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BANJIR DALAM SURAT KABAR ONLINE INDONESIA: Multimodal Analisis Wacana Kritis pada Representasi Banjir.


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Luciyana Dwiningrum,2014

Flood in the indonesian online newspapers:A multimodal critical discourse analysis of the representation of flood

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Flood in the Indonesian Online Newspapers:

A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis of the Representation of Flood

Main Supervisor: Budi Hermawan, S.Pd., M.P.C. Co-Supervisor: Ruswan Dallyono, S.Sos., M.Pd

This present study examines the verbal and visual representation of flood in

Indonesian online newspapers by using Kress and van Leeuwen’s framework

(2006) and Systemic Functional Linguistics as proposed by Halliday (1994). This study employed a qualitative method to describe the representation and its significations. The data were collected from Kompas.com, Republika.co.id, Radarcirebon.com, and Harianjogja.com online newspapers. The data were in the form of words, phrases, and sentences and pictures. This study found that flood was verbally represented as actor (14) or 60.9%, goal (5) or 21.7%, carrier (2) or 8.7%, and phenomenon (2) or 8.7%. The processes used are material (19) or 65.5%, flood as material process (3) or 10.3%, relational: attributive (3) or 10.3%, relational: identifying (1) or 3.4% mental: perceptive (1) or 3.4%, and mental: cognitive (2) or 6.9%. Furthermore, flood is also represented as circumstance of time (4) or 66.7%, circumstance of condition (1) or 16.7%, and circumstance of reason (1) or 16.7%. Flood was visually represented as an actor which does a damaging action, a circumstance of time which was waited by several people to get new jobs such as ojek rider, and a goal which was considered to be a swimming pool and a new playground in Jakarta.


Banjir dalam Surat Kabar Online Indonesia:

Multimodal Analisis Wacana Kritis pada Representasi Banjir

Dosen Pembimbing 1: Budi Hermawan, S.Pd., M.P.C. Dosen Pembimbing 2: Ruswan Dallyono, S.Sos., M.Pd.

Penelitian ini menguji representasi verbal dan visual banjir dalam surat kabar online Indonesia dengan menggunakan teori Kress dan van Leeuwen (2006) dan Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional yang dikemukakan oleh Halliday (1994). Penelitian ini menggunakan metide deskriptif kualitatif untuk menjelaskan representasi banjir dan maknanya. Data penelitian diperoleh dari surat kabar

online Kompas.com, Republika.co.id, Radarcirebon.com, dan Harianjogja.com.

Data tersebut diperoleh dalam bentuk kata, frasa, dan kalimat serta gambar. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa banjir secara verbal direpresentasikan sebagai

actor (14) atau 60.9%, goal (5) atau 21.7%, carrier (2) atau 8.7%, dan phenomenon (2) or 8.7%. Proses yang digunakan antara lain proses material (19)

atau 65.5%, banjir sendiri yang direpresentasikan sebagai proses material (3) atau 10.3%, relational: attributive (3) atau 10.3%, relational: identifying (1) atau 3.4%

mental: perceptive (1) atau 3.4%, dan mental: cognitive (2) atau 6.9%.

Selanjutnya, banjir juga direpresentasikan sebagai circumstance of time (4) atau 66.7%, circumstance of condition (1) atau 16.7%, dan circumstance of reason (1) atau 16.7%. banjir secara visual direpresentasikan sebagai actor yang melakukan tindakan merugikan, sebagai circumstance of time yang ditunggu oleh sebagian warga Jakarta untuk memeroleh pekerjaan baru sebagai tukang ojek, dan sebagai

goal yang dianggap menjadi kolam renang dan tempat bermain baru di Jakarta.


