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The Correlation between Memorizing al-Qur’an Mastery, Student’s Attitude in Learning English and Student’s English Achievement in Wisma Putri SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in Academic Year 2017/2018 - iainska repository


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Surakarta in Academic Year 2017/2018


Submitted as A partial Requirements for the degree of Sarjana in English Department


Imroatul Mukarromah SRN. 143221092




ii Subject : Thesis of Imroatul Mukarromah SRN : 143221092


The Dean of Islamic Education And Teacher Training Faculty IAIN Surakarta

In Surakarta Assalaamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading thoroughly and giving necessary advices, herewith, as advisors, we state that the thesis of

Name : Imroatul Mukarromah SRN : 143221092

Title : The Correlation between Memorizing al-Qur’an Mastery, Student’s Attitude in Learning English and Student’s English Achievement in Wisma Putri SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in Academic Year 2017/2018

has already fulfilled the requirements to be presented before The Board of Examiners (Munaqosyah) to gain Bachelor Degree in English Education Department.

Thank you for the attention. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Surakarta, July 2nd, 2018 Advisor,


iv I proudly dedicated this thesis to:

1. My beloved parents who always love me forever, support, pray, help and never stop to motivate me.



ِِمي ِح َّرلاِِنَمْحَّرلاَِِّاللَِِمْسِب

“Dengan menyebut nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang”

“O you who have believed, if you support Allah, He will support you and plant firmly your feet” “Hai orang-orang mukmin, jika kamu menolong (agama) Allah, niscaya dia akan

menolongmu dan meneguhkan kedudukanmu.” (QS. Muhammad: 7)

Indeed, Allah loves those who fight in His cause in a row as though they are a [single] structure joined firmly.

“Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang yang berperang dijalan-Nya dalam barisan yang teratur seakan-akan mereka seperti suatu bangunan yang tersusun kokoh.”

(QS.As-Shaf: 4)



Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah, the single power, the Lord of the universe, master of the day of judgment, for all blessings and mercies so the researcher was able to finish this thesis entitled, “The Correlation between Memorizing al-Qur’an Mastery, Student’s Attitude in Learning English and Student’s English Achievement in Wisma Putri SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in Academic Year 2017/2018”. Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, the great leader and good inspiration of world revolution.

The researcher is sure that this thesis would not be completed without the helps, supports, and suggestions from several sides. Thus, the researcher would like to express her deepest thanks to all of those who had helped, supported, and suggested her during the process of writing this thesis. This goes to:

1. Dr. Mudhofir, S.Ag, M.Pd, as the Rector of the State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.

2. Dr. H. Giyoto, M. Hum, as the Dean of Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty of State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.

3. Dr. Imroatus Sholikhah, M.Pd, as the head of the English Education Study Program.

4. Dr. Rochmat Budi Santoso, S.Pd., M.Pd, as the advisor, for his guidance and help in writing the thesis from beginning until the end.

5. All of the lecturers and staffs in IAIN Surakarta who have given their knowledge and experience.

6. For all who have helped the researcher in finishing this thesis that researcher could not mention one by one.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is far for being perfect. Hence, the researcher hopes for some corrections, suggestions, or criticism to correct it. Finally, the researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher especially and the readers generally.

Surakarta, July 2nd, 2018



Imroatul Mukarromah. 143221092. “The Correlation between Memorizing al-Qur’an Mastery, Student’s Attitude in Learning English and Student’s English Achievement in Wisma Putri SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in Academic Year 2017/2018”. Thesis. Surakarta: English Education, Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty. The State Islamic Institute of Surakarta.

Advisors: Dr. Rochmat Budi Santoso, S.Pd, M.Pd

Key Word: Memorizing al-Qur’an Mastery, Student’s Attitude in Learning English, English Achievement

This study are aimed to find out the correlation between: (1) Memorizing al-Qur’an mastery and student’s English achievement in Wisma Putri SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in the academic year 2017/2018; (2) Student’s attitude in learning English and student’s English achievement in Wisma Putri SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in the academic year 2017/2018; and (3) Memorizing al-Qur’an mastery, student’s attitude and student’s English achievement in Wisma Putri SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in the academic year 2017/2018.

This research used a correlation design. The research was carried out in May until June 2018 and conducted in SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta. The population was all of the students of the female boarding school students of SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in Academic Years 2017/2018. The total number of female students in boarding school was 189 students. The sample of the research was 22 students chosen by cluster random sampling technique. The researcher used questionnaire and documentation as the instruments of technique collecting the data. The questionnaire was taken to collect the data of students’ attitude in learning English whereas the documentation was taken to get the data of memorizing al-Qur’an and English Achievement. The techniques which were used to analyze the data were Simple Correlation and Multiple Regression Correlation which were computed by the Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) to compute the data.



3. Factors that Influence Achievement ... 17

B. Memorizing al-Qur’an Mastery ... 19

1. Notion of Memorizing Qur’an ... 19



5. Basic Memorizing al-Qur’an ... 29

6. The Methods of Memorizing al-Qur’an ... 31

7. The Components of Evaluating Memorizing al-Qur’an ... 32

8. Memorizer al-Qur’an’s Attitude ... 34

C. Student’s Attitude in Learning English ... 35

1. Definition of Student’s Attitude... 35

2. Components of Attitude ... 39

3. Factors that Influence Attitude... 41

4. Attitude in Learning English ... 42

1. Instruments of Collecting the Data ... 58

a. Questionnaire ... 58

1. Pre-requirement analysis ... 66




A. Description of the Data ... 70

1. The Data of English achievement ... 71

2. The Data of Memorizing al-Qur’an Mastery ... 73

3. The Data of Student’s Attitude in Learning ... 75

B. Prerequisite Testing ... 77

1. Normality Testing ... 77

2 Linearity Test ... 77

C. Hypotheses Testing ... . 79

D. Discussion ... 83


B. Suggestion ... 88




Figure 2.1 Taxonomy Bloom of Learning Goal……….. 14

Figure 3.1 The Scheme of Relationship between Variables………... 53

Figure 4.1 The Histogram of English Achievement………... 73

Figure 4.2 The Histogram of Memorizing Al-Qur’an Mastery……….. 75



Table 3.1 The Key of Scoring The Questionnaire………... 59

Table 3.2 The Result of Validity test of Student’s Attitude in Learning instrument ... ... 63

Table 3.3 The Statistical Hypotheses………. 67

Table 4.1 Variable Data Description………. 71

Table 4.2 Frequency Distribution of English Achievement Score……… 72

Table 4.3 Frequency Distribution of Memorizing al-Qur’an Mastery……….. 74

Table 4.4 Frequency Distribution of Student’s Attitude in Learning……… 77

Table 4.5 The Result of Normality Test……… 78 Table 4.6 Data of Linearity Testing of Memorizing al-Qur’an and Student’s English

Achievement……… 79

Table 4.7 Data of Linearity Testing of Student’s Attitude in Learning and Student’s English Achievement……….



