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Submitted to the Board o f Examiners in Partial Fulfillment

o f the Requirements for the Degree o f Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

in the English and Education Department


NIM. 113 01 054





Website : www.stainsalatiga.ac.id E-m ail: administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id



Dengan penuh kejujuran dan tanggung jawab, penulis menyatakan bahwa

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Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata terdapat materi atau pikiran-pikiran

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Demikian deklarasi ini dibuat oleh peneliti untuk dapat dimaklumi.

Salatiga, 31 Januari 2006





Dr. H. Muh. Saerozi, M.Ag

The Lecturer o f Education Faculty

State Islamic Studies Institute o f Salatiga


Case : Siti Nurmarheni’s Thesis Salatiga. January 31a 2006


The Head o f State Islamic

Studies Institute of Salatiga

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Siti Nurmarheni’s thesis entitled “THE CONCEPT



like to propose that if it could be accepted by the educational faculty. I hope it

would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Assistant consultant Consultant

Hammam. S.Pd NIP. 150 301 293

Dr. H. Muh. Saerozi. M.Ag NIP. 1500247014



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NIM. 113 01 054

Has been brought to the board of examiners in February 28th, 2006/Muharram 29th

1427 H to completely fulfill the requirement of the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education Department.

Salatiga, Muharram 29 th,! 427 H February 28 th, 2006 M

Board Examiners

Assistant consultant

Ha mma m. S.Pd NIP. 150 301 298


NIP. 1500247014



education is not everything, 6ut everything can 6e sta rted from


(BeCievers, mahe room in your assem6Cies when you are 6idden to do

so : A dah w id mahe room f o r you. Again, peace up when you are

taCf^to rise : Ahhah w id raise to high ranhy those that have fa ith

an d hnowCedge among you. He is cognizant o f a d you r action. (Ah


This thesis is whole heatedly dedicated to :

- My beloved Dad and Mom, Mr. Sunardi and Mrs. Siti Rochmiati, I really love

you. Thanks for your true love, “Nothing gonna change my love for you”.

- My beloved brother Heri, I love you so much !! I hope you to be a good

moslem, do the best for your future.

- The big family of KAMMI and LDK

- The big family of PM. Walisongo, Safira, and Zamrud.

- My prospective husband.


9. Mrs. Idah oktaviani, thanks for your helps.

10. My best friends dik Udin and Cinul, thanks for your suggestion and

motivation for me.

11. Mami Susi, Mimit, Umi, Siti, Mbak Dewi, Mbak Yani, Mbak ella,Uungs,

Asri, Idatul, Burhan, And Amin, do not forget our friendship. I love you all so


12. Anik, Hanik, and Masruri, you are my favorite friends in Sahabat comp,

thanks for your kidding.

13. All my friends in LDK and KAMMI

14. All of my friends in TBI A and B 2001.

15. Pak Yuli thanks for your help to type my thesis

16. All people who help me, that I cannot mention one by one

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect and

still needs many improvements therefore all suggestions and criticisms for

perfection will be welcome and received with gratitude. However the writer hopes

that this will give useful significance for readers

Salatiga, 31s1 January 2006

Siti Nurmarhenii 11301054


Alhamdulillahirabbiralamin, in the name of Allah the Lord of the

universe, because of Him the writer could complete this thesis as one of the

requirements for getting Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Department

of Educational Faculty of State Islamic studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in 2006.

However, this success would not be achieved without supports, guidances,

advice, helps and encouragements from individuals and institutions, therefore, let

him say thanks to :

1. Drs. Badwan, M.Ag, the Head of State Islamic studies Institute (STAIN) of


2. Drs. Sa’adi, M.Ag, the head master of English Department.

3. Dr. Moh. Saerozi M.Ag. and Hammam,S.Pd.,as my consultants thanks for

your kindness to guide in finished the writer thesis.

4. All of lectures in English department, thanks for your lesson, support, and

knowledge for me.

5. My beloved mother and father, who have taught me everything, facilitated me,

I really love you, may God bless you.

6. All of my teachers in PM. Walisongo, Safira, and Zamrud.

7. My younger brother Heri, I love you so much.

8. Mrs. Wida and her husband thanks for your suggestions, motivations, and




Title Page... i

Deklarasi... ii

Attentive Counselor... iii

Certification P age... iv

Motto ... v

Dedication ... vi

Acknowledgement... vii

Table of Content... ... ix

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study... 1

B. Identification of the Problems... 4

C. Limitation of the Problem... 4

D. The Statement of the Problem... 5

E. Objective of the Study... 5

F. Benefits of the Study... 5

G. Definition of Terms... 6

H. Research Methodology... 7

I. Literature Review... 8

J. The Out Line of Thesis... 9


B. The Principles of Muhammad Teaching... 15

C. The Characteristic of Teacher Based on Muhammad

Teaching... 29

D. The Method of Education Based on Muhammad

Teaching... 33


A. The Ethic Between Student and Teacher in

Mohammed’s Teaching... 39

B. The Student’s Obligation... ... 51


A. The Teaching Learning Process by Muhammad... 58

B. The Concept to Reform and Reconstruct the Future

Education... 65


A. Conclusion ... 74

B. Suggestion... 75






A. Background of the Study

Education is important in our life. It means the process to learn

unknown to be known. Education is identical with formal education, or

popular on school. Whereas it was not only formal system but also informal


Another opinion says education also means one process with one

method, so people obtain about knowledge, comprehension and the manner

attitude with what they need.1 It means the process of learn used one method,

after that the students have knowledge what they want. Basically, it means the

process to increase knowledge and comprehension about science and to

change the attitude to be well. Usually the term is applied to formal institution.

If someone says about education, spontaneously the orientation is formal

education from elementary school until university. It is the structure of

institution from this teaching-learning process or process education started, so

it can result the wanted purpose.

