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Academic year: 2022



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Gain an Undergraduate Degree (S.1) in English Education
















I would like to express my dedication for Allah SWT, the most gracious and merciful for guiding me to deal with the blessing and protection so that I could finally finish writing this

scientific paper.

And then sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW by deeply thanks.

Thanks for my beloved father Kijan and mother Ginten who have brought me up very patiently. They never stop praying for my success in the future with their endless love.

Thanks for my family: My old and young brother

For my beloved advisors Drs. Rasyid Ali,M.Pd and Wahyuni Fitria, M.Pd who always listen to my problems in making this thesis and never be tired to help me to finish this


Thanks for my classmates especially my beloved friend Desi Ratnasari who always accompanied me when I went to see the lecturer for thesis guidance, Ajeng Puji Iswiah who always answer my questions whenever I asked about the thesis and Pipit Wardiyanti as my

roommate who always cares about me.

May Allah SWT always love and bless of all, amen.



َنوُرُطْسَي اَمَو ِمَلَقْلاَو ۚ ن (

:لمقلا ) ١

Meaning: “Nun. By the pen and what they write” (Al-Qalam: 1)




In the name of Allah SWT, the benefit, the merciful, all praise to Allah, the lord of the words, who give the writer his mercy in completing this research.

Peace and blessing be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion and his followers.

In conducting the research and finishing this project paper, the researcher got suggestions, encouragements, motivations and supports from many sides.

Therefore, in this chance and opportunity, the researcher would like to express the great thanks and gratitude to those who have given the researcher a lot of things that researcher is able to finalize and publish this research:

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA as temporary rector of The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Syaifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Armida, M.Pd, as Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty The State Islamic University SulthanThahaSyaifuddin Jambi.

3. Amalia Nurhasanah,S.Pd,M.Hum as chief of English Education Program of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Syaifudin Jambi.

4. Drs. Rasyid Ali, M.Pd as advisor I and Wahyuni Fitria, M.Pd as advisor II who have taken the time and devote their mind for the sake of directing researchers in completing this thesis.

5. Dra. Fitri Herlina as Headmaster and Miss. Eka Septiarini Carolina M.Pd as English Teacher at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi.

6. Uyun Nafiah, M.Pd and Juliana Mesalina, M.Pd as the raters in this research.

7. All lecturers of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Syaifuddin Jambi.

8. Parents’ and Family, who have provided motivation endlessly so that the driving force for researcher in completing this thesis.

9. My entire classmates thank you of all great moments and togetherness.

10. For all of people who have given the researcher the great support in conducting and finishing this thesis, this cannot be written one by one.





Nama : Ani Safitri

Jurusan : English Educational Program

Judul : The Effect of Pick-List-Evaluate-Activate-Supply-End (PLEASE) on the Eight Grade Students’ Writing Skill of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Pick-List-Evaluate- Activate-Supply-End (PLEASE) terhadap keterampilan menulis siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri Baiturrahim Jambi. Penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Pra- Eksperimental dan dilakukan dengan menggunakan One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 20 siswa. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata post-test (72,25) lebih tinggi dari nilai rata-rata pre-test (55,8).

Sehingga Ha diterima. Artinya, ada peningkatan prestasi menulis siswa setelah diberikan perawatan. Selanjutnya, peneliti telah menghitung bahwa skor tobtained>

ttabel (6,875> 2,093) dan signifikan 2-tailed < 0,05 (0,000 < 0,05). Jadi, Ha diterima. Ini berarti bahwa strategi PLEASE secara statistik mempunyai pengaruh terhadap kemampuan menulis siswa

Kata kunci: pengaruh, strategy PLEASE, menulis, deskriptif


xi ABSTRACT Name : Ani Safitri

Subject : English Educational Program

Title : The Effect of Pick-List-Evaluate-Activate-Supply-End (PLEASE) on the Eight Grade Students’ Writing Skill of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi

The research aimed to discover the effect of Pick-List-Evaluate-Activate- Supply-End (PLEASE) on the eighth grade students’ writing skill of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi. The research was Pre-Experimental Research and it was conducted by using One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The subject of this research was 20 students. The result of the analysis indicated that the mean of post-test score (72.25) was higher than the mean of pre-test score (55.8). So that Ha was accepted. It means, there was an improvement of students’ writing achievement after giving treatment. Next, the researcher had computed that the score of tobtained > ttable (6.875>2.093) and significant 2–tailed < 0,05 (0,000<0,05).

So, Ha was accepted. It means that PLEASE strategy has an effect to the student’s writing ability.

Keyword: effect, PLEASE strategy, writing, descriptive









MOTTO ... vii








CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ... A. Background of the Research ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ... 4

C. Limitation of the Problem ... 4

D. Formulation of the Problem ... 4

E. The Objective of the Research ... 5

F. The Significance of the Research ... 5


1. The Concept of Writing ... 6

2. The Writing Process ... 7

3. Teaching Writing in Junior High School ... 9

B. Descriptive Text ... 10

1. The Definition of Descriptive Text ... 10

2. The Structure of Descriptive Text ... 11

3. Kinds of Descriptive Text ... 11

4. Example of Descriptive Text ... 12

C. The Concept of Strategy ... 13

D. The Pick-List-Evaluate-Activate-Supply-End (PLEASE Strategy) ... 14



a. The Definition of PLEASE strategy ... 14

b. The procedure in Using PLEASE Strategy in Teaching Writing ... 15

c. The Advantages of using PLEASE Strategy ... 18

E. The Relevant Research ... 19

F. Conceptual Framework ... 20

G. Hypothesis ... 22

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ... A. Place and Time of the Research ... 23

