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The Contribution of Students’ Reading Ability toward Students’ Writing Summary in the Second Grade Students’ of Pesantren Manahilil Ulum Guppi Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan - Repositori UIN Alauddin Makassar


Academic year: 2019

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A Thesis

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department

of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of UIN Alauddin Makassar


AESOH LOHBUESA Reg. Number: 20400113200




Nama : Aesoh Lohbuesa

NIM : 20400113200

Tempat/Tgl.Lahir : Yala, Thailand/27 Oktober 1994 Jur/Prodi/Konsentrasi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris/S1 Fakultas/Program : Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Alamat : Kampus I UIN Alauddin Makassar

Judul : The Contribution of Students’ Reading Ability toward Students’ Writing Summary in the Second Grade

Students’ of Pesantren MANAHIIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK.1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya dan penuh kesadaran bahwa skripsi ini benar adalah hasil karya sendiri. Jika dikemudian hari terbukti bahwa ia merupakan duplikat, tiruan, plagiat, atau dibuat oleh orang lain, sebagian atau seluruhnya, maka skripsi dan gelar yang diperoleh karenanya batal demi hukum.

Samata, Gowa, 2017






ه َللّٱ



Hamdan wa Syukran Lillah, the researcher would like to express her high

gratitude to the God Almighty, Allah Subhanhuwata’ala, who has given blessing,

health, power and inspiration to finish her thesis, Salawat and Salam are

addressed to the final and chosen messenger the prophet Muhammad SAW who

brought us from the darkness, to the lightness.

The researcher realizes that this writing would not finish without help

and the guidance from a number of people. So, the researcher gives also a lot of

thanks to the following individuals:

1. Dr. Kamsinah, M.Pd.I., and Dr. H. Erwin Hafid, Lc., M.Th.I., M.Ed., as

consultants for their guidance and advice during this thesis writing.

2. Prof. Dr. H. Musafir Pabbari, M.S., as the Rector of Islamic State University

of Alauddin Makassar for his advice and support.

3. Dr. H. Muhammad Amri, Lc,M.Ag., as the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teaching

Science Faculty for his advice and motivation.

4. Dr. Kamsinah, M.Pd.I., and Sitti Nurpahmi S.Pd., M.Pd., as the Head and the

Secretary of English Department of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty

Of Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar who have helped, guided, and



6. The researcher’s father, Doloh Lohbuesa, and her lovely mother Rohana

Adae. Who always pray, encourage, educate and provide countless material

supports, so that, she could finish this thesis writing and her study in UIN

Alauddin Makassar.

7. The researcher’s special friend Fitriah Rahmadhana great thanks for your motivation and support.

8. Her beloved family of PBI 9,10 for their sincere friendship and assistance

during the writing of this thesis.

9. The second grade students’ of Pesantren Manahilil Ulum Guppi Samata for their great participation during the research.

10. All of the people around the researcher’s life whom could not mention one by one by the researcher who has given a big inspiration, motivation, spirit and do’a for her.

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis has not been perfect and still need more suggestions. However, the writer hopes that this thesis would be beneficial to other people. May Allah SWT bless us, Amin.

Makassar, 2017 Writer,














B. Research Problem... 4

C. Research Objective... 4

D. Research Significance ... 4

E. Research Scope ... 5

F. Operational Definition of Terms ... 5

CHAPTER REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Related Research Findings ... 10

B. Some Pertinent Ideas ... 11

1. Reading ... 11

2. Writing ... 18

C. Theoretical Framework. ... 29

D. Hypothesis ... 30


B. Research Variable ... 31

C. Research Population and Sample ... 31

1. Population. ... 31



F. Data Analysis Technique ... 33 CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION

A. Finding ... 37 B. Discussion ... 42 CHAPTER VCONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. Conclusion ... 44 B. Suggestion ... 45 BIBLIOGRAPHY





Table 2.1 : The Schema of Conceptual Framework………...23

Table 3.1 : Classification The Students’ Score Answer……….26

Table 3.2 : Interpretation of Correlation Coefficient “r” Score……….30

Table 4.1 : Rubric Writing Assessment……….31



Appendix III : The Result of Writing Score………...53 Appendix IV : The Result of Reading Score………..…55

Appendix III : Data Collector of Students……….57

Appendix IV : Table Correlation Coefficient “r” Product moment…………...58


xi ABSTRACT Researcher : Aesoh Lohbuesa

Nim : 20400113200

Title : The Contribution of Students’ Reading Ability toward Students’ Writing Summary in the Second Grade Students’ of Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.

Consultan I : Dr. Kamsinah, M.Pd.I.

Consultan II : Dr. H. Erwin Hafid, Lc., M.Th.I., M.Ed.

The research is about the contribution of students reading ability toward students writing summary, most of the students have problems to achieve a better grade in reading and writing, and it can be influence their other skills in learning English, Therefore, the research conducted this research to solve the problems. The objective of the research was to find out whether or not the contribution of students reading ability toward students writing summary in the second grade students of Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK.1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. This research focused on the reading ability and writing summary.

The method that is used in this research is correlation research by using two instruments, test and documentation. The subjects of this research were 40 students in the second grade of Pesanren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK.1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan in academic year 2016/2017.

The result of the research shows that this quantitative data can be analyzed in correlation, in conducting this research, the researcher used reading test, writing summary test and documentation to collect the data. from the data analysis mean score of the average level of reading ability score is (73.2) while the average for writing summary score is (74.9) was higher than the score in test. Evident from the result obtained correlation coefficient of determination is (0.353) it can be concluded that the level of correlation is good influenced by the reading ability and writing summary the students of class second grade students of Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK.1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. So this should be a concern to optimize the develoment of reading to students in particular and society in general.



