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The Promotion Strategy Of Bis Production Event Organizer Vitria C.9309083


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Submitted as a Partial Requirement Degree in the English Diploma Program,

Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University







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Approved to be examined before the board of examiners, English Diploma

Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine arts, Sebelas Maret University

Final Project Report :



Name : Vitria

NIM : C. 9309083


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Accepted and approved by the Board of Examiners, English Diploma

Program, Faculty of Letter and Fine arts, Sebelas Maret University



: Vitria

NIM : C. 9309083

Examination Date : 15 January 2013

The Board of Examiners :

1. Drs. Budi Waskito, M.Pd



2. Fitria Akhmerti P. SS. MA



3. M. Taufiq Al Makmun,S.S

NIP. 19780627005011003

Main examiner


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Be your self and think positive

Nobody is perfect, but we can do the best


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This final project is dedicated to :

My beloved parents

My whole family

My consultant, M. Taufiq Al Makmun,S.S

My friends


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The Promotion Strategy of BIS Production Event

Organizer shed in BIS

PRODUCTION event organizer in Solo.

This report describes promotion strategy in general and focuses on

proposing promotion strategy for BIS production.

I completely realize that my final project report is far from being perfect.

However, it will be a precious thing if my report can add the information and

knowledge for many people.


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Firstly, I would like to thank ALLAH SWT, for blessing me and guiding

me during the writing of the final report. I also express my gratitude to all of

people as follows :

1. Drs. Riyadi Santosa, M.Ed,Ph.D the Dean of Letters and Fine Art Faculty

and Yusuf Kurniawan, SS, MA, the Head of English D3 program, for the

approval of this final project.

2. M. Taufiq Al Makmun,S.S, MA as the consultant and supervisor who

patiently and sincerely give me guidance, support, advice, suggestions,

explanation, correction and motivation in finishing this final project.

3. M. Farkhan M, S.Ag, M.Ag as my academic consultant who patiently give

me guidance and suggestion in academic matters.

4. All of the lectures of English Diploma program who have given the best

things in my life.

5. My husband, Timbul Rachmanto,. Thanks for your support during my

study in this college. You give me everything whose I need.

6. My whole family, especially my parents. Thanks for your care and pray.

Thus , It is easy for me to do all

7. All my friends in BIS Production, Awang, Projo, Jumali,etc. thanks for the

information. I miss you so much.

8. My brother, Wira Petto. I miss your advice. You accompany me when I

feel down. And you give me support every time.


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9. All of my friends in English diploma program. Thanks for all. ways

remember all moments with you.

I hope this final project is able to give beneficial significance for the


Surakarta, 15 January 2013



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VITRIA, 2013, THE PROMOTION STRATEGY OF BIS PRODUCTION EVENT ORGANIZER, English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

This final project is written based on the job training as a public relations officer at BIS Production in Srigunting V number 14, Gremet, Manahan, Solo. This final project report discusses the promotion of BIS production.

By observing, interviewing and taking note, the writer collects information for completing the final project. The writer also uses descriptive qualitative research to describe object qualitatively.

This final project is used to evaluate and to propose the promotion strategy for BIS Production event organizer. The writer also finds the effective promotion strategy for BIS production for the solution of the promotion problem. They are, determining segmentation, giving free information, joining at community, avoiding copying from popular product, and considering competitor as a friend. The answers can be used by the reader to improve their knowledge about a good strategy of promotion and makes use it for their company existence.


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B. New Promotion Strategy for BIS Production ... 22


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hold their event. They can do negotiation to manage profit to pay the service.

Event organizer (EO) is a solution to answer the problem. This is

created by several people who make use of the big chance where people think

easy and simple. The event organizer will organize all events in detail started

from preparing until finishing. The EO provides everything that client need

in managing the event so client is not busy to hold this. The client only pays

based on cost. This is one of services from EO to hold an event. This event

can be divided into two categories based on place of event. They are outdoor

and indoor event. Each EO usually has uniqueness compared to the other.

As an organizer of entertainment events, the function of public relations

is very important, it makes a good communication to public. Communication

skill has important role to solve its problems. A good communication can also

attract more clients. Besides that, Public Relations also does promotion. The

EO still needs to increase promotion to compete with the other EO.

Considering that there are a lot of event organizers, started from small to big

EO capacity. So, strategy of promotion from public relations officer (PRO) is


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needed in this case. Therefore, the event organizer (EO) will get a good image

as a qualified EO. And it can be trusted Event Organizer.

