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Academic year: 2017



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Rani Suryani N. Damanik Reg.Number: 409322024

Study Program: Physics Bilingual Education


Submitted to Acquire Eligible Sarjana Pendidikan






I would like to say the praise and gratitude to God Almighty, for all the

graces and blessings that provide health and wisdom to me so that this study can

be completed properly in accordance with the planned time.

This thesis with title “The Effect of Children Learning in Science (CLIS)

Model on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Thermal Expansion Topic at VII

Grade in SMP N 1 Tebing Tinggi” is arranged to acquire the degree of “Sarjana

Pendidikan”, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences State University of


I would like to thank Mr Dr. Ridwan Abdul Sani, M.Si as Thesis Advisor

who has provided guidance and suggestions to me since the beginning of the

research until the completion of this thesis writing. Thank you very much also to

Mr. Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc., Ph.D, Mrs. Dr. Derlina, M.Si, Mr. Alkhafi M.

Siregar M.Si who have provided input and suggestions from the research proposal

to complete the preparation of this thesis make this thesis better. Thanks also

presented to Mr. Drs. J.H. Panggabean, M.Si, as the Academic Supervisor and the

Examiner lecturer and also the entire Lecturer and Staff in Physics Department

FMIPA UNIMED who have helped me.

Appreciation were also presented to Headmaster and all teacher in SMP N

1 Tebing Tinggi especially for my guided Teacher, Mrs. Rosmiati, S.pd, my

dearest students in class VII-8 and VII-9 SMP N 1 Tebing Tinggi who have

helped during this research.

I would like to thank especially to my dear father J. Damanik and my dear

mother R. Siagian and also my sisters Febrina M Damanik, Agustina S Damanik,

my brothers Surya D.P Damanik, Jarrenson P Damanik and all family who have

always prayed and gave me encouragement and funding keep me struggle to


Especially thanks to all my friend in Bilingual Physics Class 2009,

Agnesia Damanik, Astrid P. Hrp, Avolen B.I. Siahaan, Carolina Nainggolan,

Debora B Sitanggang, Dewi S Situmorang, Evi V. Silalahi, Fetriana Simanihuruk,

Gita R Anugrah, Hanna M. Hutabarat, Henriko Hutabarat, Janiar S Gultom, Jefri

S. Waruwu, Lucius Marbun, Mas Andri Marbun, Pretti T. M Ambarita, Ribka M.

Tambunan, Rika Y. Fitri, Riris M. Rumahorbo, Rita Situmorang, Tionar M.

Malau who have helped, prayed and gave supported to me, nice to know all of

you and our memories will always remain in my mind. Appreciation were also

presented to UKMKP UP-MIPA as a place for me to grow up spiritually. I also

would like to thank my Brother Leybert Purba who have pray and support me

makes me grow up spiritually in “Metanoia” together with Agnesia M.D, Janiar

S.G, Rita S.S. Thanks also to my friends in Library Team UP-MIPA, Novalia

Manihuruk, Hertiana Manurung, Rani Banjarnahor, Mei Marpaung. Thanks to

Jasmen E. Sihotang, Asri B Saragih for their support and for trust me to guide

them. Last but not least, I would like to thank to my best friends, Reni Sirait, Desi

M Sijabat, Yeni Malau, Marlina Tambunan, Keasy Manurung, Bernard R

Nainggolan and Pratiwi D Sirait who have helped and gave suppported during my


Last word, the author have do as much as possible in completing this

thesis, but the author aware and recognize that there are many drawbacks in terms

of both content and grammar, then the authors welcome any suggestions and

constructive criticism from readers for this thesis perfectly. The author hope the

contents of this thesis would be useful in enriching the knowledge and be useful

for all of us.

