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The correlation between the twelfth grade students` vocabulary mastery of academic words and the students` productive skills : a research conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Wonosari - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theSarjana PendidikanDegree

in English Language Education


Anastasia Ary Budiwahyuningsih

Student Number: 041214071









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theSarjana PendidikanDegree

in English Language Education


Anastasia Ary Budiwahyuningsih

Student Number: 041214071




ii A Thesis on





Anastasia Ary Budiwahyuningsih Student Number: 041214071

Approved by


Carla Sih Prabandari, S.Pd., M.Hum. 6 December 2008







Anastasia Ary Budiwahyuningsih Student Number: 041214071

Defended before the Board of Examiners on 19 December 2008

and Declared Acceptable

Board of Examiners


Chairperson : Agustinus Hardi Prasetya, S.Pd., M.A. …...………...

Secretary : Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd. …...………...

Member : Carla Sih Prabandari, S.Pd., M.Hum. …...………...

Member : Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd. …...………...

Member : F.X. Ouda Teda Ena, S.Pd., M.Pd. …...………...

Yogyakarta, 19 December 2008

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Sanata Dharma University




Nobody grows old merely

by giving a number of years

We grow old by deserting our ideals

Years may wrinkle the skin

but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul

Samuel Ullman




Firstly, I thank my Dear Lord, Jesus Christ, who has given His amazing

grace, love, and guidance so that I can finish this thesis well. He has given me

spirit in accomplishing this thesis.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Carla Sih Prabandari, S.Pd., M.Hum, my major sponsor, for her guidance, corrections, criticism, and great encouragement in accomplishing this thesis. I really would like to thank her

for spending her time to correct and give suggestions in order to achieve the best

result in this research. I would also like thank all of the lecturers in English

Education Study Program, especially toAgustinus Hardi Prasetya, S.Pd., M.A., who has given great encouragement to finish this thesis as soon as possible. My

gratitude also goes to all of the teachers and students inSMA Negeri 1 Wonosari,

especiallyMrs. Khusnulfor spending the time to help me accomplish this thesis. I would also like to express gratitude to my beloved family: my father,

Stephanus Sujianto, my mother, Theresia Supriyanti, and my sister, Ines, for the prayer, love, guidance, and encouragement in accomplishing my thesis and for

my beloved cousins Rini, Aris, and Lia. I would also like to thank all my best friends: Shinta, Wulan, Wida, Riri and Diaz for the beautiful friendship. My gratitude is also addressed to all my friends in Sanata Dharma University,

especially in the English Education Study Program.

My gratitude also goes to all the secretariat staff of the English Education



finishing my thesis. Last but not least, I would like to express my special gratitude

to Theodorus Damar Baskara for being my sunshine after the rain in my lifetime. May God always bless them all.





1.4 Objective of the research... 5

1.5 Benefits of thresearch... 5

1.6 Definition of Terms... 6

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Theoretical Description... 9

2.1.1 Definition of Vocabulary... 9 Vocabulary Knowledge...……….. 10 What is Vocabulary?... 11 Vocabulary is a Significant Element in Learning English as Foreign Language... 12



2.1.2 Understanding of Academic Words... 14

2.1.3 Vocabulary Teaching and Learning... 16

2.1.4 Principles for Teaching Vocabulary... 17

2.1.5 Assessing Vocabulary...…….…... 19

2.1.6 Understanding of Language Testing...…... 21 Types of Test in Terms of Test Method…... 22 Types of Test in Terms of Test Purpose... 22

2.1.7 Theory of Testing Vocbulary... 23

2.18 Vocabulry Mastery in a Language Teaching Learning.. 24

2.1.9 English Productive Skills: Speaking an Writing... 24

2.2 Theoretical Framework... 25

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Method... 29

3.2 Research Procedure ... 31

3.3 Subject of the Research... 31

3.4 Data Collection... 32

3.5 Instruments... 33

3.6 Data Analysis... 35

CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 The Twelfth Grade Students’ Mastery of Academic Words inSMA Negeri 1 Wonosari...... 37

4.1.1 Data Presentation... 38

4.1.2 Analysis Result...………...………. 45 Analysis Result of the Twelve Grade Students’ Mastery of Academic Words... 46


x Academic Words Mastered 100% by the Twelve

Grade Students inSMA Negeri 1 Wonosari... 49 Academic Words Mastered 95% by the Twelve Grade Students inSMA Negeri 1 Wonosari... 52 Academic Words Mastered 90% by the Twelve Grade Students inSMA Negeri 1 Wonosari... 53 Academic Words Mastered 85% by the Twelve Grade Students inSMA Negeri 1 Wonosari... 54 Academic Words Mastered 80% by the Twelve Grade Students inSMA Negeri 1 Wonosar... 55 Academic Words Mastered 75% by the Twelve Grade Students inSMA Negeri 1 Wonosari... 57 Academic Words Mastered 70% by the Twelve Grade Students inSMA Negeri 1 Wonosari... 58 Academic Words Mastered 65% by the Twelve Grade Students inSMA Negeri 1 Wonosari... 59 Academic Words Mastered 60% by the Twelve Grade Students inSMA Negeri 1 Wonosari... 60 Academic Words Mastered 55% by the Twelve Grade Students inSMA Negeri 1 Wonosari... 61

