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Submitted to the Department of English Education of the Faculty of Language and Literature

Education of the Indonesia University of Education in partial fulfillment of requirements for Sarjana Sastra Degree

By: Dewi Laraswaty









Dewi Laraswaty

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana Sastra pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra

© Dewi Laraswaty 2014

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

November 2012

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Faculty of Language and Literature Education

Indonesia University of Education

Prof. Dr. Didi Suherdi, M.Ed


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu


Baker, Mona. (Ed). (2010). Critical reading in translation studies. London, England: Routledge

Barreiro, P.L. (2001). Population and sample, sampling techniques. Management Mathematics for Europian Schools, 10-11.

Bassnett, Susan. (2002). Translation studies. London, England: Routledge

Behtash, E. Z., & Firoozkohi, S. (2009). A diachronic study of domestication and foreignization strategies of culture-specific items: in English-Persian translations of six of Hemingway’s work. World Applied Sciences Journal, 7

Judickaite, Ligita. (2009). The notions of foreignization and domestication applied to film translation: analysis of subtitles in cartoon Ratatouille. 2 (23). 1648-8776.

Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. (2014). Retrieved from kbbi.web.id

Larson, Mildred. L,. (1984). Meaning—based translation: a guide to cross language equivalence. United States, United States of America: University Press of America.

Latham, B. (2007). Sampling: what is it?. Quantitative Research Method. Accessed on September, 10, 2013, from webpages.acs.ttu.edu

Machali, Rochayah. (2012). Cases of domestication and foreignization in the translation of Indonesian poetry into English: a preliminary inquery. Journal of Language and Culture, 3 (4), 74-82.

Mardiani, D. (2011, February). Laskar pelangi raih International Best Seller.

Accessed on December, 10, 2013 from


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu

Mehawesh, M., & Salim, J.A,. (2013). Color idiomatic expression in the translation of Naguib Mahfouz's novel "the thief and the dogs": a case study. International Journal of English Linguistics, 3.

Muijis. (2010). Introduction to quantitative research. Accessed on October, 22, 2014 from www.sagepub.com/upm.../36869_muijs.

Newmark, P. (1988). A textbook of translation. London, England: Prentice Hall International.

Pedersen, Jan. (2005). How is culture rendered in subtitles?. Challenges of Multidimensional Translation: Conference Proceedings. Accessed on June, 8,

2014, from



Potnis, S. (2013). Cultural-translation in Vamshavriksha, a translated novel of S.L Bhyrappa. Cyber Literature: The Internation Online Journal, 6.

Ran, Shiyang. (2009). Philosophical interpretation on E. A. Nida’s definition of translation. Asian Social Science, 5, 44-47.

Richard, J. C., & Schmidt, R. (2002). Dictionary of language teaching & applied linguistics. London, England: Pearson Education.

Schimdt, Goran. (2013). Foreignization and domestication in the Croatian’s translation of Oscar Wildes’ the picture of dorian gray. Original Scientific Article, 14.(2-3), 537=548

Sharifabad, et. al. (2013). The application of domestication and foreignization translation strategies in English-Persian translations of news phrasal verbs. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 3 (1), 94-99.

Suh, J. C. (2005). A Study of translation strategies in Guillaume Oyong Mbia’s plays. [PhD Thesis]. South Africa, Africa: University of South Africa

Vaicenoniene, Jurgita. (2009). Cultural translation and linguistic metaphor: a case study of verbal metaphor translation. Accessed on October, 25, 2014, from

Venuti, Lawrence. (1995). The translator invisibility: a history of translation. London, England: Routledge


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu

Wehmeier, S. (Ed). (2005). Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary. England, England: Oxford University Press.

Yang, Lin. (2013). Cultural factors in literary translation:foreignization and domestication --- on the translating of main character’s nicknames in two translations of Shui Hu Chuan. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 4. 35-43.


