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Adam Lyons Newsletters Collection


Academic year: 2018

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Som e v a l u a b l e a d v i ces a b ou t l i f e a n d r om a n ce f r om w or l d # 1 PUA


W hat is Actually M ORE Important than Attraction?

Hey man,

If you're reading t his t hen you're probably invest ing a chunk of energy int o becoming a bet t er more int erest ing person. M aybe you're picking up some new hobbies and are doing new st uff t o give you more t hings t o t alk about .

You w ant people t o realize how m uch you've grow n, how m uch you've learned, so you jum p right out t here and st art t elling t hem all about it .

This is great !

Right ?


You'll t urn people off if you const ant ly t alk about yourself and t ry t o show t hem how great you're doing... you mean w ell, but t his simply w on't w ork.

There are very effect ive w ays, how ever, t o leverage your new know ledge and experience and t o use it t o help you become more int erest ing t o ot hers...

You can use your new passion for learning t o learn more about t he people (and w omen! ) around you.

For inst ance, ask more engaging quest ions about w hat someone is int o. Learning how t o hold a conversat ion can be t ricky and t he det ails about t his pract ice can be a lit t le subt le, but basically, someone has t o like you enough t o st ay int erest ed in t alking t o you or t he int eract ion w on't last long.

If t his sounds like somet hing you'd like t o learn more about - how t o get people t o really like you, how t o get people t o feel comfort able w it h you and w ant ing t o invit e you int o t heir lives, t heir friendships, t heir families, t hen you're going t o love Adam's new Building Comfort series t hat launches next mont h.

You'll find out :


 Find out w hat you act ually have in com mon w it h each ot her...  And develop a genuine sense of comfort w it h each ot her

 How t o be relaxed w hen you're t oget her and sim ply enjoy each ot her.

St op having t o w ork at relat ionships. Just enjoy t hem inst ead!


M ake Friends Quickly and Have Fun Doing It!

Hey man,

In m y t ravels around t he w orld, t eaching people how t o be more successful w it h mem bers of t he opposit e sex, one of t he quest ions I get t he most is how I make friends so quickly.

When I st art ed as a dat ing coach in Cent ral London nobody knew w ho I w as and nobody really cared. Yet w it hin a few short years I ended up w orking w it h and t eaching nearly all t he major dat ing expert s around t he w orld. And perhaps more im port ant ly for my career, t hey knew me.

Whenever I go out , I t ypically hear com ment s about w hat a friendly guy I am. For a long t ime, I just accept ed t his w it hout m uch t hought , but recent ly it st ruck me just how many people w ere asking me about how I make friends so w ell... and I realized I never put all my insight s about t his dow n in one place before.

So, I t hought , w hat bet t er place t o do t his t han in a program specifically about how t o make people feel comfort able w it h you. This program is not exact ly about how t o get people at t ract ed t o you. I cover t hat in my ot her programs like t he Breaking Rapport and Qualificat ion Programs and ot hers.

The Building Comfort Program is different . It 's about how t o get people t o like you.


Liking, how ever, is t he foundat ion, t he bedrock of get t ing and keeping someone at t ract ed t o you.

If t his sounds int riguing, (and believe me it is.) I'll be doing anot her FREE w ebinar t hat w ill cover building comfort , how t o get people t o like you, how t o make friends in ANY sit uat ion or environment , and of course answ er any quest ions you might have.

I'll see you t here!


W hat is social intelligence and how can it help you pick up w omen?

Hey dude,

I learned a long t ime ago t hat w omen w ant a guy w ho is socially adept and can handle t he nuances of common int eract ions.

This is not a t rait w e can fake. It just isn't . It needs t o be learned, plain and sim ple, and since you are having problems w it h w omen t he chances are t hat you don't have social int elligence. I can make t hat conclusion because it is t hat im port ant t o have...

So w hat makes social int elligence w ort h invest ing in?

First off, social int elligence equals pow er in t he modern w orld, and w omen are nat urally draw n t o pow erful men. Our caveman days are far behind us, and fort unat ely for most of us, a man's pow er is no longer derived from t he abilit y t o t hrow a larger st one t han his buddy or w rest le a rhinoceros int o submission and knock it over t he head w it h a club.


t he right cont act s from any environment because he know s how t o t alk t o and communicat e w it h people. The pow er of net w orking is far great er t han physical pow er ever w as.

