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Academic year: 2022



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GRADE SMAN 25 BONE (a Pre-Experimental Research)

Submitted to the faculty of Teacher Training and EducationMakassar Muhammadiyah University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for degree of

Education in English Department


NURUL ILMI 105351135916













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Nama : NurulIlmi

Nim : 105351135916

Jurusan : Pendidikan bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Use Of Picture Series In Predicting Information In Improving Students’ Reading Skill At Second Grade Sman 25 Bone

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Makassar, Desember 2020 Yang membuat pernyataan






Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini

Nama : NurulIlmi

Nim : 105351135916

Jurusan : Pendidikan bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Use Of Picture Series In Predicting Information In Improving Students’ Reading Skill At Second Grade Sman 25 Bone

Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya ajukan di depan penguji adalah hasil karya saya sendiri dan buka hasil karya orang lain ataupun dibuat oleh siapapun.

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Makassar, Desember 2020 Yang membuat pernyataan





“We may have the same goal, but our way to the goal may be different. Enjoy the process with

prayer and effort”


I dedicate this thesis to my beloved parents and all my siblings who always provide their support, motivation, financial material and their

prayers. And all my bestfriends who always cheer me on.





NURUL ILMI, 2020. The Use Of Picture Series In Predicting Information In Improving Students’ Reading Skill At Second Grade Sman 25 Bone(Pre- Experimental Research). Guided by Arif paturusi and Muhammad Asrianto.

This research aims knowing the improvement of students' reading skills by using picture series which focuses on students’ literal comprehension in terms of main idea and supporting details and students’ interpretative comprehension in term of conclusion.

The researcher used a pre-experimental research. The researcher had conducted a treatment, which consisted of fourt meetings. The population of this research was the second grade of SMAN 25 Bone in the academic year 2020/2021 . The researcher used Random sampling Technique. The researcher instrument was Reading test.

The results showed that class XI MIA Archimedes SMAN 25 Bone had a bad pre- test score in literal comprehension the score was 25.90%, after treatment using picture series, the student's score increased significantly to 38.63%. The pre-test score of interpretative comprehension, the students score was 28.18%, after treatment using picture series, the students’ score increased to 44.09%.

The use of this learning media can improve students 'reading skills, especially in literal and interpretative comprehension, it showed by the average score before and after being given treatment, the improvement of student's literal score was (12.73%) and the improvement of students’ interpretative score was (15.91%). It can be concluded that the use picture series can improve students' reading skill (Literal comprehension in terms of main idea and supporting details and interpretative comprehension in term of conclusion)

Keywords: Reading skill, Picture Series, Literal Comprehension, Interpretative Comprehension.



NURUL ILMI, 2020. Penggunaan Gambar Seri Dalam Memprediksi Informasi Dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Membaca Siswa Kelas II SMAN 25 Bone (Penelitian Pra Eksperimen). Dibimbing oleh Arif paturusi dan Muhammad Asrianto.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan membaca siswa dengan menggunakan gambar berseri fokus pada pemahaman literal siswa ditinjau dari gagasan pokok dan detail pendukung serta pemahaman interpretatif siswa dalam bentuk kesimpulan.

Peneliti menggunakan penelitian pra eksperimental. Peneliti telah melakukan treatmen yang terdiri dari empat kali pertemuan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMAN 25 Bone tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Peneliti menggunakan Teknik Random Sampling. Instrumen peneliti adalah tes Membaca.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa kelas XI MIA Archimedes SMAN 25 Bone memiliki nilai pre-test pemahaman literal yang buruk dengan nilai 25.90%, setelah treatmen menggunakan gambar berseri nilai siswa meningkat secara signifikan menjadi 38.63%. Nilai pre tes siswa pada pemahaman interpretatif 28.18%, setelah treatmen menggunakan gambar berseri nilai siswa meningkat menjadi 44.09%.

Penggunaan media pembelajaran ini mampu meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa khususnya dalam pemahaman literal dan interpretatif, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai rata-rata sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan, peningkatan nilai literal siswa sebesar (12.73%) dan peningkatan skor interpretatif siswa adalah (15.91%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan gambar berseri dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca siswa (Pemahaman literal ditinjau dari ide pokok dan detail pendukung serta pemahaman interpretatif dalam hal menarik kesimpulan)

Kata Kunci: Keterampilan Membaca, Seri Gambar, Pemahaman Literal, Pemahaman Interpretatif.




Alhamdulillahi rabil 'alamin, with full gratitude the researchers would like to say the highest possible to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for blessings, love, opportunity, health, and mercy so that researchers can complete this thesis. Peace and blessing be upon prophet Muhammad SallallahuAlaihiWasallam, his family, his relatives, and all followers.

In preparing this thesis, there are many parties who have provided motivation, advice and support for researchers. For this reason, in this valuable opportunity, the researcher intends to express my deepest gratitude to all parties.;

my father Muhammad Amir, S.Pd, and my lovely mother Hj. A. St Hasnah, S.Pdfor their love, prayer, financial, motivation and everything.


n addition, many parties have contributed valuable suggestions, guidance, and advice in completing this thesis


1. Prof.Dr.H. Ambo asse, M. Ag as the Rector of the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

2. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D, The Dean of Teacher Training and Education 3. UmmiKhaerati Syam, S.Pd, M.Pd, And Ismail SangkalaS.Pd as the head and

device of English Education Department of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar, who gave their valuable authorities and suggestion in doing this thesis.

