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ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ BARRIERS IN IMPLEMENTING 2013 CURRICULUM TO TEACH ENGLISH IN SMP N 6 AND SMP N 10 SALATIGA A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Degree of Sarjana Pendididkan Islam (S.


Academic year: 2019

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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirement for Degree of Sarjana Pendididkan Islam (S.Pd.I)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga



113 11 014






You Can

If You think You


-Norman Vincent Peale-



This graduating paper is whole-heartedly dedicated to:

1. My beloved parent; Mr. Sumarsono and Mrs. SitiZumriah, thanks a bunch for everything you gave to me, for your affection, education, pray, and hard work. 2. My lovely brother; HanifFajarNurcahyo who always be my vigilant driver and

be my partner in debate.

3. My big family who always supports and motivate me, especially for Mr.

Bardikan’s Family and my naughtiest beautiful niece Anggun Prasisca.



Alhamdulillahirabbil‘alamin, thanks to the Almighty Allah. Because of

Him, the writer can complete this research as one of the requirements for getting the degree of Educational Islamic Studies (S,Pd.I) in English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga in 2016. Secondly, peace and salutation are always given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

However, this success will not be achieved without support, guidance, advice, help, and encouragement from individual and institution, and I somehow realize that it is an appropriate moment to give my deepest gratitude for:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd., as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

2. Suwardi, M. Pd, S. Pd, Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty 3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D., as the Head of English Education Department 4. Dr. Sa’adi, M.Ag., as the Academic Counselor

5. Mrs. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari. M.Pd, as the research consultant who has educated, supported, directed and given the writer advices, suggestions, and recommendations for this research from beginning until the end

6. My beloved father and mother


8. The English teachers of SMPN 6 and SMP N 10 Salatiga who give chance for the writer to interviewed them

9. All of the staffs who helped the writer in processing of graduating paper administration

10.My beloved family 11.All of my beloved friends

Finally this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers. Moreover, the writer is pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution from the reader for the improvement of the graduating paper.

Salatiga, 11th February 2016 The Writer



Windarti, Dyah Koes. 2016. Analysis of the Teachers’ Bariers in Implementing 2013 Curriculum to Teach English in State Junior High Schools in Argomulyo Sub District of Salatiga. A Graduating Paper. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. English Education Department. State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Rr. Dewi Mustikasari M.A

Keywords : curriculum, 2013 curriculum, implementation, english learning, teachers’ barriers

Curriculum in Indonesia has revised several times and the newest is 2013 curriculum. This curriculum started to be implemented in 2013. There are some revisions in this curriculum and it becomes the controversial among the educational area, moreover it is reviewed by the new minister of education and culture. This research is aimed to analyze; (1) the implementation of 2013 curriculum in English subject (2) the barriers which are faced by the English teachers in that implementation. The kind of this study is descriptive qualitative study. The writer used the techniques of observation, interview, and documentation to collect the data. The result of the study shows that (1) administratively the teachers have implemented the 2013 curriculum well, but practically still there are many deficiencies. The implementation is included lesson plan, learning process, discovery learning as learning model, and authentic assessment. The learning process and assessment process was not fully appropriate with 2013 curriculum; (2) The barriers faced by the teachers are limited

time allocation, unavailability of schools’ facilities, students’ condition, teachers’ difficulties in changing their teaching style, and the process of



TITLE ... i




MOTTO ... v






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research ... 1

B. Problems of the Research ... 4

C. Objectives of the Research ... 4

D. Limitation of the Problem ... 5

E. Benefits of the Research... 5

F. Clarification of Key Terms ... 7




A. Curriculum ... 10

1. Curriculum Definition ... 10

2. Curriculum Component ... 11

3. Syllabus ... 14

4. Lesson Plan ... 15

B. 2013 Curriculum ... 16

1. Legal Foundation ... 17

2. Element of Revision in 2013 Curriculum ... 18

3. Teachers’ Role in 2013 Curriculum ... 22

4. Scientific Approach ... 24

5. Learning Model In 2013 Curriculum ... 28

6. Assessment in 2013 Curriculum ... 31

7. Reviewof Previous Research... 36


B. Role of Researcher ... 41

C. Subject of the Research ... 41

D. Technique of Collecting Data ... 42

E. Technique of Data Analysis ... 45




A. Implementation of 2013 Curriculum in English Subject ... 49

1. Lesson Plan ... 49

2. Learning Process ... 70

3. Discovery Learning as Learning Media ... 78

4. Assessment Process ... 82

B. Barriersin the Implementation of 2013 Curriculum... 94

1. Lack of Time Allocation ... 95

2. Unavailability of School Facilities and Equipments ... 99

3. Students’ Condition ... 101

4. Teachers’ Difficulties in Changing Their Teaching Style 104

5. Assessment Process ... 107

CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusions ... 111

B. Suggestions ... 114



Table 2.1 : Differences between 2013 curriculum and KTSP ... 18

Table 2.2 : Changes of English Subject ... 20

Table 4.1 : Teacher A’s Lesson Plan ... 50

Table 4.2 : Teacher B’s Lesson Plan ... 50

Table 4.3 : Teacher C’s Lesson Plan ... 50

Table 4.4 : Teacher D’s Lesson Plan ... 51

Table 4.5 : The core competence from English Sylabus ... 51

Table 4.6 : The core competence of Teachers A’s Lesson Plan... 52

Table 4.7 : The core competence of Teachers B’s Lesson Plan ... 53

Table 4.8 : The core competence of Teachers C’s Lesson Plan ... 53

Table 4.9 : The core competence of Teachers D’s Lesson Plan... 54

Table 4.10 : The Base competence from the syllabus ... 55

Table 4.11 :The base competence and Indicator formula of Teacher A’s lesson plan ... 55