4.2 The Correlation between AcademicWords Mastery and the Students’ English Productive Skills... 63

4.2.1 Data Presentation... 63

4.2.2 Analysis Result... 64

4.2.3 Discussion... 66











Table 4.1: Raw score of the students in set 1………. 39

Table 4.2: Raw score of the students in set 2………. 40

Table 4.3: Raw score of the students in set 3………. 41

Table 4.4: Raw score of the students in set 4………. 42

Table 4.5: Raw score of the students in set 5………. 43

Table 4.6: Raw score of the students in set 6……….. 44

Table 4.7: The students’ mastery of academic words……….. 46

Table 4.8: Academic words mastered 100% based on lexical category…….. 49

Table 4.9: Academic words mastered 95% based on lexical category……… 52

Table 4.10: Academic words mastered 90% based on lexical category…….. 53

Table 4.11: Academic words mastered 85% based on lexical category…….. 54

Table 4.12: Academic words mastered 80% based on lexical category…... 55

Table 4.13: Academic words mastered 75% based on lexical category…….. 57

Table 4.14: Academic words mastered 70% based on lexical category…... 58

Table 4.15: Academic words mastered 65% based on lexical category……... 59

Table 4.16: Academic words mastered 60% based on lexical category……… 60

Table 4.17: Academic words mastered 55% based on lexical category……… 61




Appendix 1 : The Request Letter to Conduct the Research...76

Appendix 2 : Table of Frequency and Mean Scores of the Correct Answers in

Vocabulary Test...78

Appendix 3 : Table of the Students’ Mastery of Academic Words...118

Appendix 4 : List of Academic Word Test Scores and Productive Skill

Test Scores………...133



Wahyuningsih, Anastasia Ary Budi. (2008). The Correlation between the Twelfth Grade Students’ Vocabulary Mastery of Academic Words and the Students’ Productive Skills: A Research Conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Wonosari.Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Considering to the fact that vocabulary and the skills are important for the beginners who learn English as a foreign language, this research is aimed to know the twelfth grade students’ mastery of vocabulary, especially academic words in senior high school and its relation with the students’ productive skills. This research is conducted to answer two problems. The problems are: (1) To what extent do the twelfth grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Wonosari master academic words? (2) What is the correlation between academic words mastery and the students’ productive skills?

The researcher gathered many books that can support the process of problem solving in this research. The researcher looked for the supporting ideas from the books, such as the definition of vocabulary, academic words, productive skills, and the students’ mastery of vocabulary. The students’ mastery in this research means the mastery on understanding the word meanings, especially the Indonesian equivalences. Considering that vocabulary is a significant element in developing English skills, the correlation between academic word mastery and productive skills is discussed in this research.

The research subjects were the twelfth grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Wonosari. To gather data from the sample of the research, the writer used an instrument in the form of matching test to assess the students’ mastery of academic words so that they could match the English words with the correct Indonesian equivalences. The students’ productive skills were tested by using test materials from the teachers. Statistical data analysis and Spearman’s correlation were used to analyze the data. To have valid data, the vocabulary items were taken from their learning materials during the study in senior high school, i.e. from students’ books grade ten to twelve.



Wahyuningsih, Anastasia Ary Budi. (2008). The Correlation between the Twelfth Grade Students’ Vocabulary Mastery of Academic Words and the Students’ Productive Skills: A Research Conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Wonosari.Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Dengan adanya fakta bahwa kosakata dan ketrampilan dalam bernahasa itu penting untuk para pemula yang mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui penguasaan kosakata para siswa kelas dua belas di tingkat sekolah menengah atas dan hubungannya dengan ketrampilan produktif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk memecahkan dua masalah, yaitu: (1) Sejauh mana siswa kelas dua belas SMA Negeri 1 Wonosari menguasai kosakata akademis? (2) Apakah hubungan penguasaan kosakata akademis dan ketrampilan produktif?

Peneliti mengumpulkan banyak buku yang dapat mendukung proses pemecahan masalah dalam penelitian ini. Penelti mencari gagasan-gagasan yang mendukung dari buku- buku tersebut, misalnya: pengertian kosakata, kata akademis, ketrampilan produktif, dan penguasaan kosakata para siswa.Penguasaan dalam penelitian ini adalah penguasaan dalam mengetahui arti kata dalam bahasa Indonesia. Dengan mempertimbangkan fakta bahwa kosakata merupakan salah satu bagian penting dalam mengembangkan ketrampilan berbahasa Inggris, korelasi antara penguasaan kosakata akademis dan ketrampilan produktif dibahas dalam penelitian ini.

Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas dua belas SMA Negeri 1 Wonosari. Untuk mengumpulkan data dari sampel penelitian, peneliti menggunakan instrumen dalam bentuk test menjodohkan supaya mereka dapat menjodohkan kata dalam bahasa Inggris dengan arti yang benar dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan tujuan untuk menaksir penguasaan kosakata akademis siswa. Ketrampilan produktif para siswa diujikan dengan menggunakan materi ujian dari para guru. Analisis data statistik dan korelasi Spearman digunakan untuk menganalisa data. Untuk mendapatkan data yang valid, materi yang diujikan diambil dari buku-buku yang mereka gunakan selama proses belajar mengajar dari kelas sepuluh sampai dengan kelas dua belas.





This chapter discusses all about background of the research, problem

formulation, problem limitation, objectives of the research, benefits of the

research, and definition of terms that will be discussed in the next chapter.

1.1 Research Background

English is an international language and it is learned as a foreign language

in Indonesia since Indonesian people do not use English in their daily life

communication. English is one of compulsory subjects in educational field and it

is taught from elementary schools up to senior high schools. Learning English in

the kindergartens has been taught that is as a local content. Many education

institutions in Indonesia offer English lessons to the students because they realize

that the students will face global era in which English is important for

communication. Mastering international language will be a good provision for the

students in facing this global era.

Mastering English means the learners should master the language skills

and elements. There are four English skills and three English elements that should

be learned by the learners, they are: listening, speaking, reading, writing and for

the elements are grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Vocabulary is one of

supporting elements in communication and the development of vocabulary must


O’Rourke, 1971; 5). By understanding the vocabulary items, people will be able

to understand the conversation and read the texts well. They need to improve their

mastery of vocabulary so that they can comprehend listening and reading well

(Lehr, 2001). In summary, the learners are considered to be able to master English

well, if they can use English to communicate by using appropriate and accurate

ways such as in grammar, diction (vocabulary), and pronunciation.

The students develop their vocabulary items every day through speaking,

reading, listening, and writing and it is obvious that students need rich experiences

to develop their vocabulary (Dale and O’Rourke, 1971; 6). This study emphasizes

on the students’ mastery of vocabulary, especially academic words since the

students are dealing with academic study. Besides knowing the students’ mastery

of academic words, this research is emphasized on the correlation of academic

words mastery with the students’ productive skills, i.e. speaking and writing

skills. In summary, it can be said that vocabulary is the key to be able to master

the language. Therefore, this research is aimed to find the twelve grade students’

mastery of academic words and the correlation between the academic words

mastery and the students’ communication ability which is represented through the

students’ final practice marks achieved in their study.