B. Method and Design of the Research ... 23

C. Variable of the Research ... 24

D. Kinds of Source of the Data ... 25

E. The Population and Sample of the Research ... 25

1. The population of the Research ... 25

2. The Sample of the Research ... 26

F. Research Instrument ... 27

G. The Technique of Data Collection ... 27

H. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 30

1. Validity of the test ... 31

2. Reliability of the test ... 29

I. Technique of Analysis Data ... 32


a. Descriptive Analysis ... 34

b. Statistical Analysis ... 43

1. Normality Test ... 43

2. Hypothesis Testing ... 44

B. Discussion ... 48


B. Suggestion ... 51






Table 2.1 Standard competence and basic competences of writing skill for

junior high school students at the eighth grades ... 10

Table 2.2 The please strategy ... 15

Table 3.1 The research design ... 23

Table 3.2 The population of the research ... 26

Table 3.3 The number of sample on the eighth grade of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi ... 27

Table 3.4 Rubric scoring for writing ... 28

Table 3.5 The categories of reliability ... 31

Table 3.6 Results of reliability analysis ... 32

Table 4.1 Scoring grade ... 35

Table 4.2 The score of pretest ... 35

Table 4.3 The Students Writing Result of Pre-test ... 36

Table 4.4 Descriptive Statistics of Pre-test ... 37

Table 4.5 The Result of Post-Test ... 38

Table 4.6 The Student Writing Result of Post-test ... 39

Table 4.7 Descriptive Statistics of Post-test ... 40

Table 4.8 Gain Score of Pre-test and Post-test ... 42

Table 4.9 Test of Normality with One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test ... 44

Table 4.10 The result of Paired Sample Statistic ... 45

Table 4.11 The result of Paired Sample Correlation ... 46

Table 4.12 The results of Hypothesis test ... 47



Figure 4.1 Score Frequency of Pre-test ... 37 Figure 4.2 Score Frequency of Post-test ... 40



Appendix I Instrument of pre-test Appendix II Instrument of post-test

Appendix III Syllabus

Appendix IV Lesson plan (meeting 1)

Appendix V Lesson plan (meeting 2)

Appendix VI Lesson plan (meeting 3) Appendix VII Lesson plan (meeting 4) Appendix VIII Lesson plan (meeting 5)

Appendix IX Lesson Plan (meeting 6)

Appendix X Documentation




A. Background of the Problem

Writing is one of the language skills that should be taught in the school besides listening, speaking and reading. Elbow (1998, p.7) stated that writing is the ability to produce words and ideas out of yourself. It means that through writing, writer can express thought, feeling, ideas, experiences, opinion, etc with their own word. In addition, by writing, the students can deliver their message to their readers. To deliver their message, the students have to produce a text by using English. They have to write about they think in their mind and put it on a piece of paper by using correct procedure. Writing is a productive and expressive activity. It is supported by Meyers in Vita Ningrum et al. (2005, p.2) who defines that writing is an action – a way to extracting and managing the ideas, state them on a paper and reforming and revising them.

Writing as one of the most important skills in English as a second language must master by learners. However, students’ writing ability in Indonesia is very low when compared with students’ writing ability in other countries. The appalling fact is revealed by the international literacy rating, Most Literate Nations in the World, published by Central Connecticut State University in March, 2016. The institute released that the level of reading and writing ability of Indonesian society is very lagging. Indonesia is ranked 60th out of a total of 61 countries ( Kolom edukasi, 2016, para.1). Most students find writing is the most difficult of the four skills (Paul, 2003, p.96). This is because writing involves the ability or mastery of grammar, vocabulary and spelling. In addition, it involves the development of design idea, the capture of mental representation of knowledge, and of experience with subject (Jozsef, 2001, p. 5). It takes the ability to think or logic and the skill of putting words into meaningful sentences.

There are many kinds of written text. One of them is descriptive text.

Descriptive is a written English text in which the writer describes an object


(Sipayung, 2016, p.23). It is used to describe ideas and examples focused on particular subject. Descriptive text focuses on describing things that can be seen or heard. The context of this kind of text is the description of particular thing, animal, person or others. It is similar to report text that also presents information about something. Yet, the difference is that report text tells something in general as a result of systematic observation and analysis while descriptive text tells information more specific.

Writing descriptive paragraph is not easy. The students should follow the generic structure by describing thing. The generic structure of descriptive text consists of identification and description. Identification is about introducing subject or thing that will be described, whereas, description is brief details about who, or what the subject.

Based on the writer’s experience during the teaching practice at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi especially at the eighth grade in November to December, the writer found that most of the students could not write well the texts that the teacher requested. It can be seen from the students’ score on their daily activities such as assignment, homework, and quiz. Many students who do not reach the minimum criteria of achievement (KKM) that is 70 for English subject and by interviewed the English teacher. There are some problems that affect the low ability of the students in mastering writing skill. The first problem comes from the student themselves. They are lack of motivation because writing requires them to master the grammar through correct rule and also they do not have enough vocabulary to transfer their idea into English. In addition, they think hard to write because it is difficult to organize their idea. They had idea in their mind, but they do not know how to express it in written form. They are also less of confidence on their writing because they are afraid of making some mistakes. The second problem comes from the strategy used by the teacher. The teacher uses the conventional strategy when teaching descriptive paragraph. The teacher explained what descriptive paragraph is, its function and generic structure were explained in an example on the students’ textbook, and then asked the students to write descriptive paragraph. In the conventional strategy, the learning take place


centered on the teacher as an information center and students only accept material passively (Hasibuan, 2013). Consequently, the students didn’t know how to develop their writing skills because the teacher is not able to stimulate students’


Based on the problem above, the English teacher needed suitable strategy or technique to help students as solution for their problem. “PLEASE’ is chosen as a strategy to improve the students’ writing skill. “PLEASE” is an acronym from six strategies for each letter (Vaughn, Bos, & Schumm, in Flo Brokop and Bill Persall. 2003), those are: P for Pick, pick the topic, audience and paragraph type. L for List, list information about the topic. E for Evaluate, evaluate whether the list is complete and determine how to order the items in the list. A for Activate, activate your writing by starting with a topic sentence. S for Supply, supply supporting details in sentences, using items from list. E for End, end with strong concluding sentence and evaluate the paragraph by revising and editing.