4. Greatest thanks are due to the first consultant Dr. Muh. Arif Paturusi, S.Pd., M.pd as the first consultant and Muhammad AsriantoSetiadiS.Pd., M.Pd as the



second consultant who have given their valuable time and patient, to support assistance and guidance to finish this thesis.

5. Greatest thank to all lecturers of the FKIP UNISMUH especially to the lectures of English Education Departement for their guidance during my study.

6. Greatest thanks to Headmaster of SMAN 25 Bone. MasridaS.Pd, M. Pd, English Teacher, RosmiatiS.Pd and Students XI MIA Archimedes SMAN 25 Bone.

7. Special thanks to my friends that cannot be mentioned in this paper who always give their support. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala gives them good health and bless us. Aamiin.

Desember 2020, Makassar The Researcher





Tittle Page ... i

Approval Sheet ... ii

Lembar Pengesahan ... iii

Counselling Sheet Consultant I ... iv

Counselling Sheet Consultant II ... v

Surat Perjanjian ... vi

Surat Pernyataan ... vii

Motto and Dedication ... viii

Abstract ... ix

Acknowledgement ... xi

List of Content ... xiii

List of Table ... xv

List of Appendices ... xvi


A. Background ... 1

B. Problem Statement ... 4

C. Objective of the Research ... 4

D. Significant of the Research ... 5

E. Scope of the Research ... 5


A. Some Previous Study ... 6

B. Literature Review ... 7

a. Definition of Reading ... 7

b. Definition of Reading Comprehnsion ... 9

c. Level Strategy of Reading Comprehension ... 11

C. Picture Series ... 15

a. Definition of Picture Series ... 15

D. Narrative Text ... 18

a. Definition of Narrative Text ... 18

d. Generic Structure of Narrative Text Definition of Reading ... 19

E. Conceptual Framework ... 20



F. Hypothesis ... 21


A. Research Design... 22

B. Variable and Indicator ... 22

C. Population And Sample ... 23

D. Instrument of the Research ... 23

E. Procedure of Collecting Data ... 24

F. Technique of Data Analysis ... 25


A. Findings ... 29

B. Discussion ... 32


A. Conclusion ... 35

B. Suggestion ... 35





Table. 3.1 Design of Pre-Experimental Research ... 22 Table 3.2 Scoring of Literal Comprehension (Main Idea) ... 25 Table3.3 Scoring of Interpretative Comprehension

(SupportingDetails) ... 26 Table 3.4 Scoring of interpretative Comprehension (Conclusion)... 26 Table 3.5 Classification students’ score in Reading Comprehension ... 27 Table 4.1 Students’ Pre-test and Post-Test Score in Literal

Comprehension ... 29 Table 4.2 Students’ Pre-test and Post-Test Score in Interpretative

Comprehension ... 30 Table 4.3 Classification of Students’ Score in Reading

Comprehension ... 30 Table 4.4. The T-test analysis of the Students’ Improvement ... 31




APPENDIX I Table of Students’ Row Scores of Literal

Comprehension and Interpretative Comprehension APPENDIX II Classification of Students’ Score in Reading


APPENDIXIII Table of Students’ Achievment in Reading Comprehension

APPENDIXIV The Students’ Mean Score of Reading Comprehension APPENDIXV The Percentage of The Students’ Development in

Reading Comprehension APPENDIXVI RPP Pre-Test





A. Background

English became one of the subjects in the world of education in Indonesia both in public schools, to the level of English universities used as subjects. Learning English as foreign language has important role for life of education, it will make the bright future to everyone who wants to learn it.

In English lessons, there are four skills that must be mastered, namely speaking, reading, listening and writing. To be able to get information, people must have the competence to read well because by reading, information can be obtained.

Reading is one of the four skills in language learning. When people learn how to read something, it will be the key that open the door to all knowledge. Reading is a complex process, complicated to learn and complicated to teach (Carnine, Silbert, and Kameenui: 1990: 3), therefore, it is very important to have effective and interesting learning methods to improve students' reading skills.

Students usually find difficulty to understand the text if that text without backround knowledge. So the teacher should stimulate the students to predict the information of the text. The students need memorize a lot of vocabulary so they can know the information of the text.


Theachershould be creative to make a startegy for students catch the information of the text easily. In this case, picture is one of learning media that can be used to help students awake their background knowledge.

Picture is one of visual aids. It is one of learning media that can help the students improve their knowledge about the meaning of the text.

Many researchers found that to help the students understand the meaning of the text, it is better if use picture. When the students read a text, picture make the students easily to understand the meaning of the text. So, teacher should provide some picture as learning media to make the students understand the content of the text.

Pictures are useful for making students predict what will happen next in a lesson (Harmer, 2007). Students usually look at pictures and try to say what they show. This use of pictures is very powerful and has the advantage of engaging students in the task follow.

The are many types of picture that can be used as learning media.

One of them is individual picture. Individual picture is a single picture of object, activity or people. The reason is because an individual picture can describe things on the text by single picture clearly. So, individual picture is suitable for teaching animal narrative text.

Teacher should have creative reading strategy for the students to make the students’ reading comprehension better. To make the students active in reading activities, teacher should teach them the various reading strategies to make the students more creative and critical


readers.(Anderson, 2008). Reading strategy can be defined as plan for solving problems encountered in constructing meaning.(Richards, 2002).