Appendix 1 Blueprint of Student’s Attitude in Learning English (Try Out)………. 96

Appendix 2 Questionnaire of Student’s Attitude in Learning English (Try Out)……….. 98

Appendix 3 Students Joining the Try Out……….. 101

Appendix 4 Score of Tryout Questionnaire Student’s Attitude in Learning English………… 102

Appendix 5 The Blue Print of Student’s Attitude in Learning English Questionnaire (To Take the Data)………. 105

Appendix 6 Student’s Attitude Questionnaire (To Take the Data)……… 107

Appendix 7 Students Joining the Test……… 110

Appendix 8 Documentation of the Tahfidz Score in the Students’ Book Report……….. 112

Appendix 9 Score of the Result Student’s Attitude in Learning English……….. 114

Appendix 10 Documentation of the English Score in the Students’ Book Report……….. 116

Appendix 11 Data Description of Each Variable………. 118

Appendix 12 Test of Normality………... 119

Appendix 13 Linearity Testing……… 120

Appendix 14 Correlation………... 121


1 A. Background of the Study

Education is the most important thing that be emphasized in our country. Good education system can influence the developing of our country. The data of education rank 2017 in the world from UNESCO, Indonesia has positioned 64 from 120 countries according to Education Development Index (EDI). Education problems in Indonesia are low quality of education, less effective and efficient, less infrastructures, and low of student’s level achievement. These problems can influence our education and also our

country’s developing.

The low student’s achievement in Indonesia is one of factor that influenced rank of education in the world. One of the reasons that we have to solve in education is many students who get low or lack to reach high achievement caused by students cannot concentration well in learning. (http://republika.co.id.11 November 2017). Concentration is the main of all of learning activity, but ironically many students who do not concentrate well or yet.

Al-Qur’an is the holy book for Moslems in the world. It contains rules that guide of people in the world. According to Federspiel (1994: 73) states that Indonesian Moslems, like their fellow believers elsewhere in the world,

hold the Qur’an in great reverence and accord it the kind of attention that


or, even, the entire Qur’an has long been regarded as a pious and meritorious

act that large numbers of believers have undertaken. People who memorize the

entire Qur’an have been given a special title called hafidz and accorded

considerable respect. Therefore, by memorizing the Qur’an hope students in

Indonesia have good achievement in spiritual and in intellectual.

Amjad Qosim (2008: 78-80) there are two parts of human’s brain, conscious mind and unconscious mind. We use conscious mind to read and understanding new information. While unconscious mind is part of brain which control attitude, habit, and behavior. This part of brain has amazing power to change our life. Indeed, when conscious mind gets new information continuity, so unconscious mind will receive it and we will get strong memory. Higher memorization will make us smarter. From that theories, we can conclude that people cannot separate from concept of memory and from repeating can make people easier for remembering new information.

According to a journal that was published by American Research Institute for Policy Development (2015), Nazia Nawaz and Prof. Dr. Syeda Farhana Jahangir present their research about the effects of memorizing

al-Qur’an in reaction on academic achievement and socio-cultural life for hafidz

(someone who memorize al-Qur’an). The result of this study revealed a significant difference in academic achievement of hafidz before and after memorizing al-Qur’an. Moreover the content analysis showed overall positive impacts on education and socio-cultural life of hafidz (Nawaz, 2015: 57).


illustration enhancement, and oration feature. Indeed, it is believed that memorization itself is not a tragic or bad practice, and the beauty of memorization appears when the memorizer tries to understand what he had memorized (Yusuf, 2010: 5). Based on J. Grider (1970) in Dwi Maryati, Neuro Linguistics is a skill to understand and influence our-self and other people. Neurolinguistics is one of the areas of interdisciplinary studies in the science of linguistics and medical science that examines the relationship between the workings of the human brain to process language activities. From that theory, memorization especially in memorizing al-Qur’an can improve

student’s level achievement because of brain tries to memorize and do more

activities and it can give positive impact to brain.

Less effective and efficiency of our education system are caused by many factors. For the first is teacher, second is student. Effectiveness and

efficiency of education is influenced by student’s attitude in learning subject

in class. Student is a main character in education. A good education is effective and efficient education while students have good education.

Student’s achievement is influenced by two factors, external and internal

factor (Untari. 2013: 56). One of the internal factors is student’s attitude in English. Student’s attitude in English influenced student’s English achievement.


Developing skill and building good character that has prestige in the

way to make a smart society, developing student’s potential become a

religious student, has good character, health, learned, creative, independent, and to be democratic and responsible societies.

Learning is a mental activity/psychic that takes place in an active interaction with the environment that result in changes in knowledge, attitudes and skills (Winkel, 1999: 53). In the study there is a learning process. The process aimed to improve the personality with the road trying to get a new understanding, new values, and new skills for students. Success or failure of a person to run a learning process associated with the act. The act is defined as the result of a learning process that is made possible by a state of physical, spiritual, social and environmental. In this case attitude is seen as one of the personalities that affects the learning process. Attitude is closely related to learning because attitudes are internal factors that can affect learning.


can make students like and dislike in this subject. Elyildirim and Ashton in Dwi Maryati, said that most members of the language teaching profession

realize that their students’ learning potential increases when attitude is


According to researcher’s experiences in SMA IT Nur Hidayah’s

boarding school, many students who do not fluency in memorizing al-Qur’an have a low focus in studying, especially English. This problem impacts on student while understanding English subject. Attitude in learning is also important, positive attitude about language and language learning may as such the result of the success as the cause (McKay and Homberger, 1996: 4). While the negative attitude toward the language will make the earning impaired or even rendered ineffective.

SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta is the one of school in Indonesia which has Tahfidz program. Students have obligation to memorize the

al-Qur’an with the target that have been programmed by school. In this school,

character is one of important things that have to be applied. Because of that, SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta can be a school which is good in achievement and also in religion.


target more than target that is decided from school. While in Qur’an boarding school, each student only has obligation to memorize al-Qur’an up to minimal target from school.

English achievement is important for students because it requisites school graduation. Memorization especially memorizing al-Qur’an as a

learning style is one of method to improve student’s achievement. English as a

subject that is taught in school must be a subject where students have positive attitude to reach great achievement in English. Positive or negative student’s attitude in English can impact English achievement.

From the statements above, researcher wants to search about a correlation between memorizing al-Qur’an mastery, student’s attitude, and

student’s English achievement in eleventh grade students of Asrama Putri

SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in the academic year 2017/2018.

B. Problem Identification

Based on the background of the study, there are many problems that may arise. The problems are as follows:

1. What factor can influence students’ English achievement?

2. Does students’ memorizing al-Qur’an mastery determine their English achievement?

3. How far does students’ attitude memorizing al-Qur’an mastery determine their English achievement?

4. Does students’ attitude influence their English achievement?


6. How far is the correlation between students’ memorizing al-Qur’an mastery, students’ attitude and students’ English achievement?

C. Limitation of the Problem

In order to focus on a topic in this paper, the researcher makes limitation on object of the study. The researcher limits the problems of this thesis on three variables; those are memorizing al-Qur’an mastery, student’s

attitude, and student’s English achievement. Memorizing al-Qur’an mastery

means student’s ability in memorizing al-Qur’an, this variable used student’s

Tahfidz score from daily until final test score. Student’s attitude means that attitude in learning English. The research subjects are female students in wisma putri SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in the academic year 2017/2018. The correlation method is used to examine the coefficient of the correlation between the variables.

D. Problem Formulation

1. Is there any positive correlation between memorizing al-Qur’an mastery

and student’s English achievement in Asrama Putri SMA IT Nur Hidayah

Surakarta in the academic year 2017/2018?

2. Is there any positive correlation between student’s attitude and student’s English achievement in eleventh grade students of Asrama Putri SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in the academic year 2017/2018?


Asrama Putri SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in the academic year 2017/2018?

E. The Objectives of the Study

The objective of the study is the important part of this research. Based on the problem in this study, the objective of the study are as follows:

1. To know whether there is a positive significant correlation between memorizing al-Qur’an mastery and student’s English achievement at eleventh grade students of Asrama Putri SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in the academic year 2017/2018.

2. To know whether there is a positive significant correlation between

student’s attitude and student’s English achievement at eleventh grade

students of Asrama Putri SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in the academic year 2017/2018.

3. To know whether there is a significant interaction between memorizing

al-Qur’an mastery, student’s attitude and student’s English achievement at

eleventh grade students of Asrama Putri SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in the academic year 2017/2018.

F. The Benefits of the Study

The results of this study are expected to give advantages both theoretically and practically.


The result of the research gives information about memorizing al-Qur’an

mastery and student’s attitude to improve student’s English achievement.

This information can be used to improve knowledge whether factors should be improved or not. The researcher expect that this research will give contribution for the development of education especially language learning.

2. Practical Benefit

a. For the English teachers; this study gives information about degree of correlation between memorizing al-Qur’an, student’s attitude, and

student’s English achievement. It can be used for teacher to decide

whether the student’s English achievement possible be improved by

two factors.

b. For students; this study can improve their English achievement by improving their memorizing al-Qur’an mastery and attitude.

c. For boarding school; this study provides information about the

student’s memorizing al-Qur’an mastery, student’s attitude, and

student’s English achievement.

d. For other researcher; this study can be one of reference. It hopes that


10 A. Theoretical Description

1. English Achievement

a. Definition of English Achievement

According to Hornby (1987:8), achievement is something done successfully, with effort and skill. A good achievement means that students reach the goal as standardized by the curriculum for each subject the students learnt. Spence and Helmreich in Kulwinder Singh (2011: 162) defined achievements as task-oriented behavior. Performances of individuals are often compared against standards or with others for assessments.

According to Winkel in Arvi Riwahyudin (2015: 13) achievement is a result that is achieved by students who have learning process in school and effort which can make change of knowledge, attitude, and behavior. Result of the changes is shown in score. Result on the study in the school with standardized of education test to describe what student‟s ability in receiving material and process of

learning in the classroom.

Based on the statements above, the researcher concludes that learning achievement is the learning result which has been gotten by the learner that is stated by suitable value or score from learner‟s effort


scores of the study result, student‟s book report of English lesson. This

score is gotten from English teacher who took it from period of time. This score is from daily test, assignments that are given to the students, mid-semester test, and also final examination (semester test); all scores are calculated to get the final score in student‟s book report. In this research, researcher used student‟s report of first semester in academic

year 2017/2018.

Achievement is the abilities of the students after he received a learning experience. Student achievement are essentially changes include the areas of cognitive, affective and psychomotor oriented learning process experienced by students (Sudjana, 2005: 2). Meanwhile, according to Dimyati and Mudjiono (2006: 3), student achievement are the result of an interaction acts and acts of teaching and learning. In terms of teachers, teaching acts ends with the evaluation of learning achievement. In terms of students, achievement of the summit was the end of the teaching-learning process. Sudjana (2005: 2) says that the achievement related to instructional objectives and learning experiences experienced by students. According to Kaden (2015: 51) student achievement is influenced by teachers, instructional curriculum, and school-community integration patterns.


given as result of a measurement or evaluation after following the learning process. It is because the learner will learn how to reach achievement on their learning depends on what and how they understand the material.

b. Kinds of English Level Achievement

According to Benjamin S. Bloom in Suharsimi Arikunto (2005: 114-121) said that achievement of the study divided into three domains, first domain is cognitive, the second is affective, third is psychomotoric.

1) Cognitive Domain


dimension and the dimension of the cognitive process) please look at the chart below.

Figure 2.1 Taxonomy Bloom of Learning Goal (Anderson & Krathwohl: 2001)

Figure 1 above shows that knowledge consists of four dimensions, namely factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and meta-cognitive knowledge. Factual knowledge is knowledge of the facts, conceptual knowledge is knowledge about the definition and understanding, procedural



Noun Dimension Conceptual


Remember Create


Cognitive Process Dimension Analyze



knowledge is knowledge about the working step or procedure, and meta-cognitive knowledge is knowledge about the strategic use of knowledge or knowledge that answers the question why. Factual knowledge is knowledge of the simplest, while meta-cognitive knowledge is the most complex.