The strategy provides a structure to help students generate and organize ideas and to write sentences and paragraphs. The “PLEASE” strategy is useful because it provides cues to help students remember and apply activities involved in the process of planning and writing.

There have been studies concerning PLEASE strategy that showed the result significance improved teaching writing. First, according to Basri (2016),

“the most of the students who were taught by using PLEASE strategy had significant improvement in writing skill”. Second, Handayana (2013) point out that “there was a significant difference between conditions of using PLEASE strategy toward students’ writing ability”. Last, Atmojo (2016) assert that the PLEASE strategy is an effective strategy in teaching writing.

Considering the statement above, the researcher was interested to conducting the research in teaching writing skill at Junior High level using

“PLEASE” strategy. By using this strategy, the students are hopefully able to write clearly, especially in writing descriptive paragraph. Thus, the researcher intends to conduct the research Pre-Experimental study entitled, “The Effect of


Pick-List-Evaluate-Activate-Supply-End (PLEASE) on the Eight Grade Students’ Writing Skill of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi”.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the description of the background, can be identified in several issues that may arise include the following:

a. The students

1) A certain number of the students have lack of motivation in writing.

2) A certain number of the students do not have enough vocabulary to develop their ideas while writing descriptive paragraph.

3) A certain number of the students are not able to organize their ideas in descriptive paragraph

4) A certain number of students afraid of making some mistakes b. The teacher

1) The teacher use conventional technique or strategy in teaching writing.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problems stated above, it is clear that there are many problems. Therefore, the writer limits the problem on teaching technique by the teacher. The writer use a strategy called PLEASE strategy and to find out the significant different between condition of using PLEASE strategy toward students’ writing ability on descriptive paragraph at the second year students of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi.

D. Formulation of the problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, then the problem of the research can formula as follows:

Is there any significant effect of using PLEASE strategy on the students’

writing ability of descriptive paragraph for Eight Grade of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi?


E. The Objective of the Research

This research has some objectives, as follows:

To find out the effect of PLEASE strategy on students’ writing ability of descriptive text for eight grade students’ of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi.

F. The significance of the Research

Hopefully, the result of this research is useful for students’, teacher, and all readers. The results will be used for the following:

1. For the students’

The research expected to help students increase their ability in learning writing, and make students interest in learning writing.

2. For the teachers

The research expected to can be an alternative strategy in teaching writing and make the English teacher knows that teaching writing is don’t uses monotonous teaching.

3. For the researcher

This research will help the writer to enlarge, improve the skills and knowledge in conducting the research to find out the effect of Pick-List- Evaluate-Activate-Supply-End (PLEASE) toward the students’ writing skill.




A. Writing Skill

1. The Concept of Writing

Writing is among the most important skills that foreign students need to develop. It is the last stage in learning language after listening, speaking and reading. In other words, the researcher can say that writing is an indicator whether students have gained all skills before or have not. Before the students have to write, they should be able to listen, to speak, and to read.

Writing as a skill is a person’s ability in expressing his thought to other people or parties with the written media. According to Saptoka (2012, p.70), writing is the act of putting down the graphic symbols that present a language in order to convey some meaning so that the reader can grasp the information which the writer has tried to impart. It means that, through writing, writer can express thought, feeling, ideas, experiences, etc to convey a specific purpose. In line with Harmer (2004, p.4) stated “Writing is used for a wide variety of purposes, it is produced in many different form”. The purposes of writing are to invite, inform, convince or entertain the reader.

Writing is the ultimate test of literacy, incorporating all other communication skill. In our technological, writing is still the one true “hard copy” of a person ability to reason and express himself clearly (Atlee, 1995, p.5). Writing involves more than just producing words and sentences, writing should be able to write a series of words and sentences which are grammatically and logically correct, so the reader can possibly understand what the writes in his mind or what his purpose is.

Writing skill is not only important part of communication but also an effective way in many fields of expression, judgment of a person, flexibility and maturity. Mourtaga in Mariam Ghaleb Ibrahim (2004) said that writing is the vital means of communication within an organization. Writing is one of the best ways that we translate our thought for other people. Good writing


skill allows you to communicate your message with clarity and ease to the reader. To write clearly it is essential to understand the basic system of the language. In English this includes knowledge of grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Writing is very significant for students in term that they should take notes from their teacher, make a report, and finish assignment from the teacher. It can be also an indicator to show that they have gained information. It is significant for student to master writing skill. If they do not master it, it will be difficult for them to share their teacher or their friends anything in a written form.

2. The Writing Process

Writing process is the stages a writer goes through in order to produce something in its final written form (Harmer, 2004, p.4). Writing as one of productive skill needed a process. Johnson (2016, p.4) stated that writing is not an event that occurs in one setting but a process that occurs over time.

This process is necessarily messy. The writing process involves a series of steps to follow in producing a finished piece of writing. According to Harmer, the process has four main elements:

1) Planning

You cannot write unless you have something to write about.

Thus, the first step in writing is planning. In this stage, writers plan what they are going to write. Before starting to write or type, they try and decide what is they are going to say. It stimulated thoughts for getting started.

When planning, writers have to think about three main issues, those are the purpose, the audience (the reader), and the content structure. The purpose of writing will influence not only the type of text they wish to produce, but also the language they use, and the information they choose to include. The second one is the writer must think of the audience that will influence not only the shape of the writing (how it is laid out or how the paragraph is structured). The last


consideration is the writers have to consider the content structure of piece. It means that the writer have to consider how best to sequence the fact, ideas, or argument in their writing.

