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An Analysis of the Noun and Adverbial Phrases of the Students’ News Item Texts (A study of the Fourth Semester Students of English Education Department) - Test Repository


Academic year: 2019

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(A Study of the Fourth Semester Students of English Education Department

Of State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga In The Academic Year 2015/2016)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillments of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga



NIM 11309021






“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream ”



This graduating paper is preciously dedicated to :

1. Allah SWT. who gives me guidance and strength in my life, especially to

finish my graduating paper.

2. My mother and father who teach me everything with love and knowledge.

Thank’s for everything that you do to me.

3. My brother Sugeng Budiono and all of my big family that can not be




Praise be to Allah, the creator of the universe. Because of HIS blessing,

the writer could finish this graduation paper as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in State institute For

Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. His incredible blessings makes nothing is

difficult in His eyes. Shalawat is also devoted to Prophet Muhammad SAW who

has guided us from the darkness into the lightness.

In completing this graduating paper, there are a lot of support, guidance,

advice, motivation that have helped the writer. Therefore, in this occasion, the

writer would like to thank to the following :

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd. As the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

2. Suwardi, M. Pd, as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

3. Noor Malihah, M. Hum, .Ph. D. as the Head of English Education

Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

4. Rr Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari S. S, M. Pd as a counselor who has helped

the writer to finish this graduation paper well. Thank you for the



Budiono, Slamet.2016. “An Analysis of the Noun and Adverbial Phrases of the Students’ News Item Texts (A study of the Fourth Semester Students of English Education Department)”

The objectives of the study are: (1) to find out the types of phrases existing in news item texts produced by the fourth semester students of English Education Department. (2) to find out the profile of phrases which are produce by the students of English Education Department. The problem of the study are: (1) What are the types of phrases existing in news item texts produced by the fourth semester students of English Education Department? (2) What are the profile of phrases which are produced by the students of English Education Department? The research design of the study was descriptive qualitative approach methodology. The writer used 45 data of news item texts then classified and analyzed the data. The result of the analysis shows that: (1) The dominant type of phrases existing in news item texts was adverb phrase with 64.4 % out of 407 phrases texts. (2) The profile of the types of phrases are produce by the fourth semester students were there were some kinds of adverb phrase in the students’ news item, those were adverb of place, adverb of time, adverb of manner, and adverb of frequency. The most dominant kind of adverb phrase in the students’ news item text was adverb of place.




Cover... i

Declaration………... ii

Attentive Counselor Note ………. iii

Motto………. iv

Dedication………. v

Acknowledgement……… vi

Abstract………. viii

Table of Contents………ix

List of Tables……….. xii

List of Diagrams………. xiv

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem of the Study ... 4

C. Objective of the Study ... 4

D. Limitation of the Study ... 4

E. Benefits of the Study ... 5

F. Definition of the Key Terms ... 6




A. Previous Studies ... 9

B. Phrase ... 10

1. Definition of Phrase ... 10

2. Characteristic of Phrase ... 11

3. Noun Phrase ... 11

4. Adverb Phrase ... 18


B. Object of the Study ... 21

C. Method of Data Collection ... 21

D. Method of Data Analysis... 22

1. Categorizing ... 22

2. Classifying ... 25

3. Coding ... 26

4. Validating Data ... 26


B. Profiles of Phrases ... 28



2. Types of Noun Phrase ... 37


A. Conclusion ... 48

B. Suggestion ... 49




Table 2.1 Examples of Noun phrase is formed by adding some words in front of

or in the behind of the head word or keywords ... 12

Table 2.2 Examples of noun phrase can be formed by adding an adjective/ verb + ing/ verb III and noun in front of the head word ... 13

Table 2.3 Examples of noun phrase extended by adding group of preposition/ verb + ing/ verb III/ verb with to infinitive in behind of the head word... 13

Table 2.4 Example of noun phrase extended by adding adverb/ adjective/ numeral pronoun/ or noun phrase in behind of head word ... 14

Table of 2.5 Example of noun phrase extended by adding adjective sub clause in behind of the headword ... 15

Table 2.6 Example of noun phrase formed by adding preposition in front of relative pronouns ... 15

Table 2.7 Examples of Adverb Phrase ... 17

Table 4.1 Phrases in the Texts ... 24

Table 4.2 Type of Adverb Phrase ... 26

Table 4.3 Example of Adverb of Place ... 28

Table 4.4 Example of Adverb of Time ... 29



Table 4.6 Example of Adverb of Frequency ... 32

Table 4.7 Types of Noun Phrases ... 34

Table 4.8 Examples of type 1 of Noun Phrases ... 38

Table 4.9 Examples of type 2 of Noun Phrases ... 40

Table 4.10 Examples of type 3 of Noun Phrases ... 41

Table 4.11 Examples of type 4 of Noun Phrases ... 42



Diagram 4.1 Phrase in the Texts ... 25

Diagram 4.2 Type of Adverb Phrase on the Texts ... 27




A. Background of the Study

Language is something that is used for connecting in spoken and

written. According to Ramelan (2003: 1):

“Man speaks a language as a means of communication with other people, as tool to express his ideas and wishes. Without language it is hard to imagine how people can cooperate and get along with another. One of the languages in the world is English. English is one of the most important languages.”