In the context of cognitive process, there are six levels of student learning objectives which constitute a student‟s ability. The

six levels refer to hierarchical levels, ranging from the simplest level to the highest level. The simplest is to remember and the highest is to create. The concept of Anderson & Krathwohl puts „creating‟ (to create) as the highest objective. It means that any

learning process that we designed should be directed to the creativity in creating something. In the context of the knowledge dimension, the ability to create is the ability to create new ideas.

Based on Figure 1 above we can conclude that to remember is the lowest learning objectives, while to create is the highest learning objectives.

2) Affective Domain

Hopkins & Antes; Worthen & Sandes in Dwi Suryani (2015: ), explained that the effective domain covers five levels. They range from receiving, responding, valuing, organization, and characterizing. The fifth level is explained below.


outcomes. It refers to willingness of students to receive the teacher‟s attention. Students must be able to accept stimuli.

b) Responding. Responding involves the active participation on the part of the student in attending and reacting to a particular phenomenon. It also involves seeking out and enjoyment of particular activities.

c) Valuing. Valuing s the worth a student attaches to a particular phenomenon, object, or behavior.

d) Organization. Organization is the beginning of building of a value system and comparing, relating, and synthesizing values. e) Characterization. Characterization is a value complex. The

individual‟s behavior as related to life-style is under the control

of the value system. It is consistent and predictable.

The level of receiving, responding, and valuing can be obtained through experiences provided in class. The organizational level requires that teacher help students organize and clarify their own value systems. Teacher must provide direction and assistance in spite of only a few students move to the fifth level-characterization by complex value.

3) Psychomotoric Domain


assist the teachers in categorizing observable movement phenomena into one of the hierarchical levels of the domain. The sixth level is explained follow.

a) Reflex movements. They are movements that are involuntary in nature. They are forerunners and essential for basic movement. b) Basic- fundamental movements. They are inherent movement

patterns that form the basis for specialized complex skilled movements. They are inherent motor patterns based upon reflex movements that emerge without training.

c) Perceptual abilities. They refer to all perceptual modalities in which data are provided than utilized by the brain centers when making a response decision.

d) Physical abilities. They are functional characteristics of organic vigor that lead to making skilled movements and a part of movement repertoire.

e) Skilled movements. They are learned and reasonably complex skills that result from the degree of efficiency when performing a complex task.

f) Nondiscursive communication. It is composed of forms of movement communication and ranges from facial expressions to modern dance choreographies.


movement derived from the functioning of afferent nerves connected with muscular tissue skin, joints, and tendons. All students are involved in muscular movement and the associate movements to different degrees. Maturation greatly affects the psychomotor activities that may be accomplished. Psychomotor activities refer to person‟s skill.

In achievement evaluation, the aspect that will be measured is cognitive domain. The two domain other (affective and psychomotoric) are not involved in the achievement test construction.

c. Factors Influence to The English Level Achievement

Basically the teaching and learning activities are determined by the factors derived from the students and the factors that originate from outside of the student. Suharsimi Arikunto (1990: 20) argues that: "The factors that influence learning achievement can be divided into two types, namely the source of a study in human, which is referred to as internal factors and external factors sourced from human self-learning, which referred to external factors.” The internal factors are


The factors that can influence the achievement can be explained as follows Syaiful Bahri in Anita Retno Winarsih (2017): 1) External factors

a) Environment factor

Environment can be nature and social. Nature environment is like air, temperature, and humidity. Study in the fresh air will get better result than in the hot and stuffy air. Social environment is relationship between a person and his or her family, also a person and the society.

b) Instrumental factor

Instrumental factor is factor that its existence and usage have been planned, it is appropriate to the study result that be hoped. It is such as building, facility, and class or school administration. Factors that are hoped can bring to the better result.

2) Internal factors a) Physiology factor

Physiology condition generally, such as body health will influences to the achievement. The healthy and fresh body will receive information easily from the teacher. It is different from the student whose body is not healthy, so his or her achievement will be less.

b) Psychology Factor


difference can influence the achievement. Psychology factors that be considered influence the achievement are talent, interest, intelligence, motivation, cognitive ability.

From the explanation above, it is known that there are many factors that influence achievement. In this study, the researcher choose internal and external factors. Personality, motivation, intelligence and attitude includes in the internal factors or what we may usually call as individual characteristic, while the external factors consist of teacher and schooling system in influencing the achievement.

2. Memorizing al-Qur’an Mastery a. Notion of Memorizing

Memory, according to Gamon and Bragdon (2007: 76) in Dwi Maryati (2015), is a partner in developing all other mental skills. The key to learning is the brain‟s ability to change the experience of

existing for now the password and store it so that, in the future, the experience can be called back for the sake of your importance.


data into the memory of a device. The scientific study of memory is part of cognitive neuroscience, an interdisciplinary link between cognitive psychology and neuroscience. (Derek R. Bullamore: 2018)

According to statements above, we can conclude that memorize is the process of committing something. The product of doing memorize is memorization. Memorization also means often a deliberate mental process undertaken in order to store in memory for later recall.

b. Approach of Theory Memorizing 1) Psycholinguistics Aspects

Psycholinguistics is not only consists of psycho and linguistics but also about the other branch of science such as neurology, philosophy, primatology, and genetic. Dardjowidjojo (2012: 6).


From the statement above, the researcher can conclude that brain influence someone to use language. Repetitions, habituation, and memorizing can make our brain work and making easy to study the new knowledge including English subject.

2) Behaviourist Theory

Behaviourist theory found by J. B. Watson is an empirically based approach to the study of human behavior. Behaviourism tries to explain how an external event (a stimulus) caused a change in the behavior of an individual (a response) without using concepts like “mind” or “ideas” or kind of mental behavior. Behaviourist

psychology states that people are conditioned to learn many forms of behavior, including language, through the process of training or conditioning. The occurrence of these behaviours is dependent upon three crucial elements in learning a stimulus, which serves to elicit behavior, a response triggered by a stimulus; and reinforcement, which serves to mark the response as being appropriate (or inappropriate) and encourage the repetition (or suppression), of the response in the future. Learning in thus described as the formation of association between stimuli and responses.


method has laid downs a set of guiding teaching principles such as learning a language is habit formation. And to the behaviourism, habit formation is brought about through repetition, mimicry, and memorization. This has become the standart practices of teaching based on Audio-lingual method. (Fauziati, 2009: 27-28)

Thus, behaviourism has significant influence on foreign language teaching. Behaviourism, namely habituation, memorization and repetition become factor that influencing language English achievement and repetition become factor that influencing language English achievement. Repeating in reciting the Qur’an is also improving student‟s language, because they use

their brain to practice.

