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Academic year: 2019



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4.1 Analysis

4.1.1 Collecting Data

1. Data Test

Test data obtained from web questionnaires that have been made

before by the author. The questionnaire data from the web is stored

as a txt file.

Example :

Table 4.1: Table Test Data

Data Angket Status

@dosen sering hadir tidak tepat waktu sehingga mahasiswa sering untuk menunngu dahulu...


2. Data Training

Training data was taken from randomly collecting data from

BMSI server Unika Soegijapranata. The data collected is 1092 data

(questionnaire). Then the data will be selected again by the author.

200 data were taken for training data, with details of 100 data with

negative opinion and 100 data with positive opinion. The selected

data is only data that has a number of letters above 50 and the

determination of negative and positive opinions is determined

manually by the author. Then the questionnaire data is stored in the

txt file.


Example :

Table 4.2: Table Data Training

Data Angket Status

Jangan telat terus Pak kalau kuliah pagi! dan mohon konfirmasi ketidakhadiran sebelum hari perkuliahan...


@Dosen memulai perkuliahan tidak tepat waktu. Negative

cara pengajaran yang santai, tidak terburu buru, sehingga mudah di ikuti dan di pelajari oleh siswa siswa nya.


Tidak ada karena semuanya sudah berjalan dengan baik. Sehingga mahasiswa dapat menerima mata kuliah tersebut dengan puas.


4.1.2 Prepare Data

In the next process, training data and test data will be processed by Text

Preprocessing method. Preprocessing stage prepares data in the form of

unstructured text into structured data which is ready to be used for the next

process. Preprocessing stages used in this study include :

1. Tokenizing

Tokenizing stage is the stage to cut text questionnaire into each word

contained. This word piece is called a token or term.

Example :

”Jangan telat terus Pak kalau kuliah pagi! dan mohon konfirmasi


Table 4.3: Table Tokenization

jangan telat terus Pak kalau

kuliah pagi! dan mohon konfirmasi

ketidakhadiran sebelum hari Perkuliahan...

2. Cleansing

The cleansing stage is the stage to remove all characters other than

alphabetical characters (a-z and A-Z). Characters such as emoticons or

numbers will be removed.

Example :

”Jangan telat terus Pak kalau kuliah pagi! dan mohon konfirmasi

ketidakhadiran sebelum hari perkuliahan...”

Table 4.4: Table Cleansing

jangan telat terus Pak kalau

kuliah pagi dan mohon konfirmasi

ketidakhadiran sebelum hari Perkuliahan

3. Case Folding

Case folding is the stage to change all the letters or characters in the

word into lowercase. Letters are made into lowercase letters in order to

be in the same form while in the process stage.

Example :

”Jangan telat terus Pak kalau kuliah pagi! dan mohon konfirmasi


Table 4.5: Table Case Folding

jangan telat terus pak kalau

kuliah pagi dan mohon konfirmasi

ketidakhadiran sebelum hari perkuliahan

4. Stopword Removal / Stoplist

Stopword removal is the stage to eliminate words that usually appear

in large numbers and are considered to have no meaning. Usually

omitted words are people's pronouns or connecting words. Stopword

data used in this research is stopword by Tala, F. Z. which amounts to

759 words.

Table 4.6: Table Stopword

dan, atau, tetapi, tapi, akan tetapi, jika, kalau, karena, walau, walaupun, juga, jadi, maka, sehingga, supaya, agar, hanya, lagi, lagipula, lalu, sambil, melainkan, namun, padahal, sedangkan, demi, untuk, apabila, bilamana, sebab, sebab itu, karena itu, bilamana, asalkan, meskipun, biarpun, biar, seperti, daripada, bahkan, apalagi, yakni, adalah, yaitu, ialah, bahwa, bahwasannya, kecuali, selain, misalnya, untuk itu

Example :

”Jangan telat terus Pak kalau kuliah pagi! dan mohon konfirmasi

ketidakhadiran sebelum hari perkuliahan...”

Table 4.7: Table Stopword Removal

telat kuliah pagi mohon konfirmasi


5. Stemming

Stemming is a stage for finding a root word or process to change a

word that has a suffix, prefix and / or a confix to a basic word. The

basic word used in this study is the basic word from Bahtera

(https://bahtera.org/). Bahtera is the Indonesian dictionary that became

the reference according to the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI).

The basic word in Bahtera is 28,526 words.

The algorithm used for stemming in the research is the algorithm

Nazief & Adriani. The steps of Nazief & Adriani algorithm are as


A) Search for words that will be compared with basic word

dictionaries. If found then it is assumed that word is root word. So

the algorithm stops.

B) Inflection suffix.

