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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd) in Teaching English


Rosyidah Nuril Adha D75212076











Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd) in Teaching English


Rosyidah Nuril Adha D75212076







Sebagai sivitas akademika UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, yang bertandatangan di bawah ini, saya:

Nama : Rosyidah Nuril Adha

NIM : D75212076

Fakultas/Jurusan : FTK/ Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris E-mail address : rosyidah_nuril_adha@yahoo.com

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, menyetujui untuk memberikan kepada Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Hak Bebas Royalti Non-Eksklusif atas karya ilmiah :

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Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Surabaya, 24 Agustus 2016 Penulis

(Rosyidah Nuril Adha) v




English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Advisors: Mohammad Salik

Key Words: Participation, online class, discussion group, and CALL course

This research discussed about participation of students in online discussion especially in CALL 2 course of UIN sunan Ampel Surabaya. Online discussion is one of design learning process in out-of-class contexts that is designed by educators to educate students more autonomous and knowledgeable by using technology. By online discussion, students will be educated how to browse knowledge that they need with legal access. CALL 2 apply online discussion using SCHOOLOGY whereas students have to participate discussion without face their friends and lecturer directly.

Based on the result of preliminary research has proved that the written data of participation show 40 students from 60 students are less participation in comment discussion for a semester. Moreover, many students are silent when lecturer asks the difficulties in online class. Qualitative research analyzes data from direct field work (SCHOOLOGY) and mix-ended questionnaire. Inductive analysis across cases yields patterns and themes, the fruit of qualitative research. This research instrument uses record of CHOOLOGY and questionnaire.














MOTTO ... v







CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION 1.1. Research Background ... 1


2.2. Learning in class and learning out-class ... 13

2.3. Online Discussion... 16

2.4. The Concept of IT on Education ... 23

2.5. The Previous Participant In Online Class ... 25

2.6. Previous Study ... 27

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD 3.1. Approach and Research Design ... 29

3.2. Population and Sample ... 29

3.3. Data and Sources of data ... 30

3.4. Research Instrument ... 31

3.5. Data Analysis Technique ... 32



4.1.2.Instrument Validity ... 39

4.2. Research Finding

4.1. Students’ participation in online discussion during the CALL course at English education department

of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya ... 40 4.2. Students’ problems in participating to online

discussion ... 46 4.3. Discussion

4.3.1. Participation ... 53 4.3.2. Learning in class and learning out-of class ... 57 4.3.3. Online discussion ... 58 CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION

5.1. Conclusion ... 60 5.2. Suggestion ... 60 Bibliography




This chapter gives an overview of the research background, the research

questions, and objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope and limits of

study, and the definition of key terms used in this proposal.

A. Research Background

In the 2000s, Internet is no longer a difficult thing to search and access. Each

user accesses the Internet easily wherever and whenever they want. Internet packages

are purchased cheaply and quickly, moreover Gadget is accessible to buy. Almost

80% of the population in Indonesia has used the Internet as a tool in communicating

with others. With the result, communicate with others is not reasonable to say

difficult. It is concentrated by Jakarta Appointment on March 10, 2015 "The extent of

Internet users in Indonesia reached 73 slews this domain or not at all bad to assorted

29 percent of the population, with accessing social media being the highest activity".1

The development of technology especially internet forces the learning process

to be in contact with. Most people believe that internet extends a very great impact to

the advancement of student learning. This is kind of improving the quality of country.

Moreover, globalization has influenced the educational shift from conventional to


Attention Required! | CloudFlare,



modern one. Predictability, the next education will be flexible, open, and accessible.

Technology improves the quality and broad range of education that is utilized wisely.

In addition, Internet is very useful for students and teachers. It helps people to browse

anything easier to get information. We are not waste our time to move on another

place to get something needed. Moreover, social media such as Facebook, twitter,

email facilitate people to chat and collect information easily. Good gadgets which are

possessed by most people encourage the using of Internet. With the development of

information technology in education, it is now possible to study with distance

learning using internet media to link between students and lecturers.

Nowadays the free use of internet makes people spend their leisure time for

Facebook, twitter, BBM and other social media than study. It makes the executors of

education are concerned with the attitude of the students today. In that way they

initiate to make the best use of technology as an aid in learning, particularly in

language learning through online discussion learning. It is learner-centered and

emphasizes communication in real-life situations. Online discussion is teaching and

learning activities require time to meet in learning whereas users only need a laptop

or reading material and other communication device that is able to connect the

Internet. Fouts indicates in the book of Evaluating the Effectiveness of Technology in


improving education.2 He explains his research as the following statements; 1) When

combined with traditional instruction, the use of computers is able to increase student

learning in the traditional curriculum and basic skills areas., 2) The integration of

computers with traditional instruction produces higher academic achievement in a

variety of subject areas than does traditional instruction alone., 3) Students learn more

quickly and with greater retention when learning with the aid of computers., 4)

Students like learning with computers, their attitudes toward learning and school are

positively affected by computer use., 5) The use of computers appears most

promising for low achieving and at-risk students., 6) Effective and adequate teacher

training is an integral element of successful learning programs based on or assisted by


Online discussion is one of design learning process in out-of-class contexts that

is designed by educators to educate students more autonomous and knowledgeable by

using technology. In this process, the active learner is not teacher but rather students

whereas they face their future obstacle for their learning. By online discussion,

students are educated how to browse knowledge that they need with legal access. In

addition, students are able to discuss with other friends using references that are

available on it. Moreover, the studies of the effectiveness of technology in schools

show that the use of technology is able to help students gain a variety of language


Richard J. Noeth and Boris B. Volkov, “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Technology in Our Schools.

