Which judges code switch the most in Indonesian Idol 2012



3.2 Research Design

Based on the classifications of the research designs from Djajasudarma

(2006), this study can be characterised as a qualitative study and is categorized as

a case study. It is emphasized by Hancock (1998 : 6) “Case study research is used to describe an entity that forms a single unit such as a person, an organisation or

an institution”. In a qualitative method, the data are categorized as naturalistic because the researcher is forbidden to manipulate the data or the respondents in

terms of gaining the result. In gaining the data, the researcher conducted naturally

without making the hypothesis for the study (Patton, 2006: 13).

3.3 Data Collection

3.3.1 Data Source

The data for this study were collected from: video-recordings and

interviews. The video recordings of Indonesian Idol 2012 program were obtained

from http://www.indoidolonrecord.co.nr/. The recordings consist of 12 videos of

Spektacular Show 1 and 11 videos of Spektacular 2 which were downloaded from

the website retrieved on August 9, 2012. Afterwards, those videos were

transcribed in order to compute the occurrences of types and functions of code

switching. The units of analysis were words, phrases, and sentences.

An interview was used as an instrument in order to gain the viewers’ attitudes towards code switching used by the judges of Indonesian Idol 2012. The

study used a semi-structured interview. In a semi-structured interview, the


be understood by the respondents. Thus, the semi-structured interview involves a

series of open ended question (Hancock, 2002). Furthermore, semi-structured

interview is used in order to get all information from the respondents (without

forgetting the questions) but the respondents still have the freedom to explain and

illustrate the concepts (Field and Morse, 1885: 67 cited in Emilia, 2008).

The interview consisted of 15 questions based on the components of

attitudes proposed by Garrett (2010) namely, affective, cognitive, and behavior.

Moreover, the questions were divided into three types of questions: Introduction,

Grand Tour Question and Specific questions (Alwasilah, 2008) as follows.

Table 3.3 The Interview Framework

No. Types of

question Components Number of questions 1 Introduction - 5 digunakan oleh juri Indonesian Idol 2012?

 Apakah anda mengalami kesulitan dalam dalam memahami komentar yang disampaikan oleh para juri

Indonesian Idol 2012? satu bahasa selain bahasa Indonesia yang digunakan oleh juri Indonesian Idol 2012? Jika ya, sebutkan bahasa apa saja yang sering digunakan.

Behaviour 3  Apakah anda akan tetap menonton acara Indonesian Idol walaupun terdapat pencampuran bahasa didalamnya?  Apakah anda mengikuti gaya berbahasa yang digunakan

oleh juri Indonesian Idol 2012 dalam kehidupan sehari-hari?


3.3.2 Subjects

In the present study, the respondents who were purposively chosen were

based on following criteria: female and male, university students who like to

watch Indonesian Idol 2012 program, ages range from 19 to 23 years old. I

decided to use purposive sampling because I intended to discover the viewers’ attitudes based on valid information from the respondents. Therefore, the

participants belonged to a social group concerning an art group in one of

universities. This group is a unit which accommodates people’s talents in the field of music and dance. Besides training their talents, they also participate in both

national and international events. Because of their social background, the

respondents mostly watched Indonesian Idol 2012 program since the program was

in line with their interest.

Purposive sampling was used in order to obtain valid information from

people as the respondents (Patton, 1990 cited in Alwasilah, 2008). Moreover,

(Bernard 2002, Lewis & Shep-pard 2006 cited in Tongco, 2007: 1) emphizes that

“the researcher decides what needs to be known and sets out to find people who

can and are willing to provide the information by virtue of knowledge or


Since Indonesian Idol 2012 program deals with a talent contest aired in

prime time1, thus, it can be watched from all genders (Morissan, 2008). Therefore,

1In television or radio broadcasting, the time when the largest number of people are watching or


5 females and 5 males were chosen to investigate the viewers’ attitudes towards

code switching used by judges of Indonesian Idol 2012 program.

3.4 Data Analysis

Data analysis from video-recordings and interviews were conducted

through several steps differently. The steps conducted for analyzing the collected

data were as follow.

3.4.1 The Video-Recordings Data The Transcriptions of the Video-Recordings

The first step in analyzing the video-recordings data was transcribing 23

videos of the judges’ comments. This step was conducted to make the identification of code switching found in the judges’ comments (see Appendix A). The Identification of the Occurrences

The researcher identified code switching found in the transcripts of videos.