There are four kinds of vocabulary in different learning fields, such as:

high-frequency vocabulary, academic vocabulary, technical vocabulary, and

low-frequency vocabulary (Nation, 1990). These kinds of vocabulary are taught in

different learning fields, for example: academic words can be found in a wide


technical words which have a narrow range are used in specialized field, such as

mathematics, law, philosophy, etc. In junior high school, senior high school, and

university, the EFL learners learn more about academic words because they intend

to do academic study. Here are some examples of academic words which can be

found in academic texts:abandon, alternative, denote, element, etc.

There are a number of academic words that always occur in academic

study in which the students should master. There are 570 up to 800 words of

academic vocabulary that often occur in academic study, for example: in authentic

reading materials, text books, etc (Nation, 2002). This is the number of academic

words that should be mastered by EFL learners, especially for beginners’ level

(senior high school). Considering to the fact that vocabulary is an important

element in English learning, this research is aimed to know the number of

academic words that have already been mastered by the senior high school

students and its correlation with the students’ productive skills using academic

words, especially in the twelfth grade (in the end of the study).

1.2 Problem Formulation

The research is aimed to assess the students’ mastery of academic words in

senior high school level and to know its correlation with the students’ productive

skills. The problems are formulated as follows:

1. To what extent do the twelfth grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Wonosari


2. What is the correlation between academic words mastery with the

students’ productive skills?

1.3 Problem Limitation

The problem of this research is limited on the number of academic words

that the students should master during their study in senior high school and its

correlation with the students’ productive skills, especially the twelfth grade

students. The problem is focused on the mastery of academic words since the

students are dealing with academic study. Mastery in this research only focused

on knowing the word meanings, especially the Indonesian equivalences. They

learn academic words through the learning materials from the teacher. The teacher

gives many reading or listening passages which is obtained from authentic

materials, text books, etc that contain many academic words. The students who

learn English will always develop their understanding of vocabulary when they

are learning through the skills (Dale and O’Rourke, 1971; 5).

In senior high school, the students learn many vocabulary items which are

included in high frequency words and academic words. However, this research is

focused on the academic words since the students in senior high school are

dealing with academic study. The students have already learned many academic

words from grade ten up to grade twelve in senior high school. Therefore, this

research is aimed to know how many academic words that the students master and

also the correlation between academic words mastery with the students’


In order to get the result of the measurement, this research takes students from

grade twelve as the subjects because they have already learned academic words

through the learning materials from grade ten up to grade twelve.

1.4 Objectives of the Research

The objective of this research is to know the number of academic

vocabulary items mastered by the twelfth grade students during their study in

senior high school by considering that mastery in this research means knowing the

word meanings, i.e. the Indonesian equivalence. This research is also aimed to

know the correlation between the students’ mastery of academic words with the

students’ productive skills.

1.5 Benefits of the Research

This research is expected to be able to give several benefits for the

students, teachers, and the future researchers. For the students, this research is

aimed to give new experience to the students about vocabulary test because they

have never had vocabulary test from the teachers. By doing the test, the students

will be able to know their ability in mastering academic words through the result

of the tests that they have done. Besides the students can get experiences of

vocabulary test, the students can also expand their understanding of academic

vocabulary, especially the word meanings.

For the English teachers, the result of this research is expected to give


correlation with the students’ productive skills. After knowing the result, the

English teachers are expected to provide better strategies in teaching vocabulary

in which vocabulary is an important element that can support the students’ quality

in mastering English (Dale and O’Rourke, 1971).

This research is also aimed to give understanding and knowledge to the

people in common, especially for the next researchers. After they know the

students’ mastery of academic words and its correlation with the students’

productive skills, it is expected to the future researchers that they can design good

materials and strategies for teaching and learning vocabulary items.

1.6 Definition of Terms

This section presents the definitions of terms or important constructs used

in this research. The terms defined here are the twelve grade students in SMA

Negeri 1 Wonosari, vocabulary mastery, academic words, and productive skills.

The definition will be explained below.

1.6.1 Twelfth Grade Students inSMA Negeri 1 Wonosari

SMA Negeri 1 Wonosari has high quality chosen students. The students

who study in this school are the students who have good mark from their junior

high schools. Commonly, the students have good ability in English subject, but

the English ability of the twelfth grade students in 2007/2008 has been decreased

from last year. Teaching vocabulary for the twelfth grade students is mostly


they can give the students more knowledge about new academic words through

the reading texts, especially by using authentic materials. According to the

understanding of the English teachers in SMA Negeri 1 Wonosari, the twelfth

grade students in science class have better mastery of vocabulary than the students

in social class. Vocabulary tests in the teaching learning processes are not done

specifically, they are integrated with the other skill tests, such as in reading,

writing, speaking, and listening test.

1.6.2 Vocabulary Mastery

According to Young (2007), vocabulary is a study of the word meanings,

how to use the words, and root words and the affixes. Based on Lehr’s opinion

(2001), the more the students read various texts or books, the more the students

obtain new vocabulary items and know or understand many new words from

academic text books and they will be able to comprehend the content of the

reading texts better. In this research, vocabulary means the words and word

meanings mastered by the EFL learners, especially the twelfth grade students in

senior high school. Mastery in this context means the ability to understand the

meaning of the vocabulary items that they have learned in academic study.

1.6.3 Academic Words

Academic words are in the second level of learning vocabulary after

high-frequency words (Nation, 1990). Academic words are only found in academic


Senior high school students are in the beginner level and they should be able to

master 570 up to 800 academic words that often occur in the learning materials for

the beginner (Nation, 2002). There are some examples of academic words that

often occur in reading texts:approach, brief, comply, disposal, evident, etc.

1.6.4 English Productive Skills

Nunan (2003) states that in language teaching, there are four skills

described in terms of their definition, i.e. productive and receptive skills.

Productive means language generated by the learners in speech or writing and

receptive means language directed at the learners in reading or listening.

According to Nunan (2003), speaking is productive oral skill and writing is the

physical act of committing words or ideas to some medium, such as handwritten




This chapter explains about theoretical description and theoretical

framework of the research. Definition of terms, which is discussed in the previous

chapter, will be discussed deeper in this chapter. Literature review that can

support this research is mentioned and explained in the theoretical description.

2.1 Theoretical Description

The mastery of vocabulary of the senior high school students is one of the

indicators in learning English as a foreign language since vocabulary is a key for

the learners to be able to communicate with the others well using the language

learned. There are theories that can support this study. The theories will be

explained below.

