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Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Selanjutnya "


Teks penuh


Rome ,





1 bassado r,

I have the honour to make reference to the understanding

r eached by ,our t o Government s for th e sup J.y of ric ,e to th e

Re-public o do,nesia a s nationaJ. a.id ,. wit in t e frame ork of t 1e

C· nv1ention for ' imentar i1d adopted in ashington on t he 2 th

_a.re 197 1, in order to su· est. t a t t he shipments be ,carried out

under t 1e cond itions menti oned in enc - osure 1 and 2 of t hi s not e,

hie are an in.t egral 1J r t iOf t ,h 1e eement .

Sho ld t he Gove

ent of

t ' e pub1lic o:f Indones,ia ee

t o· ch


this, note and t a t of assent h i ch Your

lency wil l for vd shall c onstitut1e an

e el

eement bet een our t o

countries , Jhich shal l enter into for c e on the, date of Your c e!

1ency •s n ote .

Any probl ems hich s_ould a rise in t e a pplicat i on of t - e

-·e ent shall be t lie bj ect of consultations upon re1 ueat of

one o 1- t ,e t ,o Governments..


consi derat,ion .

Ambassador , the r1enewed a ssure.nee o:f my i ghe.s ,

His Exc.ellency

AS\VIS ... os:LI'..___._._.__

Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia

R 0 E

,-セᄋ@ I . I セ@ '

1 r 'signed,





1) - ithin t h e framework of its progra.m of alimentary aid

for the year


the Itali -! Government undert akes to deliver

to the Indonesian Government, as a gift, a supply of


tons of

long grained h ite rice minimum second grade milling (riso ·bi anco a

g r, ·, i l unghi di l avorazione non inferiore al secondo grado), corr


to 16.078

tons of cerea ls.

The rice supplied as food aid will h


the following spe-cifications: moisture


broken rice maximum U セ [@ chalky grains maximum


red furrowed grains mai:iDDlm


va ioloid grains _ximum

2" ;

spotted gr ins maxi · 1

% ;

yellow grains maximum PLPU セ [@ . _ber coloured grains

. ximum

0,125 •

The delivery of

t he bove

mentioned rice will be carried out in jute bags f.o.b. Italian ·ports within the 30th june


:The conditions of delivery will be a gre d, between A.I.M.A. and the r・ーイセ@

sentative of Indonesia.

2) - T e Indonesian Government undertakes to adopt all the

necessary provisions for transporting


rice from the ports of loading to t h e pl .ces of

destination .

It a lso commits itself to

take the gre _test care



t hat the a d judgem nt o:f t he tr sport by sea will not be prejudicial

to the fr e: pl .y of a fair competit,ion.

3) -

The Indonesian Gove rnment undert _kes to use for conaum

tion t he qu lity of rice suppli ed by t he It 1lian Gover nment d, i n

t he s l e of such produce on i ts o rkets , t o fix t he pri ces normal

ly set t h ere f or prod ce of similar quali .ty .

The pr oc eeds "'ro . such sale 1 ss -th e co

-. t

of t h e t s p ort by sea a nd t usual comme rcial cos , a- t I doneaian mar et , shal l be eposit d in · speci l ccount i nt end to cove. ·the expenses bo1rne

b'" t h I o es,i an Government i n financi

development .

plans for economic and social


2.-4) - Thie two Governments undertake to im !leme t t :-ese clauses in

order to a oid


prejudic e to t 1 normal course of production

and of international trade. To t is and , they shall take the·

ne-c essary measures , in order that t e supp1l ies furnis ed as a id ,

wil l be in additi on to and not in substitut ion of t 1e commercial

t ransac t ion which mig t rea·sona.bly be envisage in t he absen.ce

of such su .

plies .

5) - Th e I ndonesian Government . a _a 1 t ,ake all t he n ec ea.sar y

mea-sures to preve·nt t h e re- ex ort of t he rice r ·eceived as ai , and

of all the products. derived from said c ereal, a s -e 1l as the co;m

mere · al 1or n<m commercial export for a per'i od of 6 months a fter

t he l ast delivery of t e r ice produc.e1d i n the country , of ·the a

-me nature of the ric1e received as a i d, and of ithe produc·ts of ·t e

firs t t r sf ormation and


the by- prod

eta .

6 ) - The Indonesian


undertakes to sup ly t e

I talian

Government · th a l l the informa.t i o1n c oncerning the implementation

of these clauses .

