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Design and validity of interactive multimedia based on cognitive conflict in kinetic gas theory materials using adobe animate cc


Academic year: 2023

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Pembelajaran Fisika


ISSN: 244-515x; e-ISSN: 2528-1976 Vol. 9, No. 1, February 2023, Page 17-27

Design and validity of interactive multimedia based on cognitive conflict in kinetic gas theory materials using adobe animate cc

Nadya Sari Putri, Fatni Mufit*, Amalia Putra, Hidayati

Department of Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

*E-mail: fatni_mufit@fmipa.unp.ac.id

(Received: 15 October 2021; Accepted: 15 February 2023; Published: 27 February 2023)


The 21st century learning requires students to have 4C skills in addition to understanding students' concepts. However, students' 4C skills and understanding of concepts in physics are still relatively low and there are still many misconceptions and the unavailability of teaching materials that can improve students' 4C abilities and conceptual understanding. This study aims to create a valid cognitive conflict- based interactive multimedia design to improve students' 4C skills and understanding of the concept of gas kinetic theory. This type of research is a development/design research using the Plomp model and this research is limited to the prototyping stage. At the preliminary research stage, it was found that in the range of 25% - 43% of students experienced misconceptions ,and in the range of 18% - 55% of students didn,t understand the concept.. In the development and prototyping stages of designing interactive multimedia, the interactive multimedia designs that have been made are carried out with self evaluation has been carried out with a very valid result of 0.96 and an expert review with a very valid result of 0.82. the result shown the conflict-based interactive multimedia can be used to improve student understanding of 4C abilities and conceptual understanding.

Keywords: 4C skills, cognitive conflict, interactive multimedia, kinetic gas theory, misconceptions

DOI: 10.30870/gravity.v9i1.12690


The In the 21st century, technology is developing very rapidly and triggering changes in the world of education, especially in the learning system in schools. Education is becoming increasingly important to ensure that students have the skills to learn and innovate, the skills to use technology and information media, and can work, and survive by using skills for the future.

The Indonesian government is currently directing students' abilities towards 21st century skills, which are abbreviated as 4C, namely critical thinking, collaboration, creativity ,and communication.


To create quality education begins with quality learning that begins with quality teachers.

The learning method applied by the teacher is still dominant in conventional learning which is considered by students to be unattractive and boring because this conventional method is still teacher-centered so that students do not play an active role in the learning process (Rohmani et al., 2015). With this lecture learning model, it can also make students not understand the concept so that misconceptions occur due to a lack of student creativity (Mufit et al., 2020).

While the 2013 curriculum requires students to be active in learning, it will encourage students to understand the concepts and skills of 4C. Learning is said to be effective if it runs by following by under the learning objectives, so the role of the teacher is needed in choosing the methods and media used in the learning process (Kamila, Hanifa Rachmah, 2014).

One of the efforts to improve understanding of 4C concepts and skills is the use of various IT-based teaching materials. Interactive multimedia is a teaching material that can involve students actively in the learning process. One of the subjects that require the use of multimedia is Physics. students understand the concept of physics because it is abstract, one of which is the kinetic theory of gases. Because of the scope of matter the kinetic theory of gases deals with objects that are invisible to the eye. This makes it difficult for the teacher to explain because there are no real examples in the environment.

The difficulty of students in understanding abstract material causes many students who do not understand the material of the kinetic theory of gases and experience misconceptions and students' test results are below standard. (Jauhariyah et al., 2018). This shows that there are still problems in students' scientific literacy, especially understanding of Physics concepts and misconceptions (Mufit et al., 2020).

One solution to overcome learning problems that occur can be done by designing interactive multimedia based on cognitive conflict. Interactive multimedia contains cognitive conflict-based learning models with four syntaxes, namely (1) activation of preconceptions and misconceptions, (2) presentation of cognitive conflicts, (3) discovery of concepts and similarities, (4) reflection The advantages of cognitive conflict-based learning models are: the ability to correcting misconceptions and increasing students' understanding of concepts(Mufit

& Fauzan 2019), by inviting students to think deeply until they realize the misconceptions that exist in themselves then the existing misconceptions are resolved by guiding students to understand the concept in depth (Mufit, et. al 2020).

