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Systems Analysis and Design with UML Version 2.0, Second Edition


Academic year: 2019

Membagikan "Systems Analysis and Design with UML Version 2.0, Second Edition"


Teks penuh


Syst e m s An a lysis a n d

Syst e m s An a lysis a n d

D e sign w it h UM L V e r sion

D e sign w it h UM L V e r sion

D e sign w it h UM L V e r sion

D e sign w it h UM L V e r sion

2 .0 , Se con d Edit ion

2 .0 , Se con d Edit ion

Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom , and

David Tegarden

a d

ega de


Copyright © 2005

J h Wil

& S


John Wiley & Sons, I nc.

All right s reserved. Reproduct ion or t ranslat ion of t his

All right s reserved. Reproduct ion or t ranslat ion of t his

work beyond t hat perm it t ed in Sect ion 117 of t he 1976

Unit ed St at es Copyright Act wit hout t he express writ t en

perm ission of t he copyright owner is unlawful.


py g

Request for furt her inform at ion should be addressed t o

t he Perm issions Depart m ent , John Wiley & Sons, I nc.

The purchaser m ay m ake back- up copies for his/ her own

The purchaser m ay m ake back up copies for his/ her own

use only and not for redist ribut ion or resale.

The Publisher assum es no responsibilit y for errors,

om issions, or dam ages, caused by t he use of t hese

om issions, or dam ages, caused by t he use of t hese

program s or from t he use of t he inform at ion cont ained



Pu r pose of St r u ct u r a l

Creat e a vocabulary for analyst s


and users

Represent t hings, ideas, and

concept s of im port ance in t he

applicat ion dom ain



Cla sse s

Tem plat es for creat ing inst ances or

Tem plat es for creat ing inst ances or

obj ect s

Concret e

Concret e

Abst ract

Typical exam ples:



Applicat ion dom ain, user int erface, dat a

st ruct ure, file st ruct ure, operat ing


At t ib t

At t r ibu t e s

Unit s of inform at ion relevant t o

Unit s of inform at ion relevant t o

t he descript ion of t he class

Only at t ribut es im port ant t o t he

t ask should be included

t ask should be included



t i

Ope r a t ion s

Act ion t hat inst ances/ obj ect s

Act ion t hat inst ances/ obj ect s

can t ake


R l t i

h i

Re la t ion sh ips

Generalizat ion

Generalizat ion

Enables inherit ance of at t ribut es

and operat ions

Aggregat ion



Relat es part s t o w holes


o i t ion

Associat ion

Miscellaneous relat ionships

Slide 10




You r Tu r n

What classes at t ribut es and

What classes, at t ribut es, and

operat ions t hat would be required

t o describe t he process of

t o describe t he process of


Re spon sibilit ie s a n d

C ll b


Colla bor a t ion s

Responsibilit ies

Responsibilit ies



Collaborat ion

Collaborat ion

Obj ect s working t oget her t o

service a request



At t ib t

M or e on At t r ibu t e s

Derived at t ribut es

Derived at t ribut es

/ age, for exam ple can be

calculat ed from birt h dat e and

current dat e

Visibilit y




t i

M or e on Ope r a t ion s

Const ruct or

Const ruct or

Creat es obj ect


Makes inform at ion about st at e

Makes inform at ion about st at e


Upd t e

Updat e

Changes values of som e or all

Slide 20


Ge n e r a liz a t ion a n d



Aggr e ga t ion

Generalizat ion show s t hat a

Generalizat ion show s t hat a

subclass inherit s from a superclass

Do t o


e dm in pe



Doct ors, nurses, adm in personnel are

kinds of em ployees

Aggregat ion classes com prise ot her

Aggregat ion classes com prise ot her



l h








R l t i

h i

M or e on Re la t ion sh ips

Class can be relat ed t o it self

Class can be relat ed t o it self

( role)