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu

Abstrak: Saat ini strategi domestikasi dan foreignisasi sering kali menjadi isu dalam bidang penerjemahan, dan kedua istilah ini pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh Lawrence Venuti (1995). Domestikasi adalah strategi penerjemahan yang membuat teks lebih dekat dengan pembaca dari bahasa target, sedangkan foreignisasi adalah strategi penerjemahan yang menjaga nuansa asing dari teks. Judul dari penelitian ini adalah Analisis Domestikasi dan Foreignisasi pada

Terjemahan Istilah Budaya dalam Novel Andrea Hirata “Laskar Pelangi”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi istilah budaya dalam sebuah novel dengan menggunakan teori Tomalin & Stempleski (1993). Selanjutnya, penelitian ini menganalisis strategi penerjemahan yang paling sering digunakan dalam menerjemahkan istilah budaya tersebut. Agar pertanyaan penelitian dapat dijawab dengan baik dan benar, penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pertama, products (56%) merupakan kategorisasi istilah budaya yang paling sering ditemukan dalam novel tersebut, sedangkan behaviors hanya 26% dan ideas hanya 18%. Istilah budaya makanan merupakan kategorisasi products yang paling banyak ditemukan. Namun, makanan merupakan istilah budaya yang paling sering dihapus dalam versi novel berbahasa Inggris. Kedua, domestikasi merupakan strategi penerjemahan yang paling sering digunakan oleh penerjemah. Penerjemah lebih sering menerapkan strategi domestikasi karena strategi ini berorientasi kepada budaya bahasa target sehingga mungkin tepat untuk menerjemahkan istilah budaya. Dengan menerapkan strategi domestikasi, strategi ini dapat mengurangi keganjilan teks asing bagi pembaca dari bahasa target, juga dapat membuat komunikasi antar-budaya yang efektif dengan pembaca dari bahasa target. Namun, hasil dari penelitian ini justru berbanding dengan tujuan Venuti menciptakan strategi foreignisasi. Venuti memperkenalkan foreignisasi karena ia ingin memperkenalkan budaya minoritas kepada budaya dominan. Dalam penelitian ini, Bahasa Indonesia merupakan bahasa utama, sedangkan Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa target. Bahasa Indonesia sendiri merupakan budaya minoritas, sedangkan Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa dominan. Dalam hal ini, penerjemah dapat memperkenalkan budaya Bahasa Indonesia terhadap pembaca dari bahasa target, sehingga Bahasa Indonesia yang merupakan budaya minoritas dapat dikenal oleh pembaca dari bahasa target. Namun, penerjemah tampak tidak mempertahankan istilah budaya tersebut dan membuat dirinya menjadi ‘tidak terlihat’.

Kata Kunci: Domestikasi-Foreignisasi, Istilah Budaya, novel Laskar Pelangi, Lawrence Venuti (1995), Tomalin & Stempleski (1993).

Abstract: Domestication and foreignization strategies nowadays become an issue in the field of translating, and these notions are introduced by Lawrence Venuti (1995). Abstract: Domestication is a translation strategy that makes the text close and familiar to the target readers, while foreignization is a translation strategy that preserves the foreign nuances of the text. This present study is entitled An Analysis of Domestication and Foreignization of Cultural Words


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu

categorization of products that was found the most. However, food is the cultural word that was mostly omitted in the English version of the novel. Second, it was discovered that domestication is the translation strategy which was often used by the translator. The translator applied domestication strategy frequently because it is probably the most suitable strategy in translating cultural words, because it is target-language-culture oriented. By applying domestication frequently, it could minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for the target readers as well as make an effective intercultural communication with the target readers. However, the result of this study is in contrast with the reason why Venuti invented foreignization strategy. Venuti (1995) introduced foreignization because he wanted to introduce minority culture into dominant or mainstream culture. In this study, the source of the text is in Bahasa Indonesia, and the target language is English. Bahasa Indonesia is minority culture, while English is dominant. In this case, actually the translator can ‘introduce’ the culture of Bahasa Indonesia to the target readers, thus Bahasa Indonesia as the minority culture can be recognized by the target readers. However, the translator does not seem to preserve or foreignize those cultural words and makes him/herself being invisible.


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter presents a general description of the research. It covers background, research

questions, aims of the reasearch, the scope of the research, research methodology consisting of

population and sample and tehcniques of the research, significance of the research, clarification

of key terms, and organization of the research paper.

1.1 Background

Looking at readers’ interest in reading literary works, such as novel, poetry, and short story, many translators try to translate those literary works into the language that the translators master.

