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Revealing theme through main character conflicts in prodigal son novel by Danielle Steel.


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Revealing Theme Through Main Character Conflicts in

Prodigal Son

Novel by Danielle Steel


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Bachelor Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic

University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Reg.Number: A03212019







Trisnandari, Vivi. 2017.Revealing Theme Through Main Character Conflicts in Prodigal Son Novel by Danielle Steel. Thesis. English Department. Faculty of

Arts and Humanities. The State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

The Advisor : Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M.Ag

Key words: Prodigal son, sibling rivalry, external conflict, internal conflict

This thesis discusses about revealing theme through conflicts in Prodigal Son Novel. The writer choose the work of Danielle Steel to be analyzed for being interested of her work which is usually in accordance with the realities that exist in real life, one of her work is Prodigal Son selected writer to be analyzed. The writer choose this novel because usually twins brother are always compact and interdependent if there is a conflict between them usually will not carry over to adulthood. Whereas in this story many conflicts occur between twins until they grow up.So I felt interested to know the cause of conflict occur between twins children. Besides that this is bestselling novel, it also has never been analyzed by students of Department of English Literature at UINSA.

In this thesis the writer uses New Criticism theory to analyze the conflicts and theme. New Criticism theory is a theory that focuses on the text itself as the sole source of evidence to interpret a piece of literature. This thesis the writer uses a descriptive qualitative method , its means that the data collected are in the form of words or sentences not numerical data. The writer expected this study could help literary student to understand how to reveal theme from conflict in a story. The writer also hope this analysis could become reference for further study of literary works whatever forms they will be.



Trisnandari, Vivi. 2017.Revealing Theme Through Main Character Conflicts in Prodigal Son Novel by Danielle Steel. Tesis.Sastra Inggris.Fakultas Adab dan

Humaniora. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing: Dr. Mohammad Kurjum, M.Ag

Kata Kunci:Prodigal son, rivalitas saudara, konflik luar, konflik dalam

Tesis ini membahas tentang tema yang diungkapkan melalui konflik karakter utama dalam novel Prodigal Son karya Danielle Steel. Penulis memilih karya Danielle Steel untuk dianalisis karena tertarik dengan karyanya yang biasanya sesuai dengan realitas yang ada dalam kehidupan nyata, salah satu karyanya adalah Prodigal Son yang dipilih penulis untuk dianalisis. Penulis memilih novel ini karena biasanya saudara kembar selalu kompak dan saling bergantung, kalaupun terjadi konflik di antara mereka biasanya tidak akan terbawa sampai dewasa. Sedangkan dalam cerita ini banyak terjadi konflik antara anak kembar yang terbawa hingga mereka tumbuh dewasa. Jadi, saya merasa tertarik untuk mengetahui penyebab konflik yang terjadi antara anak kembar. Selain itu, novel ini adalah novel yang banyak peminatnya, selian itu novel ini juga belum pernah dianalisis oleh mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Inggris di UINSA.

Dalam tesis ini penulis menggunakan teori New Criticism untuk

menganalisa konflik dan tema. Teori New Criticism adalah teori yang berfokus pada teks itu sendiri sebagai satu-satunya sumber bukti untuk menafsirkan sepotong sastra. Tesis ini penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, artinya data yang dikumpulkan berupa kata atau kalimat bukan data numerik. Penulis juga berharap penelitian ini bisa membantu siswa sastra memahami bagaimana cara mengungkapkan tema dari konflik dalam sebuah cerita. Penulis juga berharap analisis ini bisa menjadi referensi untuk studi lebih lanjut tentang karya sastra apapun bentuknya.

Hasil dari penelitian dalam tesis ini adalah ditemukan dua jenis konflik dalam novel Prodigal Son yaitu konflik eksternal dan konflik internal. Terdapat tujuh konflik eksternal yang dialami oleh tokoh utamanya yaitu: Peter vs teman sekelasnya, Peter vsMichael, Peter vs Alana (istrinya), Peter vs orang tuanya, Peter vsmertua, Peter vs pria tidak dikenal, Peter vs agen penjual. Konflik internal yang terjadi pada Peter kebanyakan tentang perasaan tidak yakin untuk


3.2. Theme ... 36

3.2.1 Major Theme ... 37

3.2.2 Minor Theme ... 39

CHAPTER IV: Conclusion ... 43



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Chapter 1


1.1 Background of Study

The term of ‘literature’comes from Latin Language, ”littera” means a

written or printed words. But, literature not only writing literature but also oral

literature (Rene and Werren 11). Minderop says that literature is a work that was

delivered with beautiful language and contain moral values (74). Based on the

explanation above the literature is any kind of writing or orally works that has the

beautiful language and moral values as characteristics and functions.

In another book, Susanto said that literature as a work of imaginative,

fiction and innovative (1). In the same book,the romantic believes that literature is

a form to express a thoughts or feelings of the authors (5). Therefore, literature is

a imaginative work by the authors to express of thought or feelings.

Generally, genres of literature are divided into three types; poetry, drama,

and prose (Okunoye 22). According The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literay

Terms, prose is a form of written language that is not organized (218). The prose

could be fiction or non-fiction. A fiction prose is the events presented did not

occur in real life, although they might be real life. Non-fiction prose is more or

less true life stories. It included biography, autobiography, travels and adventures

and the essay. The novel falls under prose(Isaac and Okunoye 8)

Novel as a literary works had been known since eightenth century in


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to 200 pages long (Spurgin 6). Novel is human creation. So, the story in a novel is

a world created by imaginative author with character creation to play in his story.

In a novel there are some elements can be analyzed, like extrinsic elements

and intrinsic element. The extrinsic elements are the elements outside of a literary

works, but indirectly give influence the literay works. There are elements such as

biography, psychology of the author, economi, social, politic, and etc (Rene and

Warren 65). While intrinsic element is the interpretation and analysis of the works

of literature themselves (Rene and Warren 139). There are elements such as

themes, character, charcterization, plot, and setting, all these elements are

connected to each other. The study analyzed the intrinsic elements such as themes

and conflicts in the Prodigal Son novel, because of the conflict and the theme is

an important element in making the story into a good work until the reader can

enjoy and understand the whole story.

My study is to analyze the novel by Danielle Steele. Danielle Fernands

Dominique Schuelein-Steel (born August 14, 1947) is an American novelist. She

had published many novels and five non-fiction books. All her novels have been

bestseller, including those issued in hardback. Her books have been translated into

28 languages, with 22 adapted for television, including two that have received

Golden Globe nominations (Wikipedia). The author choosed the novel with the

tittle Prodigal Son (2015).