English is one of the most popular languages used by people nowadays. Most of the countries around the world have used English as their second or first language. English also have a vital role in the world because it is always used in international forum. The other reason why English is so popular because it becomes language of business and many popular cultures (American movies) used English. In Indonesia English become the first foreign language beside France and Germany that is taught in Indonesian’s school. It is taught from the Elementary School, Junior High School, Senior High School, and University level, even there are some Kindergarten in Indonesia that is taught basic English to the student.

Basically, English has four main language skills; Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. These four skills in language related each other, people who use language have a number of different ability; some are able to read and write while others are able to speak and listen well. Reading and writing are said to be productive skills, while speaking and listening are said to be receptive skills.



effective tools to acquire various written information including science and technology.

Meanwhile, writing is the skill is possessed by human being to produce ideas and thoughts in to the writing people are able to share their experience, explain opinions and suggest or persuade the reader to write. It is also very important for education in completing their assignments like the report, proposal and scientific writing.

Approaching reading-writing relations from a directional perspective is the most relevant model for pedagogical concerns as it helps teachers decide whether reading should lead to writing or whether writing should lead to reading in their instruction. The use of writing to enhance reading has also generated a great deal of debate among those searching for methodologies that increase improvement in reading proficiency. Indeed, writing before, during, or after reading, was shown to assist reading and readers in a number of ways. Many studies have proved the contribution that writing gives to a reader.

In the era of the development of science and technology is develop rapid as now, it felt that human life can’t be separated from the activity of reading. The


Based on the preliminary study and observation with students in the second grade at Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. I Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, some problems are found from the students based on previous observation, the researcher finds out some problem that the students do not take attention and understanding in reading, then, after doing the observation toward the students that the researcher finds out student’s ability in reading is not

satisfied. Such was the case according to this observation the researcher is interested to study about student’s problem toward understanding of reading at class second grade with idea of this research the contribution of students’ reading

ability toward students’ writing summary all of knowledge and method that the

researcher obtains from this research can help the teacher to use the method in teaching English in future.

Therefore, English language learning, especially reading is maximal. In the following study students seen less conscious, this is because teachers in reading learning materials using the method to read a story and writing summary. Teachers in the English language learning students only provide the text, and that told the students to answer questions from the reading text. So that students’ reading skills are lacking even be said is still a concern, it seen from the



Summary in the Second Grade Students’ of Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. I Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan ”.

B. Research Problem

Based on the background, the researcher formulates the problem as follow: “What is the Contribution of Students’ Reading Ability toward Students’

Writing Summary in the second grade students’ of Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. I Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan?”

C. Research Objective

Based on the formulation of the problem above the purpose of this study is to find out the contribution of students’ reading ability toward students’ writing

summary in the second grade students’ of Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. I Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.

D. Research Significance

This research is expected to give two contributions, they are: theoretical and practical contributions.

1. Theoretical Significance

The result of this research is expected to be a useful and can give a way to reading ability and writing summary in teaching and education institution.

2. Practical Significance

This research beneficial for the students, teacher, and school. For the students and teacher, the result of this research can be useful in learning especially who are concerned to students’ reading ability toward students’


summary. For the school, it is also expected to provide information and reference in order to improve the quality of education by the application of active learning model in learning at school.

E. Research Scope

The scope of the research focuses on the contribution of students’ reading ability toward students’ writing summary of second grade student in academic

years 2016/2017 of Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. I Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.

F. Operational Definition of Terms

The title of this research is “The Contribution of Students’ Reading Ability toward Students’ Writing Summary in the second grade students’ of Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. I Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan” to make understanding about the title of this thesis easier, the researcher explained some technical terms in this title:

1. Reading

Reading, one of language skills, should be mastered well by the students because reading is an essential factor that influences one of activates in communication. Reading is regarded as a decoding skill that is interpreting codes into ideas. People consider reading as an important activity so that people usually say that reading is the window of the world. By reading, people can get the information widely without going anywhere.



between the perception of graphic symbol that represent language and reader’s

language skill and knowledge of the world

Reading is one of the language skills that must be learned by learners of English as a foreign language. Success in studying depends in large part on our ability to read Wahida (2012:15) stated that the purpose of reading in many languages is to inform ourselves about something we are interested, or to challenge certain our method. In other words, to extend our experience of the world in which we live. A person may need to get information. Reading is not an easy matter, but it is a complex process. It does not involve the readers’ ability to read the text but also, the readers' experience to comprehend it. People read many kinds of written materials such as newspapers, magazines, novels, academic books, and so on. Through reading, people can get many information, knowledge, and enjoyment. Therefore, the ability to read the text in any form will bring great advantages to the readers.

Chambers and Lowry (in Megawati 1997:7) state that reading is more than morally recognizing the words for which certain combination of thinking responses. Those thinking responses are feeling and defining and some need, identifying a selection for meeting the need, selecting from alternative means experimenting with choices, rejecting or reining the chosen route, and devising some means of evaluating the result.


written or printed material from what was been read and improve a construct of ideas depend on the experience or prior knowledge of the reader.

2. Writing

Writing is an English skill defined as how to express ideas on a paper to form words, words to sentences, sentences to paragraph. The ideas of writing may be from writer’s feeling, opinion, or may come from prior knowledge such

as result of reading book, discussion or hearing and watching TV.