Table 4.12 : The learning activity in the teacher A’s lesson plan ... 56

Table 4.13 : The base competence from the English syllabus ... 58

Table 4.14 :The base competence and Indicator formula of Teacher B’s lesson plan ... 58

Table 4.15 :The activity in Teacher B’s Lesson Plan ... 59

Table 4.16 :The Base competence from the syllabus ... 61

Table 4.17 :The base competence and Indicator formula of Teacher C’s lesson plan ... 62

Table 4.18 :The activity in Teacher C’s Lesson Plan ... 63

Table 4.19 :The Base Competence from Syllabus ... 65

Table 4.20 :The base competence and Indicator formula of Teacher D’s lesson plan ... 66


Table 4.22 :Method of learning in Teacher A’s lesson plan ... 68

Table 4.23 :Method of learning in Teacher B’s lesson plan ... 68

Table 4.24 :Method of learning in Teacher C’s lesson plan ... 69

Table 4.25 :Method of learning in Teacher D’s lesson plan ... 69

Table 4.26 : The implementation of scientific approach in Teacher A’s Class ... 72

Table 4.27 : The implementation of scientific approach in Teacher B’s Class ... 74

Table 4.28 :The Implementation of Discovery Learning Based on Writer’s Observation in Teacher’s A Class ... 79

Table 4.29 : Implementation of Discovery Learning Based on Writer’s Observation in Teacher’s B Class ... 80

Table 4.30 :The Assessment of Teacher A’s lesson plan ... 83

Table 4.31 :The Assessment of Teacher C’s lesson plan ... 86

Table 4.32 :The Assessment of Teacher D’s lesson plan ... 89



A. Background of the Research

Education is one of the important parts in the country’s development. The quality of the education also influences the country’s

quality, so it is not strange thing when the government put much attention to the educational world. There are many efforts which are done by them to increase the educational quality. They revise some part of educations,

one of the revision’s target is curriculum.


it is changed on 1947, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2006, 2008. More specifically known some periods of the curriculum implementation as follow ; “kurikulum sederhana” or the simple curriculum (1947-1964), “kurikulum pembaruan” or renewal curriculum (1968 and 1975), “ kurikulum berbasis keterampilan” or the skills-based curriculum (1984 and 1994), and “kurikulum berbasis kompetensi” or competency-based curriculum (2004 and 2006). The improvement of competency based learning is Curriculum Education Unit (KTSP) or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan” and the newest curriculum named

as 2013 curriculum

The new curriculum is expected to increase the educational quality and reconstruct the style of education in this country. Different from the

previous curriculum the core of this curriculum is students’ character

building. Mulyasa (2014: 6) asserts that 2013 curriculum more emphasizes on character education which aims to increase the quality of learning processes and outcomes.


hours per week and it becomes 38 hours per week. It seems that the increasing of the time allocation and the elimination of some subjects make the students learn more deeply in each subject. The ministry of education in document of 2013 curriculum (2013 : 137) explained that this curriculum having character of thematic integrative so it means that some subject related to others subjects, in other words it can be said that there

isn’t elimination of the subjects but it is combined.

2013 curriculum starts to be implemented in the academic year of 2013-2014 with little preparation. There are only few schools which use this curriculum. The schools that implement this curriculum in 2013 are the designated school. The government points some schools to be pilot project school. Salatiga becomes one of the cities which implement this curriculum. There are five state junior high schools which become the pilot project school for the implementation of this new curriculum. In the second year of this implementation exactly in 2015 all state junior high school in Salatiga has implemented it.


2013 curriculum raises some problems as explained by Alawiyah (2013:11) in the implementation of Curriculum 2013 are still found some problems, including confusion of the teachers and education units. These constraints include: the teachers are not ready and hard to change their mindset, the lack of information about guideline and dissemination, the content of the book which not appropriate with the materials. The problem hamper the teachers in the implementation of 2013 curriculum.

Based on the above problem the writer wants to conduct a research


B. Problems of the Research

Based on the background of the Research, this research is aimed to answer the following problems:

1. How is the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in English learning in SMP N 6 and SMP N 10 Salatiga?

2. What are the barriers faced by the English teachers of SMP N 6 and SMP N 10 Salatiga in implementing 2013 curriculum?

C. Objectives of the Research


1. To describe the implementation of 2013 curriculum in English learning in SMP N 6 and SMP N 10 Salatiga.

2. To describe the barriers faced by the English teachers in implementing 2013 curriculum in SMP N 6 and SMP N 10 Salatiga.

D. Limitation of the Problem

There are bunch components of the curriculum which can be researched, but in this research the writer only focuses on the implementation and the difficulties which are faced by the English teachers in implementing 2013 curriculum in SMP N 6 and SMP N 10 Salatiga. The implementation is restricted in the aspect of lesson plan, learning process, learning model, and assessment process.

E. Benefits of the Research

The benefits of the Research are: 1. Theoretical Benefits :

The result of the research is expected to give information to the reader about the implementation of 2013 curriculum in English learning and some problems which is faced by the teachers in implementing it.


a. For the students:

The research adds students’ knowledge about the English

learning process and the various problems which happen in it, so it will motivate them to be active students in learning English.

b. For the English teachers:

The finding of the research hopefully can help the teachers to identify problems in implementing 2013 curriculum and help them to solve these problem. It also gives contribution to the teachers in the form of suggestion to complete their role in the implementation of 2013 curriculum in the English learning process. The other benefit is to give reflection to the teachers to evaluate their work in achieve the goal of 2013 curriculum especially in English subject.

c. For the other researcher:

The research can be one of the references for other researchers who want to conduct a research about curriculum in language learning.