Cognitive development is a term which is used by psychologist to explain all of mental activity which has connection with perception, taught, memory, and processing information that allow somebody to get knowledge, solving problem, and planning future (Desmita, 2017: 97-98). According to Robert Gagne (Slamet Suyanto, 2005: 86) said that in cognitive theory, studying is process to get new information, processing information, saving information, and remembering information which is controlled by human‟s brain. One of cognitive aspects which have to be developed in student‟s cognitive development is memory. Sumadi


is doing memorization. Catur Ismawati (2016: 338) said that Qur‟an education has function toward student‟s cognitive

development and affective commonly is to improve moral development and student‟s ability in memorizing al-Qur‟an, so that

indirectly will develop student‟s memory.

c. Technique of Memorizing al-Qur’an

In memorizing al-Qur’an, hafidz (memorizer) use technique to

memorize. Buzan added (2007: 7) memory is muscle. The more you use; the brain will become stronger and easier to remember. Two main tools memory:

1) Imagination

The use of imagination helps to remember because it will make everything seem more attractive, more interesting will be easy to remember. The key is to make the imagination to create things you want to remember to be more attractive.

2) Association

Association is a way of linking what you know. You can use the brain‟s natural skills to help you learn and remember.

The memorizing ability can improve by those two tools. The learner or teacher can use their creativity to make new technique for memorizing. According to Buzan (2007: 46), there are some


2) Understand the information 3) Organized the information

4) Make connections and associations 5) Visualize the information

6) Use story line

7) Acronym, a word formed by taking the first letter of key words in a list of terms.

8) Acrostic, a sentence formed by taking the first letter of key words in a list of items.

9) Review

d. Review of Memorizing al-Qur’an

1) The Definition of Memorizing al-Qur’an

In Indonesia dictionary mentioned that memorization is derived from the word „memorize‟ which means entered in memory, can say outside of head (without looking book).

The ability to memorize the Qur’an consists of three words "ability", "Memorize" and "Al-Qur’an". According to the

Indonesian Wikipedia the notion of ability is the capacity of an individual to perform various tasks in a job. Ability comes from the word "Capable" which means power (can, can, do something, can, be, rich, have excessive possessions). (KBBI Online: 2018).


Dictionary memorizing is trying absorb into mind to keep in mind. Language (etymology) Al-Hifzh (rote) is the opposite of forgetting, always remember and forget a bit. Hafizh (Penghafal) is a person who memorizes carefully and includes a row of memorizing people. In this connection, memorizing the Qur’an, maintaining it as well as the reasoning must consider three elements the following points:

a) Living the visual forms so that they can be recalled though without a book.

b) Reading them regularly memorized verses. c) Recall memorized verses.

According to Ahmad Warson Munawwir (1997: 279) in Ferri Andika (2013), the word "memorize" in Arabic is "hifzh". This word comes from fi'il (verb): hafizha -yahfazhu - hifzhan. If it says, hafizha asy-syai'a, it means to keep (not to be damaged), maintain and protect. But if it says, hafizha as-sirra, meaning katamahu (save). It is said, hafizha addarsa, meaning istazhharahu (memorize). According to Muhaimin et al, memorizing is a method that used to recall something that has been read on a regular basis true as it is. The method is widely used in business to memorize the Qur’an and Al-Hadith. There are four necessary steps done in

using this method, among others:

a) Reflecting, paying attention to the material being studied, either


b) Repeat, read and or follow repeatedly what spoken by the teacher;

c) To recite individually to indicate the acquisition of learning outcomes about what has been learned;

d) Retention, the memories that have been had about what is has been studied which is permanent.

Yahya Abdul Fattah Az-Zawawi (2011: 32) states that the primacy of memorizing the Qur’an is:

1) God loves the memorizers of the Qur’an 2) God helps the memorizers of the Qur’an

3) The Qur’an spurred the spirit and made the activity more active 4) Allah blesses the memorizers of the Qur’an

5) Always accompanying the Qur’an is one of the reason to get correct understanding

6) The prayer of the Quran (the person who has memorized the Qur’an) is not rejected

7) The man who memorized the Qur’an is the one who has the word good

The requirements of memorizing the Qur’an are: 1) Ability to empty mind (focus)


2) A Sincere Intention

A strong and earnest intention will lead one to place of destination, and will fortify against those constraints it might get in the way. Without a clear intention then the journey to reach the destination will be very easy distracted by obstacles that are at any time ready to destroy.

3) Looking for the most powerful motivation to memorize the Qur’an. Basically, all human beings are controlled by the

motivation that has been they cultivate within each individual. So that motivation that encourages you to do the practice then he is the main motivation. The best motivation is because Allah.

4) Set the time

So that we can memorize well, then we must arrange our affairs, so that we can spend enough time to memorize.

5) Have firmness and patience

In the process of memorizing the Qur’an there will be many obstacles encountered, may be saturated, maybe environmental disturbance because rowdy for that required perseverance and patience

6) Istiqomah

The term istiqomah is consistent, while maintaining continuity in the process of memorizing the Qur’an. In other words, one the memorization of the Qur’an should always maintain continuity and


of time, so precious time for him. How no, anytime and anywhere there is time to spare, his intuition immediately encouraged to immediately return to the Qur’an.

7) Distancing themselves from evil and disgraceful traits

Act of immorality and degrading behavior is an act that must be taken away not only by those who memorize the Qur’an, but also

by the Muslims in general. Because both have a great influence on the development of the soul and disturb the peace of the hearts of those who are in memorizing Al-Qur’an that will destroy istiqomah and concentration that has been built and trained.

