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IMPROVING SMAN 1 DEPOK STUDENTS’ ACCURACY OF SIMPLE PAST TENSE IN NARRATIVE THROUGH TEACHER’S FEEDBACK A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education


Academic year: 2019

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Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Bernadeta Diah Ratih Angguratami Student Number: 081214039






Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Bernadeta Diah Ratih Angguratami Student Number: 081214039





As long as you have got passion, faith and are willing to work

hard, you can do anything you want in this life. (Anonymous)

No matter how good or bad you think life is, wake up each day

and be thankful for life. Someone somewhere else is fighting to

survive. (Anonymous)

Wherever you are going, God has already been there and paved

the way for you. (Matt 6: 27-30)

Your worst day with Jesus is better than your best day without

Him. (Joyce Meyer)

This thesis is dedicated to my beloved parents, Yohanes

Marjono, S.Pd. and Victoria Sri Handayani, S.Pd.



I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain

the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations

and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, October 9, 2012

The Writer

Bernadeta Diah Ratih Angguratami




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Angguratami, Bernadeta Diah Ratih. 2012. Improving the SMAN 1 Depok

Students’ Accuracy of Simple Past Tense in Narrative through Teacher’s

Feedback. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University discovered a problem. The problem was that the writing product of tenth graders of SMAN 1 Depok was not good enough in narrative writing. The students were good in speaking and reading narrative but when they were asked to write narrative texts, they obtained bad scores. They made a lot of grammatical errors especially while using past tense in narrative writing.

The research was intended to improve the tenth grade students‟ grammar accuracy of simple past tense in narrative writing. The researcher chose teacher‟s feedback as the best strategy to solve the problem faced by the students. This research attempted to answer one research problem. The research problem is: how can the tenth grade students‟ grammar accuracy of simple past tense in narrative writing be improved in SMAN 1 Depok?

The researcher conducted Classroom Action Research (CAR) to improve the tenth graders‟ grammar accuracy of simple past tense in narrative. The researcher conducted two cycles. Each cycle consisted of one meeting. The participants of the research were 36 students from XD class SMAN 1 Depok 2011/2012 academic year. The data were gathered from the analysis of the

students‟ drafts, observation sheets, field notes, questionnaires and interviews. The result showed that the students‟ error percentage of simple past tense decreased. In the preliminary study, the average was 56%. Meanwhile, the average of error percentage in the first cycle and in the second cycle became 27% and 21%. Besides, the teacher‟s feedback helped the students to know and understand their mistakes, they also got new knowledge from the feedback such as grammar, vocabulary and simple past tense forms. Furthermore, the students felt motivated after receiving the teacher‟s feedback. It could be concluded that the motivated to make a better writing product.

Keywords: Classroom Action Research, writing, narrative, teacher‟s feedback



Angguratami, Bernadeta Diah Ratih. 2012. Improving the SMAN 1 Depok

Students’ Accuracy of Simple Past Tense in Narrative through Teacher’s

Feedback. Yogyakarta: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma Bahasa Inggris merupakan mata pelajaran yang penting di Indonesia. Saat ini, banyak sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar utama. Ada empat keterampilan dalam berbahasa Inggris. Keterampilan tersebut adalah keterampilan berbicara, mendengarkan, membaca dan menulis. Keterampilan menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan yang penting dalam berbahasa Inggris. Pada saat praktek mengajar di SMAN 1 Depok, peneliti menemukan permasalahan. Masalah yang ditemukan adalah nilai karangan murid-murid SMA 1 Depok kurang memuaskan. Murid-murid mendapatkan nilai bagus pada keterampilan berbicara dan membaca tetapi ketika mereka diminta untuk menulis teks naratif, mereka mendapat nilai buruk. Murid- murid banyak membuat kesalahan ketika menggunakan past tense saat menulis teks naratif.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keakuratan penggunaan past tense murid-murid kelas sepuluh pada saat menulis naratif. Peneliti memilih koreksi guru sebagai strategi terbaik untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi para murid. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menjawab satu rumusan masalah. Rumusan masalah tersebut adalah bagaimana cara meningkatkan keakuratan penggunaan past tense murid-murid kelas sepuluh pada saat menulis naratif?

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas untuk meningkatkan keakuratan penggunaan past tense murid-murid kelas sepuluh pada saat menulis naratif. Peneliti melaksanakan dua siklus. Masing-masing siklus terdiri dari satu pertemuan. Peserta penelitian ini berjumlah 36 murid dari kelas XD SMAN 1 Depok tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Data penelirian dikumpulkan dari hasil analisa dari karangan murid, lembar observasi, pengamatan di lapangan, kuesioner dan sesi tanya jawab.

Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa presentase kesalahan murid saat menggunakan past tense berkurang. Pada saat studi awal, rata-rata presentase 56%. Sementara itu, presentase kesalahan pada siklus satu dan dua menjadi 27% dan21%. Disamping itu, koreksi guru membantu murid untuk mengetahui dan mengerti kesalahan mereka, mereka juga mendapat ilmu baru dari koreksi guru seperti grammar, perbendaharaan kata dan bentuk past tense. Terlebih, para murid merasa termotivasi setelah mendapat koreksi dari guru. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa koreksi guru dapat meningkatkan keakuratan penggunaan past tense

murid-murid kelas sepuluh pada saat menulis naratif.

Oleh sebab itu, hal ini disarankan kepada guru bahasa Inggris untuk memberi koreksi pada karangan murid. Para guru sebaiknya memberi koreksi yang jelas untuk mencegah kesalahpahaman dan juga memberi motivasi supaya para murid merasa termotivasi untuk membuat karangan yang lebih baik.

Kata kunci: Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, menulis, naratif, koreksi guru.



First of all, I would like to give my deepest gratitude to my Lord, Jesus Christ for the blessing, love, and guidance during my life. He always helps and takes care of me, especially when I did my thesis. I realized that I am nothing and

I cannot finish my thesis without Him.