Luciyana Dwiningrum,2014

Flood in the indonesian online newspapers:A multimodal critical discourse analysis of the representation of flood

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Page of Approval ... i

Statement of Authorization ... ii

Preface ... iii

Acknowledgments ... iv

Abstract ... vi

Table of Contents ... vii

List of Tables ... x

List of Pictures ... xi

List of Appendices ... xii


1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Research Questions ... 2

1.3 Aims of the Study ... 2

1.4 Scope of the Study ... 3

1.5 Research Methodology... 3

1.5.1 Research Design ... 3

1.5.2 Data Collection... 3


1.6 Clarification of the Terms ... 4

1.7. Organisation of the Study... 5


2.1 Representation ... 7

2.2 Social Semiotics ... 8

2.2.1 Reading Images ... 9

2.2.2 Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis ... 10

2.3 Systemic Functional Linguistics ... 12

2.4 Online Newspapers ... 13

2.5 Previous Studies ... 14


3.1 Formulation of the Problem ... 19

3.2 Research Design ... 19

3.3 Data Collection... 20

3.4 Data Analysis ... 21

3.5 Data Presentation ... 21


4.1 Findings ... 25

4.1.1 Verbal Representation of Flood ... 25


Luciyana Dwiningrum,2014

Flood in the indonesian online newspapers:A multimodal critical discourse analysis of the representation of flood

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

B. Flood Represented as Carrier ... 27

C. Flood Represented as Phenomenon ... 28

D. Flood Represented as Circumstance of Time ... 29

E. Flood Represented as Circumstance of Condition ... 30

F. Flood Represented as Circumstance of Reason ... 30

4.1.2 Visual Representation of Flood ... 31

A. Flood Represented as Actor ... 31

B. Flood Represented as Circumstance of Time ... 32

C. Flood Represented as Goal ... 32

4.2. Discussion ... 34

4.2.1 Verbal Representation of Flood ... 34

4.2.2 Visual Representation of Flood ... 36


5.1 Conclusions ... 39

5.2 Suggestions ... 40





The chapter presents an introductory section of the study. It provides the

background of the study, the research questions, the aims of the study, the scope

of the study, the research methodology which contains research data, data

collections, research procedure, data analysis, the clarification of terms, and the

organisation of the study.

1.1Background of the Study

Most people in the world cannot be separated from the media whether they

are visual, audio, or audio-visual media. These media serve as sources of

information on global phenomena such as the programs of health risks, political

elections, royal weddings, armed conflict financial crises, and natural or

man-made disaster (Doveling, von Scheve, & Konijn, 2011). The media are not free

from ideologies and many realities shown in the mass media adopt the perspective

of dominant groups or the owner of the mass media (van Dijk, 2008). These

realities shown in the media are often represented by different types of texts such

as verbal and visual. Many people now use different media, especially verbal and

visual to communicate their messages at the same time.

Communication which uses two or more different modes is called “multimodality”. Multimodality is the term that people use to communicate by using more than one mode at the same time (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2006). In

relation to this, Paltridge (2006) states that any reading of text is constructed not

just by the use of words, but also by the combination of words and other

modalities, such as pictures and sound.

Studies of multimodal texts have been conducted by scholars, one of which

was done by Iedema (2003). Iedema (2003) investigates the advantages of a

multimodal approach that has to offer and exemplify its application. His study has

two aims: to trace the development of multimodal discourse analysis and to


Luciyana Dwiningrum,2014

Flood in the indonesian online newspapers:A multimodal critical discourse analysis of the representation of flood

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

that multimodality can be used to give the instructions on how to turn the

Machintosh on and off by AppleTM.

Another study was conducted by Hull and Nelson (2005) who investigated

the method and the results of a very detail multimodal analysis, revealing semiotic

relationship between and among different modes. This study reveals that a digital

story written by Randy in DUSTY (Digital Underground Storytelling for You(th)) can be analysed by using multimodal analysis. This study shows that Randy’s composition presents patterns among different modes which constitute a

multimodal whole.

Another study was conducted by Adami (2009) who investigated how video

responses relate to the initial video and how the video-summary selectively

transforms the resources of the responses while presenting itself as a resume of the

video-thread. This study finds that the multimodal analysis can be used to analyse

the primary interactional exchange between each response and the initial video in

the video-thread entitled “Where Do You Tube?” by ChangeDaChannel.

This present study analyses how flood is represented in online newspapers

by using Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis. The topic of flood in Jakarta

was chosen because it was headline topic in many online newspapers at the time.

Flood in Jakarta was also the main topic to be talked by people in Indonesia. In

addition, flood was a situation which became the case in point of the society. This

study uses Systemic Functional Linguistics as a tool to analyse verbal texts in

online newspapers. It investigates the representation of flood in Republika.co.id,

Kompas.com, Harianjogja.com, and Radarcirebon.com.

