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S MBS 1106574 Bibliography


Academic year: 2018

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Adnan, H. (2014). An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Online Purchasing Behavior of Pakistani Consumers, 6(5), 133–148. http://doi.org/10.5539/ijms.v6n5p133

Bae, S., & Lee, T. (2011a). Gender differences in consumers’ perception of online consumer reviews. Electronic Commerce Research, 11(2), 201–214. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-010-9072-y

Bae, S., & Lee, T. (2011b). Product type and consumers’ perception of online consumer reviews. Electronic Markets, 21(4), 255–266. http://doi.org/10.1007/s12525-011-0072-0

Bilim, Y., & Ba, A. (2014). On-Line Consumer Comments ( E-Wom ): A Case Qualitative Analysis on Resort Hotel Consumers, (6), 1692–1696.

Bounie, D., Gensollen, M., & Waelbroeck, P. (2005). The Effect of Online Customer Reviews on Purchasing Decisions : the Case of Video Games 1 Introduction, (June).

Chang, M. K., Cheung, W., & Lai, V. S. (2005). Literature derived reference models for the adoption of online shopping. Information & Management, 42(4), 543–559. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.im.2004.02.006

Chatterjee, P., Waibel, M., Beetz, M., D’Andrea, R., Janssen, R., Tenorth, M., … Van De Molengraft, R. (2001). Online Reviews : Do Consumers Use Them ? Robotics Automation Magazine, 18, 129–134.

Chen, C., Chao, C., & Lee, Y. (2012). Exploration of the differences in Taiwanese women ’ s purchasing decisions towards luxury goods and general products, 6(2), 548–561. http://doi.org/10.5897/AJBM11.1743

Chen, Y., & Xie, J. (2007). Online Consumer Review : Online Consumer Review :, (September).

Cheung, C. M. K., Lee, M. K. O., Cheung, C. M. K., & Lee, M. K. O. (2008). Online Consumer Reviews : Does Negative Electronic Word-of-Mouth Hurt More ? Online Consumer Reviews : Does Negative Electronic Word -of-Mouth Hurt More ?

Cheung, C. M. K., Lee, M. K. O., & Rabjohn, N. (2008). The impact of electronic word‐of‐mouth. Internet Research, 18(3), 229–247. http://doi.org/10.1108/10662240810883290

Chua, A., Harn, P., Khatibi, A., & Ismail, H. (2006). E-Commerce : A Study on Online Shopping in Malaysia, 13(3), 231–242.

Dellarocas, C., & Narayan, R. (2006). What motivates consumers to review a product online? A study of the product-specific antecedents of online movie reviews. Wise 2006, 1–6. http://doi.org/10.3727/109830508788403114 DiMauro, V., & Bulmer, D. (2014). The Social Consumer Study - Social Media

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Fan, Y.-W., Miao, Y.-F., Fang, Y.-H., & Lin, R.-Y. (2013). Establishing the Adoption of Electronic Word-of-Mouth through Consumers’ Perceived Credibility. International Business Research, 6(3), 58–65. http://doi.org/10.5539/ibr.v6n3p58

Filieri, R., & McLeay, F. (2013). Online consumer reviews why do we adopt them? Academy of Marketing Annual Conference 2013: Marketing Relevance, 1–13. Retrieved from http://nrl.northumbria.ac.uk/13142/

Gao, J., Zhang, C., Wang, K., & Ba, S. (2012). Understanding online purchase decision making: The effects of unconscious thought, information quality, and information quantity. Decision Support Systems, 53(4), 772–781. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.dss.2012.05.011

Ha, T., & Maaninen-olsson, E. (2014). Factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions of Private Label Food Products A case study of ICA Basic, 214.

Hartman, K. B., Hunt, J. B., & Childers, C. Y. (2013). Effects of eWOM valence : examining consumer choice using evaluations of teaching. Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business, 6, 1–12.

Heinrich, B., Kaiser, M., & Klier, M. (2007). H OW TO MEASURE D ATA Q UALITY ? A METRIC BASED APPROACH, 1–15.

Hennig-Thurau, T., Gwinner, K. P., Walsh, G., & Gremler, D. D. (2004). Electronic word-of-mouth via consumer-opinion platforms: What motivates consumers to articulate themselves on the Internet? Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18(1), 38–52. http://doi.org/10.1002/dir.10073

Holleschovsky, N. I. (2015). The social influence factor : Impact of online product review characteristics on consumer purchasing decisions.

Hu, N., & Zhang, J. (2008). No Title, 9(3), 1–33.