8) Parents, or husbands Permits

The license is not an imperative necessity, only with the consent will create a mutual understanding between the two parties ie between the parent and the child, between the husband and wife or between the guardian and the person in the under guardianship. 9) Increase concentration

Increased concentration can increase one's catch. Increased memory can make one able to learn in a shorter tempo. If he learns at the same time as other people, he gets more.


or the willingness of an individual to remember the verses Al- Quran.

e. Basic Memorizing al-Qur’an

Alloh SWT said in his verse Q.S. Al-Fatir: 32 The meaning:

Then we gave (the book Al-Qur’an) for inheritance to such of

our slaves whom we choose (the followers of Muhammad SAW). Then of them are some wrong their own selves and of them are some who follow middle course, and of the are some who are, by Alloh’s leave, fore most in good deed. That (inheritance of al-Qur’an), that is indeed

a great grace” (Q.S. Al-Fatir: 32)

Alloh SWT also said in Alloh‟s other verses:

The meaning,

We will read al-Qur’an for you (Muhammad) so you will not forget Alloh’s will. Indeed, Alloh knows that was clear and that was hidden” (Q.S. Al-A‟la: 6), according to Ibnu Abbas, story of falling al-Qur’an (asbab al-Nuzul) from that verse is about Rosululloh who

always do repeating in reading from beginning verse Jibril said, meanwhile Jibril is not done to said it yet. (HR. Thabrani).So with this lowered verse it is basically a guarantee to Prophet Muhammad ṣallallāh 'alayh wa sallam that he will not forget the revelation that God

has given. Related to the law memorizing the Qur’an, Imam Jalaluddin


Muslims so that their worries are not interrupted and untouched by change or deviation. While conducting the teaching of the Qur’an is farḍ kifāyah and is the best taqarrub charity (An-Nahlawi, 1995: 274).

Basic Teaching Memorizing the Qur’an The process of teaching the Qur’an to be more directed especially must have a basis. Among the very basic teaching principles are as explained in the letter of al-Qamar verse 17 that the Qur’an was recited in memorization and granted ease by God for those who tried to memorize it. Furthermore, in the letter al-A'laq verse 1-5 it is clear that for the first time there is a process of teaching between the Jibril and Prophet Muhammad ṣallallāh 'alayh wa sallam. In that teaching the Jibril asked the prophet

to read al-Qur’an. The state of the prophet at that time was not able to read. Then the Jibril taught the prophet to read and memorize it.

Thus, memorizing al-Qur’an is an obligation for all Muslims. Memorizing al-Qur’an will be better if someone can finish memorizing al-Qur’an until 30 Juzs, but if the new memorized most of

every Muslim is expected to keep constantly repeats from memory with memory.

f. The Methods of Memorizing al-Qur’an

Many methods can be developed in memorizing al-Qur‟an for

memorizer. Methods in memorizing can help memorizer memorizes al-Qur‟an easy. The methods in memorizing al-Qur‟an as follow


1) Wahdah Method

This method is a method where memorizer memorizes one by one verse. To memorize new memorization, memorizer reads the verse for ten times or twenty times or more. After students get really good memorization, students can continue the next verse. After students memorize one by one verse in a page, students have to memorize verse by verse in one page full.

2) Kitabah Method

Kitabah means writing. In this method memorizer write the verse first in a paper before she start to memorize. Then the verse be read clearly after that memorizer memorizes this verses.

3) Sima’i Method

Sima’i means hearing. In this method, memorizer hears a verse to

be memorized by her. This method is effective for blind or children who don‟t know how to read and write al-Qur‟an.

4) Mix Method

This method is mixing method between wahdah and kitabah method. Memorizer writes the verses, then memorizer read it until she/he memorize it well, after that continue to the next verse.

g. The Component of Evaluating Memorizing al-Qur’an

In al-Qur‟an Alloh commands us to read al-Qur‟an with tartil (fluent). Read al-Qur‟an with tartil is the meaning of al-Qur‟an surah Muzammil verse 4: “and read the Qur’an fluently”. Surah


about the verse, “Read al-Qur’an slowly, because it can assist in

understanding and study carefully”. In al-Qur‟an surah al-Isra‟, Alloh said,

The meaning:

“and the Qur’an that We have sent down gradually so you read it slowly to humans and we down al-Qur’an section by section.” (Q.S.

Al-Israa‟: 106)

Bahirul Amali added about the paragraph above, Athiyyah Sheikh said in Al-Ghayah Pupil page 15, “You shall read it to human

by slowly because it is easier to be understood and memorized. What is certain is that in the form of reading commended by Alloh SWT cannot be realized except by keeping the rules of recitation in the reading as exemplified by Rosululloh SAW related the Quran verse with tartil.

Companions, the scholars have framed qira‟ah parts of reciting

tartil (fluency). Thus from the explanation above in memorizing al-Qur‟an we must pay attention in tartil (fluency), tajwid (the rule to read the Qur‟an), and makhorijul huruf (pronunciation).

1) Tartil (Fluency)


almost totally restricted in usage to the Qur‟an), it is a slow and

deliberate recitation according to the rules of tajwid, done in a spirit of reverence, and with contemplation and expression of the meaning (Kristina Nelson, 2001: 86).

2) Tajwid (The rule to read the Qur‟an)

Tajwid literally means „proficiency‟ or „to do something well‟. It is

derived from the word jayyid (good). Tajwid is a science and study of the rules and principles of reciting the Qur‟an in accordance

with established rules of articulation, pronunciation and intonation. Tajwid is a set of rules for proper pronunciation and recitation of the Qur‟an. Learning Tajwid means learning how to pronounce the

letters in the words correctly, which covers matters like when a consonant is silent or not and how long a vowel is.

3) Makhorijul Huruf (Pronunciation)

Makhorijul Huruf is place where the position or the point of articulation which a letter in the sound stops at or produced from.

h. Memorizer Qur’an’s Attitude

Memorizer Qur‟an must have good attitude. According to


respectful, and patient; low profile, always do positive attitude in every condition and keep it well.

Al-Qur‟an is the one of source for serenity heart. In al-Qur‟an suroh ar-Ro‟du: 28, Alloh said:

The meaning,

“(that is) people who trust and their hearts be serenity while

remember Alloh. Remember, only remembering Alloh our heart will be serenity”

From that verse we can conclude that the source of serenity heart is in remembering Alloh SWT. One of the ways to remember Alloh is always do interaction with holy Qur‟an. As a memorizer, she

will get serenity because she has intense time in memorizing al-Qur‟an. (Amali, 2012: 17)

According to Habibillah (2011: 100), memorizer must attention to their attitude, because of wrong activity, or negative attitude will make their memorization al-Qur‟an loss. They also must attention with

whom they make friend, and always keep their moral.

