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English Reading plus Active Passive Participle


Academic year: 2017

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Latihan Soal


Lat ihan Soal

M at a Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Oleh Team Unsm a.com


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Choose the correct answ er

The follow ing text is for questions 1 to 5

Young people and older people do not alw ays agree. They som et im es have different ideas about living, w orking and playing. But in one special program in New York St at e, adult s and t eenagers live t oget her in peace.

Each sum m er 200 t eenagers and 50 adult s live t oget her for eight w eeks as m em bers of a special w ork group. Everyone w orks several hours each day. The aim is not just t o keep busy. It is t o find m eanings and enjoym ent in w ork. Som e t eenagers w ork in t he w oods or t he farm s near t he village. Som e learn t o m ake furnit ure and t o build houses. The adult s t each t hem t hese skills.

There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, t oo. During t he free hours som e of t he t eenagers learn phot ography or paint ing. Ot hers sit around and t alk or sing. Each t eenager chooses his ow n w ant t o spend his free t im e.

When people live t oget her, rules are alw ays necessary. In t his program t he t eenagers and adult s m ake t he rules t oget her. If someone breaks a rule, t he problem goes before t he w hole group. The group discusses t he problem . They ask, “ Why did it happen? What should w e do about it ?”

One of t he t eenagers has t his t o say about t he experience “ You st op t hinking only about yourself. You learn how t o t hink about t he group.”

1. Which of t he follow ing t ells us t hat t he pr ogram is successful? (A) Everyone w orks several hours each day

(B) Rules are alw ays necessary (C) Weekends are free

(D) You st op t hinking about yourself

(E) The adult s t each t he t eenagers new skills

2. In t he group discussions t he t eenagers…… (A) decide w ho has t o do w hat job

(B) w ant t o know how t hings should be done

(C) have no chance t o explain w hy t hey act different ly (D) discuss how t hey w ill spend t heir free t im e

(E) discuss how rules are m ade

3. Which of t he follow ing st at em ent s is NOT TRUE according t o t he passage? (A) Each sum m er young people and older people live t oget her

(B) Each t eenager decides how he w ill spend his free t im e (C) The t eenagers learn skills from t he adult s

(D) Keeping busy is t he aim of t he program

(E) Young people and older people alw ays disagree


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(E) young people and older people living t oget her in peace

The questions 6 to 10 are not based on the text

6. He needs m y help because he is ill. We can also say: ………, he needs m y help.

10. Which of t he follow ing sent ences is correct ? (A) We saw flying in t he sky bird


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Choose the correct answ er

The follow ing text is for questions 11 to 13

Tim ot hy w as t en years old. He w as not a very good pupil, and he did not like having t o do his hom ew ork, because he preferred t o do ot her t hings in his free t im e. Frequent ly he did not his homew ork, and w hen he did do it , he alw ays m ade a lot of m ist akes.

Then one day, his m at hem at ics t eacher looked at Tim ot hy’s hom ew ork and saw t hat he got all his sum s right . He w as very pleased and rat her surprised he called Tim ot hy t o his desk and said t o him , ” You got all your hom ew ork right t his t im e, Tim ot hy, What happened? Did you fat her help you?”

Usually Tim ot hy’s fat her did help him wit h his homework, but t he evening before t his, he had not been able t o, he had not been at hom e, so Tim ot hy answ ered, “ No, sir. He w as busy last night , so I had t o do it all m yself.”

11. Tim ot hy didn’t like doing his hom ew ork because……… (A) he alw ays needed t he help of ot hers

(B) he didn’t like going t o school (C) he alw ays m ade m any mist akes (D) he’ rat her enjoy his free t im e (E) he preferred w orking w it h his fat her

12. Why did t he t eacher call Tim ot hy one day?

(A) His fat her couldn’t help him w it h his hom ew ork

(B) The t eacher w as disappoint ed w it h Tim ot hy hom ew ork (C) There w as no m ist ake in Tim ot hy’ hom ew ork

(D) Tim ot hy did not do his hom ew ork at all (E) Tim ot hy had left his hom ew ork at hom e

13. Which of t he follow ing st at em ent s is TRUE according t o t he t ext ? (A) Tim ot hy used t o do his hom ew ork by him self

(B) Tim ot hy didn’t like m at hem at ics at all (C) The t eacher w as very angry w it h Tim ot hy (D) Tim ot hy’s fat her w as called by t he t eacher (E) Wit hout any help Tim ot hy’s w ork w as good

The questions 14 to 20 are not based on the text

14. The robbers………t o escape aft er t hey had successfully avoided an angry m ob w ere finally………t o deat h by a policem an.


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15. Running around t he park, Kevin m et M erry. It m eans…….. (A) Kevin w as running around t he park w hen he m et M err y (B) Kevin m et M erry w hile M erry w as running around t he park (C) M erry m et Kevin as M erry w as running around t he par k (D) While Kevin w as running around t he park, he m et M er ry (E) While M erry ran around t he park, Kevin m et her

16. The…………people read and w rit e scient ific art icles m uch. (A) educat e

(B) educat ed (C) educat ing (D) being educat ed (E) t o be educat ed

17. The announcem ent of t he fall in profit s has sent t he com pany’s share price………….. (A) plum m et ed

(B) t o be plum m et ing (C) t o be plum m et ed (D) t o plum m et (E) plum m et ing

18. I found m y son………..soundly in his room t his m orning. (A) slept

(B) sleeping (C) t o sleep (D) sleep (E) being slept

19. I have read an art icle ………about ‘sw ain flu’ recent ly. (A) explaining

(B) explains (C) explained (D) t o explain (E) explain

20. Having received t he invit at ion of her friend’s part y, she……… t o Jakart a alone. (A) had gone


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