ACT Policy Report.”, American College Testing ACT Inc (2004), http://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED483855,



skills; understanding the relationships among the parts of the English language,

classification, and reading comprehension; sound discrimination, sound-symbol

correspondence, listening comprehension, decoding in context, and creating oral

narratives; phonological awareness; reading achievement; and spelling.3

Online discussion in learning process are applied by UIN Sunan Ampel

Surabaya especially English teacher education department. Some of lecturers have

designed their lesson using online discussion to improve student’s knowledge from

internet. Lecturers are also active in class although they have learning process out of

class. Most of students are perfunctory with lectures’ design program in online class

that makes them passive in the class.

Computer Assisted Language Learning ( CALL ) is one of an elective lesson

thought for students in sixth to seventh semester of English Education Department

UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya which applied online class. This class has two sessions

each semester such as CALL 1 and CALL 2. CALL class is a lesson that employs

using technology such as operating computer in learning to develop the learning more

accessible and easy. CALL 2 is session that apply online discussion using

SCHOOLOGY whereas students have to participate discussion without face their

friends and lecturer directly. Students can do their discussion and their work

everywhere and every time that they want. The following example is the topics of





discussion in SCHOOLOGY; Personal Introduction, Netiquette, Technology in

Education, Web quest Activity, making timeline in language learning, Technology


SCHOOLOGY is a new innovation of digital learning and teaching that

resembles facebook. SCHOOLOGY has several facilities such as resources,

attendance, analytics, course, assignment, discussion. In this SCHOOLOGY lecturer

is able to filter posts by students prior to publish. SCHOOLOGY uses a computer,

cell phone, or other mobile. SCHOOLOGY created by Jeremy Friedman in May 2009

precisely New York America. It provides students and parents that administrators are

able to control the nuances of that learning experience.

Following the lesson, for a semester teacher and students apply online

discussion adding meeting class for twice in a month to check the students’

development in the class. In addition, students are able to ask anything that they have

been confused while apply online discussion. It is proved by the students responds in

class. Based on the result of preliminary research has proved that the written data of

participation show 40 students from 60 students are less participation in comment

discussion for a semester. Moreover, many students are silent when lecturer asks the

difficulties in online class. Probably, they enjoy the online learning as well or cover

up their problem while apply online learning.

Because of the case above, the writer wants to know the Participation in

Online Discussion during the “CALL” Course at English Teacher Education



B. Research Question

1. How is the students’ participation in online discussion during the CALL

course at English education department of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya?

2. What problems are faced by students to participate online discussion?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems above, this study is expected that:

1. This study gives overview about the students’ participation in online

discussion during CALL course at English Teacher Education Department of

UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

2. This study discovers the problems are faced by students in participating

online discussion and how they solve the problem by themselves.

D. Significance of the Study

The result of this study is important. It will be useful for the lecturer in

order to develop their teaching to students nowadays. Moreover, lecturer will

get the information about students’ problem and their respondents in online

learning. This result is also useful for the students of English Education

Department as reference to exploit the internet in language learning. They are

able to develop their ideas by browsing anything to get more information that


Researcher explores the problem of the students’ participation from the


E. Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focuses on the written data of students participation doing

online class for repairing the class later, the problem that they faced hopefully

lecturer is able to measure the solve problem for the next students. In addition,

it appears the data conclusion of online participant that is able to accommodate

lesson activity using online which are acceptable and useful for students exactly

in developing English language.

The data were from students in CALL class and the records of online

class activity that is gotten from lecturer. Moreover, Students have to study in

UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya and passed the CALL class not more than a year

(i.e. students of 2012 graduation).

F. The Definition of Key Terms

The key terms in the thesis are participation, online class, and discussion group.

1. Participation

Based on Cambridge Dictionary, Participation is an action to take part

or become involved in activity. In this writing means that participation is

students who have joined or registered discussion online during the CALL

course at English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel



2. Online Class

Online Class is class activity using computer or cell phone application

whereas students can access the class easily with the current time based on

the due date of the class which is programmed by the lecturer or admin.

Computers had been installed in various types of educational, and students

have to create an account before join the class. The class activity can do in

out of class, however students do not have to come in class every meeting.

Sometimes the admin gives upper limit of time for about one week to do the

online class. In such a way that Students can join the class whenever and

wherever they want before the overdue.

3. Discussion Group

Discussion Group is discussion activity in online class to help students

sharing their information and knowledge using SCHOOLOGY program.

Hopefully it is able to help students break their problem faced in the class.

Moreover, it is the way to improve students’ ability in English because this

time students use English to discuss their problem. And it is controlled by

the admin in order lecturer knows the students’ activity in the class.