To thi s end the Indonesian Government shal l c ommuni ca.t1e :

a) t he port and the dat e of a rr i val of each shi p1; t he natur e;

quant i ty and quali y of the unloaded .roduce ; t h e date _.e

unl o,admg has been c ompleted;

b) t he amount sold , the commer cial

yste adopted for th s ale and

the sell ing pric es charged ;

c) the si tuation of the: s pec i a l ac c ount , · t h t he net proc eieds o f

of t e sale in l oc al currency of t , ie produ,ct, sup lied, c

onsti-tued as a i d .


1d ) the pro ject's fina.nc.ed by .means O·f the funds i n the sp ec i a l

account, an セ@ the a mount of ·the f i nancial uon t r i bution of the

spec ial a c count as c ompar ,ed to the to t al financi of t he r o

j ec t its elf .

The in ormation referred to in para. a ) shal l be

fur-n is e - fur-n ot l ater t hafur-n 30 d a y,s a fter t· e date of unl oad ing of

ea ch cargo, whi le t hose r eferreed in para. b ), c), d ), shall

b e fu rnished wi.thin -31st March 1978.

7) - The re.epon sib i l it ies of the I talian and

idones ian Gover

-mnent s a s r egar d s ree.pec tivel.y th e del ivery and the t ak · g in

char g e, ar e specif i ed in enclosur e 2. Any controver sies t hat



1) - Del i very t ake s p,lace at the moment en the goods

have ac tua lly pas sed ov.ar the rail ing of the shi p in the p ort

of l oading : a l l t h e· cost s of bul kheads and s towage· are to be

charged to the I ndonesi an 1Gov1er nment .

The ex ens e s fol lo · _ del i .v ery of the g oods fr om the

moment when they hav e a c tually pas.sad over t he railing of the

ship shall be charge to the Indonesian Government.

2 ) - Th e risks are tranaferr'e · f rom -the I tal ian to the

Ind onesi an Government at the moment en the g oods hav·e actu ally

pas ed over t he rai ling of t he shi in the p ort of l oading .


The two Governments e .all designat e a mandat ary f or the i mplementat i on of thes c lauses .

For all eventualit i es セ セィ・@ Indonesian Gov er'llm!ent shall

de-s i gnate a repr1esenta tive in eac port o,f loa1ding .

4 ) - Th e Indonesian 1Go ernmen.t shall put at the dis osal

of, and shal l. notify in due t ime to the! I tal i an Government and ,

its stead , i ts mandatary , the ship i ch shal l take on board

the g oods, so that the loading 1date agreed wi th A. I. • • be

complied with .


The Indones.ian. Government . shall not i fy t e shipi t o t e

ma.ndatary of the It alian Government at least seven work " 1 days

before its pre.su.mad date of a rrival. i n the por of loa - · 1 • The·

Indonesian Government shal - be reaponsib1l 1e for the consequences

w. ich c ould derive from t. e delayed notifica ion or non.-not

fica-tion of t .e s i JJ .

The Indonesian Government shall include in the chart er

party the duty on the par · of t e cap ain to inf·orm t h e

manda-t ry o t e I alian Government , at least


hours in advance ,

of the: date of the ahip' a arrival in port .

The goods shal ' be kept at the diep·oeull o the

Indone-sian Government in the indi.ca ed port fro the date en the

ship is declared ready for - oading . In c.aae the Ital ian Government

oe.a not t tha goods a t the iapo1sa.l o t e s ip in ue t ime ,

all the ensuing consequences and, p tic larl y the demurrage

and/or th e indemnities f or t he non-charter , are to be c arged

t o the Italian Go ·ernme

t .

In case of d elay in tl e


of the ship put at the

1disposal by the Indones i an Government at the por t · of l oading ,

or in cas e of t e i m


sibility of l oading , delay which does

n ot all ow l oad i ng to be ca.1 r i ed


within the t erms agreed


.I • • • , the goods shall r . in at the ex ense , ri sk

and , nger of the Indonesian Government .

In case t e Indonesian Govern ent doe s not furnish a

ship of a. equate t ·onnage "t hin the terms agre ed wi t I

i t

will e c onsidered in default , unl es it do es in:f orm by

3.-t el egraph 3.-the manda3.-tary of 3.-the Italian Governm -nt, a t t he . atest,

on th e l ast day of the time fixed f or delivery , t hat it s es

an e.xtensi on of the a bove mention.e,d e1r iod . In cas of such a

r equest, the: I talian Government s all keep the g ood.a an be a lf of

the Indonesian Gove:r n ment and ·the xpenaes aris ing from such a

situation shall be charged to t ' e l atter.



oneeian Gove ent e,hall be respons i b le fo r h e

c ons.equences deriving fr om the fact of furn.ish i.ng a s h i.p ,

mansions do not meet the loadi ng capabiliti es of the port of load ·

5) - he toleranc e r ight as r egards l oading t h e amount s agr1eed

it · A. I. セ N@ _ • , is fi v e ,er c1ent, h o e er the total amount of 5.54 7

t ons cannot b e exceeded .