2.1.1 Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of important supporting elements in language learning.

It can be said as a significant part of communication and it is the key to be able to

master the language well (Dale and O’Rourke, 1971: 6). This section will discuss

the complete definition of vocabulary as follows.

(29) Vocabulary Knowledge

Vocabulary knowledge means the knowledge in which the learners learn

about the words, meaning of words, and how to use the words in the sentences

when somebody is learning English, especially English as a foreign language.

According to Young (2007), vocabulary is a study of the word meanings, how to

use the words, and root words and the affixes. In other words, vocabulary does not

only learn about the meaning of the words, but also the use of the words in

different context. The students need to realize that vocabulary is an index of the

nature and quality of their lives. Words can reflect what they have studied (Dale

and O’Rourke, 1971: 9).

The people who are learning vocabulary have strong relation with the

reading comprehension (Lehr, 2001). The learners get more knowledge of

vocabulary from many reading materials. The learners should read many kinds of

readings in different difficulty level. By reading a lot of different level in words’

difficulty, the learners will have more understanding of the meaning of words and

their function in different context. Reading is not only one of the English skills

that can help the learners in improving their knowledge of vocabulary. Through

listening to many passages, the learners can also learn many words and the

meanings. In learning vocabulary, there are words families and core meaning.

When the learners are learning a foreign language, such as English, they

will learn word families and core meaning. According to Nunan (2003) word

families are the basic words added by plural form, present tense, past tense, etc.


walking, walked”. Core meaning is also important for the learners in learning

English as a foreign language. It can reduce the number of items the learner has to

cope with, provide access to a wide range of uses, and often contrasts with the

first language of the learners. What Is Vocabulary?

According to Young (2007), vocabulary is the study of the meaning of

words; how words are used; root words, prefixes, and suffixes; and analogies. In

learning vocabulary, the learners study the several different meanings of words

and the part of speech. The learners also learn how to use the words. It means that

the learners study the words in the context and apply what they learn in the form

of writing. Words have their own roots and affixes. The learners will study root

words and affixes that can support their vocabulary learning. They get more

knowledge about original words and the other forms of the words. Analogy is

comparing two pair words and choosing the pairs that go together. There is an

example of learning vocabulary by analogy.

Book :Backpack

The answer is (C) documents : portfolio, because the type is object and logical

place. A book is carried in a backpack just as a document is carried in a


kept in a backpack, but they are not being toted around. Relics are kept in a

museum (usually) but the museum is not the means of transporting the relics like a

backpack transports the books. Some analogies will require the learners to decide

what part of speech the words are because many words have more than one

definition and will have more than one part of speech (Young, 2007). Vocabulary is a Significant Element in Learning English as a Foreign Language

There are three language elements that can support the learners’ skills in

learning English. Those elements are grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation

(Nunan, 2003). The language learners will need those elements in learning the

language skills. Most of text books for senior high school focus on the structure of

sentences in the language learned. Vocabulary is not taught sufficiently in the

teaching learning process, but actually the case is vocabulary really support the

language learners to learn skills of the target language (Burton, 1982: 99).

Vocabulary can help the learners to improve their knowledge and abilities in

learning a language since the more the learners master vocabulary items, the more

they comprehend information from varied sources (McKeown, 1984). Nunan

(2003: 135) states that learners see vocabulary as being a very important part of

language learning and one of the difficulties in planning the vocabulary

component of a course is making sure that it does not overwhelm other essential

parts of the course. It means that vocabulary should be learned effectively in order

not to ignore the other parts of English course, such as grammar and

(32) Vocabulary in Senior High School

Students in senior high schools in Indonesia are the EFL learners. It will

be better if the EFL students learn more about vocabulary since vocabulary is one

of the English elements that can support the students’ ability in English. In senior

high school, the students can learn vocabulary through the four skills they get in

learning English. However, the learners will get more knowledge in vocabulary,

especially the word meanings and forms. They emphasize the learning of

vocabulary on the meaning and the forms of the words.

Senior high school students who learn English as a foreign language in

Indonesia are included in beginner level. There are about six to eight hundred

academic words which frequently occur in academic texts (Nation, 1990).

Vocabulary learning can be done while learning the four skills in English, but the

emphasis is more on comprehension and productive skills. The students can learn

vocabulary more from the various reading and listening passage. The more the

students read or listen to the various passages, the more vocabulary they learn,

especially the form and the meaning.

The meanings of the words can be explored more through the different

level of readings (Lehr, 2001). The students will master the vocabulary more

through reading and speaking skills, but it is possible to get vocabulary through

the other skills, such as listening and writing (Nation, 1990). The understanding of

word meanings and forms are very important for the learners in the beginning


2.1.2 Understanding of Academic Words

Vocabulary is knowledge of words and word meanings. Vocabulary can be

divided into two forms, they are: receptive and productive vocabulary. According

to (Lehr, 2001), productive vocabulary is the words used when someone is

speaking or writing, while receptive vocabulary is the words used when someone

is listening or reading. Vocabulary can also be said as the kind of words that have

to be mastered by the people who learn English as a foreign language.

Academic words refer to the words learned and operated in academic

environments in English also need to be familiar with a special type of formal

vocabulary that is common in academic discourse. Academic words are the words

in the next level below the specialist words or it can be called as sub-technical

words which occur in a number of disciplines (Jordan, 1997). There are three parts

of academic vocabulary which are appropriate for teaching learning with research

graduates. They are: (a). the research process: the vocabulary is verbs and nouns,

(b). the vocabulary of analysis: high-frequency and two-word verbs, (c). the

vocabulary of evaluation: adjectives and adverbs that occur in reviews, critiques,

and some reports.

Coxhead says that academic words can be supportive elements in the

process of teaching and learning English as a foreign language as in (Schmitt and

Schmitt, 2005). These words can be provided in texts which the students learn and

they can support the productive skills of the students, such as: speaking and

writing. If the students have good mastery on academic vocabulary, the students


corpus of three and a half million words written in academic discourse to help the

students improve their mastery of academic vocabulary through 414 academic

written texts (Schmitt and Schmitt, 2005). There are 570 academic words that

occur frequently across a range of academic subjects. If the students learn these

words in addition to a 2,000-word basic vocabulary, they will be able to

understand more than 86 percent of words they encounter in academic reading

(Schmitt and Schmitt, 2005).

