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Academic year: 2018



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his t it le might bot her religious people a lot . They would f eel uncomf ort able when t hey hear someone say somet hing like t his. They would say, “ That ’ s t rue f or Jesus, but who are you t o say somet hing like t hat ?”

That line was spoken by Jesus in f ront of a mult it ude when a cert ain f at her had brought his mut e son t o Jesus (read Mark 9: 14-27). Jesus didn’ t say al l t hings ar e possibl e f or me, inst ead He said al l t hings ar e possibl e t o him t hat bel i eves! Jesus saw t hat it could happen t o anyone t hat believed His Word. Incredible! I want t he supernat ural t o be manif est ed in my lif e. I desire breakt hrough t o come t o my f amily.


To t hose in debt , it is not impossible f or t heir debt t o be paid in f ull. To t hose wit h kidney problems, it is very possible f or t hem t o be healed. For t hose whose households are in disarray, it is very possible f or t hem t o have harmony in t heir households. All t hings are possible t o him t hat believes!

Let ’ s go back t o Mark 9: 14-27, not ice t hat Jesus didn’ t t ake over t hat problem immediat ely, rat her Jesus want ed t his boy’ s f at her t o play a part in his son’ s healing. This was t heir conversat ion t oget her,

“ …But if t hou canst do any t hing, have compassion on us, and hel p us. Jesus said unt o him, If t hou canst believe, all t hings are possible t o him t hat believet h. And st raight way t he f at her of t he child cried out , and said wit h t ears, Lord, I believe; help t hou mine unbelief ” (v. 22-24).

This incident occurred in f ront of a mult it ude and several Pharisees. I believe t hat Jesus wasn’ t whispering when He said t o His disciples: O f ait hl ess gener at ion. Init ially t he boy’ s f at her had asked t he disciples f or help. These st ern words spoken by Jesus must have been heard by a great number of people. They f ailed t o cast out t he evil spirit and t heir Teacher gave out a j udgment t o t hem who had been wit h Him day and night , as a f ait hless generat ion. This proof s t hat a person might be involved in church act ivit ies 7 days a week, 16 hours a day, but it st ill won’ t qualif y him as a believer. Just look at Jesus’ own disciples.

The request t hat t his boy’ s f at her made reveals t o us who he really was. This boy’ s f at her was an unbeliever, he said, if You can. He admit t ed t hat he didn’ t believe. The Message t ranslat ion said, “ If ? Ther e are no "i f s' among bel iever s. Anyt hing can happen”

(Mark 9: 23). And The Li ving Bi bl e t ranslat ed it as, “ If I can?” Jesus asked. “ Anyt hi ng i s possibl e if you have f ait h.”

Jesus could have cast t he evil spirit Himself at t he t ime. But why didn’ t He? Jesus ret urned t he responsibilit y f or t he boy’ s healing back t o his f at her. He was t eaching t his boy’ s f at her t o exercise his f ait h. Anot her t ranslat ion said, “ t he boy’ s f at her const ant ly says, I believe. ” He was t eaching t his boy’ s f at her t o walk in f ait h. A person’ s f ait h will bring about t he manif est at ion of salvat ion in his lif e.


Everyone who claims t o be a Christ ian is supposed t o be cat egorized as a believer. But t he realit y is, not everyone who is a church member has invit ed Jesus t o come int o his heart and made Jesus Lord over his lif e. Many people have become church members because of t radit ions, wit hout having t he right knowledge. There are also t hose who have f ollowed all t he rit ual denominat ional rules wit hout t he proper underst anding. They’ ve done all of t his because t hose are t he rules t hat t hey know of and t he rules t hat t heir f amilies abide wit h. But t hey’ ve done it wit hout f ait h. Meanwhile t he Word says, For what soever is not of f ait h is sin (Romans 14: 23).


The label t hat Christ ians bear as believers doesn’ t aut omat ically make t hem believe in t he Word. Don’ t get of f ended by t his st at ement . There are plent y of st ories in t he Bible regarding t his part icular mat t er.

First of all, let ’ s look at what t he Bible says about believing.

That if t hou shalt conf ess wit h t hy mout h t he Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in t hine heart t hat God hat h raised him f rom t he dead, t hou shalt be saved. For wit h t he heart man believet h unt o right eousness; and wit h t he mout h conf ession is made unt o salvat ion (Romans 10: 9-10).