I would like to thank my supervisor, Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. for the suggestion, motivation, patience and guidance during the process of

writing the thesis. I would also like to thank Ari Priyanta, S.Pd. for the opportunity given to me to conduct the research on his class in XD class. My

thankfulness also goes to the students of XD SMAN 1 Depok Babarsari

2011/2012 academic year for their cooperation during the process of research.

This thesis is dedicated to my beloved parents, Yohanes Marjono, S.Pd.

and Victoria Sri Handayani, S.Pd., also my brothers Vincentius Bayu Seno Aji

and Gregorius Dhani Talentama. I thank my parents for their patience, support and their greatest love. I am truly blessed to have my parents. I also thank my

brothers for their support, care and jokes during the process of writing this thesis.

I am very grateful to have my family.

I would like to thank all my lecturers in PBI Sanata Dharma University, PBI Secretariat Staff Mbak Dhanniek and Mbak Tari and all librarians’ staff in Sanata Dharma University for their support and best services.


I would like to thank all my friends in PBI Sanata Dharma, especially my best friends Tiyen, Nican, Sily and Cepci for the laugh and wonderful experiences which we had shared together. They are the best friends I have ever

had. Next, my boarding house‟s friends, I thank Dedes, Mutia, Oliv, Mbak Ana, De Gustin, Mbak Yuni and Mia, for the support, jokes and crazy experiences during these 3 years. I am very happy to have all of my friends. May God always

bless them.

I would like to thank Yohannes Jatmiko Yuwono, S. Pd. and Mas

Somad, who were willing to be my proofreaders and also I thank for the correction, comments and suggestion for my thesis. I also would like to thank

Tiyen and Siwi for the experiences and suggestions about Classroom Action Research which we had shared together. May God bless them all.

Finally, my deepest thanks go to all people and all my friends who helped me in finishing my thesis but I could not mention here one by one. May God

always bless them.

Bernadeta Diah Ratih A.


a. The Nature of Writing... 8

b. Communicative Purposes of Narrative... 14

c. Types of Narrative... 15

d. Generic Structure of Narrative... 15

5. e. Grammatical Features of Narrative... Feedback...

6. Classroom Action Research... 21

a. Definition of Classroom Action Research... 21

b. Model of Classroom Action Research... 22

c. The Characteristics of Action Research... 23



A. Research Process... 35

B. Research Result... 65

C. The Other Findings... 76


A. Conclusions... 78

B. Recommendations... 79




Table Page

Table 4.1. The Result of Students‟ Writing Product in the Preliminary

Study... 39

Table 4.2 The Result of Students‟ Writing Product in the First Cycle... 53

Table 4.3 The Result of Students‟ Writing Product in the Second

Cycle... 63

Table 4.4 The Students‟ Improvement Taken from Students‟ Writing

Product (score)... 66

Table 4.5 The Students‟ Error Percentage of Simple Past Tense... 68



Figures Page

Figure Figure 3.1 The Planning-Reflection Cycle (Kemmis and

McTaggart, 1988)... 27

Figure 4.1 The Improvement of Students‟ Score (Class Average)... 67

Figure 4.2 The Students‟ Error Percentages of Simple Past Tense

(Class Average)... 70



Appendix Page

Appendix 1. Letters of Permission... 84

Appendix 2. Accomplishment Letters from SMAN 1 Depok... 87

Appendix 3. Lesson Plan and Teaching Materials of Preliminary Study.... 89

Appendix 4. Observation Sheet of Preliminary Study... 96

Appendix 5. Field Notes of Preliminary Study... 101

Appendix 6. Lesson Plan and Teaching Materials of Cycle One... 106

Appendix 7. Observation Sheet of Cycle One... 112

Appendix 8. Field Notes of Cycle One... 115

Appendix 9. Lesson Plan and Teaching Materials of Cycle Two... 120

Appendix 10. Observation Sheet of Cycle Two... 126

Appendix 11. Field Notes of Cycle Two... 129

Appendix 12. The Raw Data of Questionnaire... 134

Appendix 13. The Interview Transcript... 141

Appendix 14. The Sample of Students‟ Writing Products in Preliminary Study... 150

Appendix 15. The Sample of Students‟ Writing Products in Cycle One... 153

Appendix 16. The Sample of Students‟ Writing Products in Cycle Two... 156

Appendix 17. The Documentation ... 159



In this chapter, the researcher presents the research background, the

research problem, the problem limitation, the research objectives, the benefits of

this research and the definition of terms used in the thesis.

A. Research Background

English is one of the significant subjects in Indonesia. It is significant

because many schools in Indonesia use English as the first foreign language to

teach the students. English involves four skills in it. The skills are listening,

speaking, reading and writing. Writing is one of the skills in English that is mostly

discussed in this study. Zimmerman and Rodrigues (1992) reveal “Writing is a

way of thinking, a way of learning, a way of sharing ideas with others” (p. 4). It is

clear that someone can learn something, share the opinion of each other by the

writing process. Moreover, Ralmes (1983) states that writing can teach the

students to learn about grammar, idiom and vocabulary that have been taught by

the teacher (as cited in Hyland, K and Hyland, F, 2006, p.3). By writing some

sentences, students can practice how to make sentences with an appropriate

grammar. By understanding the grammar of a language, the students are able to

understand the meaning of the language.


This thesis discusses students‟ grammar accuracy of simple past tense in

narrative writing of the tenth grade in SMAN 1 Depok. The researcher is the one

of the practice teachers in SMAN 1 Depok. While practicing teaching in SMAN 1

Depok, the researcher discovered a problem. The problem was the writing

products of tenth graders in SMAN 1 Depok were not good enough in narrative

writing. The students were good in speaking and reading narrative. The students

could obtain high scores in speaking and reading exercises. They could obtain the

scores of 80-90 for reading exercises but when they were asked to write narrative

texts, they obtained bad scores. Some students obtained scores below KKM

(Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal=6, 5). They made a lot of grammatical errors

especially when using past tense. These are the examples:

1. Based on document analysis from students‟ writing product, the researcher

found some grammatical errors. These are the examples:

a. Sometimes the students used two verbs or double verbs.

e.g. -was come -was go -was fall

They wrote double verbs because they did not know when they should use

was/were and the past tense. They were confused when they used was/were and

the past tense.

b. Some students did not understand regular and irregular verbs.e.g.