1.2Research Questions

The study was conducted to answer these following questions:

1) How is flood represented verbally and visually in the selected Indonesian

online newspapers?

2) What does the verbal and visual representation signify?

1.3The Aims of the Study


2) To disclose the potential meaning of the verbal and visual representation

of flood.

1.4Scope of the Study

This study investigates only the verbal and visual representation of flood

in Indonesian online newspapers and what this representation signifies. The data

of the study were taken from different online newspapers, namely Republika

online newspaper 21 January 2013 edited by Endah Hapsari, Kompas online

newspaper 28 January 2013 written by Didik Purwanto and edited by Erlangga

Djumena, Radar Cirebon online newspaper 17 January 2013 edited by Wok, and

Harian Jogja online newspaper on 5 March 2013 edited by Emanuel Tome Hayon.

1.5Research Methodology

1.5.1 Research Design

The study uses a descriptive qualitative method. Qualitative method is

used because it can help to analyse texts deeply, clearly, and widely (Muhammad,

2011). In addition, this method was used because the data of this study were in the

form of words and images, not in the form of numerical data. The data were

collected in the form of texts: visual and verbal texts. This study uses text analysis

to reveal the representation of flood in Indonesian online newspapers. Flood is

considered to be main participant in the event.

In relation to this, qualitative research is a research method, in which the

researcher based on the views of the participants, collects data consisting of

words, describes and analyses the words, and conducts the questions (Creswell,

2008). He argues that qualitative research tends to address research problems

requiring an exploration in which little is known about the problem and a detailed

understanding of a central phenomenon. Then, qualitative research aims to

explore, discover, understand or describe phenomena that have already been

identified but are not well understood.


Luciyana Dwiningrum,2014

Flood in the indonesian online newspapers:A multimodal critical discourse analysis of the representation of flood

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

The data for this study were in the form of words, phrases, sentences, and

images critically selected from the four articles entitled “Ini Dia Orang yang newspaper on 5 March 2013. The data were selected because the issue became the

headline at that time.

1.5.3 Data Analysis

The data in the form of visual texts were analysed by using Reading

Images as proposed by Kress and van Leeuwen (2006). The data in the form of

verbal texts were analysed by using Systemic Functional Linguistics as proposed

by Halliday (1994).

In conducting the study, the following steps were taken:

1) Searching the articles in online newspapers;

2) Reading the articles thoroughly to understand the texts comprehensively;

3) Critically selecting the data in the form of both visual and verbal texts;

4) Analysing the visual texts by using Gunther Kress and Theo van Leeuwen’s

theory of multimodality (2006);

5) Analysing the verbal texts by using Systemic Functional Linguistics; and

6) Making conclusions.

1.6Clarification of the Terms

To avoid misconception and misunderstanding, there are some significant

terms have to be clarified as follows:

1) Mass Media

Mass media is a media which is read by most of all people whether in the form

of visual, audio, and audio-visual media. Mass media today cover global


weddings, armed conflict, financial crises, and natural or man-made disaster

(Doveling, von Scheve, & Konjin, 2011).

2) Reading Images

Reading Images is the way to read a text which focuses on the structures or

grammar of visual design includes color, perspective, framing, and

composition (Kress & van Leeuwen, 2006).

3) Online Newspaper

Online newspaper is a newspaper that exists on the World Wide Web or

internet, either separately or as an online version of a printed periodical

(TheFreeDictionary, 2013).

4) Multimodality

Multimodality is an analysis of texts by using more than one mode at the same

time (Kress & van Leeuwen, 2006).

5) Critical Discourse Analysis

Paltridge (2006) also stated that Critical Discourse Analysis is one of the

approaches in a linguistic field that examines the use of discourse in relation to

social and cultural issues.

6) Systemic Functional Linguistics

Gerot and Wignell (1994) states that Functional Grammar or Systemic

Functional Linguistics is a conceptual theory which investigates not only the

use of language, but also the choices made by people in using language and to

see how meanings are formed in the interaction.

1.7Organisation of the Study

The study is organised as follows:


This chapter contains background of the study, the research question,

the aim of the study, the scope of the study, the research methodology, the

clarification of the terms, and the organization of the study.