Graham and Perin in Subaedah (2011:10) explain that writing well is not just an option for young people-it is a necessity. Writing skill is predictor of academic success and a basic requirement for participation in civic life in the global economy, while Writing is not a simple language skill to perform because of it is large areas that must be involved. In producing a piece of writing, linguistic competence and extra linguistic competence are always involved. The fact is that writing is not only a means of expression, but it is also an essential criterion of competence in any field. This means that to write is to seek expression or to have something to say through the application of linguistic system.



Bram (1995:6) defined, writing means to produce or to produce a message or messages into written language. It involves an activity process to organize and formulate the ideas on the paper so that the reader can follow the writer message as well as oral form.

Based on the definition above, the researcher concludes that writing is a kind of activity process that put the ideas, experiences, and feeling into paper in order to make a communication between the writer and the reader.

3. Summary

Summary is an overview of content that provides a reader with the overarching theme, but does not expand on specific details. A summary describes a larger work (such as an entire book, speech, or research project), and should include noticeably less content then the original work. Summaries can save a reader time because it prevents the reader time from having to actually go through and filter the important information from the unimportant. “Ben was

able to review the well-written summary provided by his peer, instead of re-reading the entire textbook, and as a result the still received an A on his mid-term.”

Cohen (1988:247) claims that summarizing task on reading comprehension tests can be considered as “authentic” tests since they have characteristics of


important role while having the restrictions regarding length, format and style, since the assessor already knows what is really included in the original text. At the same time, Cohen believes that to produce successful summaries, students need to have reading skills, as well as writing skills, because in order to complete this task successfully students require selecting and using reading strategies effectively, while performing the writing task appropriately.

Heller (1995:40) postulates that, “the process of summary writing may be the ultimate example of making connections between reading and writing: summaries require the writer first to read and fully comprehend the prose and then to reduce the text to its gist, or main ideas. It requires knowledge of the facts and the opinions plus the ability in infer main points and to judge what is important enough to include in the condensed version.”

Sherrard (1989:17) in her study on text comprehension insists that expert summary writers make decisions on the basic of the entire text, while poor summary writers and younger summary writers mainly focus on sentences and details. In her conclusion she has named three principle components: content, structure, and style features which should be included in a matured summary.




This chapter deals with some related research findings, the concept of

reading and writing, and some pertinent ideas.

A. Related Research Finding

Hasnawati (2004:6) in her study, Improving the Reading Ability of the

Second Years Students of SLTPN 2 Takalar, She concluded that the students

still have low achievement in reading for ability. The students still encounter

difficulties in finding both explicit information in finding main idea in passage.

Jamil (2010:12) in thesis entitled “Improving Reading Comprehension thought Critical Reading of the first Year Students at MA Manahili Ulum Guppi

Samata Gowa” the research emphasize that the purpose of the “critical reading is

reading with an awareness of similarities and different between what the reader

has already seen, and what reader is seeing in the word” in this study more

emphasis on improving reading skills at an advanced level (college) and did not

recommended for beginners, intermediate level, such as teaching at the

equivalent junior, high school or equivalent. So the end result was discovered by

researcher in the use of critical reading is considered less effective in improving

students’ reading comprehension at Guppi MA Manahili Samata, Gowa.

Rusmiati (2010:15) in her research with title “Improving Students’ Writing

Ability through Writing Task on Unforgettable Experience of the Second Year

Students of MAN Barakka Kabupaten Enrekang”. She said that writing is more


that unforgettable experience can improving the students’ writing ability because

it can make the student develop their ideas.

Based on the explanation above, the research will be slightly different from

the previous researches. The different is this research use descriptive quantitative

research; it is different with the previous researches which use experimental

research. The similarity between the previous researches with this research is

that research focus in students’ reading ability toward writing summary.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1) Reading

a. Definition of reading

There are some definitions of reading given by some other as follows:

1). Haris and Sipay (1980) explain that reading is the meaningful interpretation

of written verbal symbol. Reading is a result of interaction between the

perception of graphic symbol that represent language and reader’s language skill

and knowledge of the world.

2). Chambers and Lowry (in Megawati 1997:7) state that reading is more than

morally recognizing the words for which certain combination of thinking

responses. Those thinking responses are feeling and defining and some need,

identifying a selection for meeting the need, selecting from alternative means

experimenting with choices, rejecting or reining the chosen route, and devising

some means of evaluating the result.

3). Kustaryo (1988:11) says that, reading is a complex process in which



language background, mind sets, and reasoning abilities, and they anticipate

meaning on the basic of what has been read.

4). Richards (2002:273) say that reading is a skill that is highly valued by

students and teachers alike. Reading comprehension is a complex process in

which the reader used his mental ability to obtain the information. It

means that the reader must be able to recognize the meaning of printed


Based on the definition of reading above, it was concluded that reading is

a process or activity to get meaning of materials whether printed or written

and verbal symbols. Reading skill is the ability of process the written or

printed material from what was been read and improve a construct of ideas

depend on the experience or prior knowledge of the reader.

b. The Nature of Reading Ability

Reading is more than merely referring to the activity of pronouncing the

printed material or following each line of written page. It involves various and

mixed activities. People have their own purposes why they read. It is also more

than recognizing words within a sentence; it includes whole ability of thinking

process to evaluate the information. The following are some definitions of

reading proposed by some experts:

Aebersold and Field (1997: 15) stated that reading is what happens when

people look at a text and assign meaning to the written symbols in that text,

further, the text and the reader are the two physical entities necessary for the


reader that constitute actual reading. While, Davies (1995:1) stated that reading

is a private activity. It is a mental or cognitive process, which involves a reader

in trying to follow and respond to a message from a writer, who is in distant

space and time. Due to this privacy, the process of reading and responding to a

writer is not directly observable.