The writer choose the work of Danielle steel to be analyzed for being

interested in the whole of his work which is usually in accordance with the


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reality titled Prodigal Son selected writer to be analyzed. This novel tells about

twins brother whose relationships are like a enemy. Usually twins brother are

always compact and interdependent if there is a conflict between them usually

will not carry over to adulthood. Whereas in this story many conflicts occur

between twins until they grow up. So I felt interested to know the cause of conflict

occur between twins children. Besides that this is bestselling novel, it also has

never been analyzed by students of Department of English Literature at UINSA.

The story is about twins children grow up in the same family, same town,

they are Peter and Michael. Peter has bad attitude and Michael had good attitude.

Peter is stupid, Michael is smart. Peter is always considered bad in every way. So,

Peter decided to leave his house after Senior High School graduation. After a long

time away from his house, Peter successed as a financial in New York and

Michael as a doctor same with their dad’s at hometown. One day, Peter’s career as

a financial shattered in an instant because of the company which he worked

bankrupt due to the global economic crisis. He lost all of its work, mansion,

apartments, and car. Now he is a jobless, therefore his wife gives the option is

move to L.A and stay in one of pavilions by his father. He refused her advice

because his life in New York. In the end, he also lost his wife and childrens for his

decision. Peter just got lakeside house from the parents and he decided back to his

hometown. Finally, after few years Peter and Michael reunited.

This study is entitled “Revealing Theme Through Conflicts in Prodigal Son

novel by Danielle Steel.” The writer choose the title because of the conflict is one


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1.2 Statement of problem

1) What are the conflicts that happen to Peter’s life in Prodigal Son Novel by

Danielle Steel?

2) Based on the conflicts in Peter’s life , what is the theme of the novel

Prodigal Son by Danielle Steel?

1.3Purpose of Study

1) To describe of the conflict that happen to Peter’s life in the novel

Prodigal Son by Danielle Steel.

2) To reveal theme in the novel Prodigal Son by Danielle Steel.

1.4Scope and Limitation

The writer focused on the instrinsic element of the novelProdigal Son by

Danielle Steel. The writer limited the data only on conflicts that happen to Peter’s

life and theme.

1.5Significances of study

The significances of this analysis is to enrich literary studies, especially in

literature trough novel as one genre of it besides drama and poetry. The writer

expected this study could help literary student to understand how to reveal theme

from conflict in a story. The writer also hope this analysis could become reference

for further study of literary works whatever forms they will be.

1.6Research Method

This research was library based. The writer used descriptive qualitative

method, this means that the source data will be analyzed derived from words or


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secondary data. The source of primary data is the novel by Danielle Steel

Prodigal Son. The secondary data of this research was from the related books,

journal, and online resource which related with the novel. There are steps to

collect and analyze the data:

1. The first step, the writer read the novel and understandingthe wholestory

of novel.

2. Found the data which related with the statement of problem of the study

about conflict and theme.

3. Selecting and collecting the data frm the narration or conversation from

the novel related to the problem of the study.

4. Analyzing the data collected which related with the statement of problem

and selected theory. Firstly collect the data which related about conflict

and analyze the conflict, that appear in Peter’s life then

analyzing the theme based on the conflicts.

5. Making conclusion based on the result of data analyzing.


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Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

2.1 Literary theories

The writer explains intrinsic element related to the novel using a New

Criticism theory (conflict and theme). The New Criticism theory is used to

understand the text of the novel. The concept of conflict is used to analyze

conflicts occur in the novel. The concept of the theme is used to analyze the theme

in the novel.

2.1.1 New Criticism

New Criticism was known as formalism. It was dominated American

literary Decades in the middle of the 20th century between 1920 to 1960 years.

New Criticism emphasized the formal structure of literary works, isolating the

work from the author's personality and social influences (Sharma 2). In other

words, It was a focus on the text itself and ignore any historical context like

author biography, psychology of author, political issue.

New Criticism is quite well connected with the term "close reading" for

the only way we can know if a given author's intention or a given reader's

interpretation actually represents the text's meaning is to carefully examine. In this

way, a New Criticism tries to examine all the evidence provided by the language

of the text itself: its images, symbols, metaphors, rhyme, meter, point of view,

setting, characterization, plot, and so forth, which, because they form, or shape,


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relationship with the theme, in a way that confirms the single best interpretation of

the text, Because New Criticism believes that there is such a complete single

interpretation, the which is timeless and is not related to individual readers or

social events (Sharma 2).

New Criticism believe that a single best, or most accurate, interpretation of

each text could be discovered that best represents the text itself: that best explains

what the text means and how the text produces that meaning, in other words, that

best explains its organic unity (Tyson 148). Therefore, New Criticism saw the text

itself as the sole source of evidence to interpret a piece of literature.

New Criticism methods can work with any work of literature, but they are

especially effective at explaining works like short poems and short stories, the

more of its formal elements could be analyzed. When longer works were

examined, such as long poems, novels, and plays, New Criticism readings usually

confined themselves to the analysis of some aspect of the work, for example, its

imagery, the role of the narrator or of the minor characters, the function of time in

the work, the pattern of light and dark created by settings, or some other formal

element. Of course, whatever the formal element was analyzed, it had to be shown

to play an important role in the text's advancement of its theme and thus

contribute to the unity of the work as a whole (Tyson 149).

2.1.2 Conflict

Conflict in fiction works used to support the plot and make it into an

interesting story. In the literature of conflict is regarded as an important element


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story shares some contribution in making the story interesting and powerful (11).

It means that conflict is an important element in developing the plot to make the

story more interesting.

Conflict is a social process between two people or more (can also group)

where one party trying to get rid of the other party to destroy it or make it

powerless (Bardis 149).Conflict is referred to as a social process because it is

always present in everyday life. Therefore, the conflict is regarded as a reasonable

situation in the community and none of the people who have never experienced

the conflict (Haniati 5). Someone who in life without conflict will become

saturated due to undergo the same routine every day. But it would be different if

someone is experiencingconflict in their lives. Conflict itself not only in everyday

life but also in works of fiction.

While Okunoye conflict is the struggle between the protagonists and

antagonists of the play (27). In Addition of Diez and Pia (3) Conflict is a struggle

or contest between people with opposing needs, ideas, beliefs, values, or goals.

Based on the statement of conflict is the struggle between the characters of the

stories due to differences such as needs, ideas, beliefs, values, or goals.