There are some reasons why English is really considered very

important and has to be taught in Indonesia. As developing country, Indonesia

has to cooperate with other countries to carry about the development in all

fields. In this position, English is really needed since it is used as an

International language. Here, English is used as a tool to understand and

develop the information of science and technology.

“The use of languages is very important in our life. By the use of

language we are able to deliver our message with others, and we can make an

interaction with others particularly in our position as the member of society”

(Risdianto, 2013). The difficulties will be found if the people who involved in

communication are used different languages. It is because that they can not

understand each other. Considering that development of knowledge and

technology make people more thoughtful to update all of information in the

world, various information can be obtained from many sources in different



All people need to express their thoughts and feeling to others.

Expression may take many forms. For example, a smile may show happiness.

A shrug may express uncertainty. An arrow points out a one-way street.

Of course, the two most common forms of communication-speaking

and writing- depend on words. When words are combined in a meaningful

arrangement, or pattern, communication take place. The pattern used in

speaking and writing often differs. When students speak, the students often

depend on gestures and facial expressions to help communicate thoughts and

ideas. However when students write, students have only words and

punctuation. To make ideas clear and easy to read, we must construct good

sentences and punctuate the properly.

When people make a sentence, people has to understand about noun,

noun is the most important thing in the sentence, noun is words that many

used in a sentence because one of sentences formation consist of object, the

object is noun. When people write, they have to pay attention about grammar,

because grammar is the most important point in the writing. People usually

meet the noun phrase in the sentence. Besides of noun phrase, people have to

understand about adverb phrase too, this phrase is used to describe nouns. As

the student, they have to know how word is collocated. In the other word,

students know where the place of each word.

One aspect in language is a phrase. “Phrases are either single words or

grammatically ordered groups of related words that together function as a



Noun phrase (2) Verb phrase (3) Adverbial phrase (4) Adjective phrase (5)

Prepositional phrase (6) Infinitive phrase (7) Gerund phrase (8) Participle

phrase (9) Absolute phrase. Among the 9 types of phrases that the students

learn, noun phrase and adverbial phrase are frequently used and produced by

the students.

According to Verspoor and Sauter (2009: 120) “the possible

constituents of noun phrases are determiner, pre-modifier, head, and

post-modifier. The central element of a noun phrase is called its head. The head

may have words before it called determiners (abbreviated as det) and

pre-modifiers and words after it called post-pre-modifiers (abbreviated as post-mod).

Pre-modifiers of nouns are always realized as adjective phrases. Note that

even when there is only one word to modify a noun, it is still called a phrase

because potentially it could have more than one word.”

“An adverb phrase is very similar to an adjective phrase in that it

consists of an adverb, which may be preceded and/or followed by other

words. Here, too, the pre-modifier is always an adverb phrase, and the

post-modifiers can be an adverb phrase, a prepositional phrase or a finite or

non-finite clause. An adverb may also have a discontinuous modifier.” Verspoor

and Sauter (2009: 139)

Based on the explanation above, there are several phrases that are

frequently used by the students, so the writer wants to know about the phrases

that are frequently used by the students in their assignment. The writer tries to



the writer inspired to investigate “An Analysis of the Noun and Adverbial

Phrases of the Students’ News Item Texts (A Study of the Fourth

Semester Students of English Education Department in the Academic

Year 2015/2016)”

B. Problem of the Study

1. What are the types of phrases existing in news item texts produced by

the fourth semester students of English Education Department?

2. What are the profile of phrases which are produced by the students of

English Education Department?

C. Objectives of the Study

1. To find out the types of phrases existing in news item texts produced

by the fourth semester students of English Education Department.

2. To find out the profile of phrases which are produced by the fourth

semester students of English Education Department.

D. Limitation of the Study

In this analysis, the writer would like to limit this study on the adverb

and noun phrases in the news item texts made by fourth semester students’ of

English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga in the academic year of


5 E. Benefits of the Study

This study is conducted in order to give theoretical and practical

benefits, they are:

1. Theoretical benefit

This analysis presents enhance the study of grammar, especially in

phrases concerning with the news item texts. The result of the study can be

used to students in learning process in the news item texts.

2. Practical benefits

This research findings can be used by the students and other

researchers. It can also be useful to other researcher who is interested in

writing analysis.

a. For the students

The results of the study can be used to ease the students to

master English Phrase.

b. Other researchers

This analysis can be useful for English Education

Department Students who are interested in studying grammar.

Thus, they can use this graduating paper as a reference for their


6 F. Definition of the Key Terms

1. Sentence

“A sentence is a group of words that in writing starts with a capital

letter and ends with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark. A

grammatically complete sentence expresses at least one complete whole

event or situation with a subject and predicate. Some sentences consist of

only one clause. A clause also expresses a whole event or situation with a

subject and a predicate” (Verspoor and Sauter, 2009:85).

2. Phrase

According to Verspoor and Sauter (2009: 118) “a phrase can

consist of one word or more words. If it consists of more words, it usually

has one main word that is the most important one as far as meaning is


3. Noun phrase

According to Eastwood (2002: 177) “a noun phrase can be one word, It can also be more than one word. In a noun phrase there can be

determiners, quantifiers and modifiers, as well as a noun.”

4. Adverb phrase

According to Ansel (2000:363), “words which are used to modify

verbs or adjectives are usually referred to as adverbs”. It means that adverb

is used to modify verb or adjective in the sentence. “An adverb phrase is



of degree” (Eastwood,2002:262 ). Adverb phrase consists of two or more

words, and it is very similar to an adjective phrase that consist of adverb.