Medan, May 2013






Validation Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Preface iv

Contents List vi

Figure List viii

Table List ix

Appendix List x


1.1 Background of Study 1

1.2 Problem Identification 3

1.3 Problem Limitation 3

1.4 Problem Formulation 4

1.5 Research Objective 4

1.6 Benefits of study 4


2.1 Definition of Learning 5

2.2 Definition of Teaching and Learning 6

2.3 Definition of Science 7

2.4 Learning Outcomes 8

2.4.1 Cognitive Domain 9

2.5 Direct Instruction Model 10

2.5.1 Syntax of Direct Instruction Model 11

2.6 Children Learning in Science (CLIS) Model 13

2.6.1 The Understanding of CLIS Model 13

2.6.2 Aims of CLIS Model 14

2.6.3 Syntax of CLIS Model 14

2.6.4 The Advantages and Disadvantages of CLIS Learning Model 20

2.7 Thermal Expansion 20

2.7.1 Definition of Thermal Expansion 20

2.7.2 Thermal Expansion of Solid 21

2.7.3 Thermal Expansion of Liquids 26 Water Anomaly 27

2.7.4 Thermal Expansion of Gasses 27 Boyle’s Law 28 Gay Lussac’s Law 29

2.7.5 The Principles of Thermal Expansions in Daily Life 29

2.8 Conceptual Framework 31



3.1 Location and Time of Reseach 33

3.2 Population and Sample 33

3.2.1 Research Population 33

3.2.2 Research Sample 33

3.3 Variable of Research 33

3.3.1 Independent Variable 33

3.3.2 Dependent Variable 33

3.4 Type and Design of Research 33

3.5 Research Procedure 34

3.6 Research Instrument 35

3.6.1 Test of Learning Outcomes 35

3.6.2 Validity Test 37

3.7 Data Processing Technique 37

3.8 Data Analysis Technique 37


4.1 Result of Research 41

4.1.1 Pre test of Experiment and Control Class 41 4.1.2 Post test of Experiment and Control Class 42

4.2 Data Analysis 43

4.2.1 Normality of Data 43

4.2.2 Data Homogeneity 43

4.2.3 Hypothesis Testing 44

4.3 Discussion 45


5.1 Conclusion 47

5.2 Suggestion 47




Page Table 2.1 Stages, Purpose and Methods that can used in

Learning activities using CLIS Learning Model 18 Table 2.2 Coefficient of Linear Expansion of Selected

Materials 23

Table 2.3 Coefficient of Volumetric Expansion of Selected

Liquids 26

Table 3.1 Design of Research 34

Table 3.2 Specification of learning outcomes test in

Thermal Expansion Topic 36

Table 4.1 Pre test Data Normality Test of




Figure 2.1 Stages of CLIS Learning Model 17

Figure 2.2 Thermal Expansions in Rail Way 21

Figure 2.3 Thermal Expansions of Water 26

Figure 2.4 Water Anomaly 27

Figure 2.5 Thermal expansions in Bimetal 30

Figure 2.6 Thermal Expansions on a Bridge 31

Figure 4.1 Bar Chart of Pre test Data in

Experimental and Control Class 42

Figure 4.2 Bar Chart of Post test Data in





Appendix 1. Specification of Learning Outcomes

Test on Thermal Expansion Topic 50

Appendix 2. Instrument of Learning Outcomes 59

Appendix 3. Lesson Plan 1 65

Appendix 4. Students Worksheet 1 75

Appendix 5. Lesson Plan 2 76 Appendix 6. Students Worksheet 2 82

Appendix 7. Lesson Plan 3 84 Appendix 8. Student Worksheet 3 92

Appendix 9 Tabulation of Pre-test Answer in Experiment Class 94

Appendix 10 Tabulation of Pre-test Answer in Control Class 96

Appendix 11 Tabulation of Post test Answer in Experiment Class 98

Appendix 12 Tabulation of Post test Answer in Control Class 100

Appendix 13 Students’ Learning Outcomes Data 102

Appendix 14 Calculation of Mean Value and Standard Deviation in experiment class 104

Appendix 15 Calculation of Mean Value and Standard Deviation in control class 105

Appendix 16 Normality Test Calculation of Data 107

Appendix 17 Homogenity Test Calculation of Data 111

Appendix 18 Calculation of Hypothesis Test 113

Appendix 19 List of critical value for Liliefors 115

Appendix 20 List percentile value for distribution t 116

Appendix 21 List of area under normal curve o to z 117

Appendix 22 List of F Distribution 118 Appendix 23 Research Documentation 120




1.1 Background of Study

Gagne in Sridevi (2008) state that science is what the scientist does. It is a

process by which we increase and refine our understanding and of the universe

through continuous observation, experiment, application and verification.

Sciences is related, how to find about natural phenomenon systematically, so that

science is not just mastery knowledge in the form of collection of facts, concepts

or principle but also a process of discovery (Depdiknas in Yuyun,2010:1). Just

like the branches of a tree, a branch of science is made up of many smaller

branches. Physics is smaller branches of science.

In curriculum of SMP/MTs (Depdiknas in Asshagab,2012:3) the aim of

physics education is to make students able to use scientific methode based on

scientific attitude to solve problems faced so that they will more aware of the

Majesty of God Almighty. All those skills can be acquired through a process of

inquiry learning (discovery), lab activities or experiments so that students get

hands-on experience and discover the process themselves.

Based on a preliminary study in one junior high school in the Tebing

Tinggi city on January 15, 2013 found the fact that the process of learning that

takes place in class in general, is still centered on the teacher as an information

center. The teacher still uses conventional learning in teaching the students. The

teacher usually uses direct instruction model to teach the students. Even in the

process of learning physics, teachers usually try to transfer its knowledge to the

students, so it tends to make passive students, because students just do activities

sitting, silent, listen, noted in accepting the knowledge that is transferred through

the processing of teachers without prior knowledge already possessed by students.