Luciyana Dwiningrum,2014

Flood in the indonesian online newspapers:A multimodal critical discourse analysis of the representation of flood

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

It consists of theoretical review that provides a basis for conducting the

research problems.


This chapter contains the research methodology which is used in

conducting the study.


This chapter contains elaboration of findings and discussions. In this

chapter, there are also results of the research which are elaborated.


This last chapter contains the interpretation toward the result of the

research in a form of conclusion and suggestion in accordance with the




This chapter elaborates the research methodology which was employed in

the present study. It consists of the formulation of the problem, research design,

data collection, data analysis, and data presentation.

3.1Formulation of The Problem

The study was conducted to answer these following questions:

1) How is flood represented visually and verbally in the selected Indonesian

online newspapers?

2) What does the verbal and visual representation signify?

3.2Research Design

This study uses a descriptive qualitative method because the data were in

the form of images and words, not numerical data. According to Muhammad

(2011), qualitative method is the method to analyse texts deeply, clearly, and

widely. This study analysed texts to reveal the representation of flood in online

newspapers deeply. The data were in the form of visual and verbal texts.

In addition, Creswell (2008) argues that qualitative research is a research

method in which the researcher relies on the views of the participants, collects

data consisting of words, describes and analyses the words, and conducts the

questions. Furthermore, Hammersley (1989) states that qualitative method is the

method using unstructured forms of data collection. Additionally, the data are

obtained from several sources (Emilia, 2009). Hammersley (1989) also suggests

that qualitative method often involves an emphasis on process rather than


In answering the research questions, the study uses Kress and van Leeuwen‟s Framework, Reading Images (2006) to analyse the visual texts. The study also uses Sistemic Functional Linguistics as proposed by Halliday (1994) to


Luciyana Dwiningrum,2014

Flood in the indonesian online newspapers:A multimodal critical discourse analysis of the representation of flood

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

3.3Data Collection

The data were in the form of words, phrases, sentences, and pictures which

were selected from Indonesian online newspapers: Republika.co.id on 21 January

2013, Kompas.com on 28 January 2013, Radarcirebon.com on 17 January 2013,

and Harianjogja.com on 5 March 2013. They were selected because the issues

were about the news of flood which was the headlines at that time.

In collecting the data, first, the online newspapers were downloaded and

stored in a hard disk. The selected online newspapers were four news articles in

each online newspaper about flood in Jakarta. Here is the table that presents the

four selected online news articles about flood taken from Kompas.com,

Republika.co.id, Radarcirebon.com, and Harianjogja.com.

No. Online


The Title of The Online News Articles

Date of The Articles Published

1 Kompas.com Dampak Banjir, Inflasi Bisa

Melonjak 28 January 2013

2 Republika.co.id Ini Dia Orang yang Paling Girang

Saat Jakarta Banjir 21 January 2013

3 Radarcirebon.com Ahok Menghilang, Jokowi Hadapi

Banjir Sendirian 17 January 2013

4 Harianjogja.com Jakarta Banjir Lagi: 9 Kelurahan

Terendam 5 March 2013

Table 3.1 The Selected Online Newspapers

Kompas.com is the online newspaper which comes from Kompas

newspaper. Kompas is one of widely read national newspapers in Indonesia. The

reason of selecting Kompas.com online newspaper is because it can provide news,

information, and representation of flood nationally. Republika.co.id is the online

version of Republika newspaper. Republika is another widely read national

newspaper in Indonesia. Republika.co.id was selected because it can also

distribute news, information, and representation of flood nationally. Additionally,

Harianjogja.com and Radarcirebon.com come from Harian Jogja and Radar


information, and representation of flood regionally. These four different

newspapers represent flood both nationally and regionally.

The online news articles were converted into word texts in order to ease

the analysis. The unit of analysis of the verbal texts is clause. Additionally, the

visual texts were also downloaded and stored in a hard disk. The data analysis will

be described in the next section.

3.4Data Analysis

The data in this study were in the form of pictures (visual texts) and

words, phrases, sentences (verbal texts). The data in the form of visual texts were

analysed by using Kress and van Leeuwen‟s framework (2006). The data in the

form of verbal texts were then analysed by using Systemic Functional Linguistics

as proposed by Halliday (1994). The data are analysed to reveal the representation

of flood visually and verbally. After the representation was revealed, the data

were then analysed to discover the signification of both visual and verbal

representation of flood.

