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Code switching in chapter three of Efendi`s unbelievable


Academic year: 2017

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 114214006











Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 114214006







“Life is a journey,

with problems to solve, lessons to learn,

but most of all, experiences to enjoy.

It will not always be smooth.

Don’t take the easiest path.

Take the right path, even when it’s the

hardest.” –

Wilson Kanadi

“He has made everything beautiful in its time”



With my deepest sincerity and love,

this thesis is dedicated to:

Susana Puspita &




First of all, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Jesus Christ, for his abundant love and blessings to me, so I was able to accomplish this undergraduate thesis with all of my abilities, for always answering my prayers whenever I was in hard times and needed some helps in doing this thesis.

I would like to give my special thanks to my beloved family whom I dedicated this thesis to. To my beloved father and mother, A Tjang Ramli and

Susana Puspita, I thank them for always believing me in every path I take, and also

thank them for the support to accomplish this thesis even if it takes a long time. I would like to thank to my beloved brothers, Evan Tandio and Alessandro Tandio. I thank them so much for their love, care, and support for me.

Sincerely, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor,

Adventina Putranti, S.S., M. Hum. for her advice and guidance from the beginning

until the end of my writing, so I can finish my thesis and improve my knowledge. My gratitude also goes to my co-advisor, Harris Hermansyah Setiajid, M.Hum. for every valuable input given to me.

I would like to thank to the dearest friend of mine, Shita, Tasha, Ko Yudha,

Ko Fendy and Ko Ryan for their love, care, trust and the unending support to me in

any situations. I thank them for always reminding me that I can accomplish this thesis well. Dea, who has become my partner in writing this thesis. I thank her for the help and advice, and I thank her for being such a great listener.

Last but not least, I would like to give my special thanks to Puri, Jennie,

Carmela and all of my friends in class A – 2011 whom I could not mention one by

one. I thank them for the amazing years of my college life. I hope all of us can keep being friends, in contact with each other and meet again someday, in the great times.



a. Tag Switching (Emblematic Code Switching) ... 12

b. Inter- sentential Code Switching ... 13

c. Intra- sentential Code Switching ... 14

5. Reasons for using Code Switching ... 14

a. Talking about Particular Topic... 14

b. Quoting Somebody Else ... 15

c. Being Emphatic about Something ... 15

d. Interjection ... 16

e. Repetition Used for Clarification ... 17

f. Express Group Identity and Solidarity ... 17

g. Clarifying the Speech Content for the Interlocutor ... 18

6. Grammatical Function ... 18



b. Adjective Phrase and Adverbial Phrase ... 22

c. Verb Phrase ... 22


A. Types of Code Switching ... 31

1. Tag Switching (Emblematic Code Switching) ... 32

2. Inter-sentential Code Switching ... 36

3. Intra-sentential Code Switching ... 43

a. Noun Phrase ... 43

b. Verb Phrase ... 46

c. Prepositional Phrase ... 50

B. Reasons for using Code Switching ... 51

1. Talking about Particular Topic... 51

2. Quoting Somebody ... 55

3. Being Emphatic about Something ... 57

4. Interjection ... 60

5. Repetition Used for Clarification ... 63

6. Express Group Identity and Solidarity ... 65

7. Clarifying the Speech Content for the Interlocutor ... 67




1. Appendix 1: The Text in Chapter Three of Efendi’s Unbelievable .... 76




Types of code switching by Horrman (1991: 111): TS : Tag switching.

ITES : Inter-sentential code switching. ITAS : Intra-sentential code switching.

Reasons for using code switching by Horrman (1991: 115): TPT : Talking about particular topic.

QS : Quoting somebody.

BES : Being emphatic about something. IJ : Interjections.

RFC : Repetition used for clarification. EGI : Expressing group identity.







TANIA, OSHI. Code Switching in Chapter Three of Efendi's Unbelievable. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

Language has become the most essential aspect for human being to be able to communicate. English has become the most- used language in the world, although

sometimes English only becomes the second language beside its official nation’s

language. As the matter of using English grows more and more important, there are a lot of people who choose to use code switching in their daily life. Code switching is the option people have to be able to use two languages or more by switching one language to another. This phenomenon has broadly used by people nowadays. This research is discussing the phenomena of using code switching in a written material. Chapter three of a novel titled Unbelievable by Winna Efendi is chosen as the data source of this research.

In this research, the writer analyzes two problems. The first one is to observe the types of code switching that is used in the chapter three of the novel Unbelievable by Winna Efendi. After finding the types, the writer will focus on finding out the reason for using code switching in the chapter three of the novel Unbelievable by Winna Efendi.

In collecting the data, the text were analyzed one by one. To get a reliable and qualified result, the data must be listed and grouped by each types of code switching. The types of code switching used are based on the Hoffman’s theory which are tag switching, inter-sentential code switching and intra-sentential code switching. The code switching under the phrase level will be omitted from the analyzing. After categorizing the types of code switching based on their types, the possible reasons of code switching will be analyzed. Seven categories of possible reasons of using code switching by Hoffman will be used, which are talking about particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, to express group identity and solidarity, and clarifying the speech content for interluctor.




TANIA, OSHI. Code Switching in Chapter Three of Efendi's Unbelievable. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2016.