Believe comes f rom t he heart , not f rom t he mind. But t his is only half of it . Af t er someone believes in his heart , he has t o conf ess it wit h his mout h in order f or him t o receive salvat ion. So a person is cat egorized as a believer if he believes in his heart and conf esses t hat which he believes wit h his mout h. Believe in what ? Of course believe t hat Jesus is Lord.

But t his belief needs t o be developed. Wit h only one single underst anding t hat Jesus is Lord couldn’ t make someone receive t he supernat ural, t he impossible becoming possible. Conf essing t hat Jesus is Lord doesn’ t aut omat ically bring f reedom f rom debt , and it doesn’ t aut omat ically bring j obs f or t hose who need t hem. If it were aut omat ic, all our needs and t he desires of our heart would be met by now because we conf ess t hat Jesus is Lord all t he t ime. Theref ore, a deeper knowledge and underst anding of t he Word is needed. More t han j ust “ Jesus is Lord. ”

Jesus Himself said, In t he wor l d ye shal l have t r ibul at ion: but be of good cheer ; I have over come t he wor l d (John 16: 33). Our f ait h in Jesus overcomes t he world (I John 5: 5). Nobody is immune t o problems, Jesus guarant eed t hat . But our f ait h in Jesus who is t he Word (John 1: 14) could support us so t hat we would keep st anding on t he promises of God. If ye cont i nue i n t he f ai t h gr ounded and set t l ed, and be not moved away f r om t he hope of t he gospel , which ye have hear d… (Col. 1: 23).

This verse gave us t he key t hat hope can only be at t ained by hearing, and hearing by t he word of God. Fait h also comes by hearing, and hearing by t he word of God (Romans 10: 17).

Af t er believing in his heart and conf essing wit h his mout h, a person becomes a believer, and subsequent ly he’ s made t he right eousness (Romans 10: 4). A person becomes j ust [ right eous] because he accept s Jesus as Lord (Romans 3: 28). How must t he j ust live? He must live by f ait h (Romans 1: 17). Through hi s f ait h, t he j ust will accept all of God’ s promises t hat are writ t en in His Book of Covenant . Just like Abraham, For t he pr omise, t hat he shoul d be t he hei r of t he wor l d, was not t o Abr aham, or t o his seed, t hr ough t he l aw, but t hr ough t he r i ght eousness of f ait h. Who agai nst hope bel i eved i n hope… (Romans 4: 13. 18). All t hings are possible f or Abraham, t hat means t hat all t hings are possible f or him t hat believes because every believer has t he f ait h of Abraham (Galat ians 3: 29).


Verily, verily, I say unt o you, He t hat believet h on me, t he works t hat I do shall he do also; and great er works t han t hese shall he do (John 14: 12).

The key t o doing t he works t hat Jesus did is by believing in Him who commanded it . How can we believe if we don’ t have an int imat e relat ionship wit h t he Word? Fellowshipping wit h t he Word will produce f ait h.

What did Jesus do? The answer lies in Act s 10: 38, How God anoint ed Jesus of Nazar et h wit h t he Hol y Ghost and wit h power : who went about doi ng good, and heal i ng al l t hat wer e oppr essed of t he devil ; f or God was wit h him.


Jesus was only f ollowing t he Fat her’ s will and imit at ing t he Fat her (John 5: 30, 8: 28, 38). Since t he Fat her had sent Jesus, He was wit h Jesus and had never lef t Jesus alone (John 8: 29). Isn’ t it wonderf ul? This also applies f or t hem who believe in Jesus.

Jesus said, Let not your hear t be t r oubl ed: ye bel i eve i n God, bel i eve al so i n me

(John 14: 1). Fait h causes people t o grow closer t o God, and f ear grow t hem closer t o t he devil. For t hose who have grown closer t o God, t hey have f ound t he way of lif e and t heref ore t hey will live. They can overcome all obst acles. There are no obst acles big enough t hat cannot be overcome by someone who walks wit h God (Mark 11: 23).

Then said t hey unt o him, What shall we do, t hat we might work t he works of God? Jesus answered and said unt o t hem, This is t he work of God, t hat ye believe on him whom he hat h sent (John 6: 28-29).

One work t hat will please God is t o believe in Jesus. Maybe you’ ve said t hat you would do anyt hing f or God, maybe you’ ve want ed t o know what God’ s will f or you is t hen t his is t he answer. It ’ s simple, believe in Jesus whom He had sent !

