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Penilaian Tengah Semester I Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022


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Jl. Raya Narogong 202 Kemang Pratama Bekasi 17116 Telp. 82400084 TERAKREDITASI A (UNGGUL)

( Keputusan BAN-SM Propinsi Jawa Barat nomor 02.00/203/SK/BAN-SM/XII/2018 tanggal 04 Desember 2018 )

Penilaian Tengah Semester I Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022 Bidang Studi : Agama

Kelas : XII (dua belas) IPA & IPS Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 15 September 2021

Waktu : 90 menit




I. Pilihan Ganda

1. Perkawinan sering dipandang sebagai suatu “perjanjian”. Dengan perkawinan, seorang pria dan seorang wanita saling berjanji untuk hidup bersama, di depan masyarakat agama atau masyarakat negara, yang menerima dan mengakui perkawinan itu sebagai sah. Pernyataan tersebut merupakan pemahaman perkawinan berdasarkan...

A. pandangan undang-undang B. pandangan sosiologi C. pandangan antropologis D. pandangan hukum E. pandangan tradisional

2. Perhatikan pernyataan berikut ini,

1. Perkawinan merupakan persekutuan cinta pria dan wanita untuk selama-lamanya.

2. Perkawinan menjadi tanda kesetiaan Yesus Kristus kepada Gereja-Nya

3. Perkawinan adalah sebuah kesepakatan suami istri dengan berdasarkan kontrak 4. Perkawinan menjadi gambaran nyata sebuah Gereja kecil

5. Perkawinan dilakukan karena paksaan pihak tertentu sebagai balas jasa

6. Perkawinan terjadi dalam cinta lalu bisa diakhiri berdasarkan kesepakatan suami istri Dari pernyataan tersebut, yang sesuai dengan isi perikop Injil Matius 19:1-6 yaitu,

A. 1, 2, 4 B. 2, 4, 6 C. 3, 5, 6 D. 4, 5, 1 E. 5, 6, 2

3. Berikut ini merupakan hal-hal yang perlu dikembangkan dalam hubungan saudara (kakak-adik), kecuali...

A. saling mengasihi antar saudara


Agama.XII.IPA&IPS/PTS1/2021-2022/Hal 2

B. kasih persaudaraan C. saling membantu tiap saat D. berkomunikasi yang baik E. selalu konflik tanpa berdamai

4. Syarat untuk membangun hidup berkeluarga dalam Gereja Katolik adalah dengan menerima sakramen perkawinan. Hal yang ingin dicapai dalam perkawinan Kristiani adalah...

A. menomorsatukan kepentingan pribadi suami dan istri

B. memperalat pasangan untuk memperoleh kesejahteraan materiil C. meneruskan karya penciptaan Allah dengan melahirkan anak D. memperoleh harta warisan yang berlimpah dari pasangan E. mengabaikan pendidikan anak karena anak punya hak memilih

5. Berikut ini merupakan paham dasar perkawinan secara Katolik menurut Kitab Hukum Kanonik 1055, kecuali...

A. perkawinan sebagai sakramen dua orang yang dibaptis B. perkawinan merupakan kebersamaan hidup pria dan wanita

C. perkawinan sebagai perjanjian sesuai dokumen Gaudium et Spes art. 48 D. perkawinan menjadi simbol hubungan Tuhan dengan umat-Nya

E. perkawinan sebagai konsensus dalam jangka waktu tertentu

6. Berikut ini yang bukan merupakan bentuk komunikasi dalam keluarga adalah...

A. bertukar pikiran dalam mendiskusikan urusan sehari-hari B. hubungan seks suami istri sebagai bentuk kewajiban semata C. memeluk pasangan sebelum beraktifitas di pagi hari

D. bertukar perasaan antar pasangan untuk memunculkan empati E. selalu mengucapkan maaf, terima kasih dan tolong dalam tiap waktu

7. Gereja Katolik menganjurkan program Keluarga Berencana (KB) untuk mengatur jumlah anak yang dilahirkan dalam keluarga. Metode yang dianjurkan Gereja Katolik adalah...

A. metode pantang berkala

B. penggunaan kondom bagi suami C. suntik untuk mengendalikan hormon D. operasi organ reproduksi

E. mengonsumsi pil pengendali masa subur

8. Berkomunikasi merupakan menjadi cara untuk menjaga keharmonisan hidup berkeluarga, beberapa hal yang dapat menghambat komunikasi yaitu...

A. kesepahaman antar anggota keluarga dalam bersikap satu sama lain B. acapkali mengorek pengalaman masa lampau hingga muncul apriori


C. bersedia untuk mendengarkan dengan segenap hati dan pikiran

D. melakukan dialog untuk menghangatkan relasi antar anggota keluarga E. bersedia mengendalikan emosi dengan pikiran sehat melalui kata dan sikap

9. Perkawinan dalam Gereja Katolik juga harus mengindikasikan adanya paham dasar mengenai hidup berkeluarga yaitu…

A. kebersamaan suami istri harus muncul dalam segala aspek kehidupan B. perkawinan bukanlah hal yang mutlak harus dijaga keharmonisannya C. cinta suami dan istri harus dimaklumi jika menghilang seiring waktu D. kebersamaan suami istri hanya diakui secara kuantitatif (lamanya waktu) E. anak sebagai buah cinta dalam keluarga bisa diperlakukan sesuka hati

10. Berikut ini yang merupakan tugas dan tanggungjawab seorang istri atau ibu adalah… . A. pendidik terakhir untuk anak-anaknya setelah sekolah dan suami

B. menjadi “atasan” suami dalam rumah tangga dalam hal penghasilan C. pemberi dukungan moril untuk suami secara afektif dalam tugasnya D. membiarkan anak-anak bertengkar dan ribut sebagai bentuk pendidikan E. sebagai wanita karier yang gemilang dalam perusahaan BUMN ternama

11. Salah satu tantangan dalam hidup berkeluarga yang berasal dari lingkungan keluarga sendiri baik dari keluarga besar maupun dari keluarga inti yaitu… .

A. transparansi suami dan istri yang kurang terbuka terhadap berbagai hal B. munculnya perkembangan teknologi informasi yang memberi kemudahan C. ekonomi biaya tinggi akibat sistem pasar bebas yang berdampak inflasi D. konsumerisme membuat suami dan istri ingin memiliki barang konsumtif E. hedonisme menjadikan kehidupan rumah tangga jauh dari hal-hal rohani

12. Gereja Katolik menginginkan agar pria dan wanita yang mau menikah hendaknya dilatarbelakangi oleh kesamaan dalam agama namun tidak bisa dipungkiri juga fakta bahwa ada pasangan yang mau menikah beda gereja yaitu Katolik dengan penganut gereka Kristen lainnya. Terhadap hal ini maka agar pernikahan mereka diakui oleh Gereja, pasangan tersebut harus meminta… .

A. izin

B. persetujuan C. dispensasi D. konsensus E. surat keterangan

13. Salah satu ciri khas dalam perkawinan Katolik yaitu… . A. sebagai sebuah kesepakatan biasa

B. mengizinkan adanya perceraian


Agama.XII.IPA&IPS/PTS1/2021-2022/Hal 4

C. harus dengan resepsi mewah

D. wajib diberkati oleh Uskup setempat E. dijadikan sebagai sakramen

14. Paus Fransiskus menerbitkan Anjuran Apostolik terbaru yang disebut Amoris Laetitia (Sukacita Kasih) tanggal 19 Maret 2016. Dokumen itu menekankan pentingnya ikatan kasih sayang dalam membangun keluarga harmonis dan salah satu pembahasannya adalah mengenai pendidikan seks dan seksualitas dalam keluarga. Pernyataan di bawah ini yang sesuai dengan prinsip pendidikan seks dan seksualitas sesuai ajaran Gereja Katolik yaitu… .