The strategy is very important to achieve the reading goal. The goal of reading strategies is to create the students more active and become strategic reader. Predicting by using picture is a good strategy to help the students develop their activeness and their reading achievement.

Predicting is on of activity in reading or pre- reading activity.

Acording to Smith, prediction is the prior elimination on unlikely alternatives.. Predicting is a core of reading. With predicting, brings potential meaning and reduceing ambiguity. Without predicting, reader will not find the information of the text. And then with predicting, the students can find new vocabulary, automatically can help the students to buil their vocabulary mastery.

Based on observations and interviews conducted at SMAN 25 Bone, there are still many problems experienced by students. They still cannot capture the information in a text. This happens because of the long text and lack of vocabulary. Seeing this problem, researchers used a series of images to analyze student competencies in predicting information.

Recognizing the importance of improving the reading ability in English, the researcher tried to find out a different materials or activities that encourage the students to read so that the students could improve their reading skill. Considering from the statements above, the


researcher intended to conduct research under the topic “The Use of Picture Series in Predicting Information in Improving Students’

Reading Skill at SMAN 25 Bone’’ which the researcher expected that through this research, the researcher could find out can find out the effectiveness of use picture series in predicting information to improve students' literal reading comprehension in terms of main ideas and supporting detaile and interpretative reading comprehension in terms of making conclusion.

B. Problem Statement

The study is aimed to answer this question:

1. Does the use of picture series in predicting information improve the students’ literal reading comprehension in terms of main idea and supporting details.

2. Does the use of picture series in predicting information improve the students’ interpretative reading comprehension in term of making conclusion.

C. Objective of the Research

Based on the question above, the objective of this research is to find out, whether :

1. The use of picture series in predicting information improve the students’ literal reading comprehension in terms of main idea and supporting details.


2. The use of picture series in predicting information improve the students’ interpretative reading comprehension in term of making conclusion.

D. Significant of the Research

The result of this research promotes an activity for learning English with Picture Series and useful information for teacher to teach English especially reading skill. And this research hope the students will take the advantage . They can learn how to predicting information of the text through Picture Series.

E. Scope of the Research

The research was limited to find out the students’ competence in predicting information through picture series in narrative text focus on literal comprehension in terms of main idea and supporting details and interpretative comprehension in term of conclusion of the text at second Grade students’ SMAN 25 Bone.




A. Some Previous Study

Some Researcher have conducted the research about picture series in reading skill. There are some previous researches that are used by the writer. The previous study was “The Effectiveness of Using Picture Series in Teaching Reading of Procedure Text” conducted by Allen Subekti. The result of his study shows that picture is an effective media in teaching reading especially in procedure text.(Subekti, 2014)

The second previous study was “Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension of Procedure Text through picture word inductive model strategy” conducted by Zainal Ikhsanudin Militansina. The results of his study was the students’ learning had been improved the students were more interested in learning and they liked to participate interactively in the classroom activity. The research findings show that, the students’ mean score in the first cycle was 65.5 (average to good) and in the second cycle was 83 (good to excellent).through Picture Word Inductive Model Strategy”.(Militansina, 2014)

The third previous study was “The Effect of Using Picture Series on Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text” conducted by Bayyini Rosyada Elka. The result of her study shows that there was significant difference on students’ reading comprehension of narrative text by picture series and without picture series. It can be seen that teaching


reading using picture series can affect the students’ comprehension of narrative text..

Based on several previous studies, researchers have similarities and differences between the three previous studies above. Similarity of this research with the previous research above, the three previous researchers used a picture series as a media in their research. while the differences in the previous studies above and this study include; research by Allen Subekti and Zainal Ikhsanudin Militansina used Text Procedure while this research use Narrative Text to measure students' reading skill. while research from Bayyini RosyadaElka, also uses narrative text but the difference is this research besides focusing on the use of picture series and narrative text, researcher also focus on measuring literal and interpretative students' reading comprehension while research from Bayyini Rosyada Elka in general focuses on reading comprehension .

B. Literature Review 1. Definiton of Reading

Reading is one of important language skills. This is the fact that people mostly get knowledge and information from reading. Reading is one of process that involves reader, text, and interaction between the reader and the text. In reading people can get more information about something and increase their knowledge.

Reading is one of learning in English. Reading is the ability to take meaning from text or printed material, such as books, magazines,


newspapers, texts and so on. Reading is a sensory and mental process. This is the use of eyes and Related thoughts compile people to read something on the text, they are not only done know what is in the published text but their brains will be processed meaningfully from what they read, so they will get ideas, concepts and thoughts. In other words, reading is not just to get information from supported texts But also for processing. Reading can also asked in many ways depending on the background knowledge of people and them purpose in reading. Get adults to read as an activity to produce Hear from what they read.

Reading is development, increative and global process involving learned skills as stated by Leu and Kinzer as cited in Musfiroh, (2014).

According to William (1984) Reading as a process whereby one looks at and understands what has been written. Rohani Ariffin (1992:1) in her research stated that entitled Anthropology of Poetry for Young People defines reading as a highly personal activity that is mainly done silently, alone.

In teaching reading, there are many methods that can be use to improve students’ reading skill, including them: previewing, predicting, guessing from context, paraphrasing.in this paper, the author only focuses on predicting. To know the meaning of the text, the teacher have to do an interest method.