A novel is one of the literary works that is often translated into other languages. A novel is often

translated because not all readers can understand the language that is used in that novel. By

reading the novel which has been translated into the language that the readers understand, the

readers can enjoy reading the novel without language barrier. There are some research that uses

novels as the data, for example Mehawesh and Salim (2013) and Potnis (2013). Mahewash and

Salim (2013) investigated color idiomatic expression in the translation of Naguib Mahfouz’s novel “The Thief and The Dog”, while Potnis (2013) investigated cultural translation of Vamshavriksha – a translated novel of S.L Bhyrappa.

To translate novel is not easy because the translator should understand the culture of both

Source Language (SL) and Target Language (TL). Cultural word according to Newmark (1988)

is “the way of life and its manifestations that are peculiar to a community that uses a particular

language as its means of expression” (p.94). In addition, Larson (1984, p.95) states that every language has different vocabulary’s concentrations which depend on the culture, geographical

situation, and the worldview of the people. There must be a lot of cultural words consisting in the

literary texts, especially in novel. Readers will find a lot of cultural words in the novel that

perhaps the readers themselves do not always understand what those cultural words mean in their


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu

cultural words as follows; ideas (values, beliefs, institutions), products (customs, habits, food,

dress, lifestyles), and behaviors (folklore, music, art, literature).

Sometimes there are several cultural words that are not translated into the Target

Language (TL) by the translator. The translator can choose to retain the cultural words in the

Target Language (TL) or translate them into the cultural words that can be accepted in the Target

Language (TL). In making such choice a translator can apply one of the strategies proposed by

Venuti (1995) which are domestication and foreignization. Domestication according Venuti

(1995, p.20) is reduction of ethnocentric that adapts the foreign text to the cultural values of

target language. While foreignization is an ethnodeviant pressure on domestic values to register

the differentiation of linguistic and cultural of the foreign text (Venuti, 1995, p.20).

Domestication means that the foreign elements of the text have been changed into the

elements which are recognizable for the target readers, while foreignization is the process where

the message of the foreign text is changed into the target text (in this case domestic text)

containing foreign nuances (Machali, 2012). It can be concluded that if the translator oftentimes

uses domestication in translating cultural words, it means the translator tries to make those

cultural words close and familiar to the Target Language (TL), while if the translator oftentimes

uses foreignization as the strategy in translating cultural words, it means the translator preserves

the cultural words or tries to keep the foreign nuances.

Domestication and foreignization nowadays have become an issue in many studies.

Cultural words are still the main issue in the study of domestication and foreignization. There are

researchers who conducted a study of domestication and foreignization in cultural words, for

example Machali (2012), Behtash and Firoozkoohi (2009). Besides cultural words, another issue

that is often used as the subject of domestication and foreignization study is phrasal verb.

Sharifabad, et al (2013) investigated the application of domestication and foreignization

translation strategies in english-persian translations of news phrasal verbs. Not only in literary

texts, domestication and foreignization strategy can also be applied in movies. One of the studies

that conducts an analysis of foreignization and domestication in the subtitles of the movie is


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu

One of the translated novel is Andrea Hirata’s novel entitled Laskar Pelangi published by

Bentang Pustaka in 2005. Andrea Hirata is one of the most popular writers in Indonesia. His

novels are often best-seller, and one of them is Laskar Pelangi. It has been sold 1 million copies

or 140.000 copies per year. There is a movie version of Laskar Pelangi in 2008, and it is not a

surprise that there are more than four million watchers watching Laskar Pelangi movie. Laskar

Pelangi has been translated into nineteen languages, for instance German, Portugese, Spain,

English and Turkish. In English its title changes into The Rainbow Troops translated by Angie

Kilbane. The setting of the story itself is in Belitung island, one of the islands in Indonesia, and

perhaps there will be some spesific or special characterization of cultural words found in this

novel. Thus, this research identified cultural words found in Laskar Pelangi and analyzed what

strategies was used frequently by Angie Kilbane in translating those cultural words.

The results of this research are expected to give some informations about the

categorization of cultural words that were often found in the novel and to give further knowledge

about translation to the researcher itself and the readers, especially about what strategy that was

often used in translating cultural words from Bahasa Indonesia into English.