5. News item

According to Gerot and Wignell (2004: 200) explain News item

text is a text which is grouped into the text genre of narration. it is a text

which contains about news in categorized as news item text. This text

supplies the readers the up to date about events or information which are

considered newsworthy or important issue of the day.”

Based on the definition above, the writer conclude that the

differences of phrase and sentence. According to Verspoor and Sauter

(2009: 85) “Phrases is words can be grouped together, but without a

subject or a verb.” Because a phrase has neither subject nor verb, it can not

form a ‘predicate’. This is a structure that must contain a verb, and it tells

something about what the subject is doing. Phrases can be very short or

quite long, phrases can not be used alone, but you can use them as part of a

sentence, where they are used as parts of speech. “A complete sentence

has a subject and predicate, and can often be composed of more than one

clause. As long as it has a subject and a predicate, a group of words can

form a sentence, no matter how short”. Verspoor and Sauter (2009: 87)

According to Verspoor and Sauter (2009: 34) “The differences of

phrase and clause may consist of one or more clauses and each clause may

consist of one or more words, but within a clause some words together



phrase is that a phrases does not express a complete event or situation and

does not have its own subject and predicate.”

G. Organization of the Study

This writer consists of five chapters. Each chapter has different

elements as follows:

Chapter 1 tells about introduction. The writer explain about

background of the study, problems of the study, objectives of the study,

limitation of the study, benefits of the study, definition of the key terms, the

organization of the study.

Chapter II describes about the previous studies and theoretical

framework. This chapter covers the theories that relate to the study. They are

sentence, phrase, noun phrase, adverb phrase.

Chapter III discusses about the type of the study, method of the study,

object of the study, technique of collecting data and technique of analyzing


Chapter IV is discussion. In this chapter, the writer gives explanation

about the answer of problems of the study.

Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion. It informs the content all of

data analysis and some suggestions of the problems that have discussed.




A. Previous Studies

In this study, the writer used the other study. The first previous study

was “An analysis of Equivalence as Translation Procedure of English Noun

Phrases Applied by Sri Kusdyantinah in “the Garden of the Prophet” by

Kahlil Gibran” that has been Written by Sari, the student of State Institute of

Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga in academic year of 2010. The aim of her

study are to know how many types of equivalence which use to translate

English noun phrase in the Sri Kusdyantinah’s translated novel Taman Sang

Nabi, the most dominant type which use to translate English noun phrases in

the Sri Kusdyantinah’s translated novel Taman Sang Nabi also the

implication of using novel in learning English. She was found that the types

of equivalence based on Popovic’s theory are linguistics equivalence,

paradigmatic equivalence, stylistic (translational) equivalence and textual

equivalence. In addition, the types of equivalence based on Nida’s theory are

formal equivalence and dynamic equivalence. The most dominant type is

textual equivalence with 12 data from all the data. Textual equivalence is

commonly used by the translator especially in sub category source language

(SL) subject-noun phrase in a sentence is translated into target language (TL)

subject-noun phrase.

The similarities between Sri’s graduating paper and my study is about



translation process in noun phrase. In my study, I explains the noun phrase in

the news item texts.

The second previous was “the Relationship Between Noun Phrase and

Verb Phrase” that has been written by Sarage, the student of Ahmad Dahlan

University Yogyakarta. This study attempts to discuss a noun phrase and a

verb phrase as the main part of a sentence. Some special characteristics of the

noun phrase and the verb phrase are discussed. This study also tries to see if

other sentence elements such as an adjectival, adverbial, and prepositional

phrases can have an emphasis in a sentence.

The differences between my study and the studies above are the

method of analysis. The previous study only diver between noun phrase and

verb phrase, but my study analyzes noun phrase and adverb phrase in the


B. Phrase

1. Definition of Phrase

According to Verspoor and Sauter (2009: 118) “A phrase can

consist of one word or more words. If it consists of more words, it

usually has one main word that is the most important one as far as

meaning is concerned.” From this annexation, these words made a new

explanation or clarified the meaning. “Phrases can also be analyzed into



realized by a noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, or preposition” Said

Verspoor and Sauter (2009: 119)

2. Characteristic of Phrase

According to Delahunty and Garvey (2010: 280), “This definition

entails three characteristics: (1) it specifies that only a group of words

can constitute a phrase, implying that a single word cannot; (2) it

distinguishes phrases from clauses; and (3) it requires that the groups of

words believed to be a phrase constitute a single grammatical unit”. It

means that the characteristic of phrase cannot be implying by single


3. Noun Phrase

According to Eastwood (2002: 177) “A noun phrase can be one word, It can also be more than one word. In a noun phrase there can be

determiners, quantifiers and modifiers, as well as a noun.” It means that

central idea same as head word. Furthermore, when the student make a

sentence must be dominant noun phrase consist of subject, object,

predicate, and complement.

a. Definition of Noun Phrase

According to Verspoor and Sauter (2009: 120) “The possible

constituents of noun phrases are determiner, premodifer, head, and



The head may have words before it called determiners (abbreviated

as det) and premodifers (abbreviated as premod) and words after it

called post-modifers (abbreviated as post-mod). Premodifers of nouns

are always realized as adjective phrases. Note that even when there is

only one word to modify a noun, it is still called a phrase because

potentially it could have more than one word.” The modifiers were:

1) Determiners : articles (the, a), demonstratives (this, that),

numerals (two, five, etc), possessives (my, their, etc),

quantifiers (some, many, etc).