There are many institutions in education, such as state owned

education, private education, etc. It moves in teaching learning process to

make the future generation have good quality. Since the fate of country in

future definite as quality of society, to surpass this problem, the government *

'Muhibbin Syah. 1997. Psikologi Pendidikan dengan Pendekatan Baru. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.Page 10


establishes nine years program compulsory education or popular with wajar

sembilan tahun. The purpose of this program is to avoid Indonesian society

from illiterated comunitiy.

Method is one of important point in education process. It is needed in

teaching learning process to manage the way to teach. This country

(Indonesia) uses CBSA method (Curriculum Base of Students Active) last

years. This method tries to make the students active in teaching learning

process. It demands the students to be active and be autonomous. As this

country uses CBC method or competence - based curriculum. It is the new

method. This method focuses on the competence of student. The teacher has

duty to guide their students to develop their competence.

The two systems above basically, show the interaction among the

students and teachers. Here the teachers are demanded to have vision, so they

can describe the people who resulted. Vision is needed in order that education

can continue and significant all of changing in the future, so the people who

resulted have readiness in the facing challenge and be able to anticipate.2 3

People establish a theory found in the basic of the society condition where

they live and face the problem . So, there are many theories which establish

not perfect. The people find one theory contradicts with one and another. It is

fact in modem management.

2H.A. Malik Fadjar. 1998. Visi Pembaharuan Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: CV. Alfa Grafikatama. Page 212




Now, maybe it is the moment to return to Allah and his prophet. Since

the fact, all of theory in this world can not answer the problems nowday. As a

perfect method and include all of aspects in life, Islam as method has mutual

eternal foundation. It has a concept of education. In sura Al Alaq Allah

commands people to look for knowledge. By saying :


“Read in the name o f your lord who created, created man from clots o f congealed blood. Read! Your lord is the most Bountiful one, who thought by the pen, thought man what he did not know. Indeed, man transgresses in thinking himself self-sufficient, verily to your lord is the return. Have you seen the man who forbids a servant when he prays, have you seen i f he follows the right guidance or enjoins piety?'1'1

Think : i f he denies the truth and gives to head, does he not know that Allah observes all things?

Let him desist, or we will drag him by the forelock, his lying sinful forelock. Then let him call his helpmates, We, in our turn, will can the angels o f punishment. No, never obey him! Postdate your self and come nearer /”

The concept of management in education or interaction method in

teaching learning process can be adapted from the history of prophet. How the

prophet Muhammad taught his companions, Allah says in Al Ahzaab 21

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The writer is interested in conducting a research about the concept of

education based on the history of prophet, because the fact indicates how

important this problem is.

By conducting this research, the writer hopes that scientific

development, especially the education will increase well. Later it is hoped that

a clear understanding of Islamic concept of education will be a motivation for

teachers as guidance to teach their students.

B. Identification of the Problems

To make the topic easier, the writer proposes some identification

about the problem are as follows :

1. Method in teaching learning process is very important because it can

determine the result of education process.

2. Teacher has great duty to lead and to guide their students because they

have great role to make the teaching learning success or not.

3. The concept of education based on the history of prophet is one concept

which can answer the future education challenge.

C. Limitation of the Problem

To avoid the mistake in understanding this research the writer will

limit the problems are as follows :

1. The concept of education based on the history of prophet especially



2. The values of the history of prophet are important in reforming and

reconstructing Islamic education.

D. The Statement of the Problem

The statement of the problem is used to make emphasis of this

research. It is intended to overcome bias in the study of this graduating paper.

The researcher raises questions are as follows :

1. How is the concept of education based on the history of prophet ?

2. How is the concept of ideal teacher ?

3. How far is the concept of education based on the history of prophet can

reconstruct the future of education ?

E. Objective of the Study

1. To find out the concept of education based on the history of prophet.

2. To find out the concept of ideal teacher.

3. To find out the concept of education based on the history of prophet to

construct of the future education.

F. Benefits of the Study 1. Theoretical benefit

It is useful to contribute scientific development, especially of


2. Practical benefit

A clear understanding of education based on the history of prophet

will become a motivation and a guidance for educator in interaction with

their students in teaching learning process to produce a good generation.

G. Definition of Terms 1. The Concept

Concept is an idea underlying a class of thing for generation.4 It

also means the idea or definition which is abstracted based on the concrete


2. Education

Education means a conscious effort to realize process and

condition of learning in order to produce learners who can develop their

potential in getting spiritual force, self-control, behavior intelligence and

skill which is needed by themselves, society and nation.6 7 * And it also

means a systematic training and instruction, especially of the young in

7 school, college, etc.

3. The prophet history

According to A1 Ghadhbaan he explains that the history of prophet

means the history of prophet that since from he was revealed until he died,

4 AS Hornby. 1974. Oxford Advanced Dictionary. London: Oxford University Press of Concern English. Page 347

5 Ibid. Page 86

6Ibid. Page 277



the disciples of life and the spreading of Islam in this period. In addition

according to Fairuz Abadi the history of prophet means the tradition, role

system, all of condition and current all of it the purpose to imitate.Q

4. Reforming

Reforming means become or make better in behavior or improve

and also means change or improvement in a law or social system."

5. Reconstructing

Reconstructing means build or put together.11

H. Research Methodology 1. The kind of research

To collect the data about the concept of education based on the

prophet's history, the writer uses the library research.

2. Method of collect data

The writer devides the data sources in two parts :

a. Primary source

The primary data source is the data which is used in the

research directly, the writer uses the Qur'an, hadits and book entitled

“Sekolah Unggulan Berbasis Siroh Nabawiyah” by Nawwal Ath

Thuwairaqi, also “Siroh Nabawiyah” by Syaikh Shafiyyurahman Ai

Mubarokfury. * 0 *

sNawawi Ath Thuwairoqi. Op. Cit. Page 21

'ibid. Page 21

l0AS Homby. Op. Cit. Page 347


b. Secondary source

The secondary data source which supports and completes the

primary data source, for example books, journals, magazines, etc.

3. Method of analysis

a. Descriptive analysis

It is trial to collect the data to construct, to analyze and interpret

the data having been obtained.

b. Critical method

It will uncover the thought of the history of prophet concept of

education, to formulate or reconstruct the Islamic education in

contemporary era.