CALL class is a lesson that employs using technology in learning to

develop the learning more accessible and easy that apply online discussion

using SCHOOLOGY whereas students have to participate discussion

without face their friends and lecturer directly. This course is one of an

elective lesson thought for students in sixth to seventh semester of English

Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya which applied online

class. The following example is the topics of discussion in SCHOOLOGY;

Personal Introduction, Netiquette, Technology in Education, Web quest

Activity, making timeline in language learning, Technology Corner.


SCHOOLOGY is a new innovation of digital learning and teaching

that resembles facebook. Kelly Ady state that it helps teacher embrace a

digital teaching and learning environment in new ways.4 SCHOOLOGY has

several facilities such as resources, attendance, analytics, course,

assignment, discussion. In this SCHOOLOGY lecturer is able to filter posts

by students prior to publish. SCHOOLOGY uses a computer, cell phone, or

other mobile. SCHOOLOGY created by Jeremy Friedman in May 2009

precisely New York America. It provides students and parents that

administrators are able to control the nuances of that learning experience.


Higher Ed and K-12 LMS Success Stories | Schoology, https://www.schoology.com/stories, accessed





This chapter cover about learning in class and learning out of class, online

discussion, the concept of IT on education, the previous participant in online class,

and previous study.

A. Participation

Participation is action distribution of the mind in donation ideas, opinions

or thoughts constructively, either to develop programs or to facilitate the

implementation of the program. Davis defines that participation is a person's

mental and emotional engagement to achievement of goals and take the


From the definition, Davis separates the elements containing in

participation are:2

1. The involvement of learners in all activities carried out in the learning


2. The willingness of students to respond and be creative in the activities

carried out in the learning process.


Strategic performance empowerment model: Empowerment in Organizations: Vol 6, No 2, pp. 57–65,

http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/14634449810210742, accessed 30 Mar 2016.


In many online courses, online discussion interplays the basis of

interaction and participation. Therefore, online user has to know how to

position the participant well. The following guidelines are for participation

program success:3

1. Let workers progress from involvement on simple issues to more complex


2. Communicate in advance their areas of decisional freedom and the

associated boundaries.

3. Don’t force workers to participate if they do not wish to do so.

4. Provide counseling for supervisors so that they know how to handle power


5. Set realistic goals for the early stages of any participative process.

6. Keep the guiding philosophy behind participation firmly in mind at all times.

7. Never attempt to manipulate a decision under the guise of participation.

8. Maintain a delicate balance between over participation and under


9. Monitor employee perceptions of the level of empowerment experienced.

B. Learning in class and learning out-of class

1. Learning


Empowerment and participation, http://nptel.ac.in/courses/110105034/SM_Web/Ch17modified.pdf,



Based on OXFORD dictionary “learning” originates from verb

“learn” which has meaning “gain knowledge or skill in a subject or

activity”.4 In other hand, Business Dictionary says that learning is

measurable and relatively permanent change in behavior through

experience, instruction, or study. It means learning is a process to repair

in behavior to avoid the bad experiences that happen in last.5 “By

learning, we do not mean just book learning, or classroom learning, or

even e-learning. We see learning as an integral part of life. Sometimes it

demands an effort; sometimes it is not even our goal. But it always

involves who we are, what we do, who we seek to connect with, and we

aspire to become.6

There are some factors that usually come along in the learners’


1. Anxiety.

Most of potential learners are anxious


“learning”, OXFORD, p. 74. 5

What is learning? definition and meaning,

http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/learning.html, accessed 21 Mar 2016. 6

Digital Habitats: Stewarding Technology for Communities: Etienne Wenger, Nancy White, John D.

Smith: 9780982503607: Amazon.com: Books, p. 4,

https://www.amazon.com/Digital-Habitats-Stewarding-Technology-Communities/dp/0982503601#reader_0982503601, accessed 11 Aug 2016. 7

Jenny Rogers, Adults learning (Maidenhead; New York: Open University Press, 2007), pp. 7–10,

http://www.dawsonera.com/depp/reader/protected/external/AbstractView/S9780335235018, accessed


2. Memories of school

There are several possible experiences either positive or negative that

influences learner in distribution themselves.

3. Challenge to believe

Another possible explanation is that potential conflict is involved when

an adult comes forward for learning.

The different of passive teaching methods and participatory

teaching methods influence the way of students’ learning.



Based on Thesaurus Dictionary, class is a number of persons or

things regarded as forming a group by reason of common attributes,

characteristics, qualities, or traits; kind; sort.8 In other definition, class is a

group of students meeting regularly to study a subject under the guidance

of teacher. The definition of learning class that alone is the process of

study that have eye contact between teacher and student who is doing


3. Definition of learning out-of class

Learning out-of class is the process of learning directly to

something that has relation with someone life. Learning directly in out-of

class is a way to introduce a student or learner to know how to apply what

they get in school. It is a good way as implementation and explanation of

science. It develops awareness of the positive effects of experience

outside the classroom that can be used as teaching materials.