BIS Production is one of famous event organizers in Solo. This is a

small EO that has many events in Solo. This EO is located on Jl. Srigunting no

15, Gremet, Manahan. It is also called creative team work. This EO trains all

workers to think innovatively to create a spectacular event in Solo. They

always find out good strategies to face competitors in Solo. So that, PRO as a

front line is very important in this case to arrange programs especially

promotion. The promotion is used to attract more clients, because there many

competitors. This event organizer pays attention on its service system for the

sponsorships. Thus, the best service and satisfaction of the customers can

always be fulfilled.

Besides that, the writer is interested in the existence of the EO that has

sufficiently attracted a great attention from a company, an institution, or an

organization wanting to promote their product or service with EO media. In

fact, an EO is important media for promotion. Moreover, the EO has raised the

standard of living of its workers through its commercial profits.

job training at BIS Production event

organizer, one of the famous EO in Solo. The writer focuses the discussion at

the promotion strategy for PRO in a promotion strategy of BIS event

organizer. The writer finds some problems especially in a promotion strategy

needed by the writer to be discussed when the writer has finished the job


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The aims of this report are :

1. To evaluate the existing of promotion strategy for BIS Production.

2. To propose new promotion strategy for BIS Production


Hopefully this report will give benefits for some parties :

1. The Readers

The readers will get some additional knowledge about the function

of public relations in a promotion strategy at BIS event organizer. The

final project is completed by effective strategy in promotion which can be

used by the reader.

2. The Company

The company can get more profits in order to improve its existence

in general society by improving promotion strategy. They will get some

tips to change the traditional strategy of promotion to get new strategy

which is useful for theirs. The new promotion strategy is based on reality


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1. Research Design

This research is a descriptive qualitative research to describe object

qualitatively. It is started from the history of object until the problem

appearing there. It is important to describe the object clearly and

systematically started from reality, character, and problem happened there.

Descriptive qualitative research is not only knowing about the distribution

and data activity but also base of decision taking.

2. Data

A primary data are taken by observation and interview.

Observation is done in BIS event Organizer office. Interview is proposed

to BIS production staffs and people from the other EO. Besides that, a

secondary data are collected by note taking from BIS Production and

library research.

3. Methodology

The writer collects data through three ways, they are :

a. Observation

The writer does observation directly toward all activities in BIS

Production, started from preparing, holding and evaluating the event.

However, the writer focuses in Promotion during the job training. The

writer tries to learn the promotion strategy before. It can be seen from


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the writer finds solution to improve promotion strategy that will be

described in next chapter.

b. Interview

The writer writes down the statement from the staff of BIS and

society by interviewing. This information can be used to create

decision. Thus, the writer will find out the answer to solve the problem

in BIS Production, especially in a promotion.

c. Note Taking

The writer collects notes, brochure or leaflet related to BIS

production. Besides that, the writer also finds the theory from books

related to promotion strategy. This report can be used to make decision

in media promotion.

4. Data Analysis Technique

The writer analyzes data from several steps. The data are obtained

from observation and interview, then the writer carries on by interviewing

respondents. The writer also collects leaflet about BIS Production to

support information. Then the data are listed and displayed in a note to

understand the promotion strategy in BIS production. Besides that, the

writer also analyzes and interprets each point of interview by using the

theory of promotion strategy. Finally the writer draws the conclusion from


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There are many definitions about Public Relations from several

sources. Basically, PR is a management function maintaining a mutual

understanding and cooperation between an institution and its public to

create a good reputation. A reputation is a final goal achieved by public

relations officers.

The definition is supported by the foundation for PR research and

education in the practice of PR, which defines PR as ;

Public relations is a strategic communication process that

builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and

their publics. (http://www.prsa.org/aboutprsa/publicrelationsdefined/)

Public relations is a management function which tabulates public

attitudes, defines the policies, procedures, and interests of an organization,

followed by executing a program of action to earn public understanding

and acceptance. (Edward Louis Bernays in Keith Butterick, 2012 :8)

Public relations is a management function establishing and

maintaining mutual beneficial relationships between an organization and

the public on focuses or failure depend ( Keith Butterick, 2012: 8)


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2. Functions of Public Relations

The aspect of public relations is divided into three categories of

public relations function according to Diah Kristina in Bahasa Persuasif

dalam Public Relations (2001: 4.) They are :

a. Representational

The implication of representational in public relations role is to

help persuading and promoting the institution to public.