I. Literature Review

To find specific aspect of this research different from previous ones,

the writer here lists some building of others.

The writer found many research on literature such as Titik Naziatul

Muniroh. Her thesis entitled : “Towards Reposition o f Understanding the

Islamic Educational Concept in the Global Era (A Study o f Ghozalian

Thought in the Chapter o f Knowledge o f Ihya' Ulumuddin). She writes the

position of student and teacher in teaching learning process. The student must

regard or follow the instruction from their teacher. Her thesis focuses on the

interaction attitude between the student and the teacher in teaching learning



In another research, the writer found the thesis entitled “Emotional and

Spiritual Intelligence and Effort to Construct Future Education ” by Sugiman.

His thesis show the concept of education based on emotional and spiritual

intelligence. Further “Ibnu Qoyyim Al Jauziyah ’s Concept o f Faith Education,

its Influence Towards Morality" by Amir Choirudin. His thesis focuses on

faith education and morality. He writes that faith education can influence


The last literature entitled “The Influence o f Education System o f

Ikhwanul Muslimin Towards Moslem Personality Building" by Fauzan

Anwar. His thesis focuses on Ikhwanul Muslimin concept of education. He

also writes the verses which match with education system of Ikhwanul

Muslimin to make Moslem personality building.

J. The Out Line of Thesis

In order to make this paper is easy to understand, the writer uses the

following system of presentation as follows :

Chapter I is introduction which contains the background of the study,

identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, the statement of the

problem, objective of the study, benefit of the study, definition of terms,

research methodology, literature review, the out line of thesis.

Chapter II is Muhammad as a teacher which contains the purpose of

Muhammad teaching, the principles of education based on Muhammad

teaching. The characteristic of teacher based on Muhammad teaching, and the


Chapter Illis the students of Muhammad which contains the ethic

between student and teacher based on Muhammad teaching, and the obligation

of student.

Chapter IV is the analysis of education based on the prophet history to

reform and reconstmct the future education which contains the teaching

learning process by Muhammad, and strategy to reform and reconstruct the

future education.

Chapter V is the closure which contains the conclusion and





In this chapter, the writer is going to talk about Muhammad as a teacher. It

contains the purpose of Muhammad teaching, the principles of Muhammad

teaching, the characteristic of teacher based on Muhammad teaching, and the

method of education based on Muhammad teaching.

A. The Purpose of Muhammad Teaching

Etymologically, the word purpose means a direction of purposing and

bowing, in terminology it means something is expected or will be reached

after an attempt or an activity finished. For that reason, the purpose of

education means a changing that is hoped for students after they are gaining

experience from education processes. The processes of this education can

shape attitude, life, society, and nature of the human life.1

According to Brubacher, quoted by Achmadi in his book “//mw

Pendidikan Islam” suggested that function of the education aims as follows :

1. Giving the direction of the educational process. The first step which has

be done in the process of education is to determine the aim of education,

without any exact purpose all of education activities will loses the

direction and have possibility to be fail.

1 Achmadi. 1992. Islam sebagai Paradigma Ilmu Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Aditya Media, page 59


2. Giving motivation in the educational activities, as the basic of the aim of

education, it is the value which intended or will be reached and

internalized in the children or the subjects.

3. The aim of education is the criteria or the measurement of educational



According to Ahmad D. Marimba in his book “Pengantar Filsafat

Pendidikan Islam”, that there are four functions of educational purposes;

explained the final result, directional result in the first purpose will bom the

other purposes and the last giving mark (attitude) in this attempt.2 3

After knowing the function of the purposes, it can determine the

direction to get the last result that is wanted. In formulating the Islamic

education’s purpose should appropriate with the creation of people in the

world. According to Omar Muhammad Attoumy Asy Syaebani, the purpose of

Islamic education has four basic points, in the following :

1. The characteristic involves religiousness and morality'.

2. The universal characteristic includes all of student’s personal aspects and

all of aspects that develop in society.

3. The characteristic of balancing without any contradictions between

component and the role of realization.

2 Ibid page 60


4. The realistic characteristic be able to apply changing of attitude and give

priority to the role of life. Considering the differences among individual

society, culture, the ability to change and develop if it is needed.'

The people know that the sources of Islam are the Qur'an and hadist

Actually, the Qur’an has explained all of aspects in human life, include the

aspect of education. The purpose of education in the Qur'an as follow s

1. The purpose of education introduces people about the roles among the

others and the personal responsible in their life

2. The purpose introduces people about the social interacnon and the

responsibility in their life.

3. The purpose introduces people about this nature, invites them to

understand the purpose of the creating to giving possibility to take the

benefit of it.

4. The purpose introduces people about the creator of the world (Allah t and

commands them to act of devotion for God.

The purpose of Muhammad teaching is similar with the purpose of

education in the Quran, because Muhammad is the messenger of God that is

obligated for him to act the concept of the Quran in the world. Four purposes

of education in the Qur’an can be understood that first from three purposes

are the medium in getting the last purpose that is to knowing of Allah or

m a’rifatullah. It is clear that the first purpose of Islamic education is 4 *

4 Achmadi. op. cit. page 61


ma'rifatullah and obey to Him. Besides understanding themselves, society

and nature are medium in ma 'rifatullah.

In world’s conference about Islamic education in 1977 had been

formulated that the purposes of education aim at the balanced growth of the

total personality on man through the training of man’s spirit, intellect, feeling

and body sense. Education should be cover the growth of man in all aspects,

both the individually and the attainment of perfection. The ultimate aim

Islamic education lies in the realization of complete submission to Allah on

the level of the individual, the community of human at large (first world

conference on Moslem education, 1977).6

If the people correlate some formulations above with the Qur'an and

hadist, it can be found the purpose of Islamic education as follows :

1. Growing or developing obedience of God. As Allah said in Ali Imron :

102. (Believers, fear Allah as you rightly should, and do not die expect as


2. Growing the spirit and attitude in order always perform their self to god.

Like Adzariyat 56 (I only created mankind and the jinn that they might

worship me.