The different of learning in class and learning out-of class (E-learning)9

Concept Classroom E-learning


Process Instructor-led Self-study

Motivation Instructor generated Individually generated


Class | Define Class at Dictionary.com, http://www.dictionary.com/browse/class?s=t, accessed 21

Mar 2016. 9

Making Elearning Work For You, http://www.instructionaldesignexpert.com/eLearning.html,


Feedback Immidiate response Programmed response

Role-play Face to face simulated


Training Instructor led Simulated

Participants Limited to

availability Unlimited

Repetitive One time Unlimited

Interactivity Limited Time Limited Development


C. Online discussion

2.2.1. Meaning of online discussion

Based on COBUILD Dictionary, discussion is a piece of writing or

a lecture in which someone talks about it in detail. With another

explanation that discussion is a process of study where the subject is more

than one in which someone exploring more about a lecture or information

detail.10 The other hand, online is computer setting which is connected to

the internet. In the result, online discussion is subject who uses computer

setting to explore more about a lecture or information detail in Internet.

Garrison and Johnson interpret online is forums (messages and postings

can be viewed when convenient for participants) that offer students the

time to reflect on the topic of discussion and thereby encourages a more

in depth and constructive dialogue.

2.2.2. Kind of discussion




1. Web Discussion.11

It is a special kind of graphic aid for teaching students to look at

both sides of an issue before drawing a conclusion. Discussion Webs

are a great way to engage students in meaningful conversation and

spark critical thinking at the same time. It does that by incorporating

an adaptation of a discussion approach called think-pair-share. Using

this approach, students are asked to respond to a yes-no thinking

question. Then:

a. Students think individually about the question that's up for

discussion. They look in the text for information they might use to

support their opinions.

b. They discuss their ideas with a partner (as a pair). The partners

share supporting ideas from the text and from their own


c. Then the partners pair up with another set of partners. They work

as a group of four to eliminate contradictions and inconsistencies

in their thinking as they come to a consensus and decide upon one

idea that a spokesperson for the group share with the class.

(There'll be plenty of time during the classroom discussion for

dissenting opinions to be heard.)


Hamzah B. Uno, Teknologi Komunikasi & Informasi Pembelajaran, 1st edition (Bumi Aksara,


2. Classroom Discussion

Classroom discussion is a discussion that can enhance student

understanding, add context to academic content, broaden student

perspectives, highlight opposing viewpoints, reinforce knowledge,

build confidence, and support community in learning.12 Separate the

classroom discussion consistent:

a. Enhance knowledge, understanding, and relevance

Student understanding and ability to connect detailed technical

content with other knowledge and experience can be facilitated by

open discussion related to applications, connecting principles, prior

experiences, current events, emerging technologies, future

challenges, etc.

b. Point out current “state of knowledge” as context for the material

Student’s awareness and understanding of where the course

material fits into the evolving state of knowledge in the field can be

developed through class discussion. Historical context, current

events, and outstanding questions are useful topics to address in

guiding these discussions.

c. Build skills in critical thinking and analysis




By interacting with classmates and responding to the varying

viewpoints and arguments that may arise during an open

discussion, student will learn the value of continually challenging

their own preconceptions, notions, understanding, and conclusions.

d. Build community and confidence

By hearing the thoughts of their peers, student can identify with

each other in terms of past experience, perspectives, and opinions.

By mutually supporting their developing abilities, they can grow

more confident in their own skills within their peer group. Students

will build their own support communities in this way.

2.2.3. The advantages of discussion

Meaningful discussion requires an environment where students are

enabled to safely engage, freely offering opinions, thoughts, and

experiences without fear of ridicule. As the leader of the class, it is critical

that the instructor earns the trust of the student to foster this safe

environment. Regardless of format, a valuable discussion will be based

upon two basic pillars.13

1. Respect


All participants, including the instructor, must be respectful of all

other participants, the course, the institution, society, and all

identifiable groups. Rude behaviors, such as interruption, ridicule,

anger, personal remarks, are disrespectful and must not be tolerated.

2. Responsibility

All participants are responsible to offer thoughtful remarks that are

useful and contributory to the goals of the discussion. Reactionary

comments, angry replies, and inappropriate attempts at humor are

counterproductive and disrespectful.

2.2.4. Online learning

How to make technology useful is not straightforward and lacked for

careful consideration by each school and its various departments. Skilled

and dedicated educators, who are committed to providing their students

the best possible learning opportunities, are a cornerstone of each

education department. One solution to develop education is to utilize the

technology in learning. There is a wide variety of possible goals for

online learning discussions:14


how_to_plan_for_and_moderate_online_discussions.pdf, pp. 2–3,



Improved comprehension: to enable students to clarify their

understanding of key concepts in the course through discussion with

other students;

building an argument: analyze the logic or power of someone else’s

argument and build and defend one’s own position, using materials

from the course or other relevant materials;

knowledge construction: to encourage a deeper understanding of

concepts, their applicability in different contexts and their relatedness

to other concepts, or to acquire new meanings;

collaborative learning: to enable students to learn from each other, to

share knowledge and experience, and to learn to support and help each


critical thinking: to encourage students to engage constructively in

critical analysis of ideas, concepts, philosophies and

processes/procedures, and to form, defend and reflect on their own

position on issues raised in the teaching;

to create a learning community: to develop a sense of belonging to a

group with similar learning interests, in order to foster student

engagement, and improve student retention; feedback for the

instructor: to enable the instructor to see how learning is taking place


in the learning, and to provide an opportunity for additional teaching

and support for the students as a group.