Interactive multimedia fully combine computer technology, video system ,and audio system to get a better combination and improve the interaction between users and computers (Supardi, 2014). The use of interactive multimedia in learning can have a positive impact and extraordinary benefits in facilitating the student learning process (Sanusi et al., 2015).

Interactive multimedia allows students to type answers, choose answers, conduct experiments, and get feedback from interactive multimedia. The use of interactive multimedia is effective for both in-person and online learning. The application used in making this interactive multimedia is Adobe Animate CC 2019. Adobe Animate is a computer program that can be used to create visualizations that can display multimedia, a combination of graphics, animation, sound ,and interactivity.

Interactive multimedia based on cognitive conflict encourages students to think critically, collaboratively, think creatively ,and communicatively in finding concepts and providing


feedback to students. The purpose of this research is to design interactive multimedia based on the cognitive conflict that can improve students' understanding of 4C concepts and skills on kinetic gas theory material and determine its validity.


The research method used in this research is using the Plomp development model. Plomp development has three stages, namely 1) Preliminary Research, 2) Development and Prototyping Phase and 3) Assessment Phase (Plomp, 2013). In this study, it was limited to the develop and prototyping phase at the small group phase.

The first stage is the Preliminary Research stage. The activity carried out is a needs analysis at SMA N 13 Padang. Needs analysis is done by giving questionnaires on the learning process to three physics teachers on kinetic gas theory. Indicator questions posed are: 1) use of teaching materials used by teachers, 2) implementation of experiments, 3) use of supporting facilities and infrastructure, 4) online school problems during the covid 19 pandemic.

Furthermore, the analysis of students' conceptual understanding of the kinetic gas theory material is carried out by reviewed 5 journals and analyzed students' 4C skills in learning physics using observation sheets.

The second stage in this research is the Develop and Prototyping Phase. At this stage, planning the interactive multimedia structure. The product is designed based on the results of the needs analysis carried out at the Preliminary Research stage. Interactive multimedia is designed to allow users to type answers, select answers and conduct virtual experiments.

Interactive multimedia is designed so that users can use it on smartphones. After the product has been made, self-evaluation of the finished multimedia product is carried out and a review of the interactive multimedia that has been made. This followed by an expert review where the product developed will be validated by three UNP Physics Lecturers.

The instruments used in this study were self-evaluation instruments, practical instruments ,and interactive multimedia validation instruments. The interactive multimedia validation instrument was prepared based on guidelines for the preparation of ICT-based teaching materials. There are four indicators of assessment in the guidelines for developing ICT-based teaching materials: material substance, learning design, visual communication display ,and software utilization (National, 2010).

Data processing in Preliminary Research was carried out by questionnaire analysis and journal analysis of students' understanding of concepts on the kinetic gas theory material. The teacher's questionnaire analysis is presented in descriptive analysis and the percentage of students' conceptual understanding with three categories of Understanding Concepts (PK), Misconceptions (M), and Not Understanding Concepts (TPK).

The assessment instrument sheet is arranged based on a Likert scale consisting of 5 categories: 5 = strongly agree, 4 = agree, 3 = sufficient, 2 = disagree and 1 = strongly disagree.

Data processing on self-evaluation uses the formula:

𝑃 = 𝑜𝑏𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒

𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑥 100% (1)


The results of the interactive multimedia validity assessment were processed using V’

Aiken's formula.

𝑉 = ∑𝑆

𝑛(𝑐 − 1)

The results of category decisions are based on the V’ Aiken's Index as shown in table 1

Table 1. Decision-based on V’ Aiken's index

No Interval Category

1 0.4 Less Valid

2 0.4 < V 0.8 Valid

3 0.8 < V Very valid

(Retnawati, 2016)


This development research produces interactive multimedia based on cognitive conflict to improve students' understanding of 4C concepts and skills.

At the preliminary research stage, conducting a needs analysis was carried out by providing a learning process questionnaire to the teachers of SMAN 13 Padang and journal analysis. The results obtained from the teacher's questionnaire are learning methods that still use conventional methods or lectures, the teaching materials used have not used certain models to improve students' conceptual understanding, lack of experimental activities due to limited facilities and infrastructure and lack of use of interactive multimedia in learning to help students' understanding. This is also found in research (Fadhilah, et al, 2020; Delvia et. al, 2021;

Pusptsari et.al, 2021). The results of students' understanding of concepts were carried out by reviewing 5 journals, from a journal review it was found that students' understanding of concepts in the kinetic gas theory material was still relatively low. The following is the result of the percentage of students' understanding of the concept of each journal.