The writer wants to explain the main terms of the title to avoid ambiguity and different interpretation of each reader.

1. Curriculum

According to UU no nomor 20 tahun 2003; PP nomor 19 tahun 2005

“Kurikulum adalah seperangkat rencana dan

pengaturan mengenai tujuan, isi, dan bahan pelajaran

serta cara yang digunakan sebagai pedoman

penyelenggaraan kegiatan pembelajaran untuk mencapai

tujuan pendidikan tertentu .”

"curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives, content and learning materials as well as the means used to guide the implementation of learning activities to achieve specific educational objectives."

2. 2013 Curriculum


3. Barriers of Curriculum Implementation

Implementation is the process of implementing the idea, concepts, policy, or innovation in doing practically so give effects are like the development of knowledge, skills even values and attitudes (Kunandar, 2007: 233). It can be said that curriculum implementation is the process of implementing the concept of curriculum.

The teachers are faced with barriers which hinder the successful of the curriculum implementation. According to Mkandawire( 2010:3) the barriers which usually faced by the teachers or the implementer are:

a. The education system has limited funding capacities.

b. Unavailability of school facilities and equipments like classrooms, libraries, resource centers, offices, desks, schools halls and others c. Limited procurement and supply of teaching and learning


d. Quality and quantity of teaching staff to meet the expectations of pupils and the society is another impediment.

e. Poor conditions of services for curriculum implementers are another challenge.


G. Graduating Paper Organization



1. Curriculum Definition

The etymology meaning of curriculum rooted from the word

currir” which mean runner and “curere” mean a place for run. So, curriculum is a distance which must be taken on by the runner from the start until finish. This word is known in the sport world and then adopted to the education.

John Franklin Bobbitt (1918) as quoted by Kurniasih and Sani (2014:3) stated: “Curriculum, as an idea has its roots in Latin word for race-course, explaining the curriculum as the course of deeds and experiences through which children become the adults they should be, for success in adult society. This definition is the general term of curriculum, it seems that curriculum is a journey which taken on by people.

Other definition is states by Caswell and campell as quoted by

Kurniasih & Sani (2014 :5), “curriculum as all of the experiences children have under the guidance of teachers”. This explanation

closely related with the educational field because in that definition is

mentioned “teachers” and“children”.


influence the child's learning, whether in the classroom, on school

grounds or outside the school”. Taylor focuses on the scope of

curriculum. It is not only about schools’ world but it is also impact the students’ daily life.

According to a new view of modern as proposed by Romine cited

by Hamalik (2009:4) “Curriculum is interpreted to mean all of the

organized courses, activities, and experiences which pupils have under direction of the school, whether in the classroom or not.

There is other complete definition in the dictionary of education as

quoted by Kurniasih and Sani (2014:3) “curriculum is a general

overplan of the content or specific studies of that the school should offer the students by way qualifying him for graduation or for entrance

into a professional or a vocational field”. This definition explains

clearly about the content of curriculum, purpose, and people who responsible for the development of curriculum.

Based on the explanation above it can conclude that curriculum is a set of rules and plan of study that use as guidance to organize learning process. Curriculum becomes references for the teachers to determine their ways in teaching.

2. Curriculum Component

There are some main components of curriculum, it can be studied from the definition from UU No 20 th 2003 PP No 19 th 2005


and materials of the lesson including the way which is used as guidance in the organizing a learning process to achieve particular

educational goal“. In that description seen that curriculum has four

main component including; goal, materials, process, and evaluation. All components are important in the development of curriculum and it influences each other.

a. Goal

In composing curriculum the first thing which should be determined is the goal. The educational goal of a country is a

clarification from country’s goal, because education is a tool to

achieve the national goal. There are two kinds of curriculum’s goal

seen from its scope, namely general goal and special goal.

According to Hilda Taba as quoted by Arifin (2012:20)

“The source of the curriculum are society culture, a study course, individual, and diciplinary science”. Education was considered as a preservative culture in order to make the students became good societies which know well about their own culture.

Curriculum should be designed appropriate with country’s

ideal and based on country’s cultures. The clear goal is an


b. Material

Curriculum material is all activity and experience which compose to gain the educational goal. According to Arifin (2012: 20) generally the content of curriculum can be classified into three parts as follow:

1) Logic, knowledge about true or false grounded on scientific procedure. 2)Ethics, knowledge about good or bad, value, and morality. 3) Aesthetics, knowledge about beautiful or not which related to art.

In the formal education the content of curriculum is arranged in the form of subject lesson or discipline which poured

in the form of curriculum’s structure and appropriate with the

institutional’ purpose. For example the materials is divided into some subject such as; mathematic, English, science, civic education, etc.

c. Process


effective teaching method is based on specific objectives to be achieved (Nurdin 2002: 94). This expression means that teaching methods should be appropriated to the learning objectives, subject matter and levels of learners.

d. Evaluation

Evaluation is an effort to know the effectiveness of curriculum and to determine the quality of education. It is not easy because there are many aspects which should be evaluated and this process also involves many people. (Tafsir, 1992: 41) clarifies the "evaluation should be directed at all aspects of coaching education. Commonly it should cover aspects of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

3. Syllabus

According to Kunandar (2007: 244) Syllabus is a further elaboration of the basic competency standards to be achieved, as well as the subject matter to be studied by the students in order to achieve the standards of competence and basic competences. It means that the syllabus is the foundation in the development of learning activity.


objectives. It is a public document, usually prepared by the teachers and negotiated with learners. It specifics what is to be taught in any

course of study” (Feez and Joyce, 1998:2). From the definition above can be said that syllabus should contain the learning materials, the time of study and the purpose of the study. It is in line with the definition from Richard (2002:2) A syllabus is a specification of the content of a course of instruction and lists what will be taught and tested.