Grellet (1998:7) defined reading as an active skill that constantly involves

guessing, predicting, checking, and asking oneself questions. Wallace (1992: 4)

added that reading is interpreting which means reacting to a written text as a

piece of communication.

Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that reading is an

active and communicative process. It is also an interactive process that goes on

between the reader and the text, resulting in comprehension. It is a mean of

communication between the reader and the researcher. The process involves the

reader, the text, the interaction between reader and text. The text presents

letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs that encode meaning. The reader uses

knowledge, skills, and strategies to determine the meaning.

Hornby (1987: 2) defined “ability as (1) capacity or power (to do) something physical or mental; (2) cleverness; intelligence; (3) special natural

power to do something well; talent. Meanwhile, in Longman dictionary, ability is

defined as the mental skill or physical power to do something” (1998: 1). The

researcher uses ability refers to a broader set of factors which - given similar



From the explanation above, it can be concluded that ability is someone’s competence as a result of learning. Therefore, reading ability means someone’s

ability to communicate or make sense of written or printed symbols and to

extract information in the text by using his knowledge, skills, and strategies to

achieve the purpose of reading activity itself. According to Williams (1996: 51),

there are three main phases needed to be followed in reading activity, namely:

(1) Pre – reading:

Aimed to introduce and arouse learners’ interest in the topic. Giving reason to read and some questions that related to learners’ background knowledge ideas and opinion would motivate learners’ eagerness to read the whole text.

(2) Whilst - reading:

Aimed to help students understanding the purpose and texts’ structure and to clarify texts’ content. Some activities like answering comprehension question,

completing diagram or maps, making list and taking notes are wilts reading type


(3) Post – reading:

Aimed to consolidate what has been read with learners’ own knowledge, interest, or ideas.

c. Kind of Reading

Reading can be classified into four types (Deysiria: 2009: 9), namely silent


1). Silent Reading

These kinds of reading lead the reader to better comprehension. Silent

reading is a skill to criticize what is written to discuss. Something written means

to draw inferences and as well as to express a new idea on the basic of what is


2). Speed Reading

These kinds reading is use to improve speed and comprehension in

reading. This skill very important for the students. The skill of speed reading

must run side with the main purpose of reading that is comprehension. The rate

of reading speed, however, depends on the kinds of reading material. The rate of

speed of reading a story of narration will be different from the reading scientific


3). Critical Reading

Other kind of reading is critical reading. In critical reading, the reader may

find a certain article that tends to stir him/her to action. Many periodical

articles, book, and advertising material are leaded with carefully worded

propaganda device.

4). Oral Reading

In other reading, the reader will get experience in producing the sound

which should be practice as time possible. It is help teachers to find out who

among his students has difficulty in reading. The researcher thinks that kinds of

reading are a good method to help the students to improve their reading



The researcher thinks that kinds of reading are a good method to help the

students to improve their reading comprehension and there method can

support this research.

d. Technique in Teaching Reading

Brown (2000:306) states that in the English language, there are three kinds

of reading technique, they are:

1). Survey Reading

In survey reading, readers survey some information that they want to get.

Thus, before that reading process, a reader must set what kind of information the

reader needs.

2). Scanning

In scanning reading, the reader quickly to answer a specific question

quickly-when scanning, the reader only try to locate specific information and

they do not follow the linearity of the passage to do. The leader simply have

them eyes wander or the text until they find what they looking for whether it be

a name, a date or less specific of information.

3). Skimming

Skimming is a kind of reading that makes our eyes move quickly. The

purpose is to get main ideas from the reading materials. Wishes to see only the

most important of the main ideas of the reading materials in hurry or in a short

time so the reader to find the important items they need by glancing speedily

over the reading materials, this information might be short and simple one. In


e. Academic purpose of reading

Grabe (2009 : 8) states that there are six major purposes for reading, they


1). Reading to search for information (scanning and skimming) When we want

to locate some specific information, we engage in search processes that usually

include scanning and skimming. Scanning is looking for suitable information on

the pages. Skimming that found the most likely pages on the passage. Both

skimming and scanning are processes carried out at very high speed (with high)

rates of words per minute.

2). Reading for quick understanding (skimming) Skimming is also used for a

variety of other reasons and so maybe seen as a super ordinate purpose). The

skimming that happened when wants to determine what a text is about and

whether or not, when wants to spend more time reading it.

3). Reading to learn Reading to learn is often carried out academic and

professional settings. We read to learn when the information in a text is

identified as important (often by a teacher of textbooks) and when that

information will be used for some task of maybe needed in the future.

4). Reading to integrate information Reading to integrate information requires

that the readers synthesize and learn information from multiple texts or being

together information from different parts of long text, such as a long and

complex chapter in textbooks.

5). Reading to evaluate, critique and use information Reading to evaluate,



and more a complex interactions of reading processes. In academic and

professional settings, readers are at times asked to evaluate and critique

information from multiple texts, or from one long text, requiring them to make

decisions about which aspects of the text, requiring them to make decisions

about which aspects of the text are most important, most persuasive, least

persuasive, or more controversial.