Jiang, L. A. (2015). Measuring consumer perceptions of online shopping convenience Measuring consumer perceptions of online shopping convenience, (APRIL 2013). http://doi.org/10.1108/09564231311323962 Jim, Y. H. Y., Wang, W. Y., Christopher, N., Wu, Y. J., & Wang, Y. (2011).

Decision making in online auctions.


Katawetawaraks, C. (SCG T. S. C. L., & Wang, C. L. (University of N. H. (2011). Online Shopper Behavior : Influences of Online Shopping Decision. Asian Journal of Business Research, 1(2), 66–74. Retrieved from http://www.magscholar.com/joomla/images/docs/ajbr/ajbrv1n2/Online Shopper Behavior Influences.pdf


Lee, J., & Ingoo, D. P. (2011). The different effects of online consumer reviews on consumers ’ purchase intentions depending on trust in online shopping malls An advertising perspective Republic of Korea. http://doi.org/10.1108/10662241111123766


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Lee, S. (2009). How do Online Reviews Affect Purchasing Intention? African Journal of Business Management, 3(10), 576–581. http://doi.org/10.5897/AJBM09.204

Mudambi, S. M., & Schuff, D. (2010). What Makes a Helpful Online Review? A Study of Customer Reviews on Amazon.com. MIS Quarterly, 34(1), 185– 200. http://doi.org/Article

Park, C., Wang, Y., Yao, Y., & Kang, Y. R. (2011). Factors Influencing eWOM Effects: Using Experience, Credibility, and Susceptibility. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 1(1), 74–79. http://doi.org/10.7763/IJSSH.2011.V1.13

Schepers, M. (2015). The impact of online consumer reviews factors on the Dutch consumer buying decision .

Schindler, R. M., & Bickart, B. (2012). Perceived helpfulness of online consumer reviews : The role of message content and style, 243(March), 234–243. http://doi.org/10.1002/cb

Senecal, S., & Nantel, J. (2003). Consumers ’ Decision-Making Process and Their Online Shopping Behavior : A Clickstream Analysis Consumers ’ Decision -Making Process and Their Online Shopping Behavior : A Clickstream Analysis, (514).

Vilčeková, L. (2013). The influence of demographic factors on attitudes toward brands and brand buying behavior of Slovak consumers, 1(11), 1–10.

Vimaladevi, K. (2012). A Study on the Effects of Online Consumer Reviews on Purchasing Decision, 1(1), 91–99.

Zhao, X., Strasser, A., Joseph, N., Lerman, C., & Fishbein, M. (2011). Communication Methods and Measures A Measure of Perceived Argument Strength : Reliability and Validity, (September 2011), 37–41.

Zou, P., Yu, B., & Hao, Y. (2011). Does the Valence of Online Consumer Reviews matter for Consumer Decision Making? The Moderating Role of Consumer Expertise. Journal of Computers, 6(3), 484–488. http://doi.org/10.4304/jcp.6.3.484-488


Al-Rasyid, Harun. 1994. Teknik Penarikan Sampel dan Penyusunan Skala. Bandung: Universitas Padjajaran.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2009. Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

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Creswell, Jhon W. 2012. Research Design Pendekatan Kualitatif, Kuantitatif, dan Mixed. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Ferrel, O.C., Hartline, Michael D. 2011. Marketing Strategy Fifth Edition. USA: South-Western Cengage Learning.


Griffin, Ricky.W. dan Ronald J. Ebert. 2008. Bisnis Edisi kedelapan Jilid 1. Jakarta: Erlangga.

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Jackson, Sherri L. 2012. Research Method: A Modular Approach 2nd Edition. Wadswort: Cengage Learning

Kotler, Phillip, & Amstrong, Garry. 2012. Principles of Marketing 14E. USA: Pearson Education.

Kotler, Phillip, & Keller, Kevin Lane. 2012. Marketing Management 14E. USA: Pearson Education.

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Tjiptono, Fandy, Gregorius Chandra dan Andriana D. 2008. Pemasaran Strategic. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.

Turban, E., King, D., Lee, Jae K., Liang, T., Turban, Deborah C. 2015. Electronic Commerce: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective Eight Edition. Switzerland: Springer.

Umar, Husein. 2008. Metode Riset Bisnis. Jakarta: PT.Gramedia Pustaka Utama Wilson, Richard M.S., Gilligan, Colin. 2005. Strategic Marketing Management

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http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/read/2014/10/13/084300126/Ketika.Orang.Ind onesia



http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/read/2014/10/13/084300126/Ketika.Orang.Ind onesia.Lebih.Senang.Belanja.Online






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