Students’ writing Correct answers

Cryed cried

Buyed bought

They wrote the wrong form of simple past because they did not know the


2. Based on informal interview given to the students, the researcher found

some problems:

a. They forgot the teacher‟s explanation and did not give attention to the

teacher. The students also hesitated to write the simple past tense in their writing

because they did not have sufficient knowledge about simple past tense.

b. Some students were also confused about regular and irregular verbs. Based

on the informal interview, the researcher found that actually the students had been

taught by their teacher in Junior High School about regular and irregular verbs but

they did not understand and did not listen to the teacher so they were still

confused with the form of simple past tense.

The researcher intended to improve the tenth graders‟ grammar accuracy

of simple past tense in narrative writing by giving feedback. The kind of feedback

which had been given was teacher‟s feedback. The form of teacher‟s feedback

was direct and indirect feedback. Fatham & Whalley et al. (1990) reveal that there

were some studies which showed that “students who receive error feedback over a

period of time can improve their language accuracy” (as cited in Hyland, K and

Hyland, F, 2006, p.4). Besides, Chandler (2003) stated that underlining and direct

correction in the students‟ writing products could decrease grammatical and

lexical errors in their next writing (as cited in Hyland, K and Hyland, F, 2006,


The feedback also helped the students to improve their writing abilities.

Williams (2002) describes that the feedback could develop both texts and the


the students paid more attention into teachers‟ feedback rather than other

feedback. Leki et al. (1991) notes “ESL students greatly value teacher written

feedback and consistently rate it more highly than alternative forms, such as peer

feedback and oral feedback in writing conferences” (as cited in Hyland, K and

Hyland, F, 2006, p.3).

B. Research Problem

In relation to the background mentioned before, the problem is formulated

as follows.

How can teacher‟s feedback improve the tenth graders‟ grammar accuracy

of simple past tense in narrative writing?

C. Problem Limitation

The study tries to find the teaching strategy which can improve the tenth

graders‟ accuracy of simple past tense in narrative writing in SMAN 1 Depok.

The research focuses on improving students‟ grammar accuracy of simple past

tense in narrative writing. This research is limited for the tenth graders of SMAN

1 Depok 2011/2012 academic year.

D. Research Objective

Considering the formulation of the problem, the objective of the research

is to propose how teacher‟s feedback can improve the tenth graders‟ grammar


E. Research Benefits

improve the students‟ grammar accuracy of simple past tense in narrative writing.

2. The teacher

The teacher can use the method to improve other students‟ grammar

accuracy of simple past in narrative writing. It is expected that the teacher can

help the students to solve their problems by applying the teaching strategy.

3. The students

The students can improve their grammar accuracy and master more about

simple past tense. It is expected that the students can understand well about

grammar especially simple past tense. The students can apply the knowledge for

the next grade in eleventh grade.

F. Definition of Terms

1. Grammatical Accuracy

According to Larsen and Freeman (2000), grammatical accuracy in writing

is essential to ensure the writer‟s intended and to avoid misunderstanding (p.2). It

means that grammatical accuracy refers to the ability of writing without making


grammar accurately, for example word order, verb endings and pronouns.

Besides, accuracy also means spelling and using punctuation accurately (p.284).

In this study, the accuracy refers to produce the simple past tense verb accurately.

2. Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is one of tenses in English grammar. According to Azar

(1993),“The simple past tense indicates that an activity or situation began and

ended at a particular time in the past” (p. 24). It is clear that simple past tense is

used to describe actions or situation happened in the past. In this study, the simple

past tense refers to simple past tense verbs used by the students.

3. Writing

According to Nunan (2003), writing is the way of finding ideas and then

expressing those ideas by organizing into statements and paragraphs in order (p.

88). Nunan (2003) also adds that writing is the way to express and impress

feelings, idea or thought in a written form of English (p. 88). In this study, writing

refers to an activity which expresses students‟ feeling, idea and thought in a

written form.

4. Feedback

Feedback is a way for teachers to describe their learners‟ language;

feedback is an ongoing form of assessment which is more focused than marks or

grades (Lewis, 2002, p.3). Thus, in this research, feedback is a technique to give

information such as advices, suggestions, comments and corrections which are


5. Tenth grade

Senior High School (SMA) is the next level of Junior High School (SMP).

The students entering Senior High School are those who have passed Junior High

School. Senior High School is divided into three grades. The tenth grade is the

first grade in Senior High School. In this research, the participants were 36

students from XD of SMAN 1 Depok Babarsari in the 2011/2012 academic year,




In this chapter, the researcher presents a discussion on some theories

which become the basis of the research. This chapter is divided into two major

parts which are theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

This part discusses the nature of writing, the teaching writing and the

approaches of writing.

1. Writing

a. The Nature of Writing

According to Tiedt (1989), writing is the way to express people‟s ideas in

a written form (p. 1). It is clear that writing is a process of delivering people

with others” (p. 4). It is clear that someone can learn something, share the opinion

to each other by writing process. Moreover, Ralmes (1983) states that writing can

teach the students to learn about grammar, idiom and vocabulary that have been

taught by the teacher (p. 3). Zimmerman and Rodrigues (1992) also point out

“Good writing is writing that is appropriate to the specific writing situation for


which it was produced” (p. 8). It means that writing should have a characteristic

or criteria which make it suitable to be said a good writing.

b. Teaching Writing

According to Tiedt (1989), there are six basic understandings about the

writing process (p. 3-7). They are 1) students learn to write by writing, 2) writing

expresses thinking, 3) students learn to write by reading, 4) writing is not easy, 5)

writing can be taught and 6) writing is a way of learning in classrooms. The

explanation of basic understanding about the writing process as follows:

1) Students learn to write by writing

Tiedt (1989) points out that the students have to experience the writing

process by themselves. They should write and apply the writing process in order

to have the real situation so they can learn and understand it (p. 3-4).