D. The Concept of IT on Education

The innovation of education always search and try to get its self. It is

shown by the changed curriculum in some of country especially Indonesia.

Most people want to get good education for them or their children are better

than before. Moreover, as the developing nations, technology is something that

is important to grow Indonesia’ education. It has big influence for the

development of education. From the case, a person has to know the concept of

technology before applying it into their life to avoid errors in use of technology.

The following picture is a comprehensive picture covering various domains

implying in terms of technology.

Educatio 4. Delivery system management Utilization: 1. The use of media 2. Diffusion of innovation 3. Implementation and



1.1.The domain of educational technology15

The T&E of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Education defines that Technology Education is practice of educating students

about different technology and engineering concept as they relate to the "human

made" World.16 That is, technology is a tool in developing the science of

human well. Winn divides the three possibilities that may occur in the use of

technology, namely (1) the process of delivering learning, the media used to

convey something specific message. (2) The creation of a learning environment

of media, where media is designed to help students explore and learn new

knowledge. (3) The development of cognitive abilities of students, where the

media serves as an example of a concept.

Kun, Haizhi, and Xing ge separate the distinctive characteristic of IT on

education, mainly reflected in:17

1. Digital

2. Networking

3. Multimedia


Hamzah B. Uno, Teknologi Komunikasi & Informasi Pembelajaran, p. 30. 16

Technology Education - Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University 2016,

http://www.famu.edu/index.cfm?TechEd&DefinitionofTechnologyEducation, accessed 21 Mar 2016. 17

Kun Guo, Haizhi Wang, and Xing Ge, “Lifelong Learning Capabilities of College Students Boosting

by Information Technology on Education”, IERI Procedia, vol. 2 (2012), p. 242, accessed 18 Aug


4. Intelligence

4.4. The Previous University In Online Class

The following table is the previous university which uses online

discussion in their learning. Researcher gets the data from filtering information

from internet.

No. University

Name of the


Function Activity

1. Universitas


Elisa has some menu such as

site news, UGM information,

survey, user-agent, and


This e-learning gives facilities

such as ITB link, Webmail

Students, digital library,

Faculty information, calendar,



of ITB.

3. Universitas


This e-learning process

reserves site news as

information resources of

University, calendar,

Indonesian University link,

and course categories

5. Universitas





E-learning There are some bids in this

program one another

e-learning community, calendar,

UB information Brawijaya

Information Technology

Services, and site news.

8. Universitas


Virtual class This university employs the

program as share chat,

overview, ITS website,

e-learning, digital library, site

news, tutorial MOODLE,

downloader material,

calendar, chat forum, and


4.5. Previous Study

Safitri developes A critical Discourse Analysis of Racism in NBC News

Online Mass Media of Michael Brown's case in Ferguson, Missouri. This study

was taken from the text of the online digital news(NBC)that analyzed text

structure and ideological implications of the text which has a role in

reproduction and social context. This analysis refers to the three levels of

analysis; macro-structure, super-structure and micro-structure.18

Fayyakun conducts a research and development entitled Students’

Motivation in Choosing Call Subject At English Education Department State

Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This study tells about the students’

motivation in choosing CALL and to know the students’ opinions about CALL

as media for teaching English.19


Dessy Safitri, “A Critical Discourse Analysis of Racism in NBC News Online Mass Media of

Michael Brown Case in Ferguson,Missori” (UINSA Surabaya), digilib.uinsby.ac.id/2885/, accessed 4

Jan 2015. 19

Muhammad Agus Fayakun, “Students’ Motivation in Choosing CALL Subject at English Education

Department State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya” (UINSA Surabaya, 2014),



Long Van Nguyen (2010)20 has conducted a research and development

entitled Computer Mediated Collaborative Learning within a Communicative

Language Teaching Approach: A Sociocultural Perspective. This study tells

about the collaborative second/foreign language learning to the review of the

current Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) that is focused on Vietnamese

language education.

This research titled Participation in Online Discussion during the “CALL”

Course at English Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

focus on the result of students participation doing online class for repairing the

class later, the problem that they faced hopefully lecturer is able to measure the

solve problem for the next students. In addition, this research is not only oriented

to the current reality, but also based on data considered to be valid.


Long Van Nguyen, Computer Mediated Collaborative Learning within a communicative Language




This chapter contains about the procedural process to conduct the research and

development. On the research methodology, the part of research function as the

process how the study is done. The parts of the research are Approach and research

design, population of sample, Instrument, data collection technique, and data analysis


3.1. Approach and Research Design

The data is gotten by the qualitative data designed by questionnaire for all

of participant and the lecturer, interview of collective students and interview,

and the percentage of students activity while learning that will gotten by the

admin of the online site named collective data. Qualitative data is the way to

conclude the data based on the result of questionnaire, interview data, and the

percentage based on computer or the collecting data.