2) Drafting

After finishing their plan, students are led to step on the second stage which is drafting. Drafting is one the important step in writing process. The drafting stage is where you really begin writing. Students are starting to write their ideas or topics they have selected before.

Tomkins in Samsul Basri (1993. p.14) described that the drafting stage is the time to pour out ideas, with little concerns about spelling, punctuation, and other mechanical errors. The activities in this stage are:

a. Writing a rough draft b. Writing leads

c. Emphasizing content, not mechanism 3) Editing (reflecting and revising)

It is almost impossible to write perfect paragraph on the first draft. The way to revise and improve the first draft is called editing.

Here, students checking the drafts have been written by students. They check what they have written to see where it works and where doesn’t.

Editing is correct the writer sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, mechanism, spelling and word choice. In editing, the students knew what their weakness in paragraph (Basri, 2016, p. 30). After they are checked and edited, student will start to write in the best form of writing based on their own text type.

4) Final Version

This is the fourth or the last stage of writing process. Harmer assumes final draft as finished product. It is considered as best writing after passing, checking and editing. In this stage, students are allowed to publish their writing to readers.


The student might decide to represent these stages in the following way:

Planning drafting editing final draft 3. Teaching Writing in Junior High School

Teaching writing at junior high school is not specific one. The syllabus always divided in four skills of English. The skills are speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Based on the English syllabus of school based curriculum, the teaching writing for junior high school involve the teaching of paragraph of text. The text advocated are recount, narrative, announcement, procedure, and descriptive.

Writing in junior high school has several rules actually. Those rules are based on Standard competences and Basic competences of English (curriculum of English) for Junior High School. In this case, the curriculum that is used in SMP Bairurrahim refers to school based curriculum. The researcher dealt with the eighth grade students in the first semester. Standard and basic competences of writing as in Indonesian English Curriculum for the eighth grade students in the second semester covers:


Table 2.1 Standard Competence and Basic Competences of Writing Skill for Junior High School Students at the Eight Grades


6. Expressing meaning in functional written text and simple short essays in the form of descriptive and recount to interact with the surrounding environment.

6.1 Expressing meaning in the form of short simple functional written texts by using various written languages accurately, fluently and acceptable to interact with the surrounding environment.

6.2 Express the meaning and step of rhetoric in a simple short essay by using various written languages accurately, fluently and acceptable to interact with the surrounding environment in descriptive and recount text.

(Taken from Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, 2006)

From the table above, the researcher can conclude that the standard of competency of writing in Junior High School is producing the meaning of simple essay related to several text types in written form in the context of daily life and academic purposes to interact with the environment. In this case, the researcher is going to focus on one text type only. The text type that is going to be used here is the descriptive text.

B. Descriptive Text

1. The Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive paragraph is one the kinds of writing. The word descriptive paragraph can be defined as describing something. A writer in


descriptive paragraph uses details to tell how a subject looks, sounds, smells, tastes, or feels. Descriptive is to describes a particular person, place, or thing.

When you describe someone or something, do it as vivid and real as possible.

A good description is when the reader can imagine the picture in their mind from the information that we have write (Schuster, 2003, p. 128). A writer of a good description is like an artist who paints a picture that can be “seen”

clearly in the mind of the reader.

2. The Structure of Descriptive Text

a) In writing descriptive text, it should consist of generic structure. They are:

1) Identification

Identification identifies phenomenon to be described. It is the general opening statement in the first paragraph or the first sentence that introduces the subject of the description to the readers. It can be a general statement about place, person, or thing that you want to describe.

2) Description

Description can be the explanation about physical appearance of the subject, the qualities of the subject like degree of beauty, excellence or the special aspect that the subject has.

b) The language features of description are:

1) Uses of specific participant 2) Verb in the present tense

3) Adjective to describe the features of the subject 3. Kinds of Descriptive text

As we know that descriptive text is a text to describe something such as a person, places, or things. So it normally takes on three forms, they are:

a) People

Describing people is the most commonly used for creating description text. People’s descriptions are used to describe the person discussed from the physical traits to the personality. This type of text has a


purpose to describe someone for reader to know how the person is being discussed and its characteristics, although previously did not know and see the person directly.

b) Places

When the writer is going to describe place, they are supposed to notice how places look, smell and sound are. As a result, it is becoming important in describing.

c) Things

To write a description about something, the writer must have a good imagination about the thing that will be described. Besides, to make our subjects as interesting and as vivid to our readers as they are to us:

using proper nouns and effective verbs.

4. Example of Descriptive Text

The following example of descriptive text contains identification and description.

My pet

I have a pet, it is dog and I call it Brownie because the color is brownish yellow.

Brownie is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cuddle it the fur feels soft. Brownie does not like bones. Every day it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. When I am at school, brownie plays with my cat. They get along well, and never fight maybe because Brownie doesn’t bark a lot. It treats the other animals in my house gently, and it never eats shoes. Brownie is really a sweet and friendly animal.




C. The Concept of Learning Strategy

In general, the strategy has an idea of an outline of the bow to act in order to achieve specific targets. Connected with learning, a strategy is “a plan, method, or series of activities designed to achieves a particular educational goal” (J.R.

David, 1976 as cited in Sanjaya p. 294). So thus the learning strategy can be interpreted as a plan that contains a series of activities designed to achieve certain educational goals.

There were two things that we should pay attention from the definition above. First, the learning strategy is an action design (series of activity) including the design of the use of methods and the use of various resources / strengths in learning. Arrived at the second act, the strategy was formulated to achieve specific goals. The direction of the overall decision-making strategy was the achievement of objectives. Thus, the preparation of learning steps, the utilization of various facilities and learning resources were all aimed at the achieving goals.