Women know t his, maybe not consciously but unconsciously. But t here is more t o t he at t ract ion t han t hat . Women like a socially int elligent man because of t he w ay he makes t hem feel, w hich is at ease.

If a man doesn't know how t o field t he em ot ions and dialogue of everyday discourse, he w ill make her uncomfort able, and even if she liked him in t he beginning, t he chances of her flaking out on a lat er phone call or dat e are pret t y high.

Socially unint elligent men w ill oft en t ry t oo hard w hen int eract ing w it h people. They usually have a purpose for everyt hing t hey do w hich creat es a const ant edge in t heir int eract ions. But a w iser individual w ho can just chill back and enjoy t he chance t o socialize easily creat es comfort w it h t hose around him .

So, t hat 's all great and all-but how do you develop social int elligence?

M ore socializing is a good place t o st art .

Learn t o enjoy being in t he com pany of ot hers not because you w ant t o get

somet hing out of it or make your life bet t er, but because it is f un. It 's a past ime in it self for most ordinary people. W hat do w e really go out t o t he club for (besides get t ing laid)? To socialize. It 's a human creat ure's basic need.

But sim ply socializing w on't help if you just aren't get t ing it , and t rying t oo hard is self defeat ing. Don't w orry. There's no easy answ er here, but t he great t hing is t hat developing social int elligence is w hat game is really all about -at least out er game.

In fact , t hink of t his as your main goal in game unt il you get bet t er, as it t akes off t he pressure of going out t here t o get laid.

A lot more coming soon on social int elligence and t he building of comfort !


W ant to get better w ith w omen?


I w as t hinking t oday about how so many m en jum p int o t he seduct ion

communit y, hoping it w ill solve all t heir problems in life, only t o find t hat a) it doesn't w ork for t hem, b) it doesn't make life any bet t er, or c) it even makes t heir life w orse. There are some real reasons for t his, but I t hink t he main t hing is t hat t hey are looking at t his w hole idea of get t ing bet t er w it h w omen w rong-and in fact , I t hink t hat is t he main flaw in t he w hole idea of t he seduct ion com munit y t o begin w it h.

What men need t o realize is t hat get t ing bet t er w it h w omen should not be about learning " t ricks of t he t rade" at all. It 's not about hacking w omen and get t ing t hem t o do w hat you w ant for t hem.

You see, w hat a lot of guys do is get it in t heir head t hat if t hey pret end t o be a cert ain person or say a cert ain t hing, t hat w omen w ill just hop in bed w it h t hem. So, t hey learn a bunch of proven t echniques and rout ines and st art behaving a cert ain w ay, but for a lot of guys, w ho are already socially inept , it just makes t hem more w eird and people are uncomfort able around t hem. And t hat 's not w hat w e w ant , is it ?

Ot hers find some success but t hey find it doesn't make t heir life any bet t er-namely because w omen w as not t heir problem in t he f irst place. Their poor record w it h t he opposit e sex w as not hing more t han a sympt om of somet hing great er, and learning how t o " seduce" w as akin t o applying a band-aid rat her t han get t ing t o t he root of t he mat t er.

What you need is not necessarily seduct ion t echniques. For many men, t heir problem lies in insecurit y and poor social skills. The former can be so ingrained t hat w hat it really w arrant s is psychological help (and in some cases, w here t he problem w it h w omen specif ically is even unhealt hier t han mere insecurit y, t herapy may be essent ial).

Social skills, you can often develop w ith practice.


define w hat is holding you back. Don't use t his as an opport unit y t o make excuses or beat up on yourself. Just sit dow n and have an honest conversat ion about w hat your biggest problem w it h meet ing w omen could be.

Then, set out t o change your life. Change your confidence and inner dialogue by t ransforming your life and doing t hings t hat make you feel bet t er about yourself. This is your t ime t o focus on your inner self, t ake up hobbies, get in shape, et c. Then focus on t he out er, socializing, by pract icing socializing w it h people. That 's how you get bet t er at it -you pract ice.