In his book, Perrine (59) says that the conflict is divided into four kinds;

physical conflict, mental conflict, emotional conflict or moral conflict. Physical

conflict emerges when the main character pitted against some other person or

group of persons or in other words, it is man against man. Mental conflict is

conflicted figure to determine a good choice based on various considerations bad.


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experienced leaders. Moral conflict that refers to moral contest between

protagonist and opposed force such as fate, environment, and institution.

Being different from Perrine, Holman mentions that there are four kinds of

conflict; The first is the conflict of the struggle of a man against nature. The

second is the struggle of a man against man. The third is the struggle of a man

against society. The fourth is the struggle for mastery by two elements within the

person (98). In simple terms the four sorts of conflicts can be subdivided into two,

namely external conflict and internal conflict. External conflict consists of man

against man, man against nature, and man against social. While that included

internal conflict is the struggle for mastery by two elements within the person.

From the above explanation, the authors focus on the external conflict

(man against man) and the internal conflict by Holman to analyze the conflicts

shown in the Prodigal Son novel.

2.1.3 Theme

Theme is very important in the short story and other fictions, therefore it

must exist in every good literary work. To obtain a good understanding on the

term theme it is better know the definition of it first. According to Perrine, a

theme of a piece of fiction is the controlling idea, its central insight (117). Other

statement, the theme of a story is whatever general idea or insight reveals the

entire story (Kennedy 189).

Kenny and Stanton (in Nurgiyantoro) state that the theme is the meaning

contained in a story (67). Meanwhile, according to OnyekaIwuchukwu theme is


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action and image (63). In addition, the theme is the subject of the novel and can

usually be expressed in one word, or at least in one sentence (Doubtfire, 1).

From the explanation above, the theme is the main idea or major insights

presented with a word or a phrase in which there are the overall meaning of the

story is revealed through the person, action and image.

The theme for literary works including short stories are always dealing

with problems of life. Author chooses the problems of life based on the

experiences and observations of events or problems that exist in the environment.

Through his work that the author offers a specific meaning in life by way of

looking at the problem as he looked at it.

The function of a theme is to give feedback to the other elements of

fiction, such as plot, character, and setting. Functions important theme in literature

is to be the unifying element of last the whole story


http://infodanpengertian.blogspot.co.id/2015/04/pengertian-dan-jenis-tema.html.). It means that the selection of the intrinsic elements that support a

story always follow the theme that had been predetermined by the author.

In works of fiction, the theme of the story may be stated explicitly or

implicitly. According Perrine, sometimes the theme of a story is explicitly stated

somewhere in the story, either by the author or by one of the characters (119).

Sometimes there is also a new theme can be found after the whole content of the

story is understood by the reader, not only based on a certain story elements, such

as the theme is stated implicitly by the author (Nurgiyantoro 69). This is why the


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contained in works of literature are not always the same as what is meant by the



Based on the explanation above that the interpretation of different themes

considered reasonable, but endeavored not too many differences in interpretation.

In interpreting the theme as much as possible are the principal and additional

themes. The main theme is stated implicitly in a story. To be able to find the main

theme the reader should understand the whole story, not just based on certain

elements of the story, as told by Nurgiyantoro, principal themes implicit in most

of the story, not just on certain elements of the story (83). Different again with

additional themes expressed explicitly in a story. Additional theme is only found

in certain parts of the story (Nurgiyantoro 83). Additional themes in a story

supports and reflects the central theme of the story. Perrine says (121-123) in the

determining the theme, there is no prescribed methods. Sometimes the best we can

get it by asking in what way the main character has changed in the course of the

story and what, if anything, he has learned before the end. Sometimes the best

approach is to explore the nature of conflict and the results center. Sometimes the

title will provide vital clues. Every time we have to keep in mind the following


1. Theme must be expressive in the form of a statement with a subject

and a predicate.

2. The theme must be stated as a generalization about life, the use of


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3. One must be careful not to make the generalization larger than is

justified by the terms of the story. Terms like some, sometimes,

may are often more accurate.

4. Theme is the central and unfying concept of the story. hence,must

not be contradicted by any detail of the story, and it must not

depend on supposed facts.

5. There is no one way of stating the theme of a story. It only presents

a view of life that may surely be stated in more than one way.

6. One should avoid any statement that reduces the theme to some

familiar saying that he has heard all his life.

2.2 Review of Related Studies

During the process of this study, the writer did not find any students who

use the Prodigal Son novel for their analysis. But the writer found some students

with the same object of analysis is about conflict and theme.

First, the thesis belong to Kartika Sari a student of the University of North

Sumatra, entitled An Analysis of Conflict in Alexandre Dumas' The Count of

Monte Cristo. The researcher focused her research on the conflicts portrayed and

the conflicts resolved in the novel. In her thesis, the researcher use theory of

character, of plot theory, and theory of conflict.

Second, the thesis belong to Indah Rachmawati a student Wijaya Putra

University entitled An Aanalysis of theme and characterization in the novel Heart


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characterization in the novel. In her thesis, the researcher use theory of theme and

theory of characterization.

Based on the previous studies above, this research is different from

previous studies. In this research the writer wants to analyze novel Prodigal Son

as the object of the research entitled Revealing Theme Through Conflicts in

Prodigal Son Novel by Danielle Steel. To analyze the research the writer uses new


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Chapter 3

Conflicts and Themes in Prodigal Son

Prodigal son tells about a boy named Peter as the main character. In this

novel it is told that he has a twin brother named Michael. Although they are twins,

but their attitude is contradictory. If little Peter is always considered a

troublemaker by parents and people around him because he often got into a fight

with his twin brother or with his friends, Michael was always considered a good

boy. Peter does not want his parents and people around him to live in the city of

Ware, so, after graduating school Peter decided to go far away from them all to

achieve success in his own way. After a dozen years away from the city of Ware

and no word about him, Peter returned to his hometown. Peter's return to Ware is

because he has nothing, he has no job, no home, and the household he has built

with his wife is in a bad state and is in danger of ending.

Referring to question in the statement of the problem, the writer will

discuss the development of conflicts in the main character. Based on the related

theories that conflict can be divided into two types in the story, the writer finds

that there are two conflicts, external conflict and internal conflict.

3.1 Conflicts in Prodigal Son Novel

3.1.1 External Conflicts

In Prodigal Son, the external conflict happened between Peter with his

classmates, conflicts between Peter with Michael, conflict between Peter with his


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realtor, conflict between Peter with a man. Most of the external conflicts occur in

Prodigal Son conflicts is man vs man.

a. Peter’s conflict with his classmate

The first conflict in this novel occurred when Peter was a child and still

lived in his hometown of Ware. As a child he was often regarded as a problem

maker because of frequent fights with his friends. As in the following quote:

He punished the boys who made fun of him, with his fists. It was

common for him to come home from school with a torn shirt and a

black eye, and having delivered worse, while in the lower grades


The quarrel between Peter and his classmates was in physical form.