Therefore before determining the strategy, clear objectives must be formulated, the success of which can be measured, because the goal is the implementation of strategy. Not all goals can be achieve with just one strategy.

Some of the principles that must be done by the instructor in choosing the correct and accurate learning strategy, this consideration must be based on the determination (Depdiknas, 2008, p. 44):

1. Learning Objectives

Learning objective are abilities or skills that students are expected to have after they carry out certain learning processes.

Determination of learning objective is an absolute requirement for teachers in choosing strategies to be used in presenting teaching method.

2. Activity and Students Initial knowledge.

The learning strategy must be able to encourage students’

activities. There is a teacher’s task that should not forgotten is to know the students initial knowledge. By knowing the students’ initial


knowledge, the teacher can develop a strategy to choose the right learning method for students.

3. Integrity in the Field of Study/ Subject.

Teaching not only develops cognitive abilities, but also includes the development of affective aspects and psychomotor aspect.

Therefore, learning strategies must be able to develop all aspirations of intelligence in an integrated manner.

4. Allocation of Time and Supporting Facilities.

Because the time available in provision of subject matter is limited, the method used has been designed previously including learning support devices.

5. Number of Students

Ideally the method that we apply in the classroom needs to consider the number of students present, the ratio of teachers and students so that the teaching in learning process is effective, class size determines success, especially classroom management and material delivery.

6. Teacher Experience and Authority.

A good teacher is an experienced teacher. Besides being experienced, the teacher must be authoritative. Authority is an absolute requirement that is abstract for teachers because the teacher must deal with and manage students.

D. The Pick-List-Evaluate-Activate-Supply-End (PLEASE Strategy) 1. The Definition of PLEASE strategy

PLEASE strategy is a strategy used to guide students how their start writing and generate their idea in paragraph (Liza and Refnaldi, 2013, p.438).

According to Graham in Suri Handayana (2005, p.4), PLEASE strategy is a plan and write a paragraph containing a topic sentence, supporting sentence/

details and a concluding sentence/ statement. In this strategy the students can


follow each step based on PLEASE stand for and the student can understand what they want to write.

Table 2.2 The PLEASE Strategy Strategy Steps What Students do

Pick the topic Pick a topic for their paragraph and decide on the type of paragraph they want to write.

List ideas about the topic

Write either enumerative, compare-contrast, or-cause effect paragraph

Evaluate Look over their list to ensure that it contains all facts or ideas relevant to the topic and add or delete information if necessary.

Activate Activate their paragraph by writing a topic sentence Supply Supply or construct sentences to support the topic

sentence using the List of relevant facts and ideas End Write a concluding sentence and edit individual

sentences in their paragraph.

(Taken from Smith, Sean J., et al, 2012, p. 120) The PLEASE strategy aims to improve the ability of students to write paragraphs. The strategy provides a structure to help students generate and organize ideas and to write sentences and paragraphs. The PLEASE strategy is useful because it provides cues to help students remember and apply activities involved in the process of planning and writing. It is useful for all students, and specifically for students in the middle grades and those with disabilities.

2. The procedure in Using PLEASE Strategy in Teaching Writing

Teaching writing by using PLEASE strategy can be used for junior high school students at the second grade. Teaching writing and learning process in junior high school is covered by three steps; pre-teaching activities,


whilst-teaching activities, and post-teaching activities. The stages are explained as follows:

a. Pre-teaching Activities

Pre-teaching activities are done at the beginning of the classroom. It is a kind of arming up activities, which is done in order to build the students background knowledge about the topic that they are going to study. In this pre-teaching activity, the students are introduced to the topic or the lesson to be taught, for example describing place. The activities will give some new information that stimulate and increase the students’ concentration. These activities are also trying to get the students’ attention and interest. So, the teacher motivates the students to study and understand what they are going to study.

b. Whilst-teaching Activity

Whilst-teaching activities are the activities conducted during teaching process. In this phase, the teacher leads the students to the main activity in the teaching learning process. In this phase of teaching the teacher explain about PLEASE strategy to the students how to use it in writing process. After that, the teacher asks the students to start writing descriptive paragraph. The students will be lead to write a descriptive paragraph by PLEASE strategy.

Whilst-teaching activity consists of three stages. They are exploration, elaboration, and confirmation.

a) Exploration

Exploration is the first stage in whilst-teaching activity.

The teacher gives some question to the students to stimulate them about describing animal. In this stage the teacher tells the students what they are going to learn that is describing animal. In this phase of teaching, the teacher explains to the students about descriptive text. The teacher can give example of preposition words to help the


students in writing descriptive text about describing animal, for example; in, on, at, bellow, beside, above, behind, in front of and etc, about size; big, small, medium.

Next, the teacher can discuss with the students about the question that the teacher has been given. The students can use the preposition word to answer the question. In this phase of teaching, the teacher also explains about PLEASE strategy to the students.

After that, the teacher gives the example how to use PLEASE strategy in writing a descriptive text. The steps in teaching writing descriptive by using PLEASE strategy are:

1) Pick

The teacher asks students to pick the topic about their writing. The topic should be familiar and interesting. In giving the example, the teacher gives the students some question about the animal. So, they can write the topic about animal.

2) List

The teacher asks students to list all ideas about the animal in the picture. So, the students can list the ideas.

3) Evaluate

After the students collect all of the information about the animal, they can evaluate all the ideas, which ideas that will be used and support their topic in describing the animal. If there is not enough data, they can find more ideas. After that, the students plan the best way to organize their ideas by making a simple outline in a piece of paper. They should think the best way to explore their topic based on the outline and in order to make their audience are interested with their writing.

4) Activate

The teacher asks the students to write their first sentence about their topic. The students can write the first sentence that is “I have a pet”.