A. seks dilakukan sebagai sebuah bentuk pelampiasan nafsu semata B. seks sebaiknya menjadi ranah privat tanpa harus ada pendidikan C. seks harus dipahami sebagai berkah kehidupan dalam pernikahan D. seks menjadi sebuah komoditi yang mendatangkan keuntungan E. seks bukanlah sesuatu yang penting untuk dibahas karena tabu

15. Komunikasi berikut ini adalah segala bentuk omong-omong, mulai dari basa-basi, saling memberi informasi, menceritakan apa yang dilihat dan dialami sampai dengan merencanakan sesuatu maupun menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi antar anggota keluarga. Pernyataan tersebut merupakan pengertian dari… .

A. bahasa tubuh B. kesinambungan C. berdialog D. pembelaan diri E. berdiskusi

16. Hidup berkeluarga menekankan pentingnya berkomunikasi antar anggota keluarga, cara berkomunikasi yang tepat sebaiknya yaitu...

A. bersedia mendengarkan, menaruh rasa curiga dan ada keterbukaan pribadi B. memiliki rasa percaya, ada keterbukaan pribadi dan bisa mendengar

C. bersikap percaya, terbuka terhadap perubahan dan mendengarkan dengan hati D. mendengarkan dengan segenap hati, bersikap emosional dan menutup diri E. bersikap percaya, mau mendengarkan dan memilih partner untuk berkomunikasi

17. Perikop Kitab Suci dibawah ini yang menjadi dasar mengenai perkawinan Katolik yaitu… . A. Kejadian 2 : 18-25

B. Matius 5 : 1-12 C. Lukas 10 : 1-12 D. Yohanes 14 : 23-24 E. Filipi 2 : 7-8


18. Perhatikan pernyataan berikut,

1. Mutu hidup keluarga menjadi tidak terkendali 2. Relasi suami istri semakin baik

3. Pendidikan serta kesejahteraan anak lebih terjamin 4. Menghantar kesejahteraan masyarakat jadi terbelakang 5. Kesehatan ibu bisa agak dijamin

6. Mempersulit pengaturan kesejahteraan keluarga

Dari pernyataan-pernyatan tersebut, yang menjadi alasan program Keluarga Berencana sangat penting dilakukan adalah...

A. 1, 2, 3 B. 2, 4, 6 C. 3, 5, 1 D. 4, 3, 2 E. 5, 2, 3

19. Anak sebagai buah cinta perkawinan orang tua hendaknya menyadari bahwa mereka punya kewajiban terhadap orang tua. Beberapa hal dasar kewajiban anak tersebut adalah...

A. mengasihi dan memenuhi kebutuhan hidup orang tua

B. bekerja sekuat tenaga agar kebutuhan keluarga besar tercukupi C. membina hubungan baik dengan keluarga mertua

D. bersikap serta berprilaku penuh syukur serta hormat kepada orang tua E. mendidik orang tua agar selalu memenuhi kebutuhan anak

20. Salah satu ajaran Gereja Katolik mengenai perkawinan terdapat dalam dokumen Gaudium et Spes art. 52, salah satu pokok pembahasannya adalah bahwa dalam perkawinan keluarga harus mampu mencapai kepenuhan hidup dan misinya. Untuk mencapai kepenuhan hidup tersebut maka yang diperlukan adalah...

A. kerjasama pendidikan anak, komunikasi yang baik dan pembagian harta warisan B. hidup doa bersama, kerjasama pendidikan anak dan adanya kontrak perkawinan C. kesepakatan suami istri, komunikasi yang baik dan kerjasama pendidikan anak D. campur tangan mertua, pendidikan suami istri yang sama dan komunikasi yang baik E. kesepakatan suami istri, kerjasama pendidikan anak dan sikap egois masing-masing

21. Cinta dalam hidup berkeluarga perlu dibangun agar bertumbuh dan berkembang, perlu suasana

“partnership”. Yang dimaksud “partnership” yaitu...

A. bekerjasama secara terpisah antara suami dan istri dalam berkeluarga B. menampilkan kebahagiaan suami dan istri setiap saat setiap waktu C. penyerahan diri secara total tanpa memperhitungkan untung rugi D. menjadi rekan kerja serasi yang berdasarkan prinsip kesamaan derajat E. berkomunikasi tentang hal-hal yang sama-sama diketahui dan dirasakan


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22. Pilihlah pernyataan yang sesuai mengenai dokumen Gereja Gaudium et Spes art. 48 berikut ini!

A. perkawinan menjadi kesatuan mesra suami dan istri dalam cinta kasih B. perkawinan belum diakui sebagai suatu lembaga hidup kemasyarakatan C. perkawinan merupakan lembaga tetap yang berhadapan dengan masyarakat D. perkawinan terwujud dalam “hidup bersama” yang diakui sebagai lembaga E. perkawinan menjadi sebuah ikatan cinta kasih suami dan istri selamanya

23. Saat pasangan Katolik mau hidup berkeluarga dengan menerima sakramen Perkawinan maka mereka harus memenuhi syarat-syarat sahnya perkawinan Katolik, yaitu...

A. adanya hubungan semenda, konsensus bersyarat dan diteguhkan oleh pastor B. bebas ikatan kawin terdahulu, adanya konsensus dan adanya dua orang saksi C. usia sudah 17 tahun, ketidakmampuan psikologis dan diteguhkan pendeta D. kekeliruan pribadi, dirayakan pastor dan dua saksi serta adanya adopsi

E. dirayakan pastor dan dua saksi, adanya konsensus serta adanya kaul kemurnian

24. Dalam hidup berkeluarga, relasi antar anggota harus bisa dan mau saling mendengarkan. Makna dari pernyataan tersebut yaitu… .

A. mendengarkan itu sama artinya dengan mendengar sehingga tak perlu terlalu serius B. mendengarkan menjadikan kita harus menunda hal-hal yang ingin kita sampaikan C. mendengarkan harus dengan pikiran, hati serta segenap indra kepada pembicara D. mendengarkan menjadi mudah saat kita melakukannya sambil bekerja dengan baik E. mendengarkan hanya kita lakukan saat membutuhkan kehidupan keluarga harmonis

25. “Inilah dia, tulang dari tulangku dan daging dari dagingku” (Kejadian 2:23). Makna dari kutipan ayat tersebut dalam hidup perkawinan yaitu… .

A. suami dan istri harus bisa membedakan mana kepentingan masing-masing B. suami dan istri menyerahkan kehidupan keluarga berdasarkan instruksi negara C. suami dan istri dalam tindakan sehari-hari memprioritaskan kepentingan orang tua D. suami dan istri menjadikan posisinya berdiri sama tinggi dan duduk sama rendah E. suami dan istri berusaha untuk membagi penghasilan keduanya sesuai skala prioritas

26. Salah satu tantangan dalam hidup berkeluarga adalah adanya konsumerisme, yang berarti...

A. tidak ada nilai yang dianut dan diterima secara universal B. kenikmatan menjadi tujuan utama dan segalanya

C. menilai sesuatu berdasarkan unsur kegunaan serta fungsinya semata D. keinginan memiliki yang dipicu kecanggihan teknologi iklan

E. rindu untuk menumpuk kekayaan, uang dan investasi yang diukur dengan materi


27. Berikut ini yang merupakan cara-cara mewujudkan keluarga yang damai, membahagiakan dan nyaman yaitu… .

A. kasih yang terbagi-bagi, komunikasi saling mendengarkan dan terbuka B. terbuka satu sama lain, memperbanyak dialog dan komunikasi tertutup C. dialog hanya kalau perlu, kasih sebagai dasar dan mau untuk terbuka D. komunikasi saling mendengarkan, terbuka hanya perlu dan berdialog E. tanggungjawab anggota keluarga, mau terbuka dan perbanyak dialog

28. Perhatikan gambar berikut ini!


Berikut ini yang merupakan makna perkawinan berdasarkan gambar tersebut yaitu…

A. bahwa cinta dalam hidup perkawinan ditentukan dengan seberapa mahal harga cincin B. bahwa suami dan istri memiliki cinta yang terbatas seiring usia pemakaian cincin C. bahwa cincin dibuat dengan harga mahal sebagai bukti mahalnya hidup berkeluarga D. bahwa cinta suami dan istri menjadi utuh dan lengkap sesuai bentuk lingkaran cincin E. bahwa pernikahan menjadi sebuah pembuktian dengan mahalnya harga cincin itu

29. Perkawinan merupakan suatu persekutuan hidup yang mempunyai bentuk, tujuan dan hubungan yang khusus antar anggota dalam suatu lingkungan hidup yang khas. Pernyataan tersebut merupakan pemahaman perkawinan berdasarkan… .