Bahasa telah menjadi aspek yang paling penting bagi manusia untuk dapat berkomunikasi. Bahasa Inggris telah menjadi bahasa yang paling banyak digunakan di seluruh dunia, meskipun kadang- kadang bahasa Inggris hanya menjadi bahasa kedua disamping bahasa nasional resmi. Seiring dengan persoalan pengguanaan bahasa Inggis yang berkembang dan lebih penting, telah banyak orang yang memilih menggunakan alih kode dalam kehidupan mereka sehari- hari. Alih kode merupakan suatu opsi menggunakan dua bahasa atau lebih untuk berkomunikasi dengan mengganti satu bahasa dengan bahasa lainnya. Fenomena ini telah digunakan secara luas oleh orang- orang pada masa kini. Penelitian ini membahas tentang fenomena menggunakan alih kode dalam media tertulis. Bab tiga dari novel Unbelievable oleh Winna Efendi dipilih untuk menjadi sumber data dari penelitian ini.

Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menganalisis dua masalah. Yang pertama adalah untuk mengamati jenis alih kode yang digunakan di dalam bab tiga novel Unbelievable karya Winna Efendi. Dan setelah menemukan jenis alih kode yang banyak digunakan, penulis akan lebih fokus untuk mencari tahu alas an yang paling memungkinkan dalam menggunakan alih kode di dalam bab tiga novel Unbelievable karya Winna Efendi.

Dalam proses pengumpulan data, teks novel dianalisis satu per satu. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terpercaya dan berkualitas, data- data yang telah ditemukan harus dimasukkan ke dalam daftar dan dikelompokkan berdasarkan jenis- jenis alih kode masing- masing.Tipe alih kode yang digunakan berdasarkanpada theori Hoffman yaitu tag switching, inter-sentential code switching dan intra-sentential code switching. Alih kode dibawah tingkat frasa akan diabaikan dalam penelitian. Setelah mengkategorikan alih kode berdasarkan tipenya, alasan penggunaan alih kode akan dianalisa. Tujuh alasan penggunaan alih kode dari Hoffman akan digunakan, yaitu talking about particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, to express group identity and solidarity, dan clarifying the speech content for interlocutor.

Sebagai hasil penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa ada 5 data yang termasuk dalam tag switching, 31 data termasuk dalam inter-sentential code switcing dan 56 data termasuk ke dalam intra-sentential code switching. Untuk hasil dari alasan penggunaan alih kode, ditemukan bahwa 68 data talking about particular topic, 1 data quoting somebody, 5 data being emphatic about something, 8 data interjection, 2 data repetition used for clarification, 1 data expressing group identity and solidarity dan 7 data claryfying the speech content for the interlocutor.




A. Background of the Study

English language has become the mostly-used language in this universe. Many countries use English as their official language. Thus, it is common for people to have knowledge in English language nowadays so that people will be able to communicate in English language.

However, English is not always become the main language (official language) in every country. Some countries have their own main language, such as French as the main language of France, Indonesian as the main language of Indonesia, and so on. Although some countries are not using English as their main language, some of the countries still use English to communicate. Therefore, the importance of having knowledge in English cannot be denied. As the importance of having knowledge in English grows, many people start to use code switching.


Nowadays, code switching has become a well-known phenomenon, especially among teenagers.

Here is an example of the occurrence of code switching as follows:

Penulis novel yang kerap menggunakan nama hewan untuk judul novelnya ini juga menambahkan bahwa pesan ayahnya yang selalu ia jadikan tolok ukur ketika menerima tawaran pekerjaan. "Kalau gue selalu percaya apa yang ayah gue bilang, 'Never do it for money'. 'Lakukan yang kamu suka, jangan lakukan buat uang semata'.

Kalau gue terima tawaran ini ya emang karena suka dengan produk ini dan ada value atau pesan yang pas yang ditawarkan produk ini," tutur Radit (Febriarko, 2015)

The example of code switching data above was taken from Kompas, an Indonesian popular newspaper. In the data above, the journalist writes an article about Raditya Dika who becomes the brand ambassador of a product. In the article, it was said Raditya Dika assumes that finding a job is like finding a lover, because we have to love the job we have found. The journalist is also quoting the code switching Raditya Dika uses in the interview. Raditya Dika said in the interview that his father told him to never do it for money. The code switching

appears in the quote “never do it for money”. In the example above, the word “it”

refers to job. In other word, Raditya Dika meant to say “never do a job for money”. In the next utterances, Raditya Dika explains the meaning of the code switching he has said before in Indonesian language. In this case, the code switching appears as the Raditya Dika quotes his father’s message for him that is said in English language.


play, prose and poetry also using code switching in order to follow the trend. For example, the poet uses code switching to switch the word into English between the beautiful words that are arranged in the stanzas and the authors of novel inserting English between the dialogues of the characters.

Even though code-switching occurs in many fields, in this research, the writer is going to analyze the phenomenon of code-switching occurs in an Indonesian novel entitled Unbelievable by Winna Efendi in which this phenomenon can be found.

Unbelievable is a novel written by Winna Efendi and published by GagasMedia in 2009. Unbelievable is one of the Glam Girls series, the collection of novel with a teenage story published by GagasMedia with different author. Unbelievable is the third series of Glam Girls which describes the social life of a group of popular teenager.

This novel tells us about the story of their friendship, love interest, lifestyle and also the school-life of the main characters. There are four main characters of this novel named Maybella, Rashi, Marion, and Adrianna. Maybella and Rashi are described as girls who have an interest in fashion. Maybella becomes a fashion model while Rashi has a famous fashion blog and a clothing line under her name. At first, Maybella, Rashi and Marion were friend, until an incident happens which makes Marion being kicked out from their group. Adrianna is Maybella and

Rashi’s classmates, an ordinary smart girl who does not have any interest in


novel also study in international school named Voltaire (VIS).

