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Job Advertisement Interim Strategic Communication Manager


Academic year: 2017

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Vacancy Announcement

Strategic Communication Manager (Interim)

Application deadline: 4th October 2017

RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests holds a unique and important place in the orld of forestr . It is the o l i ter atio al ot‐for‐profit organization that specializes in capacity building for community forestry and devolved forest management. RECOFTC engages in strategic networks and effective partnerships with governments, nongovernment organizations, civil society, the private sector, local people, and research and educational i stitutes throughout the Asia‐Pa ifi regio a d e o d. With 30 years of international experience and a dynamic approach to capacity building – involving research and analysis, demonstration sites, and training products – RECOFTC delivers innovative solutions for people and forests.

RECOFTC is currently seeking a Strategic Communication Manager (Interim) for its Regional Office. The successful applicant will be based in Bangkok, Thailand. The contract duration is for one year with a possibility of extension.


The Strategi Co u i atio Ma ager I teri leads RECOFTC’s regio al o u i atio programme and supports project communications. The Strategic Communication Manager oversees a team of 3 staff, interns, and consultants, and creates and implements innovative communication strategies.

RECOFTC’s o u i atio progra e i ludes e e ts, People a d Forest ENe s, so ial media, media engagement and monitoring, video, photography, dissemination, and regional communications activities across Asia.

The Strategic Communication Manager (Interim) is responsible for developing and imple-menting communications strategies and activities plans for RECOFTC projects, working with national communications officers in RECOFTC focal countries. S/he reports directly to the Executive Director and works closely with relevant RECOFTC staff from other units.


Under the direction of the Executive Director, the main tasks and responsibilities of the Communication Manager (Interim) will be as follows:

 Supervise a team of 3 staff and interns;


 Lead the development, implementation and monitoring of regional communications, edia a d outrea h strategies to further e ha e RECOFTC’s ra d re og itio a d disse i atio of the Ce ter’s ke essages and lessons learned;

 Make effective, strategic use of a broad range of communications and knowledge management tools, including events, media engagement, social media, web pres-ence, blogs & multimedia, contact lists, video and photography, among others;  Manage media tracking and monitoring, key message development, strategic

posi-tioning and crisis management, and provide strategic communications advice to RECOFTC management;

 Oversee the editorial planning and strategic use of the People and Forest ENews, in-cluding the management of an intern to produce timely and effective Enews;

 With guidance from the Executive Office, manage the annual budget of the StratCom unit, and ensure deliverables are met on time, within budget, and best achieve the Ce ter’s strategic communication objectives for the year;

 Lead the de elop e t a d i ple e tatio of o u i atio s pla s for RECOFTC’s involvement in major regional and global events;

 Liaise with the Asia-Pacific Forest Communication Network ;

 Support development/ apa it uildi g Cou tr Progra Offi es’ o u i atio processes;

 Support the Ce ter’s E e uti e Offi e ith fu draisi g, proposal de elop e t a d donor stewardship/cultivation;

 Perform any other duties as assigned by the Executive Director

Qualifications and Experience:

The Communication Manager (Interim) will have the following essential qualifications and experience:


 Advanced degree in communication, journalism, marketing or related field. Training and/or experience of working in natural resource management is highly desirable;  At least 10 years of progressively responsible experience in communications work in

a multicultural environment, including five years of international experience in a sen-ior position;

 Experience of engaging with the media;

 Experience with regional coordination of communication officers in national offices in SE Asian countries;

 Fully conversant with use of new technology for communications and outreach, in-cluding the web, multimedia tools and social media;

 Proven track record in translating complex scientific findings into simple and under-standable language accessible to policy makers, opinion leaders and the general pub-lic;


 Excellent communications skills in both spoken and written forms;

 Excellent people skills - including very good listening skills – and ability to effectively interact with and work alongside people at all levels in a cultural and multi-disciplinary environment;

 Team oriented leader with excellent interpersonal and management skills, and proven ability in managing and motivating teams;

 Flue ritte a d spoke i E glish a d o e of RECOFTC’s fo al ou tr la n-guages (Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Laos).


 Knowledge of forestry or natural resources management;

 Values the sharing of information and continuous improvement in a cooperative at-mosphere of constructive evaluation and learning, and is committed to staff devel-opment;


In addition to job specific skills and experience, the applicant should possess the follow-ing characteristics (includfollow-ing attitudes and skills):

 Interpersonal communication skills, individually and in-groups, with an ability to work as an active member of teams. This implies flexibility and open-mindedness;  Initiative and ability to make informed independent judgments (which is not

incon-sistent with an overall team approach); and

 Ability to work in a variety of cultural and institutional contexts

Interested candidates are requested to submit CV and a cover letter indicating why they are suitable for this position along with salary requirements and current contact details of three referees, including recent supervisors to HR@recoftc.org. Please quote the position title in the subject line of the email. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. RECOFTC has a competitive compensation package. However, offers shall be based on salary history, relevant experience and qualifications of the selected candidate.

To learn more about RECOFTC, please visit our website www.recoftc.org

Women are strongly encouraged to apply. RECOFTC is an equal opportunity employer and the successful candidate will be selected based on merit.


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