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S FIS 1200273 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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65 Rifdah Amalia, 2016

ID ENTIFIKASI MOD EL MENTAL SISWA SMA PAD A MATERI KONVEKSI KALOR Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu|perpustakaan.upi.edu


Al-Diban, S & Ifenthaler, D. (2011). Comparison of Two Analysis

Approaches for Measuring Externalized Mental Models. Educational

Technology & Society, 14 (2), hlm. 16–30.

Alwan, A. A. (2011) . Misconception of Heat and Temperature Among Physics

Students. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 12, hlm. 600-614.

Arslan, A. S & Durikan, U. (2016). Pre-service Teachers’ Mental Models of

Basic Astronomy Concepts. Science Education International, 27 (1),

hlm. 88-116.

Bauer, W. & Westfall, G. D. (2014). University Physics. Second Edition. New

York: The McGraw-Hill Companies.

Bonello, M. (2008). Six Grade Mental Models’ of Physical Education

Concepts: A Framework Theory Perspectivez’. (Disertasi). Doctor

Phylosophy, University of Maryland.

Chiou, G. (2013). Reappraising the relationships between physics students’ mental models and predictions: An example of heat convection. Physical

Review Special Topics: Physics Education Research, 9 (1), hlm.


Creswell, J. W. (2008). Educational Research. Planning, Conducting, and

Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Third Edition.

Pearson Prentice Hall: USA.

Cutnell, J. D., & Johnson, K. W. (2007). Physics. Seventh Edition. John Wiler

& Sons : New Jersey.

Farida, A. (2016). Analisis Miskonsepsi Siswa Terhadap Simbol dan Istilah

Matematika Pada Konsep Hubungan Bangun Datar Segiempat Melalui



Rifdah Amalia, 2016

ID ENTIFIKASI MOD EL MENTAL SISWA SMA PAD A MATERI KONVEKSI KALOR Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu|perpustakaan.upi.edu

Matematika dan Pembelajarannya (KNPMP I). Surakarta, Universitas

Muhammadiyah Surakarta, hlm. 287-295.

Griffith, W. T., & Brosing, J. W. (2009). The Physics of Everyday Phenomena:

A Conceptual Introduction to Physics. Seventh Edition. New York: The

McGraw-Hill Companies.

Gurel, D. K, Eryilmaz, A. & McDermott, L. C. (2015). A Review and Comparison of Diagnostic Instruments to Identify Students’ Misconceptions in Science. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science &

Technology Education, 11(5), hlm. 989-1008.

Hammer, D. (2010) . Misconceptions or P-Prims: How May Alternative

Perspectives of Cognitive Structure Influence Instructional Perceptions

and Intentions?. The Journal of the Learning Sciences. 5 (2), hlm.


Herlina, K., Nur, M., & Widodo W. Model Mental Mahasiswa Dalam

Memahami Pembiasan Cahaya dan Kaitannya dengan Kemampuan

Memprediksi. UNESA, hlm 1-9.

Hewitt, P.G. (1992). Conceptual Physics, Seventh Edition. New York: Harper

Collins College Publisher.

Hill, B. R. (2008). Libanon Valley Collage. Diakses dari:


Hrepic, Z., Zollman, D., & Rebello, S. Identifying Students’ Models of Sound

Propagation. Physics Department, Kansas State University, Manhattan.

Itza-Ortiz, S.F, Rebello, S, & Zollman, D. (2004). Students’ models of

Newton’s second law in mechanics and electromagnetism. European

Journal of Physics,25, hlm 81-89.

Jati, B. M., & Priyambodo, T. K. (2009). Fisika Dasar untuk Mahasiswa Ilmu



Rifdah Amalia, 2016

ID ENTIFIKASI MOD EL MENTAL SISWA SMA PAD A MATERI KONVEKSI KALOR Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu|perpustakaan.upi.edu

Kaltakci, D., & Didis, N. (2007). Identification of Pre-Service Physics

Teachers’ Misconceptions on Gravity Concept: A Study with 3-Tier

Misconception Test. AIP Publishing, hlm 499-500.

Kurnaz, M.A. & Eksi, C. (2015). An Analysis of High School Students’ Mental Models of Solid Friction in Physics. Educational Sciences: Theory &

Practice, 15 (3), hlm. 787-795.

Laliyo, L. A. R. (2011). Model Mental Siswa Dalam Memahami Perubahan

Wujud Zat. Jurnal Penelitian dan Pendidikan, 8 (1), hlm. 1-12.

Landis, J. R. & Koch, G. G. (1977). The Measurement of Observer Agreement

for Categorical Data. Biometrics, 33, hlm. 159-174.

Lee, C. K. (2014). A Conceptual Change Model for Teaching Heat Energy,

Heat Transfer and Insulation. Science Education International. 25 (4),

hlm. 417-437.

Liu, Shu-Chiu. (2011). What is the Thing We Call Heat? A Study on Diverse

Representations of the Basic Thermal Concepts in and for School

Science. Science Education in International Contexts (hlm. 17-28). The

Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Mansyur, Jusman. (2010). Kajian fenomenografi aspek-aspek model mental

subyek lintas level akademik dalam problem solving konsep dasar

mekanika. (Tesis). Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan

Indonesia, Bandung.

Nottis, K. E dkk. (2009). Undergraduate Engineering Students' Understanding

of Heat, Temperature, and Radiation. NERA Conference Proceedings

(hlm. 1-14). Uconn Library.

Pavlin, J & Cepic, M. (2015). The Education of Pre- Service Primary School

hlm. Teachers for Teaching Physics as Part of The Science Curriculum in



Rifdah Amalia, 2016

ID ENTIFIKASI MOD EL MENTAL SISWA SMA PAD A MATERI KONVEKSI KALOR Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu|perpustakaan.upi.edu

Conference (hlm. 137-145). Palermo: Universita’ Degli Studi Di


Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 20 Tahun 2016 tentang

Standar Kompetensi Lulusan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah.

Rahayu, S., & Purwanto, J. (2013). Identifikasi Model Mental Siswa SMA

Kelas X pada Materi Hukum Newton tentang Gerak. Kaunia. IX (2),

hlm. 12-20.

Sadoglu, G. P. (2013). 9T H Grade Students’ Mental Models about the Sound

Concept. International Journal of Educational Research and Technology,

4 (3), hlm. 21-26.

Senge, P. M. (1990). The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning

organization. New York: Currency Doubleday.

Vosniadou, S., & Brewer, W. F. (1992). Mental Models of the Earth: A Study

of Conceptual Change in Childhood. Cognitive Psychology, 24, hlm.


Vosniadou, S., & Brewer, W. F. (1994). Mental Models of the Day/ Night

Cycle. Cognitive Science, 18, hlm. 123-183.

Yeo, S. & Zadnik, M. (2001). Introductory Thermal Concept Evaluation:

Assessing Students’ Understanding. The Physics Teacher. 39, hlm.


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