You don't even necessarily have t o pract ice socializing w it h w omen at first . Just get out t here and meet people. Learn how t hey t alk t o each ot her and how t hey int eract . How t hey look at t he w orld. W hat makes t hem comfort able and w hat doesn't . W hat makes t hem laugh.

You'll st ill have your m ilest ones, t o be sure. When you ask a w oman out on a dat e, you w ill be nervous. W hen you go for a kiss. When you get int o bed w it h her t he f irst t ime. But w hen it comes dow n t o it , t hese are just varying degrees of " social behavior" and t he more you do t hem, t he less nervous you become. Everyone w ent t hrough overcoming t hat nervousness at some point -you are just doing it a lit t le lat er in life-and t hat 's fine...

It doesn't t ake seduct ion t echniques t o figure all t hat out . It t akes being serious about improving yourself and t he w ay you int eract w it h t he w orld around you. If you w ant t o know more about improving your social int eract ions w it h people w at ch t his video.

Good Luck!


How to make eye contact w ith a w oman

Hey M an,


at t ract ion really comes dow n t o, isn't it ? Eye cont act is a w ay of show ing your confidence, and w hen done right , it show s you are a friendly, relaxed person w it h not hing t o hide.

But it 's also one of t hose t hings t hat a st ruggling bachelor oft en really screw s up. You eit her get it or you don't , and if you don't , you're missing out on t he w onders of w hat good eye cont act can do. Wit h t he right kind of connect ion (and at t he ext reme, I might add), you can make a w oman get all hot and bot hered just t hrough some suggest ive eye cont act from across a room full of people w ho have no clue.

Here are some t hings t o keep in mind

1. Don't Keep Doing it Until She Caves

What ? She's not responding? She looked aw ay im mediat ely or is act ing like you don't even exist , even t hough you bot h know she caught it ? Just reading her book or t alking w it h her friend? Then let it go, freaking her out by creepily st aring at her w on't get you anyt hing more t han her calling t he cops on you.

2. Don't M ake it a Contest

If she gave you a lit t le eye cont act back or sly lit t le smile don't ruin t he good t hing you have going by making it a f ull-fledged st aring cont est . That w ill t urn her off inst ant ly.

3. Don't Dress Like a Psycho

She w ant s t o be able t o w alk past you w it hout feeling like her life might be in danger. Not hing ensures a w oman w ill avoid your eyes like looking like a psychopat h.

4. Remember to Smile


I hope you can get some value out of t hinking about how creepy some of t he t hings us guys do w it h eye cont act are, and it leaves no guessw ork in w hy w e somet imes screw it up so bad. So t hink about t hat . And w hat ever you do, if you have a connect ion w it h a w oman from across t he room , capit alize on it . You can't make someone sm ile and make t hat connect ion from afar and t hen just let it go.

Show her you are confident and in cont rol, and t hat you are man enough t o recognize your connect ion, and t alk t o her. Easy as t hat .

M ake W omen W ant You

Hey M an,

There are some major differences bet w een being t he t ype of guy w ho can get a w oman t o sleep w it h him from t ime t o t im e and a man w ho is in high demand. One of t he most significant differences, in my opinion, are t he personalit y t rait s. Not t he ones you t ry t o fake by saying t he right t hing at t he right t ime but t he ones t hat really add up t o being a cert ain t ype of guy. Let 's look at some of t he main charact erist ics I've observed in a man w ho seems t o at t ract qualit y w omen.

1. Be Your Ow n M an

I w as t empt ed t o say, " Be a leader," but t he t rut h of t he mat t er is t hat you don't necessarily need t o be a leader of men in order t o be t he t ype of man I'm t alking about . In fact , you don't necessarily have t o be t he com plet e leader in your relat ionships eit her (as many w omen t hese days play a st ronger role).

But w hat you do need t o be is a leader of yourself. You need t o be t he t ype of guy w ho is confident and happy doing w hat he w ant s t o do rat her t han follow ing everyone else-t his may mean he's t he leader of t he pack or it may mean he is t he quiet , reserved guy w it h lot s of hobbies and a handful of genuine friendships. The main t hing is t hat w omen like a guy w ho is in charge of his ow n life.