Also from preliminary studies by the author, it was found that in one class in one

of the junior high school at Tebing Tinggi, only 50% who liked physics, because

physics is an interesting and challenging lesson. And the rest of students don’t like



daily life. So they still confused about their aim to learn about physics, they just

know how to solve problems without application in their daily life.

One indicator of the quality and success of the learning process is the

learning outcomes achieved by the students. This is in accordance with that

expressed by Sudjana (2001:45) states that "every process of learning success is

measured by how big the learning outcomes achieved by students, as well as

measured in terms of the process." But in a preliminary study by the authors also

found that, students also less involved in the learning process, so it's easy to forget

the concepts that have been given, and make the lack of understanding of concepts

and skills of students in solving problems. It can be seen from the average value

of learning achievement in physics last semester of school year 2012/2013 was

only 64.4. This value is below the minimum completeness criteria (MCC)

established by the curriculum that is 75.0. Just 39% of students who get value

above the minimum value of mastery criteria, the rest 61% get value below the

minimum value of mastery criteria. In addition, the physics teacher is also not

usual in using visual aids and demonstrations in physics, causing students are not

usual to doing practical activities. This is one of the causes of low student learning


To improve student learning outcomes, teachers can perform a variety of

ways, for example by using a model of effective teaching and learning in

accordance with the objectives set in the curriculum. Suparno (in Asshagab,

2012:5) state that in the last decade constructivist philosophy has influenced and

improved learning physics in particular and science in general. Constructivism is

not a new concept. It is learning or meaning making theory. It suggests that

individuals create their own understanding, based upon the interaction of what

they already know and believe and the phenomena or ideas which they come into

contact (Sridevi, 2008:9). A model of teaching is a plan or pattern that can be used

to shape curriculums (long term courses of studies), to design instructional

materials and to guide instruction in the classroom and other settings (Joyce,


Children's Learning in Science (CLIS) developed by the CLIS in the UK, led by

Driver (Tytler, 2002:2).

The aim of the Children’s Learning in Science was to discover how to use

a constructivist approach to teach the selected topics, and translate this into

materials which could be used by other teachers. Based on the findings Driver in

Adey (Matitamole, 2012:3), that if the activity increases, student learning

outcomes will also increase. Therefore, one way to improve student learning

outcomes is to increase activities in learning. In relation to this, the application of

CLIS learning model developed by Driver is expected to be an alternative to

classroom teaching and improve student learning outcomes.

Based on the background as it has been presented, the author is interested

in doing research entitled“The Effect of Children Learning in Science (CLIS)

Model on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Thermal Expansion Topic at VII

Grade in SMP N 1 Tebing Tinggi.”

1.2 Problem Identification

Based on the background above, problems that can be identified are as

follows :

1) Student’s physics learning outcomes are still relatively low

2) Students are less actively in the physics learning activities

3) Lack of interaction among students in physics learning activities.

4) Lack of media learning utilization.

5) Learning model still not variety in physics learning activities.

1.3 Problem Limitation

Many problems that have to be resolved as described in the problem

identification above. But given the limitations by the author, to provide a clear

scope of the discussion, the study is limited to:

1) Student’s physics learning outcomes are still relatively low



1.4 Problem Formulation

By considering the background and limitation of problems in the study

then the formulation of the problem is:

is there any effect of using CLIS learning model in learning outcomes of student

grade VII SMP N 1 Tebing Tinggi in Physics lesson of Thermal Expansion topic?

1.5 Research Objective

Based on the research question above, the research objective is:

To know the effect of using CLIS learning model in learning outcomes of student

grade VII SMP N 1 Tebing Tinggi in Physics lesson of Thermal Expansion topic.

1.6 Benefits of Study

The significances of study that expexted are:

 For School : Can give a good contribution in order to improve the learning process and improve the quality of schools by increasing student

achievement and teacher professionalism.

 For teacher : As a consideration in selecting learning model in learning physics.




5.1 Conclusion

Based on the research result, data analysis, and discussion so can

be concluded that:

There is significant effect of using CLIS learning model in learning outcomes

of student grade VII SMP N 1 Tebing Tinggi in Physics lesson of Thermal

Expansion topic, where is average of learning outcomes while using CLIS

learning model is higher than students who learn with direct instructional

model. This result can happened because in CLIS learning model, students

learn the topic with experiment based worksheet and based application in

daily life. Then students are easier to understanding about the topic.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on research result and discussion before, researcher give

suggestions as follows:

1) Experiences of researcher, the experiment in CLIS learning model not

occurs well. Because the instrument for experiment not complete enough.

When teacher use CLIS learning model, teacher should choose the

experiment that have simple instrument so the experiment can occurs


2) Experiences of researcher, the time when learning activities occur not

manage well. When teacher use CLIS learning model, teacher should use

the time as efficient as possible, so that the stages in CLIS learning model




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Table 2.1 Stages, Purpose and Methods that can used in
Figure 2.1 Stages of CLIS Learning Model


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