People who memorize al-Qur‟an will do positive attitude


3. Student’s Attitude

a. Definition of Student’s Attitude

According to Krech, Allport and Campbell in Siti Maesaroh (2014: 13) attitude is a lasting system of the assessment is positive or negative, emotional feelings and the tendency to give respect to an object. It is the mental readiness organized through experience, is used to determine a person's response to all objects and situations. Attitude of an individual is the steadiness act or respond to an object.

The same thing also expressed by Natawijaya (1986: 40) about the attitude: Mental attitude is the willingness of individuals that influence, even determine the color the individual concerned activities in response to the object or situation that gives meaning to him/her. This willingness may be expressed in the activities (actions or words) or a latent force that is sometimes channeled.

Riwahyudin (2015: 14) states that attitude is a condition where someone is ready to do an action in a certain condition. Everyone has different attitude. It is caused by many factors such as talent, interest, experience, knowledge, intensity, feeling, and environment.


lesson (Baykul 1990; Dhindsa and Chung 2003; Koballa 1988; Osborne et al. 2003). If the lessons are more enjoyable and attention-grabbing, the attitudes of students are more positive and they are more successful. (Nilufer and Mehmet, 2015 : 304).

In article by Al Noursi (2012) entitled ”Honey catches flies more than Ginger: Enhancing Arab students towards learning English”

maintains that the type of students‟ attitudes towards the target

language and the teacher is a vital criteria in determining students‟ success and/or failure in learning a foreign language. According to Karahan (2007: 84) avers, positive language attitudes let learner have positive orientation towards learning English. In the same token, Shah in Omar Al Noursi studied certain characteristics of low-achievers, and found that lack of a positive attitude contributed to the students‟ low


Attitude is kind of psychology unsure, because of that attitude includes in psychology aspects. Definition of attitude has been explained by many psychologist and education. Attitude is a tendency to react with certain way to stimulator or situation that be faced (Ngalim, 2003: 141). Students are significantly differing in their attitude based on the gender, locality of the school, type of school, type of management and also in father‟s and mother‟s occupation. An


Basically attitude is evaluation concept in connection with certain object, influence motif in behavior. It means that attitude includes assessment unsure and affective reaction, but it is not same with motif, but it also produces certain motif. This motif determines real behavior or opened reaction, meanwhile its affective reaction is closed reaction. Attitude is also explained in many different qualities and quantities and it moves continually from positive through neutral into negative. Prof. Dr. Djaali said that attitude defined as way to face something. Trow defines attitude as a readiness of mental or emotional in many kinds of action in right situation. In the other hand, Allport recited by Gable said that attitude is a readiness of mental and nerve that arranged through experience and give direct affect to someone‟s response. According to Harlen attitude is someone‟s readiness or

tendency or action in some situation. From theories above, researcher can conclude that attitude is readiness and tendency by someone in dealing with certain object, and attitude has closed characteristic (Djaali, 2011: 114).

Someone‟s attitude is not something that carried since he or she

was born, but it is an achievement. Because of that attitude can be formed or be changed and from one people to other people do not have same attitude. The differences of someone‟s attitude is caused by


attitude, she or he will show dislike to an object of psychology or unfavorable to psychology object (Arvi Riwahyudin, 2015: 22)

Based on the definition above it can be concluded that attitude is the tendency to act with respect to a particular object, it instead of real action (overt behavior) but still closed (covert behavior). Of all the sense in the above expression can be taken a sense of attitude, which is an assessment of a person's attitude toward an object, situation, concept, others and themselves due to the result of the process of learning and experience in the field who expressed a sense of love (positive response) and distaste (negative response). Attitude is one type of affective characteristics that determine a person's success in the learning process. It is because it will influence students during the teaching and learning process and it will also bring good impact for the students in the future.

b. Components of Attitude

Attitude is a concept that helps in understanding human behavior. Social psychologist distinguishes three components of an attitude: cognitive component, affective component and behavioral component (Zenden, 1877: 161).


component of attitude is whatever students believe about reading activity, either positive or negative.

2) Affective component deals with the subjective emotion of the people to the object. Zenden (1977: 161) stated that affective component consists of the feelings or emotions that the actual object, even or situation or symbolic evokes within an individual. Fear, sympathy, pity, hate anger, envy, love and contempt are the emotions, which are included in this component. For example: if students believe that reading is a boring activity, they may dislike it.

3) Behavior or conative component is tendency or disposition to act in certain ways with reference some object, event or situation, (Zenden 1977: 161). It is of course, influenced by the people believes and feelings to the object. Whatever we believe and feel gradually influence our behavior. This component relates to the tendency to act so that in some literature this component is called the action tendency component. Action tendency components can be divided into two kinds:

a) Positive attitude. The attitude of the show, accept acknowledge, approve, and implement associated with the object.


of the behavior cannot be used to determine the attitude. Components that are not in line can cause the mechanism changes from the original negative attitudes to positive gradually. However, such an extreme attitude strongly agree or strongly disagree usually not easy to be changed.

Both Rosenberg and Hovland (1960: 3) in J. Richard Eiser (1986: 53) break down attitudes into three components: cognitive (what people believe), affective (what people feel), and behavioral (what people do).

Student‟s attitudes toward the object are influenced by internal

and external factors. Personality, motivation, intelligence and attitude includes in the internal factors or what we may usually call as individual characteristic, while the external factors consist of teacher, friends, learning facilities and schooling system.

c. Factors That Influence Attitudes

Based on Anwar (2009:30) attitude has some factors that influenced it, here are some factors that influenced someone‟s


1) Personal experience


2) Influence others that are considered important

In general, people tend to have a conformist attitude or direction of the attitude of people who are considered important. This tends among motivated by the desire for affiliation and the desire to avoid conflict with the people who are considered important. 3) Influence of culture

Unwittingly steering line culture has instilled our attitude towards various issues. Culture has colored the attitude of members of the community, because the pattern is culture that gives individuals experience public care.

4) The mass media

In the newspapers and the healthcare radio or other communications media, which supposedly factual news delivered objective likely to be influenced by the attitude of the author, consequently affect the attitudes of consumers.