The study applies two steps of analysis. The first step was analysing the

visual texts. This step shows how flood is represented in the pictures, what is

happening in the pictures, and who are involved in the events visually. Afterward,

the second step is analysing the verbal texts. This step uses Systemic Functional

Linguistics as a tool for analysing the texts which were in the form of words,

phrases, and sentences. Additionally, this step also shows how flood is

represented verbally.

3.5Data Presentation

In this point, the visual and verbal texts analyses are elaborated in the

table. The analysis contains the description which describes the picture.

Furthermore, the analysis also contains signification which elaborates the meaning

of the description. The analysed data are then presented in tables such as the


Luciyana Dwiningrum,2014

Flood in the indonesian online newspapers:A multimodal critical discourse analysis of the representation of flood

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Tukang ojek saat ngetem di pangkalannya (Caption).

Picture 3.1 The Picture of “Ini Dia Orang yang Paling Girang Saat Jakarta Banjir” (Title) Republika.co.id Article


(Visual Text) Signification

This is a Pangkalan Ojek

(Ojek Terminal). This place is used

for ojek riders to wait for the

passengers. The ojek rider is at the

central of the picture wearing a red

jacket. He is sitting on his

motorcycle. He is looking at the

viewers. There is also another

person wearing a white shirt. He is

a shopkeeper. He is sitting on the that that person is an ojek rider who

The setting of the picture is in

participant is foregrounded and bigger in

size compared to other, the participant

becomes more salient. In relation to this,

Kress and van Leeuwen (2006) argue that


is waiting for his customers. The

vector in this picture is realized by the gaze

of the ojek rider to the viewers. It means

that the vector positions the ojek rider as „reacter‟. Reacter is “the active participant in reaction processes whose look creates the eyeline” (Kress & van leeuwen, 2006). In this picture, the ojek rider is looking in front

of him. His gaze is directed toward the

Article: Banjir yang melanda

Ibukota Jakarta sejak awal pekan

The message of the layout composition and


Luciyana Dwiningrum,2014

Flood in the indonesian online newspapers:A multimodal critical discourse analysis of the representation of flood

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

lalu Jakarta „a non-transactional process‟. Furthermore, the analysis of the article shows that there

are two participants; those are the Actor and

the Goal. The actor is flood (banjir) in the

article which has goal; that is Ibukota

Jakarta. According to Kress & van Leeuwen

(2006, p. 63), when image has two

participants, one is the Actor and the other is the Goal. This process is called „a transactional process‟.

Table 3.2 The Example of Flood in the Verbal and Visual Texts Analysis

Based on the table, the visual analysis reveals that flood is the situation

which can bring positive effect for people in Jakarta. When Jakarta was flooded,

there was a new job as ojek rider for people in Jakarta. Meanwhile, the verbal


Luciyana Dwiningrum,2014

Flood in the indonesian online newspapers:A multimodal critical discourse analysis of the representation of flood


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Table 3.2 The Example of Flood in the Verbal and Visual Texts Analysis


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Otitis eksterna maligna adalah infeksi dari MAE yang progresif, berpotensial untuk mematikan jaringan sekitarnya dan dasar tengkorak, biasanya terlihat pada

Pengarruh Pemberian Pupuk Kandang (Kotoran Sapi, Kambing Dan Ayam) Terhadap Kemelimpahan Azotobacter sp dan Pertumbuhan Kacang Tanah (Arachis Hypogaea L).. Fakultas Sains dan

Sahabat MQ/ Jumlah warga keturunan Yahudi di Indonesia/ diperkirakan mencapai 3.000 orang/ saat Perang Dunia II pada 1940-1945/ dari total jumlah penduduk

Flow arrangement in plate type cross flow heat exchanger, www.engineering- resource.com.. Penukar

Sahabat MQ/ Majelis Luhur Persatuan Taman Siswa meminta/ agar program sertifikasi guru yang dicanangkan oleh pemerintah dievaluasi// Ketua Majelis Luhur Persatuan Taman

Analisis Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Dan Komitmen Organisasi Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan (Studi pada RSUD Kota Semarang).. Organization Behaviour,