This novel is written using the first person point of view. One of the main characters of the novel, Maybella, acts as the speaker. The story in this novel is narrated by Maybella. This is a novel that represents the teenager's social life nowadays, along with the use of words and diction that is used among teenager. Here is an example of the code switching occurs in the novel Unbelievable by Winna Efendi:

Si pradakso itu masih meneliti kukunya yang dicat merah dengan muka bosan. Ketika pandangan mata kami beradu, aku mengangkat bahu dan berkata, “A girl can never have too many shoes.”

“Or bags,” dia menjawab, “and jewelries.” Kami sama- sama tersenyum mendengar anekdot itu.

“Rashi Pradakso, right?”

Dia mengangguk tanpa senyum, tapi ekspresinya, sepertinya dia sudah kenal siapa aku. Well, who doesn’t? Rashi lalu menjatuhkan pandangannya pada charmbracelet yang kukenakan di tangan kiri—the infamous Maybella charmbracelet.

“It’s Anyali Paxton.” Aku memberitahunya, bangga.

Rashi mengangkat dagu dengan gaya angkuh. “I know. I met him in


Wow. Aku kaget sekaligus kagum. Cewek ini juga kenal Anyali? (Efendi, 2009: 39)


that is analyzed. Besides having a complex story, the novel used by the writer also contains lots of pages. In order to limit the range of focus which is being analyzed, the writer decided to use chapter three as the research data, because the author tend to focus on what happened in the past, to be precise in New York and before the problems expands. Fourth, in order to give the reader a glimpse of what the story is about. As stated previously, in chapter three the novel is written about the past of the characters. Chapter three will help the reader to have a glimpse story of the novel.

B. Problem Formulation

The research questions are formulated as:

1. What types of code-switching are found in chapter three of

Efendi’s Unbelievable?

2. What are the possible reasons for using code-switching in chapter

three of Efendi’s Unbelievable?

C. Objectives of the Study


author of the novel decides to use code switching in the novel.

Unbelievable has been chosen as the object of this study because of several reasons. First, in this novel, code switching appears in almost every page. Secondly, various types of code switching can be found in this novel, because the author not only uses one type of code switching, but also the other two types of code switching, which in this case was proposed by Hoffman (1991:111).

D. Definition of Terms

To avoid some misunderstanding and misinterpretation, the writer provides some definitions of terms that are used in this research.

Sociolinguistics defined as the study of linguistics focusing on the social

aspects. According to (Trudgill, 1983: 32) sociolinguistics is a “part of linguistics

which is concerned with language as a social and cultural phenomenon”.

Trudgill, in his book titled Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society also states that Sociolinguistics “has close connections with language the social sciences, especially social psychology, anthropology, human geography

and sociology.”

Code is the term that people uses in the conversation by using a particular way of communication. As stated by Wardhaugh (1992: 103), code is “a system used for communication between two or more parties.” Wardhaugh also says that

code is “the particular dialect or language that a person chooses to use on any

occasion” (1992:103). In other words, it can be said that code is usually used in


Code switching is the process of switching, replacing or changing language of the words that is spoken with the other language within one situation. Trudgill says that code switchingis “switching from one language variety to another when

the situation demands” (Trudgill, 1974: 75).

Hoffman (1991: 110) says that code switching “involves the alternate use of two languages or linguistics varieties within the same utterance or during the same




This chapter elaborates the studies done by other researchers on similar topics and reviews some theories applied in this thesis. The studies similar to this thesis taken from Cory Adrian Kapa’s, Yanistra Allanto’s and Yacobus Guntur Dwi Hastoro’s ones. Each study is reviewed somewhat at length to find the similarities and the different point of views in order to avoid duplication. Some theories applied are also reviewed and discussed to find a solid ground on which this thesis is carried on.

A. Review of Related Studies

1. Kapa's Thesis “Code Switching as Seen in Hitam Putih Talk Show in 12

June 2013”

This undergraduate thesis discusses code switching that is made by the host and the guest of an Indonesian talk show named Hitam Putih. To be more specific, Kapa decided to choose one episode of Hitam Putih talkshow which was broadcasted on 12 June 2013.

The code switching was produced when they speak during the talk show. The data of this undergraduate thesis are focused on the spoken code switching in the conversation between the host and the guest of the show.

In addition, what makes this thesis different from Kapa’s is that the object


object which is a novel by Winna Efendi. The code switching that is used is in form of a written one whereas Kapa’s analyzing the code switching found in the broadcasted talk show which means the code switching will be found in the speech, while the spoken one usually more spontaneous and unpredictable. Besides different in using the object of the research, the second problem of the research is also different. This thesis focuses on the reasons for using code switching while Kapa’s research analyzed the function of the code switching found in the Hitam Putih talk show.

2. Allanto's Thesis “Code Mixing in Fashion Tips Articles as Seen in Go Girl!

November 2013 Edition”

This undergraduate thesis discusses English code switching that is found in the teenage girl magazine. The researcher chooses a magazine named Go Girl! to be analyzed.

The data of this undergraduate thesis are focused on the code mixing that is found in the translated teenage magazine girl that has more communicative style of writing. To be more specific, Allanto’s chooses code mixing which is found in the Fashion Tips articles.


is less-communicative than the language used in the magazine. The language used in the magazine is also different from other written object such as drama and poetry.