Predict meaning of the text through picture series will help students to more easily predict the meaning of the text and also attract students’ attention with an interesting picture.


There are some steps for improving abilty to predict are as follows; 1.

Look at the picture of a story, stating what will happen in the story. Ask yourself what will happen next. 2. Tell what will happen in next story. 3.

Discuss why things happen. 4. Make ending for the story. 5. Compare the information in the text with the information that we have already had in our mind then deciding what will happen. 6. Predict what will happen after listening the part of the account of an experience other students. (Dallmann, 1982).

For many students, reading skills are a particular challenge in finding information in the reading text. often the teacher can hear students read fluently and assume that they are good at reading. But if asked about the information they got from the reading, students might experience difficulties.

Reading comprehension consists of several levels: Literal, Interpretive and Critical. This strategy was devised by Herber (1978) and further developed by Morris and Steward-Dore (1984) to help students think and comprehend easily through the information in the texts. The Three Level Guide Strategy is an appropriate way that can be used by the teacher to help the students understand and conceive the text well.

2. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading is an activity that can involves understanding that cannot be completed with each other. All that have not been approved to read, if not yet reached the text. Understanding makes the connection between what the reader reads and what the reader already knows. Sometimes a connection


works by itself - especially compilation of information that is important or interesting to the reader. This means one of the goals of reading. In understanding reading, readers must have knowledge about reading comprehension, because without understanding reading, it has not really happened.

Reading comprehension is the construction the meaning of a written and spoken communication through a reciprocal, holistic interchange of ideas between the interpreter and the message. The presumption here is that meaning resides in the intentional problem-solving, thinking processes of the interpreter that the content of the meaning is influenced by that person’s prior knowledge and experience. (Harris & Hodges, 1995, p. 39)

Other experts said that reading comprehension refers to reading for meaning, understanding, and entertainment. It involves higher-order thinking skills (Nunan, 2005). It can be defined that as a reader it is very important in understanding what the text says, knowing the main idea of the text, and the details of the text telling about.

Kristin and her colleagues also propose a definition of reading comprehension “Reading comprehension is the ability to construct meaning from a given written text (Kristin Lems, 2010). That means, the reader must find the meaning written from the reading. When the reader reads a text.

Automatically they must find the information implicit in the text.


Reading and comprehension cannot be separated each other.

Reading comprehension is an activity to understand the meaning of the text.

So to in reading comprehension, the reader should know some strategies that can be use to know the meaning of text.

3. Reading Comprehension Levels

In reading comprehension, there are 3 levels that must be understood by the reader before reading. that is; Literal reading comprehension, interpretative reading comprehension and critical thinking. Literal reading comprehension means that reader can identify the main ideas of the paragraph or short story, Recall details that support the main ideas and organize the sequence in which the main events occurred.

Interpretative reading comprehension means the reader can Predict endings and anticipate consequences, state reasons for events and make generalizations. And Chritical thinking means the reader can Make generalizations, comparisons, judgments, recommendations and suggestions, decisionn and create alternative endings.

According to Westwood (2001: 30-31), he state that there are four levls in comprehension, such as literal level, inferential level, critical level and creative level.:

a. Literal Level

Literal reading refers to the acquisition of meaning of ideas or information that was explicitly stated in the text. Some spesific reading skill at the literal level of comprehension were : identifying spesific


information or nothing details, sequencing ideas when explicitly signal where given, and following instructions.

a) Identifying Spesific Information

This reading requires one to focus attention only on one or some particular information or detail which he need form a text ; the rest of the text may not be read anymore. That information may be a name, a date, a scientitic term, or a place or just anything, the search for which motivates the person to read. In looking for a detail, the reader must look for signals in the environment of the needed information or in the information itself.

b) Main Idea

Meaningful reading results from the reader’s ability to follow the flow of thought of the writer. This was so because any discourse was made up of words and sentences which were not only grammatically linked to one another, but were also logically related and sequence of ideas as presented by the writer enables him to summarize, outline and infer correctly.

c) Conclusion

Conclusion draws together factual evidenve into a statement about the nature of phenomenon.

. Sample phrases or questions for this level are as follows : a) What is ……….

b) How old ………

c) When ………


The abilities which refer to the literal level are : a) Knowledge of word meanings.

b) Recalling of ideas directly stated or paraphrased in own word

c) Understanding of grammatical clue-subject, verb , pronoun, conjunction and so forth.

d) Recalling of main idea explicitly stated.

e) Knowledge of sequence of information presented in the text.

b. Interpretative Level

This level requires the reader to go beyond the information given by the writer. The reader is required to see the significance of the data; to note various relationships such as cause effect and relation of the part to the whole, to make comparison, to draw conclusion and inference and to make generalizations. Sample phrases or questions for this level are as follows:

a) Why ……….

b) What evidence ……….

c) What you can conclude ……

The abilities which refers to the interpretive level are:

a) Reasoning with the information presented to understand the writer’s tone, purpose and attitude


b) Inferring factual information, main ideas, comparison, cause-effect relationships not explicitly stated in the text.

c. Critical Level

At this level, the students learn to evaluate and judge the information and the writer’s use of language for guiding the reader’s interpretation; noting evidence of the writer’s bias, his qualifications, his point of view, intent and truthfulness.