In case the amount placed at dis osal to be loaded on a

cer-tain ship cannot ent irely b,e put on boa.r,d becaus e of c ircumstanc ,es

beyond th e control of t h Italian Go er ,

.ent, (

1) t h e r i n ·

a mount , 1ich could no t be load ed i thin the esta · shed time ,

shall be stored a t the e n ses of the Indonesi an Government until

the lat ter n otif i1es its r ouncement


such amount.

In th i s c ase it ·11 be underst ood tha t h e I tal. i an

Governe-ment has fulfilled i t obl igati ·ona towaros the Indonesian Government .

6) - As soon

as t he goods ar on boar d the ma.ndatary of t he

Ital i an Government shall notify without 、・ャ。セケ@ to the Indoine , ·an

Govern ent t e load.· date , the quantity and quality o:f t h , loaded.

oods _s a sc ertained at the ュッュ・ョエ セ@ of load ing ,., id as indicated in

t he bill of loading of the ip.

(1) by circu stances beyond t he control oft e Italian Governme t

it is meant t he non arrival of t -e s i.p an other ゥ ュー・セ ⦅ ᄋ@ A ts


Mi', A:mba euanor,

I have i,he ho1un1.:r- ·i;o "('Hfe-r: irn セヲッオ イN ᄋ@ E:<e ellenc y ' s note



wb:l.ch r eu.<l.11 aa ヲッャ ャッ キ セ Z@

11I ィセNv\A@ ·i;he honour to make ('efA'('enn e to t h.c un1lc:1'i.:tar

d:i.ng :reacheo h.Y our i .. r.o Cfovernments fo(' the supp.Ly of X'ice to

t he Republ:i c of I ndoneA.i.a as nat:iona l. a.i d., w:ithin "i..he

f:rame-work of the Cnnvention for Alimenta1·.y A:i.cl tt<l o)l i,ncl. in lashington

on the ?.9th March Qセャャ QL@ in order to suggest ·i:ha·t the shi.pment11

be carric<l o\>:i; unde)· the condit i.ons ment:i.oned in enc.l.oAure 1

and I'. of ᄋセ「ゥNN」Z@ nvte , which a-r.e aJ1 .i.ritegral pax··t o f the A.greemen1: .

f>houl d i .. he (;ov ernmen·t of the 'Repub.1 :i.c of :rndonen.i.a agree

to s u ch e;ondi·ii:i.1.>r1:J , th:i.s note .and that of assent whi.c:h \:our

Exr.cJ: 1 nnr.y w:iJ. l ヲッ イ GッセィG | QN@ shA.11 」ッ Zイゥセエ ゥ@ tute an Agr.'o ement bFri;weAri.

our ·i;wo c:ouni,1·j es r wh i c:h shH.11 en·iicn: .i.nto forc e on the 1late of

Y ov.1: Exce:t I.ency ' 11 note .

Any p:cob:tP.mn wh:i.ch s houlil A.r.i.ne i.n the appJ :i.catj.on n ( the

a ァイ・・ュ・ョᄋセ@ :1hal l be the sub j ect o:r. 1:onsull.:i..tions u pon l'nqueut of

I he:vn ᄋセィN QQ@ honour t o i :nfor111 that the Goveroment of. ᄋセィ・@

Uepub:lic of I nnone11; v. ug1·eP.a on the cont1mts of tho ョ ッ ᄋセ」@ Jllld

·i,;he ti.'tt a chP.<1. cncl o:11u'en .

AcCA}»i.i , Lb· • .A1ohwmn<lo:i·, t he cAnnwec1. ZャN オ セウオ@ 't'anc:c of. my

h ; ghP.st 」 ッョウ セ N 、・ イM 、エ ゥ ッョ N@

Hi 11 Ex1:cl I Anoy Signed

MR.)' i <1 MONnRT,),0

cセ・ョcIGZQャ@ )) i :c·cc: iror of

E cone »1ti. c .A f.fa i rs

Ministry of fッイ・ セNァョ@ A ゥZBZヲセ ゥイウ@


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