Because, Peter often fights with his friend, until it becomes a common thing that

he came home from school with messy conditions.

Another quote described the cause of the fight that occurred between Peter

and his friends. As in the following quote:

Peter had been regarded as a bully at school, particulary when the

other children teased him about not being able to red until he was

nearly twelve years old, and awkwardly even after that. Anyone

who dared mention it to him was sure to get a black eye or bloody

nose. (43)

The above quote describes the cause of the fight between Peter and his

friends because he was ridiculed as a fool for being unable to read. Even up to the

age of twelve Peter could not yet read, while at that age a child should have been

fluent in reading. Peter who was annoyed and angry because he was constantly


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To avoid the same incident repeating itself, Peter as he grew up began to

act indifferently, arrogantly and ferociously in front of his friends to cover up the

short comings that still can not read to be derided again by them.

b. Peter’s conflicts with Michael

In the novel is told that Peter has a twin brother named Michael. Although

they are twins but their attitude is very contradictory. If Peter is known as a

naughty child, then Michael is known as a good child. At the result to their

contradictory attitudes, there happen frequent conflicts between them. The conflict

between Peter and his twin brother was due to the many problems Michael had

given him. As in this quote:

He and his brother were staunch enemies by then, and Peter saw

him as the cause of many of the ills that plagued him, or even most

of them. (10)

Conflict between the twin brothers was shown by Peter's hatred toward

Michael. Peter's hateful feelings were expressed with him as Michael's enemy.

The cause of his hatred of Michael has been mentioned in the above quotation,

that is, because Michael often gives Peter such problems as making Peter a

scapegoat for his mistakes to make people around hate Peter.

The conflict between the twin brothers was not only because of Michael's

habit of making Peter a scapegoat, but also because of Michael's habit of

manipulating their parents to hate him. As in the following quote:

..., and his relationship with his twin brother was a lost


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poor opinion of him. Michael had put too much energy into it for

too long. (12)

The quotation above explains conflict between Peter and Michael is shown

through Peter's statement if the relationship between them is really bad. The cause

of the conflict between Peter and Michael has resulted in the deterioration of their

relationship because of Michael's habit of using dirty ways to have their parents

sidestep Peter and be more caring and compassionate about him (Michael).

Among the many conflicts between them, there is one of the conflicts

Peter remembered most as a child. At that time, Peter and Michael brought their

dog named Scout to go camping by the river. However, while playing together

there was an incident that caused Scout to die. As a result of the incident, Peter

became angry with Michael. As in the following quote:

Peter had never forgiven him,...(12)

Peter was furious with Michael who was revealed to himself that he would

never want to forgive his twin brother. Peter anger caused Michael did not want to

help Scout and let the dog die when stream dragged.

Peter, already bored and angry at all the troubles that had happened to

Michael's actions for eighteen years, decided to stay away from Michael by going

from home to New York to pursue his own success.

Growing up, they achieve success in their respective fields. Peter succeeds

with his career at Whitmand Bank, while Michael succeeds with his career as a

doctor in their hometown of Ware. Although each has been successful and make a


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Peter and Michael this time was due to an unfair division of Pat's inheritance. As

in the following quote.

There had been unpleasant words exchanged between the brothers

after their father died, and again when their mother died the

following year, when Peter accused his brother of manipulating

them and turning them against him all his life. (14)

The quarrel between Peter and Michael after their father's death, caused by

most of their father's estate, was given to Michael, while Peter only got a lakeside

house. They even quarreled after their mother died. This time their quarrel caused

Peter not to like the actions of Michael all this time who always tried to influence

their parents to hate him.

The quarrel between those who took place after their father and mother

died was the last burning incident between Peter and Michael. Because, after that

Peter never talked to his twin brother again. He deliberately severed contact with

Michael by never again returning to Ware .

Another conflict that occurred between Peter and Michael caused

Michael's treats him (Peter) like a little brother and cause their parents also treats

him like a little brother from Michael. Peter got angry at being treated like that.

As in the following quote:

...Their treating him that way just made him act out more,

and angrier at Michael. (38-39)

Peter was furious with Michael because he did not like being treated like a


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Peter, who was constantly being treated like that, became angry and not

comfortable living with Michael. Therefore, after graduating school Peter decided

to go to New York and pursue his success on Wall Street.

Another conflict between Peter and Michael when their children happened

because of Michael's habit of showing off his achievements before Peter to make

his twin mum. As in the following quote:

..., and had beaten him up more than once, which

inevitably got him punished too. (43)

The beating that Peter did to Michael vent his anger over the habit of his

twin who likes to show off his achievements. Michael who was beaten by Peter

hit back by hitting him too, until there was a fight between them. Fighting

between them occurred because their parents did not believe Peter's story about

Michael's habit. Therefore, Peter chose to solve this with his own way that is with

a physical match.

The conflict between Peter and Michael was also expressed by Peter

himself when he reunited with Michael after a dozen years never met and

interconnected. Their encounter took place when Michael visited his house on the

lakeside. Here is Peter's statement that shows a conflict between himself and


Peter felt his hatred and disgust well up in him like a volcano,....


Peter's statement states that if he hates and disgusts with Michael shows


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was due to all of Michael's actions to Peter during the eighteen years they lived


In addition, the conflict between Peter and Michael also revealed by Peter

when he remembered about their mother. As in the following quote:

His mother had hated the constant rift between them, and had

begged Peter to make peace with his brother the last time he saw

her. Both brothers had refused. (88)

Peter's statement above shows if his mother does not like if her two

children often quarrel even until they grow up. Therefore, at the end of her life she

asked them to make peace, but her request was rejected by her children.

c. Peter’s conflicts with Alana (Peter’s wife)

Peter and Alana are married couples whose home life is very harmonious

and far from conflict. However, when Peter fell poor and had to lose all the

luxuries he has had so far due to the economic crisis that hit New York, conflicts

began to arise in their marriage. The first conflict between Peter and his wife

Alana occurred when Peter who now had no job was given advice that sounded a

little forced by his wife to work or help his father invest. Like the following quote:

...Why not work for him? He’ll find something for you to do.

... “You can help him with his investments,” she said...