4. Lesson Plan

In the learning process usually the teachers have drafted the activity, before they teaching in the class. There is a document which contains the plan from the teachers. This document is called as lesson plan. Lesson plan is a plan that describes procedures and the organization of learning to achieve the basic competencies that specified in Content Standards and is described in the syllabus (Kunandar, 2007: 263).


contain the program of giving positive feedback, reinforcement, enrichment and remedial. The sixth is emphasis on the coherence between basic competencies, learning materials, learning activities, indicator formula, assessment, and learning resources in a whole learning experience. The next principle is Accommodates-integrated thematic learning, the integration of cross-eyes lessons, across all aspects of learning, and cultural diversity. The last is The application of information and communication technologies in an integrated, systematic, and effective in accordance with the circumstances. The teachers cannot arbitrarily alone in preparing lesson plan. They should pay attention to all the above principles

B. 2013 Curriculum

Curriculum in Indonesia has been revised for several times. The revision was made to enhance the previous curriculum. It is as an effort to increase the quality of education in this country. The newest curriculum is 2013 curriculum which replaces the use of KTSP.


thematic integrative lesson. The further explanations about the element of 2013 curriculum are explained as follow:

1. Legal Foundation

The revision of curriculum is the answer of the demands of modern era. According to Mulyasa (2013: 64) Curriculum 2013 is developed based on three aspects namely; philosophic, judicial, and conceptual.

The philosophic foundation is Pancasila and educational philosophic. Pancasila directs the purpose of 2013 curriculum. The content of curriculum grows the value of Pancasila in the students’ self. Beside that the development also notices the philosophy of education. It based on the eminent value, academic value, students and

societies’ need.


2. Element of Revisions in 2013 Curriculum

2013 curriculum is formally launched at 15th July 2013 and it is implemented in academic year of 2013/2014 by some schools in Indonesia. The revision of curriculum certainly makes change with the previous curriculum. This following tables show the differences between 2013 curriculum and KTSP.

Table 2.1 Differences between 2013 curriculum and KTSP

No KTSP 2013 Curriculum

1 Standard of Content (Standar Isi) is determined first trough Permendiknas No 22 Tahun 2006.After that the Graduated Competency standard (SKL ) is determined through Permendiknas No 23 Tahun 2006.

Graduated Competency standard (SKL ) Determines first through Permendikbud No 54 Tahun 2013. After that standard of content ( Standar isi) is determined. It is in the form of curriculum framework which is presented in Permendikbud No 67, 68, competency, skill, and knowledge aspect.


to 4th grade of Elementary school. grade of Elementary school.

4 Time of study was less than 2013 curriculum and the subjects were more than 2013 curriculum.

Time of study is more than KTSP but the subjects are less than KTSP.

5 The learning process consists of Exploration, Elaboration, and Colaboration.

The learning process uses scientific approach which consists of observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communicating.

6 Information and Communication Technology (TIK) was subject of learning.

Information and Communication Technology (TIK) is not subject of learning but it act as a learning media. 7 The assessment was dominant to

knowledge aspect.

The assessment use authentic assessment that is measure all competencies (attitude, skill, and knowledge)based on process and product.

8 Scout was not obligatory extracurricular.

Scout is obligatory extracurricular.

9 BK was function to solve students’ problem.

BK is more stress on expand students’



The above table shows that 2013 curriculum prepare smart and skillful students. It is seen from the second point, there is equalizing

between soft and hard skill. There is an effort to develop students’

critical thinking through scientific approach. The use of TIK as a learning media also proves modernization in education.

Table 2.2 Changes of English Subject

No Previous Curriculum 2013 Curriculum 1 The materials taught emphasis on

grammar / structure of language.

The materials teach emphasis on language competence as a communication tool to convey ideas and knowledge.

2 Students were not accustomed to read and understand the meaning of the text presented.

Students accustom to read and understand the meaning of the text as well as summarizing and presenting again with its own language.

3 Students were not accustomed to compose text systematic, logical, and effective.

Students accustomed to compose text systematic, logical, and effective through the exercises preparation of the text.

4 Students were not introduced on the

rules text as needed.


(according to the situation: who, what, where).

5 Less emphasize on the importance of language expression and spontaneously.

Students are taught to be able to express himself and his knowledge with persuasive language spontaneously.

The revision in English subject is a good thing because it is return the function of language, as a tool of communication. Materials in this curriculum are seen more applicable in daily life than the materials in KTSP. The new design is expected to produce students with good communication skill.

Some revisions have goal to improve the quality of education. From the above table can be said that the purpose of 2013 curriculum is not only making students smart and good in mastering materials but it also emphasize on the development of skill and character. Students are ready to face the real world with that way.

3. Teachers’ Role in 2013 Curriculum


In 2013 curriculum, the teachers are not making a syllabus, they

just develop what the government has already prepared. The teachers’

roles in the provision of books is just in provision of pengayaan books and preparing lesson plans for the development of the existing text books (Poerwati ,2013: 82 ). It looks that their tasks easier than before, but it challenges them be more creative. The teachers must create the learning process that less their role but can maximize the students’ participation.