3. Hastoro's Thesis “The Possible Reasons and the Readers' Opinion on a Code Switching Phenomenon in Cosmogirl Indonesian Magazine”

This undergraduate thesis discusses the possible reasons and the readers' opinion on a code switching phenomenon that is found in Cosmogirl, an Indonesian magazine. This work is more focused on the reasons behind the use of code switching in the style of writing in the Cosmogirl. This undergraduate thesis is also analyzing the opinion of the readers, because Cosmogirl is a popular magazine, especially among the teenager.

The data of this undergraduate thesis are compiled by interviewing some people that has been read or given the Cosmogirl magazine. Hastoro distributed questioner to people who had read the Cosmopolitan magazine.


a magazine as the object of his research. The language used in magazine is more communicative than novel.

B. Review of Related Theories 1. Theories of Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics defined as the study of linguistics focusing on the social

aspects. According to (Trudgill, 1983: 32) sociolinguistics is a “part of linguistics

which is concerned with language as a social and cultural phenomenon”.

Trudgill defines sociolinguistics as the branch of linguistics that is dealing with social and cultural phenomenon.

Trudgill, in his book titled Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society also states that Sociolinguistics “has close connections with language in the social sciences, especially social psychology, anthropology, human

geography and sociology.” In this part, Trudgill states that sociolinguistics has

connections with other aspects of social sciences that influence sociolinguistics.

2. Code

Code is the term that people used in the conversation by using a particular way to communicate. As stated by Wardhaugh (1992: 103), code is “a system used for communication between two or more parties.” Wardhaugh also says that code

is “the particular dialect or language that a person chooses to use on any occasion”


3. Code Switching

Code switching is a term used to define the act when people use two languages in the same occasion. People tend to switch the words in the different language. Trudgill, in his book, Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society, defines that code switching is “switching from one language variety

to another when the situation demands” (Trudgill, 1974: 75). In other words, code

switching is the process of switching, replacing or changing language of the words that they speak with the other language within one situation.

Hoffman (1991: 110) says that code switching “involves the alternate use of two languages or linguistics varieties within the same utterance or during the same

conversation.” However, McLaughin (1984), as cited by Hoffman (1991: 110)

emphasizes that “the distinction between mixing and switching by referring to code-switches as language changes occurring across phrase or sentence boundaries, whereas code-mixes take place within sentences and usually involve

single lexical items.”

4. Types of Code Switching

According to Hoffman’s An Introduction to Bilingualism (1991: 111), there are

three types of code switching proposed by Hoffman. The types of code switching proposed by Hoffman are distinguished by grammatical classification.

a. Tag Switching (Emblematic Code Switching)


switching, items such as tags („prou‟) or exclamation („iay‟) serving as an emblem

of the bilingual character.” In other words, emblematic code switching occurs

when a bilingual inserts tag or short exclamation on the same utterances. Tag switching can also be referred as emblematic code switching. Example (Hoffman, 1991: 112):

An adult Spanish-Castilian bilingual:

„. . . Oh! Ay! It was embarassing! It was very nice, though, but I was


A Spanish-Castilian bilingual:

„Hay cuatro sillas rotas y’ (There are four broken chairs and’)

prou!’ („that’s enough!’)

b. Inter-sentential Code Switching

Inter-sentential code switching occurs when there is switch between sentences. Hoffman (1991: 112) gives some examples of inter- sential code switching as follows:

An adult Spanish- English bilingual:

„Tenía zapatos blancos, un poco, they were off- white, you know.’

An adult Spanish- Catalan bilingual:

„. . . y si dices “perdón” en castellano, se te vuelve la mujery te dice:’

(„. . . and if you say “sorry” in Castilian Spanish, the lady turns to you and



c. Intra-sentential Code Switching

Intra-sentential code switching occurs when there is a language change within a sentence. In other words, the intra-sentential switch here occurs when the speaker switching within one sentence. But, intra-sentential code switching then divided into two. Intra-sentential code switching in a form of words can be defined as code mixing. Poplack (1980); McLaughin (1984); Appel and Muysken (1987) as cited in Hoffman (1991: 104) said that:

Switches occurring at the lexical level within a sentence (intra-sentential switches) are referred to as „code- mixes’ and „code- mixing’. On the other hand, changes over phrases or sentences (inter-sentential), including tags and exclamations at either end of the sentence, are called „code- switches’ or code- switching’. (Hoffman, 1991: 104)

5. Reasons for Using Code switching

Hoffman in his book (1991: 115) states that “the reasons for code switching are manifold. Many of them are of contextual, situational and personal kind.” Meanwhile there are several reasons why people using code switching stated by Hoffman in his book (1991: 115) as follows:

a. Talking about Particular Topic

Hoffman (1991: 115) says that

Talking about particular topic may cause a switch, either because of lack of facility in the relevant register or because certain items trigger off various connotations, which are linked to experiences. (Hoffman, 1991:115)


is no appropriate word to be used or represent to describe, so that the speaker choose to use code switching.

