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1-Introduction Organic Chemistry.ppt


Academic year: 2019

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Introduction :

Organic Chemistry

presented by


Lewis Carrol

“ The horror of the moment”, the King went on, “I shall never, never



Ali bin Abi Thalib

If you want to bond the knowledge,


Welcome at the

launching point of

a new adventure



By committing yourself to hard work and self


After all,

you’re already a highly


As you read these words,

Your eyes are using an organic compound (retinal) to convert visible light into nerve


Absorbs light when we see




When you picked up the book,

Your muscles were doing chemical

reactions on sugars to give you the energy


As you


Gaps between your brain cells

are being bridged by simple organic molecules

(neurotransmitter amines) so that nerve impulses can be


Human Neurotransmitter




And you did all that




Chemists cooperate with

physicists & mathematicians

to understand how molecules behave & with biologists to


What is

Organic Chemistry


Orchem is..


What is it about carbon that makes this one

element the focus of an entire branch of



Form stable bonds to each other

as well as to a wide variety of other elements

Consist of chains & rings

Bonding in ways that form an


At this time,

Chemists have identifed and or synthesized more than 10 million

carbon-based compounds

…..and they add thousands of new organic molecules to the list


The roots of chemistry

Empirical discoveries

Development of chemical techniques

such as : metal smelting, textile dyeing, glass making & butter /



Discussion of the nature of matter and its transformation

One of particular interest is


Democritus (460 -370


Thought that atoms were solid particles & existed in a void

but could move about and

interact with each other








felt that studying the nature of man and his relationships

was much more important than



Don’t underestimate

people that have

opposite in thinking


Socrates insisting

defnitions & classifcation be clear,

arguments be logical & ordered

and that


Plato adopted the



philosophy :


Aristotle added to

those 4 elements


associated qualities



Aristotle believed that

each element



One element might be changed

(transmuted) into another

element by changing its qualities

Example :

Earth was dry & cold, but it could be transmuted into fre by


The theories


important for



Jabir Ibn Hayyan

rejected the 4 elements theory because it was


Jabir Ibn Hayyan’s researches-1

Sulphate acid

Nitrate acid – by reacting iron sulphate &

potassium nitrate, used as storage battery water

Mercury sulphate or Zinjafr (Persi) –

added to iron to prevent oxidation process

Gold purifcation using acid from silver


White steel – by heating ore of steel in

vinegar & mixture of soda, used as wall paint material

Mercury crystal, caustic soda, arsenic

oxide, pure mercury oxide, potassium carbon, sodium carbon, potassium

nitrate, alkali nitrate, aluminium sulphate, etc.


Chemical techniques, such as :

condensation, fltration, purifcation, crystallization, fermentation, melting process, distillation, calcifcation,

freezing process, bleaching process, hardening process, sufocating

process, precipitation, etc

Precipitation of AgCl from NaCl and



Malaki water – by reacting aluminium

chloride & nitrate acid, used to melt the gold ore

Gold-like ink – from copper sulphate

as a gold ink substituted, used to write calligraphy

Hardener fabric & leather


Jabir Ibn Hayyan’s researches-5

Compound which can make fabric

become water resistant

Paper that can’t be burned with fre -

his teacher, Imam Ja’far Ash Shadiq, requested it to write knowledge

Author of Kitab As-Sumuum Wa Daf’u

Mudhaarrihaa, about properties of toxic compounds


Jabir ofered a new theory

“There are seven mine materials in nature : gold, silver, copper, iron,

steel, mercury and metal. The

ingredients of those mine materials are sulphate and mercury, which in


Ibnu Sina

Disagreed with the Jabir’s theoryWrote in his book titled Asy-Syifaa’

“ We can only add or remove the

physical properties of mine material, but not the core. For example, we can’t


Abu Yusuf Ya’qub Al Kindi

Rejected Ibnu Sina’s theory

“ All things in nature already separated automatically without any human being interfering. So its impossible


Abu Nashr Muhammad al-Farabi

“ Transformation process depend on the properties which want to add or remove. The core is impossible to change. But its impossible to



In the end of the frst century B.C.

(Alexandria, Egypt)

A mixture of philosophy, religious

or spiritual, ideas, astrology &


Many alchemist truly believed…

that somewhere in nature there existed a procedure that would form precious metals from base

materials such as :


Their logic was quite sound…

It was the result of looking as many dramatic changes they

could see in nature

Example :

in fre, wood simply disappeared


They had no way of knowing


converting lead to gold


a tottaly diferent type of change than that of using


Historian often call this

time period


Modern Chemistry

Replace the alchemist’s 4 elements

with the understanding of atoms

Identity of a substance stayed the

same even when that substance

became a part of another substance

Example : Copper is always even when mixed with zinc to form


Robert Boyle (1627 – 1691)

Begin the study of gases/air

Antoine Lavoisier (1743 – 1794)

Recognized that oxygen was


Early in 19 th century

Chemists mostly ignored orchem

Viewing it as either

medically/biologically related because nearly all the known


Do you know…??