2) Adjectives : (the red ball)

3) Complements : in the form of a prepositional phrase (such

as the student of physics), or a that-clause (the claim that

the earth is round).

b. Structure of Noun Phrases

The structure of noun phrases according to Leech, Deuchar, and

Hoogenraad (1982: 61) are very diverse, but the chief elements are these:



b) Enumerator, e.g.: two eggs, the third man

c) Adjectives, e.g.: red shoes, older music

d) Noun, e.g.: a garden fence, a gold ring

e) Genitive phrase, e.g.: Fred’s whisky, someone else’s


f) Adverb, e.g.: quite a noise

c. The post-modifiers of an noun phrase

1) Prepositional phrase, e.g.: the best day of my life

2) Relative Clause, e.g.: a quantity which admire

3) Adverb, e.g.: the girl upstairs

4) Adjectives, e.g.: Something nasty in the woodshed

d. The Example of Noun Phrase

1) As a subject:

Example: hand phones made in China are very popular


2) As an object:

Examples: we gave some medicine to the patient

3) As a predicate complement:

Example: mount Merapi is a smoking volcano

4) As an adverb with the preposition:


14 e. Formulation of Noun Phrase

According to Eastwood (2002: 127) says “A noun phrase can

be a subject, an object, a complement or an adverbial. It can also be the

object of a preposition.”. Some examples about noun phrase were


1) Noun phrase is formed by adding some words in front of or in

the behind of the head word or keywords (Johan, 2004: 34).

Table 2.1

Examples of Noun Phrase is Formed by Adding Some

Words in Front of or in the Behind of the Headword or


Addition Headword Noun phrase

An Apple An apple

My Study My study

Many Similarities Many similarities

The Moon The moon

This Painting This painting

2) Noun phrase can be formed by adding an adjective/ verb + ing/



Table 2.2

Examples of Noun Phrase can be Formed by Adding an

Adjective/ verb + ing/ verb III and Noun in Front of the


Addition Headword Noun phrase

Good (adj) House A good house

Closing (verb + ing) Ceremony Closing ceremony Beautifully (adj) Dance A beautifully


Exchange (verb III) Students The exchange students

3) Noun phrase extended by adding group of preposition/ verb + ing/ verb III/ verb with to infinitive in behind of the head word (Johan, 2004: 37).

Table 2.3

Examples of Noun Phrase Extended by Adding Group of

Preposition/ verb + ing/ verb III/ verb with to Infinitive in

Behind of the Headword

Addition Headword Noun phrase

In front of house (prep) Woman Woman in

front of house

Done (verb III) Home work Home work to



Studying (verb + ing) English Studying


4) Noun phrase extended by adding adverb/ adjective/ numeral

pronoun/ or noun phrase in behind of head word (Johan, 2004:


Table 2.4

Example of Noun Phrase Extended by Adding adverb/

adjective/ Numeral Pronoun/ or Noun Phrase in Behind of


Addition Headword Noun


There (adv) Flowers The flowers

there Special (adj) Something Something

special 5) Noun phrase extended by adding adjective sub clause in behind



Table of 2.5

Example of Noun Phrase Extended by Adding Adjective sub

Clause in Behind of the Headword

Adjective sub clause Headword Noun phrase

Which many flowers The house House which many flowers

Where I was born The place Place where I was born

Who we meet The lady The lady who we


6) Noun phrase formed by adding preposition in front of relative

pronouns (Johan, 2004: 42)

Table 2.6

Example of Noun Phrase Formed by Adding Preposition in


18 4. Adverb Phrase

a. Definition of Adverb Phrase

According to Delahunty and garvey (2010: 279) The following are

examples of adverb phrases:

(4) a. adamantly (adverb alone)

b. quite reluctantly (adverb modified by intensifier)

c. extremely clumsily (adverb modified by degree adverb)

From a functional point of view, each adverb phrase must

contain a head, which must be an adverb; this adverb may be modified

by an intensifier, as in (4b), or by a degree adverb, as in (4c). it’s

means that adverb phrase can be modified by intensifier.

b. Types of Adverb Phrase

According to Wren and Martin (no year: 126)



Based of the statements above, the writer can be conclude that

the types of adverb phrase are adverb of place, adverb of time, adverb

of manner, and adverb of frequency.

c. The Example of Adverb Phrase

The example of adverb phrases are in the following table 2.7.

Table 2.7

Examples of Adverb Phrase

Types of adverbs Examples

Manner well, badly, accurately, quickly

Place here, there, in the laboratory

Time now, yesterday, in 2000

indefinite frequency often, seldom, usually

definite frequency monthly, never, once a year

degree/extent slightly, considerably, totally

Probability possibly, probably, certainly

attitude/opinion naturally, surprisingly, in my opinion




A. Research Methodology

This research used descriptive design with qualitative method.

Qualitative method was used because the problems of this research needed to

be investigated inductively.