According to Hoffman (1991: 15) as cited in Hidayat (2012: 2), talking about particular topic also consist of talking about some specific topic, specific terms and also showing the feelings of the speaker. In some cases, the speaker tend to switch her/ his language in order to show her/ his feelings or showing emotions. It means that code switching uses also to show the speaker’s feelings.

b. Quoting Somebody Else

Hoffman stated that one of the reasons for using code switching is because the speaker is quoting somebody else. It means that the speaker choose to use code switching to quote some famous saying or someone’s utterances. The idea of quoting itself means saying as it is and not being paraphrased. It means the speaker will re-tell the exact saying or utterances of other people in the same style as its original. This case usually occurs when someone quote famous saying or anecdote. The speaker will unintentionally using the original language of the famous saying or the anecdote itself without translating it into the speaker’s language.

c. Being Emphatic about Something

Hoffman (1991) says as cited in Hidayat (2012: 2)


In this case, the speaker might switch her/ his language into other’s

language when they feel emphatic about something. For example, in Java, Indonesia, when someone is buying vegetables in the traditional market (pasar) she/ he will unintentionally or intentionally switch her/ his language using Javanese language, either using Bahasa Jawa Krama or Bahasa Jawa Ngoko. In this case, the speaker is either being emphatic to the listener (partner) or being emphatic by looking at the place where the conversation happens. On the other hand, there are some cases where people feel more convenient to be emphatic in their second language rather than in their first language.

d. Interjection

According to Hoffman (1991) as cited in Hidayat (2012), the switch happens because of interjections can either because it acts as sentence connector or sentence filler. Interjections itself means:

the act of uttering exclamations, the act of putting in between; an ejaculatory utterance usually lacking grammatical connection, as a word or phrase used in exclamation (as Heavens! Dear me!), something that is interjected or that interrupts. (Merriam Webster, accessed on April 27, 2016)


e. Repetition Used for Clarification

In order to clarify the utterances, sometimes a bilingual tend to repeat what

he/ she’s been saying. As cited in Hidayat (2012: 2), Hoffman (1991) explains that

When a bilingual wants to clarify his/her speech so that it will be understood more by the listener, he/she can sometimes use both of the languages that he masters saying the same utterance (the utterance is said repeatedly). (Hidayat, 2012: 2)

Saying repeatedly means the speaker will speak in both languages, either using his first language then repeating it with the same meaning in the second language or using her/ his second language first then using the first language. The main idea in for this reason is using the same meaning for both languages. In this

case, the repetition used can be used for clarifying the speaker’s utterances before.

f. Expressing Group Identity and Solidarity

Hoffman (1991) says “Code switching can also be used to express group identity. The ways of communication of academic people are obviously different

from other groups. ” It means that the way of communication of one community


g. Clarifying the Speech Contents for the Interlocutor

As cited in Hidayat (2012: 2) Hoffman (1991) said

When bilingual talks to another bilingual, there will be lots of code switching and code mixing occur. The appearance of code switching can be used to make the content of his/her speech runs smoothly and can be understood by the hearer. (Hidayat, 2012: 2)

In this last reason for using code switching, in order to be understood by the hearer, the speaker might use code switching to clarify their speech. It means that for the sake of the listener and to make the conversation runs smoothly, the speaker might switch her/ his first language into her/ his second language so that her/ his utterances will be understood. Different from repetition used for clarification, in this reason, the speaker might not repeat what has been said, but only adding some explanation. By switching the language, the speaker also the important things or the message of her/ his utterances can be delivered well.

6. Grammatical Function

Grammatical function can be defined as “the roles which various phrases (or

clauses) play in the overall structure.” (Mellish, 2016: 8) Grammatical function

can help the writer in defining its types of phrase which then will be used to define the reason for using code switching.


a. Subject

Downing and Locke (2003: 32) said that subject is a mandatory for a sentence. Subject can also be referred to a pronoun and can be said as the cause, agent or doer of the action. Subject is placed before the predicator. There are some

example of subject, such as I, they, we, you, he and it.

b. Predicator

According to Downing and Locke (2003: 39) “predicator is the verbal component of a clause. It indicates the process type and is ascociated with the

meanings expressed by tense, aspect, modality, voice and phase.” In other

meaning, predicator is the action or a change in state and it refers to verb.

c. Object

There are three types of object according to Downing and Locke (2003: 41) which are Direct Object, Indirect Object, and Prepositional Object. Direct Object is the single object in a transitive clause. It is placed after the predicator followed by indirect object. Indirect Object always which placed after predicator in a clause or a sentence with two objects can be omitted. Indirect object has roles as the recepient of an action and beneficiary.

d. Complement


complement into three, which are subject complement, object complement, and predicator complement.

e. Adjunct

Downing and Locke (2003: 58) says that “Adjunct is an optional element of clause structure which can be omitted without affecting the grammaticality of the

clause”. Adjunct is the part of grammatical function which can be added to any of

the basic clause structures, having the flexibelity regarded to position, and the tendency of expressing different types of circumstances. Adjunct is used to add information about adverbial time and place.

f. Disjunct

According to Downing and Locke (2003: 62), disjunct is not an obligated part in the sentence because it is an optional addition to a clause or sentence. The usage of disjunct refers to the whole of the clause or sentence. Some examples of disjunct are actually, honestly, and hopefully.

g. Conjunct

Conjunct has a role as a connector between groups, clauses, sentences or

paragraph. Based on Downing and Locke (2003: 63) “Conjuncts tell us how the

speaker or writer understands the semantic connection between two utterances, or

part of utterances”. There are some example of conjunction such as and, for, but


7. Types of Phrases

Gelderen (2002: 31) says that

Sentences can be divided into groups of words that belong together. For instance, in the nice unicorn ate a delicious meal, the, nice, and unicorn form one such group and a, delicious, and meal form another. (We all know this intuitively). The group of words is called a phrase. If the most important part of the phrase, i.e. the head, is an adjective, the phrase is an Adjective Phrase; if the most important part of the phrase is a noun, the phrase is a Noun Phrase, and so on.