3.2. Population and sample

The study conducted at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya especially English

education department. The study involves a number of students in the CALL

course class. Researcher took one class to be sampling that contains for about



membership or student achievement. Students may be selected to complement

the data are students who have completed classes in CALL class last two years.

3.3. Data and Source of Data

To obtain the valid data, this research is applied by the following


3.4.1. Questionnaire

Researcher gives questionnaire after the end of the class. It is for

students and teacher to check the influence of online learning class.

3.4.2. Interview

Researcher takes information from teacher and two or more

students that are chosen randomly separated by active learner and passive

learner. It is to make sure that the data is valid and reliability.

3.4.3. Recording Data From Lecturer

Researcher asks the records of students’ activity in online

discussion from the lecturer of Computer Assisted Language Learning 2

(CALL 2) and the students’ value in the end of the class. Data collection

is gotten by the lecturer of the CALL course. The function is for checking

the rating of students’ participation during the class. It collaborated with


3.4. Research Instrument

Instrument is the way how we get the data, what we have to do to get a

valid and reliable data so the research can be accurate. Document of the

recording online discussion of CALL course is the material that the researcher

uses. Moreover, it uses questionnaire after checking the recording data. To

strength the information it is continued by interview, however it is conditional.

The following data collection techniques are:

1. Record of Online Class ( SCHOOLOGY )

Researcher gets the record of SCHOOLOGY from lecturer in the CALL

class in 2015, Mr. Syaifuddin. This recording is to check participation of

students during the CALL class in SCHOOLOGY. (RQ:1)

2. Giving Questionnaire

Researcher gives questionnaire to students of eighth semester in English

Education Department of State of Islamic University. The sample is ten to

twenty students from the graduation of CALL course in 2015. This

questionnaire is shared to fifteen students of CALL class based on the

calculation of the recording during discussion. This questionnaire is to

strength the record of online class data and breaks the students’ problem in



3.5. Data Analysis Technique

This study is planned to investigate the students’ demographic, students’

self assessment, support service of online class, and the course assessment

which have influence to students participation. There are some kinds of the data

which must be analyzed. The data analyzed in this research are summarizing

the questionnaire and summarizing the record of SCHOOLOGY.

3.5.1. Summarize the record of SCHOOLOGY

Recording is analyzed from internet using icon in SCHOOLOGY. It

calculates using table specification of students’ participation for a

semester. Then, summarize the calculation of the recording using success

criterion rubric.

3.5.2. Summarize Questionnaire

Questionnaire for students in CALL 2 class and teacher is analyzed

by using the tables of specification based on success criterion. The steps

are the following:

a. Make the table of specification (Appendix 1)

b. Match the items in the test into the success criterion.

c. Calculate the percentage of the item.


A. Data Description

This chapter use descriptive qualitative analysis that has 30 students in

CALL 2 (Computer Assisted Language Learning 2) Class 2015 at English

Teacher Education Department UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya as sample. This

research uses recording document in CALL 2 class of online activity

(SCHOLOGY). It is analyzed by writer to check the participant that has

contributed to the class.

The document of SCHOOLOGY discovered from the lecturers, further

classification instrument making in the form of tables and rubric classification.

The first step, make an instrument among the rubric classification and table

discussion is handled by researcher in assessing the online activity. Next,

researcher classifies the students follow the online class using SCHOOLOGY

media in CALL 2 class. This research takes a sample from two classes of

CALL 2 consisting 60 students. The selection and the SCHOOLOGY

estimation choose randomly, thus there is no comparison achievement or

sequence identification numbers in this research.

When the data carried out this research has been collected, further

research instrument-making in the form of a questionnaire deliver to the



research were 30 respondents from research sample in the CALL 2. Afterwards

the instrument tested the validity and reliability to determine whether the data is

valid or not. The results of respondents' tabulate into a diagram to describe the

amount of response data, moreover that can identify trends in data easily.

Subsequent results have been analyzed outlined the study in discussion.

The following data is the result of participant in SCHOOLOGY activity

based on the recording SCHOOLOGY 2015.

Participation of SCHOOLOGY 2015

English Education Department at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya






R1 7 7 28 26 4 0 72 83,7

R2 11 7 19 4 1 1 43 86,3

R3 9 6 11 5 1 0 32 74,5

R4 9 5 3 8 5 0 30 80

R5 13 4 3 8 1 0 29 76

R6 8 3 6 2 10 0 29 69

R7 5 1 6 15 1 0 28 72,2

R8 13 2 6 5 0 0 26 69,3


R10 1 4 7 11 2 0 25 76,2

R11 5 7 5 6 1 0 24 76,8

R12 4 4 5 8 3 0 24 78,2

R13 4 6 7 5 1 0 23 77,5

R14 6 4 8 3 1 0 22 75,7

R15 2 3 4 10 1 0 20 74,5

R16 3 1 2 1 1 0 8 70,5

R17 3 1 2 1 1 0 8 66,3

R18 1 1 1 1 4 0 8 62,2

R19 1 4 1 1 0 0 7 62,8

R20 1 1 1 3 1 0 7 66,2

R21 1 0 3 2 0 0 6 60,2

R22 1 1 2 1 1 0 6 67,7

R23 2 1 1 1 1 0 6 64,3

R24 2 1 1 1 0 0 5 60,8

R25 3 1 1 0 0 0 5 57,5

R26 1 0 1 2 1 0 5 63,3

R27 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 64,2

R28 3 0 0 1 0 0 4 59,8



R30 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 58,8

Picture 4.1

Candidate of Respondent Score

4.1.1. Implementation of Research

Admission of questionnaire is online by Google form,

hopefully it will not disturb the respondents’ time. Respondents fill out a

questionnaire by selecting the appropriate response to reality. The

questionnaire consists of two types enclosed close-ended as 11 items and

open-ended as 8 items.