The teachers’ task is a facilitator for the students in learning

process. There are some attitudes that the teachers must have as facilitator as explained by Rogers in Mulyasa (2014: 42) : First, the teachers cannot be excessive in retain their opinion and believe. They must have equanimity for positive and negative feedback. Second, they

can pay more attention to their students especially about students’

aspiration and feeling. Support and motivation are examples of

teachers’ attention. Third, they can receive and appreciate students’

idea which innovative, creative, moreover difficult.

Some conditions of students must be noticed by the teachers. These condition such as; ability, strength, interest, hobby, attitude, personality, habit, family background, and school activities. In order to make the implementation of 2013 curriculum success in notice

students’ differences, Mulyasa (2014 : 43) states that the teachers must


same speed, the teachers must understand about that condition. It is better, if the teachers give different task for each student or they can group them based on their ability. When the teachers find student who abnormal or have special need, they must contact the specialist to solve it. In the learning process, the teachers must vary their method of learning. Modification and enrichment of materials are good to do by them. The other important thing is all of the students must involve in every learning activity. The teachers must assess their students use variation procedure objectively.

It is not a simple task for the teachers. The successful of 2013 curriculum is on their hands. They must totally understand about the 2013 curriculum and they must implement it correctly.

4. Scientific Approach


America in the late 19th century, as the emphasis on laboratory formalistic approach that leads to scientific facts (Hudson, 1996: 115 in Khasanah, 2014 :2).

This scientific approach allows teachers or curriculum developers to improve the learning process, namely by breaking the process into steps or stages in detail which contains instructions for the students carry out learning activities (Varelas 2008: 31). The above definition shows there are specific steps in the scientific approach. The stages must be ordered and every step has different purpose.

Kemendikbud (2013:164) state that scientific approach is a learning process that can stimulate students to do the following skill: observing, questioning, Associating, experimenting, and networking.

a. Characteristic of Scientific approach

There are seven criteria to determine whether a method of teaching is scientific or not. They are as follow;


are built on the basis on empirically valid concepts, theories, and facts. 7) The formulation of learning objectives is simple, clear, but attractive.

(Kemendikbud, 2013: 295)

Based on these characteristics, scientific approach is believed to be the golden ways of the development of attitudes, skills, and knowledge of learners in the approach or work process that meets the scientific criteria. It makes the learning close to the real condition, and it is hoped make the students more active. b. Steps of Teaching and Learning in Scientific Approach

The general steps in the scientific approach in learning process include observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, and communicating (Permendikbud nomor. 81A, 2013).The explanations of each skill are as follow:

1) Observing


They use this step to evoke students’ curiosity. The students can guess what they will learn based on the observation. When they are getting confuse, it brings them to the next step.

2) Questioning

The second step is questioning. Questioning can be used by both teachers and students in the classroom. The teacher gives question to help the students construct their idea or to confirm their understanding.

The students use questioning process to solve their confusion in the observing process. It helps them to complete information and give them more opportunity to be active. The activities in questioning process such as discussion, group working, and class discussion. It gives the students a freedom in proposing their idea. This process make the students have critical thinking skill which logic and systematic.

3) Associating

The term “associating” used in Curriculum 2013 is more appropriate than “reasoning”. “Associating is to describe teachers and students’ active participation in the classroom. Of course, students must be more active and are given more opportunities in learning. Suharyadi (2013;6) explained

“Associating is the process of thinking logically and


In the context of learning, “associating” is focused on students’learning activities. “

4) Experimenting

To get the real or authentic learning, learners have to do experiments. For example, students should understand the concepts of greeting and parting, then practice it in the real situation. They can do conversation with their friends use the expression they have learned.

Experimenting help the students develop knowledge about the environment, and make them able to use the scientific method and scientific attitude to solve the problems they face in everyday life. Suharyadi ( 2013:6) stated the application of experimental methods is intended to develop various learning objectives, the attitudes, skills, and knowledge.

5) Communicating


thinking skill, expressing opinion, and it also develop good speaking skill.

The above structured steps are designed in order to make the learning process more directed. The learning purpose covers 3 aspects, namely knowledge, skill, and attitude. The scientific

approach’s step help the students attain the all aspects. The

activity in each step gives lesson to the students. They get experience which add and sharpen their knowledge, skill, and attitude.

5. Learning Model in 2013 Curriculum


Kemendikbud (2013:195) emphasizes that scientific approach will be obvious when it use in certain model of learning such as: (Project Based Learning), Problem Based Learning, Discovery Learning. a. Problem Based Learning (PBL)

According to Ward and Stepien cited in Ngalimun (2013:89) PBL is a learning model which involves the students to solve a problem through some stages of scientific method. Based on the definition, it is seen that the students is hoped can be

independent in learning, it is also indirectly sharpen students’ skill

in solving problem. Problem based learning stimulates the students to think about their problem and how to solve it. It will really

useful for the students’ daily life.

b. Discovery Learning

Kemendikbud (2013: 158) explained that the principle in Discovery learning is the materials are not given in final form, so the students are stimulated to identify what they want to know. In this model of learning students must search information related with the material and then construct it to ordered information.

Discovery learning is good to make the students be more

active in the process of learning and it also can build students’


c. Project Based Learning

Project based learning is model of learning which have

purpose students’ able create or make something valuable. According to Bie in Ngalimun (2013:85) This model of learning involve the students to solve problem and some real tasks. The students are given an autonomy to construct their learning process and at the climax is they can produce valuable and reliable product. Project based learning need more time because the students through some stage to create the product. They need time to prepare the material, understand the problem, and then making the product.