A. pandangan undang-undang B. pandangan sosiologi C. pandangan antropologis D. pandangan hukum E. pandangan tradisional

30. Berikut ini pernyataan yang sesuai dengan makna hidup berkeluarga sebagai sakramen Gereja adalah… .

A. menghormati tubuh pribadi dan pasangan bukan penyalahgunaan fungsi seksual B. keluarga adalah bukti bahwa hidup perkawinan sebagai sebuah aset berharga C. sekolah pendidikan keluarga itu menjadi tanggungjawab lembaga formal D. kesetiaan suami dan istri sebaiknya diatur sesuai kebutuhan dalam hidup


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E. pendidikan seksualitas hal yang tabu untuk dibicarakan dalam keluarga


31. Fransiskus dan Magdalena merupakan pasangan kekasih Katolik yang sudah menjalin relasi selama 3 tahun dan keduanya saat ini mantap untuk meningkatkan relasi mereka menjadi suami istri serta membentuk keluarga Katolik yang sakramen. Mereka sudah menjalani semua persiapan sebagai syarat untuk pernikahan Katolik dan saat pemeriksaan kesehatan yang dilakukan dokter diketahui bahwa Magdalena akan sulit mendapatkan keturunan bahkan ada resiko kemandulan.

Berdasarkan cerita tersebut, apakah Fransiskus bisa menikahi Magdalena? Jelaskan jawabanmu sesuai dengan prinsip ajaran Gereja Katolik mengenai perkawinan!

32. Bacalah perikop berikut ini!

Maka datanglah orang-orang Farisi, dan untuk mencobai Yesus mereka bertanya kepada-Nya:

"Apakah seorang suami diperbolehkan menceraikan isterinya?" Tetapi jawab-Nya kepada mereka: "Apa perintah Musa kepada kamu?" Jawab mereka: "Musa memberi izin untuk menceraikannya dengan membuat surat cerai." Lalu kata Yesus kepada mereka: "Justru karena ketegaran hatimulah maka Musa menuliskan perintah ini untuk kamu. Sebab pada awal dunia, Allah menjadikan mereka laki-laki dan perempuan, sebab itu laki-laki akan meninggalkan ayahnya dan ibunya dan bersatu dengan isterinya, sehingga keduanya itu menjadi satu daging. Demikianlah mereka bukan lagi dua, melainkan satu. Karena itu, apa yang telah dipersatukan Allah, tidak boleh diceraikan manusia." Ketika mereka sudah di rumah, murid-murid itu bertanya pula kepada Yesus tentang hal itu. Lalu kata-Nya kepada mereka: "Barangsiapa menceraikan isterinya lalu kawin dengan perempuan lain, ia hidup dalam perzinahan terhadap isterinya itu. Dan jika si isteri menceraikan suaminya dan kawin dengan laki-laki lain, ia berbuat zinah."

Berdasarkan perikop tersebut, tulislah sebuah refleksi mengenai hidup perkawinan dalam Gereja Katolik!

33. Menurutmu sebagai seorang anak, bagaimana peran orangtua kepada anak dan peran anak kepada orang tua? Jelaskan!

34. Gereja Katolik mendukung program Keluarga Berencana yang dicanangkan pemerintah namun Gereja Katolik menolak program Keluarga Berencana dengan metode buatan. Jelaskan alasannya mengapa Gereja Katolik melakukan hal tersebut!


Bahasa InggrisXIIIPA& IPS /PTS 1/2021-2022/Hal 1


Jl. Raya Narogong 202 Kemang Pratama Bekasi 17116 Telp. 82400084 TERAKREDITASI A (UNGGUL)

( Keputusan BAN-SM Propinsi Jawa Barat nomor 02.00/203/SK/BAN-SM/XII/2018 tanggal 04 Desember 2018 )

Penilaian Tengah Semester 1 Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022 Bidang Studi : Bahasa Inggris (Lintas Minat) Kelas : XII (dua belas) IPA & IPS Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 22 September 2021

Waktu : 120 menit




I. Pilihan Ganda

Read the text and answer the question.

Education is often viewed as school in a traditional, formal sense. Many people believe that true learning can only take place in a formal classroom setting. Others feel education occurs in many different forms and environments. There may not be a definitive answer to the question of, 'What is education?' However, we can start thinking about the purpose of education. Is it to educate youth to be responsible citizens? Is it to develop individuals, as well as society, in order to ensure a society's economic success? Or is it to simply focus on developing individual talents and intelligence? Perhaps it is the balance of all three that defines education? While our answers may differ, we can perhaps agree that education is a basic human right. When that right is granted growth and development, the society as a whole is more likely to improve in areas such as health, nutrition, general income and living standards and population fertility rates.

As global citizens it is our responsibility to critically think about the issues and attempt to come up with solutions to the problems plaguing education. In 1990 UNESCO launched EFA, the movement to provide quality education for all children, youth, and adults by the year 2015. The unfortunate reality is that for many countries, larger issues come before improving the quality of education. How can we achieve the goals of EFA when numerous countries around the world are faced with challenges that seem far too impossible to overcome? The answer lies in attempting to bridge some of the gaps that prevent developing nations from competing with developed nations. One example is that of providing greater access to technology and narrowing the ever-widening digital divide. In many ways the most basic access to technology can serve as a valuable educational tool. Individuals who are not afforded this access are at a disadvantage when trying to grasp opportunities to make life better for themselves, their families, and their community.

1. The author's main concern in the first paragraph of the passage is that ...

A. there is no exact definition about education.

B. education is a fundamental individual's right.

C. everyone has the right to get a quality education.


Bahasa InggrisXIIIPA& IPS /PTS 1/2021-2022/Hal 2

D. education occurs in any place, not just schools.

E. development can be gained through education.

Read the text and answer the question.

Education is often viewed as school in a traditional, formal sense. Many people believe that true learning can only take place in a formal classroom setting. Others feel education occurs in many different forms and environments. There may not be a definitive answer to the question of, 'What is education?' However, we can start thinking about the purpose of education. Is it to educate youth to be responsible citizens? Is it to develop individuals, as well as society, in order to ensure a society's economic success? Or is it to simply focus on developing individual talents and intelligence? Perhaps it is the balance of all three that defines education? While our answers may differ, we can perhaps agree that education is a basic human right. When that right is granted growth and development, the society as a whole is more likely to improve in areas such as health, nutrition, general income and living standards and population fertility rates.

As global citizens it is our responsibility to critically think about the issues and attempt to come up with solutions to the problems plaguing education. In 1990 UNESCO launched EFA, the movement to provide quality education for all children, youth, and adults by the year 2015. The unfortunate reality is that for many countries, larger issues come before improving the quality of education. How can we achieve the goals of EFA when numerous countries around the world are faced with challenges that seem far too impossible to overcome? The answer lies in attempting to bridge some of the gaps that prevent developing nations from competing with developed nations. One example is that of providing greater access to technology and narrowing the ever-widening digital divide. In many ways the most basic access to technology can serve as a valuable educational tool. Individuals who are not afforded this access are at a disadvantage when trying to grasp opportunities to make life better for themselves, their families, and their community.

2. If the author is right concerning the role of education, the following might be predicted to take place, EXCEPT...

A. longer life expectancy.

B. lesser birth rates.

C. improved welfare.

D. better quality living.

E. more job opportunities.


Bahasa InggrisXIIIPA& IPS /PTS 1/2021-2022/Hal 3

Read the text and answer the question.