Sample phrases or questions for critical level are as follows:

a) Judge ……….

b) What would be the result of …..

c) How would you describe ……..

The abilities which refers to the critical level are:

a) Reacting to information in a text indicating its meaning to the reader.

b) Analyzing and evaluating the quality of written information in terms of some standards.

d. Creative Level

This level requires the reader’s involvement with the information presented as he uses it to formulate or rethink ideas of his own. Question at this level might consist of open-ended queries which require the reader to include his own knowledge, view, and value. Sample phrases or questions for this level are as follows :


a) What would you do if ………

b) Make up ……….

c) What does the text tell you about ….

The abilities that refer to the creative level are:

a) Knowledge of emotional response of literary techniques b) Knowledge of response of forms, style and structures.

In short, Literal level involves acquiring information that is directly stated. Interpretive level involves “reading between lines”

of making inference. Critical level involves evaluating of written material. Creative level involves formulating and rethinking ideas.

From the description above, it can be stated that each level requires different abilities or skills. Interpretive level requires higher skill than Literal and so forth.

C. Picture Series

1. Definition of Picture Series

The picture is usually abbreviated as pic, the picture is a visual capture of an object. Images can be created using devices such as digital cameras, cellphones, or works created on a computer. If a visual object is created on a computer and is not captured by other devices, it can be referred to as clip art, graphics, illustrations, rendering, or screenshots. The picture is one of the media in teaching English, the picture can be a good incentive to speak, but the picture must also be based on students' abilities.


In reading learning, the teacher must choose the media that is suitable with the learning material. In this case, the researcher chooses narrative text as teaching material and of course uses pictures as a learning medium. With the images presented in the text, students will not feel bored to read long texts. In addition, by using interesting and funny pictures, students will be more motivated and interested in learning.

Yunus (1981: 49) explains that an image is a collection of suitable images that are approved to be made in order. Therefore, the function is to read the story or sequence of events. Raimes (1983: 36) says that pairs of drawings or series of drawings provide a variety of guided and free writing exercises. (Rahayu, 2016)

In addition, Wright (1989: 68) states the picture series as a sequence of pictures that shows some actions in order to be able to meet the needs of teaching. Using pictures in the teaching and learning process can help students to understand various aspects of foreign languages. General contexts or specific illustration points can be provided by images. If a picture depicting a story is understood by students, it is hoped that the new language will also be understood. (Wulansari, 2015)

Deeply, Wright (1989: 2) says that images work together in three aspects namely interest and motivation, scenes of language context, and specific reference points or stimuli. (Wulansari, 2015) Images can help students to be able to get motivated, and make the subjects they face clearer and better understood, and to illustrate general ideas and in the form of


specific objects. By using images that are suitable as media in the teaching and learning process can accelerate the process of assimilating students' meanings.

Mackey (2005) mentions that media such as pictures, films or song lyrics are often used as tools for learning.this proves that the tools teachers use in class can manipulate to see, hear and read to facilitate teaching in the classroom. According to Sabri (2010) the types of two and three dimensional media are concepts, graphics, posters, drawings, flat maps and relief maps. Some of the benefits of using media in the teaching process.First, clarification of instructions so that they are not verbalized.

Second, Superintend is limited to space, time and senses. Third, using media that is appropriate and has variations can reduce student passivity.

Finally, teachers will be able to provide equal motivation, experience and perception. (Drs. AndriDefrioka, 20014)

There are several similar studies conducted by other researchers.

KateřinaJoklová (2009) observes how to use images in vocabulary teaching. In his research, he got the main goal of this thesis is to show how images can be used in English classes in several ways and to answer the question of how and why this works and in what way exactly they help students remember the words he learned. Joklova's research is similar to this research using image media. In Joklova's research, images are used in vocabulary teaching, but in this study the researchers used image media in teaching present tense. (Sari, 2018)


Based on the above understanding, the research concludes that the Pictures series can be structured as a medium to help students express ideas and feelings. Image series as learning strategies that use images as learning media.

D. Narrative Text

1. Definiton Of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a type of text to tell a story that has a series of chronological events that are interconnected. The purpose of this text is to entertain the reader about a story or story. Narrative text is a type of text to tell a story that has a series of chronological events that are interconnected.

The purpose of this text is to entertain the reader about a story or story.

Narratives are pieces of text that are tell a story by doing it, entertaining or telling a reader or listener Anderson (1997: 8). Narration is the thing with the most a strong way of communicating with others in using Anderson's graphic organizer method to be able to teach narrative texts in high school by (Niws, 2017).

Children learn the structure of narrative texts that are read (Caldwell &Lesly 2009). A study showed that students who were read, when asked to retell, were able to remember the main elements of the story including characters, problems, some events, and some sort of solution. The results also show that students who have not been exposed to stories may need more explicit instruction when learning about story elements. He stated that teaching narrative effectively must require thorough lecture instruction as


well as reading comprehension strategies that enable students to fully engage with narrative texts. Students must be encouraged to work dynamically with the text to develop interpretations strategies that are proficient and creative.

In addition, these techniques allow students to understand and appreciate narratives assigned at the personal level, making reading a more pleasant and enjoyable experience.