What I’ ve discovered while st udying about t he Kingdom of God is t hat we are responsible in receiving t he promises of God. It is not God’ s responsibilit y f or us t o receive His promises. He want s us t o receive all of His promises. God is sovereign, but you and I and everyone who conf ess t hat Jesus is Lord are responsible t o seek f irst t he Kingdom of God and His right eousness so t hat He could add all our needs unt o us (Mat t hew 6: 33).

Back t o t he previous verse, God’ s commandment f or us t o believe in Jesus, which is t he Word, which is t he t rut h. We weren’ t commanded t o believe in preachers, t eachers or evangelist s. You’ re not even commanded t o believe in me if what we’ re saying is not based on t he Word. Don’ t j ust absorb or swallow all t he sermons t hat are being preached wit hout crosschecking it wit h t he Word and examining it f or yourself .

In Jesus’ minist ry, it is writ t en t hat mult it udes f ollowed Him, t hey saw miracles happening in f ront of t heir eyes. The demonst rat ion of God’ s power was happening in f ront of t hem, miracle af t er miracle, but it didn’ t aut omat ically make t hem believe. Even His disciples had t heir share of doubt s and unbelief .

Wherever Jesus went , breakt hrough went , because t he Spirit of t he Lord was upon Him, because God had anoint ed Him t o pr each t he gospel t o t he poor ; he hat h sent me t o heal t he br okenhear t ed, t o pr each del i ver ance t o t he capt i ves, and r ecover ing of si ght t o t he bl i nd, t o set at l i ber t y t hem t hat ar e br uised, t o pr each t he accept abl e year of t he Lor d (Luke 4: 18-19).

I can f eel God’ s anoint ing on me at t his t ime, which is God’ s abilit y covering my own abilit y in writ ing t his art icle. In t he nat ural, it is impossible but because I believe in my heart t hat I am anoint ed and I cont inually say it , f inally I have what I say (Mark 11: 23). In t he past , I had t rouble in writ ing but now it becomes easy and I’ m able t o writ e f luent ly. This is t he manif est at ion of t he anoint ing. In t he past , I was oppressed wit h my abilit y in reading t he Word and underst anding t he Word. But now I am abounding in enlight enment and f reedom because of Christ (t he Anoint ed One and His Anoint ing) who lives in me.

When Jesus was going about doing good, He st opped at Capernaum (read Mark 2: 1-12). Upon His arrivals, He always st art ed wit h reading t he Word. So many people had come t hat t he room couldn’ t hold t hem (v. 2). Jesus preached t he “ gospel, ” He preached breakt hrough, He preached healing. The mult it udes came, t hey heard t he Word t hat was preached, and t heir f ait h should’ ve come (Romans 10: 17). But t he locals didn’ t experience any miracles. Inst ead, t he Pharisees quest ioned Jesus’ validit y as t he Fat her’ s messenger. They were looking f or His f ault , t hey were t rying t o snare and cat ch Him and t o prove t hat He was guilt y, but in t he end t heir plans were t hwart ed.

The only miracle t hat t ook place happened t o a paralyzed man t hat had come f rom out of t own. Everyone t hat came heard t he Word t hat Jesus had preached but f ait h came t o only f ive people. The paralyzed man’ s f our f riends were endeavoring t o bring him t o Jesus. Jesus saw t heir f ait h and t he paralyzed man received his healing. This man saw and received God’ s glory and was able t o walk again.


mont hly bills. There was an ef f ort made by t he paralyzed man f our f riends t o do t he ext raordinary. They were looking f or a way t o bring t heir f riend t o Jesus. They came up wit h one of t he most ext raordinary way, opening t he roof of t he house wit h t he consequences of being scolded, yelled at , being branded as crazy or as f anat ics. There was an act ion f rom t heir part . They went out f rom t heir comf ort zone and t hey didn’ t j ust say, “ Let ’ s j ust sit here. Jesus will surely pass by us a lit t le lat er. Why do we have t o go t hrough all t he t rouble?” Fait h wit hout work is dead (James 2: 17). One t hing’ s f or sure, t hose f ive people believed t hat Jesus was a messenger of God, t hat ’ s why t hey received t heir miracle.