1.2 Research Questions

This research analyzed two versions of the novel entitled Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata.

There are two questions in this research:

1. What kinds of cultural words are found in the novel?

2. What is the most frequent strategy that is used by the translator in translating the cultural

words? What are the implications?

1.3 The Aims of The Research

The aims of this research are as follows:


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu

2. To investigate what is the most frequent strategy that is used by the translator in translating

the cultural words and to understand the implications.

1.4 The Scope of the Research

This research examines the novel entitled Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata in two language

versions, bahasa Indonesia and English. Bahasa Indonesia version is the source language while

English version is the target language. This research is limited to the cultural words which are

found in the novel.

This research identified the categorizations of cultural words found in this novel using

Tomalin and Stempleski’s (1993) theory that consist of ideas (values, beliefs, institutions),

products (customs, habits, food, dress, lifestyles), and behaviors (folklore, music, art, literature).

Furthermore, this research also investigated what strategy was used frequently in translating

those cultural words by the translator.

1.5 Research Method

This research uses descriptive qualitative method. According to Richard and Schmidt (2002)

descriptive research is “An investigation that attempts to describe accurately and factually a phenomenon, subject or area” (p.435). Therefore, it is suitable because this research describes translation strategy of cultural words as the phenomenon accurately and factually.

Another method used in this research was the quantitative method. It was appropriate

because as Muijis (2010) states that the quanititative method means collecting numerical data to

explain a particular phenomenon. This method is appropiate for this research because this

research evaluated what translation strategy frequently used in translating cultural words. After

discovering what translation strategy which was frequently used, this research could indicate


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu 1.5.1 Population and Sample Population

There are 34 chapters consisting of 362 pages in the Indonesia version of the

novel. The population are all the cultural words which were found in the novel of Laskar

Pelangi by Andrea Hirata and in its translated novel entitled The Rainbow Troops

translated by Angie Kilbane. Sample

Not all the population found were analyzed. Cultural words from 362 pages were

randomly selected. The random sampling method was used to select the representative

samples. Latham (2007) states that random sampling method “Requires that each member of the population have an equal chance of being selected”. In line with this, Barreiro and Albandoz (2001) also says that this method guarantees that the samples that were taken

from the population have the same probality of being chosen.

1.5.2 Techniques of the Research

The steps of collecting and analyzing the data are as follows:

a. Reading two versions of the novel. The original novel is Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata and

the translated novel is The Rainbow Troops translated by Angie Kilbane.

b. Identifying sentences that contain cultural words using Tomalin and Stempleski’s (1993)


c. Collecting those cultural words which have been found and selecting them using random


d. Classifying and analyzing cultural words found based on Tomalin and Stempleski’s categories


e. Analyzing what strategy is used frequently in translating cultural words using Venuti



Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu The research paper is organized into five chapters as follows:

1. Chapter 1: This chapter presents a general description of the research. It covers background,

research questions, aims of the reaserach, limitation of the research, research methodology

consisting of population and sample and tehcniques of the research, significance of the

research, clarification of key terms, and organization of the research paper.

2. Chapter II: This chapter discusses the theoretical frameworks.

Theory of translation : The definition of translation

The strategies of translation

Theory of cultural words : The definition of cultural words

The categorization of cultural words

Previous Studies

3. Chapter III: This chapter discusses research method used in this research. This chapter

consists of research design, the source of the data, the techniques of collecting data, the

poulation and sample, data analysis.

4. Chapter IV: This chapter discusses findings and discussions found in the research paper. This

chapter will consist of the findings and discussions.


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER III


This chapter describes the methodology that is used to analyze the issue in the research

questions. It consists of Method of Research, Research Questions, The Aims of the Research,

The Scope of the Research, The Subject of the Research, Data Collection, Data Analysis, and

Book Review.

3.1 Method of Research

This research used a descriptive qualitative method. It is considered appropriate because as

Richard and Schmidt (2002) stated that descriptive research is “An investigation that attempts to

describe accurately and factually a phenomenon, subject or area” (p.435). Thus, this research

described domestication and foreignization in cultural words translation as its pehomenon

accurately and factually.