2. Be Ambitious


is pursuing t he nat ional championship in long dist ance sw imm ing or t he person w ho is cont ent t o go t o t heir dead end job every day and drink at t he same ole' bars every w eekend.

People are just draw n t o people w ho w ant t o be more in life.

3. Be Responsible

You should also be responsible. That w ild part y-animal guy t hing def init ely w orks for a lot of guys, but in t he long run I find t hat t hese guys eit her have t o set t le dow n w hen it 's t ime t o get in a real relat ionship or t hey just never st op and event ually end up w it h some girl t hat part ies just as much as t hey do, bot h of t hem looking far t oo old w hen t hey are st ill far t oo young.

The need for responsibilit y is import ant w it h finances and w ork as w ell. You don't have t o be rich t o be successful w it h w omen, but w omen do w ant t o know t hat your are in cont rol of your money and are planning for t he f ut ure-t hat you are capable enough t o hold dow n a good job or build a business.

4. Be Funny

All of t hese ot her ones are pret t y big, but one small charact erist ic t hat so many people underest imat e is being funny. Or, t o be even more accurat e, f un. Women love t o laugh, just as w e all do, and t hey love a man w it h a sense of humor. This one seemingly insignificant t rait can very oft en t rum p all t he ot hers.

5. Be Good-Natured

Finally, some men can be funny as hell but are complet e assholes. Cont rary t o popular belief, most sane w omen w ant a guy t hat is generally friendly or at least friendly and accommodat ing t o t hem. Don't m ist ake being accommodat ing for being a suck-up, but w alking around w it h a w arm sm ile on your face and t reat ing everyone you meet w it h respect goes a long w ay. If you w ant t o really show

w omen how friendly you are w at ch t his video.


far beyond casual sex. So if you w ant t o event ually have a real relat ionship w it h a high-qualit y w oman, t hese are t he t ypes of charact erist ics you should cult ivat e.

Be t he cat ch t o get t he cat ch.


Highly Effective Habits to Add to Your Game

Hey Dude,

I'm sure you've heard of St ephen covey and his revolut ionary book, 7 Habit s of Highly Effect ive People. One of t he most influent ial books of our t ime, t his is a must read for anyone w ho is int erest ed in being t he best version of t hemselves t hey can be, and it has part icular value for ent repreneurs w ho w ant t o enrich t heir lives.

But I t hink t hese 7 principles can and should be applied t o game. Let 's t alk about how :

1. Be Proactive

This f irst habit is t he foundat ion of game. Developing t hat proact ive nat ure is t he num ber one key t o becoming a bet t er person and a bet t er man, and it is t he first st ep in any kind of change. Covey also t alks about cont rolling w hat you can

cont rol and w orking w it hin your sphere of influence rat her t han let t ing w hat is out side of your influence bot her you.

This is essent ial w hen dealing w it h w omen w ho sim ply don't respond t o you and learning t o leverage your st rengt hs and m inimize w eaknesses inst ead of sit t ing home crying about w hat you you don't have.

2. Begin W ith the End in M ind


choice is yours, but if you don't f igure it out right aw ay you can easily be dist ract ed w hen learning game.

3. Put First Things First

This is about priorit izing and realizing w hat is really going t o change your life and make you bet t er. For exam ple, are you going t o benefit more by memorizing a long list of canned openers or by sat urat ing yourself in inner game?

4. Think W in / W in

No mat t er w hat end you have decided t o keep m ind w hen learning game, you should alw ays respect t he w omen you encount er, even if it 's just a one-night st and. It is oft en said in t he pickup com m unit y t hat you should alw ays leave t hem bet t er t han you found t hem.

5. Seek First to Understand, Then be Understood

Not only is t his amazing advice for learning conversat ional skills, w hich are

essent ial t o social dynamics, but it 's also a great w ay t o deal w it h t he frust rat ions w e encount er w it h t he opposit e sex. You might feel t em pt ed w hen t hings aren't w orking out t o blast t hem w it h your logic and set t hem st raight , but get t ing a grudge against w omen is not going t o help.

Inst ead, spend t im e learning about t hem , how t hey t hink, and w hy t hey do w hat t hey do. Seek t o underst and t hem. Once a w oman w alks int o your w orld, she'll be eager t o underst and you and t he w ay you t hink.