2) Writing expresses thinking

Tiedt (1989) says that thinking and writing have a close relationship.

Children in an early age are easy to absorb many things. They can speak and think

easier because they are in a growth period. They should express their ideas and

thoughts in a written form in order to make them aware with their abilities (p. 4).

3) Students learn to write by reading

Tiedt (1989) states that students need imagination to start writing. By

reading books, students can gather their ideas and find their topics. It will be


4) Writing is not easy

Tiedt (1989) argues that writing is the most difficult skill. It happens

because when people start writing, they should gather and generate their ideas.

They should think what they want to write about and compose the sentence

grammatically correct. It makes writing become the most difficult skill (p. 6).

5) Writing can be taught

subject but also in Biology and History subjects (p. 7).

c. The Approaches to Writing

According to Hyland (2002), there are three main approaches to writing (p.

5). The approaches are:

1) Hyland (2002) states that “The first approach focuses on the products of

writing by examining texts in various ways” (p.5). It means that the writer learn to

write by analyzing the text for example analyzing the language features or generic

structure of the text. In this approach, there is specific way to implement the

teaching learning activity. It is called genre-based approach. Genre-based


the specific feature. There are three phases in genre-based approach. They are

modeling, negotiation and constructing. In modeling, the students learn by

analyzing the generic structure of text, the language feature and etc. In

negotiation, the students and the teacher discuss the text together. In constructing,

the students try to construct or write their own text by their knowledge that they

get in the modeling and negotiation phases.

2) Hyland (2002) points out, “The second approach focuses on the writer and

describes writing in terms of the processes used to create texts” (p. 5). The second

approach concerns on the process of the writing and the writer itself.

3) Hyland (2002) reveals, “The third approach focuses on the role that

readers play in writing and how writers engage with an audience in creating

coherent texts” (p. 5). The last approach concerns on the readers‟ opinions. The

writer writes a text based on the readers‟ background and culture.

2. Grammatical Accuracy

According to Larsen and Freeman (2000), grammatical accuracy in writing

is essential to ensure the writer‟s intention and to avoid misunderstanding (p.2). It

means that grammatical accuracy refers to the ability of writing without making

mistakes. Nunan (1999) notes that in the writing criteria, accuracy means using

grammar accurately, for example word order, verb endings and pronouns.

Besides, accuracy also means spelling and using punctuation accurately (p.284). It

means that accuracy in writing is being accurate in using all grammar aspects.

Moreover, accuracy in writing refers to being correct or exact in using grammar


Brumfit (1984) describes that accuracy has some requirements as follows

(p. 52-53).

a. Accuracy has its own characteristics and the characteristics are decided by

the user. Brumfit (1984) notes “fluent language may not also be accurate

language; it simply refers to a focus by the user” (p. 52). It means that fluency and

accuracy in language is different. The difference and the characteristics are

decided by the user. For example in school, the teacher and the students are the

user of the language so the teacher can decide the characteristics of the accuracy

based on the students‟ abilities.

b. Accuracy and fluency are different. Brumfit (1984) points out “it will be

argued that there is a definite role of accuracy work in language teaching, but its

function is quite different from that fluency work” (p. 52). It means that the

characteristics in accuracy cannot work well in fluency. On the other hand, the

characteristics of accuracy and fluency are different.

c. Brumfit (1984) reveals

Since accuracy here refers to a focus of the user, it can refer just as much to listening and reading as to speaking and writing; any language activity which is not being carried on with the learners apparently operating in the same way as they do in natural, mother-tongue use is an accuracy. (p.52- 53)

d. The accuracy or inaccuracy of the language depend on the criteria of the

user language. Brumfit (1984) shows “language work focused predominantly on

language is always accuracy work, however fluently it may be performed” (p. 53).

It means that the work of accuracy and fluency refers to the criteria of the


e. Both accuracy and fluency can be taught in teaching learning process by

the teacher in order to teach language. The students should not be concerned on

their accuracy while they practice their fluency.

3. Simple Past Tense

Gerot and Wignell (1994) note that “Grammar is a theory of language, of

how language is put together and how it works” (p. 2). It means that grammar is

the basic theory to learn language. According to Gerot and Wignell (1994), in

educational background, the teacher needs to understand grammar in order to help

the students understand how texts work (p.3). It means that teacher needs to know

how texts work so teachers can help the students to understand and produce texts.

Simple past tense is one of tenses in English grammar. According to Azar


Swan (1995) notes that “the simple past tense is common in story-telling

and when we are telling people about past events”(p. 417). It means that people

use simple past tense to tell other people about the past experience or to explain

about story telling. Simple past tense explains about the events happen in the past.

Swan (1995) also reveals “in general, the simple past tense is the normal one for

talking about the past” (p. 417). It means that simple past tense always show the

events happen in the past. People tend to use simple past tense to tell the story

because simple past tense is tenses to explain the past events.

4. Narrative

a. Definition of Narrative

Doyle et al. (2004) point out that narrative is a story of a sequence of

events, “narratives have more complex structures, although they share many of the

basic features we have identified in recounts” (p.60). It means that narrative tells a

story rather than exploring the past experience. Narrative and recount are different

because narrative has a more complex generic structure than recount.

b. Communicative Purposes of Narrative

According to Knapp and Watkins (2005), the purposes of narratives are


To entertain the reader

To be a powerful social role beyond entertainment

Doyle et al (2004) also describe that narrative have didactic and satirical


not only tells a story for the students but also become educational text. Narrative

can educate the students through its content for example from folk tales, the

students can learn about the value of life in that story.

c. Types of Narrative

There are five types of narrative according to Doyle et al (2004, p.60).