It means that phrase is a group of words within a sentence. Phrase is in a bigger level than a word, because it contains some words which are being grouped together. Phrase can be categorized by its head. As Gelderen (2002: 43) states that

“a phrase is a group of words forming a unit and united around a head, e.g. a noun

or verb.” In other words, the head of phrase categorized its types. The types of phrase can help the writer in defining the reason for using code switching.

There are several types of phrases based on Gelderen (2002: 31) which are noun phrase, adjective phrase, adverbial phrase, verb phrase and prepositional phrase.

a. Noun Phrase

Noun Phrase is a phrase which has a noun as the head. Gelderen (2002: 31)

gives an example “the nice unicorn” as a noun phrase. The phrase “the nice

unicorn” here is a noun phrase because it uses unicorn as the head. Gelderen

(2002: 31) says that noun phrase can contain determiners, adjectives or other

elements. As the example above, the noun phrase “the nice unicorn” contain the as


b. Adjective Phrase and Adverbial Phrase

Adjective phrase is a phrase with adjective as the head, while adverbial phrase is a phrase with adverb as the head. Gelderen (2002: 35) says that

AdjPs are built around adjectives, which indicate properties of nouns; AdvPs are built around adverbs which indicate qualities of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. Since adjectives and adverbs have this qualifying function, they themselves are (optionally) accompanied by a degree marker such as very, too, extremely, really. (Gelderen, 2002: 35)

It means that these two kinds of phrase have optional functions, which can be combined with a degree marker such as very, too, extremely and really.

c. Verb Phrase

Verb phrase is a phrase with verb as the head and can indicate as an action or a sensation. The verb in verb phrase can be in the present or past tense. A verb phrase is usually combined with other words that cannot be left out; as Gelderen (2002: 35) says “some VPs include other obligatory material, i.e. words or phrases that cannot easily be left out”. For example, listen to the radio.

In the case above, the verb “listen” indicate an action, and the word “listen” will always be followed with to + object.

Gelderen (2002: 36) also adds that “the VP can also include optional material that explains when, where, why, and how the action or state that the verb describes took place.” As Gelderen (2002: 35) gives an example further that:

a VP is built around a verb, which can indicate an action, as in (12a) [wrote the letter],


d. Prepositional Phrase

Preposition Phrase is a phrase with a preposition as the head. Gelderen (2002: 36) defines that a preposition indicates relation in space and time. A prepositional phrase is not obligated in a sentence, but sometimes it is needed to add some information.

C. Theoretical Framework

In order to conduct a systematic research, the writer elaborates this theoretical framework that will be the base to accomplish the research. In answering the first problem formulation which is finding the common types of code switching found in the novel Unbelievable written by Winna Efendi, the writer uses the theory of types of code switching that is creates by Hoffman (1991: 111). The writer uses the theory creates by Hoffman because the object of this research is a written text, therefore the theory created by Hoffman is appropriate to be used.




To conduct this study, the writer used a certain methodology. This chapter provides the explanation of, first, the object of the study; second, the approach of the study; and third, the method used in this study.

A.Object of the Study

The object of this study was a list of English- Indonesian code-switching taken from a novel titled Unbelievable, written by Winna Efendi. The novel used was the first edition and published by GagasMedia on 2009. Unbelievable is part of Glam Girls series published by GagasMedia. There were two novels published before Unbelievable written by different author, Glam Girls by Nina Ardianti and Reputation by Tessa Intanya.

The data of the research were taken from chapter three of the novel because the novel has a complex story. In chapter three, the author only told about one specific topic which was about the past of Rashi and Maybella, the main characters of the novel.


B. Approach of the Study

The approach used in this research was sociolinguistics, which focused on the code-switching. Sociolinguistics was used because it was considered as the study of linguistics focusing on the social aspects, as stated by Trudgill (1983: 32) that sociolinguistics was “a part of linguistics which is concerned with language

as a social and cultural phenomenon”.

The sociolinguistics was used because code-switching was part of sociolinguistics and this research was talking about code switching that occurred in Unbelievable. Code-switching itself was a common phenomenon that can be found in our daily life (Rihane, 2015: 6).

C. Method of the Study 1. Data Collection

The data were obtained by observing the novel titled Unbelievable. As explained before in the introduction of chapter I, the writer only used chapter three of the novel as the data.


writer of this research decided to take chapter three as representative and using sample study.

To get a reliable and qualified research, the data must be listed and grouped by each types of code-switching. Since it was an observation from a novel as a written text, a checklist was a must to do. At first, the writer read the novel and scan the data. Then, the writer collected the data one by one. After that, the writer examined the data. Then by examining the data, the writer categorized the data based on its type.

The types of code-switching that were used to categorize the data were the types of code-switching stated by Hoffman (1991: 110). After getting the result, the writer analyzed which types were used the most in data, which was the code-switching found in the chapter three of the novel.

By finding the types that most frequently used, the writer could also find the reasons for using code-switching in the novel. The reasons could be analyzed by observing result of the data in problem formulation one.

2. Data Analysis


quoting somebody (then would be referred as QS), being emphatic about something (then would be referred as BES), interjection (then would be referred as IJ), repetition used for clarification (then would be referred as RFC), expressing group identity (then would be referred as EGI) and lastly, clarifying the speech contents for interlocutor (then would be referred as CSCI).