Another method used in this research was the quantitative approach. It is to illustrate the

data frequency and to discover the trend of cultural words found and the translation strategy

used. In addition, quantitative approach is used to quantify the data finding. Muijis (2010) states

that the quanititative method means collecting numerical data to explain a particular

phenomenon. This method is appropiate for this research because this research evaluated what

translation strategy frequently used in translating cultural words. After revealing what translation

strategy which was frequently used, this research could indicate why the translator used that

strategy frequently. Thus, the quantitative method is appropriate for this research.

3.2 Research Questions

This research analyzed two versions of the novel entitled Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata.


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu 1. What kinds of cultural words are found in the novel?

2. What is the most frequent strategy that is used by the translator in translating the cultural

words? What are the implications?

3.3 The Aims of the Research

The aims of this research are as follows:

1. To find out kinds of cultural words that are found in the novel.

2. To investigate what is the most frequent strategy that is used by the translator in translating

the cultural words and to understand the implications.

3.4 The Subject of the Research

This research scrutinized the novel entitled Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata in two language

versions, bahasa Indonesia and English. Bahasa Indonesia version is the source language while

English version is the target language. The data was limited to the cultural words which were

found in the novel.

The data of the research were the cultural words found in the novel entitled Laskar

Pelangi. This research identified the categories of cultural words found in this novel using Tomalin and Stempleski‟s (1993) theory that consist of ideas (values, beliefs, institutions), products (customs, habits, food, dress, lifestyles), and behaviors (folklore, music, art, literature).

In addition, this research also investigated what strategy was used frequently in translating those

cultural words by the translator based on Venuti‟s (1995) theory that was supported by Pedersen

(2005) in his continuum of foreignizing and domestication translation strategies, which were:

Preservation, Addition, Naturalization, Literal Translation, Cultural Equivalent, Omission,

Globalization, Translation by More Specific Words, Creation, and Equivalent.

Not all the data found were analyzed. Cultural words from 362 pages were randomly

selected. The representative samples were chosen only 181 pages by using random sampling


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu

population have an equal chance of being selected”. In line with this, Barreiro and Albandoz

(2001) also says that this method guarantees that the samples which were taken from the

population have the same probability of being chosen.

3.5 Data Collection

The main data of this research is the novel entitled Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata. The

Indonesia version of the novel is the source language, while the English one is the target

language. Both of the novel were taken from the internet in the form of PDF document. Data

taken from this novel consist of 34 chapters and 362 pages in the Indonesian version of the

novel. The subjects were all the cultural words which were found in the novel of Laskar Pelangi

by Andrea Hirata and in its translated novel entitled The Rainbow Troops translated by Angie

Kilbane. The steps taken in collecting the data are as follows:

1. Finding the original version of the novel that is Laskar Pelangi, and the English version that is

Rainbow Troops with the purpose of making a comparison.

2. Collecting the cultural words found in 181 pages of the novel based on Tomalin & Stempleski‟s categorization of cultural words.

3. Calculating the cultural words found in the novel.

4. Categorizing cultural words found based on the categorization of cultural words proposed by

Tomalin and Stempleski.

5. Analyzing the strategies frequently used in translating those cultural words using Venuti‟s

(1995) theory that was supported by Pedersen (2005) in his continuum of domestication and

foreignization, which are: Preservation, Addition, Naturalization, Literal Translation, Cultural

Equivalent, Omission, Globalization, Translation by More Specific Words, Creation, and


3.6 Data analysis

After the data were gained, the next step in this research was to analyze them. This research used


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu

1. Those cultural words that have been found were categorized based on Tomalin and Stempleski‟s categorization, which are: ideas (values, beliefs, institutions), products (customs, habits, food, dress, lifestyles), and behaviors (folklore, music, art, literature)

2. After the cultural words were categorized, the examples of each categorizations were

presented in the form of table. The left table was the original version (Indonesian) and the

right one was the translated version (English). For example:

Indonesian English

“Sang kepala sekolah dan wanita muda berjilbab, Ibu N. A Muslimah Hafsari atau Bu Mus”.

“The school principle and a young woman waering a jilbab, or headscarf, Ibu N.A Muslimah Hafsari or Bu Mus for short”.