3. Building and increasing akhlakul karimah or good character such as the

prophet said, “I was delegated by Allah is to complete good attitude.”

(HR. Bukhori)


4. Growing scientific awareness by researching human activity, universe, and

the life of Allah’s creature.

General purpose of education is divided into three parts, that are

general purpose, temporary purpose and the final purpose. Prominent purpose

is the purpose that will be reached with all of actions in teaching learning

process or with the other role. Temporary purpose is the purpose that will be

reached after the student is given some experiences that is planned in a

curriculum. The final purpose is the purpose which wanted in order to create

students become perfect human (insan kamil).

According to Imam A1 Ghozali, the purposes of Islamic education can

be divided in two points, such as :

1. To form the perfect human that obey their God

2. To form the perfect human to get the happiness of life in the world and in

the hereafter.7 *

The same statements said by Ibn Kaldun, stated that the purposes of

education were divided into two aspects. The first purpose is hereafter

orientation, it will create human who have good attention to their obligation to

God. The second, it is world orientation to make people who have ability to


face this life and give benefits for others.

B. The Principles of Muhammad Teaching

The prophet is a real good model of education. He taught Islamic

society in Macca and Madina. Besides, he taught the law problems of their

7 Armai Arief. op. cit. page 22 s Ibid, page 23


life, and also taught the life value noble, haah or honorable self and

responsibility in their obligation to prorogate the religion.9

Rasulullah was a great teacher. He had the great education method and

pays attention to all of aspects that is needed by the children. Rasulullah

commanded that discursion about people must be adjusted with their capacity.

Islam teacher mankind to pay attention about the different capacity of

students, not only paying of attention but also temperament, readiness, and

character of students. 10 *

Rasulullah taught the mankind some basic principles and methods in

teaching learning process. Basic principles in education is centered in two

kinds, bound principles and remembrance principles.11 The bound principles

were taught by Rasulullah based on the book entitle “Sekolah Unggulan

berbasis Sir oh Nabawiyah” by Nawwal Ath Thuwairoqi as follows12:

1. Implementing ideal commander character,

a. Patient principle

Rasulullah was very gentleness with his disciples and his

enemy. He had never been angry, as if there are found a neglecting of

God’s laws or an bad action against Islam. A gentleness is a principle

that is used by Rasulullah in his interaction, both with friends and

9 Abdurohman A1 Baydadi. 1996. Sistem Pendidikan Islam di Masn K hilaf ah Islam

Surabaya: A1 Izzah. page 30

10 Abdurrohman An Nahlawi. 1989. Prinsip-Prinsip dan Metode Pendidikan Islam.

Bandung: Darul Fikrs. page 47

"Abdullah Nashih Ulwan. 1999. Pendidikan Anak dalam Islam. Translated by : jamaludin Miri. Jakarta: Pustaka Amani, page

12Nawwaal Ath Thuwairaqi. 2004. Sekolah Unggulan Berbasis Siroh Nabawiyah.



enemies. He succeeded in getting empathy of society. Finally, the

community was getting close their self to him. So, they never willing if

Rasulullah hie by disaster or torture.

It is believed that gentleness is one principle in educational

management. School management is the important faces difference in

school types of people. So it is founded stiff character in speaking or

action. Gentleness principle can build a good social interaction

between institution and teacher, students and people who are

responsible for pupils, and society around.

b. Tawadhu (prescribed ablution) and tolerant

Rasulullah was a life example in tawadhu, modest, sociable,

and tolerant. Indeed, tawadhu character have to conduct in school

management interaction between teachers, officials employees,

administrators and students. It can build love, affection, and

cooperation among them, so they feel that there are one group and

nothing different between them.

c. Husnudzon or good feeling principle

Allah says in the Qur’an, sura A1 Hujurot verses 12


another. Would any o f you like to eat the flesh o f his dead brother? Surely you would loathe it. Have fear ofAllah. He is forgiving and merciful.

This verse forbids human having bad feeling to the others.

Huznudhan is not only limited on honor and privacy, but also on

hearing and seeing. People have to understand the reason why the

people do it. It is a way to love and affect in a society at school.

d. Clarity principle cooperation

This principle is very important in giving certainty to the other

groups that have the differences in mind. So it can create some

hesitance and prejudice. Therefore, the line of vision is clear for all of

people that is included in the process. Every people balances in their

function and also they must understand about their duty and obligation.

e. Forgiveness and tolerant principle

Allah says in the Qur’an sura A1 A’rof verses 199

Show forgiveness, enjoin justice, and avoid the ignorant

In educational world, forgive and tolerant principle must be

implemented. It is important in order they do not demand the other

people to be perfect, because they have different characters. From that

reason, people will put the others appropriate with their thinking,

because it is natural and from god.

Rasulullah taught that the mankind about forgiving principle.



appropriate with their standard of thinking . In one story was explained

that three people come to Rasulullah and they asked the some

questions, but Rasulullah answers this question differently. The reason

is that Rasulullah put them based on their position.

f. Distinct Principle

Many problems need distinction in this realization, especially if

it includes social benefaction. Rasulullah always distincts in their

interaction, either with their disciples or their enemies. It should be

able to draw in people faith. He also commands distinct principle in

giving interaction. The leader must be clear in giving instruction, so it

can be understood and realized easily.

g. Justice principle

Justice in a society is not only focus on one group, but also in

other groups. General justice (Syamil) is not Influenced by family,

friendless, hate and hostility factors. Rasulullah told the justice

principle to Moslem society and the other groups where he left in their

society. He gave priority to social affairs principle in his action. Every

people is not permitted to give priority for individual importance in

their society life. In the other hands, the social affairs should not ignore

the individual affairs, arbitrarily put a side personal basic rights. The

mankind can not held justice, before the individual basic rights have been


h. Agreement fullness principle

This principle is a good character that indicates nobleness,

status and Islamic quality of people. Rasulullah is very serious in

conducting this principle in society life. He always attempts to be

consistent with an agreement that had made.