6). Reading for general comprehension (in many cases, reading for interest or

reading to entertain) Reading for general comprehension is the most common

purpose for reading among fluent readers and it is the default assumption for the

term reading comprehension. This is the reading that takes place when we read a

god novel, an interesting newspaper story of feature article, or a magazine when

we are relaxing. It is saved for last in this discussion because it is both

fundamental to reading and most often miss understood as easy reading but is

not easy. In fact, reading for general comprehension involves a complex set of

processes when carried out by fluent readers.

2. Writing

a. Definition of Writing

Writing skill is specific abilities which helps writer to put their thought in

words in meaningful form and mentally interact with the message. It has purpose

not only for media but also giving information. Everyday many people do writing

activity by using mobile phone to send a message. It has purpose that give

information. Writing can be said to be act of forming symbols. When we write,


Writing not only a process of involves and to know how to handle words

and sentences and paragraphs as Thomas said but also the more important before

it, we have understand how to clarify our thought, deliver ideas into a word and

sentence and paragraph. Byrne (1988) defines writing involves the encoding

message of some kind: that is, we translate our though into language. Basically,

writing means producing or reproducing oral message into written language. It

involves an active process to organize, formulate and develop the ideas on the

paper so that the readers can follow the writer’s message as well as in oral form.

But we should know that the writing requires and accurate and precise grammar,

word choice and spelling, punctuation and vocabulary.

Harmer (2007:33) stated “Writing is frequently useful as preparation for

some other activity, in particular when students write sentence as a preamble to

discussion activities”.

Hyland (2004:4) stated that writing like a dancing, allow for creativity and

the unexpected, established patterns often from the basis of any variations.

Writing is frequently useful as preparation for some other activity, in

particular when students write sentence as a preamble to discussion

activities (Harmer, 2007:33).

Harmer (1990:330) stated that there are some roles of the teacher when

student are asked to write, the ones that are special important are as follow:

1. Motivator: writing task motivated the students, creating the right



2. Resource: especially during more extended writing task, we should be ready to

supply information and language where it is necessary.

3. Feedback provider: teacher should respond positively and encouragingly

to the content of what the student have written.

b. The Teaching of Writing

Writing is an activity that produces something from mind that becomes

meaningful a text of the sentence. Make a good writing by arranged sequence

sentence. Shortly, to writing skills are specific abilities which help writer put

their thoughts into words in a meaningful form and mentally interact with the


Tarigan (1986:15) stated that writing can be interpreted as ideas for

activities or ideas by using written language as a medium conveys.

Urquhart and Mciver (2005:2) stated “Teaching writing is unique. It

benefits both teacher and the students, serving as communication vehicle,

assessment tool, and intellectual exercise”.

To teach writing description text needs something that can make students

feel fun and have a good impression, so that the students will always

remember what they have got from their teacher’s explanation. Based The psycholinguist Eric Lenneberg (1967) once noted, in a discussion of “species-specific” human behavior, that human being universally learn to walk and to talk,


c. Writing Process

Heaton (1988) states that writing skills are complex and sometimes

difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only of grammatical and rhetorical

devices but also of conceptual and judgmental elements. He classified the writing

skills into five general components or main areas, namely: (a) language use ; the

ability to write correct and appropriate sentences, (b) mechanical skills ; the

ability to use correctly those conventions peculiar to the written language – e.g. punctuation and spelling, (c) treatment of content; the ability to think creatively

and develop thoughts, excluding all irrelevant information, (d) stylistic skills ;

the ability to manipulate sentences and paragraphs, and use language effectively,

and (5) judgmental skills ; the ability to write in an appropriate manner for a

particular purpose with a particular audience in mind, together with an ability to

select, organize and order relevant information.

According to Hogue in Mutia (2005) the process of writing, especially in

writing composition (final target of writing) is divided into five steps, namely:

(a) prewriting for ideas, (b) outlining, (c) drafting, (d) revising, (e) editing and (f)

final draft writing. The process is explained as follows.

The first step of the process of writing is prewriting. Prewriting is aimed at

eliciting ideas as many as possible as the raw materials in writing a composition.

Hogue in Dahniar (2011) explains that prewriting has various techniques

that may be selected according to the students’ preference. This process is also called brainstorming. Among the techniques are taking notes, free writing, listing



possible generated from a process of thinking in the form of words, phrases, or

sentences. All the ideas supplied by the thinking process will be considered as

relevant or irrelevant. For all the relevant ideas, they will be used as the basis of

the paragraphs to be composed. The relevant ideas may take several forms, such

as collocations or co-texts (synonymy, antonym, hyponymy, super- or

subordinates), context (person, time, place and manner), and content (resources).

The second process is called outlining. Hogue in Dahniar (2011) defines

outlining as planning for a writing assignment. Furthermore, she states that

outlining helps writers organizing their ideas and put the ideas into logical order.

The model of outlining in writing a composition can be time-order, space-order,

and listing-order.

The next processes are drafting, revising, and editing. Drafting is

composing the first draft of a piece of writing using the paragraph components.

The writer should firstly write the possible title of the text and begin the

paragraph with the topic sentence. The topic sentence is developed by using

several notes in the list of ideas (prewriting process) to be the supporting

sentences. Revising and editing, on the other hand, are the process of looking

back at the draft composed to check the meaning, the mechanics, relevance of

the information, the coherence and cohesiveness, the word choice, the word

orders or grammatical and lexical resources. Editing is also effective to introduce

connectors for cohesiveness.