In academic vocabulary learning, there is specialist vocabulary or

technical words above the level of academic words. According to Nation,

specialized word list can be used as a guide and focus for teachers in different

activities and as a checklist and aim for students (Jordan, 1997). Specialist

vocabulary or technical words may be of low frequency. Nation presents a

decision chart for low-frequency words to assist students in deciding which words

to learn (Jordan, 1997: 152).

low-frequency words


(learn it as part of your subject) non technical

containing known parts

(learn it, the known parts will help you not containing known

remember it) parts


(learn it, it’s useful and the repetition will make not repeated it easy for you to remember it) (maybe ignored)


2.1.3 Vocabulary Teaching and Learning

According to Celce-Murcia (2001), vocabulary learning is central to

language acquisition, whether the language is first, second, or foreign. In language

acquisition, vocabulary has important role for the deeper understanding of a

language and it needs explicit vocabulary teaching learning. According to Carter

in Celce-Murcia (2001), in explicit vocabulary learning, the learners learn the

most important vocabulary list that is high-frequency words that occur about 80

percent in any written texts. The learners need to learn further vocabulary

knowledge, such as low-frequency words which include academic words.

Teaching learning vocabulary can be done by recognizing new words that

are presented in contexts through exercise and activities include learning words in

word association lists, focusing on highlighted words in texts, and playing

vocabulary games. Learning vocabulary can also be done through the computer

programs that include the sounds of words as well as illustrative pictures provide

opportunity for practice with a variety of contexts, both written and spoken

(Celce-Murcia, 2001: 288). Besides learning vocabulary explicitly, the learners

should learn vocabulary implicitly. Implicit vocabulary learning means that

vocabulary is learned incidentally while reading or listening. For high-frequency

words often occur in explicit vocabulary learning, it does not provide enough

chances for the learners to guess the meaning of words. Therefore, in implicit

learning, the learners will learn low-frequency words, such as academic words and

their chances to learn vocabulary items by guessing meaning will be done


2.1.4 Principles for Teaching Vocabulary

According to Nunan (2003), there are four principles for teaching

vocabulary in a classroom.

1. Focus on the most useful vocabulary first.

In teaching vocabulary, the teachers should teach the more useful

vocabulary rather than the less useful vocabulary in order to give the learners the

best return for their learning effort. The most useful vocabulary that the learners

need can be found in the most frequent 1000 word families of English because it

can cover seventy five percent of running words in academic text books and

newspapers and about eighty percent running words in conversation. Another

useful word list is the second 1000 words of English. This word list contains

plenty of useful words that frequently occur in the texts. Nunan (2003) says that

Academic Word List (Coxhead, 2000) is the most suitable word lists for senior

high school and university students.

2. Focus on the vocabulary in the most appropriate way.

In this way, the teachers should look at the four most important vocabulary

learning strategies of using word parts, guessing from context, using word cards,

and using dictionaries. The teacher need to be able to differentiate the using of

high frequency words and low frequency words. High frequency words occur in a

large proportion in the textbooks in which it can provide a helpful context to allow

learners to guess the meaning of low frequency words (Nunan, 2003: 138).

Guessing meaning from context can help the learners having effective strategy in


word parts to remember and guessing meaning from context are two important

startegies to help the learners in learning vocabulary. Based on the research in

Nation (2001), using word cards and dictionaries are also effective startegies in

learning vocabulary that is to achieve faster and stronger vocabulary learning

results (Nunan, 2003).

3. Give attention to the high frequency words across the four strands of a course.

The four strands in language course are learning from meaning

focused-input, deliberate learning, learning from meaning-focused output, and fluency

development. High frequency words need to occur in all four strands of a course.

They should be used in communicating messages in listening, speaking, reading,

and writing and fluently accessible for receptive and productive skills (Nunan,

2003: 139).

4. Encourage learners to reflect on and take responsibility for learning.

According to Nunan (2003), the learners should realize that they must be

responsible for their own learning. Taking this responsibility requires knowledge

of what to learn and the range of options for learning vocabulary; skill in choosing

the best options; and the ability to monitor and evaluate progress with those

options. If the learners does not take control, the learning process will not be

effective for them. Therefore, the teachers should help them by doing these

following ways: informing, training, and encouraging the learners to reflect and


2.1.5 Assessing Vocabulary

Teaching vocabulary is very important and it obviously seems that words

need to be learned in order to be able to use the language well. In this case,

vocabulary is the basic elements that should be learned and it is the provision of

the people who want to learn a new language. In school level, such as senior high

school, the vocabulary needs to be assessed because it can be considered that

vocabulary is a particular priority in language learning. The principle which has to

be mastered by learners is the ability to memorize perfectly the largest number of

common and useful word-groups (Palmer, 1925). The strategies that are usually

used in assessing vocabulary are multiple choice and matching. These strategies

are easy to be done and to be scored. The teachers can easily score the correct

answers and through this way, the teachers can measure the students’ mastery of


In assessing vocabulary, the teachers have to understand what vocabulary

is and then find the purpose of assessing vocabulary. In this case, the teachers

should be able to understand that vocabulary knowledge involves knowing the

meaning of words. Because of this reason, the purpose of vocabulary test is to find

out whether the learners can match each word with a synonym, a dictionary type

definition or an equivalent word in their own language (Read, 2000). In

vocabulary testing, the teachers assess learners’ knowledge of words. Indirectly, it

can be said that the teachers measure the learners’ mastery of vocabulary.

In assessing vocabulary, the teachers need to master the strategies of


Wesche and Paribakht (1997), through multiple choice, the learners can know

another meaning for the words, the learners can choose the right word by

eliminating the other words, so the learners can learn more vocabulary items. For

example: if there are 20 items tested through multiple choice types, the learners

can learn approximately 100 vocabulary items. In multiple choice and matching

tests, the learners indirectly learn to guess meaning of the words. We can also say

that learning vocabulary will not be separated with dictionary because it has an

important role in learning vocabulary. However, in the vocabulary tests, the

students are not allowed to use dictionary. Dictionary is only used in teaching

learning process to help the students improve their knowledge of new words. This

is an example of matching test (Read, 2000):

region _ 1. position in relation to others status _ 2. gas that we breathe

cell _ 3. part of a country

oxygen _ 4. smallest part of living thing skeleton _ 5. useful liquid

6. set of bones in the body 7. exciting event

In matching test, the students are to make a connection between target words and

their synonyms or definitions (Read, 2000: 171).