2. Growing the firmness of friendship motivation

In growing of friendship motivation, Rasulullah had ukhuwah

concept for the mankind. Ukhuwah is a result from deed in a way of God.

The point of ukhuwah is to up right every people based on the similarity of

faith among them. Ukhuwah has result hoped in the world and here after.

Rasulullah gave ukhuwah education for his disciples, and

commanded to realize this concept. He said

bA1 Fatah Abu Ghuddah. 1997. 40 Strategi Pembelajaran Rasulullah Translated by Sumedi and Umi Baroroh. Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana, page 112



From the hadits above, explains that ukhuwah Islamiyah and love

are eternal in the world and hereafter. There are some points to grow

friendship or ukhuwah, as follows :

a. Mutual advice and competitive motivation principle

An advice influences people spirit more over. If it is said with

smote, honest and love. It will grow strong relation among people.

Rasulullah used this principle in his life. He gave advice for his

disciples and received advice from others.

The protecting ukhuwah among people, they have to motivate

each others in goodness. Competition must have among people, if it

can rise hidden ability in every people. Rasulullah explained that

competition will bring benefit for them, so Rasulullah growth

motivation for them to finishing their works. Therefore, the mankind

are hoped to have an ability in helping motivation among them it will

be more good.

b. Relationship and aid principle

Relationship principle contains togetherness motivation or ruh

jama 'ah, that makes people strength and confidence in their

togetherness. It also develops the personal character, train, relation

and adds the spirit in doing their job.

Relation principle grows feeling to help among them.

Rasulullah attempted to make condition with love and understanding



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Do not allow your hatredfor those who would debar your from the holy mosque to lead you into sin. Help one another in what is good and pious, not in what is wicked and sinful. Have fear o f Allah, fo r He s stern in retribution.

c. Loving devotion principle

Love grows from aqidah Islamiah or faith will unify Moslem

society. It is very importance to build Islamic society. It can make

good relation among them.

d. Regardless principle

Allah regards human since, they are created. He commands

angel to admit for them and makes them kholifah fil ardh or the leader

of the world, but it must be protected by themselves regarding to

others. It has positive influence in building good relationship among


Rasulullah asked the mankind to use the regarding principles in

Moslem society. He succeeded attracting the disciple’s love by

starting from regardless principle than growing tolerant character.

e. Charity principle and giving a good news because of goodness

Human must pay attention to all of conditions and the



social interaction. Rasulullah is very serious in implementing this

principles. An example of this principle is giving a good news for the

others. Saying a good news to others can give a good feeling in their

spirit and also giving motivation for them to work hard. This principle

can build conducive condition in developing social interaction in a


f. Loyalty principle

Loyalty is the obligation of members to their leader, as long as

it is not doing wickedness. Rasulullah gave loyalty education to his

disciples. It can build a good communication among them.

g. Philanthropy principle 14

Philanthropy is a good character that is taught in Islam, it

contains an attempting to help the others and to give something

for them in order to get happiness. Philanthropy does not mean

replying one goodness, but gives something for the others. If

every people is conscious to applies this principle, they will live with


3. Exploration trace and effective managerial motivation

The basic principle that is taught by Rasulullah based on the book

entitle “Sekolah Unggulan Berbasis siroh Nabawiyah” by Nawwal Ath

Thuwairoqi, as follows :


a. Exploration of trace principle and regardless of other people ability

Allah creates people with different traces, although they have

similarity in their body. Sometimes this differences is significant and

sometimes is not. From this matter, the mankind can be found the great

law of education that every people must help and tolerant to others.

The difference trace or ability is hoped to fill each other. Therefore, the

differences can be understood to develop the human capability. It is

possible to rise a society’s quality by understanding their trace or

ability to give an appropriate based on their capacity

Rasulullah paid attention seriously to apply this principles in

uniting Islamic society. The key is by exploit people’s trace and guide

them base on their skill. Finally, people’s trace can give optimal

benefit in getting their purpose. For example :



Imam al Bukhori and al Tirmidzi was storied by Khorijah bin Zaid bin T sabit Jrom his father zaid bin Tsabit,he said

“Rasulullah gives command for me to study o f Yahudi Language, he said 1 do not peaceful feeling with my latter. Zaid Father said “Every two weeks 1 study it fo r Rasulullah. He said “After / study it, i f Rasulullah sent letter fo r yahudi he commands me to write this latter, and i f he receives the latter, 1 always read the letter fo r him. Al Tirmizi said “It is hadits hasan shahih. ’’ Al amasy also storiedfrom Tsabit bin Ubaid, from zaid bin Tsabit, he said “Rasulullah commands me to study siryany language. Rasulullah do it, because he looks that Zaid bin Tsabit have trace to understand, remember, and memorize quickly. Furthermore, Rasulullah guides Zaid trace to study

Yahudi language, so it can give benefit for them.

b. Putting people base on their ability and choosing precise leader

To put people in one position needs specific judgment as well

as appropriate with their ability. The purpose is to choose a leader

precisely who accord with the mission. Islam has some criterias in

choosing precise leader, such as; taqwa or good reputation, have

motivation to be loyal for their society, and the other pre requirements

as quality of education (last certificate), training is followed (training

certificate), test and interview. Rasulullah paid attention this procedure

when giving duty for Moslem.

c. Effective managerial motivation

Motivation is an important factor on people changing. Two

points that we can apply to build an ukhuwah, as follows :

1) Material motivation

This motivation has an important part in giving new

motivation to conduct and to finish their job well. This innovation


this case, people can give prize for the best people cause their

succeed. It had known since Rasulullah era. He gave prize for

people who deserve. It becomes great motivation for them to be

sincere in their charitable beside the faith factor to job. 15

2) Immaterial motivation

Immaterial motivation is a factor in around society that can

interest people to fill social life and personal needs. For example a

good saying, that can be able to raise ruh maknawiyah or spirit

motivation, self confidence and a motivation to carry out a job


d. Decisionmaking16

In taking a decision, Rasulullah taught the mankind about

meeting or syuro’ procedure. Allah says in sura A1 Imran verses 159

1 was thanks to Allah's mercy that you dealt so leniently with them. Had you been cruel and hard-hearted, they would have surely deserted you. Therefore, pardon them and implore Allah to forgive them. Take counsel with them in the conduct o f affairs, and when you are resolved, put your trust in Allah. Allah loves those that trust (in Him).