3. The cultural words were classified into the strategy of translation based on Venuti‟s (1995)

theory that is supported by Pedersen‟s (2005) continuum of domestication and foreignization,

which are: Preservation, Addition, Naturalization, Literal Translation, Cultural Equivalent,

Omission, Globalization, Translation by More Specific Words, Creation, and Equivalent.

4. Those cultural words that have been classified based on their strategies were compared in the

form of table. The left table was the original version (Indonesian) and the right one was the

translated version (English). For example:

Streaking her face and making her look like the queen‟s servant in Dul Muluk, an ancient play in our village.

5. Calculating which strategy that was used the most by the translator and making a conclusion.


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu

The novel chosen to be investigated is Laskar Pelangi written by Andrea Hirata. This novel has

been translated by Angie Kilbane into English and the title changes into The Rainbow Troops. Laskar Pelangi is the story about ten children‟s life in Belitong Island, they are Ikal, Lintang, Sahara, Mahar, A Kiong, Syahdan, Kucai, Borek, Trapani, and Harun. These ten children really

love rainbow, that is why they are called the rainbow troops by their teacher, Bu Muslimah.

This story starts when a school named SD Muhammadiyah will be closed because it is

lack of students. This school will not be closed if there are at least ten students. In the first

meeting there are only nine students coming, but fortunately a boy named Harun with mental

retardation comes with his wide smile to the school and he „saves‟ SD Muhammadiyah. In general, this novel tells about these ten children‟s daily life in their school and their society. These ten children are different in personality, they have their own dreams, they also have their

own interests. For example, Ikal as the main character here is interested in literature, he really

loves writing poem. Lintang as the smartest student in the class really loves mathematics and he

is often called as the little Einstein. However, they all have the same purpose of life, that is to

make their dream come true although they come from poor family.

There are lots of cultural words that can be found in this novel since the setting of the

story itself is in Belitong Island. This is the reason why this novel is chosen to be investigated,

and also because this novel is really popular that it has been translated into many languages

including English.

3.9 Clarification of Key Terms

To make the terms used in this research clear, there are some key terms that are clarified as


1. Analysis: detailed study or examination of something in order to understand more about it

(Wehmeier, 2005)

2. Translation: rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu

Pelangi” by Andrea Hirata as a Source Language (SL) and “The Rainbow Troops” by Angie Kilbane as a Target Language (TL).

3. Novel: a story long enough to fill a complete book, in which the characters and events are

usually imaginary (Wehmeier, 2005, p. 999).

4. Cultural words: words referred to the ways of life and its manifestation that are peculiar to

ethnic groups that exist in Indonesia, including institutions that operate in Indonesia, foods

that come from Indonesia, etc. Besides, other words that are considered to be Chinese words

are also considered Indonesian cultural words because Chinese is one of the ethnic groups in


5. Cultural categorizations: there are three categorizations of cultural words used in this research

based on Tomalin and Stempleski‟s (1993) theory, which are ideas (values, beliefs,

institutions), products (customs, habits, food, dress, lifestyles), and behaviors (folklore, music,

art, literature).

6. Domestication: an ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to target-language cultural values.

(Venuti, 1995, p.20)

7. Foreignization: an ethnodeviant pressure on those values to register the linguistic and cultural


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER V


This chapter presents a conclusion of the discussion in the previous chapter. This chapter

also ends with several suggestions for future studies related with translation strategies which are

domestication and foreignization.

5.1 Conclusions

Upon analyzing the data findings, there are two issues related to cultural words

translation. First, as have been stated in the previous chapter that food is the categorization of

cultural words that was often found in the novel. However, food is the cultural word that was

mostly omitted in the translated novel which is English. The fact that the original novel is in

Bahasa Indonsia, which is a minority culture, probably makes the translator considering that it is

not necessary to introduce Indonesian cultural words, especially food, into the dominant culture.