2. Generic Structure of Narrative Text

The generic structure of narrative texts is orientation, complications, sequence of events, resolution and coda. More detailed generic structures of narrative texts have been proposed by Anderson and Anderson who argue that narrative texts include:

a. Orientation b. event

c. Event / climax sequence:

Due to various reasons, students will have a little difficulty reading narrative texts. Narrative texts cover many genres, both in the fiction and nonfiction genres. As students develop through grade levels, the narrative texts they encounter become increasingly complex (Dymock, 2007). Not only that, lack of knowledge about the structure of narrative texts, skills that are usually acquired during early primary education, can generally disrupt student understanding. (Drs. Andri Defrioka, 20014)

How can teaching in the structure of texts help students to be able to understand written texts, and what strategies are effective for


understanding narrative texts? Some experts in reading learning explain how to introduce text structure with effective strategies for teaching narrative texts. Fitzgerald & Spiegel (1983) say that the key to understanding narration is the sense of plot, theme, character, and event, and how they are related. Teaching students to be present in a well-formed story organization increases not only understanding but also the quality and creativity of stories written by students. (Drs. Andri Defrioka, 20014)

E. Conceptual Framework











Based on the framework above, the researcher focused on reading skill and collected the data by reading test with picture series. In this case, the researcher applied pre-experimental research in which used pre-test, treatment and post-test. Pre-test was given by researcher in the first meeting before treatment, and post-test was given by researcher after treatment. The researcher compared the result of pre-test and post-test to find out students’ reading skill in predicting information in terms of literal comprehension and interpretative comprehension.

F. Hypothesis

Null hypothesis : There is no significant different between the result of pre-test and post-test of students’ reading comprehension by using picture series

Alternative hypothesis :There is significant different between the resul of pre-test and post-test of students’ reading comprehension by using picture series




A. Research Design

From the research question, this study intended to find out the used of picture series in predicting information in improving reading skill. This study was conducted to as Pre-experimental research. Pre-experimental research was research activity that aims to find out the effect of treatment in condition as an effect of treatment. The design was presented by following table :

Table 3.1 design of Pre-Experimental Research


01 X O2


B. Variables and Indicator 1. Variable

This research consisted of the following variables : a. Independent variable (the use of picture series) b. Dependent variable (the students’ reading skill) 2. Indicator

The indicator of this research were picture series and reading skill.

The students’ reading skill focused on literal comprehension in terms


of main idea and supporting details and interpretative comprehension in term of conclusion.

C. Population and sample 1. Population

The population of this research was the second grade students of SMAN 25 Bone. The population were divided into two programs (Social and exact class). Each class consisted of 22-30 students.

Therefore, the total number of population was 136 students.

2. Sample

This research applied the purposive sampling technque in which the Second Grade students of SMAN 25 Bone of science program. In ths research, the researcher only took one class to represent all of the population. The class XI MIA Sejahtera was selected as the sample. It consisted of 22 students.

D. Instrument of the Research

Research instrument was what the researcher used to collect the information. It can be helpful tool to the researcher’s study. According to Arikunto, “instrument is a tool or facility that used by the researcher to collect the data to make easy her/his research and to get better result”.7 In

short, instrument is a tool which was used by a researcher in using method during conducting the research in order to get the data better. Thus, determining instrument depends on the method used in the research.


The instrument of this research was reading test. The type of test the researcher used was essay test consisted of 10 questions. The researcher gave the students test using picture to knowing students’

competence in predicting information in terms of literal reading comprehension and interpretative reading comprehension in improving students’ reading skill.

E. Procedure of Collecting Data

In collecting data, the researcher used three steps. They were Pre- Test,Treatment and Post-Test.

1. Pre-Test

Pretest is a test conducted to see the basic competencies of students before treatment. In this study, data werecollectthrough a pretest to measured students’ achievement before treatment. It is given at the first meeting before researchers give treatment.

2. Treatment

a. The teacher shared several picture series with students about the narrative text to be studied, where each picture is a picture of the storyline

b. students look for the main idea of the paragraph contained in the reading text, and can found explicit, implicit information in the text.


c. Students look for moral messages contained in legend texts.

d. Students wrote the main idea of the paragraph contained in the reading text and moral messages on the worksheets that have been distributed

e. Students sent the worksheet to the teacher via personal chat.

3. Post-Test

Posttest is a test given after treatment. After the researchers gave treatment, posttest was given at the last meeting. The topic given by the researcher was the same topic as the pre-test. Test results were scored and counted. That compared to the pretest. This is done to determine the results of students' ability to read narrative textsthroughpicture series.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The data was analyzed through the following steps:

1. Rating Scale of Reading

a. Scoring of Literal Comprehension (Main Idea and Sequence of details)

Table. 3.2. Scoring of Literal Comprehension (Main Idea)

NO Main Idea Score

1 Attempts to identify the main idea(s); however, it my be stated incorrectly or may be missing

1 2 Identifies the main idea(s) of the text 2 3 Corretly identifies the main idea(s) of the text 3 4 Clearly and accurately the main idea(s) of the text


4 (Pollard, 2007)


Table. 3.3. Scoring of Literal Comprehension (Sequence of Details)

No Criteria Supporting Details Score

1 The level of detail in each question is excellent.

Textual details are relevant and student has connected fully with the literature


2 The level of detail in each question is good. The student could add a bit more textual detail to further enhance answers