15 Fuad bin Abdul Aziz A1 Syalhub. 2005. Quantum Teaching 38 Langkah Belajar Mengajar EQ Cara Nabi saw. translated by Abu Haekal. Jakarta: Zikrul Hakim, page 61



Many problems can not be decided by a person before having

some arguments, which would carry on opinion in problem solving,

especially if it connected to society’s problem. Rasulullah held syuro’

or meeting either with his disciples or other Moslem in analyzing

problem that correlated with them. There are two important points in

syuro concept, such us; many people say an opinion about one problem

without forcing their opinion and they have a freedom to give their

opinion. In the other hands, the other people also has a freedom in

receiving it.

Rasulullah gave opportunity for his disciples to say an opinion

and to think according with their ijtihad or innovation. He also gave a

freedom to his disciples to agree or disagree with him, and finally

Rasulullah followed majority opinion. The good correlation between

the leader and their member will be found if all of the members use

this principle, so there is no one feel disappointed.

Besides bound principle above, Rasulullah taught about

remembrance principle to correct the student’s mistake. He used good

ways in correcting many mistakes, so the problem maker would not repeat

it again. The basic of remembrance principles which are used by

Rasulullah, as follows:

a. Disapprove principle

People who made a mistake are proceed by given gentleness


them, because makes them getting for and for from rightness and they

would not admit their mistake. Rasulullah reminded people’s mistake

without hard attitude and not looking for their mistakes.

b. Ready to receive complaint

If someone always makes some mistake, they must finish with

an exact procedure, but if the person complaint, the leader must

receive it. The purpose is to give opportunity to correct his/her mistake

in the last time and give him/her new spirit to be better.

Rasulullah apologized small mistakes, received some

complaints and did not wide the problem, so there was not jealous and

pain. Rasulullah received complaint without giving bad impression to

them. In this case, the important points is to regard their deed and to

pay attention to their condition.

c. Mistake forgiveness17

If the leader found people who made some mistakes, complaint

about their problem and explain the reason about it. The best attitude

as receive it and forgive them. Rasulullah taught the mankind that he

always forgives the mistake of Moslem deed.

In teaching learning process, the leader needs clear concept and

exact method. Teaching method influences to make successful in teaching

learning process. The urgent teaching learning process is transferring

science. If teacher able to explain the science belter, their student



possibility will be receive the lesson easier. According to western

literature, there is some methods in teaching learning process, such us;

extracurricular lecture, question and answer, discuss, games and


C. The Characteristic of Teacher Based on Muhammad Teaching

Characteristic is similar with individuality. It means that an individual

authentic character is reflected in attitude and action, than it is making

differentiation in their self and the other.18 According to psychologists’

observation, the principles of characteristic is composition between mental

aspect (mind and feeling) and behavioral aspect (the real action), that has

functional correlation in person, so every people has special character or


Characteristic is an important point that influences the teacher’s

success in teaching learning process. According to Zakiah Darodjat, the kinds

of characteristic that will determine whether they will be good teacher or

destroyer for their students, especially for children.19 Furthermore, every

candidate of teacher or professional teacher is hoped understand about their

characteristic them that will be followed by their students for long time. Henry

Adams said that a teacher effects eternity, he can never tell where his

influence stops.20

1S! Muhibin Syah. op. t i t page 225 19 Ibid page 226


Al Abrosyi said that the teachers in Islamic education is better, if they

have some characteristics, they are as follows :

1. Teacher have to Zuhud, not give priority to material. They teach to get

God’s willingness.

2. Clean of body, teacher performance must be interesting.

3. Clean of spirit.

4. Sincere in teaching.

5. Friendl

6. Consisten between their action and spoken

7. Fair

8. Wise

9. Distinct

10. Low hearted

11. Gentleness

12. Forgives

13. Patient

14. Have good characteristic

15. Confidence

16. Fatherly (they love their students like their children).

17. Teacher understand the characteristic of their student, like gent, habit,

feeling and mind.21



From the explanation above, A1 Abrosyi makes ideal criteria of teacher

in detail. His explanation based on the criteria of perfect Muslim. According

to Mahmud Junus the characteristics that must be had by teachers as follows :

1. Teachers have to love their students

2. Teachers give advice

3. Teachers give warning

4. Teachers forbid their students when they do wrong action.

5. Teachers smart to choose material of lesson appropriate with the step of

student’s mind.

6. Teachers smart to choose material lesson appropriate with environment of

their students.

7. Teachers regard for the other lesson out of their subject

8. Teachers emphasize in thinking and judgment

9. Teachers have to be honest

10. Teachers have to be fair.22

The concept of ideal teacher based on the prophet’s history is not

different from two concepts in the beginning. Although, the teachers do not

have an ability like a prophet, but they are demanded to attempt in getting the

prophet’s characteristic. Since a good teacher is very noble in the world and

hereafter. One Syauki poet said :


^ . V ' " O ' ' w

o ' ^Xt*)i r^

Standup, regard and give an appreciation for your teachers, they are nearly have the sameness with prophet1*

Teachers can make people either excellence or misfortune. They can

influence their students in all time. A good or bad a society there is a teacher’s

role in it. Rasulullah said there are two kinds of human that influence in

destroying people, they are learned people and mischievous people. The best

is a good learned and the worst is a stupid.23 24

The characteristics of teachers are reflected by prophet based on the

book entitle “Mendidik Anak Dalam Islam” by muhammad Nur Abdul Hafizh

as follows:

1. Teachers have gentleness and good character. It is told by Muslim from

Ibnu Abbas r.a. that Rasulullah said to Asyaj Abdul Azis “actually in your

body is found two characters love by God, there are gentleness and good

" character”.