The total number of students CALL 2 is 60 students, then researcher take

the most active and the most passive for online learning as 30 students,

researcher can only reach 25 students. It can be said the maximum number

obtained by investigators. The problem is the difficult access to contact the


Picture 4.3



4.1.2. Instrument Validity

The test instrument is an important part in the research. With a valid

and reliable instrument in data collection is expected the results to be

valid and reliable. In this writing, researcher validates the two professors

considered and competent in this test.

B. Research Finding

1. Students’ participation in online discussion during the “CALL” course

at English Education Department of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

The study produced many students' interest in participating in online

class, evidenced by all students in CALL 2 participate the class either as a

respondent or not. Some factors that appear in this study are; the topics is

raised an interesting topic in online learning with a sample of 30 students,

students who commented are familiar friends, the internet is fast access, and

the score integrity is high.

The following graphic is the students’ respond based on the topic is

raised such as Personal Introduction (PI) and the main topic; Netiquette (N),

Technology in Education (TE), Web quest Activity (WA), Making Timeline


Picture 4.4

In addition, active students also affect the quality of the students'

distribution in online class, the students' distribution quality have been

measured using the success criterion adapted from the work of Dr. Kelvin


Participant in Each Topic



Picture 4.6

In addition, researcher use a rubric (picture 4.7) to graded the students’

comments objectively. The result shows that active student comment more

quality and attractive than passive students in online learning. (Picture 4.5 and

picture 4.6)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

R17 R19 R21 R23 R25 R27 R29




Passive Participant

Success criterion



EME 5050: Fundamentals of Technology for Educators


Quantity of

Kelvin Thompson, Ed.D. Student Blogging: A Connected Stance Applied This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License



The Result of Success Criterion

Picture 4.8

2. Students’ problems to participate online discussion

From the questionnaire, researcher get the conclusion about the problems

faced by students in participating online discussion based on the diagram. First

is the students demographic influence students' contribution in online learning.

In achieving 65 % most of students are full-time students in the day. In

explanation they need more time to spend time for this course. Moreover 32 %

students joined more than three online courses, 24 % students joined two to

three online courses, and 20 % students joined another online course besides

CALL 2 course. In prediction 76 % students are not focus with CALL 2 course

and they have less time to participate online discussion. The 34 % students are


Students’ Demographic

Picture 4.9

In conclusion students who are full time student are the most active in

online discussion than others. in other hand, this questionnaire shows that 60

% students sometimes feel comfortable apply technology in learning

process, 24 % students always feel comfortable using internet, and 8 % do

not feel comfortable at all.

Comfortable with Technology



Moreover, 100 % students are able to use internet. It shows that there

is no problem to students in operating internet.

Students’ can use internet

Picture 4.11

a. Internet Connection

In addition, 52 % students stay in the city, 36 % in a rural area, and 12

% in a city away from the main campus. Almost 50 % students are


Students’ Place

Picture 4.12

There are some ways to interrupt internet connection: 28 % students

will wait until things get resolved, 48 % students will use a lab on school or

a friend’s computer, 20 % students will ask the instructor for extensions on

the assignments, and 4 % students will get very upset when things go wrong.

A Way to Interrupt Internet Connection



b. Time

As for the time, students spend time in online discussion in accordance

with the following diagram.

Registered In Online Course

Picture 4.14

From the causes engender 52 % students log on to internet at least

twice a week, 28 % only once a week, and 20 % students are on the knees of

the gods.

Students log on to internet in a week


Based on the respondent responses, 52 % students are available to

budgeted time for CALL 2 course (Picture 18). Other students take a part in

CALL 2 if they are not busy with unstable time. In addition, students join this

course because of current reasons such as; 1) they do not have time to take a

traditional class, 2) they are nervous about the course, 3) they do not look

forward the course, but they need the course, 4) they look forward to the

experience. Moreover, 40 % students have less time since the class does not

meet, 36 % students are able to dedicate about four to six hours a week for

studying, 20 % students do not know what to expect, and the others join the

course as attending and studying for a traditional course

How many times do you have for CALL 2?



How long you spend time for CALL 2?

Picture 4.17

c. Online Class Environment

In other hand, most of students can use internet and 80 % students find

working with students interesting, 8 % students always seem to mess up their

system setting and they do not like computer, but they are understand that

computer is important.

Feel comfortable with computers


Students’ opinion for CALL 2 class

Picture 4.19

From this result, 56 % students look forward to the experience, 24 %

students do not look forward to it, but they need the course, and 16 %

students are nervous to the course, and other are neutral.