They are folk tales, children‟s stories and fairy tales, novels, crime thrillers,

narrative poems.

d. Generic Structure of Narrative

According to Hyland (2002, p.16), the generic structure of narrative is:

- Orientation

It introduces the participants and informs the time and the place. (Where,

when). In the orientation the writer introduces the characters, the time and the

place for the events. In narrative, the orientation often shows imaginary time for

example once upon a time, long time ago and etc.

- Complication

It describes the rising problems happen within the story. In complication,

there are some problems faced by the characters. It can be more than one problem

for example situation of war, conflict or love.

- Resolution

Showing the way the problems are solved. In resolution, the writer shows

the problem solving and the end of the story. The complication may be resolved


e. Grammatical Features of Narrative

The grammatical features of narrative according to Doyle et al (2004: 62):

Using Past Tense to describe the events

suggestion, comment, recommendation, correction or advice. The information can

help the students to evaluate the teaching learning process in the class.

Lewis (2002) argues that feedback is a way for teachers to describe their

learners‟ language; feedback is an ongoing form of assessment which is more

focused than marks or grades (p. 3). Feedback is a technique to give information

such as advice, suggestions, comments and corrections which are usually made by

the teacher to observe the students‟ writing products.

There are two forms of feedback (Hendrickson et al., 1978):


2. Indirect feedback occurs when the teacher indicates in some way that an error has been made – by mean of an underline, circle, code or other mark – but does not provide the correct form, leaving the student to solve the problem that has been called to his or her attention.

(as cited in Hyland, K and Hyland, F ,2006, p.83)

b. Sources of Feedback

1) Teacher feedback

The teacher has an important rule in a classroom. The teacher can give the

students feedback in written or spoken form. Leki et al. (1991) notes “ESL

students greatly value teacher‟s written feedback and consistently rate it more

highly than alternative forms, such as peer and oral feedback in writing

conferences” (as cited in Hyland, K and Hyland, F, 2006, p.3). It means that the

students still need feedback from the teacher as their instructor. The students need

more information from the teacher in the written form.

2) Peer feedback

Peer feedback is given by the partner or other participants in the

classroom. According to Hyland, K and Hyland, F (2006), “Peer review can be

seen as a formative developmental process that gives writers the opportunities to


c. Purposes of Feedback

According to Lewis (2002), there are five purposes of feedback (p. 3-4).

The purposes are:

1) Feedback provides information for teachers and students

Lewis (2002) states that feedback provides some teacher‟s comments for

the students such as the weaknesses, strengths, progress and direct information

about language (p. 3). It means that feedback can help the students to improve

their performance or writing products because they can learn from the feedback.

2) Feedback provides students with advice about learning

Lewis (2002) points out that by giving feedback, students can learn the

description of the use of language. While learning process, teacher can make a

comment for the students about their learning processes (p. 4). The feedback can

give the students information about their learning processes progress in the


3) Feedback provides students with language input

Lewis (2002) says that the teacher can give the feedback in written or

spoken form. The feedback provides some meaningful and individual language

input which can enrich the students‟ vocabulary. Besides, the feedback can

improve students‟ understanding about grammar (p. 4).

4) Feedback is a form of motivation

According to Lewis (2002), by receiving feedback, students become more

enthusiastic to study and use language in learning process. Besides, feedback can


that the students feel happy to know their strengths or weaknesses so they intend

to gain better scores than before.

5) Feedback can lead students towards autonomy

Lewis (2002) argues that feedback can help the students to find their own

mistakes. By giving feedback or some clues, the students can recognize their

mistakes by themselves and try to revise them (p. 4). It means that the feedback

help the students to improve their abilities by learning from the mistakes. The

students learn from their mistakes and try to revise them.

d. Types of Feedback

According to Lewis (2002), there are three types of teacher feedback (p.

15-19). The types are:

1) Traditional marking

Lewis (2002) states that in the feedback; the teacher makes a sign on the

students‟ drafts using pen, pencil or stabile. The sign can be a line, highlight or

words (p. 15).

2) Conferencing

Lewis (2002) points out that this feedback provides some comments and

questions for the students. The teachers and the students will have some


3) Collective feedback

Lewis (2002) states that the collective feedback means the teacher presents

the feedback collectively. It means that the teacher summarizes the feedback for a

whole class (p. 18). There four types of collective feedback:

a. Comment orally one by one

b. Feedback sheet

c. Summarize feedback on the board

d. Checklist

e. The Advantages of Feedback

Fatham & Whalley et al. (1990) reveal that there were some studies

showed that “students who receive error feedback over a period of time can

improve their language accuracy” (as cited in Hyland, K and Hyland, F, 2006,

p.4). It means that feedback could improve the students‟ language accuracy.

Besides, Chandler (2003) states that underlining and direct corrections in the

students‟ writing products could decrease grammatical and lexical errors in their

next writing (as cited in Hyland, K and Hyland, F, 2006, p.4).

Williams (2002) describes that the feedback could develop both texts and

the students‟ writing skills (as cited in Hyland, K and Hyland, F, 2006, p.5).

Besides, the students paid more attention into teachers‟ feedback rather than other

feedback. Leki et al. (1991) notes “ESL students greatly value teacher written


feedback and oral feedback in writing conferences” (as cited in Hyland, K and

Hyland, F, 2006, p.3).

6. Classroom Action Research

a. Definition of Classroom Action Research

Mills (2007), as cited by Mertler (2009: 4) points out that

Action research is defined as any systematic inquiry conducted by teachers, administrators, counselors, or others with a vested interest in the teaching and learning process or environment for the purpose of gathering information about how their particular school operate, how they teach and how their students learn.