Education is often viewed as school in a traditional, formal sense. Many people believe that true learning can only take place in a formal classroom setting. Others feel education occurs in many different forms and environments. There may not be a definitive answer to the question of, 'What is education?' However, we can start thinking about the purpose of education. Is it to educate youth to be responsible citizens? Is it to develop individuals, as well as society, in order to ensure a society's economic success? Or is it to simply focus on developing individual talents and intelligence? Perhaps it is the balance of all three that defines education? While our answers may differ, we can perhaps agree that education is a basic human right. When that right is granted growth and development, the society as a whole is more likely to improve in areas such as health, nutrition, general income and living standards and population fertility rates.

As global citizens it is our responsibility to critically think about the issues and attempt to come up with solutions to the problems plaguing education. In 1990 UNESCO launched EFA, the movement to provide quality education for all children, youth, and adults by the year 2015. The unfortunate reality is that for many countries, larger issues come before improving the quality of education. How can we achieve the goals of EFA when numerous countries around the world are faced with challenges that seem far too impossible to overcome? The answer lies in attempting to bridge some of the gaps that prevent developing nations from competing with developed nations. One example is that of providing greater access to technology and narrowing the ever-widening digital divide. In many ways the most basic access to technology can serve as a valuable educational tool. Individuals who are not afforded this access are at a disadvantage when trying to grasp opportunities to make life better for themselves, their families, and their community.

3. The part following the passage above would likely discuss ...

A. roles of technology in providing individuals with cheap and accessible quality education.

B. needs of modern digital technology to back up the implementation of EFA in education.

C. lack of access to technology in developing countries to support educational practices.

D. inability of developing nations to compete with developed countries in technology.

E. government's roles and responsibilities in managing education for their citizens

Read the text and answer the question.

Third World countries often mistakenly decide to permit rapid industrialization. When this industrialization occurs, many new factories open and workers get jobs. Unfortunately, many of these new jobs are not permanent. The leaders of an industry want their factories to be as productive as possible, and they will do anything to achieve that goal. Whenever they can, they take advantage of automation, which means that workers are replaced by a more efficient machine.



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4. Which of the following sentences is the best concluding sentence for the text?

A. Thus, industrialization can boost Third World countries' economic growth.

B. in short, many employees have the opportunity to get new jobs.

C. Therefore, there is an increase in employees' standard of living.

D. To conclude, industrialists can better share their profit with employees.

E. As a result, automation may increase the rate of unemployment.

Read the text and answer the question.

Technology plays an increasingly important part in our daily lives. While many technological developments may be beneficial-in the field of medicine, for instance-there are many others whose effects are less positive. We may find examples of these in the world of work, in the home and in the whole area of freedom and privacy.

In the world of work, technological advances have had various negative effects. The development of robotics has meant that in industries, such as car-manufacturing, robots are replacing people. They work faster and more accurately and they don’t need breaks. As a result, industrial workers see work opportunities decreasing further and unemployment levels rising. In addition, more and more people are working from home using personal computers, which means that they lose the stimulus that comes from working in direct contact with other people and may feel isolated.

Finally, there are the implications of information technology for freedom and privacy. More facts about individuals are being stored in data banks, which may be accessed through networks of computers. This creates an ever-increasing risk of accidental or deliberate leaking of private detail.

Every day more information is collected by banks, credit card companies, consumer organizations and so on- and who is there to keep an eye on what happens to it? It is certainly convenient to store information in this way, but I feel it could lead to long-term problems. There may be other hidden dangers-theoretically; could a ‘thinking’ computer start to use the data against us?

To sum up, I believe that we must be very careful with technology. While it has clear advantages, there is also the danger that it could turn on us and we could find ourselves the victims of our success.

5. The text mainly discusses….

A. the importance of modern technology B. the benefit of technological developments C. the advantages and disadvantage of technology D. the bad effect of technological advantages E. the influence of modern technology on our life.


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Read the text and answer the question.

Technology plays an increasingly important part in our daily lives. While many technological developments may be beneficial-in the field of medicine, for instance-there are many others whose effects are less positive. We may find examples of these in the world of work, in the home and in the whole area of freedom and privacy.

In the world of work, technological advances have had various negative effects. The development of robotics has meant that in industries, such as car-manufacturing, robots are replacing people. They work faster and more accurately and they don’t need breaks. As a result, industrial workers see work opportunities decreasing further and unemployment levels rising. In addition, more and more people are working from home using personal computers, which means that they lose the stimulus that comes from working in direct contact with other people and may feel isolated.

Finally, there are the implications of information technology for freedom and privacy. More facts about individuals are being stored in data banks, which may be accessed through networks of computers. This creates an ever-increasing risk of accidental or deliberate leaking of private detail.

Every day more information is collected by banks, credit card companies, consumer organizations and so on- and who is there to keep an eye on what happens to it? It is certainly convenient to store information in this way, but I feel it could lead to long-term problems. There may be other hidden dangers-theoretically; could a ‘thinking’ computer start to use the data against us?

To sum up, I believe that we must be very careful with technology. While it has clear advantages, there is also the danger that it could turn on us and we could find ourselves the victims of our success.

6. Which is TRUE about the technological modernization in factories?

A. It opens more job opportunities for the unemployed

B. It enables the company to multiply the sales of its products.

C. It solves the problem of a company’s lack of human resources.

D. It always uses robots to manage the activities in factories E. It increases the number of unemployed people.

Read the text and answer the question.

Technology plays an increasingly important part in our daily lives. While many technological developments may be beneficial-in the field of medicine, for instance-there are many others whose effects are less positive. We may find examples of these in the world of work, in the home and in the whole area of freedom and privacy.

In the world of work, technological advances have had various negative effects. The development of robotics has meant that in industries, such as car-manufacturing, robots are replacing people. They work faster and more accurately and they don’t need breaks. As a result, industrial workers see work


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opportunities decreasing further and unemployment levels rising. In addition, more and more people are working from home using personal computers, which means that they lose the stimulus that comes from working in direct contact with other people and may feel isolated.

Finally, there are the implications of information technology for freedom and privacy. More facts about individuals are being stored in data banks, which may be accessed through networks of computers. This creates an ever-increasing risk of accidental or deliberate leaking of private detail.

Every day more information is collected by banks, credit card companies, consumer organizations and so on- and who is there to keep an eye on what happens to it? It is certainly convenient to store information in this way, but I feel it could lead to long-term problems. There may be other hidden dangers-theoretically; could a ‘thinking’ computer start to use the data against us?

To sum up, I believe that we must be very careful with technology. While it has clear advantages, there is also the danger that it could turn on us and we could find ourselves the victims of our success.

7. From the text we may conclude that….

A. technology can only be entirely beneficial in the field of medicine

B. advanced technology is believed to create great problems to all computer users C. information technology can berth give benefit and cause trouble to human beings D. advanced technology has greater negative effects than positive ones

E. freedom and privacy in information technology should be eliminated

Read the text and answer the question.

Starvation is widespread in the Third World because of climate change, natural disasters, political turmoil, and wars-all of which disrupt food production and cause mass migrations of refugees.

Refugees are unable to produce food, and poor people cannot afford food. At the other end of the scale, modern industrial societies account for most of the consumption of the world’s resources, although within these societies the resources are distributed unevenly among people of different classes. Both wealthy individuals consume best and services, but they also produce most of the world’s hazardous waste. We do not know whether there are enough resources to go around.

8. What is the topic of the paragraph?

A. Starvation in the Third World B. Problems in food production C. Factors influencing food shortage D. Consumption of the World resources E. Effects global food shortage


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Read the text and answer the question.

Vitamin D deficiency is traditionally associated with bone and muscle weakness, but in recent years a number of studies have shown that low levels of the vitamin may predispose the body to high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and chronic blood vessel inflammation (associated with hardening of the arteries). It also alters hormone levels to increase insulin resistance, which raises the risk of diabetes.