6. Synergize

While it doesn't apply t o every man, most men at some point w ill w ant a relat ionship t hat as a w hole is more t han w hat t hey can be on t heir ow n. A part ner t o face t he w orld w it h t hem-t o st and beside t hem. This is t he synergy of relat ionships.

7. Sharpen the Saw


commit t ed, t hat doesn't mean you can't w ork on inner game and just cont inue socializing w it h people and st aying on t op of your personalit y.

Even in your relat ionship, you can const ant ly im prove and w ork for bet t er sex, more passion, and more underst anding of w omen and t he w orld in general. It is a process t hat should never st op.

Finding Keepers

Hey Dude,

I t ypically encount er t w o t ypes of men in t he " seduct ion comm unit y," and neit her of t hese t ypes gives a w hole lot of t hought about t he t rait s t hey w ant in a long-t erm parlong-t ner. The firslong-t long-t ype of man is long-t he one w ho is slong-t ruggling w ilong-t h w omen, and t he reason he doesn't t hink about t hese t hings is because he is more preoccupied w it h f inding a w oman at all (as long as she is relat ively good-looking, t hat is plent y enough).

The ot her t ype of guy is t he one w ho has had lot s of success from w hat he learned, and he rarely t hinks about t hese t hings eit her because he is having t oo much fun being a bachelor.

I underst and bot h posit ions because I've been in bot h posit ions, but t he t rut h of t he mat t er is t hat bot h of t hese charact ers w ill event ually end up in a serious relat ionship w it h one of t he w omen t hey dat e. For t his reason, you should alw ays consider t he ot her charact erist ics you w ant in w omen as w ell-here are some of t he ones t hat I find make a w oman a keeper.

1. Similar Values

Having similar values is crucial t o a relat ionship and one of t he first t hings you should look for. It is okay t o be different and it can make you a more-w ell

rounded person t o have friends w it h different value set s, but if you are going t o dat e a w oman seriously, t here is a st rong chance you w ill someday have t o make life-changing sit uat ions t oget her. It helps if you are on t he same page


2. W ork Ethic

Anot her t hing I find very import ant is w ork et hic. Don't get yourself in a sit uat ion w here you set t le dow n w it h a lazy girl t hat just w ant s t o lie around t he house all day as you cash t he checks. It is bet t er t o find someone w ho w ant s t o push w it h you t ow ards a bright er fut ure, and even if she ends up t aking care of t he family w hile you bring in t he money, you w ant someone w ho w ill get t he job done right and support you in your ow n career. You w ant someone w ho can w ork w it h you as a t eam.

3. Responsibility

Anot her t hing I look for is responsibilit y. Part y girls have t heir t ime and place, and of course you w ant t o be w it h a w oman w ho can have a good t ime. But you don't w ant someone t oo spont aneous and irresponsible-t his t ype of girl can be a real drain on t he finances and make a st able home life impossible.

This especially applies if " spont aneous and irresponsible" is how your friends and family describe you-if so, a w oman w ho has her shit t oget her w ill likely balance you out and be a good influence as long as you're w illing and able t o meet her in t he middle.

4. A Sense of Humor

It is oft en said t hat w omen like a guy w ho has a sense of humor, and I highly suggest you make t his a priorit y for yourself as w ell. If you're going t o spend a lot of t ime w it h someone, t he abilit y t o laugh and have a good t ime is crucial. I've seen some of m y guy friends end up w it h some real, beaut if ul, sexy w omen w ho could manage no more t han a fake sm ile, and t rust me, t his is not t he w ay you w ant t o spend your life.

5. Healthy Habits

I personally avoid relat ionships w it h w omen w ho do not w ork out and eat


It 's also im port ant as far as looks go, of course. As I ment ioned before, I don't like dat ing w omen w ho don't w ork out even if t hey look like a supermodel. The

reason for t his is t hat age cat ches up w it h all of us sooner or lat er, and t hose amazing curves don't look so amazing af t er t ime and gravit y have had t heir day. Even a skinny w oman's body can t urn int o not hing more t han w ell-concealed f lab if she doesn't keep it nice and t oned.

And let 's face it , looks do count for a lot .