Table 2. The results of the percentage of students' understanding of the concept of each journal

No Journal Concept Understanding Analysis Results

1 Journal 1 (Jauhariyah et al., 2018) P 11.15%

M 38.25%

TP 22.93%

2 Journal 2 (Barra, 2018) P 21.42%

M 41.96%

TP 21.9%

3 Journal 3 (Harizah, 2017) P 10.64%

M 43.56%

TP 23.40%

4 Journal 4 (Kusindrastuti et al., nd) P 6.56%

M 25.95%

TP 55.62%

5 Journal 5 (Zahra et al., 2020) P 22%

M 31%

TP 18%



P is Understanding Concept, M is Misconception and TP is Not Understanding Concept.

The percentage of understanding the concept of each journal is different, overall the percentage of misconceptions is higher than understanding the concept. So that students' understanding of the kinetic gas theory material is still low.

The next stage is the development phase or prototyping phase. Based on the results of the problems at the preliminary research stage, interactive multimedia products in the form of android applications were produced and used the syntax of cognitive conflict-based learning models. The interactive multimedia design is shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. Cover as the initial display of interactive multimedia

Figure 2. The first stage of activation of preconceptions and misconceptions

The preconception and misconception activation stage aim to find out the initial concepts and misconceptions of students on the kinetic gas theory material.


Figure 3. Display of cognitive conflict presentation stage

The stage of presenting cognitive conflict is filled with questions that cause conflict in the minds of students and students are asked to type in their hypotheses.

Figure 4. Display of the concept and equation discovery stage

In the concept and equation discovery stage, a virtual laboratory is presented which guides students to find equations independently.


Figure 5. Reflection stage displays, feedback on new concepts obtained by students

The next stage is self-evaluation and expert review, self-evaluation is carried out by the researcher himself, at this stage the researcher reads and re-examines the completeness and corrects what is felt to be lacking. There are six indicators, namely: interactive multimedia structure by following per under the guidelines for developing ICT-based teaching materials, interactive multimedia by following per under PBKK syntax, interactive multimedia already integrating virtual labs, language, display ,and software usage. The self-evaluation results obtained are classified as very valid categories.

Next is the expert review stage, where the product is validated by experts. Interactive multimedia based on cognitive conflict will be validated by 3 physics lecturers, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNP. The instrument used for product validation consists of 4 indicators: material substance, learning design, visual communication display and software utilization.

First, the substance of the material, where there are 10 indicators, namely: 1) The material presented in interactive multimedia (MI) is in accordance with the Basic Competence (KD), 2) The substance of the material presented is correct and complete, 3) The physics equation presented is correct, 4 ) The physics symbols used are correct, 5) The physics terms used are correct, 6) The physics concepts presented are correct, 7) The images, videos and animations presented are in accordance with the material, 8) The material presented in interactive multimedia is in accordance with the development of science, 9) The writing of sentences in MI is in accordance with the rules of good and correct Indonesian, 10) The language used in MI can be understood clearly. The results of the plot of the value of the substance of the material can be seen in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Material substance Indicators

0,92 0,83 0,92 0,83 0,83 0,83 0,830,75 0,75 0,83

0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Component Value

Material Substance Indicators


From the diagram above, it can be seen that the value of each indicator ranges from 0.75 – 0.92, where 8 indicators are classified as high, which ranges from 0.83-0.93, and is classified as moderate, namely 0.75. Where the average validation on the substance of the material is 0.83 which is classified as very valid.