The will of God is f or you and me t o believe in Jesus whom God had sent . Don’ t let a miracle pass by us wit hout experiencing it ourselves. Jesus who is t he Breakt hrough could be present in our home and yet we don’ t receive any breakt hrough because of unbelief .


The t hree and a half years of Jesus’ minist ry was proven, t est ed and was successf ul! A minist ry t hat was f ree of immoralit y, f ree of corrupt ion, and f ree of debt . These t hings didn’ t make “ Jesus Minist ries” t o be popular among religious people. Jesus’ minist ry caused a lot of resist ance. There were t hose who accept ed and t here were t hose who resist ed. There were many scenarios made t o capt ure Him, t hey even declared His t eachings t o be f alse. But no man laid hands on Him (John 7: 44), nobody could kill Him (Luke 4: 30). That was awesome, Jesus had f ull cont rol of t he sit uat ion because t here wasn’ t any f ear in Him.

These are t he secret of Jesus’ minist ry:

For he whom God hat h sent speaket h t he words of God: f or God givet h not t he Spirit by measure unt o him (John 3: 34).

Jesus pleased t he Fat her (Luke 3: 22) which meant t hat He walked by f ait h (Hebrews 11: 6).

Fait h works by love (Galat ians 5: 6), and Jesus is Love (John 1: 1, 14; I John 4: 16).

Love never f ails (1 Corint hians 13: 8 The Ampl i f i ed Bibl e).

Everyone who f ollows t hese st eps will enj oy t he same success as t he one t hat Jesus experienced.

Remember, God is no respect er of persons (Act s 10: 34). If t hose st eps worked on Jesus, if we do what Jesus did, we will succeed.

Don’ t argue about t his. The f ollowing verse will set t le your argument .

Let t his mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in t he f orm of God, t hought it not robbery t o be equal wit h God: But made himself of no reput at ion, and t ook upon him t he f orm of a servant , and was made in t he likeness of men (Philippians 2: 5-7)

Jesus was human, j ust like you and me, period!

Now, j ust like Jesus was sent t o t his world by God, so is everyone who believes in Jesus has been sent by Jesus t o t he world (John 17: 18). Jesus sees t he people t hat He’ s sent as successf ul, He sees t hem as being above t he problems, t hey are more t han conquerors. The people who have been sent by Jesus, including you and me, are supposed t o be a t hreat t o t he devil because we are t he end t ime generat ion t hat are being prepared t o t ake t he wealt h of t he nat ions (Haggai 2: 7-10, Proverbs 13: 22).

These are t he t hings t hat will make t hose who have been sent by Jesus t o be successf ul:


We have been given t he aut horit y t o use t he name of Jesus, a powerf ul name and all t hings in heaven, and t hings in eart h, and t hings under t he eart h has t o bow t heir knee t o t hat name (Mat t hew 28: 18; Philippians 2: 9-10).

God has dealt His f ait h (Romans 12: 3), t he mount ain-moving f ait h!

He gave His Word, His Power, t he whole armor of God (Ephesians 6: 11) and His Love (Romans 5: 5).

That ’ s why t hose who have been sent by Jesus could boldly say: If God be f or us, who can be against us? (Romans 8: 31). And t his is t he vict or y t hat over comet h t he wor l d, even our f ai t h! (I John 5: 4).


What do you suppose a blind man want s more t han anyt hing else? Surely he want s t he abilit y t o see, right ? What does a cripple man desire? Wit hout a doubt , it ’ s t he abilit y t o walk. What do people in j ail dream of ? Freedom of course. For t hose in debt , t o be debt f ree is t heir number one desire. For t hose who are unemployed, t o be able t o get a j ob. All of t hose desires will be able t o be manif est ed wit h your f ait h! Not wit h God’ s f ait h. If God’ s f ait h were t he solut ion, everybody would be f ree by now.

Jesus f ound f ait h in Bart imaeus, a blind man (Mark 10: 46-52). How did Jesus know t hat he had f ait h?

At t he t ime Jesus wasn’ t walking alone. He was surrounded by His disciples and a great number of people. I believe at t hat t ime t he at mosphere was f ar f rom quiet . I believe t hat t here were many who called on His name, even shout ed.