- remove Particle (P), which includes: "-lah", "kah", "tah" and


- remove Possessive pronoun (PP), which includes: "me", "- you"

and "it".

C) Derivation suffix.

Eliminate the word with the suffix "-i", "-kan", and "-an".

D) Derivation prefixes

- remove prefixes that can be morphological ("be", "be-", "pe-" and


- remove non-morphological prefix ("di-", "ke-" and "a").

E) If all the above processes fail, then the algorithm returns the


Example :

”Jangan telat terus Pak kalau kuliah pagi! dan mohon konfirmasi

ketidakhadiran sebelum hari perkuliahan...”

Table 4.8: Table Stemming

telat kuliah pagi mohon konfirmasi


4.1.3 Word / Term Weighting

Weighting of terms or words is the stage to give the weight (value) to

each word in the document. In text mining, a technique commonly used to

give weight to a word is TF-Idf.

Tf-Idf is a combination of Term Frequency and Inverse Document


1. Term Frequency (TF)

TF (Term Frequency) is the frequency of occurrence of a term / word

in the document concerned.

2. Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)

IDF (Inverse Document Frequency) is a calculation of many terms /

words that are widely distributed on each processed document.

IDF Formula :


Where :

N=amount of all data



TF-IDF Formula :

Wdt=tf dt×idfdt


Wdt=Weight term of document

tfdt=Frequency of term on document

idfdt=Inverse Document Frequency on document¿

Example TF-IDF :


4.1.4 Process Data

K Nearest Neighbor algorithm is an algorithm that calculates the

similarity or distance between two documents. Neighboring determination

in K-Nearest Neighbor is usually calculated based on Euclidean Distance.

For classifying text, Euclidean distance determination can use Cosine

Similarity. Cosine similarity can calculate the similarity between two

documents in text form.

The formula used to calculate cosine similarity is:


cos(∅QD)=Similarity between documents Q¿D


Table 4.10: Table Cosine Similarity

W Data Testing*Data Training Panjang Vector

U1*D1 U1*D2 U1*D3 U1*D4 U1 D1 D2 D3 D4

Total 0 0.158 0 0.158 0.805 1.994 0.167 3.369

Akar (Panjang Vector) 0.897 1.412 0.409 1.835 1.457

0 0.158 0 0.158

The Values of Cosine Similiarity :

Table 4.11: Table Value Cosine Similarity

D1 D2 D3 D4


The next step is to re sequencing the level of the resemblance of the data were


Table 4.12: Table Sequence Cosine Similarity

D2 D4 D1 D3

0.431 0.121 0 0

4.1.5 Classifying Data

After obtaining the value of similarity between test documents and

training documents. The next stage is to determine the value of parammeter

K in k nearest neighbor. The value of K is the number of nearest neighbors

or the number of how much data of similarity comparison between

documents is taken.

Then sort the object into the group that has the value of similarity

between the highest documents. By using the nearest neighbor category

with the highest level of similarity it can be predicted the final result or the

decision of the calculated data.

Example :

Value K = 3

Once the sequence is known from the level of similarity. Then take as

much as the value of K (n) tested. Training documents with the highest

level of similarity with the Test document will be selected. The result:

Table 4.13: Table KNN

D2 D4 D1

0.431 0.121 0


Data Test after Test with System :

Table 4.14: Table KNN Result

Data Angket Status

@dosen sering hadir tidak tepat waktu sehingga mahasiswa sering untuk menunngu dahulu...


The test document is categorized as a questionnaire with a negative

opinion. Because it has a high level of similarity with training documents

that have a negative opinion.Desain

4.2.1 Use Case Diagram

Based on the picture above, the program will get input from the

user (input file). After that, the data will go into the process of

pre-processing and tf-idf to get the weight or value contained therein.

After getting the value or weight, the data will be calculated the level


After obtaining the result of the similarity level between

documents, the data will be classified with K-Nearest Neighbor into

data with negative and positive opinion. This project is based on the

similarity level between test documents and training documents. The

high level of similarity between data, it will be selected. The result of

system process will be saved as history.

4.2.2 Flowchart System


In this system there are 5 processes that will be done. The first process, the

user inputs a questionnaire file to be tested. The second process is preprocessing

where the data will be processed so it is ready for use in the next process. In

addition to preprocessing test data, training data will also be processed

preprocessing. The next process is TF-IDF, where the data will be processed and

then given the weight value of the document. The fourth process is Cosine

Similarity, where data will be searched the level of similarity between data. The

final process of the system will classify the data with K Nearest Neighbors


Table 4.1: Table Test Data
Table 4.2: Table Data Training
Table 4.3: Table Tokenization
Table 4.5: Table Case Folding


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