According to Hancock (2002:6)

“qualitative research is concerned with developing explanations of social phenomena. That is to say, it aims to help us to understand the world in which we live and why things are the way they are”. Qualitative research is concerned with the opinions, experiences and feelings of individuals producing subjective data. Qualitative research describes social phenomena as they occur naturally. No attempt is made to manipulate the situation under study as is the case with experimental quantitative research.

`Based on the statement above, the qualitative research

concerned of social phenomenon and then it can help us to understand

the word and could not be manipulated because the qualitative

research based on experiences.

In this study used random sampling to collecting data of

students writing. According to Daniel S (2008:157) “An statistics, a

simple random sample is a subset of individuals (a sample) chosen

from a larger set (a population). Each individual is chosen randomly

and entirely by chance, such that each individual has the same



and each subset of k individuals has the same probability of being

chosen for the sample as any other subset of k individuals.

B. Object of the Study

The objects of the study was the news item text which were made by

the fourth semester students of English Education Department of State

institute For Islamic Studies (IAIN) in the academic year of 2015/2016.

According to Ari Kunto (2006:134) “when the subject is less than 100, it is

better to take all of subject and it becomes population of the research.

However if more than 100, the writer can take 10-15% or 20-25% or more”.

The writer took 25% of texts from 181 texts and the data were only 45 texts.

C. Method of Data Collection

Collecting a required data is one of the important steps in a research.

For this reason, the writer had to determiner an appropriate technique to

collect data. There are varieties of technique that can be used to collect data in

a qualitative study including observation, interview and documentation. In

this case, the writer used documentation to collecting the data in this study.

According to Sugiyono ( 2006:329) “Documentations study is

technique of data collection witch indirectly aimed to subject of research.

While documentation is a record of events in the past in form of hand writing,

or even literature work.” The writer used the texts made by students, which


22 D. Method of Data Analysis

1. Categorizing

In this activity the writer categorized the text based on the type

of phrases of the news item texts. After documentation process, the

writer categorized every sentences of the news item texts into the

phrases. It aimed to find out the phrases that used by students, then

those phrases were analyzed based on the type of phrases.

Here is the example of categorizing news item text:

Art Language Exhibition 2016

Tuesday, May 3rd 2016, the first campus of IAIN Salatiga is


crowded. There are many students who come there. IAIN Salatiga has a


big agenda; ALE. Art Language Exhibition or ALE is the biggest agenda


students of International Class. It is held once a year. Ordinarily, ALE is


held in the even semester. International Class’s students perform their


language ability indeed, and it is wrapped on drama, singing, dancing,

modeling, etc. As usual, the performers are from the fourth semesters.




Art Language Exhibition often called as ALE is the biggest agenda


of International Class’s students. Commonly, ALE is held at the


auditorium first campus. The performers are from the fourth semester (for


drama). As usual, they have prepared all the things related to ALE for two


last months. They do the exercises all day long to prepare ALE. The


purpose of this exhibition is to show their language ability, motivate all


students to learn English-Arabic language, and to love Indonesian culture.


The most interesting thing from ALE is the Drama. This year, the


title is Sumpah Wadat Bisma. Why drama is the most interesting, because

the drama is unique. Surely, the drama uses two language; Arabic, and NP ADV NP

English. This makes ALE more interesting. Begin from the opening, the

audiences served by the traditional dance, named “Tari Wali Jamaliha” NP

from Banten, and “Mega Tari Khatulistiwa.” It is very wonderful dance.



The dancers are from the second and sixth semester. Review from the


drama, the story is very interesting. All the actors use the best costume.


Surely, the actors use Arabic-English when they have a dialogue. This is


the primary characteristic.

Nurul Hikmah (English Department / fourth semester / Tuesdays, May 3rd


2016), affirms that, “the main target of audiences is the second


semester students. Why I said that, because I think this is a best way to

motivate them to learn Arabic-English language. Obviously, through this


exhibition, we prove that Arabic-English are easy to learn. By using NP

language, all people can create their own creativity on art. They must see

this exhibition. Because ALE is a good exhibition, they will feel regret if


they missed it. Furthermore, Arabic-English ability which they have is


25 2. Classifying

AP = Adverb phrase : a) Adverb of place

b) Adverb of time

c) Adverb of manner

d) Adverb of frequency

NP = Noun phrase : a) Noun phrase is formed by adding some

words in front of or in the behind of the head

word or keywords

b) Noun phrase can be formed by adding an

adjective, verb + ing, verb III, and noun in

front of the head word

c) Noun phrase extended by adding group of

preposition, verb + ing, verb III, verb with to

infinitive in behind of the head word

d) Noun phrase extended by adding adverb,

adjective, numeral pronoun, or noun phrase

in behind of head word

e) Noun phrase extended by adding adjective

sub clause in behind of the headword

f) Noun phrase formed by adding preposition


26 3. Coding

T1 = Text 1

S2 = Sentence 2

4. Validating the Data

The data of this study have been validated by Faisal A. Yusuf.

He is the eight semester student who conducted the research on

phrases. In addition, he conducted his research using correlation

research. He validated my data analysis, so my data analysis could be




A. Types of Phrases

After the writer analyzed the data and the writer found the following table


Table 4.1 Phrases in the Texts

No Phrases Occurrence

In number In percentage (%)

1. Adverb Phrase (AP) 262 64,4 %

2. Noun Phrase (NP) 145 35,6 %

Total 407 100%

The total number of the data that is found in the students’ news

item texts were 407 phrases. There was 64 % of adverb phrases out of 407

phrases in the text. Whereas, there was 36 % of noun phrases from 407



From the above data, the adverb phrases were frequently occurred in the

data. Furthermore, the noun phrases were less occurred than the adverb phrases in

the total of the data.