This research uses a practical way in the process of assessing vocabulary,

that is by giving test in the form of matching test. The words taken are the

common academic words from the text books such as English as a Second

Language (Cambridge International Examination): 2000; Cambridge University

Press , Learning to Use English 2: 2006; PT Piranti Darma Kalokatama, Window


to the World 2: 2006; Yudhistira, English Grade XI Science and Social

Programme: 2005; PT Bumi Aksara, and Contextual Learning: 2007; Grafindo

Media Pratama. These books contain many academic words and the meanings

that the students learn during their study in senior high school. Six hundred

academic words in the tests are taken from the books mentioned above.

2.1.6 Understanding of Language Testing

In education field, it is not avoided that evaluation is important in order to

know the students’ mastery of the materials they have learned. Same as the

students in senior high school who are learning English or the other subjects, they

will have their evaluation after they finish studying the materials. When the

students are learning a language, they will experience language tests. Language

test is a device for the institutional control of individuals, it is clearly important

that it should be understood (McNamara, 2000). There are many kinds of

language tests and they are distinguished from the test method and test purpose

(McNamara, 2000: 5-7). Types of Test in Terms of Test Method

Types of test which is differed based on test method are paper-and-pencil

language test and performance test. The form in paper-and-pencil tests is taken

from the familiar examination question paper. They are functioned to assess either

the English components (grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation) or the


test items in this kind of test are in the form of fixed response format, for example

in the standardized test. One of examples of fixed response format is multiple

choice format (McNamara, 2000: 5).

I wonder what the newspaper says about the new play. I must read the ... a. criticism

b. opinion c. review d. critic

However, in perfomance test, language skills are assessed in an act of

communication, such as in speaking and writing tests. Types of Test in Terms of Test Purpose

There are two types of langauge test based on test purposes. They are

achievement and proficiency test (McNamara, 2000: 6). Achievement test deals

with the process of the instruction and the test can be in the form of end of course

tests, portfolio assessments, or observational procedures for recording progress

based on classroom work and participation. The test items in achievement tests

should be related to what the students learn. Achievement tests have relation to

the past of the language learning process and they measure the result of teaching a

language. Proficiency test is different with achievement test. This test is aimed to

look to the future situation of language use without necessarily any reference to


2.1.7 Theory of Testing Vocabulary

In teaching vocabulary, the useful technique is testing vocabulary. There

are several advantages of testing vocabulary (Dale and O’Rourke, 1971: 20). They


(1) the students must pay close attention to complete the exercise correctly, (2) the answers to the questions are clear-cut, (3) the students are actively involved, (4) the students senses the importance of the exercise, for his ability is being measured, (5) the exercises are generally brief, and (6) the teacher has a quick measurement of the students progress.

According to Dale and O’Rourke (1971), there are four kinds of

vocabulary testing. The first kind of vocabulary test is identification that means

the students responds orally or in writing by identifying a word according to its

definition or use, for example: a word may be identified as a synonym of another

word. Secondly, multiple choice is the test in which the students select the correct

meaning of the tested word from three or four definitions. Thirdly, matching test

is a test in which the tested words are presented in one coloumn and the matching

definitions are presented out of order in another coloumn. The fourth kind of

vocabulary test is checking. Checking means the students check the words they

know or do not know.

2.1.8 Vocabulary Mastery in a Language Teaching Learning

Vocabulary is an element which can contribute the process of teaching

learning English, especially in the teaching and learning process of English skills.

Lehr (2001) states, that vocabulary is one of important contributions in learning a


reading, and writing. In teaching learning process, all those skills are supported by

three English elements, i.e. grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation (Nunan,

2003). Beside the knowledge of grammar and pronunciation, vocabulary

knowledge is also important in understanding the language. In receptive skills,

such as reading and listening skills, vocabulary mastery is a significant point that

should be considered by the learners. The more the learners master the

vocabulary, the more they comprehend the content of the texts (Lehr, 2001).

Learners’ vocabulary mastery has strong relation with reading comprehension and

the other skills in English. The learners’ comprehension in English skills will be

better if the learners have good mastery in vocabulary, for example in reading

comprehension. Therefore, the learners’ vocabulary mastery should be improved

in order to be able to give more contribution in language learning.

2.1.9 English Productive Skills: Speaking and Writing

As stated by the Nunan (2003), the English skills are divided into two

parts, i.e. productive and receptive skills. Productive skills consist of speaking and

writing skills and productive means language generated by the learners in speech

or writing. It means that the students can produce ideas which are expressed

through speaking or writing. Speaking is included in productive oral skill and that

consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning (Nunan,

2003: 48).

According to Nunan (2003: 88), writing can be defined as:


computer. On the other hand, writing is a mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express them, and organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear to a reader.

The purpose of writing is to express an idea or feeling and it can be called as a

process and a product. The writing process include the process of imagining,

organizing, drafting, editing, reading, and rereading, then the product can be in

the form of essay, letter, story, and research report. According to Nation, the

students’ fluency of using vocabulary can be improved through productive skills,

i.e. speaking and writing skills (Richard and Renandya, 2002: 269).

2.2 Theoretical Framework

Vocabulary is a set of words which are learned when people want to learn a

new language. It is one of language elements which has important role to support

the learners’ ability in understanding the language. Without understanding the

words and word meanings, the people will not be able to master the language

well, especially in communication (Dale and O’Rourke, 1971). As stated by

Pawly and Syder (1983), if people want to use the language fluently, they need to

be able to put words together quickly in typical combinations. Therefore, the

learners have to be able to master many vocabulary items in English that is

learned as a foreign language and use the words in speaking and writing fluently

and accurately. In senior high school level, the learners need to be taught high

frequency and academic words that are used in daily life context in academic


In learning vocabulary, the learners’ mastery of vocabulary need to be

assessed in order to know the students’ mastery of vocabulary in which the

vocabulary can support the students’ ability in communication (Dale and

O’Rourke, 1971). Mastery in this research means knowing the word meanings, i.e.

the Indonesian equivalences. The aim of the assessment is to find out whether the

learners can do the test and answer the questions correctly or not. In measuring

vocabulary mastery of the students in senior high school level, the teachers can

apply two types of test. They are multiple choice and matching. The tests can

measure the learners’ mastery through the score given after the tests are done.