C. Discussion

A. Participation

Davis defines that participation is a person's mental and emotional

engagement to achievement of goals and take the responsibility.1 From the

definition, Davis separates the elements containing in participation are:2

1. The involvement of learners in all activities carried out in the learning





2. The willingness of students to respond and be creative in the activities

carried out in the learning process.

In CALL 2 course, lecturer gives students the course authorship to

develop their knowledge and creativity in sharing idea. Students are able to

develop their task by self with lecture’s instruction with any sources that they

have. However lecturer always controls the discussion in SCHOOLOGY to

avoid the plagiarism of idea. This online class will be up if the participant are

active with good instructor because of the students’ authorship.

From 180 points of participant, the most active student is 142 points and

the passive is 1 points. It means that more than 50 % of sample has contributed

their self well to develop the activity in SCHOOLOGY. (Picture 4.5)

Percentage of Participation


7 7 28 26 4 0

11 7 19 4 1 1

9 6 11 5 1 0

9 5 3 8 5 0

13 4 3 8 1 0

8 3 6 2 10 0

5 1 6 15 1 0

13 2 6 5 0 0

20 1 3 1 1 0

1 4 7 11 2 0


4 4 5 8 3 0

In many online courses, online discussion interplays the basis of

interaction and participation. Therefore, online user has to know how to

position the participant well. The following guidelines are for participation

program success:3

1. Let workers progress from involvement on simple issues to more complex





2. Communicate in advance their areas of decisional freedom and the

associated boundaries.

3. Don’t force workers to participate if they do not wish to do so.

4. Provide counseling for supervisors so that they will know how to handle

power sharing.

5. Set realistic goals for the early stages of any participative process.

6. Keep the guiding philosophy behind participation firmly in mind at all


7. Never attempt to manipulate a decision under the guise of participation.

8. Maintain a delicate balance between over participation and under


9. Monitor employee perceptions of the level of empowerment experienced.

In this progress, the course has designed the online class using different

topic in each period with new issues that students unknown. Moreover the topic

is related with students' reality, so they are enthusiasm to know the topic about.

In addition, students of CALL 2 have freedom and associate boundaries in the

course, lecturer does not force students to participate if they do not wish to do.

(Picture 4.18) It is important for students feeling enjoyable with the course.

Every students have own problem in online discussion such as, internet

connection, nothing media to use, less time to participate, and stuck with idea.


course or task via Whatsapp. This way is achievable to stimulate students in

sharing their idea or knowledge. Moreover lecturer has facilitated counseling

for students via Whatsapp to help their problem.

B. Learning in class and learning out-of class

“By learning, we do not mean just book learning, or classroom learning,

or even e-learning. We see learning as an integral part of life. Sometimes it

demands an effort; sometimes it is not even our goal. But it always involves

who we are, what we do, who we seek to connect with, and we aspire to


After do research of Participation in Online Class During The CALL

class at English Teacher Education Department, this statement is right. The

reasons are:

1. Students have many experience and knowledge about technology

especially knowledge of application in online learning.

2. Students need effort to do the task more open minded, because the tasks

in the discussion need accurate information using reference.

3. From this course, students are happy because they are able to get

experience, and new motivation to develop technology in education.


Digital Habitats: Stewarding Technology for Communities: Etienne Wenger, Nancy White, John D.



C. Online discussion

There are kind of discussion such as; Discussion Webs and Classroom

Discussion. The CALL 2 course is discussion Webs applied Web quest.

Webquest is an act of search, gather, and also compare a given domain of

information, mostly based on website, blog, and internet source.

Different from internet-based conventional research, webquest is

educational based information gathering. There are 3 procedural standards for


1. Classroom Based. Webquest is asked by teacher to his student to enlarge

their information about given domain.

2. Higher Critical Thinking. The information must be filtered by these 3

principles: critics, creativity, and analysis.

3. Teacher's Selection. Teacher as the task-giver should give particular

web-based source to students.

In this section there are few discussion topics that need to be addressed by

students. There are topics that are compulsory for students to respond and will

give them credit for responding. There are also topics which may be of their

interest and will provide them with channels for asking help and sharing

information. In addition, this section are founded few tutorials on few topics.





Most of students are open with the development of technology. Based on

this course students like about online discussion although their problem is

significant. This research shows that 52 % students are active to participate

online discussion in CALL class especially in topic that has relation with

students’ reality. Lecturer of CALL 2 has designed online discussion well using

SCHOOLOGY. SCHOOLOGY is a web-based social network specifically for

K-12 in schools and higher education institutions which focused on cooperation

to enable users to create, to manage, to interact, and to share academic content.

In other hand, the students’ anxiety is not only the application but also the topic

and their environment in online discussion can influence their participation. The

problems of students in participating online discussion are internet connection,

time, and the enjoyable with their friends sharing.


Based on the conclusion about the research, government has to give more

facilitate to education organization or institute especially in internet connection.

Indonesia is the development country that needs more reparation in education.



is no one who led students in operating computer and internet. This course of

CALL 2 is the one example that is enviable to apply in learning. Besides it is

easy to study, it will develop students’ brain and critical.

UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya should have own application in learning

online. It is able to design SIAKAD as the students and lecturer account to be


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