5) Supply

The teacher commands the students to supply the supporting sentences in their paragraph with the ideas that they have collected. The teacher explains how important is the supporting sentences and put it in their writing.

6) End

The teacher reminds the students to end and evaluate their writing. The students write their last sentence in describing the animal. The teacher asks the students to check and edit their writing.

After the students complete their descriptive text, the teacher explains about the generic structure of the descriptive text. The generic structures of descriptive text are identification and description and the teacher explains it by using the text that they have finished together.

b) Elaboration

The teacher has explained about PLEASE strategy and how to use it in writing a descriptive text. In this stage of whilst- teaching activity, the teacher asks the students to write another descriptive paragraph independently to check the students’ ability and comprehension in writing descriptive text. The topic should be interesting and familiar with them. The students will follow the instruction by the teacher based on the PLEASE strategy, Pick the idea, List the information about the idea, Evaluate the information, activate the first sentence, Supply the supporting sentences, and End the paragraph with concluding sentence.

c) Confirmation

After the students finished their assignment, the teacher asks them to submit their task and asks some question from the students about the lesson that have been learn. Then, the teacher explains again about the descriptive text.


c. Post-teaching Activities

Post-teaching activities are the activities that are conducted at the end of the lesson. In this teaching activity, the teacher concludes the lesson about descriptive text. Then at the end of the class the teacher with remands the students about their homework and give them some motivation.

3. The Advantages of Using PLEASE strategy

Teaching writing a descriptive text by using PLEASE strategy has same advantages:

a. PLEASE strategy can help the students to improve the students writing ability especially in writing a paragraph and also in writing text.

b. PLEASE strategy can also help the students to start their writing. This strategy also helps the students to plan what they are going to write from pre writing activity and how to revise their writing.

c. The PLEASE strategy helps the students to write independently. It will help the students to write independently because PLEASE strategy leads the students to find their own topic and ideas about what they will write. This strategy also leads the students to write from the beginning of their writing until they end it.

E. The Relevant Research

The first study was taken from Samsul Basri (2016) which entitled Improving writing Skills by Using PLEASE Strategy of Seventh Grade Students at MTs Nurul Falah Air Mesu Pangkalanbaru. The research was a quantitative approach with quasi-experimental design. Based on the result analysis, there were two research findings. First, the students who were taught by using PLEASE strategy (experimental group) had higher score in post-test than the student who were taught by using conventional method (control group). In this case the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the research hypothesis (Ha) was accepted, since t-obtained was 26.097 higher than of the critical value of t-table 2.045 (at the significant level 0.005 in two tailed testing degree freedom 29). While the p-


output value was 0.000 lower than 0.005. Seconds the researcher found that the most of the students who were taught by using PLEASE strategy had significant improvement in writing skill of descriptive text.

The second was taken from Suri Handayana (2013) which entitled The Effect of Using Pick-List-Evaluate-Activate-Supply-End (Please) Strategy toward Students’ Writing Ability on Descriptive Paragraph at the Second Year of al- Huda Islamic Junior High School Pekan Baru. The type of this research was quasy-experimental research. In collecting data, the writer used writing test. Test was used to find out the students ability on writing descriptive paragraph. Which test consisted of two tests: pre-test and post-test. Based on the research findings, the score of to was higher than ttable. It can be concluded that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. It means that there was a significant difference between conditions of using PLEASE strategy toward students’ writing ability on descriptive paragraph at the second year of MTs Al-Huda Pekanbaru.

The third was taken from Arief Eko Priyo Atmojo (2016) Pick, List, Evaluate, Activate, Supply, End (Please) Strategy: Teaching Writing Viewed From Students’ Self-Esteem (An Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 1 Tangen in the Academic Year of 2016/2017). The findings of this research can be stated as follows: (1) PLEASE strategy is more effective than RAFT strategy to teach writing; (2) Students having high self-esteem have better writing skill than those having low self-esteem; and (3) There is an interaction between teaching strategies and students’ self-esteem to teach writing. Based on the findings of this research, it implies that PLEASE strategy is an effective strategy in teaching writing to the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Tangen.

Further researches are encouraged to optimize the use of PLEASE strategy by combining it with interesting teaching media. The use of other attributive variables is also encouraged.

F. Conceptual Framework

Based on the theoretical above, the researcher conclude that writing is an act of communication including the process a series of steps such as planning,


drafting, revising, editing and final draft of sentences into paragraph by rules of English grammar and mechanics. In writing a certain type of text, writers have to deal with certain language features. In writing descriptive text, the writer deal with details and characteristic features of a person, thing, or place. Therefore, writers need good vocabulary mastery in order to be able to describe someone or something clearly. With that poor vocabulary mastery, students often have problem in choosing the appropriate words to provide information about the subject. Those elements of writing can be developed with practice. The ability to write better sentence or choose the better word doesn’t come from a book, but with experience. To help the students improving their writing ability, we need a lot of practice and have interesting strategy. Besides that, the students also need to train their selves to develop their writing skill.

The teacher should choose an appropriate learning strategy to apply in writing class. One of those strategies is PLEASE strategy. The researcher assumes that PLEASE is one of a strategy in study which can be used to learning that will make the students easy to understand and will guide the students to write. It will help the students more focus on the description that they will write. To make the conceptual framework more clear, so it can be seen the following draft:

Based on the draft above, it can be seen that the teaching using PLEASE strategy has affected to student’s ability in writing. It means, if the teacher does not use learning strategy during teaching learning process, it can make the students bored and it can make their ability low. But if the teacher has used various learning strategy in teaching learning process, it will help the students to have more interest in learning, especially in studying descriptive text.