Writing the final draft is the last process in writing a composition. After


free of serious mistakes in terms of meanings and mechanical (spelling,

punctuation, and capitalization). Although the process seems to be systematic,

some difficulties may hamper in the process.

d. The Components of Writing

The good writing skill can be analyzed to group and varied skills. Heaton (1988:135) divided components writing into five main areas. They are grammar, mechanics, vocabulary, content and organization.

1. Grammar

Grammar concerns about the ability to write correct and appropriate sentences. The writer has to give attention for preposition, tenses such as using of verbs, nouns, adjective, also conjunction and articles. It is very important to the writer to clarify the correct usage of point grammar because reader will be difficult to understand it. It has a great influence so, we have to reread and review what we have written.

2. Mechanics



beginning of: the name of people, organization, first and last word of title. Punctuation can help the readers to identify should be taken as a unit of meaning and suggest how the units of it relate to each other. c) Spelling. Using of spelling has three rules; they are suffixes addition, plural formation and the change of certain words.

3. Content

The content of writing is about the ability to think creatively and develop thoughts, excluding all irrelevant information. It should be clear to the readers. So, they can understand what the messages convey and gain information from it. Also, the content of writing should be well unity and complete because the characteristic of good writing has unity and completeness.

4. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an essential part of compose writing. The writes need vocabulary mastery well to express or write their ideas. The effective using of words or vocabulary in writing must be relevant with the topic to let the readers perceive and feel it. Someone who lack of vocabulary will be difficult to compose what they are going to express but appropriate words will help writers to compose writing.

5. Organization


organization writing involves coherence, order of importance, general to specific, specific to general, chronological order and spatial pattern.

e. The Importance of Writing

There are a lot of reason why writing is important. Some of them are stated by Heaton in justang (2014) below:

1. Writing is a tool for discover, we stimulate our though process by the act writing into information and image we have unconscious mind.

2. Writing generates new ideas by helping us to make connection and relationship.

3. Writing helps us to organize ideas. We can arrange them in coherence from. Nowadays, people recognize more and more the importance of writing. In relation to this, Adelstain in Amin (2009) expressed that in all subject in our life or in all profession, the ability to write or express oneself clearly is an essential basic for success. Adelstein said “As soon as you move one step up from the

bettom, your effectiveness depands on your ability to reach other through the spoken or written language”. The usefulness of writing expressed as follows:

1). Writing is a tool for discovery. We stimulate our thought process by unconscious mind.

2). Writing generates new ideas by helping to make connection and see the relationship with other aspect.



4). Writing enables us to solve problems into written form we can examine and manipulate them.

Exactly, the students can get many advantages from writing. Writing can improve the mastery of vocabulary, master of mechanics of writing; enlarge generating idea, absorb the information based on Adelstein et al in Akriani Amin (2009) argue that there writing lets the writers express their personalities, allow for conscious development of language and there is a special feeling about seeing our work in print and enormous satisfaction in having written something which we want to say.

Araceli C Hidalgo ET. Al in Nuraida (2003) explained that there are some objective of writing as follows:

a. To help the student with their bulk of reading materials, such as mediacal journals, articles, case histories.

b. To help the student listen to the lectures and take dawn notes effectively.

c. To help the student listen analyze and interprets appropriately and correctly information presented.

d. To help the student evaluate and from augments, reading information presented. e. To help student to understand the role of el in academic world and in the world

of science, technology and communication.


to say. The most important is writing not only activated our brain but also physical dimension such as eyes and cars are involved in learning process. On the other side, the student are encouraged to read material as many as possible such as books, magazine, and journals to make the writing composition well in order to sharing information with the readers.

The researcher concludes that the importance’s of writing are:

1) Through writing we can express our idea, especially the felling to the others without ashamed because the reader is not in front of the writer to have face to face.

2) People can put their idea, feeling, and knowledge into written form more feely.

3) Writing helps us to discover exactly how we think and what we think freely.

4) In the classroom, writing can be used as a technique to help the students interesting in the lesson.

5) Writing in English is meant to fill the gap that exist between the ability to express ideas, feeling, opinions and other in Indonesia and the ability to express the same thing in English.

f. The Form of Writing

Wishon and Burks in Astini (2010) divide forms of writing into four divisions, namely narrative descriptive, exposition, and argumentative.



Narrative is the form of writing used to relate the story of acts or events. It places occurrences in time and tells what happened, according to natural time sequences. Types of narration include short stories, novels, and new stories, as well as a large part of everyday social interchange in the form of latter and conversation.

2) Descriptive

Description is about sensory experience, how something looks, sounds, tastes. Mostly it is about visual experience, but description also deals with other

kinds of perception. It used to create a visual image of people, places, even of units of time-days, times of day or seasons. It may be used also to describe more than the outward appearance of people. It may tell about the traits of character or personality

3) Exposition

Exposition is used in giving information, making explanations and interpreting meanings. It includes editorials; essay and informative and instructional material. Used in combination with narrative, exposition supports and illustrates. Used apart from the narrative, it stands alone as an essay.

4) Argumentative


5) Narrative

Narrative is the most powerful ways of communication with others. A well written story lets the readers respond to some event, but they can almost feel it. The action detailed and dialogues put the reader in the scene and make it happen for them. Moreover, because narrative often engages reader’s emotion so powerfully it can play large role in other type of writing Labov and waletzky in rachmawaty (2007) stated that narrative as one method of recapitulating experience by matching a verbal sequence of events that actually occurred. It may tell about one or more persons, short and long, term event, or a fact or fiction. C. Theoretical Framework

The first reading ability to should directly proportional to writing

summary. The second are still related to the reading ability a part of the ability

to write a summary of course students who read well can write summaries well

too. For more details, the theoretical framework of this research is served in the

following figure:

Table 2.1: The Schema of Conceptual Framework INPUT

English learning


The students reading ability




D. Hypothesis

Based on the theoretical assumption above, the researcher formulates the

hypothesis as follow:

 : There is not contact between the levels of reading ability toward writing

summary of learners.