Multiple choice and matching are the easy types to be scored. The students will be

tested by using matching test to assess the students’ mastery of academic words in

this research. The score is found through the correct answers and those are the

vocabulary that the learners master.

In teaching vocabulary, the teachers need many strategies and facilities to

make the teaching learning process work well. The teachers can use context-based

approach to teach vocabulary using dictionary as the escort of the learning

process. In learning vocabulary, the teachers can provide the kinds of dictionary,

like book dictionary and E-dictioanary. Those two kinds of dictionary can help the

learners become easier in learning vocabulary. The teachers can also combine

those two strategies to achieve the goals of vocabulary learning. Context-based

approach helped by the exsistance of dictionary will produce better result of

vocabulary mastery. The teacher can apply one of the principles in teaching


should teach the most frequent words occurred in academic study, for example

Academic Word List from Coxhead (2000). If this principle is applied in teaching

learning process, it can help the learners understand the words and word meanings

in mastering academic vocabulary and it is included in explicit learning of


Vocabulary mastery of senior high school students is one of the supporting

factors in learning English as a foreign language. By having substantial

vocabulary mastery, the learners will easily follow the lesson, even communicate

by using English well. The learners will be easier in improving their skills in

English, such as: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Vocabulary mastery of

the learners will be obviously seen in those four skills, especially in listening and

reading. Nation (1990) says that there is close connection between vocabulary

mastery, coverage of the vocabulary in a text, and the ease a learner will have in

coping with the language of the text.

The theories about vocabulary assessment by Read (2000) and Palmer

(1925) can support the research about the vocabulary mastery of the students in

senior high school. The theories talk about the definition of vocabulary and how

to assess vocabulary to the learners. The theories of assessing vocabulary also

give explanation about the appropriate strategies of assessing vocabulary. There

are two types of test that are usually implemented in senior high school level.

They are multiple choice type and matching type. Those are included in the


This study uses matching test to measure the students’ mastery of vocabulary,

especially academic words.

Senior high school students are in the beginner level and so do vocabulary

items they learned in academic study, that is the academic words. The number of

academic words that occur frequently in academic study is about 570 up to 800

words for beginner level. Learning vocabulary in senior high school level is more

emphasized on the form and meaning of the words. In order to measure the

students’ mastery of academic words, the researcher will give test to the students

in the twelfth grade. The tests are in the form of matching test and the correct

answers of the tests will be scored. The correct answers can be the equivalences of

the students’ mastery of academic words in the beginner level, which is 570 to

800 words from the text coverage in academic study for senior high school

students (Nation, 1990). After knowing the students’ mastery of academic words,

the correlation between academic word mastery and productive skills will be



In this chapter will be discussed the methodology of the research

including: (1) types of the research, (2) setting, (3) subjects of the research, (4)

instrument, (5) data collection, (6) data analysis. Those important things will be

explained deeply in each point below.

3.1 Research Method

This research was aimed to help the students and the English teachers to

know the students’ mastery of academic vocabulary and its correlation with the

students’ productive skills. Besides knowing their mastery of vocabulary, the

students could experience vocabulary tests that had never been had before and

given more knowledge about academic vocabulary items. This research is also

aimed to help the English teachers to know the students’ mastery of vocabulary,

so they can make better strategy of teaching English in order to improve the

students’ English skills, especially for the next generations.

This research was a kind of descriptive quantitative research. This research

is included in correlational study since it discusses the relation between the

students’ mastery of academic words with their productive skills, i.e. whether they

have high, substantial, low relation, or can be ignored or no relation (Young,

1982: 317 as cited by Sulaiman, 2003: 134). Correlation in this research means

one of statistical techniques used to find the relation between two or more


variables that has quantitative or qualitative characteristics. The correlation

measure is divided as follows:

a. 0.70 – 1.00 shows high association degree,

b. 0.40 - < 0.70 shows substantial relation,

c. 0.20 - < 0.40 shows low correlation,

d. < 0.20 means that the relation is very low or almost no relation between


The reason for choosing a method of the research was based on the characteristics

of the data obtained from the subjects. The data of this research dealt with

quantity of academic words mastered by the subjects and the data was gathered

from an instrument, that was in the form of matching test. Therefore, quantitative

method was applied to the research data analysis.

According to Olson (1995), quantitative reserach is a research that gather

the data by measuring or estimating. Quantitative method also considered that all

the indications observed in the research could be measured and changed in the

form of numeral and it was possible to use statistics analysis techniques

(Sudarsono, 1988). Quantitative method is aimed to describe an indication

quantitatively by using presentation of score which is obtained from the result of

the test. The score obtained from the tests were analyzed. The result of scoring

was counted and the scores were the answer to the first problem formulation.

After finding the number of academic words mastered by the twelve grade

students, the correlation of academic words mastery with the students’ productive


3.2 Research Procedure

This reserach was done in SMA Negeri 1 Wonosari and it is located in

Gunungkidul regency. The researcher did some procedures to conduct this

research. Firstly, the researcher did library research to gather supporting ideas that

could help the process of problem solving in this research. After doing library

research, the researcher made instrument that could be used in the research. For

the third procedure, the researcher got permission to do the research in the

institution chosen as the subjects of the research.

The researcher then gave vocabulary tests to the samples on 1 to 12 April

2008, i.e. the twelfth grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Wonosari. On May 2008,

the students did final practice test (speaking and writing) and the test items were

from the teachers. Therefore, the researcher could obtain the result after the tests

were done. After all the data were gathered, the researcher analyzed the data and

discussed the data analysis. Finally, the researcher could draw conclusions from

the discussion and give suggestions.

3.3 Subject of the Research

The samples were taken by using cluster sampling and they would be the

representative of the population. Cluster sampling was a sampling technique that

was not taken based on individual, but it was based on a group, area, or a group of

subjects that naturally gathered in the same area (Sukardi, 2003). The subjects of

the research were taken from the population of the twelfth grade students inSMA


twelve, they were regular and acceleration class. The subjects of this research

were taken from regular class. From this population, the researcher took a hundred

and twenty students as the samples of this research. In summary, there were three

regular classes which became the subjects of the research.