6. Assesment in 2013 Curriculum

Assessment is the process of measuring students’ comprehension in the learning process. It is in line with the definition of assessment in Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number. 66 of 2013(Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 66 Tahun 2013 ), assessment is a process of gathering and processing

information to decide students’ achievement of learning outcomes.


categories namely formal and informal assessment. There are also other kinds of assessment such as; formative assessment, summative assessment, and the newest is authentic assessment. Each assessment

has different purpose and it also use to evaluate students’


Every curriculum has different way in assessing the students’

achievement. Learning assessment as a process of collecting and processing information include: authentic assessment, self assessment, portofolio based assessment, a test, daily test, final test, etc. 2013 curriculum stress on the use of authentic assessment. The teacher should move from traditional assessment to authentic assessment. Based on the Implementation Guidelines of the Curriculum 2013, it is stated that:

1) assessment is directed to measure students’ competence

stated in the curriculum, 2) it is basically criterion-referenced assessment, 3) It is an ongoing process, that all indicators are assessed, and then analyzed to see what have been or have not been achieved by students, and then to

locate students’ difficulties in achieving the competence, 4)


through the process assessment, portfolio, and output assessment completely and comprehensively.

Authentic assessment is a method of evaluation in which students perform real-life tasks to demonstrate their ability to apply relevant knowledge and skills (Basuki.2014: 168). The definition shows that assessment is not always a written test like in the traditional assessment. It can be in the form of presentation, performance, discussion, and other. This evaluation make the students implement what they have got from the learning, so they know well the function of the lesson. The real life task also stimulates the students’ critical thinking skill.

According to (Sani, 2013 : 48) Authentic assessment can be implied as an effort to give assignments to the students which reflect priority and challenge that found in learning activities. O’Malley and Pierce (1996: 11-14) further explain that authentic assessment is the

multiple forms of assessment that reflects students’ learning,

achievement, motivation, and attitudes on instructionally-relevant classroom activities.

According to writer authentic assessment is an assessment which is designed appropriate with the environment, materials, and the

students’ characteristic. It is not only to measure the students’ understanding but it can be tools to train the students’ ability in


Authentic assessment built the students’ critical thinking because they should relate what they have learnt with the real world. It is different with the traditional assessment which examine only on what

they have learnt in the classroom. Beside that the students’ creativity will be sharpen with various kind of authentic assessment. They are not only done the written test. There are other activities such as drama, presentation, and group working. On the authentic assessment the students also have opportunity to involve in making the structure of the

assessment. It develops the students’ responsibility.

Authentic assessment have some characteristics as explained by Kunandar (2014: 39), First, it is use in sumatif or formatif. It is mean that authentic assessment is used to measure the students’ achievement

of one or some core competency. It also measures the students’

achievement in a semester (sumatif). Second, authentic assessment measures the skill and performance. It is not only use to measure the

students’ knowledge, because they usually only memorize what they have learnt without understand it. The third criteria is continuing and integrating. The last criteria, it is used as feedback. The assessment

uses as feedback for the students’ achievement.

a. Types of Authentic Assessment


constructed-response items, teacher observations, and portfolios, self-assessment and peer-assessment (O’Malley and Pierce, 1996,). The types of the assessment should be matched with the material. The teacher can use any kind of authentic assessment as long as it is appropriate with the materials. Based on the guideline from the government there are four types of authentic assessment that can be applied by the teacher.

1) Performance assessment

Teacher can ask the students to mention the elements of the assignment which will they use to determine the criteria. The students work individually or in team then they performs their work in front of their friends.

2) Project assessment

It is an assessment concerning with the assignment which must be finished by the students in a given time. The assignment is a set of activities such as planning, collecting data, organizing, processing, analyzing, and presenting data. 3) Portfolios assessment

It is Focus on the collection of student work to show progress over time. The works can be individually or group. The period of portofolios is a year or a semester.


In this assessment the students is given written test in order to examine their knowledge. The test in form of analysis and is demanded to be comprehensive so the result can describe

students’ attitude, knowledge, and skill.

Beside the above types there are other types of authentic assessment, such as journal, group discussion, quiz, interview, home work, and a report. According to Kunandar (2014; 42) there are three important things which should be noticed by the teachers: authentic from the instrument, authentic from the measured

aspects, and authentic from the students’ condition.

In order to apply authentic assessment, teachers are advised to work collaboratively with their colleagues and gain support

from the schools’ administrator and also from students’ parents. It

will be better if the teachers can use precise type of authentic assessment in each material they have taught, because not all of type is appropriate with every material. Authentic assessment is a

good way to know about the students’ achievement. The teacher

must be good in manage the time because this assessment need more time.

C. Review of Previous Research


1. A journal from Pusat Pengkajian, Pengolahan Data dan Informasi

(P3DI) present a research entitled “Dampak implementasi Kurikulum

2013 Terhadap Guru” conducted by Faridah Alawiyah. In that research showed that in the implementation of 2013 curriculum there are some obstacle;(1) The teachers are not ready yet and they are difficult to change their mindset (2) Teachers in some subjects lose duties and teaching hours (3) lack of information and socialization of guidance of 2013 curriculum (4) the content of book is not appropriate.

2. The research entitled “Understanding 2013 Curriculum of English

Teaching through the Teachers’ and Policymakers’ Perspectives “is conducted by Djuwairiah Ahmad from Faculty of Education and Teaching Science, Alauddin State Islamic University, Makassar, South

Sulawesi, Indonesia. This research focused on : 1) the teachers’ and


innovative, creative and give good impact to the English learning process, the second view is negative and superficial that only change in conceptual level and would likely to have the same effects with the previous changes. The implementation of K-13 in ELT practices was found to be partial, biased and tended to be traditional from the planning to the assessing process. The constraints to successful implementation of K-13 were found to root in the teachers’ fixed mindset and within the implementation.