“ I’m sure he’d be thrilled,” Peter said cynically. “ I just lost him a bunch of money when Whitmand folded. He doesn’t need me for his

investments. (19)

The conversation between Peter and Alana shows that if his wife gives her


T r i s n a n d a r i | 21

strongly opposed by Peter, he showed the challenge by replying to his wife's

words in a cynical way. Peter's reasoning was against his wife, because in his

mind his father-in-law did not really need his strength for his company or his

services to invest, especially in the circumstances Peter had just eliminated a stack

of his father-in-law money when Whitmand Bank went bankrupt. Although at first

Peter opposed his suggestion of istrin, but in the end he still rethink the advice of

his wife. This he did to stop them from clashing and to please Alana.

Due to the economic crisis that hit New York, Peter not only lost his job

but also must be willing to lose his house where his family lived. That's because

their homes will be sold to increase income for the family. Since his home would

be sold, Peter and his wife quarreled and argued about their next residence. As in

the following quote:

...“I want us to stay here,” he said firmly, as Alana looked at him with sorrow in her eyes.

"I want to go home," she said quietly, and just a firmly. "I told my

father we would. You can not support us here, and I do not want to

move to some shit place where we'll all be miserable. They boys

will hate it, and so would I. That's not fair to them when my father

wants to help us. (19)

Conversation between Peter and Alana above shows the arguments and

debates that occur between them. The arguments and debates between them

happen no one wants to budge and try to defend each other's desires. On the one

hand Peter wants his family to stay in New York, while his wife wants their


T r i s n a n d a r i | 22

The clash between Peter and Alana about where he lives is getting heated

up when his wife still strongly wants to move to L.A., and started using their

children as an excuse to move from New York. However, the reason his wife used

was unacceptable to Peter, causing her to be angry. As in the following quote:

“Or yourself. Is that what you’re saying?” He was starting to look angry, as defeat and frustation welled up in him...(20)

The above quote shows Peter's anger against Alana that can be known

when he snapped at his wife and from the expression on his face that showed

anger. Peter is angry to shout at his wife because in his thinking who really does

not want to live poor is Alana. But he uses their child as his reason.

Although Alana's desire to move to L.A. is rejected by Peter, it still did not

dampen her desire to move. Alana remained in his position to move to L.A., she

even honestly admitted if she did not want to stay in New York with Peter in the

event that her husband did not have anything. Alana's confession caused Peter to

be angry with her. As in the following quote:

“What are you saying?” Peter asked her harsly... (21)

Peter's anger against Alana was appointed by snapping at his wife. His

anger was because Peter was offended by the words of his wife who at least hurt

her pride as a man, husband and head of the family. However, In order to avoid

the constant quarrels and debates between them regarding where to live, Peter

finally let his wife move to L.A. by bringing their children, but he remains on his


T r i s n a n d a r i | 23

When Peter was visiting Alana and his sons at L.A., they again quarreled

after a month of not meeting. The quarrel between them this time because Alana

tried to force Peter to work with her father. But Alana's wish was opposed by

Peter. As in the following quote:

“I can’t. I have nothing to offer him, and he has no real use for me. I can’t take an enormous salary from him and do anything. That’s not me, Alana. I need. A real job. I can’t just be your lapdog out here, or his lackey.” (29)

The stern opposition from Peter to Alana is because, her intention desire to

force her husband to work for his father. The reason for Peter against Alana's

desire to work for his father-in-law is because he wants a job that suits his field

and abilities.

Alana who is tired of persuading Peter to move to L.A. finally decided to

request divorce from her husband. Peter himself did not want to get divorced, but

if he had to move to L.A., he did not want to. And, in the end, Peter approve

Alana's request for a divorce.

d. Peter’s conflict with realtor

The conflict between Peter and the realtor begins when Peter asks the sales

agent to offer his apartment to an interested buyer at a price that matches the

market price. However, it turns out the sales agent gave the apartment sale price

that is far from the market price at Peter. This caused Peter to be upset with the

realtor. As in the following quote:


T r i s n a n d a r i | 24

The quote above shows Peter's annoyance with the realtor he expressed

with tightly clenched teeth as it gave the price for his apartment below the market

price. However, despite his annoyance with the sales agent, Peter still agreed to

accept the price offered by the sales agent for the apartment.

e. Peter’s conflicts with his parents

Since childhood Peter's relationship with his parents can be said to be very

bad. This happens because of the many conflicts between Peter and his parents.

One of the conflicts between Peter and his parents was due to his parents'

treatment of him, as Peter puts it in the following quotation:

... He had been labeled the family black sheep, compared to

his perefect fraternal twin brother, whom his parents had revered.


Peter reveals his parents' bad treatment to him with called him a

troublemaker in the family and always comparing himself to his twin brother

Michael. Their treatment to him caused Peter's hatred of them.

Peter who is constantly perceived as the source of trouble and always

compared to Michael by his parents becomes tired and desperate to deny all their

accusations about him. Therefore, Peter moved increasingly decided not to care

about all the opinions of his parents and also do not want to try again to do

something to be able to take the heart of his parents.

Conflict between Peter and his parents is getting heated up when in his

parents do not have confidence to him. As in the following quote:

...their faith in Peter had been too badly shaken,


T r i s n a n d a r i | 25

to New York. ...it was more than Peter could cope with, and too

hurtful,... (11)

The quote above indicates if Peter's parents have no belief in Peter's

abilities. This kind of parental attitudes caused Peter's pain in them to make the

connection between Peter and his parents distance and the distance Peter moved to

New York. In venting this pain, after graduating college and his career on Wall

Street became a success, Peter deliberately ignored his parents and decided to

rarely go home to visit them.

Conflict between Peter and his parents as already described above is also

due to the attitude of favoritism made by his parents As happened in the following


It was always Michael who was protected and never Peter. Their

father had always had a soft spot for Michael and talked about what a “good boy” he was, with the implication that Peter was the “bad boy”, and often enough he was (38)

The quote above shows the favoritism their dad makes to his twin sons.

Their father in giving his unfortunate love by putting more of Michael than Peter.

Like, the attitude of their father who preferred to talk about Michael rather than

Peter. His father's attitude caused Peter to become angry and resentful with his


In addition, the conflict between Peter and his parents is also clearly stated


T r i s n a n d a r i | 26

He had been so angry at them for always siding with Michael and

never with him, and for believing all the lies Michael told about

him. (97)

From Peter's statement above it is clear that he is really angry with his

parents because of their unfair treatment. Peter's anger with his parents is because

they love Michael more and trust him more than Peter.

f. Peter’s conflict with Gary his father-in-law

Conflict between Peter and his father-in-law is in the form of conflict.