3 The level of detail in in each question is emerging.

Attempts to engage the text are made

2 4 The level of detail in each question is poor and

makes no attempt to include textually relevant information


(Benbleue as cited in Suriani, 2018) b. Interpretative Comprehension (Conclusion)

Table.3.4. Scoring of Interpretative Comprehension (Conclusion) Student showed evidence of reading resource Score Conclusion reflect resource reading in development of idea. It

is excellent 40

Conclusion reflect readings in development of idea. It is good 30 Conclusion reflect only reading in development of idea. It is

poor 20

Conclusion their answers, but do not reflect any reading of

resources in development idea. 10

(Pollard, 2007)

2. To obtain the total score,the researcher used the following formula:

S= R x 10 N


S = Score

R = Total number of right answer N = Total number of item

(Arikunto, 2007)


3. To find out the mean score of the students’ test, the researcher used the following formula:

𝑥̅ = ∑ 𝑥 N Explanation:

𝑥̅ =Mean score

𝑁 = The number of students

∑𝑋= The sum of all score

(Gay, 2006)

4. To classify the students’ score, there are five classifications which are used as follows:

Table.3.5. Students’ score classifications

No. Classification Range

1 Excellent 86-100

2 Very Good 76-85

3 Good 66-75

4 Fair 55-65

5 Poor 36-54

6 Very Poor 0-35

(Depdikbud, 2006)

5. To get the class percentage which pass the minimum standard score, the researcher used the formula :

𝑃 = 𝐹

𝑁 × 100 Explanation :

P= Percentage

F= The Number of Students who passed N = The number of students

(Gay, 2006)


6. The percentage of increasing achievement used the following formula:

𝑃 =X2 − X1

X1 x 100%

Where: P = Percentage

𝑋2 = Average score of post-test 𝑋1= Average score of pre-test

(Gay, 2006) 7. The formula will be used in finding out the difference between students’

score in Pre-Test and in Post-Test

𝑡 = D̅

∑ 𝐷2(∑ D)

2 𝑁 N(N−1)

Notes :

t = score of computation

𝐷̅ = average difference between pre – test and post – test

∑D2 = different scores squared, then summed (∑D)2 = difference scores summed then squared N = Subject of sample

(Gay, et al 2006)




A. Findings

The findings of this research related to the use of picture series in improving students' reading skill which consisted of the students' literal comprehension in terms of main idea and supporting details and students' interpretative comprehension in term of the conclusion of the text.

1. The the Improvement of Students’ Literal Comprehension in Terms of Main Idea and Supporting Details by Using Picture Series

Table. 4.1 Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test Score in Literal Comprehension

Indicator Pre- Test𝑋1

Post- Test𝑋2

Improvement 𝑋2− 𝑋1 Literal

Comprehension 25.90 38.63 12.73 %

Based on the table above, the score of Post-Test was higher than the score of Pre-Test. It showed that there is an improvement after giving treatment. In applied picture series in the learning process, the data was collected by the test and showed that the students’ reading comprehension in literal comprehension was improved. So, the researcher could be concluded that the use of picture series improve students’ literal reading comprhension.


2. The Improvement of Students’ Interpretative Comprehension in Term of Conclusion by Using Picture

Table. 4.2 Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test Score in Interpretative Comprehension

Indicator Pre- Test𝑋1

Post- Test𝑋2

Improvement 𝑋2− 𝑋1 Interpretative


28.18 44.09 15.91 %

The improving of students’ interpretative comprehension by using picture series can be seen in the table above. After giving treatment, the improvement of students’ interpretative comprehension was 15.91%. The score of Post-Test (44.09) was higher than the score of Pre-Test(28.18).

It can be concluded that the use of picture series can improve students’

Interpretative Comprehension.

3. The Classification of Students’ Score in Reading Comprehenion by Using Picture Series

Table. 4.3 Classification of Students’ Score

No. Classification Range

Pre-Test Post-Test

Frequency % Frequency %

1 Excellent 86-100 - 10 45%

2 Very Good 76-85 - 5 22%

3 Good 66-75 - 7 31%

4 Fair 55-65 20 90% -

5 Poor 36-54 2 9% -

6 Very Poor 0-35 - -

Total 22 100% 22 100%


The table showed that the percentage of students’ reading comprehension.

Pre-Test indicated that 20 students (90%) got fair and 2 students(9%) got poor.

The total number of students was 22.

After taking treatment since three meetings by using picture series , the percentage of students’ reading comprehension in Post-Test are 10 students(45%) got excellent, 5 students(22%) got very good and 7 students(31%) got good. In this test, there is no students’ got low score.

4. T-test Value

In order to know wether or not the difference between the mean score of pre-test and post-test is statistically significant the t-test statistical analysis for non independent sample is employed. The result of the t-test is shown in the following:

Table 4.4. The T-test analysis of the Students’ Improvement Indicators T-test T-table Explanation

Reading Comprehension

4.43 2.080 t-test>t-table Effective

The researcher compared t-test value and t-table to know wether the use of Picture Series in teaching reading comprehension was significant, to find out the degreeof freedom (df) the researcher used formula N-1=22-1=21, for the level significant (p)=0,05 and df=21, t-table got score 2.080. After calculating the t-test value of literal (main idea) it got score 4.43, so the value of t-test and t-table is (4.43>2.080). It means that there was different result of the value of t-test anf t-table.


c. Hypothesis Testing

The result of the statistical analysis at the level significance 0.05 with degrees of freedom (df)=n-1, where df=21-1 and df=21 indicated that there was significant difference between the mean score of the pre- test and post-test. The value of t-test was 4.43 whole the t-table was 2.080 where 4.43>2.080.