3. Futiqa Zen conduct a research entitled “Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 Dan Hambatan Yang Di Alami Oleh Guru Matematika Di SMKN Tulungagung Tahun 2014 .(Multi Kasus di SMKN 1 Boyolangu dan

SMKN 2 Boyolangu)”. This research focused on the implementation

of 2013 and the barriers faced by the mathematic teachers. The findings of the research are the mathematic learning process used scientific approach but not fully. Then the teachers faced some barriers namely; (1)students who still difficult to change the habit of a model and teaching methods in the previous curriculum (2) books from the government are an elusive(3) lack of the use of media because not all of the students have electronic media like laptop.

4. Research from Muhammad Nuruzzaman, the student of Civil Engineering Study Program Education And Planning, Faculty Of


Seyegan Sleman Jurusan Teknik Gambar Bangunan (TGB)” . This

research studied the obstruction faced by teachers in the implementation of 2013 curriculum from the aspect of preparation, implementation, evaluation, and the preparedness of facilities. The kind of the research is descriptive quantitative. The research instrument was a Likert scale with a score of the highest barrier was 4 and 1 for the lowest barriers. The result of the research are ; (1) lesson preparation perceived barriers rather higher (mean 1.8), the main obstacle is overly complicated planning, too much administration is prepared, the difficulty in activating student and lack of socialization of curriculum, 2013; (2) The main obstacle in the implementation was many students are passive, they were bored with discussion, and the time was not enough to implement 5 M ( the steps of scientific approach ) (mean 1.8) ; (3) the main obstacle in the evaluation was there so many point should be made and there are many students should be assessed so the time was not enough,(mean 1.8); (4) the preparedness of facilities have the highest mean (2.1), the main obstacles are not all of the classes have LCD, the limitation of Wifi signal, some facilities were broken, and many teachers who have not

been able to use technology, the teachers didn’t have textbook and

teaching materials.



A. Research Method

In this research the writer used descriptive qualitative research to collect data and presents the research. The research intends to collect information about the implementation of 2013 in English learning and the barriers which the teachers found in implementing it. It is why the research uses descriptive qualitative research. According to Bodgan and Taylor (as

cited in Moleong 2009:4) “qualitative research is a research that present

written or oral descriptive data of observed people and behavior.

According to Sugiyono (2006: 15) qualitative research is research methodology that is influenced by the philosophy of post-positivism, which is employed in natural objects and regards the researcher as the key of the instruments)


got from deep observation, interview or other ways which is not change the real situation.

There are some reasons of using qualitative research in this Research. The objects of the Research are definite and it is possibly changes in the future. The other consideration in using the qualitative research as explained by Moeloeng (2010:10) are : 1. qualitative research is able to adjust with general realities moderately; 2. this kind of research presents relations between researchers and their respondents directly; and 3. it is more sensitive and is adjustable to changes in pattern of values faced by researchers .

B. Role of Researcher

The researcher is the main instrument in the qualitative research, it is in line with the explanation from Moeloeng (2010 : 168 ) : The position of researcher in qualitative research is complicated. They act as designer, organizer of collecting data, analyzer, interpreter, and at the end they also become reporter of the research.

The writer as the designer of the research did some activities such

as; composed the interviews’ question, arranged the license, and arrange


C. Subject of the Research

The research subject are the English teachers of the two state junior high schools in Salatiga. There are the two English teachers of SMP N 6 and two English teachers of SMP N 10 Salatiga. The teachers from SMP N 6 Salatiga are Mr. Ediyanto then called as Teacher A and Mrs. Retno Widyatsih then called as Teacher B. The next teachers from SMP N 10 Salatiga are Mr. Masyhudi then called as Teacher C and Mr. Sigit Called as Teacher D.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

In a qualitative research, data can be taken from archival documents, written and oral expressions of people or their behavior, etc (Moleong, 2010: 157), because of that the method that are used in gathering research data are :

1. Observation

Observation is monitoring activity, including attention activity to an object using all of the five senses. So, observation can be done through seeing, smelling, listening, feeling, and tasting (Arikunto, 2010: 156-157).


grade on 18th and 19th may 2015. The writer couldn’t observe the English learning process which use 2013 curriculum in SMP N 10,

because this school wasn’t use this curriculum anymore. It is as the

result of decision from the minister of education which discontinued the implementation of 2013 curriculum. The minister decided to stop this curriculum in all school level except for the pilot project school like SMP N 06 Salatiga.

2. Interview

Interview is a dialogue conducted by the interviewer to obtain information from interviewees. Interviews can also be interpreted as data collection techniques used by researchers to get verbal descriptions by conversing and face to face with someone who can provide information to the researcher. The interview data completed the information from the observation.

The kind of interview that used in collecting the data was a semi-structured interview. It was an interview that utilized a question list, but allowed for greater flexibility for the interviewer in asking for clarification and elaboration (Arikunto, 2010:156). This kind of interview is also known as in depth interview, where technically is more flexible than the structured one (Sugiyono, 2006: 320).


obtain data relating the implementation of curriculum 2013 and the problem which is faced by the English teachers. The interviewees of this research are the English teachers from two schools. One of the schools is the pilot project school for the implementation of 2013 curriculum. The interview is carried out on 12th to 23th May 2015 to the four English teachers from two Junior high school in Salatiga. The teachers are symbolize by the following codes; A2 is for teacher A, B2 for teacher B, C2 for teacher C, and D2 for teacher D. Then in each interview section the writer is symbolize by the same letter with the teachers but with different number like ; A1, B1, C1, D1. The turn is symbolize by the ordinal number. For example A2.3 mean teacher A turn three, so the person who speaks is teacher A and this is the third turns.