Peter's opposition to his father-in-law came when his father-in-law supported

Alana's daughter's desire for a divorce from Peter because he did not want his

daughter to suffer. As in the following quote:

“I thought that was what ‘for better or worse’ was all about,” Peter said grimly.


“Life isn’t always easy,” Peter said doggedly. “That’s what love is all about.” (64)

Peter's opposition to his father-in-law's thoughts, in expressing his

opposition, he says if the true meaning of love is not measured by money or

wealth. The true meaning of true love is always shared in difficult or happy, in

poverty or rich because a marriage does not always live in ease or just about

money alone.

g. Peter’s conflict with a man.

The conflict between Peter and an unknown man began when the man

came to his house to ask Peter for help. The man asks Peter to be willing to go


T r i s n a n d a r i | 27

has killed his father. However, the accusation of the man was not trusted by Peter

until there was a quarrel between them. As in the following quote:

“You don’t know that,” the man said angrily. “I think he did.” “You don’t know taht either,” Peter shot back. (123)

The Conversations that occurred between Peter and the man showed a

clash between them. The argument between Peter and the man is because they

have nothing to lose in defending their respective opinions.

Because Peter did not believe the man's words, so he refused to go to the

police station and let him go from his house in anger at him.

3.1.2 Internal Conflicts

Peter’s conflicts with himself

The internal conflict experienced by Peter first occurred when he thought

of the ultimatum Alana had given him about the fate of their marriage. As in the

following quote:

...He had heard her message loud and clear. If he wanted to

save their marriage, which was about all he had left now that he

cared a out, he had to move to L.A., on her terms. And he could see

what would happen if he did not. He laid his head back againts the

deck chair and closed hie eyes as he tought about it, and silent tears

rolled slowly down his cheeks. He had never been so miserable in

his life. (22)

Peter was sitting pensively alone when he began to shed a tear because he

felt depressed thinking about the ultimatum given his wife. Feelings of distress

experienced by Peter because of his wife's ultimatum, he faced with two difficult


T r i s n a n d a r i | 28

In another quotation it is explained that Peter also had felt the same feeling

as in the above quote that is feeling depressed and helpless. As in the following


It reminded him of the days when he could barely red. When it

seemed as though everyone else knew the answers except him. It

was a terrible helpless sensation. (22)

Feelings of distress that is currently experiencing also happened to Peter

when he was a child. As a child, Peter experiences depression because he can not

read until high school, while his age friends have been able to read all.

While preparing to move his wife and children to L.A., suddenly in the

mind of Peter terbesit curiosity about the loyalty of his wife on whose side. But

Peter was hesitant to ask his wife about it. As in the following quote:

Peter wondered if her loyalty was greater to her father or to him? He din’t know if he wanted the answer to that question right now. (24)

Peter experiences mixed feelings when on one side he is curious and

curious about his wife's loyalty on whose side. But on the other hand, Peter is also

not ready if the answer he received was not in accordance with his expectations.

In the last few days Peter bore the brunt of the thought of the fate of his

family when he had no work and enough money. As in the following quote:

He looked tired these days, and he felt ancient after slepless nights,

worrying about how to take care of his family. (26)

Peter is depressed because he bears the heavy burden of thinking about


T r i s n a n d a r i | 29

employment and money. The burden of his mind affects his now-changing

physiological condition,

While he was cleaning his apartment, Peter felt that he was now alone in

the difficult situation he was facing. As in the following quote in:

...as he felt tears sting his eyes. He was exhausted and


Peter cried out all the burdens that had accumulated in him out of

desperation and depression of the circumstances he had overtaken at this time and

had to go through alone.

Peter felt mixed feelings when he decided to leave his apartment to be sold

to raise money for his temporary income. As in the quote:

It was a depressing day for Peter when he left the apartment for the

last time. (36)

Peter's mixed feelings will leave the apartment. This is because he is not

ready to submit his own apartment to the new owner because in it (apartment) has

many happy memories with his family, but on the one hand he also needs money

Peter experienced mixed feelings when he had to part with his children

due to his divorce with Alana. As in the following quotation:

"I want to live with my kids." Not a continent away. And staying in

L.A. was not the answer for him either, if he and Alana were not

together anymore. (64)

Peter experiences mixed feelings when on his side he wants to stay with


T r i s n a n d a r i | 30

Peter thought of his wife's wishes for divorce allowances and the flowers

when Peter got the job again. As in the following quote:

Peter did not like that as much, ...since her father was

supporting her lavishly, but they had been married for fifteen years,

and she deserved something for that. (73)

Peter experienced inner conflicts where on the one hand he was angry with

Alana at his request because in Peter's view Alana's father was still able to meet

his needs. But on the other hand he's also thinking of the years they've passed

together so it's natural that Alana gets something from him.

After the divorce between Peter and Alana, Peter's feelings for his wife

were inexplicable. As in this quote:

...He was angry at her for bailing on him, but he still loved

her. (74)

Peter's mixed feelings to Alana between feeling angry at leaving him when

he fell poor but on the other hand he also felt can not be angry at Alana because

he still loves her.

Peter meets Maggie who is a girl in his past who is now the wife of his

twin brother Michael when he is shopping for his needs at the supermarket. Now,

when they meet again they ask for news of each other's .But Peter had an inner

conflict when he would answer Maggie's question about her latest news. As in the

following quote:

“Yes to both. Well, sort of.” He hesitated... (76)


T r i s n a n d a r i | 31

everything. But despite hesitation, Peter still answered Maggie's question with a

simple answer to appreciate it.

Peter, reunited with Maggie, became sad at the sight of her condition now.

He thought of something he could do for her, but he was not sure of what he was

doing. As in the following quote:

Peter would have gotten her out more, and tried to give her a normal life, but maybe then she wouldn’t have lived as long. It was hard to know. (77)

Peter had an internal conflict when he thought of what he could do to

make Maggie happy, but on the other hand he was not sure of what he was going

to do as he had in mind.

Peter contacted his sons to take them to his lake-side home, but they could

not come to visit for his grandfather's vacation. Peter was so sad and depressed

because of this. As in the following quote:

Peter was beginning to feel that there was no room in their life for

him. ...Peter felt like a loser all over again, and he was

depressed when he hung up the phone. (79)

Peter's sad and depressed feelings arise when he feels that his children are

now away from him and he is also depressed because they can not now happy

them with the luxurious holidays they once did.