In a review article published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, researchers surveyed recent studies on the link between vitamin D deficiency and heart disease to come up with practical advice on screening and treatment. They concluded that vitamin D deficiency is much more common than previously thought, affecting up to half of adults and apparently healthy children in the U.S. Researchers say higher rates of vitamin D deficiency may be due in part to people spending more time indoors and efforts to minimize sun exposure through the use of sunscreens. Sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 blocks approximately 99% of vitamin D synthesis by the skin.

“We are outside less than we used be, and older adults and people who are overweight or obese are less efficient at making vitamin D in response to sunlight,” says O’Keefe. “A little bit of sunshine is a good thing, but the use of sunscreen to guard against skin cancer is important if you plan to be outside for more than 15 to 30 minutes of intense sunlight exposure.”

9. The main idea of this passage is that …

A. vitamin D deficiency in one’s body is the main cause of diseases.

B. Traditional vitamin D deficiency causes problems in bones and muscles.

C. Research findings show vitamin D deficiency may lead to health problems.

D. The best source of vitamin D to improve one’s health comes from sunshine.

E. The U.S. researchers say-that sunscreen can keep everyone from skin diseases.

Read the text and answer the question.

Vitamin D deficiency is traditionally associated with bone and muscle weakness, but in recent years a number of studies have shown that low levels of the vitamin may predispose the body to high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and chronic blood vessel inflammation (associated with hardening of the arteries). It also alters hormone levels to increase insulin resistance, which raises the risk of diabetes.

In a review article published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, researchers surveyed recent studies on the link between vitamin D deficiency and heart disease to come up with practical advice on screening and treatment. They concluded that vitamin D deficiency is much more common than previously thought, affecting up to half of adults and apparently healthy children in the U.S. Researchers say higher rates of vitamin D deficiency may be due in part to people spending more time indoors and efforts to minimize sun exposure through the use of sunscreens. Sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 blocks approximately 99% of vitamin D synthesis by the skin.


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“We are outside less than we used be, and older adults and people who are overweight or obese are less efficient at making vitamin D in response to sunlight,” says O’Keefe. “A little bit of sunshine is a good thing, but the use of sunscreen to guard against skin cancer is important if you plan to be outside for more than 15 to 30 minutes of intense sunlight exposure.”

10. Skin cancer is believed to be the effect of ….

A. chronic vitamin D deficiency.

B. excessive exposure to sunlight.

C. doing more indoor activities.

D. low levels of vitamin consumption.

E. lack of sun protection factor.

11. Little Johnny Wiggins fell down a well on the farm. His family looked for him. Finally, at sundown, Mr. Wiggins found Johnny. He had been trapped in the well for three hours.

CAUSE: Johnny Wiggins fell down a well.

What was the EFFECT?

A. He was visiting the farm.

B. His family looked for him.

C. Mr. Wiggins found Johnny.

D. He was trapped for three hours.

E. His mother found him at sundown.

12. Policemen sometimes use dogs to help them in their line of work. Dogs have a good sense of smell. This makes them useful in tracking down outlaws. Dogs can also help find stolen goods.

CAUSE: Dogs have a good sense of smell.

What was the EFFECT?

A. They work for outlaws.

B. They are good at stealing.

C. They can track down outlaws.

D. This makes them useful in tracking down outlaws.

E. Policeman use dogs to save them in their line of work

13.I.The staff of Airport Authorities called off the strike they were observing in protest against privatization.

II.The staff of Airport Authorities went on strike anticipating a threat to their jobs.

Which of the following answer choices correctly depicts the relationship between the two statements above?

A Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.

B Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.


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C Both the statements I and II are independent causes.

D Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.

E Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.

14. Read the cause in this situation and choose the effect.

A child stretched a balloon, put it to his lips, and pursed his lips around the balloon's neck.

A. The child felt happy B. The balloon popped.

C. The balloon deflated.

D. The child blew up the balloon.

E. The balloon had a birthday written on it.

15. Man : Vina, you are so late today that we have finished our discussion.

Woman : I’m so sorry. It is such a hot day that I'm too lazy to go out.

What makes the woman late?

A. She is lazy

B. The weather is hot.

C. She has a lot of business.

D. She has finished her discussion

E. She doesn’t want to attend the discussion.

16. Boy : Why was the crocodile able to crush its prey?

Girl : It is no doubt. A crocodile has such a strong jaw that it can crush its prey.

What caused the crocodile to defeat its prey?

A. Its skin B. Its teeth C. Its ability D. Its strength E. Its strong jaw

17. My mother, ____, asked me to buy a new one.

Which is correct to complete the sentence above?

A. which has two umbrellas

B. where she has forgotten her umbrella C. whose brother was killed

D. whose umbrella had been stolen in a bus E. who likes to watch ancient Turkish films


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18. This is Mr. Advisor ____ book the questions were prepared and edited perfectly.

Which is correct to complete the sentence above?

A. in which B. whom C. in whose D. whose E. from whose

19. This is the richest man in this village ____ house the jewelry was stolen last night.

Which is correct to complete the sentence above?

A. whom B. whose C. in which D. in whose E. from whose

20. They have to think of a way ____ they can earn more money.

Which is correct to complete the sentence above?

A. which B. with which C. that

D. from which E. by which

21. My boss will hire an English teacher ____.

Which is correct to complete the sentence above?

A. where there are two hundred students

B. he should know and use the language efficiently C. who has at least two years' experience

D. whose house was broken into in two weeks’ time E. which was decorated richly

Read the paragraph below and complete it!

Students at one of the senior high schools at highway Avenue have been sick all winter long. Many students have missed over a week of school…P… the viruses passing from student to student. A few students, though, have not gotten sick at all. They have had perfect attendance. The doctor said that they have great immunity. When asked…R… the students had not gotten sick, the students explained that they cleaned their hands regularly with hand-sanitizer. Therefore, the headmaster asked all the


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students and staff to keep their environment clean and provide hand-sanitizer in every classroom. The headmaster gave…S… a strict rule that the students and staff are healthy.

22. Which is correct for blank P?

A. Because B. Therefore C. Due to D. Since E. As

Read the paragraph below and complete it!

Students at one of the senior high schools at highway Avenue have been sick all winter long. Many students have missed over a week of school…P… the viruses passing from student to student. A few students, though, have not gotten sick at all. They have had perfect attendance. The doctor said that they have great immunity. When asked…R… the students had not gotten sick, the students explained that they cleaned their hands regularly with hand-sanitizer. Therefore, the headmaster asked all the students and staff to keep their environment clean and provide hand-sanitizer in every classroom. The headmaster gave…S… a strict rule that the students and staff are healthy.

23. Which is correct for blank R?

A. How B. What C. When D. Why E. Where

Read the paragraph below and complete it!

Students at one of the senior high schools at highway Avenue have been sick all winter long. Many students have missed over a week of school…P… the viruses passing from student to student. A few students, though, have not gotten sick at all. They have had perfect attendance. The doctor said that they have great immunity. When asked…R… the students had not gotten sick, the students explained that they cleaned their hands regularly with hand-sanitizer. Therefore, the headmaster asked all the students and staff to keep their environment clean and provide hand-sanitizer in every classroom. The headmaster gave…S… a strict rule that the students and staff are healthy.

24. Which is correct for blank S?

A. Such B. That C. For D. As


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E. So

25. Man : Do you know that man?

Woman : Do you mean a handsome man in front of the shop?

Man : Yes, but I don’t think he is handsome.

Woman : Well, that is James’ big brother. He just arrived home from Denpasar yesterday.

What does the man want to know?

A. James’ brother B. The woman’s friend C. The woman’s neighbor D. A man in front of the shop

E. A man who arrived from Denpasar

26. Man : Did you bring your pet?

Woman : Yes, I did.

Man : There are many cats here. Which is yours?

Woman : … on the big sofa is my pet.

Which one is correct to complete the dialogue above?