We're not all looking for a w oman t o set t le dow n and raise a family w it h, and t o be honest , very few men are, especially if t hey have a choice w hen it comes t o w omen. But I'd vent ure t hat w e all sooner or lat er end up set t ling dow n, if even just t o t ry it once, and for t hat reason it is import ant t o consider more t han just looks w hen dat ing.

Consider m y new Building Comfort Program t o help you build a solid foundat ion w it h t he girl you w ant t o set t le dow n w it h.

Good luck!


Do You Fail Or Do You Quit


I see a lot of guys st art off t rying t o im prove t hemselves, t heir eyes full of fire and a new bounce in t heir st ep, but it doesn't t ake long for t hem t o crash and burn, t aking t heir ent husiasm w it h t hem. It leaves a lot of guys w ondering, " Is t here really anyt hing t o t his st uff? Can a man w ho's never had success w it h w omen change enough t o change t heir result s?" A lot of guys st art t hinking t hat t his st uff is a bunch of hype and t here's no hope.

The Usual "Effort"


experience, t he men w ho do t he best on t he dat ing scene are t he men w ho have failed t he most . They go fail and fail and fail some more unt il t hey f inally st art get t ing it right . And even t hen, w hen everyone else considers t hem a lady's man, t hey st ill cont inue t o have plent y of shut dow ns.

The difference is t hey don't let it affect t hem.

Then you get a guy w ho w ould rat her feel like a vict im t han t ry. He goes out

t here, learns a couple canned pickup lines, and t hen t ries t hem out at t he bar. You can see in his w alk and his t alk t hat he doesn't believe in himself, and he falls f lat on his face. But inst ead of st icking it out , rolling w it h his punches, and slow ly redesigning himself from t he inside out , he t ucks his t ail bet w een his legs and craw ls back int o a hole, deciding t hat his " f ailure" is proof t hat t here is no hope.

" You eit her " get it " w it h w omen, or you don't ," he decides. Well, t hat 's a load of BS.

The Difference Betw een Failing and Quitting

What really happened is not t hat t his man failed, he quit -plain and sim ple. And w hen you quit , you never give yourself a chance t o get bet t er. In fact , it 's t hat ment alit y t hat has many men doing poorly w it h w om en in t he first place-w omen know a man w ho get s w hat he w ant s w hen t hey see one.

You've heard t he clichés about get t ing back up more t han you fall, et c, a million t imes, so I'm not t rying t o repeat t hem-w e all really do know t he difference

bet w een w inners and losers, and it has lit t le t o do w it h nat ural t alent . If you really w ant somet hing, you go get it . And if you don't get it on t he first shot , you t ry again. And again. And again...

It 's just like any ot her endeavor. For every boxing cham pion t here are a million men w it h a brand new pair of boxing gloves and an unused bag sit t ing in t he garage-t hey never failed at boxing; t hey just chose t o st op t rying w hen t hey saw how hard it w as t o get up in t he morning and move your arms (and t hat 's just t he START of w hat it t akes t o succeed at a sport like boxing).


The t rut h about excellence is t hat it is rew arded t o t hose w ho reach for it . Then everyone else sit s back and shakes t heir head, w ondering w hy some get all t he " t alent " and are so " lucky."

Cry me a river. Keep feeling sorry for yourself. Because unt il you t ake it upon yourself t o make a change-by suffering t he effort first rat her t han digging up some magic bullet -feeling sorry for yourself is your only escape FROM yourself. It 's an excuse.

I w at ched a video on a market ing forum yest erday w here a man t alked about how so many people are afraid t o even TRY t o st art a business because " t he failure rat e is so high." The t rut h of t he mat t er is, he point s out , t hat most people " quit " before t hey ever " fail" .

Think back t o t he last person you know w ho w ant ed somet hing or w ant ed t o change t hemselves in some w ay and act ually follow ed t hrough w it h t hat .

Can you t hink of anybody?

You know w hat , I t hink you can. And t his is w hy: Because it is so RARE.

It 's t ime t o DECIDE w hat kind of man you w ant t o be-and go out t here and do it .

Recent Scientific Study Asks the Hard Question: Can Attraction Actually be Learned?