B. Profile of Phrases

1. Type of Adverb Phrase

The detail of types of adverb phrase that is found in the students’

news item texts are in the following table 4.2.

Table 4.2

Type of Adverb Phrase

No. Type of adverb phrase Occurrence

In number In percentage


1. Adverb of place 124 47,3 %

Diagram 4.1

Phrase in the Texts



2. Adverb of time 71 27,1 %

3. Adverb of manner 42 16 %

4. Adverb of frequency 25 9,5 %

Total 262 100 %

From above the data, the writer concluded that there were 262

adverb phrases in those data consist of 47,3 % of adverb of place, 27,1 %

from adverb of time, 16 % of adverb of manner, and 9,4 % of adverb of

frequency. The comparison of the types of adverb phrases that found in

the students’ news item texts can be seen in this following diagram 4.2.

Diagram 4.2

Type of Adverb Phrases on the Texts



From the above data, adverb of place were frequently occurred in

the data. Furthermore, adverb of time were less occurred than the adverb

phrases in the total of the data. The third position , there is adverb of

manner and the last one is adverb of frequency.

a. Adverb of Place

The example of phrases used adverb of place are in the

following table 4.3.

Table 4.3

Example of Adverb of Place

No Sentence Coding

1. Brazil, August 18th 2016, Tontowi Ahmad and

Liliyana Natsir dedicated special gift to Indonesia.

T1 S1

2. Traffic Police officers who arrived on the Location

at Pesawarandirectly committed the crime scene.

T40 S55

3. During in Indonesia they prepared more seriously. T1 S6

4. Lodi Karual, 30, a local resident whose house was

crushed by the landslide said that the incident

happened after heavy rains occurred in the area.

T43 S2

5. Together with Udayana University, the foundation

identified a number of rare plants in the forest.

T44 S5

6. The survey was conducted in five major cities

across the country, including Surakarta in Central


31 Java.

7. From the agenda, my family and I can know many

arts especially in Salatiga.

T3 S8

8. Suddenly I heard a truck that stopped all of sudden

then I saw a man was lying on the road.

T40 S3

9. Leicester City’s players watched the game at home

of striker Jamie Vardy

T5 S7

10. The mood was considerably darker at Stamford

Bridge, where Chelsea’s rally from a two-goal

halftime deficit, capped by Eden Hazard’s curling

shot into the top corner in the 83rd minute, sent a

hot-tempered match between the London rivals off

the rails.

T5 S8

b. Adverb of Time

The example of phrases used adverb of time are in the following

table 4.4.

Table 4.4

Example of Adverb of Time

No Sentence Coding

1. According to Andi (29), a witness in that place,

Wednesday (07/01/2015) morning, Suharto who is



a teacher in Tegineneng, Pesawaran District,

Lampung is a victim of hit and run in car accident.

2. Manado: After several days of increased activity,

the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB)

has announced that North Sulawesi’s Mount Lokon

erupted at 10:20 a.m. on Tuesday.

T41 S1

3. It clinched its first Premier League title on Monday

after second-place Tottenham tied at Chelsea.

T5 S3

Tottenham failed to keep its season alive.

T5 S11

6. Since november, when The Foxes became unlikely

fixture at the top of the standings, rivals and experts

and fans waited every week for a sign that the team

would falter, that it was not up to a task usually

reserved for England’s bigger, richer clubs.

T5 S15

7. This year’s Premier League title is the first

top-division championship for Leicester City, which

was founded in 1884 and joined the Football

League in 1890.



9. Its previous high-water mark was a runner up finish

in 1929.

T5 S22

10. Leicester will celebrate its championship at its final

home match of the season, a now meaningless

kickaround against struggling Everton next


Example of Adverb of Manner

No Sentence Coding

1. During in Indonesia they prepared more seriously. T1 S6

2. But few in Leicester surely noticed, they were

dancing and hugging and rejoicing in their unlikely

championship, the firts top-division crown in their

club’s 132-years history.

T5 12

3. “He called us and thanked us for what we did,

especially in the second half,” Hiddink said. “I

congratulated him for being champion”.

T5 S22



Pati and conversely was stopped and blocked.

5. She was directly brought in the hospital. T18 S4

6. Ordinarily, ALE is held in the even semester. T7 S3

7. Surely, the drama uses two language; Arabic, and


T7 S16

8. Surely, the actors use Arabic-English when they

have a dialogue.

T7 S21

9. Traffic Police officers who arrived on the Location

at Pesawaran directly committed the crime scene.

T40 S5

10. One of them directly put the gun in front of the

boy’s neck.

T19 S12

d. Adverb of Frequency

The example of phrases used adverb of frequency are in the

following table 4.6.

Table 4.6

Example of Adverb of Frequency

No Sentence Coding

1. Since november, when The Foxes became unlikely

fixture at the top of the standings, rivals and experts

and fans waited every week for a sign that the team

would falter, that it was not up to a task usually



reserved for England’s bigger, richer clubs.

2. It is held once a year. Ordinarily, ALE is held in

4. Our music group really likes to sing this song every

Tuesday night “Seloso Kliwon”, so we named our

group the band SK," said Yaqi.