A part of the beginnings of orchem was the study of compounds derived from

the ORGANS of living creatures



Lavoisier was very

interested in orchem and considered it to be a part of


He looked at some organic compounds and found that


At the time-1…

Organic compounds were much

more complex & unstable than the inorganic being synthesized

Chemists thought that organic


At the time-2…

Chemist believed that organic

compounds came only from living organism

The formation of the known organic compounds, such as : urea,

starches, oil & sugar, required some



became the study



is the belief that the

synthesis of orchem

requires the

vital force


Of course…

Several chemists

not believe


vitalism idea of


Michel Chevreul

Study the composition of fats from

several sources of animal fat & alkali using the saponifcation process

Separated soap into several pure

organic compounds & found that the compounds were diferent from the fat that he had started with – he



Previously people had not

understood that a chemistry reaction took place during the

soap making process

They thought that soap was

simply a combination of the fat & alkali


Friedrich Wöhler

Synthesis of urea in 1828 and he said :

“without the use of a kidney”



Wöhler’s goal

was not to


He was

trying to make

ammonium cyanate




, a


In fact,

he may have



because he


to make

ammonium cyanate by



Reacting silver cyanate with

ammonium chloride

Reasoning that silver chloride is insoluble and would



Reacting lead cyanate with



Reacting ammonium



every attempt led to the same white


substance that was not the desired


Wöhler decided to identify

the unknown substance

and found out it as UREA…

He recognized the importance of his


Luck is




Wöhler’s speech

“ The research gave the unexpected result….that is the more

noteworthy inasmuch as it furnishes an example of the

artifcial production of an organic, indeed a so-called animal


Chevreul & Wöhler

had proved that compounds of carbon can be synthesize


The Organic



William Henry Perkin

In 1856, at age 18

working in his home laboratory on vacation from London’s Royal Collage of Chemistry






A task

not accomplished



He accidentally

synthesized the

dye called


The next year…

Using money borrowed from his father, he built a factory

and marketed the new dye

He found out that coal tar

was a rich source of starting materials for a variety of


Felix Hofmann

Learned how to prepare aspirin from natural salicylic acid

The idea :

For hundreds of years, people had

chewed the bark of the willow tree

to relieve minor pain

Willow tree bark contains the



Superior to salicylic acid as an analgesic because it produces

less irritation to the stomach



investigated questions &

discovered other questions

have learned that the answer to

some questions must wait for the development of better


Are you ever heading in one direction with a

particular project only to fnd it turning out

diferently than you had


Do you just junk the project, or do you fnd yourself

trying to fgure out what

went wrong or how you can use the project some other


Do you know…??

Many of the great

discoveries of chemistry were made because the chemist investigated the

reasons for an


Roy J. Plunkett • was working for Du Pont

attempting to fnd a non toxic refrigerant

he opened the valve on a cylinder of tetrafuoroethylene to begin an experiment, but nothing came out • although the weight of the tank



pushed a wire into the valve to

determine if it blocked, the wire went in freely

had no understanding of what was


decided to investigate, instead of


Plunkett opened the tank and found it flled with a waxy white powder

The molecules of tetrafuoroethylene

had reacted together to form


What caused it..??

On further investigation,

Plunkett found some iron oxide

inside the tank & discovered that it had catalyzed the


This new polymer had some remarkable properties…!!!

not react with either strong

acids/basesheat stable

no solvent could dissolve it

extremely slippery

resistant to uranium hexafuoride

(extremely corrosive gas) –


Du Pont manufactured Plunkett’s polymer for the Manhattan Project


Tefon’s usefulness

coated cookware

artifcial hips & knee joints or aortas & pacemakers

space suits, ware & cable insulation

spaceship nose cones


Orchem touches

every aspect


The clothes you wear The food you eat

The vehicles you drive


All living creatures consist

largely of complex carbon

– containing molecules

Chemists learned how to

synthesize complex


Orchem came back to its








Polymer industry highly

impacted modern society in daily life

Do not readily degradable


Hazardous Materials

Waste of industry

Contaminating the soil, air & water



besides being a consumer,


Are you good at

thinking up new ideas


The market place




Do you have a


for the


There is a worldwide need for solutions to the multitude

of environmental problems


to fnd new products to

replace those products causing harm to the



You could use orchem as

an important foundation

of your profession in medicine, industry or


Ask those



How to develop the success method in

studying organic chemistry…???


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