From the definition above, action research is a research which is done by

people in order to find the solution of the problem by gathering and analyzing the

data. Further more, action research is an activity undertaken by teachers to

improve their performances and teaching skills in the classroom. Mertler (2009)

also reveals that action research allows the teacher to conduct a research in the

classroom in order to make improvement or better understanding in some areas

subject (p. 4). It means that action research is conducted to solve the students‟

problems after the teacher implements some actions in the classroom. There are

three main things in Classroom Action Research. The things are problem, solving

and improvement. In Classroom Action Research it should be a problem, then the

researcher should try to overcome the problem by choosing the best strategy.

After implementation, it is expected that the students can make improvement or


b. Model of Classroom Action Research

According to Kemmis and McTaggart (1988), as cited by Burns (1999),

there are four steps to do Action Research (p. 32). Those steps are planning,

action, observation and reflection. The steps are presented as follows.

Figure 2.1. The Planning-Reflection Cycle (Kemmis and McTaggart, 1988)

1) Planning

The researcher starts to make plans after knowing the problem. The

researcher looks for an appropriate strategy that can overcome the problem. The

researcher considers the objects‟ strengths and weaknesses so that the strategy can

overcome the problem happen.

2) Action

In this step, the researcher applies the strategy in order to overcome the


3) Observation

The researcher observes the situation of the environment and tries to

analyze the data. The researcher analyzes the data by doing analysis which is


4) Reflection

After having the result from data analysis, the researcher tries to reflect

what have done by the objects and prepare the next action for the next cycle.

c. The Characteristics of Action Research

Hinchey (2008) states that there are four essential characteristics of action

research (p. 4). The characteristics of action research are:

1) The research is conducted by people who belong to the community rather

than by the outsider, for examples the school members or the teachers.

2) The research focuses on the improvement or better understanding in a

certain level or material depends on the researcher.

3) The research involves some processes to solve the problem. The processes

are information gathering, analysis and reflection.

4) The research consists of some cycles in the process of finding the result.

It means that action research has some processes and cycles in order to

find the result. It is conducted by the insider in the community and focuses on the

improvement in a certain level or material. The researcher can decide the area of


B. Theoretical Framework

In theoretical framework, the researcher tried to relate the theory and this

research. Ralmes (1983) states, writing can teach the students to learn about

grammar, idiom and vocabulary that have been taught by the teacher (as cited in

Hyland, K and Hyland, F, 2006, p.3). By writing some sentences, students can

practice how to make sentences with an appropriate grammar. By understanding

grammar of the language, the students are able to understand the meaning of the

language. This is the important thing why the students should learn to write.

The researcher chose two processes of writing according to Tiedt (1989).

The first process is students learn to write by reading and the second is writing can

be taught. In those processes the students and the teacher analyzed the text and

discussed the text together. This research used genre-based approach as the

approach to write. The students learn from the model of the text, discuss the text

with the teacher and try to construct their own text by writing different text.

The XD students of SMAN 1 Depok had difficulties in writing narrative

can improve their language accuracy” (as cited in Hyland, K and Hyland, F, 2006,

p.4). The kind of feedback which will be given is teacher‟s feedback. The forms


The researcher conducted Classroom Action Research (CAR) in order to

implement the use of feedback in narrative writing. According to Kemmis and

McTaggart (1988), as cited by Burns (1999: 32), there are four steps to do Action

Research. Those steps are planning, action, observation and reflection.

The researcher referred some theories while conducting the research. The

researcher asked the students to write narrative texts after that the researcher

examined the students‟ drafts. The researcher focused on the simple past tense

form used by the students. The researcher gave feedback in a form of comments,

error analysis and suggestions. Then, the researcher returned the drafts and asked

the students to write new narrative texts.

The students‟ accuracy of simple past tense would improve because

according to Lewis (2002: 3-4), there are five purposes of feedback. They are 1)

feedback provides information for teachers and students, 2) feedback provides

students with advice about learning, 3) feedback provides students with language

input, 4) feedback is a form of motivation and 5) feedback can lead students

towards autonomy. Therefore, the researcher used feedback to improve the




In this chapter, the researcher would like to present a description of

research method. They are research method, research setting and participants,

research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique and

research procedure.

A. Research Method

The study employed Classroom Action Research (CAR) as the method.

This method was used in order to answer the research problem which was how

can the tenth graders‟ grammar accuracy of simple past tense in narrative writing

be improved in SMAN 1 Depok.

Mills (2007), as cited by Mertler (2009, p.4) points out that

Action research is defined as any systematic inquiry conducted by teachers, administrators, counselors, or others with a vested interest in the teaching and learning process or environment for the purpose of gathering information about how their particular school operate, how they teach and how their students learn.

From the definition above, action research is a research which is done by

people in order to find the solution of the problem by gathering and analyzing the

data. According to Kemmis and McTaggart (1988), as cited by Burns (1999,

p.32), there are four steps to do Action Research. Those steps are planning, action,

observation and reflection. The steps were used and they formed cycles as

presented as follows.


Figure 3.1 The Planning-Reflection Cycle (Kemmis and McTaggart, 1988)

1. Planning

The researcher found the problem when she did Internship Program

(Program Pengalaman Lapangan) in SMAN 1 Depok. Then, the researcher did

preliminary study to make sure the problem faced by the students. The researcher

started making plan after knowing the students‟ problems. The plan was giving

feedback on the students‟ drafts. The researcher planned to give feedback in order

to remind and correct students‟ errors while using the simple past tense in the

narrative writing.

2. Action

The researcher taught the students in the class about the generic structure

of narrative texts. After that, the researcher asked them to write one paragraph of

narrative texts. The paragraph consisted of ten sentences. They were given 50


their works and corrected the students‟ drafts at home. The researcher gave

feedback on the students‟ drafts by giving some comments and corrections at

home. In the next meeting, the researcher asked the students to revise their

students‟ drafts which had been given feedback by the researcher and submitted it.

Then, they were asked to write new narrative texts.

3. Observation

The researcher did the observation and the action in the same time. She

observed the students in the class especially when they wrote narrative texts. The

researcher was helped by the two observers. They helped the researcher to observe

the students and the class situation during the implementation.