2. Teachers must be friendly and keep away from cruel character. It is told by

Muslim from Aisyah ra. that Rasulullah said “Actually God has friendly

character and loves people who have it’s character and He also gives comfort

for them that does not given cruel people and who have other characters.

3. Teacher must have heart which full of love and affection. It is told by A1

Bazzar told from Ibnu Umar ra. That Rasulullah said “Actually in every

tree has fruit, and the fruit of heart is child. God would not decorate the

23 Athiyah A1 Abrosy. 1970 Dasar-dasar Pokok Pendidikan Islam Translated by Bustami Agani and Djohar Bahry Jakarta: Bulan Bintang. Page 136



mankind life, if they not decorate their child. In the name of Allah where

my soul in His hand, won’t enter the heaven except people who have love

and affection character”.

4. Teachers choose the easier from two problems as long as there is no snide

in it. Aisyah ra said that Rasulullah always choose the easier from two

problems as long as there is no sin in it and if the problem contains of sin,

Rasulullah leaves it. Rasulullah had never taken revenge to all of action

cause of him, but if it about the regardless of Allah, he will take revenge

cause of Allah. (HR. Mutafaq Alaih)

5. Teacher have to flexible

Flexible is the person’s ability to make a decision wisely and not stiffly. It

can make all of affairs easier as long as permitted of Islamic law.

6. Teachers keep a way from anger. Abu Hurairah ra. Told that Rasulullah

said “The courageous is not the winner in fight, but the courageous is who

have ability to hold back heir selves when they are angry”. (HR. Mutafaq


D. The Method of Education Based on Muhammad Teaching

Rasulullah used good method to teach his disciples. He makes lesson

easier to be received. Some methods that are used by Rasulullah as follows :

1. Example method

It makes the teaching learning process succeed. It includes moral

aspect, spiritual and children’s social ethos. Teachers is a good figure in


children view. Every attitude or character of teachers will be followed by

their students. Indeed, teachers is a good example for their students. If the

teacher is honest, trustable good, audacious and away from forbidden.

Students will grow with their teacher’s character and the contrary.

Teachers are very easy to teach material for their students, but it is

very difficult for students to apply if the teachers do not apply it first. The

children always look the teacher’s deed that step by step, and than will

follow them. For example :

In hadits that storied by Sahal bin Sa 'ad. He explains that prophet stand up on the pulpit and give example abaut the role o f praying. He said “1 look Rosulullah praying on the pulpit, after it, he said

“O people what I did, it is to protect and taught you about a way o f my praying. Storied by imam bukhori in his book (Al jumah) Muslim (al masajid wa mawadiush sholat) Ahmad (baqi Musnadul anshor),Abu Dawud (ash shalat),Nasa-i(al masajid),Ibnu Majah (Iqomatush Sholat was sunnah riba),Darumi(ash sholat) . 26

2. Parable method

It contains a beautiful literature. Parable that is used in speaking

must fulfill some components, like beauty and fluency. A good parable has

function to explain, not only to be a good manner. Allah says in the Qur’an

sura Al Ankabut verses 43

^ ✓ "'o ^ x *>

x'-We coin these similes fo r instruction o f men, but none will grasp their meaning except the wise.



If the people learn parable in the Qur’an, they can conclude that

parable is a way in getting the purpose of education and morality in detail.

The purpose of parable method as follows ;

a. Parable can give illustration for hearer

b. It can make easy the receiver to receive the ideas said.

c. It can give positive information to attack an interest and to give the

negative information in order that the people hate it, than keep away

from it.

d. Parable is waken an interest and fear of hearer

e. It can say praise and criticism

f. Parable can exacerbate of mind and dynamics of potential thinking or

increase their intelligence to motivate them to think. For example :

From ibnu umar ra. Rasulullah said “The parable o f munafik people like a goat that can not see, it follows the othertwo goats. Sometime it follow that one, but in the other time it follow one the other, (it is cause that the goat can not understand about the goat it must followed)}1


3. Advice

An advice is very important to open student’s mind in

understanding the truth of something, pushing them to get a good attitude

and giving them about the basic principles of Islam. Teacher’s advice and

gentleness make students feel given attention and loved, so they will

follow this advice. For example :

] , y J » J j j

Imam al Bukhori in his book shahih (in the bookA-ilm, sub point o f the advice o f leader fo r women and the role to taught them) and Imam Muslim (Haditsfrom Imam Muslim) storied from Ibnu Abbas ra. He said “I ever look Rasulullah praying in Holiday. When he preach, the group o f women not ear his sermon. Furthermore, he taught and advice them to give their alms, and billal spread out his clots to gather their alms, so some o f them free their ring, drango dird, and the other to give alms. 28


4. Education by giving attention and supervision"'

The meaning of education bv giving attention is to give lull

attention and follow the developing aspect 0 1' mental or thinking and

social. Teachers are hoped they can give attention for their student’s

condition, so they can easy to ask or explain the lesson or the other

instructions. If students are fell given attention, they will keep the

negative attitudes away, and they will grow under teacher’s controlling.

Besides the method above, Rasulullah also gave human the

example to straighten student’s mistake. The methods are as follows :

a. Direct warning method

If a student makes some mistake, teacher can’t remembrance

spontaneously, but they must use a good way and do not put them into


b. Teasing allusion method

Surpass the student mistake with teasing allusion will protect

the student’s image from their friends. Therefore, students understand

their mistake and not repeat it.

c. Cutting from social correlation

If someone makes total mistake for several times, she/he can be

isolated. It is hoped that she/he can think of their mistake. It can be an

example for the others. So they do not make same mistakes.



d. 1 lilting m ethod1"

It is the last way, if students can not remembrance hy spoken

Teachers can hit them, but they must have code in hitting such as; not be angry, not with hard and dangerous thing. I lilting is not allowed with hard tool and not only in one place. It is done in order that students do not repeat their mistake again. Tirmidzi storied from Abu

Sa’id A1 Khudhri ra. He explained that Rasulullah said “If some one

Hit a servant. When they say the name of God, so he must stop to

hit”.30 31




In this chapter, the writer is going to talk about the students of

Muhammad. It contains the ethic between students and teacher in Muhammad’s

teaching and the student’s obligation.