Based on the result above, it can be concluded that there was significant difference between the students’ reading comprehension before and after using course Review Horay Method in teaching reading.

This also means that null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, while the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted.

B. Discussion

The data was collected by giving test as explained in the previous section.

The data showed that the students’ reading comprehension was increased as expected. It can be seen by the improvement of students’ test after giving treatment.

Using Picture Series are how students’ able to understand the text and how the students’ able to know the information of the text. Based on the data that using picture series in narrative text can improve students’ literal comprehension in terms of main idea and supporting details and interpretative comprehension in term of conclusin.


Based on the result of students’ and after teratment, the researcher noticed that students’ did not understand the text. It shows that the problem in the background still occurs, but the use of picture series was successfully improving students’ reading comprehension. The students’ were helped to undersand the text by using picture series. The learning media made the students be creative and have more opportunity to think about the meaning of text throgh picture series.

1. The students’ Reading Comprehension in Literal Comprehenson

Literal comprehensionis understanding the information or facts contained in the text. This is the first or most basic level of understanding in reading. Students can use literal comprehension (keywords, skimming and scanning) to find information quickly. In literal comprehension, the most important that the reader have to know are main idea and supporting details.

Based on the result of finding, before giving treatment, students’ literal comprehension was poor in identify main idea and supporting details. After giving treatment, students’ literal comprehension was increased . the mprovement of students’ literal comprehension was 12,73%.

2. The Students’ Reading Comprehension in Interpretative Comprehension

At an interpretive level, readers can read the words of the text and funderstanding. the reader uses the skills to conclude. when readers conclude, they go beyond the text to find meaning. The information they


understand is not found in the text, which is necessary to imagine what the characters felt or what the author meant by words or actions.

Based on the result of finding, before giving treatment, students’

interpretative comprehension was low in making conclusion. After giving treatment, students’ interpretative comprehenson was increased. The improvement of students’ literal comprehension was 15,91%

3. The students’ Reading Comprehension

In addition, the mean score of students’ pre-test was 52,72% and the mean score of students’ post-test was 82,72%. It shows that the mean score of students’ post-test was higher than the mean score of pre-test with the improvement 30,45%. The improvement the mean score of pre-test and post-test were caused by the treatment. It can be concluded that the use of pictutre series can improve students’ reading comprehesion (literal in terms main idea and supporting details and interpretative comprehension in term of conclusion).




This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion are based finding and conclusion of the data analyse.

A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the data analyse, the researcher some concludes as follow:

1. The use of Picture Series improve students’ literal comprehension in terms of main idea and supporting details. The improvement was significant in mean score of pre-test was 25,90 and mean score of post- test was 38,63. Based on the mean score pre-test and post-test, the improvement of students’ was 12.73%

2. The use of Picture improve students’ Interpretative comprehension in terms of main idea and supporting details. The improvement was significant in mean score of pre-test was 28,18 and mean score of post- test was 44,09. Based on the mean score pre-test and post-test, the improvement of students’ was 15,91%

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher purpose some suggestion as follows:


1. In teacching reading, the teacher have to use an effective media as the alternative for improving students’ reading skill especially in reading comprehension.

2. The teacher have to motivate students to read not only in teaching but also the students have a conscious to read english text in the book or others media.

3. It sugegested that the teacher use picture series in teaching reading comprehension in terms of literal comprehension(main idea and supporting details) and interpretative comprehension (conclusion)

4. To improve students' reading comprehension by reading text through serial images, the teacher must provide effective explanations and interesting learning strategies so that students don't get bored quickly



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∑ D = 670 (∑ D)2 = 23.900 N = 22

D̅ = D

N = 670

22 = 31.90

𝑡 = 31.90


(670)2 22 22(22−1)

𝑡 = 31.90



𝑡 = 31.90


448.900 22 22(21)

𝑡 = 31.90

23.900−20.404 462

𝑡 = 31.90



𝑡 = 31.90

√51.6874372 𝑡 =31.90

7.189 𝑡 = 4.43




Sekolah : SMAN 25 BONE Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris


Materi Pokok : Teks Narative

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit ( 1 x pertemuan) Tahun Ajaran : 2020/2021

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.


KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator:


1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2.1 Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi antar pribadi dengan guru dan teman.

2.2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

4.15 Menangkap makna teks naratif lisan dan a) Menangkap gagasan


tulis berbentuk cerita pendek sederhana. utama, makna kata,

dan menggali

informasi tentang teks naratif tulis legenda sederhana.

b) Menyajikan gagasan utama dan makna kata dalam teks naratif tulis berbentuk legenda sederhana.

c) Menyimpulkan pesan moral (moral value) dalam teks naratif tulis berbentuk legenda sederhana.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1) Selama dan setelah proses pembelajaran, peserta didik dapat mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.

2) Selama dan setelah proses pembelajaran, peserta didik mampu meneladani sikap dan tindakan peduli, percaya diri, disiplin, dan


Table 3.1 design of  Pre-Experimental Research
Table 4.4.  The T-test analysis of the Students’ Improvement  Indicators  T-test  T-table  Explanation


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