4. Reflection

In this step, the researcher tried to analyze data. The researcher analyzed

the data by checking the students‟ writing products. The researcher examined their

works one by one. By doing that, the researcher could know the students‟ errors

especially in simple past tense. After having the results from the students‟ drafts,

the researcher tried to reflect whether the implementation worked well or not.

After that, the researcher prepared the next action for the next cycle.

B. Research Setting

The research was conducted in XD class SMAN 1 Depok. The researcher

gave a material about narrative texts and asked the students to write narrative


writing products in a form of corrections, comments or suggestion. After that, the

students were asked to revise their writing products and wrote new narrative texts.

C. Research Participants

The subjects were the students of XD of SMAN 1 Depok in the 2011/2012

academic year. There were thirty six students in the class. There were 28 girls and

8 boys in XD class. Some students had difficulties in understanding grammar and

writing narrative texts using simple past tense. As mentioned in the research

objective, the researcher intended to improve the tenth graders‟ grammar accuracy

of simple past tense in narrative writing. Besides, the researcher asked two

persons as observers to help the researcher observing the research in the


D. Research Instruments

There were five kinds of instruments used in this research. Those

instruments were observation sheet, questionnaire, interview, students‟ draft and

field note.

1. Students‟ draft

This was the main source of the data. The researcher analyzed the data by

checking the students‟ drafts. The researcher examined their works one by one.

Besides, the researcher counted the grammatical errors (simple past tense errors)


2. Observation Sheet

Observation sheet in this study was assigned to gather some data when the

researcher conducted the implementation. By using observation sheet, the

researcher could identify the students‟ behavior in the class. Besides, the

researcher could gather data and explain descriptively and systematically by using

the observation sheet.

3. Field Note

Field note helped the researcher to figure out the detail situation and

students‟ behavior during the classroom. The researcher was helped by two

observers who observed the situation in the classroom during the implementation.

4. Questionnaire

The researcher used questionnaire to gather the data. The aim of this

instrument was to know students‟ opinions about the function of feedback. From

the questionnaire, the researcher could obtain information whether the feedback

helped the students or not in improving the students‟ grammar accuracy of simple

past tense in narrative writing. The questions were in the form of closed-ended

questions and open-ended questions.

5. Interview

The researcher took six students randomly to be interviewed. The

researcher asked some questions about the use of feedback. From the interview

result, the researcher could obtain the deeper information whether the feedback


past tense in narrative writing. The interview was held outside the class after the


E. Data Gathering Technique

The researcher obtained the data by evaluating the students‟ writing

products from the preliminary study until the second cycle. The researcher

counted the students‟ errors of simple past tense in each sentence and gave scores

for their writing products. It aimed to figure out whether the teacher‟s feedback

could improve the students‟ accuracy of simple past tense in narrative writing or


The second instrument was observation sheet. The researcher was helped

by two observers to observe the situation in the classroom during the

implementation. From the observation sheet, the researcher could figure out what

happened in the teaching learning process.

The next instrument was field note. The field note described the real

situation and students‟ behavior in detail during the implementation. From field

note, the researcher could figure out what things the researcher did not see during

the implementation.

The researcher also used questionnaire as the instrument. The

questionnaire was distributed to the students in the end of the second cycle. It

aimed to obtain the students‟ opinions about the use of teacher‟s feedback to


The last instrument was interview. The researcher did the interview

outside the class after the implementation. The researcher took six students

randomly to be interviewed. The researcher did interview to gain deeper

information about the students‟ feelings, suggestions or opinions during the

implementation. Besides, the researcher intended to figure out the students‟

opinions whether the teacher‟s feedback could help them improving their

accuracy of simple past tense in narrative writing or not.

F. Data Analysis Technique

The researcher asked the students to submit their writing products in each

cycle and analyzed them at home. The researcher used scoring criteria from LKS


researcher could gain the information whether the feedback helped the students or

not in improving students‟ grammar accuracy of simple past tense. The researcher

would analyze the data in percentage, and score description.

There were 2 criteria of successful in this research:

1. The students‟ error percentage of simple past tense decreased from

preliminary study until second cycle.

2. More than half of the students in the class could pass the KKM (Kriteria

Ketuntasan Minimal) which was 6.5.

G. Research Procedure

The researcher conducted Classroom Action Research. The research was

conducted in XD class SMAN 1 Depok. There were 36 students in XD and all of

them joined the research from the preliminary study until the second cycle. There

were two cycles in the research. The first cycle was conducted on May 9, 2012

and the second cycle was conducted on May 16, 2012. Before implementation, the

researcher conducted preliminary study on May 2, 2012.

The researcher found the problem when she did Internship Program

(Program Pengalaman Lapangan) in SMAN 1 Depok after that she did

preliminary study on May 2, 2012 to make sure the problem faced by the students.

After that, the researcher started making plan to solve the students‟ problems.

The researcher conducted the first cycle on May 9, 2012. The researcher

returned the students‟ writing products which had been given feedback by the


students to submit their revisions. After that, the researcher asked the students to

write new narrative texts and they had to submit them in the end of the class. The

researcher checked and analyzed the students‟ writing products at home. The

researcher also gave feedback in a form of corrections, comments, suggestions by

circling and marking the students‟ writing products.

The second cycle was held on May 16, 2012. The researcher returned the

students‟ writing products which they have written in the first cycle. The

researcher had given feedback in the students‟ writing products such as

corrections, comments or suggestions. Then, the researcher asked them to revise

and submit their writing products. After that, the researcher asked the students to

write new narrative texts and submit them in the end of the class. In the end of

second cycle, the researcher also asked the students to fill questionnaire to obtain




This chapter presents the research process, the research results and other

findings. The findings were taken from the students‟ writing drafts analysis,

questionnaire analysis and interview analysis. The researcher conducted two cycles

and each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation and reflection.