PLEASE Strategy

The students’ ability at writing descriptive text


G. Hypothesis

Based on the problem statements that presented by the researcher, the research hypothesis are stated as follows:

a) Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

There is a significant effect of using PLEASE strategy toward students’

writing skill on descriptive paragraph on the eighth grade students of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi.

b) Null Hypothesis (Ho)

There is no significant effect of using PLEASE strategy toward students’

writing skill on descriptive paragraph on the eighth grade students of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi.



A. Place and Time of the Research

This research was conducted at Junior High School (SMP) Baiturrahim Jambi. The location of this research at Jl. H. Syamsoe Bachrun No. 32 RT. 03 Kelurahan Selamat Kecamatan Danau Sipin Kota Jambi. The research was conducted in 19 July until 15 august at the first semester in academic year 2018/2019.

B. Method and Design of the Research

Research method is a systematic activity using certain method to find new thing or to prove a theory. In this research, researcher used Quantitative method and applies pre-experimental design. Quantitative research is an approach for testing objectives theories by examining the relationship among variables (Creswell, 2014 p. 4). These variables, in turn, can be measured, typically on instruments, so that numbered data can be analyzed using statistical procedures.

In the pre-experimental design, the researcher used One-Group Pretest-Posttest design. The One group pretest-posttest design usually involves three steps:

1. Administering a pretest measuring to dependent variable.

2. Applying the experimental treatment to the subject.

3. Administering a posttest again measuring the dependent variable.

So, the design of this research can be illustrated as follows (Sugiyono, 2016, p.74):

Table 3.1 The Research Design







O1 : Pretest value (before treatment) X : Treatment

O2 : Posttest value (after treatment)

This study was intended to investigate the effect of PLEASE strategy on the eighth grade students’ writing ability of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi in academic year 2018/2019. The aim of this study is to find out the effect between students’ writing ability before and after being taught by using PLEASE strategy.

In this study, the procedures of One-Group Pretest-Posttest design are:

1. Administering a pre-test measuring writing ability of eighth grade students at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi.

2. Applying the experimental treatment X to the subject (eighth grade students at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi.

3. Administering a post-test measuring writing ability of eighth grade students at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi.

Differences attributed to application of the experimental treatment were determined by comparing the pre-test and post-test scores. The researcher wanted to know the effect of PLEASE strategy to the students’ writing ability by experimental research. The impact is assessed by providing a specific treatment.

The effect will known after knowing the significant differences between the students who are taught before using PLEASE strategy and those who are taught after using PLEASE strategy.

C. Variable of the Research

This research consists of two variables those are independent and dependent variables. Independent variables is the condition influencing the appearance of an indication appearing because of the implementation of an


experiment called as X and the dependent variable is the implementation of an experiment and also called effect variable or called as Y.

1. Independent variable (X): The X variable of this research is the use of PLEASE strategy to teach writing descriptive text.

2. Dependent variable (Y): The Y variable of this research is writing ability of the eight grade students of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi in academic year 2018/2019.

D. Kinds and Source of the data a. Primary Data

Primary data is statistic data taken from the first hand data, is mean the source is representative and have give right to give data information.

The primary data in this research is activities and students achievement in writing especially descriptive text.

b. Secondary Data

Secondary data is the data that collected by researcher from documentation.

Secondary data included:

a. The condition of the Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi

b. Historical and Geographical of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi c. The condition of teacher and students of the Junior High School Jambi d. The facility students and the facilities of Junior High School

Baiturrahim Jambi.

c. Source of Data

1. The second years student at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi 2. English teacher of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi

3. Administration staff at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi.

E. The Population and the Sample of the Research 1. The Population of the Research


A population is a group of individual who participates in a research study or is someone from whom data are collected. The population in this research was all of students on the eighth grade at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi in academic year 2018-2019. There were two classes.

The total number of the students at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi was 40 students.

Table 3.2 The Population of the Research

NO Class Male Female Total

2. VIII. A 14 6 20

3. VIII. B 13 7 20

Total 27 13 40

2. The Sample of the Research

A sample is a group of elements or a single element from which the data are collected. It is a subset of some of the number and characteristic in the population (Sugiyono, 2016, p. 81). The sample in this study was taken one class with purposive sampling technique, which is the technique of determining the sample based on the considerations of the researcher. The selection of the sample was based on the consideration that the English language competence standard thought to the class in 2018-2019 is carried out by the same teacher who teaches conventionally, is also based on the average value of learning outcomes for each class that is the same, so that the treatment carried out to the class will show an increase in learning outcomes. Sample in this study are 20 students namely experimental class. As an experimental class, namely class VIII A. This class is taken based on the average grade in the previous semester higher than other classes so that it will facilitate research. The following table presented how sample was:


Table 3.3. The Number of sample on the eighth grade of Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi

No Class

Students Number of Students Male Female

1. VIII A 14 6 20

Total 20

F. Research Instrument

To figure out whether the objective of this research is achieved or not, the researcher used research instrument. The instrument of this research was writing test. The tests were pre-test before the treatments and post test after the treatments. Pre-test was given to see the students’ ability before treatments as the starting point for the researcher to give the treatments, and the post test was given to see the result of the treatments.

1. Pre-test

In the pretest, the students will ask to write their own descriptive text by using their own technique based on the topic given by the researcher. The students will be given a picture to make descriptive text.

2. Post-test

In the post test, they were asked to write descriptive paragraph by using PLEASE strategy.

G. The Technique of Data Collection

The kind of instrument used to collect the data in this research was test. To collect data from the sample, the writer used only written test. The students had been tested to find out the students ability on descriptive paragraph. The test was


given before and after the treatment. Both pre-test and post-test were assessed by two raters.

The students’ ability on writing descriptive paragraph was measured by using writing assessment adapted from Jacob, etal.s’ in Sulastri, (1995:162). The assessment rubric score for writing can be seen as follows:

Table 3.4 Rubric scoring for writing Scoring


Score Quality Description


30-27 Excellent to Very good

Knowledge-substantive-through development of thesis-relevant to assigned topic.