This blind man’ s cry was not in vain because Jesus heard his voice, st ood st ill and commanded him t o be called. The mult it ude t hat was surrounding Jesus was going f orward while Bart imaeus was in a sit t ing posit ion by t he side of t he road. Jesus heard t he cry of Bart imaeus. What if Bart imaeus had j ust shout ed f or f un? Could it have caught Jesus’ at t ent ion? Impossible. Fait h is t he only t hing t hat could have st opped Jesus.

Bart imaeus’ cont inual cry must have bot hered t he people around him because t hey charged him t o hold his peace. But inst ead of complying wit h t heir demand, he did t he opposit e and cried even louder. This is an indicat ion t hat Bart imaeus was det ermined t o make Jesus t o not ice him because he really want ed his healing.

As soon as he was called by Jesus, not ice his at t it ude which ref lect ed his f ait h, And he, cast ing away his gar ment , r ose, and came t o Jesus (v. 50). The garment t hat he had worn was an indicat or of his blindness during t hose days. He act ed on f ait h when he cast away his garment demonst rat ing his belief t hat he had received his healing. He st ood up and walked in f ait h even t hough he was st ill blind. That ’ s amazing! This is what we have t o imit at e.

Jesus could see t hat t his man was physically blind and yet He st ill asked him what he want ed. Jesus want ed t o hear his f ait h and Bart imaeus received what he believed, which was healing. Verse 52 explains t o us t hat it wasn’ t Jesus’ f ait h t hat had made Bart imaeus whole. And Jesus said unt o him, Go t hy way; t hy [ Bar t imaeus] f ait h hat h made t hee whol e. The impossible became possible because of Bart imaeus’ own f ait h. His cries creat ed t he breakt hrough f or his healing.

His meet ing wit h Jesus was only a st art ing point f or his healing. His cries indicat ed t hat he was t ired of being blind. He didn’ t want t o sit by t he side of t he road begging anymore. He want ed a dif f erent result t han t he ones he’ d always had, t heref ore he had t o do somet hing dif f erent like shout ing. That was not his habit because he was charged t o keep quiet . Blind Bart imaeus wasn’ t a st ranger t o t he cit izens of Jericho. He had sat by t he side of t he road t here day by day. Bart imaeus sowed a dif f erent seed and he reaped a dif f erent harvest .

If you’ re expect ing breakt hrough t o come, whet her it be in your business, your j ob, your f amily, your body or in anyt hing else and you’ ve wait ed f or a while but it st ill hasn’ t arrived. Try t o do somet hing dif f erent f rom your usual rout ine. Sow a dif f erent seed, get out of your comf ort zone, so t hat you could reap a dif f erent harvest .


money, or t he t ime t hat you sow t o hear and medit at e t he Word, or it could even be a good deed. Do somet hing dif f erent and you will reap a dif f erent result .


Behol d, t he f or mer t hings ar e come t o pass, and new t hings do I decl ar e: bef or e t hey spr ing f or t h I t el l you of t hem (Isaiah 42: 9). God will not do anyt hing wit hout t elling His prophet s f irst (Amos 3: 7). Don’ t go around looking f or prophet s. You are your own prophet and you are t he prophet of your own lif e! If you’ ve never heard His Word, you’ re going t o have t rouble in receiving t he new t hings t hat are available f or you.

That ’ s why, t his art icle is made t o prepare you in receiving t he t hings t hat God has worked f or, f or your breakt hrough. Take heed of what you hear, he t hat has ears t o hear, let him hear!

The God of t he breakt hrough is in you, and in your f amily. Look at t he salvat ion t hat comes f rom Him. Prepare yourself , work out your own salvat ion wit h f ear and t rembling. According t o t he Apost le Paul, we have t o st rengt hen our f ait h, don’ t be t ossed t o and f ro and carried about wit h every wind of doct rine, by t he sleight of men, and cunning craf t iness (Ephesians 4: 14).

God want s it , God has pleasure in t he prosperit y of His servant (Psalm 35: 27). Surely you want God t o have pleasure, right ? Theref ore, be prosperous!

Behol d, I wi l l do a new t hi ng; now it shal l spr ing f or t h; shal l ye not know it ? I wil l even make a way i n t he wil der ness, and r i vers i n t he deser t (Isaiah 43: 19). God want s t o do it ! If He asked you now, what do you want me t o do f or you? Are you ready t o answer Him? Don’ t let your unbelief t o hinder your breakt hrough.

There are no “ if s” f or believers. All t hings are possible f or him t hat believes. Halleluj ah! ²


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