The researcher conducted Classroom Action Research. There were two cycles

in the research. The first cycle was conducted on May 9, 2012 and the second cycle

was conducted on May 16, 2012. Before the implementation, the researcher

conducted preliminary study on May 2, 2012. The research was conducted in XD

class SMAN 1 Depok Babarsari. There were 36 students in XD and all of them joined

the research from the preliminary study until the second cycle.

A. Research Process

In this step, the researcher would like to answer the research problem of this

study. The research problem of this study is how teacher‟s feedback can improve the

tenth grade students‟ grammar accuracy of simple past tense in narrative writing. In

order to answer the research problem, the researcher provided the improvement of the

students‟ accuracy of simple past tense in a percentage form. The researcher asked the

students to write narrative texts from preliminary study until the second cycle and

analyzed their writing products by giving feedback and score.


The researcher improved the students‟ accuracy of simple past in narrative

writing by giving teacher‟ feedback on the students‟ drafts over period of time. The

researcher gave written feedback regularly on the students‟ drafts from preliminary

study until second cycle. There was good improvement of students‟ accuracy of

simple past tense. The students‟ errors of simple past tense decreased and they

obtained better score.

The researcher did preliminary study in order to make sure the problem faced

by the students. In the preliminary study, the researcher asked the students to write

one paragraph of narrative text which consisted of ten sentences. After that, the

researcher analyzed the students‟ writing products at home. The researcher checked

the students‟ writing products by giving feedback. The researcher gave feedback in a

form of corrections, comments, suggestions by circling and marking on the students‟

writing products.

The researcher conducted the first cycle on May 9, 2012. The researcher

returned the students‟ writing products which had been given feedback by the

researcher and asked them to revise it. Then, the researcher asked the students to

submit their revisions. After that, the researcher asked the students to write new

narrative texts and they had to submit them in the end of the class. The researcher

checked and analyzed the students‟ writing products at home. The researcher gave

feedback in a form of corrections, comments, suggestions by circling and marking the


The second cycle was held on May 16, 2012. The researcher returned the

students‟ writing products which they had written in the first cycle. The researcher

had given feedback in the students‟ writing products such as corrections, comments

or suggestions. Then, the researcher asked them to revise and submit their writing

products. After that, the researcher asked the students to write new narrative texts and

submit them in the end of the class. The complete explanation about the research

process would be explained in the next part.

1. Preliminary Study

The researcher did preliminary study on May 2, 2012 in XD class SMAN 1

Depok, Babarsari. There were 36 students who joined the class. The researcher taught

them as a teacher. In the beginning, the researcher greeted them and checked the

attendance list. The students were happy to meet the researcher because the

researcher was the practice teacher in that class when she did Internship Program

(Program Pengalaman Lapangan).

The time allocation was 90 minutes. For warming up, the researcher asked the

students to make sentences randomly. They wrote whatever came to their mind at that

time in 3 minutes. After that, together they counted the sentences they had written.

Students who wrote the most sentences won a reward from the researcher. There were

3 students who wrote 8 sentences in 3 minutes and they obtained some snacks from

the researcher as a reward. The purpose of this activity was to make the students feel


The next activity was recalling the students‟ memories about the generic

structure of narrative text. The researcher intended to make sure whether the students

still remember the generic structure of narrative text or not because they had the same

material in the first semester. The researcher asked the students to make a group of 3

or 4. After that, they were given jumbled paragraphs. They were asked to arrange the

paragraphs into good texts. In this activity the students were very active. After that,

the students were asked to discuss the generic structure of the texts and decide what

type of text it was. Here, some groups could answer the question but some groups

were passive.

Observer A wrote:

“The students were very active and everybody took a part in arranging the jumbled paragraph. Everybody wanted to arrange the text as soon as possible. However, when the teacher asked them to discuss the generic structure of the text and decide what type of text, some groups could answer and some of them could not answer the question.” (The field notes of preliminary study, see appendix 5)

After that, the researcher and the students discussed the question together. The

researcher also provided some slides about narrative texts such as the definition of

narrative text, the purposes of narrative text and the language features of narrative

text. The researcher did that activity because she wanted to match the students‟

knowledge of narrative text.

Having some understanding about narrative text, the researcher asked the


employed picture series as the media to help the students to find the idea of their

writing. The researcher gave 50 minutes to the students to finish their writing. In this

activity, the students were very serious in writing narrative texts. They had great

enthusiasm to write narrative texts. Sometimes, the students asked the researcher

some vocabularies and the researcher helped them. At the end of the class, the

researcher asked the students to submit their writing products then the students could

go home.

The percentage of error in the students‟ writing draft was counted using the

formula below:

X= N x 100% 10

Note: X= the error percentage in the students‟ writing

N= the number of wrong sentences that the students had made

10= the maximal sentences that the students had mad (the requirement)

The researcher analyzed the students‟ writing products outside the class and

returned them in the next cycle. The table below was the result of their writing


Table 4.1 The Result of Students’ Writing Product in the Preliminary Study


It could be seen from the table 4.1 the students made a lot of errors in writing

narrative especially the use of simple past tense. From the table 4.1, the average of the

students‟ errors in simple past tense was 56%. The average of their score was 6. 65.

The KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) in SMAN 1 Depok Babarsari is 6.5. There

were 18 students from 36 students who failed to pass the KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan

Minimal) in preliminary study. It means that half of the class got low scores in

writing narrative.

There were many errors of simple past tense in the students‟ writing products.

These are the examples of students‟ errors of simple past tense from their writing

The fourth and fifth sentences were inappropriate sentences. The students

should use irregular verb because not all of the verbs can be added by –ed. The verbs


Table 4.1. The Result of Students‟ Writing Product in the Preliminary
Figure 4.1 The Improvement of Students‟ Score (Class Average).......         67
Figure 2.1. The Planning-Reflection Cycle (Kemmis and McTaggart, 1988)
Figure 3.1 The Planning-Reflection Cycle


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