A. The cat sleeping B. The cat hidden C. The cat there D. The cat slept E. The cat black

27. Chocolate is what makes the world go round. Chocolate was originally consumed as a drink. In the 1700s, with the advent of mechanical mills, chocolate was first made into the solid and sweet product that is consumed today. The main ingredients of the chocolate eaten in the largest commercial quantities are cocoa, sugar, and milk powder.

Which of the following is a noun phrase with non-finite modifier?

A. Originally consumed as a drink.

B. what makes the world go round.

C. sweet product that is consumed.

D. with the advent of mechanical mills E. eaten in the largest commercial quantities

28. A. The story was fascinating.

B. The children didn't make a sound.

Which one is correct?

A. The story was fascinating that the children didn't make a sound.

B. The story was so fascinating that the children didn't make a sound.


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C. The story was such fascinating that the children didn't make a sound.

D. The story was very fascinating that the children didn't make a sound.

E. The story was such fascinating then the children didn't make a sound.

29. Watch the horse run around the field.

Which one is the prepositional phrase?

A. around the field B. watch the horse C. the horse run D. run around E. around

30. After the storm everyone got busy cleaning the debris.

Which one is the prepositional phrase?

A. got busy B. everyone C. everyone got D. after the storm E. cleaning the debris


A. Writing (20 points)

a. Write a story or essay about a thing.

b. Use connectors of cause-and-effect relationship (such as: because, since, due to, therefore, etc.) and noun phrases with post modifiers (prepositional phrase and adjective clause) c. Underline the connectors, the prepositional phrase, and adjective clause.

d. The length of the writing should be at least 4 paragraphs.

B. Read the text below!

The salvage operation had been a complete failure. The small ship, Elkor, which had been searching the Barents Sea for weeks, was on its way home. A radio message from the mainland had been received by the ship’s captain instructing him to give up the search. The captain knew that another attempt would be made later, for the sunken ship he was trying to find had been carrying a precious cargo of gold bullion.

Despite the message, the captain of the Elkor decided to try once more. The sea-bed was scoured with powerful nets and there was tremendous excitement on board when a chest was raised from the bottom. Though the crew were at first under the impression that the lost ship had been found, the contents of the sea-chest proved them wrong. What they had in fact found was a ship which had been sunk many years before.


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Write 10 noun phrases with modifiers. (Prepositional phrase and adjective clause) (10 points)

C. Rewrite the sentences below using the connector provided. (10 points)

1. The baby cried loudly all night long. I could not sleep well last night. (so … that …) 2. The old man is poor. He couldn’t buy some food to eat for his grandson. (such … that …) 3. The morning air is fresh. I always enjoy jogging. (therefore)

4. I thanked the old woman. She lent me her umbrella yesterday. (since)

5. A good number of people have already been infected by the virus. The government tries hard to overcome this problem. (because)

D. Read the text and rewrite it in ten sentences in your own words. (10 points)

Being told to bring a deckchair and a good book for the first day in a new job might not be the kind of advice you’d expect to receive from your new boss but that’s exactly the advice Jamie Fox was given when he took up a post to help out a local farmer.

Fox, twenty-two, a music graduate from Bangor University uses a range of musical instruments to scare off partridges that haven destroying crops because ordinary scarecrows don’t quite seem up to the job. Despite working from 7.30 to 4.00 p.m. for a minimum wage, Fox who is saving up to finance a trip to New Zealand is quite content with his unique position. Indeed, he’d much rather be out in the open-air reading and playing instruments, he says, and time passes much quicker than sitting at home doing nothing and claiming unemployment benefit.

Fox can do anything he likes to pass the time. As well as playing musical instruments and reading to relive the monotony, other perks of the job include doing Sudoku puzzles, observing the wildlife and daydreaming. He does, however, need to get out of the comfort of his chair occasionally to scare the partridges off the fields. And although the work is far from lucrative, some of Jamie’s friends, including those with more generously paid jobs, are reportedly envious of his position and the fact that he spends the best part of the day doing largely as he pleases.

His employer, farmer William Youngs, claims that he was forced to take someone on as a human scarecrow after the partridges didn’t respond to more traditional methods of frightening them away.

Since losing thirty acres worth of crops to the birds at a cost of thousands of pounds, Youngs has tried a variety of approaches to protect his livelihood. Now, however, he is happy with the solution and claims that Jamie’s presence in the fields is proving very effective and making a real difference.


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Jl. Raya Narogong 202 Kemang Pratama Bekasi 17116 Telp. 82400084 TERAKREDITASI A (UNGGUL)

( Keputusan BAN-SM Propinsi Jawa Barat nomor 02.00/203/SK/BAN-SM/XII/2018 tanggal 04 Desember 2018 )

Penilaian Tengah Semester 1 Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022

Bidang Studi : Bahasa Mandarin (Lintas Minat) Kelas : XII (dua belas) IPA & IPS

Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 22 September 2021

Waktu : 90 menit




I. Pilihan Ganda 1.

A. Apakah mereka adalah guru baru ? B. Apakah kamu adalah guru baru ? C. Apakah mereka adalah murid baru ? D. Apakah dia adalah ketua kelas ? E. Apakah kalian adalah murid ?


A. Musim gugur Beijing paling indah B. Musim semi Beijing paling bagus C. Musim dingin Beijing sangat dingin D. Musim semi Beijing sangat sejuk E. Musim dingin Beijing tidak bagus

3. 雅加达 的 天气 比 北京 热

A. Musim di jakarta lebih sedikit dari Beijing B. Cuaca di Jakarta lebih sejuk dari Beijing C. Musim panas Jakarta lebih panas dari Beijing D. Pemandangan Jakarta lebih bagus dari Beijing E. Cuaca Jakarta lebih panas dari Beijing


A. Baju ini lebih besar dibanding bahu itu

B. Celana saya sangat mahal dibanding celana dia C. Celana itu sangat bagus dibanding celana ini D. Baju ini sangat mahal dibanding baju itu E. Baju itu lebih murah dibanding baju ini


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5. 我 不是 坐 飞机 来的

A. Saya datang tidak naik pesawat B. Saya datang naik kereta

C. Saya tidak datang naik mobil D. Saya datang tidak sendiri E. Saya tidak datang naik bus

6. 印尼 的 首都 是 雅加达

A. Kota besar Indonesia adalah Jakarta B. Ibu kota Indonesia adalah Jakarta C. Ibu kota Indonesia sangat besar

D. Salah satu kota besar Indonesia adalah Jakarta E. Cuaca Jakarta sangat panas

7. 我 也 很 高兴 认识 你们

A. Saya sangat mengenal mereka B. Kamu juga sangat baik

C. Mereka juga senang mengenal saya D. Saya juga sangat senang mengenal kalian E. Saya sangat senang mengenal kamu

8. 汉语 越来越难 吗?

A. Apakah bahasa mandarin selalu sulit ?

B. Bahasa mandarin semakin lama semakin apa ?

C. Apakah Bahasa mandarin semakin lama semakin sulit ? D. Apakah Bahasa mandarin semakin lama semakin menarik ? E. Bahasa mandarin semakin lama semakin sulit

9. 你们 不用 担心

A. Kalian tidak perlu khawatir B. Kamu tidak usah marah C. Mereka sangat khawatir D. Dia sangat khawatir

E. Kami semua sangat khawatir

10. 听说 他们 是 新学生

A. Apakah mereka bukan murid baru ? B. Kabarnya dia adalah guru baru.

C. Kabarnya mereka adalah murid baru


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D. Apakah mereka murid baru ?