Each of the data would be named by a code based on the number of the occurrences of switching, page in which the switching occurs, code-switching types and the reasons for using code-code-switching. For example, the data code would be named 2/ 36/ ITAS/ TPT which would be read as data number 2, page 36, intra-sentential code-switching types, talking about particular topic reason. This means the data number 2 in page 36 is an intra-sentential code-switching which has been talking about particular topic (TPT) as the reason for using code-switching.

In the appendix, the writer would make a table. In order to make the context easier to be understood, the very first row of the table would be used to re-write the dialogue or the narrative part of the novel which contained code-switching in a one bigger context than the CS Case.


here meant for every single code-switching which was being analyzed, in a simple context.

The fourth column was dedicated to mention the part, speaker and also page. The part here means the part of the novel which the code-switching occurred in, either in the dialogue or narration (narrative part). The speaker here was the character of the novel that used code-switching. The page here is the page which the code-switching found was belonged in. In other words, the fourth column was used to named the part which the code-switching occurred, the speaker and page. Each of it would be separated with a slash (/).

The fifth column was used for types of code-switching. This column then would be divided into three smaller columns. The three smaller columns here were named as TS which referred to tag switching, ITES which referred to inter-sentential switching and ITAS which referred to intra- inter-sentential code-switching. The three smaller columns of types here were divided based on Hoffman (1991:10).


Here is the picture of the table: (2003: 239). Cresswell divided the spiral data analysis in four steps, which were organizing the data, examining the data, identifying general categories and classifying each piece of data, and the last, integrating and summarizing the data. The step was needed because the purpose of this research is dealing with the types of code switching that is used in the novel. In order to know the types that mostly- used by the author, the writer chose to use the steps proposed by Cresswell.

The first step of the spiral data was organizing the data. It means that the writer had to read the novel and the writer had to collect the data by making a checklist. After making a checklist, the writer had to organize the data that was about to be used.


already been put into the checklist and had been organized. In this section, the writer was also suggested to make further analysis about the data based on its types.

The third step was identifying general categories and classifying each piece of the data. In this step, the writer had to identify the categories or the types that had been organized and examined before. The writer had to put the data into each category and also classifying the data, one by one. In this step the data that have been already classified had to be detailed.





This research has two problems formulation that are stated previously. The first problem is to find the types of code switching and the second problem is to find the reasons for using code switching in Chapter Three of Efendi’s Unbelievable. Therefore, this chapter presents the findings and the discussion on those problems.

A. Types of Code Switching in Chapter Three of Efendi’sUnbelievable In the novel Unbelievable there are 20 chapters, including prologue. Each chapter consist of many narratives sentence and dialogues; however, the writer only analyzed chapter three as the data to limit the focus of the research area. In this chapter, the writer found that in the chapter three of the novel, the author applied two languages which were Indonesian and English.

After the whole data were analyzed, the writer found three types of code switching namely emblematic code switching, inter-sentential code switching and intra-sentential code switching were used in the novel both in the narrative part or in the dialogue between the characters of the novel.


group identity (EGI) and [7] clarifying the speech contents for the interlocutor (CSCI).

Here is the research result of code switching found in chapter Three of

Efendi’s Unbelievable:




TS - - - 5 - - - 5

ITES 18 1 4 3 - 1 4 31

ITAS 50 - 1 - 2 - 3 56

Total 68 1 5 8 2 1 7 92

Table 1. Result of code switching in Chapter Three of Efendi’s Unbelievable The table above listed the amount of code switching data that was found in

Efendi’s Unbelievable and details explanation elaborated as follows:

1. Tag Switching (Emblematic Code Switching)

Tag switching means the switch of language occurs as a tag or sentence filler in one language into an utterance which is entirely in other language. The occurrence of this type of code switching will not change the main point of the sentence.


These are the examples of tag switching occurs in the novel Unbelievable by Winna Efendi:

Data Code Text

33/39/TS/IJ Dia mengangguk tanpa senyum, tapi ekspresinya, sepertinya dia sudah kenal siapa aku. Well, who doesn’t? Rashi lalu menjatuhkan pandangannya pada charmbracelet yang kukenakan di tangan kiri—the infamous Maybella charmbracelet.

This novel tells about Maybella’s story about her friends, their relationship

and also lifestyle which is described as she is interested in fashion. This novel is being narrated by Maybella in her point of view. Because the writer sees the novel as a story which is being narrated and re-enacted by Maybella, all the dialogues and conversation will be seen as it is quoted.

In this context, Maybella tells about the story of her first meeting and also her first conversation with Rashi. Maybella and Rashi first talk to each other when they are talking about an anecdote about fashion. Maybella narrates about the

occasion happens and Rashi’s reaction in Indonesian by saying that Rashi must

know who she is. Then code switching occurs in an English which says "well,

who doesn’t?”, implicitly means who does not know about Maybella, considering her popularity in fashion field. In this case, author describes the situation as if Maybella talks to the reader.

In the data above, the switch case appears as one whole sentence. Maybella


Rashi must know who she is, indicating that nobody does not know her. The tag sentence in this context used as a sentence filler.

Based on the narrative part, which is told by Maybella as I, the sentence

well, who doesn’t?” here is categorized as tag switching, because it is a tag sentence, and the occurrence of the sentence “well, who doesn’t?” can be omitted.

This tag switching can be omitted because the occurrence of this is not significance. The meaning of the whole context will not change if this tag switching is omitted.