When Peter gets home after visiting Maggie, he meets Michael who just

got back from his practice. It was then, Peter glimpsed a faint twitch in the corner

of Michael's mouth. But he was not sure what the faint twitch in the corner of his


T r i s n a n d a r i | 32

...when he suddenly remembered what the twitch at the

corner of Michael’s mouth meants. It struck him like lightning, and

then he shook his head. When they were kids, Michael’s mouth

had twitched like that when he was caught in a lie or had done

something really bad that no one knew about. It gave him away to

Peter every time. But Michael had done nothing bad this time, and

if he had lied about Maggie being sick, it was only to protect

him...But he got an eerie feeling as he

remembered the twitch. (96)

The internal opposition experienced by Peter when he saw a faint twist in

the lips of Michael's lips. On the one hand he was convinced that if the faint

twitch that Michael did had no intentions. But on the other hand, Peter was not

sure if the faint twitch he'd seen had no intention of remembering the bad

memories he had in the past related to the faint twitch in the corner of his mouth

like Michael had done.

Peter could not sleep after reading the contents of his mother's diary he

had accidentally found. As in the following quote:

..., and he lay awake for hours that night when he went to bed.

He hated knowing how much his mother had sufferd and that he hadn’t been there for her. He had only visited her onece that summer. It was the last time he saw her befre she died (97)

Peter could not sleep because he was filled with feelings of regret for his


T r i s n a n d a r i | 33

was sick and only once visited him. Peter's deep feelings of regret deepened now

that his mother had died.

Peter's feelings got mixed up after he found his mother's diary and read the

content inside. As in the following quote:

Peter was haunted by his mother’s diaries for the rest of the weekend and for several daus after. Raeding them was troubling

but deeply touching. (98)

After reading the contents of his mother's diary, Peter's heart became

uneasy for days because his feelings were now jumbled between deeply touched

and also disturbed if remembered in them.

Peter finds it hard to believe his nephew Bill's story about his father (twin

brother Peter) trying to kill his mother. As in the following quote:

He couldn’t imagine anything worse than believing that your father was trying to kill your mother, but he could see that Bill was

sincere. (116)

Peter could not believe his story about his father who wanted to kill his

mother, but on the other hand he could also see the honesty of Bill. Peter also had

a dilemma between trusting Bill and not.

While Peter had not fully believed Bill's story before, his nephew had just

added his story to the other side of his father. What Bill did was actually make

Peter more confused about the actual figure of Michael. As in the following quote:

...He had been certain his brother was the devil incarnate then, but

now he seemed like a gentle, loving man. Michael had been


T r i s n a n d a r i | 34

Bill now, Peter was confused. Which vision of Michael was true?

Was what he had experienced with his brother recently just pure

manipulation or sincere? Was Michael devil or saint? (117)

Peter felt confused about the true figure of Michael he could trust. Peter

had to believe in Michael as good an angel as he had recently, or to believe in the

evil, godlike figure of Michael as he once believed.

Peter did not believe in Bill's opinion if his mother had been poisoned with

an insecticide poison. Because of his conviction, Peter refused Bill's request to

take his mother's hair sample for examination. However, Bill's next words were

able to make Peter a dilemma. As in the following quote:

Bill was right, at worst he’d look like a fool taking three hairs to a lab in Boston to find out what kind of hair spray she used. And if

what Bill said was true?... But it couldn’t be. (130)

Peter felt the mixed feeling of thinking that he would do a crazy thing to

take a sample of Maggie's hair for examination because he did not believe if

Maggie was poisoned, but on the other hand she was also wondering what if there

was a chance that Bill might be right.

Peter feels anxious that he should leave Maggie alone with only Michael.

As in the following quote:

Peter knew it seemed insane, but even though he didn’t believe a word of Bill’s theory about the weed killer, he was nervous now about leaving Maggie alone with Michael. (133)

Peter’s worry when on the one hand he was still trying to deny the words


T r i s n a n d a r i | 35

not sure to leave Maggie alone with only Michael because he also began to

believe a little bit of Bill.

Peter was confused to believe him or not about his father poisoned his


He was beginning to believe it. His trip to the laboratory in Boston

had given serious weight to the theory. He knew it couldn’t be true,

but his mind was in a whirl now. (134)

Peter mind the mess between trust him or not. In another side, he began to

trust the words of Bill, especially after his departure to the laboratory in Boston

add to the seriousness of the theory of the Bill. But in other side, he knew it could

not be true.

Peter has set up his home to greet his childrens. However, after the arrest

of his brother, he became confused will welcome his childrens in where.

...and he had gotten the house ready for the boys, who were due

in a week, but he still had mixed feelings about having them come here, since Michael’s arrest. A pall had been cast it now for Peter, but he couldn’t think of where else to take them. (182)

He has set up his home to greet his two sons who will be up for another

week, but now he felt mixed feelings about their arrival there, since the arrest of

Michael. Peter felt the atmosphere there has been damaged, but he did not know

where to take them anywhere.

Peter hesitated to accept or reject a job offer from a company in London.


T r i s n a n d a r i | 36

again. But no one had offere him a job there so far. And this was

an excellent offer, worthy of him, with a partnership in the firm

within two years, profit sharing, benefit stock, and they were

willing to pay for an apartment for him, big enough for his boys

when they came to visit. It was everything he wanted, just not in

the right town. He didn’t know whether to accept it or not. (188


Peter hesitated to accept or reject the offer of the company in London.

Peter hesitated to accept since he did not want to stay in London. He still wants to

go back to New York and worked again on Wall Street. However, until now no

one has a job offer from there. While company in London are willing to provide

all the chill Peter. Therefore, this offer is interesting and worthy of consideration

even though the city that did not suit.

3.2 Themes in Prodigal Son Novel

Referring to another question in the statement of the problem, the writer

will discuss theme of the story. From the related theory that theme can be found

through the conflicts experienced by the main characters. Based on the conflicts

of the main characters as described above, the writer finds that there are two types

theme, major theme and minor theme.

3.2.1 Major Theme

Based on the conflict depicted through the main character, the writer can

conclude that the major theme of Prodigal Son is about sibling rivalry. Sibling

rivalry can be caused by the attitude of parents who like to compare their children,


T r i s n a n d a r i | 37

Peter and Michael's parents always compare Peter with his brother who is

considered as a smart kid. Peter and Michael's parental attitudes like this caused

competition among them. As in the following quote:

More than anything, Peter had wanted to impress his parents and

win all the approval that had belonged only to his brother for so many years. ...and Michael had been threatened by Peter’s new-found skills and quick to point out that all his success in

college did was confirm how lazy Peter had been for all the years

before. (11)

The quote above shows that the rivalry between Peter and Michael is

caused by each other wanting not to lose in getting recognition from their parents

as a smart kid. Peter wanted to show his ability that is now able to read to be

recognized also by his parents who had only acknowledged the ability of Michael.