The second is learning design, which in this substance has 20 indicators, namely: 1) The title presented in MI is in accordance with the material, 2) The formulation of Core Competencies (KI) in MI is in accordance with the Content Standards, 3) The KD formulation in MI is in accordance with with Content Standards, 4) The indicators presented in MI are in accordance with KD, 5) The learning objectives in MI are in accordance with the indicators, 6) MI already contains the correct syntax of cognitive conflict-based learning models, 7) Presentation of the preconception and misconception activation stages in multimedia Interactively can reveal students' prior knowledge, 8) Presentation of cognitive conflict presentation stage in interactive multimedia can trigger students to think deeply, 9) Presentation of concept discovery stage and equations in teaching materials can lead students to find concepts, and equations 10) Presentation of reflection stage on teaching materials can reveal the progress of students' understanding, 11) The integration of the Virtual laboratory in MI is appropriate for individual achievement teacher, 12) The material presented in MI is in accordance with the learning objectives, 13) Sample questions in MI are suitable for achieving learning indicators, 14) Practice questions / tests / simulations in MI are appropriate for achieving learning indicators, 15) MI facilitates this creative thinking process (creativity thinking) creates basic ideas / concepts for students 16) MI facilitates communication (communication) in expressing oral and written ideas for students, 17) MI facilitates collaboration between students, 18) MI facilitate the critical thinking process for students, 19) The identity of the compilers in MI is correct, 20) Every reference in MI is listed in the Bibliography. The results of the value plot of each indicator can be seen in Figure 7

Figure 7. Learning Design Indicators

Based on the diagram above, it can be seen that the value of each indicator ranges from 0.67 – 0.92, the high category ranges from 0.83 – 0.92, the medium category ranges from 0.67 – 0.75. And the average validation value in the substance of this learning design is 0.82, which is a very valid category

The third is the communication and visual display where there are 8 indicators, namely:

1) The use of basic navigation and hyperlinks in MI has functioned well, 2) The use of fonts (type and size) of letters on MI is proportional, 3) Images, video, sound, and The animations presented on MI are already functioning properly, 4) The color combination on the cover and each MI slide is proportional, 5) The animations used in MI don't slow down the slide show, 6)

0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19

Component Value

Learning Design Indikators


The cover display on MI shows the content, 7) Layout and layout on MI is proportional and attractive, 8) Instructions for using MI are precise and clear. The results of the value plot of each indicator can be seen in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Visual Communication Display Indicators

It can be seen that the value of each indicator on the substance of the communication and visual display ranges from 0.75 to 0.92, there are 6 indicators in the high category ranging from 0.83 to 0.92 and the medium category is 0.75. The average of the substance of the visual communication display is 0.85 very valid category.

Fourth, the substance of the use of software where there are 3 indicators, namely: 1) MI is interactive in providing feedback to users, 2) MI uses supporting software, 3) MI is an original work. The results of the data from each indicator can be seen in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Software Utilization Indicators

It can be seen that the value of each indicator in the substance of the communication and visual display ranges from 0.75 – 0.92, there is 1 indicator in the high category, namely 0.83 and 2 medium categories, namely 0.75. The average of the substance of the visual communication display is 0.78 valid category.

The results of the validation of interactive multimedia indicators in terms of material substance, learning design, visual communication display and software utilization are very valid. Valid interactive multimedia has the potential to improve students' understanding and reduce misconceptions because the creation of interactive multimedia uses a cognitive conflict- based learning model based on cognitive conflict.Arifin et al., (2021). This is in accordance with previous research, namely research by Wati et al., (2020) which shows valid interactive multimedia in terms of content, as well as study Primary, et al (2021) on the concept of style that shows valid teaching materials in terms of content, appearance, language and construction.

0,830,750,92 0,92

0,750,92 0,92 0,83

0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Component Value

Visual Communication Display …

0,75 0,75 0,83

0,00 0,50 1,00

1 2 3

Component Value

Software Utilization Indicators


Cognitive conflict-based teaching materials were also developed in the researchFadhilah et al., (2020) about LKS teaching materials on the material of straight motion and parabolic motion, research Delvia et al., (2021) who also developed cognitive conflict-based teaching materials on atomic core material and research by Yuli, et al (2020) developed cognitive conflict-based teaching materials on optical materials, and research by Luthfi et al. (2021) to develop teaching materials based on cognitive conflict on direct current materials by integrating a virtual laboratory. In Irwanto's research, (2020) by using interactive media can improve students' understanding of concepts. Because the results obtained from this stage are valid, interactive multimedia based on cognitive conflict can be tested for practicality and effectiveness.


Based on the research conducted and the discussion, it can be concluded that interactive multimedia is designed based on ICT-based teaching material guidelines and compiled based on a cognitive conflict-based learning model containing 4 stages: activation of preconceptions and misconceptions, presentation of cognitive conflicts, discovery of concepts and similarities and reflection. The results of the self-evaluation obtained a very good category and the results of the expert review carried out by three experts obtained a very valid category.


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