: There is contact between the levels of reading ability toward writing




This chapter deals with research method, population and sample,

variables and instrument, data collection procedures and data analysis


A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher uses a correlation research method. A

correlation research determines and describes the way things are. It may also

compare how sub-groups view issues and topics. It aims describe the students’

reading ability toward students’ writing summary. B. Research Variable

There are two variable in this research, they are independent and dependent

variable. Independent variable is students’ reading ability and dependent variable is students’ writing summary.

C. Research Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research took in the Second Grade students’ of Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. I Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

in academic year 2016/2017. And the total numbers of students are 40 students.

2. Sample

The researcher has used purposive sample. The reason of taking this subject



contribution; include students’ reading ability toward students’ writing


D. Research Instrument

The instruments of this research are test and documentation. Test means an

amount of question or exercises and other tools used to measure students’ skill,

intelligence ability, individual talent or group talent. Documentation is a data

source that has an important position in this research field means that the data

obtained in the form of important documentation related to the research topic.

Table 3.1: Classification the Students’ Score Answer

No. Classification Range

1. Very Good 88-100

2. Good 75-87

3. Average 62-74

4. Poor 49-61

5. Very Poor 35-48

(Adapted from Husna, 2014)

E. Data Collection Procedure

The data of this research was collected by using the following instruments

namely test. Descriptive quantitative data are usually collected by test.

1. Test

Doing this test aims to know students’ reading ability. Story and students’ assessment paper of reading ability toward writing summary are used


2. Documentation

Documentation is data obtained from records or archives as source data

relating to the object of research. Documentation used to obtain the results of

learning achievement of learners in the Second Grade at Pesantren MANAHILIL

ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.

The students given test and documentation and then the result of the test

and documentation will become the data of this research.

F. Data Analysis Technique

The data analysis technique is a very important element in any research all

the data obtained would not mean to be able to draw conclusions and prove the

hypothesis if it is not held analysis. Quantitative data will be analyzed through a

descriptive approach.

This research used correlation research data analysis. To determine the

effectiveness of the independent variable on the dependent variable based on the

functional relationship or causal one independent variable with the dependent

variable using the correlation formula.

Test Documentation




This study consists of one independent and dependent variables. It can be

described as follows:


Data in this study will be analyzed using correlation. Correlation that

serves to describe or give a picture of the object under study through a data

sample or population as is, without analyzing and making conclusions apply to

the public. The correlation research includes frequency distribution, percent

distribution and measurement of central tendency. Correlation form percentage

with the following formula:

P = F x 100% N


F = percentage.

N = frequency.

P = the total of the participants.

The others way to describe correlation is by using central tendency.

Example of Number of central tendency is the mode, median, and means


To find the relationship and prove the hypothesis relationship between

two variables, the formula used is Person Product Moment (PPM).



N = number of samples

X = scores of each item

Y = total score

= quadratic sum score of item

= squared sum score of item

= squared sum score of item

= quadratic sum score of item

= correlation coefficient of the variables X and Y

The meaning of r will be consulted by the interpretation table r values as


Table 3.2: Interpretation of Correlation Coefficient r Score

No Range Classifition






0,00 - 0,199

0,20 - 0,399

0,40 – 0.599

0,60 - 0,799

0,80 - 1,000

Very Good




Very Poor

(Adapted from Husna, 2014)

Furthermore, to declare the size of the contribution of variable X to Y can

be determined by the following determinant coefficient formula.

KD = r2 x 100%



KD = Determinant Coefficient Score

R = Correlation Coefficient Score

Further testing is significance test that is function if researcher want to

find the meaning of the relationship of variable X to Y, then the result of

correlation PPM is tested by using significance by the formula:

Where: thitung = Score t

r = correlation coefficient score

n = number of Sample




In this chapter presents the research finding and it discussion. The

finding, the researchers present the description of the data collected through the

test, documentation and discussion covers interpretation of the finding.

A. Finding

The findings of research were based on the result of the data analysis. The

data analysis used test and documentation to collect the data. The test consists

of reading ability test and writing summary test. This research was conducted in

the second grade that aims to find contribution of students’ reading ability

toward writing summary of the second grade class student numbers as many as

40 peoples.

Table 4.1 : Rubric Writing Assessment

No Criteria to be



(Adapted from Iffah, 2015)

From the result it can be seen (page 46-49) that for reading ability level,

the most frequently arises is the numbers 74 so it can be explained that the

reading ability levels largely on numbers 62-74 or is average level. While writing

summary that appears most frequently is the value of 72 or mean value of the

numbers reading ability level is 73 while writing summary middle value is 78.

The average level of reading ability is 73.2, while the average for writing

the summary is 74.9.

For the calculation of the correlation, the data on the reading ability

levels correlated to writing summary. Data collection has been carried out on 40

samples were researched and tested on the ability to reading and writing data on

a summary.

x= 2928

y= 2998

For the calculation of the correlation coefficient, in accordance with the

data that has been obtained, then:

Average X< = 2928: 40 = 73.2

Average Y< = 2998: 40 = 74.9

∑ X² = 216856

∑ Y² = 225476


To find the relationship and prove the hypothesis relationship between

two variables, the formula used is Person Product Moment (PPM).