The researcher utilizes mobile phone to record the interview process, and also use note taking. Then the data from recording and note taking are combined and present as the result of interview. There are some questions which propose to the interviewee. The writer arranged the question based on the needed information to compose the research.

3. Documentation


(2010: 206). The documents in this research are the lesson plan, the profile of the schools, and the pictures of english learning process. The writer asked the copy of lesson plan from the English teachers. The lesson plan used to complete the data and it used to validate the data from the interview session.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

A qualitative data analysis according to bodgan as cited by Sugiyono(2012:332) is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, field notes, and other materials that you accumulate to increase your own understanding of them and to enable you to present what you have discovered to others. There are activities in the analysis of data, including data reduction, the data display, and conclusion.


Data Collection

Conclusion Data Presentation

Data Reduction

Figure 3.1 Components of Interactive Analysis Models

Components of Interactive Analysis Models (Rachman, 1999: 121)

1. Data collection

This is the process to get all needed information in this research. The writer uses some technique as mentioned before namely observation and interview. The technique is enough to get all needed information to conduct this research.

2. Data Reduction


3. Data Display

According to Miles and Huberman (1994 : 11) a display is an organized, compressed, assembly of information that permit conclusion drawing and action. The most frequent form of display from qualitative data in the past has been extended text.

The presentation of data in this research was in the form of narration which consists of the implementation of 2013 curriculum in English learning process and some categories of teachers’ difficulties in the implementation of 2013 curriculum.

4. Drawing Conclusion

The next step after data display is drawing conclusion, it is also become the final step of this research. The conclusions are credible if it is supported by consistent and valid proof. It gave the reflection of the

research’s result.

F. Validity of the Research Data




A. Implementation of 2013 Curriculum in English Subject

The writer discusses some parts of the implementation of 2013 curriculum such as, the preparation process which includes making the lesson plan, learning process, learning strategy, assessment process.

1. Lesson plan

English teachers in SMPN 6 Salatiga and SMPN 10 Salatiga usually make lesson plan before teaching in class. The lesson plan used as guidance in teaching but sometimes the condition of the class and students make the learning process is not appropriate with the lesson plan. The teachers sometimes change the activity in the lesson plan

because of the students’ condition or the facilities.

The teachers made lesson plan by their self, but they can create lesson plans in collaboration with Teacher Association on Subject Matter (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran). This is in line with the

fact on the literature that “teachers have a role to develop lesson plans while the government provides guidance” .

The teachers’ lesson plans appropriate with the demand of 2013


model, and the assessment process. These are the tablesof the teachers lesson plan in the part of subject identity :

Table 4.1 Teacher A’s Lesson Plan :

Table 4.2 Teacher B’s Lesson Plan :

Table 4.3 Teacher C’s Lesson Plan :



Satuan Pendidikan : SMP N 10 Salatiga

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VII/2(DUA)

Materi Pokok : Teks tulis label nama (label) dan Daftar barang (list di

sekitar siswa

Alokasi Waktu : 4 pertemuan (8JP)



Satuan Pendidikan : SMP

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/2

Materi Pokok : Teks naratif berbentuk fabel pendek dan



Satuan Pendidikan : SMP N 6 Salatiga

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VII/2

Materi Pokok : Teks (a) instruksi (instruction), b tanda atau


Table 4.4 Teacher D’s Lesson Plan :



Satuan Pendidikan : SMP N 10 Salatiga Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas/Semester : VII/I

Materi Pokok : nama hari bulan, nama waktu dalam hari , waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun.

Alokasi Waktu : 8x 40 menit

From the above table showed that the teachers have completed their lesson plan with the subject identity which consists of education unit, subject, class and semester, and time allocation. It is proved that

they understand well the rule in making 2013 curriculum’s lesson plan,

especially in the part of subject identity.

The other components of lesson plan is the core competence. The teacher make lesson plan from the syllabus, the following are the core competence based on the English syllabus of 2013 curriculum:

Table 4.5 the core competence from English Sylabus:

Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun,

percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan

lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan


KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)


teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak


KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan

membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung,

menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di

sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

To help understand the explanation above here are the complete explanation of the core competence. K1 is the code for the first core competence which contains the religious aspect or spiritual aspect. K2 is the code for the second core competence, it is the competence of attitude. K2 is reflected by the attitude of respect and fully appreciate of; honesty, discipline, responsibility, concern, self confidence, and interaction with environment. The last is K4 is the code for fourth core competence, It is the competence of skill which is reflected by the concret activity. The following are the core competence of the

teachers’s lesson plan.

Table 4.6 The Core Competence of Teachers A’s Lesson Plan

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya 2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.


menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

Table 4.7 The Core Competence of Teachers B’s Lesson Plan

B. Kompetensi Inti

5. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya 6. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

7. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

8. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

Table 4.8 The Core Competence of Teacher C’s Lesson Plan

Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 : Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun,

percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan

lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan


KI 3 : Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak


KI 4 : Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret

(menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan

membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung,

menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di

sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

Table 4.9 The Core Competence Of Teachers D’s Lesson Plan

A.Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya 2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin,

tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.

3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.


Table 2.1 Differences between 2013 curriculum and KTSP
Table 2.2 Changes of English Subject
Figure 3.1 Components of Interactive Analysis Models
Table 4.1 Teacher A’s Lesson Plan :


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