3.4 Data Collection

The subject of this research was the twelfth grade students’ mastery of

academic words that was measured by using vocabulary tests done on April, 2008.

The students did the tests in the form of matching test and every student should

finish a hundred academic words. There were a hundred English words which

should be matched with the Indonesian equivalences. However, there were a

hundred and five Indonesian words in the tests. The other five words did not have

match and the students could be trapped if they did not match the words carefully.

The data collection was implemeted in April 1 to April 12, 2008. This kind

of test was included in achievement potential test because it was aimed to measure

the students’ achivement in studying English, especially the vocabulary mastery

of academic words and their productive skills. The results of the tests could reflect

the students’ achivement in understanding academic words. However, the

students’ productive skills were tested in the final practice examination on May


3.5 Instruments

According to Sudarsono (1988), measurement is the way to describe the

condition of someone or object quantitavely by using instrument that could

measure the objects. Instrument used to gather the data was in the form of test, i.e.

matching test, speaking test, and writing test. Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (1985)

states that a test is a set of stimuli presented to individual in order to elicit

responses on the basis of which a numerical score can be assigned. Matching test

was used as an instrument in this research since it is a simple form of test which

has 1 score for each item in the vocabulary test. Through matching test, the

students could focus on the students’ mastery of academic words, especially in

knowing the meaning of academic words (Indonesian equivalences) in the tests

like what has been mentioned in the previous chapter. Beside that, the students

could also learn more vocabulary through matching test because they could guess

the other word meanings.

Each test consisted of a hundred academic words and there were six

hundred academic words to be tested. The academic words tested were taken from

their books used in their teaching learning process, such as English as a Second

Language (Cambridge International Examination): 2000; Cambridge University

Press , Learning to Use English 2: 2006; PT Piranti Darma Kalokatama, Window

on the World: 2001; Erlangga , Linked to the World 1: 2006; Yudhistira, Linked

to the World 2: 2006; Yudhistira, English Grade XI Science and Social

Programme: 2005; PT Bumi Aksara, and Contextual Learning: 2007; Grafindo


The other instruments were in the form of practical test, i.e. speaking and

writing tests and these tests were from the teachers. In speaking test, there were

two parts that should be done by the students. They were retelling the content of

the texts and making a dialogue into a monologue. In each part, there were three

texts and dialogues. The students were to choose one of the text and dialogue and

they did the tests. In writing test, the students were to make a composition based

on the kind of text that they had chosen. In the question sheet, it was provided the

kinds of text with its genre, social function, generic structure, and significant

lexicogrammatical features. There were four kinds of text, i.e. recount, report,

analytical exposition, and explanation. In this test, the students decided which

kind of text they wanted to do and chose one of topics provided in the question

sheet, then they made a composition based on the kind of text they chose.

Those were the instruments used in this research. The vocabulary test was

from the researcher and the practical tests were from the English teacher inSMA

Negeri 1 Wonosari.These instruments were valid and the validity was included in

the content validity since content validity refers to the degree to which the test

actually measures, or is specifically related to, the traits for which it was designed

(Best, 1986: 155). Content validity was important for achievement tests and the

instruments used in this research were included in achievement test because it

assessed the students’ mastery of academic words and the students’ ability in

productive skills during the study in senior high school. The materials in

instruments were taken from the learning materials that the students learned and it


3.6. Data Analysis

The data were analyzed by doing scoring to the result of the students’ tests

first. The best way in scoring was manual scoring since it was more thorough and

had high sensitivity if there was a deviation (Sukardi, 2003). The scoring was

done by counting the correct answers of the tests and the correct answers could

reflect the students’ mastery of academic words. The scoring was rechecked in

order to get high accuracy. It was very important to recheck the results of the

scoring otherwise it could lead to the wrong analysis. There were a hundred

academic words in each test and each item had one score. If the answer was

incorrect, there was no score or null. The correct answers reflected the students’

mastery of academic words if they were analyzed into statistical data by

presenting the number of correct answers.

The score in matching test is one correct answer got one. According to

Arikunto (2005), the way in scoring is:

S: Raw score (score that is obtained)

R: correct answer

Through this scoring, the students’ mastery of academic words could be reflected

in the result of raw score and it was analyzed by using statistical analysis. The

academic words mastered were counted by using mean score of each item and it

was in the form of percentage. The percentages represented low or high mastery


After the number of academic words mastered was found, the correlation

of academic word mastery with the students’ productive skills was analyzed. In

this analysis, the correlation of academic words mastery with productive skills

was discussed based on the correlation theory in statistical analysis. Correlation

means one of statistical techniques used to find the relation between two or more

quantitative or qualitative variables (Sulaiman, 2003: 134). Coefficient correlation

used to analyze the data is Spearman’s correlation and counted by using SPSS

Program since it is used to find the relation between two variables in which the

data are from different sources, such as from the students’ vocabulary test scores

and practice examination scores. The students’ productive skills in this research

were represented through the students’ practice scores, i.e. the practice scores they

achieved in final examination. The Spearman’s correlation formulation is:

D2 n(n2– 1) in which:

Spearman’s correlation coefficient

D = the difference between two variables




This chapter discusses the results of data analysis based on the

methodology discussed in the previous chapter. The researcher attempted to study

the twelve grade students’ mastery of academic words and its relation with the

students’ productive skills. The samples of this research were taken from SMA

Negeri 1 Wonosari, grade twelve. The results of the research were analyzed by

using descriptive statistics analysis that was by finding the mean score of the test

scores and the correlation coefficient of those two variables. For the detailed

discussion, this chapter discusses the twelfth grade students’ mastery of academic

words, then the correlation between academic words mastery and the students’

productive skills.

4.1 The Twelfth Grade Students’ Mastery of Academic Words in SMA 1 Wonosari

In this section, the first problem is discussed, i.e. the twelfth grade

students’ mastery of academic words. The students’ mastery in this research

means the students’ ability to know the words and word meanings, especially the

Indonesian equivalences. The students’ scores are presented below and it will be

the base of the data analysis.


Figure 2.1: Chart for Low Frequency Words………………………………
Figure 2.1 Chart for Low-frequency Words (Jordan,1997)
Table 4.1: The raw score of the students in set 1
Table 4.2: The raw score of the students in set 2


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