Representational is divided into several factors like rhetorical, oratory

and advocacy.

b. Dialogic

Dialogic includes negotiation and peace making. Most of PRO

must have this skill because it can support role of public relations.

PRO cannot deal everything if they have no negotiation skill.

Sometimes, a good negotiator is a peace maker.

c. Advisory

The last one is advisory. We can say by counseling. This part

learns how to give advice and discussion. Beside two abilities above,

PRO can be an advisor every time when they needed. A good PRO is

not only listening but also doing and understanding about everything

happened in their institution. Therefore, they can give solution toward


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event started from the opening to closing.



2. The type of Event Organizer

There are several categories of EO based on type of event, such as :

a. MICE : Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Exhibition). E.O.

It means that the event organizer does the program based on the

business above.

b. One Stop Service Agency: A big event organizer is able to hold a

spectacular event until international scale.

c. Wedding organizer: An EO which is chosen to hold wedding

d. Brand Activation ; An EO helps the client to promote product for

increasing selling by interacting with audience.

e. Music and Entertainment : An EO that has specialization in holding


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f. Birthday Organizer: An EO which has ability to hold and handle

birthday party.

g. Private party Organizer: An EO organizing private party, generally for

rich society.

h. Promotion brand Marketing Mix Marketing, Outdoor/indoor

( 7 Lagkah Jitu Membagun Bisnis EO, Yudhi Megananda,


C. Promotion

1. Definition of Promotion

Promotion is an activity of company to communicate their product

and to persuade a consumer for buying this product. (Kohler , 2006,


Promotion is a broad term. Basically it is a method that

communicates a message from a seller to a buyer, in order to influence

beliefs or actions. Since business success depends on standing out in a sea

of competition, people are constantly coming up with new and innovative

ways to get their message across to the potential customers. (Belch and

Belch, 2009, http://digilib.petra.ac.id/)

Promotion is an activity done by marketing to inform, persuade,

influence a opinion for buying their product.


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2. Goals of Promotion

There are three goals of the promotion wanted by a company, such

as :

a. Informing

A product is not good to anyone if nobody knows about it. A

company should promote a new product to inform the customers.

b. Persuading

Persuading is all about changing the attitudes of a consumer. A

good persuader is called a peace maker. It is important because it can

influence the customer for buying the product.

c. Reminding

Most businesses have a set of loyal customers. Loyal

They represent a reliable

stream of business. This activity can improve the relation between a

company and a customer.


3. Promotion Strategy

A promotion needs strategy to achieve the goals. They are 18

strategies for promotion:

a. Arrangement of promotion planning list

The first, a company has a plan of the promotion to attract a


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budgeting and list promotion activity that will be done. It can be a

barometer for the company.

b. Deciding Promotion Concept

The basic idea of company is to persuade a consumer for

buying their products. A company should learn a consumer before

deciding a promotion concept. A company can add a logo or a special

slogan in the product to remind a customer.

c. Determining Segmentation

Segmentation is an important point in promotion. A company

can sell their product needed by society. It is important to decide price

and prestige.

d. Focusing on Customers

The company can do a simple way like solving

problems. Thus, a company can make sure that the product is useful

for them.

e. Satisfying of Customers Need

A customer knows everything which the customer need. A

success company will listen and learn everything which customers


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f. Giving Free Information

This activity can be done for example like providing brochure,

leaflet, website, etc that can be accessed by consumers. This

information can be a reference for them to use the product.

g. Using online marketing

There are some social networks on the internet like e mail or

Facebook. A company can make use it for communicating. Thus,

consumers in local or international can access information easily.

h. Media Relation

Media relation has benefit for business. A company (especially

in medium scale) can use it for spreading information, because there

are many medias wanting to cover it. This is a good chance to look for

a new relation for a cooperation.

i. Joining at a Community

Nowadays, a community become a right choice for a small or a

medium scale of company. This is used to force budgeting in a

promotion. If a company can sell their product to a community, the

company does not need advertisement cost.

j. Setting of Publication

There are alternative publications for supporting like billboard

or the other advertisement. If a company thinks that it is important, the


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k. Doing Simple Thing

Sometimes, people can appreciate someone from simple thing

like giving smile, cleaning of the bathroom, picking up the phone in

the third sound, interested card name, etc. The simple things above can

give big impact to their business. Believe or not, people will respect

from the simple thing before they get the big thing. Now, a company

can begin to do this for influencing a client in their business.

l. Giving Gift to Customers

One of unique ways in promotion is giving a gift, such us free

delivery, free soft drink, etc to the loyal customers. The gift is must not

expensive. It apparently gives appreciation itself toward the customers.