Have you been looking t o improve your success w it h w omen? Any pickup art ist out t here w ill be quick t o claim you can st udy evolut ionary psychology, examine social dynam ics, and t hen harness t hat know ledge t o improve your luck w it h t he opposit e sex - t hat you can learn how t o m ake w omen " feel" you're a high-st at us male.

But t he quest ion on every desperat e man's mind is, " Are t hese " pickup art ist s" just out t o get my money? Or is t here any t rut h t o all t his st uff?"


t here is very lit t le act ual research on t he subject conduct ed by t he kind of expert s people t rust . I myself am a biased part y, as t his business is how I make my money - I have no illusions about how hard it w ould be for a " new bie" t o t ake m y w ord for it .

But scient ific research by a neut ral, credible part has f inally emerged in t he form of a recent st udy by PhD st udent Andreas Baranow ski of Johannes Gut enberg Universit y in Germany. In t his st udy, 23 w omen and 17 men w ere t aught pickup skills and monit ored t o see how t he lessons affect ed t heir result s w it h t he opposit e sex.

M en w ere t aught bet t er w ays t o approach w omen and init iat e conversat ion, how t o use body language properly, and w ays t o make w omen w ork for t heir

at t ent ion, leveraging t he principle of " scarcit y" and get t ing w omen t o invest in t hem. Women, on t he ot her hand, w ere t aught t he difference bet w een at t ract ing men for sex and at t ract ing men for relat ionships, as w ell as t he t ype of body language t hat gleaned more int erest . In addit ion, bot h sexes learned how t o use t ouch t o illicit at t ract ion w it hout overdoing it .

Aft er t hese lessons in at t ract ion, many of w hich direct ly correspond w it h t he st uff I t each m y st udent s, t he subject s w ere led t hrough real life pract ice sessions and t hen finally t urned loose on t he unsuspect ing public t o t est t heir new found " skills." So w hat w ere t he result s?

M en got 2.60 more phone num bers per hour (nearly a 3X increase) w hile t he w omen w ere bought 1.43 more drinks per hour (almost a 1.5X increase). Not e: t he researches t heorize t hat t he w omen improved less because t he at t ract ion t eachers w ere male. Anot her reason t he w omen may have im proved less is because w omen t ypically already have an easier t ime at t ract ing t he opposit e sex t han men (t his is also t he reason t heir result s w ere measured by drink invit at ions rat her t han phone numbers).


w ill be nice t o finally have t his t hird-part y evidence t o show st udent s w ho w ant t o see t he proof.

Are you ready t o harness t he proven skills associat ed w it h at t ract ing t he opposit e sex? If you're like most men w ho've st ruggled w it h w omen, it 's on t he t op of your list of self-im provement desires.

Click t his link t o f ind out how you can accelerat e your dat ing using t he

" Underst and At t ract ion" program.


How To Identify YOUR Perfect Girl

Today I've got some pow erf ul t echniques I w ant t o t alk w it h you about t hat are going t o blow your mind. You may have not iced t hat you use some of t hese t echniques in your day-t o-day life w it hout not icing it , but it is possible t o make t his conscious so you can cont rol all of your int eract ions and get t he out come you desire.

What I'm t alking about is a concept called Qualificat ion.

You might have heard about t his before. Qualif icat ion is one of t hose pow erful t ools in relat ionship dynamics t hat is oft en misunderst ood by self-proclaimed expert s, and t here are quit e a few w ays it can be used t o im prove your game and t hus your life.

One com mon use is a st rat egy w e call Ident ificat ion. This is w hen you use Qualificat ion t o ident ify w het her a w oman is your t ype or if you are looking for t he same t hing, and t he end result is you save a lot of t ime t hat w ould be w ast ed in less t han ideal sit uat ions.


not hing t here, you can move on t o just being friends or t alking t o t he next w oman.

Now , if you've st ruggled w it h t he dat ing scene in t he past , you might be blow n aw ay by t he t hought of qualifying w omen and dismissing t hem if t hey don't fit your " crit eria." Not only is it possible w it h t he right know ledge but it becom es even more possible once you've st art ed set t ing " st andards" for w hat kind of w oman you w ant .

Because w omen can sense it w hen you have st andards - it set s you apart from t hat needy vibe most guys give off and really gives you pow er.