A. The Ethic Between Students and Teachers in Mohammed’s Teaching Basically, teacher is the subject of education who continues the

prophet’s duty as Rasulullah asked. Include in the hadits :

From Abdullah bin Amru ra. He said “One day, Rasulullah went out with his disciples and saw two groups, one o f them was praying for God, and the others was teaching and learning. He said “They are asking to God i f God is willing, he will give them. But they are teaching and I only asked to teach. Storied by Ibnu Majah.1

1 Abu Bakar Muhammad. 1995. Hadits Tarbiyah. Surabaya : al Ikhlas, page 138


From the hadits above, human know that teacher’s duty is very noble.

Rasulullah gave great motivation for people to be a teacher or learner. It can

be seen from hadits.

Rasulullah said “Truly Allah, His Angel and all in habitants o f the universe, included the ant in their hole and fish in the sea, are praying for goodness o f teacher. Storied by At Tirmizi and Ibnu Majah from

Abu Huroiroh.2

Teacher, especially in prophet and disciples eras, is not a carrier or

work to get money or something needed in teacher life, but they teach for their

religion to get the willingness of God, to develop and to continue the duty

from Rasulullah in repairing the society’s condition. For that reason, they are a

professional teachers to continue of science. They must read, realize, think,

memorize and discuss. It is needed because the purpose of education has a

value such as prophet’s heir, and it is impossible without the effort of teacher.

From the explanation above, teacher must have three regulations; first, it is

religion, they obey God and perform the Islamic law. Second, it is a good

attitude that is the result of performing their religion. Third, it is an effort to



develop their ability of science with the others, especially in the public


Rasulullah explained the teacher’s duty in hadits. He said :

J S \ y j & y U p & \ & \ JV5

j l j v ^ i j J j \ J \ U $ \ 'r y j o * & i \ J l

JC- V y " /- ' V * ^ / y ' T /

Rasulullah said "Do not sit down or study with teacher except he ask you to avoidfive aspects to get five aspects, from syak (hesitancy) into conviction, from riya into sincere, from greed (tamak) into zuhud (limit the joy o f world), from arrogant into tawadhu (modest) and from hostility into harmonious. (Hadits from abu Nu’aim and ibnu jauzi from Jabir ra.)4

From the hadits above, it can be concluded that there are five teacher’s

basic duties:

1. Abolishing students’ hesitance of the rightness of Islam and ensuring

them in.

2. Abolishing the students’ riya (like to show their ability) and teaching them

to have a sincere feeling.

3. Trying to abolish the students’ greed feeling and changing them into good

people those who always thank to God and is not influenced by earthly

3Abudin Nata. 2001. Perspektif Islam Tentang Pola Hubungan Guru - Murid. Jakarta : PT. Raja Grafindo. page 93.


joys (zuhud). Furthermore, they motivate their students to work hard and

look for the good livelihood.

4. Trying to abolish the students’ arrogance and changing them into modest

people (tawadhu), obeying God and regarding others.

5. Abolishing students’ hostility and changing them into loving people.

Implementing the teacher’s five duties, teachers and students must

have ethics in teaching learning process. There are the teacher ethics based on

the book Ihya Ulumudin by A1 Ghozali.5

1. Loving their students and treating them like their own children. Rasulullah

Indeed, 1' am your father.

According to A1 Ghozali, teacher is better than the parents. He said

that parents are people that causes children exist, but teachers are the

person who causes children getting knowledge to life in hereafter. The

teachers teach the eternal life or hereafter. They teach the both of worlds,

but its purpose is closer to hereafter life than the world life. They must

love their students and gives motivation to get happiness in the hereafter.

2. Teaching is not purposed to look for money, response and grateful.

It is done to follow Rasulullah. He taught people without asking

money and grateful, but for getting God’s willingness. In order its reached,

Tsmail Yakub.1977. Ihya A l Ghozali. Translated by Moh.Zuhri dkk. Semarang: CV. Faizan. page 215-222



the teacher must love the students. It explained in suro Hud verses 29

Allah said :

. * ^ ' S* ~ . + o K ^ ' o ' S* * ° ' S

ijlk tl L, ai ,> V]




,y lj

( 4 u p + i. jSi

He said : Tell me my people! I f have a clear proof from my lord and He has bestowed on me His grace, thought it be hidden from you, can we compel you to accept it against you will? 1 seek o f you no wealth froths, my people : for my reward is only with Allah. Nor will I drive away the faithful, fo r they will surely meet their lord, but 1 can see that you are ignorant men 6 7

3. Teachers do not hide their science or knowledge and always give for their

pupils. They must be serious in advice and guide the students Furthermore,

they have to apply a balancing system between science and ability of their

students in talking knowledge.

4. Teacher should be smooth in teaching, not snap at the student’s mistake

and attempt to correct the mistake with teasing allusion, because

spontaneous response caused the afraid of students and they are audacious

to gaze directly their teacher and continue their mistake. Prophet said :

** - ' * ' f , ^ f * ' ' ' - „ ' o ' S * o '

i ff r * V J U » Jj& \ J P j}

I f human is forbidden to destroy talk then they will destroy it by saying. It is not forbidden to do it if there ’s no effect1


Al Ghozali explained that teachers must teach well, such as

repeating not explaining, and loving not lowering. It is the right way in


5. A teacher is responsible in lesson and forbidden from lowering the other

lesson in front of student.

6. Teachers should treat their students appropriate with their ability. If it is

not applied, it will bad impact such as: the students leaves teaching

learning process and their mind will be dull. Prophet said :

We are the prophets, those who are ordered to place people in their place and speak with them accord with their mind.8

In another hadits prophet said :

I f someone talk to another group about something that they do not know, it will be libel for others.

Two hadits above, explain that the purpose of teaching is not to get

a lot of subject material that make the teachers quicken their teaching, but

it must be done step by step in order the lesson delivered sequentially.


figure or idol for their students.


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