The customers will feel comfort and respect with the product.

m. Mouth to Mouth Strategy

Mouth to mouth strategy is the most effective strategy in

promotion. It is done by giving information to someone and then the

one will carry on this information to other. This is method of spreading


n. Avoiding Copying from Popular Product

A smart company will have a good strategy to solve a problem

in a promotion. They will avoid a promotion strategy from the other


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o. Considering Competitor as a Friend

A company often feels that competitor is an enemy. The

company will try to avoid that. In fact, this is incorrect. The best way

that the company should do is creating a feeling that competitor is a

friend. The purpose is to stable price. Competition in business makes

labile price and negative impact to a company.

p. Cross-Promoting

A company can do this strategy by entering promotion of the

new product in a launching. Thus, the company can inform

more one times in one promotion.

q. Finding Last Alternative Advertisement

enjoyed in a long time after the promotion done. A company should let the

customers to evaluate their product and decide the best for them.

(7 Langkah jitu Membangun Bisnis EO , Yudhi Megananda,


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This EO is called partner local EO, because this EO gets event from some

bigger event organizers. It does not mean that this EO is not qualified. But

since its establishment, it has cooperated with the big or reference EO

from several big cities.

BIS production was established in 5 February 2004 namely BIS

event Organizer. The word BIS Biaya Irit Sekali

in Indonesia language. Philosophically, it deals with low

budget productions and cost. Later, the name is changed to be BIS

Production. Hopefully, this EO grows better in future.

Firstly, BIS consists of several divisions like, Project Officer (PO) ,

client service and talent service. Then, BIS production is able to build

some new divisions, such as; advertising consisting of banner, flyer,

poster, other ads, Sound system consisting of 1000watt- 60.000watt sound

system, and mixer 12 32 channels, equipment band consisting of music

equipments, lighting, artist agency, etc. All of them are proposed to

satisfy client. It is also based on the request from their client.


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This EO has held several big events, such as :

a. Gudang Garam Monster of Rock, with PAS Band, UPN Yogyakarta.

b. Star Mild Campus Fiesta, Fame Café Apartment Sejahtera, Yogyakarta

c. LA Light Trance Ordinary with DJ Vanda, Apartment Sejahtera,


d. A mild Firework Party, Café of Purwokerto Town Square

e. Yamaha Family Fun Day with Tasya, Gramedia,Solo

f. A mild Linking Park Nite, Café Bola, Solo

g. XL Merti desa, Nguter, sukoharjo

h. Gathering Yamaha Dealer Kondang Motor, Solo. etc.

2. Structure of Organization of BIS Production

As usual, BIS Production has similar organization structure with

the general company. There are an owner, a secretary, a treasurer, and a

public relations or marketing. The uniqueness is based on the event. Each

position has different responsibility, such as :

a. Owner or leader

An owner in BIS Production should evaluate when there is complain

from a client. He is also responsible everything in the company.

b. Secretary

A secretary has a job for making note everything needed in this EO.


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c. Treasure

A treasure must manage budgeting and financial in a company. If there

is losing, treasure must responsible about that.

d. Public relations officer / marketing

A PRO should arrange concept, lobby and do publication. In the job

An event organizer also has division to differentiate job desk when

the EO run the events. They are :

a. Project Officer / Event Manager

Project Officer / Event Manager is a project leader. A project

leader responsible toward successful of event started from planning to

evaluating of the event. This function usually relate to administrative

and equipment problems. This event will be successful, if the event

organizer occupies people who has experience in the position. So that,


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usually has several people to support them. They will help them to

prepare the event, like venue, promotion, permission letter, safety,

consumption, budgeting, etc.

b. Field Officer

Field Officer is a function to handle venue preparation,

promotion, permission, safety, consumption, equipment preparation,

etc. The other word, this function is used to do the job related to

operational function.

c. Talent Officer

This job responsible with talent or artist include MC started

from time negotiation, cost, MOU, transportation, accommodation, etc.

so, if there is complain from artist, this is responsibility of talent


d. Show Director

Show director is a division of event organizer which has

responsibility in an event quality. It can be seen from the artistic or the

audience comfortable. A show director usually has a team consisting of

art director, stage manager, sound engine, lighting, security, and

runner art director.

The art director responsible toward artistic problem, such as


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Stage Manager responsible toward successful event. They will

manage when an artist should perform based on rundown and

handle schedule.

