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DISINI s3s1998


Academic year: 2017

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Solution 4 It should be noted that this problem was severly underestimated by the problems com-mittee, whose solutions all required tacit additional hypotheses and would not have scored more than 4 out of 10. In fact, the problem is harder than Problem 6.

Let A andB be any pair of friends. Together with their mutual friend they form a ‘friendship triangle’. None of these three friendships can occur in another triangle without violating uniqueness of mutual friendship. The total number of friendships equals 3t where the number of triangles ist

Each personX has two friends per triangle, and therefore an even number of friends.

Now take any triangleABC✁ The people other thanA BandC can be divided into four mutually

exclusive sets: other friends ofA BandC; and ‘strangers’. Let these sets contain respectivelya b c ands people. Now the mutual friend of any pair of other friends ofA andBmust be a stranger, otherwise uniqueness of mutual friendship is violated. (To see this, it is easiest to refer to a diagram.) On the other hand, every stranger can be identified in a unique way from the pair of his mutual friends withAandBrespectively. There areabsuch pairs. Therefore


where the last two equations follow from symmetry.

Ifs✂ 0 two ofa bandcmust also be zero. The person corresponding to the nonzero value is then

a friend of everyone else. This will turn out to be the only case possible. Ifs

The last and most difficult part of the proof is to show that ford ✡ 2 this count fornis incompatible

with the other conditions, which eliminates the cases

✂ 0 thereby proving the theorem. Remember

thatd must be even, and that the total number of friendships is 3t✁ Note that therefore 3t✂ 1 2nd✁ We

start with the cased ✂ 4✁ This givesn✂ 13 and 1

2nd ✂ 26 which is not a multiple of 3.

Fordnot of the form 6j✆ 2 the same argument gives no contradiction. We need to find a

general-ization of a triangle which can be counted in two ways, such that the two counts cannot possibly be equal. A suitable object to count is a ‘friendship circle’A1A2✁☛✁☛✁Ak in which each person is a friend

of the two people adjacent to him, withA1 adjacent toAk and where it is not required that allAi be distinct. A friendship circle reduces to a triangle whenk ✂ 3✁ Letmkbe the number of such circles.

NowA1can be any ofnpeople, and eachAifromA2toAk☞ 1any of thedfriends of his predecessor,

givingndk☞ 2

possibilities. At that point there are two cases:

1. IfAk☞ 1

A1, thenA1A2✁☛✁✌✁Ak

☞ 2is a friendship circle, which can happen inmk☞ 2ways.Akcan

be any of thedfriends ofA1 which gives usdmk☞ 2possibilities.

2. IfAk☞ 1

☞ 1 are all different. (To see this, imagine people moving up a fixed number of places

around a circular table.) Therefore friendship circles come in mutually exclusive classes of k items each, which impliesmk✎ 0 modk



To complete the proof, note thatd✆ 1 is odd and must therefore have a prime factork✡ 2 whenever

d ✏ 4✁ This leads tomk

✎ 1 modk which gives the required contradiction.

Solution 6The required result is a special case of the following:

n squares of total areaQcan be packed into a rectangle of area 2Qprovided that the largest of the squares can fit into the rectangle.

We prove this result by induction. The casen✂ 1 is trivial.

In the proof, we shall repeatedly use the easily proved fact that if two squares have total areas2

their sides cannot sum to more than✑ 2s which is attained when the squares are equal.

In the general case, denote the sides of the rectangle byaandbwitha✒ ✑ 2Q

b thek-th largest

square bySkand its side bysk

Ifs1✡ a✓ 2 we can cut the rectangle into two pieces: one of dimensions1

acontainingS1 and

the other of dimension ☎bs1✝

ainto which the othern

✆ 1 squares of total areaQs 2

1 are to be

packed. Sinceabs1✝✖✕ ab✆ 2s 2

1✂ 2☎Qs 2

1✝ this is possible by the induction hypothesis provided

thats1✞ s2 ✒ b✁ This is always the case becauses 2 1✞ s


2 ✒ Qwhereasb ✏ ✑ 2Q

We are left with the cases1 ✒ a✓ 2✁ It is then possible to packS1 S2 S3 S4into the rectangle, one

into each corner, so thatS1andS2adjoin one of the shorter sides of the rectangle, andS1andS3adjoin

one of the longer sides. We now argue that it is possible to fitS5along that side between them, i.e. that

s1✞ s3✞ s5 ✒ b

Clearly the hardest case occurs whens2✂ s3ands4✂ s5✁ Thens3✞ s5✒✘✗ 2☎s 2 3✞ s


5✝✙✒✚✗ Qs 2 1

since the five squares have total area not exceedingQ✁ But the largest possible value ofs1✞ ✗ Qs 2 1

is✑ 2Qb

We now choose a set of squares, starting withS1andS2and continuing withS5and smaller squares,

so that their total areaQ1is at leastas1✓ 2 but removing any square from the set reduces the total area

to less than as1✓ 2✁ The idea is that c ✂ 2Q1✓ a should exceed s1 by as little as possible. In fact,

cs1 ✒ s


5✓✛☎a✓ 2✝✜✒ s 2

5✓ s1 ✒ s5✁

Cut the rectangle into two pieces, one of dimensionacwherec

✂ 2Q1✓ a into which this set of

squares can be packed by the induction hypothesis since by constructions1✒ 2Q1✓ a; and the other of

dimension 2☎QQ1✝☛✓ a into which the remaining squares can be packed by the induction hypothesis,

provided thats3✒ bc


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