To really over-sim plify using Qualificat ion as an ident if ier, maybe you don't dat e w omen w ho smoke, so you st art t elling a st ory and one of t he charact ers in t he st ory just so happens t o be smoking a cigaret t e. Really, you loaded t his charact er in t he st ory for a reason, and at t his point , you can st op and say, as an aside, " Wait , do you smoke?"

Aft er she answ ers, you can move on w it h your st ory, but now you've got a vit al piece of informat ion t hat might make or break t he deal for you.

Let 's look at anot her sim plif ied exam ple. Somet imes, w om en t ell you t hey have a boyfriend but you can't be sure if t hey are just saying t hey have one or act ually do. To qualify her w ould be t o t ell her she seems like a really honest person, and t hen aft erw ards, bring t he conversat ion back t o t heir boyfriend again - maybe by asking how long t hey've been t oget her.

What happens next is she feels like she has t o keep herself congruent w it h t his idea of being an honest person - even t hough you w ere t he one t hat plant ed t hat seed in her head (check out t he Preloading video for more on w hy t his w orks). So, she w ill usually adm it it if she w as less t han honest .

By opening her up a lit t le bit , you've got t en her t o reveal somet hing t hat can be used t o ident if y her relat ionship st at us.


you w at ch t he video above, I explain an aw esome lit t le game you can use t o make it all seem carefree and cool w it hout sacrificing t he honest y.

And w omen just eat t hat kind of st uff up if you approach it t he right w ay because it 's a lot more int erest ing t han t he t ypical conversat ions t hey have w it h flust ered guys.

And it get s A LOT bet t er...

M y ent ire program is based on breaking dow n every single aspect of qualificat ion,

w hy it w orks, how t o use it in your favor, and t he responsibilit y t hat comes w it h t his kind of pow er. These pow erful psychological t echniques w ill have w omen t elling you w hy YOU should dat e t hem - how 's t hat for a change? They do t he chasing, and all you do is sit back and w ork your magic.

How to recognize and break out of the friend zone.

Hey M an,

It 's happened t o everyone. We've all befriended super-at t ract ive w omen, lust ed aft er t hem from afar and not done anyt hing about it . We've all banged our head against a w all and w ondered w hy it is t hat t hey keep dat ing douchebags w hen w e're readily available and sit t ing at t he sidelines w ait ing t o fill t heir every w him. But how do you realize you're in t he friend zone? That 's easy.

1. She Tells You About The M en That She's Aft er - Anyt ime a w oman does

somet hing t o you t hat she w ouldn't do t o somebody she's at t ract ed t o, you can pret t y m uch assume t hat you've been friend-zoned.

2. She Doesn't Give You Any Kind Of Invest ment Or Effort - If she doesn't make any sort of ext ra effort t ow ards you, you're probably in t he friend zone. Does she t ry cont act ing you? Does she put fort h w ork chasing af t er you, or w hen you see her, are you doing all t he inst igat ing? If you're t he one doing all t he w ork, you're probably in t he friend zone.


Does she shy aw ay from your t ouch, or possibly run in t he bat hroom t o dry heave? You're in t he friend zone. If she's used t o you supplicat ing and giving her w hat she w ant s w it hout expect ing m uch back, you're definit ely in t he friend zone.

4. She Calls You Her Friend - Specif ically, t o her boyfriend...Who you've met several t imes....While you are in her presence.

If you're in t he f riend zone, not all is lost . As long as you're in a zone w here she is comfort able going out w it h you and feels comfort able being isolat ed w it h you, t here's a very good chance t hat you st ill have a chance w it h her. The good new s about being in t he friend zone is t hat all you need t o do t o break it is a demeanor change and a lit t le bit of t ime. Plent y of people fall in love w it h t heir friends, t hey just don't do it init ially.

But t rying t o break out of t he f riend zone can also break a friendship - if it 's

someone you've know n for a long t ime. The seriousness of t he relat ionship w ill be dict at ed by t he amount of t ime you've previously associat ed w it h t hem. So if you've had a friend t hat you've been lust ing aft er for years, it 'll be m uch harder t o have casual sex w it h t hem t han som eone you've know n for a briefer period.

It can be done! If you w ant t o break out of t he f riend zone check out our Breaking Rapport Program

Good luck!


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