Sound Engineer/Soundman responsible toward quality control

of sound system.

Lighting man handle quality control of lighting. Security is

several policemen worked at that time. They responsible

toward safety during the event lasted started from location, and

the other aspect related to the event.

Runner is a team who work everything in general. They do not

work in a specific position. They generally became a connector

between a show director and the other position.

e. Client Service

A client service responsibles to connect among client as the

sponsor, a show director and a project officer. This Client Service will

accompany the client started from preparing to closing.

2. Media promotion

a. Newspaper

BIS Production seldom uses visual or audio publication supporting

promotion. For several reasons, they begin to decide using newspaper

as a publication. Considering that a newspaper is a cheap media for


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b. Mouth to mouth Media

Beside printed media like newspaper, the other effective media is

mouth to mouth media. According to survey from several people, most

of them know about the EO from the other. One of strategy in BIS is

by using media without cost. If this way is effective, why have to pay

more expensive.

3. Promotion Strategy of BIS Production

This is the analysis of interview. The answer of first question

describes that all respondents know about BIS from their friend. It means

that mouth to mouth promotion media in BIS Production is successful.

Second question describes the time needed by people for knowing

BIS in the first time. The answer of all respondents shows that BIS need

long time to be known by a society. It is proven by earliest time that is in

2005. Moreover, BIS was built in February 2004. Thus, BIS still needs

improving promotion strategy.

The last question shows the event promotion. Four respondents

said that they know the event from their friend. And one of them said that

they know the EO when they are in the same event.

Strategy of Promotion for BIS Production

a. Making Proposal of Event

As a partner sub local EO, BIS should arrange proposal event to a big


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everything needed in the event. BIS tries the best, because this

proposal can be a consideration for a big EO.

b. Choosing Media

Media is not important in BIS production. During BIS was established,

BIS gets event from the big EO cooperated with it. Thus, BIS chooses

cheap media like mouth to mouth media, newspaper or website.

c. Focusing on Quality

Quality is necessary in BIS production. It can be trusting of big EO to

give jobs. BIS recognizes that it should keep best quality to stay exist.

d. Good Attitude toward Client.

A simple thing that BIS can do is giving good attitude. It can influence

a good impression for the client, for example polite, kind, etc.

B. New Promotion Strategy for BIS Production

After analyzing of the promotion strategy weakness in BIS production,

the writer tries to find out new promotion strategy that will be suggested for

BIS production. They are :

1. Determining Segmentation

BIS should know target of market before deciding event. It is

important for successful of the event. Besides that, it makes the EO to


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2. Giving Free Information

This activity can be done by providing brochure, leaflet, website,

etc that can be accessed by consumers. The easiest solution is improving

internet using. This information can be reference


3. Joining at Community

A community is not a main factor in BIS. But it can influence

existing of BIS. Community sometimes can give information needed by

BIS. The other benefit, the community can give jobs for the EO.

4. Avoiding Copying from The Other Event Organizer

Something different sometimes is good. It is the same with the

case. If BIS production follows the concept of event from the other big

EO. It will cause that EO is not creative. The simplest way the EO can do

that the EO should give something different in the event. Although, the

event is from the similar client.

5. Considering Competitor as a Friend

Competitor is not an enemy. Sometimes, it will give some benefits.

For example, when an EO gets a big project they can share with the other


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A. Conclusion

Public relations have many functions based on institution need. If an

institution need it to improve promotion, this will be a function of PR to solve

the promotion strategy in the company.

A promotion is one kind of public relations function needed by BIS

production. This activity creates a big impact for a company existence. It is

needed a promotion strategy to compare with the other EO. A promotion

strategy is important because they will support the company development.

BIS production as an entertainment EO in Solo has several promotion

strategies, they are : Making Proposal of Event, Choosing Media, focusing on

quality, and good attitude toward client. But, the strategies above is less

effective. Based on research, there are weaknesses in their promotion. So that,

BIS needs for improving the promotion strategy.

The writer finds out the good promotion strategy based on relevant

theory and condition of BIS. The new strategies suggested are: determining

segmentation, giving free information, joining at community, avoiding

copying from the other EO, etc. the new strategies are hoped to give benefit

toward BIS production.


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B. Suggestion

From the description above, the writer can take several suggestions

such as:

1. A company should have promotion strategy to promote their company


2. A company should evaluate promotion strategy to grow up better in future

3. A company should know and understand market to find out the best


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