T11 S8

5. But for language Festival, it needed four days

because it has many agendas inside.

T12 S7

6. Every day, they have to join some agendas such as

tutorial of English and Arabic twice a week, tasji’ul

Lugoh English and Arabic every night twice a

week, weekly conversation on Sunday morning,

wise word on Friday night and weekly meeting on

Friday afternoon.

T12 S11

7. Officers of the Regional Disaster Management also

alert in response the flood reports in Aceh Jaya

district, due to the rain which is flushing


T26 S12

8. This event is always held once time in every year. T35 S4

9. That stir process is ongoing on three day nonstop. T34 S18



Shakira that’s going to burrow into your brain and

leave you humming it for days.

2. Types of Noun Phrases

The detail of types of noun phrases that found in the students’ news

item texts are in the following table 4.7

Table 4.7

Types of Noun Phrases

No. Type of adverb phrase Occurrence

In number In percentage (%)

1. Noun phrase is formed by adding

some words in front of or in the

group of preposition/ verb + ing/

verb III/ verb with to infinitive in

behind of the head word

2 1,4 %


37 adverb/ adjective/ numeral

pronoun/ or noun phrase in behind

of head word

noun phrases in the data which were consisted of 87,6 % noun phrases

were formed by adding some words in front of or in the behind of the

head word or keywords. In percentage, that was 2,7 % noun phrase can be

formed by adding an adjective / verb + ing / verb III and noun in front of

the head word. Then, that was 1,4 % noun phrase extended by adding

group of preposition / verb + ing / verb III / verb with to infinitive in

behind of the head word. In the fourth position, that was 7,6 % noun

phrase extended by adding adverb / adjective / numeral pronoun / or noun

phrase in behind of head word. The next phrases, that was 0 % noun



headword. The last one, that was 0,7 % noun phrase formed by adding

preposition in front of relative pronouns.

The comparison of the types of noun phrases that found in the

students’ news item texts can be seen in this following diagram 4.3.

Diagram 4.3

Type of Noun Phrase on the Texts

Based on the above diagram, the dominant phrase in the news item

texts was noun phrase is formed by adding some words in front of or in

the behind of the head word or keywords. In percentage, the second

dominant was noun phrase extended by adding adverb / adjective /



dominant was noun phrase can be formed by adding an adjective / verb +

ing / verb III and noun in front of the head word. In the fourth position,

was noun phrase extended by adding group of preposition / verb + ing /

verb III / verb with to infinitive in behind of the head word. The next

dominant phrases was noun phrase formed by adding preposition in front

of relative pronouns. The last one was noun phrase extended by adding

adjective sub clause in behind of the headword.

a. Noun phrase is formed by adding some words in front of or in the

behind of the head word or keywords

There were the examples of noun phrases were formed by

adding some words in front of or in the behind of the head word or

keywords can be informed in the following table 4.8.

Table 4.8

Type 1 of Noun Phrases

No Sentence Coding

1. The students prefer to buy snack and meal but they

are unfeeling with the cleanness of the area, it is


T10 S6

2. The boats collided and overturned before midnight

Saturday, throwing the passengers into the rough

sea water just off the island, the website of the

Nation newspaper said.



3. Manado: After several days of increased activity, the

National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has

announced that North Sulawesi’s Mount Lokon

erupted at 10:20 a.m. on Tuesday.

T41 S1

4. By Wednesday morning, the water reached up to

two meters in some parts of the complex.

T37 S3

5. The agency declared areas within a 2.5-kilometer

radius from the mountain’s peak dangerous and

urged nearby residents to stay alert.

T41 S3

6. The agency said that the residents living outside the

zone did not need to evacuate yet.

T41 S6

7. The concert was opened with the nine members:

Leeteuk, Yesung, Sungmin, Donghae, Siwon,

Eunhyuk, Shindong, Ryewook and Kyuhyun in

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in conjunction with

World Environment Day, which falls every June 5.

T44 S3

9. The survey was conducted in five major cities across

the country, including Surakarta in Central Java.



10. The Indonesian anti-tobacco campaign has

reportedly been deemed as ineffective as the

government refuses to sign the international

convention on tobacco control.

T45 S7

b. The noun phrase can be formed by adding an adjective/ verb + ing/

verb III/ noun in front of the head word

This was the example of the noun phrase can be formed by

adding an adjective/ verb + ing/ verb III/ noun in front of the head

word can be informed in the following table 4.9.

Table 4.9

Type 2 of Noun Phrases

No Sentence Coding

1. Rather than press for a winning goal after Chelsea

had tied score, Tottenham’s players seemed intent on

exacting revenge for their ruined title hopes.

T5 S8

2. Tottenham players received nine yellow cards,

Chelsea three.

T5 S14

3. It proven with the dirty floor and the garbage-can

which always full of trashes also stains.

T10 S7



the day of National Education ( Education Day), the

education field smudged bloody events.

c. The noun phrase extended by adding group of preposition/ verb + ing/

verb III/ verb with to infinitive in behind of the head word

The examples of noun phrases extended by adding group of

preposition/ verb + ing/ verb III/ verb with to infinitive in behind of

the head word can be informed in the following table 4.10.