E. Kabarnya apakah kalian murid baru ?

11. Beijing dongtian chang chang xia xue.

A. 北京 春天 很 美 B. 印尼 天气 很 凉快 C. 印尼 雨季 常常 刮风 D. 北京 冬天 常常 下雪 E. 北京 夏天 经常 打雷

12. Hanyu yue lai yue youyisi A. 中文 越来越好

B. 汉语 越来越有意思 C. 中文 越来越不难 D. 汉语 越来越什么 E. 中文 越来越有

13. Yinni zhiyou liang ge ji jie A. 印尼 只有 两个 季节 B. 北京 有 四个 季节 C. 印尼 只有 旱季 和 雨季 D. 北京 只有 两个 季节 E. 印尼 旱季 很热

14. Tamen lai zhong guo ma ? A. 他们 来 北京

B. 我 不是 来 中国

C. 来 印度 吗

D. 他 不来 印尼 吗 E. 他们 来 中国 吗


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15. You shihou xia mao mao yu A. 经常 刮大风

B. 常常 毛毛雨 C. 有时候 还打雷 D. 有时候 毛毛雨 E. 经常 下 大雨

16. Yajiada mingtian tianqi zenmeyang ? A. 雅加达 昨天 下雨 吗

B. 印尼 的 晴天 怎么样 C. 印尼 的 天气 怎么样 D. 雅加达 今天 天气 好 吗 E. 雅加达 明天 天气 怎么样

17. Weishenme yao qu nar ? A. 怎么样 没有 去 那儿 B. 为什么 要 去 哪儿 C. 怎么样 要 去 那儿 D. 为什么 要 去 那儿 E. 要 去 那儿 吗

18. Wo gei mama baba xie xin.

A. 我 给 妈妈 爸爸 写信 B. 我 给 姐姐 妹妹 写信 C. 我 给 妈妈 爸爸 打电话 D. 我 给 他们 打电话 E. 我们 给 他们 写信

19. Tamen de ban you ji ge xuesheng ?

A. 的 学校 很 多 学生


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B. 他们 的 班 有 几个 学生

C. 的 学校 有 几 个 老师

D. 他不 的 班 有 几个 老师 E. 你们 的 班 有 几个 学生

20. Beijing de difang dabufen shi mingsheng guji.

A. 北京 有 颐和园 天坛 ⻓城 B. 雅加达 没有 地方 名胜古迹 C. 北京 的 地方大部分是 名胜古迹 D. 雅加达 的 地方 大部分 名胜古迹 E. 北京 的 地方 很多 有意思

21. Hari minggu kita akan pergi kemana ? A. Shang xingqi tian tamen qu nar ? B. Xia xingqi tian women yao qu ma ? C. Xingqi tian nimen yao qu ma ? D. Xingqi liu women bu yao qu nar ? E. Xingqi tian women yao qu nar?

22. Apakah hari ini Beijing turun salju ? A. Jin tian Beijing xia xue ma ? B. Zuo tian Beijing bu xia yu ma ? C. Ming tian Beijing yiding xia xue ma ? D. Qian tian Beijing bu xia yu ma ? E. Jin nian Beijing xia xue ma?

23. Musim hujan kadang kadang ada petir.

A. Yu ji tianqi hen hao B. Han ji tianqi hen re

C. Yu ji chsng chang gua feng D. Yu ji youshihou hai da lei E. Han ji youshihou maomao yu

24. Pemandangan di Indonesia sangat indah.

A. Yin ni de fengjing hen bu mei

B. Yinni de yu ji youshihou da yu C. Yin ni de fengjing hen mei

D. Yin ni de tianqi hen hao


Bahasa Mandarin XII IPA& IPS /PTS 1/2021-2022/Hal 6

E. Yin ni hen hao de difang

25. 国 历 .

国 个 节

风 历

a. 热 经 他 不 高兴 吗

b. 有三千多年 c.有 千千多 年 d. 中国的首都 e. 春天 常常 刮大⻛

26. Yin ni zhi you liang ge jijie : han ji he yu ji.

Han ji hen re, hen shao gua feng, you shihou xia mao mao yu.

Yu ji chang chang gua feng, xia da yu, you shihou hai da lei.

Yin ni you shenme jijie ? A. Han ji he yu ji B. Xia tian he dong tian C. Xia mao mao yu

D. Han ji hen shao gua feng E. Xia da yu youshihou hai da lei

们 学 开 课 们 15 个 学 来

国 国 国 韩国 个 国 Ima n 从

来 来 国 来 国 学习汉语 汉语 真 来

27. 你们 什么时候 开始 上课 ?

A. 我 从 印尼 来的 B. 我们 学校 C. 九月一日 D. 是一个 学生 E. 六月一日

28. 世界汉语 怎么样 ?

A. 汉语 真的 很重要 B. 汉语 越来越不重要


Bahasa Mandarin XII IPA& IPS /PTS 1/2021-2022/Hal 7

C. 汉语 真的 越来越好 D. 汉语 越来越有意思 E. 汉语 真的 越来越重要

29. Zhomo shi, li fang chang chang dai women chu qu wanr. Beijing you hen duo hao wanr de defang. Women qu le Gugong he tian anmen, women ye qu le chang cheng. Women hai dasuan qu Beihai gongyuan, Ming shisan ling he Yiheyuan. Zher de sheng huo yue lai yue you yisi, wo guo de hen hao. Nimen bu yong danxin.

Nimen hai dasuan qu shenme defang ?

A. Beihai gongyuan, ming shi san ling, yiheyuan B. Gugong, tian an men, chang cheng

C. Zher de shenghuo hen hao

D. Beijing hen duo hao wanr de difang E. Nimen bu yong danxin

30. 两个 节

热 风 时

风 时 还

印尼 的 旱季 怎么样 ?

A. 旱季 很 凉快 还打雷

B. 雨季 下大雨 和 刮大⻛, 有时候 毛毛雨 C. 旱季 不热, 很多刮⻛

D. 旱季 很热,很少 刮⻛,有时候毛毛雨 E. 雨季 常常 刮⻛,有时候 还打雷

Nama : ___________________

Kelas : 12___/absen : _____

II. Tulis Hanzi dan Pinyin

1. Jika pergi ke Beijing saya ingin pergi ke tembok besar.

Jawab : ______________________________________________________________________

2. Cerita ini semakin lala semakin bagus.

Jawab : ______________________________________________________________________


Bahasa Mandarin XII IPA& IPS /PTS 1/2021-2022/Hal 8

Tulis guratan

Tulis Pinyin dan arti Indonesia


Jawab : _____________________________________________________________________


Jawab : ____________________________________________________________________


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Jl. Raya Narogong 202 Kemang Pratama Bekasi 17116 Telp. 82400084 TERAKREDITASI A (UNGGUL)

( Keputusan BAN-SM Propinsi Jawa Barat nomor 02.00/203/SK/BAN-SM/XII/2018 tanggal 04 Desember 2018 )

Penilaian Tengah Semester 1 Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022 Bidang Studi : Bahasa Sunda

Kelas : XII (dua belas) IPA & IPS Hari / Tanggal : Jumat, 17 September 2021

Waktu : 90 menit




I. Pilihan Ganda Wacana


Gedong Sate’ te’h salah sahiji wangunan kuno titinggalan jaman kolonial Walanda di kota Bandung. Salah sahiji wangunan anu jadi kareueus, lain bae’ keur urang Bandung, tapi oge’ keur sakumna masarakat Jawa Barat. Buktina, Gedong sate’ mindeng dijadikeun pananda anu miboga ciri mandiiri pikeun kota Bandung jeung propinsi Jawa Barat. Ari sababna, Gedong Sate kiwari dijadikkeun Kantor Pamare’ntah Propinsi Jawa Barat. Pokona mah lamun dina hiji kagiatan atawa acara aya gambar Gedong Sate’, geus moal salah deui, e’ta kagiatan atawa acara te’h aya patalina jeung Kota Bandung atawa Propinsi Jawa Barat.

Gedong Sate’ teh perenahna di Jalan Diponegoro Bandung, paeunteung-eunteung jeung lapang Gasibu. Lapang anu baheulana mah sok dipake’ marae’n bal ku urang Bandung kale’r. Apan Gasibu oge’ singgetan tina Gabungan Sepak Bola Indone’sia Bandung Utara.

