• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan



Academic year: 2018



Teks penuh




Anjing 7

Anopheles 61, 62

Anopheles ludlowae 81

Anopheles vagus 23, 24

Awareness signal 72

Banjarbaru 71

Banten, 23, 24

Behavior 1

Bio-ecology 89

Bioekologi 89

Cadres 99

Cecurut 53

Demam semak 41

Diversity 62

Dog 7

East Tanjung Jabung 89

Ecosystem 62

Ecosystems 82

EIR 24

Ekosistem 61, 81

Faktor resiko 1

Filariasis 89

H. diminuta 53

H. nana 53

Helminth eggs 53

Histological structure 14

Hymenolepis diminuta 53

Hymenolepis nana 53

Inang 41

Informasi iklim 71

Inland 62

Jatropha gossypifolia 13, 14

Java 41

Jawa 41

Kader 99

Kalimantan Selatan 71

Kapasitas vektor 23

Keong oncomelania hupensis lindoensis 13

Keragaman 61

Kerusakan jaringan 13

Kewaspadaan dini 71

Laju inokulasi entomologis 23

Learning 99

Leptospira 31

Leptospira patogenik 7

Leptospirosis 7, 31

Lymphatic filariasis 89

Malaria 23, 24, 81, 82

Management 99

Manajerial 99

Mansonia 89

Maumere 31

Mite 41

Mosquito breeding place control 99

Mountain 62

Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis 14

Pathogenic leptospira 7

Pedalaman 61

Pegunungan 61

Pelatihan 99

Pemberantasan sarang nyamuk 99

Perilaku 1

Polymerase chain reaction 7

Poso 1

Rats 53

Risk factors 1

Schhistosoma japonicum 1

Schistosomiasis 1, 13, 14,

Scrub typhus host 41

Semarang 99

Shrew 53

Sigi 61

Sulawesi Tengah 1, 61, 81

Tanjung Jabung Timur 89

Telur cacing 53

The climate information 72

Tikus 31, 53

Tungau 41

Vector 82

Vector capacity 24




Ade Kurniawan 13, 61

Anis Nurwidayati 13

Arief Mulyono 7, 31, 41, 89

Arum Sih Joharina 7, 31

Aryani Pujiyanti 99

B. Yuliadi 41

Dimas Bagus Wicaksono Putro 7, 31

Dyah Widiastuti 53

Endang Puji Astuti 23,

Mara Ipa 23

Esti Rahardianingtyas 31, 89

Farida Dwi Handayani 7, 41

Hasrida Mustafa 61, 81

Heni Prasetyowati 23

Hubullah Fuadzy 23

Jastal 1

Katarina Sri Rahayu 89

Lenie Marlinae 71

Malonda Maksud 61

Muhamad Ratodi 71

Mujiyono 81

Ningsi 1

Nova Pramestuti 53

Novia Tri Astuti 53

Nungki Hapsari Suryaningtyas 89

Pandji Wibawa Dhewantara 23

R. Irpan Pahlepi 89

Rina Isnawati 13

Risti 13, 61, 81

Ristiyanto 7, 31, 41, 89

Riyani Setiyaningsih 81

Rosmini 1, 13

Santoso 89

Sapto P Siswoko 81

Tien Zubaidah 71

Tika Fiona Sari 53

Tri Baskoro 81

Wiwik Trapsilowati 99

Yahya 89





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Prof. Yayuk Rahayuningsih Suhardjono (Entomologi/LIPI)

Prof. Dr. drh. Upik Kesumawati, MS (Entomologi/ LIPI)

Ir. Ferry F. Karwur, MSc, Ph.D (Biologi Molekuler/UKSW Salatiga)

Drs. Jubhar C. Mangimbulude, MSc, Ph.D (Kesehatan Lingkungan/UKSW Salatiga)

Dr. Tribaskoro Tunggul Satoto, MSc, Ph.D (Parasitologi/UGM)

Ir. Maharadatunkamsi, MSc (Mammalogi/LIPI)

Dra. RA. Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Si, Ph.D (Promosi Kesehatan/UGM)

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Journal of Vector Borne and Reservoir Diseases




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