 

reading ability to writing summary.

 

8674240 8573184

 

9019040 8988004


From these results, there is a correlation of 0.353 is got good level between

the reading ability and writing summary. This means that the higher level of

reading ability, the better to write a summary.

In order correlation coefficient calculation results are significant



(see annex II table I, r product moment). When the error level is set to 5% (95%

confidence level) whereas when the error level is set to 1% (confidence level

99%) and N = 40, then the price of r table = 0.304 Turns r count is higher than r

table, so that Ho is refused and Ha is accepted. So the conclusion, there is a

significant relationship between the level of reading ability and writing summary

of the data and coefficients obtained in the sample can be generalized to the

population or in other words, reflects the state of the population.

To provide interpretation of the correlation coefficients found large or

small, it can be guided by the provisions in the following table:

Table 4.2: Interpretation of Correlation Coefficient “r “ Value

No Range Classifition






0,00 - 0,199

0,20 - 0,399

0,40 – 0.599

0,60 - 0,799

0,80 - 1,000

Very Good




Very Poor

(Adapted from Husna, 2014)

Based on the results obtained by the = 0.353 it can be concluded that

the level of correlation is good score.

So it can be concluded that the reading ability and writing summary is

average level with the interval 0.20-0.399. In the correlation analysis there is a

number called the coefficient of determination to declare the size of the

contribution of variable X to Y can be determined by the formula:


So from the results found r = 0.353, the coefficient of determination is

r² = 0.353² = 35.3 this means there are variants that occur variable writing

summary of 35% or it can be said that the writing summary of 35% is

determined by the reading ability and 65% of its specified or influenced by other


Further testing is testing the functioning of significance if researchers

want to find the meaning of the relationship of variable X to Y, then the

correlation PPM is tested by using significance test by the formula:



B. Discussions

After conducting the research, the researcher obtained the result of

students’ reading ability toward writing summary. The data were the score of the

second grade students of Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK.1

Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan in the academic year 2016/2017. The form of the test

was reading and writing.

This part presents the result of the data analysis. The data was found on

the students’ test about reading ability toward writing summary text from

students. After the researcher analyzed the data, the data showed that there is a

relationship between reading ability level and writing summary. The result from

data analysis and a relationship with theoritical review which has been described

can give an idea that the level of reading ability is still in average level and test

analysis from the analysis of the mean score of the reading ability test and

writing summary test, it can be concluded that reading class by using texts from

the students’ reading ability toward writing summary The average level of

reading ability and writing summary from the comparison result between mean

score in reading ability test and writing summary test had shown a good level.

The quantitative of data collected through reading ability test and writing

summary test from 40 students. The first reading ability test where there were 3

students (10%) got very good score, 12 students (30%) got good score, 22

students (50%) got average score and 3 students (10%) got poor score. None of


14 students (30%) got good score and 26 students (70%) got average score. None

of the students got very good, poor and very poor.

Based on the result of research above, the students reading ability and

writing summary the students’ problem in reading and writing English. And then

it shows that the score of reading ability and writing summary is higher than the

score in test.

Moreover, the research also are supported research from Nawawi’s

research (2011) also concluded that the students’ participants are more interested

in learning descriptive paragraph in the classroom. Guiding questions method

also made students easier in making descriptive paragraph and this method can

improve students’ achievement significantly in writing skill of descriptive text.

In addition, Hamka (2008) had conducted the research that focused on

reading comprehension through telling information on the reading text. The

similarity of this method was effective to improve the students’ reading

comprehension. But there were some differences; he told information on the

reading text to improve students’ reading comprehension, whereas the




This chapter presents the conclusion as well as few suggestion of this

study. Suggestions are taken based on findings and conclusions obtained in this


A. Conclusions

Based on the descriptions that have been raised, and then there are some

things that a conclusion in this study correspond to existing titles which is as


1. The results of the analysis of the data and its relationship to the study of

theories that have been described can illustrate that the reading ability levels

are still in fairly good level with average value of 74%.

2. Average writing summary of the results obtained throughout the studied

sample is in the interval is quite good with a value of 72%.

3. There is good influence or relationship between the reading ability levels and

writing summary. Evident from the results obtained correlation coefficient

of determination is 0.353 it can be concluded that the level of correlation is

good influenced by the reading ability the students of class second grade at

Pesantren MANAHILIL ULUM GUPPI Samata TK. 1 Provinsi Sulawesi

Selatan. So this should be a concern to optimize the development of reading


B. Suggestions

The results of the study prove that the contribution of students’ reading

ability toward students’ writing summary in the second grade. Based on the

result researcher would like to give some suggestions as follow:

1. English teacher should be creative and they are expected to use various

techniques in teaching english, especially in teaching writing and reading so

that the students do not bored in learning.

2. The suggested to the teacher in teaching English especially in reading because

provides many interesting activities that can be make students more

understand about reading ability text so that it can make them more active in

the classroom.

3. Students of English should be given more opportunities to exercise write

through dictation for better writing summary.

4. The students should learn English writing and reading actively by sharing with


5. Each subject teacher must begin lessons in the classroom with reading or

writing test for about 5 to 10 minutes together or in turns at each meeting so




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Table 4.2 : Interpretation of Correlation Coefficient “r” Value………………….34
Table 2.1: The Schema of Conceptual Framework
Table 3.1: Classification the Students’ Score Answer
Table 3.2: Interpretation of Correlation Coefficient r Score


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