26-22 Good to Average

Some knowledge of subject- adequate range-limited development of thesis-mostly relevant to topic, but lack detail.

21-17 Fair to poor Limited knowledge of subject-little substance-inadequate development of topic.

16-13 Very poor Does not show knowledge of subject-non substantive-not pertinent-or not enough to evaluate.


20-18 Excellent to very good

Ideas clearly stated/supported- succinct-well organized-logical sequencing-cohesive.

17-14 Good to average

Somewhat choppy-loosely organized but main idea stand out- limited support-logical but incomplete sequencing.

13-10 Fair to poor Non fluent-ideas confused or disconnected-lacks logical sequencing and development.

9-7 Very poor Does not communicate-not organization- or not enough to evaluate.

20-18 Excellent to good

Sophisticated range-effective word/idiom-choice and usage-word form mastery-appropriate register.

17-14 Good to average

Adequate range-occasional errors of word/idiom form, choice, usage- meaning confused or obscured.


Vocabulary 13-10 Fair to poor Limited range-frequent errors of word/idiom from-choice usage- meaning confused or obscured.

9-7 Very poor Essentially translation-little knowledge of English vocabulary, idioms, word form-or not enough to evaluate.

Language Use

25-22 Excellent to very good

Effective complex construction-few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronounce, preposition.

21-18 Good to average

Effective but simple constructions- minor problems in complex construction- several errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, perceptions but meaning seldom obscured.

17-11 Fair to poor Major problems in simple/complex construction-frequent errors of negation agreement, tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns, preposition and/or fragments, run-ons-deletion- meaning confused or obscured.

10-5 Very poor Virtually no mastery of sentences construction rules-dominated by errors-does not communicate-or not enough to evaluate.


5 Excellent to good

Demonstrates mastery of conventions-few errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing.

4 Good to


Occasional errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, but meaning not obscured.

3 Fairy to poor

Frequent errors spelling, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing- poor hand writing- meaning confused or obscured.


2 Very poor No mastery of conventions- dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, paragraphing- handwriting illegible- or not enough to evaluate.

Content 30

Organization 20

Vocabulary 20

Syntax 25

Mechanics 5


According to Arikunto (2006), there were 5 components to categorized students’ writing ability. Each component has the highest score and the total of the components are 100. In this research, the writer took 80 as the highest score. Then the score was interpreted into the following category:

1. 80 – 100 = A (Very good) 2. 66 – 79 = B (Good) 3. 56 – 65 = C (Enough) 4. 40 – 55 = D (Less) 5. 30 – 39 = E (Bad)

H. The Validity and Reliability of the Test

To see the good test instrument must be validity and reliability; the more explanation about it will be discussed follows:

1. Validity of the test

Validity is a characteristic based on the reasonableness of inferences drawn from a set of scores. Evidence is gathered to support an argument that the inferences are reasonable. Inference is valid or invalid;

tests or other instruments are not (McMillan and Schumacher in Sulastri, 2010, p. 185). The level of validity of data on students writing skills, than, can be defined as the correctness of data in representing the student’s skill


in writing (Latief, 2015, p.243). In this research, researcher use content validity and face validity. The content validity is used in order to see whether or not the genre of writing given in the research. Face validity is the extent to which test is subjectively viewed as covering the concept it purpose to measure. It refers to the transparency or relevance of a test as it appears to test participants.

2. Reliability of the test

Reliability is the degree to which a test consistently measure whatever it is measuring. Reliability of the result of language skill assessment refers to the preciseness of the language skill assessment result in representing the actual level of the skill of the examinees. The result of a language skill assessment has high reliability if the result precisely represents (very closed to, or is not too far away from, or gives good estimates of, or doesn’t overestimate or underestimate) the true level of the skill being assessed (Latief, 2015, p. 245). The testing of students’ writing ability had to have reliability in order to get the same scores obtained when the tests done were more than once. In this research, the writer used inter-rater reliability as the scores were given by two raters. Inter-rater reliability occurs when two or more scores yield inconsistent scores of the same test, possibly for lack of attention to scoring criteria, inexperience, inattention, or even preconceived biases (Brown, 2004, p.21).

The writer used the categories of reliability can be seen from the following table:

Table 3.5 The Categories of Reliability Correlation


Level of reliability 0.81 – 1.00 Very high

0.61 – 0.80 High

0.41 – 0.60 Sufficient

0.21 – 0.40 Low

0.00 – 0.20 Very low

(Taken from Arikunto in Rahman, 2016)


The raters of student’s descriptive writing were Uyun Nafiah M.Pd and Juliana Mesalina M.Pd. Before the raters gave score for the students, the instrument of scores earlier was given to the raters based on Jacob Etals in scoring writing. There were five components of scoring writing test, such as: content (13-30), organization (7-20), vocabulary (7-20), language use (5-25), and mechanic (2-5). Each component has specific criteria’s and score range to make the raters easier in giving maximal and appropriate score.

The results of writing test to the 20 students at Junior High School Baiturrahim Jambi were tested for reliability by using SPSS 16.00. The reliability analysis was described in the following table 3.6.

Table 3.6 Results of reliability analysis


Alpha N of Items

.730 4

Based on the results of reliability analysis, the Cronbach’s Alpha value is 0.730, this value is then compared with the rtable value. Before comparing it to rtable (rt), the writer obtained the degree of freedom (df)

df = N – 2 df = 20 – 2 = 18

After obtained the degree of freedom (df) = 18, the coefficient Cronbach’s Alpha robtained was compared to r table, either at level 5% or 1%.

Based on rtable it can be analyzed that (ro) is higher than (rt) either at level 5%

and 1%. It is clear that 0.730 > 0.561 > 0.444. It can be concluded that the test results are reliable.


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