Mult iplicit y

Exact ly one zero or m ore one or

Exact ly one, zero or m ore, one or

m ore, zero or one, specified

range m ult iple disj oint ranges

range, m ult iple disj oint ranges

Associat ion class


Sim plifyin g Cla ss

D i

D ia gr a m s

The view m echanism show s a

The view m echanism show s a

subset of inform at ion

Packages show aggregat ions of

classes ( or any elem ent s in


Obj e ct I de n t ifica t ion

Obj e ct I de n t ifica t ion

Text ual analysis of use case

Text ual analysis of use- case

inform at ion




Nouns suggest classes

Verbs suggest operat ions

Creat es a rough first cut


Pa t t e r n s

Pa t t e r n s

Useful groupings of classes t hat

Useful groupings of classes t hat

recur in various sit uat ions


t i

Transact ions

Transact ion class

Transact ion line it em class

I t em class


St e ps for Obj e ct I de n t ifica t ion

d S


d li

a n d St r u ct u r a l M ode lin g

1 C t CRC d b f i t t l l i th

1. Create CRC cards by performing textual analysis on the use-cases. 2. Brainstorm additional candidate classes, attributes, operations, and

relationships by using the common object list approach.p y g j pp 3. Role-play each use-case using the CRC cards.

4 Create the class diagram based on the CRC cards 4. Create the class diagram based on the CRC cards.

5. Review the structural model for missing and/ or unnecessary classes, attributes, operations, and relationships.

6. I ncorporate useful patterns. 7 Review the structural model

Slide 28


Creat e CRC cards

Creat e CRC cards.

Exam ine com m on obj ect list s.

Role- play t he CRC cards.

Creat e t he class diagram

Creat e t he class diagram .








underlying st ruct ure of an obj ect

-orient ed syst em .


Const ruct ing t he st ruct ural m odel is an

it erat ive process involving:

t ext ual

analysis, brainst orm ing obj ect s, role

playing, creat ing t he diagram s

, and


t i

f l

t t

Slide 32




t h



Ex pa n din g t h e D om a in

A quirky and int erest ing t ut orial

A quirky and int erest ing t ut orial

regarding CRC cards can be



found at :

ht t p: / / w w w .csc.calpoly.edu/ ~ d

ht t p: / / w w w .csc.calpoly.edu/




t i




EOC Qu e st ion Ch a pt e r 7

8 . H ow do you de sign a t e t h e r e a din g dir e ct ion of a y g g

r e la t ion sh ip on a cla ss dia gr a m ?

9 . For w h a t pu r pose is a n a ssocia t ion cla ss u se d in a cla ss

dia gr a m ? Give a n e x a m ple of a n a ssocia t ion cla ss t h a t b f d i l di h d

m a y be fou d in a cla ss dia gr a m t h a t ca pt u r e s st u de n t s a n d t h e cou r se s t h a t t h e y h a ve t a k e n .

1 0 . Give t w o e x a m ple s of a ggr e ga t ion , ge n e r a liz a t ion , a n d

a ssocia t ion r e la t ion sh ips H ow is e a ch t ype of a ssocia t ion a ssocia t ion r e la t ion sh ips. H ow is e a ch t ype of a ssocia t ion de pict e d on a cla ss dia gr a m ?



t i




EOC Qu e st ion Ch a pt e r 7

1 1 . I de n t ify t h e follow in g ope r a t ion s a s con st r u ct or , qu e r y, y g p , q y,

or u pda t e . W h ich ope r a t ion s w ou ld n ot n e e d t o be sh ow n in t h e cla ss r e ct a n gle ?

Ca lcu la t e e m ploye e r a ise ( r a ise pe r ce n t )

Ca lcu la t e sick da ys( )

I n cr e m e n t n u m be r of e m ploye e va ca t ion da ys( )

Loca t e e m ploye e n a m e ( )

Pla ce r e qu e st for va ca t ion ( va ca t ion da y)

Fin d e m ploye e a ddr e ss( )

I n se r t e m ploye e ( )


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