The identification was words, phrases, and sentences (see Table Classification

Code switching identified from the transcripts of videos was presented in

the table. The classification of types of code switching was based on the theory

proposed by Poplack (1980) and the analysis of functions of code switching was

based on the theory proposed by Koziol (2000). Table 3.4 shows an example of


The classification of code switching types in Table 3.4 was labelled by

numbers for making the analysis table more efficient: (1) intersentential

switching, (2) intrasentential switching, and (3) tag switching. Likewise, the

classification analysis of functions of code switching was labelled by numbers: (4)

personalization, (5) reiteration, (6) designation, (7) substitution, (8) emphasis, (9)

clarification, (10) objectification, (11) untranslatability, (12) mitigating message,

(13) interjections, (14) parenthesis, (15) aggravating message, (16) quotation,

and (17) topic shift.

Table The Classification Analysis of Code Switching Types and Functions

The next step was quantification. Quantification was used to discover the

occurrences of eachtype and functionof code switching and to reveal the

occurrences of types of code switching used by each judge. The formula was used


Fo P = Percentage

P = x 100% fo = Frequency

n n = Total of code switching Discussions the Findings

The last step in analyzing the video-recordings data was to discuss the

findings of types and functions of code switching in the transcripts of the judges’ comments which had been quantified. Therefore, the conclusions could be drawn.

3.4.2 The Interview Data The transcripstions of the Interviews

The first step in analyzing the interviews data was transcribing 10

audio-recordings of the respondents. This step was conducted to make the classification

of components of attitudes (see Appendix E). The Classification of the Respondents’ Answers

The classification of the respondents’ answer was based on the

components of attitudes namely affective, cognitive, and behaviour. There were

nine questions related to the components of attitudes proposed by Garrett (2010)

(see Table 3.3). Quantification of the Respondents’ Answers

The next step was quantification. Quantification was used to investigate


Total respondents who answer an item (fo)

P = x 100%

Total respondents

The categories of the percentage are made in the form of interval as follows:

00.00% = none

00.01% - 24.99% = a few of

25.00% - 49.99% = nearly half of

50.00% = half of

50.01% - 74.99% = best part of

75.00% - 99.99% = nearly all of

100.00% = all of The Discussions of the Findings

The last step in analyzing the interviews data was to discuss the findings the

respondents’ answer which had been quantified. Therefore, the conclusions could




This chapter contains two sections. Section 5.1 discusses the conclusions of the

present study in line with the research questions. Section 5.2 presents some

suggestions for further studies.

5.1 Conclusions

Based on the data analysis results, some conclusions can be drawn as the


First, types and functions of code switching were found in the judges’

comments of Indonesian Idol 2012 program. Types of code switching occurred in

the data were intrasentential switching, intersentential switching, and tag

switching. However, Intrasentential switching is likely to be the most frequent

type (88.71%), followed by intersentential switching (8.60%) and the least type

occurred is tag switching (2.69%).

Additionally, the researcher identified only ten functions in this study

namely personalization, reiteration, designation, emphasis, clarification,

untranslatability, mitigating message, interjection, aggravating message, and

quotation. From the findings, the most frequent function occurred in Indonesian

Idol 2012 judges’ comments is emphasis which appears 117 times (63.44%). It


likely important for the judges since their comments are related to the

improvement of the finalists’ performances.

Second, among the three judges in Indonesian Idol 2012 program Agnes

Monica, Ahmad Dhani, and Anang Hermansyah, the most frequent language

switch user is Agnes Monica who used the switch as much as 96 times out of 186.

There are two reasons occurred. First is Agnes Monica’s language background.

She is a bilingual (English - Bahasa Indonesia). Agnes Monica uses to speak

English in her environment since she often works and interacts with foreign

people. As a result, she switches between Bahasa Indonesia into English and vice

versa easily. Second, the concept of Indonesian Idol 2012 program itself allows

the finalists to sing western songs. Consequently, the judges are permitted to

speak English in order to balance the concept of the program. Those motivation

ease Agnes Monica to do code switching.

Third, 10 respondents as the Indonesian Idol 2012 program viewers were

involved to see their attitudes towards code switching used by the judges of

Indonesian Idol 2012. Based on the results of analysis, it presents that the

respondents seem to have positive attitudes toward code switching that is used by

judges. Nevertheless, some suggestions appear regarding the use of code

switching in Indonesian Idol 2012 program. The respondents prefer to use code

switching in grammatically correct if the judges use code switching. It is used to

reduce misleading and misunderstanding of their comments. Moreover, most of


encourage improvement of respondents’ English ability such as to enrich their

vocabulary items and to get listening exercises of English (see Table

5.2 Suggestions

There are two suggestions for further research related to this study. First,

the present study focused on code switching used by the judges of Indonesian Idol

2012 program. For further research, it may involve the host of Indonesian Idol

2012 program.



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Table 3.3
Table The Classification Analysis of Code Switching Types and Functions


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w noujukrh Ftr!rus Fs

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 No ponto 10 indique o montante total de impostos sobre os salários pagos à Direcção Nacional dos Receítas Domésticos durante o ano 2013.  No ponto 20 indique o montante