But, Michael feels threatened by Peter's ability to read now, because he does not

want his parents who only acknowledged his ability also recognize the ability of

the new Peter can be overcome. To counteract Peter's recognition of his ability

from their parents, Michael tells his parents to influence them by saying that his

new twin sister's ability to read shows his laziness all along.

In competing there are always winners and losers. Likewise with the

competition that occurred between Peter and Michael in the fight for the attention

of their parents. As in the following quote:

Peter had never been able to win them back after the failures in his

youth. His mother had been upset by him, and his father had never

tried to understand him. Sharing a career in medicine with Michael,


T r i s n a n d a r i | 38

forming a bond with his father. All Peter had ever been was a

disappointment to him, and a problem. (14)

Sibling rivalry in getting attention from their parents was won by Michael,

while Peter was the loser. Michael easily gets the attention of his father because

they have so much in common when practicing together. Therefore, Michael is so

easy to establish good relationships with his parents, especially his father. In

contrast to Peter who had not been able to win the hearts of his parents and always

considered his father as the source of the problem.

The rivalry between Peter and Michael on parental concerns is also

expressed in the following quotation:

...You were always the handsome one, and charming, even if

you were hot-headed then. I think I was afraid they loved you

more, so I tired to be perfect all the time. No one is. There was room for both of us. I just didn’t know it then. Maybe it’s not so easy being twins. You start competing in the womb.” (98)

Michael acknowledged that he and Peter had been competing in the womb

ever since. As they grew, Michael and Peter competed for the attention of their

parents. Michael is trying to be the perfect child, because he is afraid that his

parents will be more caring and loving Peter who is more handsome than him but

also irritable.

The existence of sibling rivalry between Peter and Michael in the fight for

the attention of parents is further emphasized in the following quotation:


T r i s n a n d a r i | 39

The quotation above explains that in competing for the attention of their

parents, Michael always uses the dirty way is to make Peter as the accused in

every mistake he did. Michael did that because he did not want to share their

parents 'interest with Peter, he wanted their parents' attention just for him.

Sibling competition can also be caused by the jealousy of one party. As in

the following quote:

“You, with your high and mighty Wall Street life, while I stayed in this backwater to take care of our parents. I had as much right to

that life as you did. I wanted to get out of here too, and be someone, but I stuck around and took care of them. You didn’t!” (223)

The envy that Michael had for Peter who had the money and the life he

had dreamed of. This envy finally led to a sibling rivalry between Michael and


3.2.2 Minor Theme

Based on the conflicts between Peter and Alana, Peter and his

father-in-law, Peter and the realtor are all caused by money, the authors draw the

conclusion that the minor theme of the story is about money. By having a lot of

money a person can take advantage of those who are making money. As Peter

experienced in the following quote:

Those who still had money were preying on those who no longer

did, and Peter was now one of the latter, a victim of the crisis. (33)

Having a lot of money for apartment buyers Peter can do whatever he wants to be


T r i s n a n d a r i | 40

Alana says that having a lot of money means someone has a successful life

and a high social status. As in the following quote:

And it the end, it came down to money for Alana. It was a sad thing

to learn about her. Success meant everything to her and her father,

and Peter had failed. He had lost his grip on the brass ring and

fallen off the merry-go-round. Alana was still on it, but Peter wasn’t. For now, he was living in a whole other world, one that Alana wanted no part of. (74-75)

Money is used as a benchmark of success and high-low social status of a

person by Alana and his father. So when Peter loses all his money they (his father

and daughter) find him not a successful person anymore and do not have the high

social status Alana always wants. Therefore, Alana assumes that her world and

Peter's world are no longer the same, and she does not want to live in the same

world as Peter who now has no money.

For Alana and her father in life it's all about money. As in this quote:

Peter had never really fit into their plans. All he had had was

money, and now he no longer did. (101)

Peter tells me that if he is with his wife and father-in-law it never fits,

though they can still get along well because Peter has the money. But now Peter

has no money and the relationship between them is getting worse.

Because money is also a person can be desperate to do evil, as said by Bill

about the crimes committed his father in the effort to get the money. As in the

following quote:


T r i s n a n d a r i | 41

“My garandfather left her ten million dollars. Believe me, he would do it for that. If she leaves him half of it, that’s enogh. I swear he only married her for what he knew my garndfather would leave

her. (129)

Bill tells his uncle Peter to convince him that in order to earn a lot of

money his father (Michael) kills his grandparents (Peter and Michael's parents).

Bill also added that his father also wanted to kill his mother for wanting money

left by his grandfather for his mother worth ten million dollars.

Bill also tried to convince her sister Lisa about her father trying to kill their

mother for money. As in the following quote:

He wants to kill her, Lisa, for Grampa’s money” (150)

Bill explains to Lisa if their father wants to kill their mother to get the

money their mother earned from their grandfather.

Michael desperately wanted the money that Maggie had, which was really

big and he was trying to get it. As in the following quote:

Ten million dollars was a lot of money, and Michael must have

wanted it very badly, no matter how modest he appeared. Maybe he

wanted it enough to kill her for it. (167)

Not matter what Michael was, but when he found out that his wife had a

sum of ten million dollars, he was anxious to own it. Therefore, he really wanted

to kill his wife in order to have the money.

Peter's children do not like his stepfather who thinks only about money. As

in the following quote:


T r i s n a n d a r i | 42

that to him amply in the last year. She had learned it from a master,

her father. All that matter to either of them was


In the quote above shows that people like Alana, Gary, and Bruce (Alana's

husband's husband) assume if in life it's all about money. Because for them money


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Keragaman genetik yaitu perbedaan susunan genetik dari empat varietas jagung bersari bebas yang akan ditentukan dengan menggunakan Marka SSRs ( Simple Sequence Repeats

Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan adalah semua kegiatan kurikuler yang harus dilakukan oleh mahasiswa praktikan, sebagai pelatihan untuk menerapkan teori yang diperoleh dalam semester

Asumsi: pasar tenaga kerja sektor modern yang kompetitif akan menjamin keberlangsungan eksistensi tingkat upah riil pedesaan yang konstan,


Selain itu, koneksi antar sekolah juga menggunakan akses langsung, sehingga dapat menimbulkan celah pihak eksternal masuk ke jaringan internal di Yayasan Teratai

negatif yang tidak signifikan pada Bank Umum Swasta Nasional Devisa... HADI SUSILO DWI CAHYONO (