Table 4.10

Type 3 of Noun Phrases

No Sentence Coding

1. Since november, when The Foxes became unlikely

fixture at the top of the standings, rivals and experts

and fans waited every week for a sign that the team

would falter, that it was not up to a task usually

reserved for England’s bigger, richer clubs.

T5 S16

2. His name is Muhammad Fikri Mabruri, students

who is studying in SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga, District

Sidomukti, Salatiga, Central Java.



d. The noun phrase extended by adding adverb, adjective, numeral

pronoun, or noun phrase in behind of head word

This was the example of the noun phrase extended by adding

adverb/ adjective/ numeral pronoun or noun phrase in behind of head

word can be informed in the following table 4.11.

Table 4.11

and Liliyana Natsir, I hope in 2020 Indonesia can get

more gold medal in every branch”, said Mrs.Ayu.

T1 S7

6. In this accident, there were four victims was die and

another people sustained injuries .



7. From the information was got, that accident

happened when a minibus carried 30 people from

Pati to Purwodadi.

T6 S6

8. Then the victim, As we know about 30 people was

evacuated in the hospital.

T6 S13

9. All the actors use the best costume. T7 S21

10. They used those facility for any activity in their time

of life as transferring, online shop, and others.

T25 S3

e. The noun phrase extended by adding adjective sub clause in behind of

the headword

There is no example from the data.

f. The noun phrase formed by adding preposition in front of relative


This was the example of The noun phrase formed by adding

preposition in front of relative pronouns can be informed in the



Table 4.12

Type 6 of Noun Phrases

No Sentence Coding

1. April,12 2016 – the parliament of Victoria, Australia

lelegalized sorts kind of medicine which made

from marijuana or cannabis.





Based in the data analysis and discussion in the previous chapter, the

writer can draw the conclusion of this graduating paper is follows:

1. From the results of analyzed data of students’ news item texts in Writing

3, the writer found that there were adverb phrases and noun phrases.

2. The profile of the types of phrases used by the fourth semester students

were there were some kinds of adverb phrase in the students’ news item,

those were adverb of place, adverb of time, adverb of manner, and adverb

of frequency. The most dominant kind of adverb phrase in the students’

news item text was adverb of place. There were some kinds of noun phrase

in the students’ news item text, those were noun phrases were formed by

adding some words in front of or in the behind of the head word or

keywords, noun phrase can be formed by adding an adjective / verb + ing /

verb III and noun in front of the head word, noun phrase extended by

adding group of preposition / verb + ing / verb III / verb with to infinitive

in behind of the head word, noun phrase extended by adding adverb /

adjective / numeral pronoun / or noun phrase in behind of head word, noun

phrase extended by adding adjective sub clause in behind of the headword,

noun phrase formed by adding preposition in front of relative pronouns.



phrases were formed by adding some words in front of or in the behind of

the head word or keywords.


Based on the conclusion above, the writer provides suggestions as the

following :

1. For the teachers

The teachers can use this study as additional teaching material in

writing especially phrases teaching material.

2. For the students

They have to study more in writing news item texts. They have to

apply the phrases of news item texts correctly and studies more improve

ability in writing news item texts.

3. For the readers

This study is based on the analysis of phrases especially adverb

phrase and noun phrase. Therefore, this study can be useful as a reference



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Umstatter J. 2007. Got Grammar? Ready-to-Use Lesson & Activities That Make Grammar Fun. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass Press

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Object of the Study


113-14-037 Novi Dyah Arisanti 113-14-041 Siti Mubarillah Sari

113-14-064 Dewi Marinda

113-14-082 Hartatik

113-14-083 Ainna Maghfiroh 113-14-086 Nila Arum Damayanti

113-14-087 Anglila Wikasitakusumaning A 113-14-093 Diah Tri Hastutik

113-14-102 Maratus Saniyah 113-14-127 Ayuk Puji Saputri

113-14-142 Sholehah

113-14-147 Ulfa Ana Fatmala 113-14-154 Lelik Khairani

113-14-156 Septian Dimas Saputra 113-14-167 Fitreeya Waedeng

113-14-168 Umuliman Yusuf

113-14-180 Iis Sholikhah 113-14-186 Luthfiatus Sa’adah

113-14-188 Hendrawan Yanuar Pamungkas 113-14-190 Rosida Awalia

113-14-191 Nur Khamidah

113-14-193 Agus Nur Salim

113-14-195 Muhammad Arif Wicaksono

113-14-003 Nurul Imamah

113-14-017 Dian Amalia

113-14-038 Fatchul Lutfah 113-14-042 Indah Nur Santi 113-14-050 Dwi Agus Setyowati 113-14-055 Reni Susanti

113-14-095 Okta Ari Indradini 113-14-106 Aulia Sakti R 113-14-123 Villa Shofa Zain 113-14-124 Erlina Hidayati 113-14-136 Nurma Dwi Airisa 113-14-170 Ayu Apriliyani Putri

113-10-093 Paramita


50 113-100-92 Alif Aan Yuliawan

113-14-197 Mulyono

113-14-183 Lia Anggraeni 113-14-146 Ni’matul maula 113-14-137 Pipit Marliani

113-14-054 Muhammad Ali Imron

113-14-198 Adik Bagus Kurniawan



Table 2.1 Examples of Noun Phrase is Formed by Adding Some
Table 2.2
Table 2.4 Example of Noun Phrase Extended by Adding adverb/
Table of 2.5


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