1. Gedong Sate’ te’h perenahna di … A. Jalan. Dipenogoro Bandung B. Jalan. Padasuka Bandung C. Jalan. Narogong Bekasi D. Jalan. Asia Afrika Bandung E. Jalan. Kosambi Bandung



Gedong Sate’ te’h salah sahiji wangunan kuno titinggalan jaman kolonial Walanda di kota Bandung. Salah sahiji wangunan anu jadi kareueus, lain bae’ keur urang Bandung, tapi oge’ keur sakumna masarakat Jawa Barat. Buktina, Gedong sate’ mindeng dijadikeun pananda anu miboga ciri mandiiri pikeun kota Bandung jeung propinsi Jawa Barat. Ari sababna,


BahasaSunda.XII.IPA&IPS/PTS 1/2021-2022/Hal 2

. Pokona mah lamun dina hiji kagiatan atawa acara aya gambar Gedong Sate’, geus moal salah deui, e’ta kagiatan atawa acara te’h aya patalina jeung Kota Bandung atawa Propinsi Jawa Barat.

2. Gedong Sate’ te’h salah sahiji wangunan kuno titinggalan ...

A. jaman Jepang

B. jaman kamerde’kaan C. jaman Walanda D. jaman Orde Baru E. jaman Orde Lama

3. Sababna disebut gedong sate’ teh nyae;ta , lantaran ...

A. loba tukang sate’

B. aya arde kawas tiiran sate’ dina munara puncakna C. aya tiiran sate’ dina pipireun taman

D. aya kawas tiiran sate’ di ruangan tengahna E. aya patung tukang sate’ dina munara puncakna

4. Gedong Sate kiwari dijadikkeun ...

A. kantor Pamare’ntah Propinsi Jawa Barat B. kantor Bank Negara Indone’sia (BNI) C. kantor kasenian Jawa Barat

D. ale’ rakyat kota Bandung E. pade’pokan seni

5. Gedong Sate’ te’h, salah sahiji wangunan kuno titinggalan jaman kolonial Walanda di kota Bandung . Mimiti diwangun gedong sate’ te’h taun …

A. 1969 B. 1967 C. 1979 D. 1920 E. 2017



Re’k nyobaan nabeuh angklung ? teu kudu mang-mang teu kudu salampang sanajan same’me’hna can mikawanoh kana angklung oge’. Datang bae’ ka saung angklung Mang Udjo.

Bari dituyun ku para seniman di dinya, harita ke’ne’h bisa ngamae’nkeun lagu “Bubuy Bulan”

nepi ka lagu “I Have a Dream” dina hiji konser.


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6. Re’k nyobaan nabeuh angklung?, teu kudu …. ,sanajan same’mehna can mikawanoh kana angklung.

A. mang-mang B. kenal C. mikawanoh D. wawuh E. hawatir Wacana

Saung Angklung Mang Udjo te’h samode’l imah atawa pade’pokan seni, anu perenahna di jalan Padasuka Bandung. Sanajan aya di sisi jalan, pade’pokan anu legana kurang leuwih dua he’ktar te’h, aya di tengah pilemburan anu gegek. Be’dana jeung imah anu se’je’n te’h, di wewengkon pade’pokan mah loba rungkun awi, tangkal kalapa, jeung tatangkalan lianna.

Hawana jadi leuwih seger.

7. Saung Angklung Mang Udjo te’h samode’l imah atawa ….

A. sanggar seni B. pade’pokan seni C. gedong seni D. tempat seniman E. rungkun seni


Saung Angklung Mang Udjo diadegkeun taun 1967, ku alpukahna seniman angklung Udjo Ngalagena Suwargi. Salasahiji udaganana nyae’ta ngamumule’ jeung ngamekarkeun waditra tina awi. Anu matak di dinya oge’ aya be’ngke’l tempat nyieun jeung neundeun angklung, anu re’k die’kspor ka Koreá , Jepang, Walanda, Prancis, jeung Ame’rika. Jadi salian ti lalajo pintonan jeung milu nabeuh angklung te’h, urang oge’ bisa nyaksian nu keur nyarieun angklung.

8. Salasahiji udaganana diadegkeun Saung Angklung Mang Ujo nyae’ta ngamumule’ jeung ngamekarkeun ….

A. angklung B. calung C. suling D. gambang E. waditra tina awi

9. Wangunan titinggalan sajarah anu raket patalina jeung kabudayaan, disebut … A. wewengkon

B. situs budaya C. cagar budaya D. struktur budaya


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E. barang budaya

10. Aturan pamare’ntah anu nangtayaungan cagar budaya , nyae’ta ….

A. U U R I No 11 tahun 2010 B. U U R I No I I tahun 2010 C. U U R I No 10 tahun 2010 D. U U R I No I I tahun 2020 E. U U R I No 14 tahun 2010

11. Ngaran waditra (alat musik) tina beusi (besi) nu cara nabeuhna di takol ….

A. gendang B. rebab C. suling D. angklung E. goong

12. Ngaran waditra (alat musik) tina kai (kayu) jeung kawat cara nabeuhna di petik ….

A. gendang B. kacapi C. suling D. angklung E. goong

13. Ngaran waditra (alat musik) tina kai (kayu) jeung kulit nu cara nabeuhna di tepak, … A. gendang

B. kacapi C. suling D. angklung E. goong

14. Ngaran waditra (alat musik) tina awi (bambu) nu cara nabeuhna di oyag-oyag, … A. gendang

B. kacapi C. suling D. angklung E. goong

15. Upama nilik ka carita wayang anu sok dilalakonkeun dina pagelaran, wayang gelung atawa wayang golek nyaritakeun lalakon ….


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A. ti nagari Cina

B. Umar Maya, Jaye’ngrana C. Prabu Damarwulan D. Me’nak jingga

E. Mahabharata jeung Ramayana

16. Carita wayang anu popule’r, mangrupa sempalan ( bageán ) tina carita Baratayuda, anu medar perang tutumpuran antara kurawa jeung pandawa, nyae’ta ….

A. Anoman Duta B. Si Cepot jadi Raja C. Pandawa Diperdaya D. Gatotkaca Perlaya E. Prabu Damarwulan

17. Panengah (yang ke tiga ) ti pandawa Lima nyae’ta ...

A. Bima B. Yudistira C. Nakula D. Sade’wa E. Arjuna

18. Gatotkaca nyae’ta putrana Dewi Arimbi jeung ….

A. Bima B. Yudistira C. Nakula D. Sade’wa E. Arjuna

19. Dina carita wayang lalakon Gatotkaca Perlaya, Gatotkaca tiwas ku Tumbak sakti Adipati Karna, ngaranna ….

A. gada B. konta C. bandring D. tamsir E. keris

20. Tokoh pawayangan re’kaan bangsa urang sorangan, anu maksudna pikeun ngawakilan rayat leutik, kayaning, Semar, Gare’ng , ce’pot, jeung de’wala. Sok disebut ….

A. panakawan B. dagelan


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C. bobodoran D. banyolan E. hiburan

21. Lagu dina basa kawih nu sok dihaleuangkeun ku dalang dina pagelaran wayang disebut ….

A. suluk B. nyandra C. kakawe’n D. gada E. jamparing

22. Carita babon dina wayang te’h aya dua nyae’ta Ramayana jeung Mahabarata. “Mahabarata”, pangarangna nyae’ta ….

A. Walmiki B. Wiyasa C. Putu Wijaya D. WS Rendra E. Abdul Muis

23. Ari “Ramayana”, pangarangna nyae’ta ….

A. Walmiki B. Wiyasa C. Putu Wijaya D. WS Rendra E. Abdul Muis

24. Siloka atawa ngagambarkeun hiji hal ku cara dihaleuangkeun ku dalang disebut ….

A. jamparing B. nyandra C. kakawe’n D. gada E. suluk

25. Paneunggeul tina beusi dina pagelaran wayang disebut ….

A. suluk B. nyandra C. kakawe’n D. gada E. jamparing


Gambar pertumbuhan akar. Keterangan Fungsinya.
Gambar diatas adalah fihak-fihak yang terlibat dalam RMS yang terjadi di Indonesia Timur


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