5) Institute of Education and Religious Institutions

Moral concepts and teachings of educational institutions and religious institutions determine the belief system it is not surprising that in turn affects the attitude concept.

6) Emotional Factors


Someone‟s attitude can be formed as feeling like or dislike,

agree or disagree to an object. According to that concept, researcher conclude that attitude is student‟s tendency to act like received or

refuse, positive or negative to English subject as subject that be taught in SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta.

d. Attitude in Learning English

Any teaching and learning situation will be affected by the factors beyond the classroom. One of the factors is student‟s attitude toward the subject being taught. And the teaching learning process of English is also influenced by the student‟s attitude in learning English.

Student may have either positive or negative attitude in learning English students‟ will like this subject, whereas other will dislike it all.

These predetermined attitudes or mind-sets toward certain persons, places, and things are result of prior experiences with that subject, especially English. Some will like English because they find it interesting or easy, whereas other will dislike English because they find it boring or difficult.


2013: 26). If the students have a positive attitude in learning English, of course, they will be ready to accept the existence of English. They will be predisposed to act consistently with their feeling about it. Conversely, those having a negative attitude in learning English will act in particular way indicating their disliking to this language.

The students‟ attitude toward English in this research will be

measured by using three indicators. Those are: a. The cognitive component

The cognitive component of attitude concerned with the student‟s belief to the object, in this case is English. It consists of

knowledge, vision, judgment, or something that has relation with student‟s perception toward English.

b. The affective component

The affective component of attitude deals with the student‟s

feeling or emotional action toward English. For instance, the students will have feeling either like or dislike and love or hate in learning English.

c. The action of component


From of the theories above, it can be concluded that students who have a good attitude tend to have a good learning attitude, otherwise students who have a bad attitude tend to have a poor learning attitude. In this study the attitude in learning English language is measured by using three indicators, those are cognitive component, affective component, and action component.

2. Previous Related Study

Previous research is important for the researcher, because the researcher has certain source to show where the important of researcher‟s

research. Besides that, researcher will be scientific research if it has previous study. Following this study, the researcher put some previous research to conduct the research.

The first research of related topic to conduct this research is done by Ferri Andika Rosadi, a student from Engineering Faculty of Yogyakarta University in 2013. He conducted a research entitled “Pengaruh Kemampuan

Menghafal al-Qur’an dan Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Ekstrakuliker Elektronika di SMP IT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta”. This research

has aim to know the effects of memorizing al-Qur’an mastery to student‟s electronica ex-school achievement, effects of student‟s motivation to student‟s electronica ex-school achievement, and both memorizing al-Qur’an mastery and student‟s motivation to student‟s electronica ex-school achievement. This


student‟s Electronica ex-school of SMP IT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta. Researcher

used questionnaire and documentation to get the data. Questionnaire used to get student‟s motivation variable data then examine the validity and reliability. Documentation method used to get data about student‟s memorizing al-Qur’an

mastery and student‟s electronica ex-school achievement. To examine the

instrument validity used linier regression and to examine reliability used Alpha Cronbach. To examine data analysis used data normality, examining linearity, and multi-linearity. Examining first hypothesis used simple regression analysis 1 predictor, while to examine third hypothesis used double regression 2 predictors. The results of this research are: (1) there is positive effect and significant correlation between memorizing al-Qur’an mastery toward student‟s electronics level achievement. It is proven by correlation

coefficient (rx1y) 0.409, with effective contribution 12%; (2) There is positive and significant correlation between student‟s studying motivation in

Electronics. This statement got from correlation coefficient (rx2y) 0.451 with effective contribution 16%; (3) There is positive correlation between memorizing al-Qur’an mastery, student‟s motivation toward student‟s Electronics achievement in SMP IT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta, with correlation coefficient R 0.529 and effective contribution 28%. The differences between Ferry Andika‟s thesis and this research are in variables, and in place where

researcher done his research.


Grade Students of SMP N 3 Colomadu Karanganyar Academic Year 2016/2017”. The purposes of this research are to know the correlation between parents‟ educational background, students‟ attitude toward the

English reading comprehension. This research used quantitative method, it was correlational study. Population of this research is Eighth grade students of SMP N 3 Colomadu Karanganyar, which is consist of 8 classes. The total number of the students was 265 students. Researcher used cluster random sampling technique to take 31 students to be the population. Researcher used questionnaire and test to collect data, then analyzed the data used Pearson‟s

product moment formula. The result of this research is the correlation between parents‟ educational background toward English reading comprehension was

0,130 with significance level 0,00<0,05. It meant that there was correlation between parents‟ educational background on the English comprehension. It is interpreted that parents‟ educational background can affect the student‟s

English comprehension. And the correlation between the student‟s attitude on

the English comprehension also showed correlation, indicated by the correlation value of 0,164 with significant level 0,002<0,05.

Those two studies have the same design as this research, which is correlational design. It also has three variables. However there are many differences. The first previous study there is difference in one independent variable. It focused in memorizing al-Qur’an mastery, learning motivation toward student‟s electronics achievement, while in this research focus on

memorizing mastery, student‟s attitude, and student‟s English level


collecting the data, here are used probability sampling and used questionnaire and documentation to collect data. The second previous study focused in parents‟ background, student‟s attitude towards English reading

comprehension. So the difference between this research and the second previous study is the independent variable, students‟ parent background, and the dependent variable, reading comprehension. Actually the dependent variable both of them concern on achievement, but the second previous concern in achievement of reading comprehension whereas this research in English achievement. The other differences are the second references of thesis used cluster random sampling, while this research used probability random sampling. The previous study is also used questionnaire and test, while this study did not used test to collect the data.

3. Rationale

Students use their memory to memorize. The usage of memory continuity will make students‟ brain can work faster. It also happen when students‟ keep their memorization. Students‟ brain can connect the other cells

so brain can more easy to analyze new data or knowledge. High mastery of student will influence the cells connected, and it also influence in students to analyze new knowledge. So the learning goal will be easy to reach if students do memorization especially in memorizing al-Qur‟an.


Figure 2.1 Taxonomy Bloom of Learning Goal
Figure 3.1: Correlation between Variables
Table 3.1 The Key of Scoring The Questionnaire
Table 3.2 The Result of Validity test of Student’s Attitude in Learning instrument


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