Second, it is discovered that if the source text of the novel is the minority language, then

domestication is the strategy of translation that is used frequently by the translators, no matter

whether the translators come from the minority or dominant culture. It can be proved by the

result of this study and others studies, for example the study conducted by Machali (2012),

Vaiceoniene (2009), and Yang (2013) who show that domestication still dominates in translating

cultural words from the minority language into the dominant one. In this study, Bahasa Indonesia

is the source language of the text, while in the studies mentioned before Chinese and Lithuanian

are the source languages. These three languages are minority language compared to English,

however instead of introducing the cultural words from minority into the dominant culture, the

translators domesticate them and make the minority language/culture could not be recognized by


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu

It can be assumed that the aim of the translator in domesticating those cultural words was

to make the target readers enjoy reading the novel without questioning several cultural words

that he/she does not know. The translator applied domestication strategy frequently because it is

probably the most suitable strategy in translating cultural words, because it is

target-language-culture oriented. By applying domestication frequently, it could minimize the strangeness of the

foreign text for the target readers as well as make an effective intercultural communication with

the target readers.

However, as it is stated before, the result of this study is in contrast with the reason why

Venuti invented foreignization strategy. Venuti (1995) introduced foreignization because he

wanted to introduce minority culture into dominant or mainstream culture. The result of this

study showed that the translator tends to domesticate cultural words because he/she wants to

simplify the texts and make it easily understood by the target readers. To make the texts easily

understood by the readers always becomes the reason by the translator to domesticate the cultural

words, but the translator may not consider the necessity of introducing minority culture into

dominant culture. The translator does not seem to preserve or foreignize those cultural words and

makes him/herself being invisible. Angie Kilbane as the translator of Laskar Pelangi is a

After conducting this study, there are several suggestions for the further research. First, looking at others’ studies and the present study, cultural word is still being an issue that is really often being a subject of the studies. Thus, it would be better for the future researcher to apply

domestication-foreignization strategies in another subject besides cultural word, such as phrasal


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu

Second, domestication-foreignization strategies are mainly applied in novels, thus it is

suggested for the future researcher to apply these strategies in film, poem, news texts, etc.

Furthermore, it would be better if the future researcher compares what strategy that is the best to

be applied in novel, film, poem, news texts, etc, whether the strategy is the same or not in

translating novel, film, etc.

Finally, hopefully this study could give an advantage for the researcher itself and the

future researchers who are interested in conducting a study in translating field. Hopefully this


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu TABLE OF CONTENTS

PAGE OF APPROVAL ... Error! Bookmark not defined. STATEMENT ... Error! Bookmark not defined. LIST OF CHART ... Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER I ... Error! Bookmark not defined. INTRODUCTION... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.1 Background ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.2 Research Questions ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.3 The Aims of The Research ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.4 The Scope of the Research ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.5 Research Method ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.5.1 Population and Sample ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.5.2 Techniques of the Research ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.6 Organization of the Research Paper ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER II ... Error! Bookmark not defined. THEORETICAL REVIEW ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.1 Definition of Translation... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2 The Strategies of Translation ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.1 Preservation... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu

2.2.3 Naturalization ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.4 Literal Translation ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.5 Cultural Equivalent ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.6 Omission ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.7 Globalization ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.8 Translation by More Specific Words ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.9 Creation ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.2.10 Equivalent Translation ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.3 The Definition of Cultural Word ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4 The Categorization of Cultural Word ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4.1 Ideas (Values, Beliefs, Institutions) ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4.2 Products (Customs, Habits, Food, Dress, Lifestyles)Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.4.3 Behaviors (Folklore, Music, Art, Literature)Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.5 Previous Studies ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER III ... Error! Bookmark not defined. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.1 Method of Research ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.2 Research Questions ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.3 The Aims of the Research ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.4 The Subject of the Research ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.5 Data Collection ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.6 Data analysis ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.8 Synopsis ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.9 Clarification of Key Terms ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER IV... Error! Bookmark not defined. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1 FINDINGS ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1.1 Cultural Words ... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu

4.2 DISCUSSION ... Error! Bookmark not defined. CHAPTER V ... Error! Bookmark not defined. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.1 Conclusions ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.2 Suggestions ... Error! Bookmark not defined.


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu LIST OF FIGURES

Figure 2.1 The continuum of domesticating-foreignizing translation strategies…….12


Dewi Laraswaty, 2014

An analysis Of Domestication and Foreignization Of Cultural Words translation In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Entitled “Laskar Pelangi”

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu |perpustakaan.upi.edu LIST OF TABLE


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