The second data of tag switching was found in a form exclamation in the page 86. Here is the data below:

Data Code Text

86/45/TS/IJ Menurut Marion, satu-satunya kekurangan Rashi adalah

keuntungan buat kami. “Rashi punya banyak banget haters. Coba, deh, lo minta orang- orang di VIS yang benci banget sama Rashi buat angkat tangan. Gue berani jamin, hampir

semuanya bakal langsung melakukannya.”

Hmmm. Bener juga, sih. Lalu, lahirlah game plan untuk menjatuhkan Rashi. Teori Marion adalah, orang-orang nggak berani ngelawan Rashi karena mereka takut. Kalau VIS punya clique leader baru yang disukai, akan lebih mudah mengumpulkan sekutu untuk melawan Rashi. Maka, kami merencanakan anonymous hate mails yang dimasukkan ke dalam loker Rashi, juga gosip- gosip yang dituliskan di dinding toilet cewek dan (gasp!) cowok, semua tujuannya nggak lain untuk menghancurkan reputasinya.


described as a popular model, but soon after she moved to Jakarta and being

friends with Rashi, Maybella treated as Rashi’s sidekick. Maybella who feels bad

about it, telling about the bad treatment she received from others to Marion when she was drunk. Then Maybella and Marion make a plan together to take Rashi down as they feel envy towards Rashi.

In this context, Maybella tells about the story when she is having a discussion with Marion about Rashi. Maybella narrates about the occasion happens and starting to describe their plans to take Rashi down. Maybella starts to tell about their game plan, by sending anonymous hate mails until spreading and writing gossips about Rashi in toilet. Then code switching occurs in an English which says (gasp!) implicitly expressing her surprise. In this case, the speaker re-enacted the situation happens at that time. The code switching occurs when the speaker switch the language she used from Indonesian language to English language. In the data above, the switch case appears as an exclamation of one word of expression. Maybella adds an exclamation (gasp!) to express her surprise because Marion writing gossips about Rashi in the Male’s toilet which is considered as an unexpected situation in the story. The exclamation (gasp!) in this context used as a sentence filler.


2. Inter-sentential Code Switching

Inter-sentential code switching is the code switching that occurs between sentences. Based on the data, the writer found that inter-sentential code switching is usually occurs in the sentence level, bigger scale than intra-sentential code switching. According to the data, the writer found that there are 31 inter-sentential code switching occurs in the chapter three of the novel. Some examples are provided below:

Data Code Text

36/39/ITES/BES Rashi mengangkat dagu dengan gaya angkuh. “I know. I

met him in Milan.”

Wow. Aku kaget sekaligus kagum. Cewek ini juga kenal Anyali?

This novel is a novel which uses first person point of view. In this context, the author is using I as the narrator. Maybella, one the main characters, is the one who tells the story. In this novel, she is in the story telling about herself. Because the writer sees the novel as a story which is being narrated and reenacted by Maybella, all the dialogues and conversation will be seen as it is quoted.

In this context, Maybella is quoting Rashi’s utterances in English. In this

moment, code switching happens. Maybella narrated the story happened in Indonesian, then she switch the language into English as she quoted Rashi’s utterances.


sentences, it is called inter-sentential code switching. The inter-sentential code switching here occurs in Rashi’s utterances quoted by Maybella when she responds to Maybella. In this context, the switch from Indonesian into English marks the differences between narrative and dialogue parts.

This inter-sentential code switching functiones as declarative sentence because the speaker is giving statement. In this case, the speaker is stating that she knows Anyali Paxton who she met in Milan.

The next example of inter-sentential code switching can be seen in the page 51. The data can be seen below:

Data Code Text

51/41/ITES/IJ Setelah kepindahanku ke Jakarta, aku dan Rashi semakin sering bertemu; di anniversary party Indonesia Tatler, art gallery opening, private party para socialite, juga pesta sweet sixteen Rachelle Monita, anak salah seorang kedubes besar yang sama- sama kami kenal. Aku dan Rashi bahkan sama- sama meresmikan status sebagai debutante di cotillion ball yang sama, setahun lalu di Hotel Four Seasons Jakarta.

And then come the tag-along, Marion. Apparently, Marion itu besties-nya Rashi karena orangtua mereka saling kenal. Mereka bagaikan flower and the bee (Rashi bunganya, Marion lebahnya), the stamp and the envelope (Rashi amplopnya, Marion perangkonya), if you catch my drift. Marion jelas banget sangat Rashi- wannabe, kelihatan, kok, dari caranya berpakaian, caranya ngomong (yang dibuat seintimidatif mungkin), dan gayanya mendengarkan semua kata Rashi. Aku, sih, nggak punya masalah dengan Marion. Lama- lama, terbiasa dengan dia yang selalu ikutan dalam acaraku dan Rashi.


her school- life after she moved to Jakarta and being friends with Rashi. She enters VIS, Voltaire International School. In there, besides Rashi, she also meets

Rashi’s friends named Marion.

In this context, Maybella describes the story of her after she moved and

meets Marion and Maybella’s first impression of Marion. At this time, code

switching happens. The code switching occurs in the transition of the narration. It can be seen that in the previous paragraph, Maybella is using Indonesian to tell the story, but then she switches the language by using English for the transition. This transition used to begin a new paragraph. It shows that the story told by Maybella is using English, but then using transition in English.

Based on the data above, the code switching occurs in a form of sentence. Because the code switching occurs in a form of a sentence and occurs between sentence, it is called inter-sentential code switching. The inter-sentential code switching here occurs in the narrative part stated by Maybella. The inter-sentential code switching occurs as the transition from the previous paragraph to the

following paragraph, described the story Marion and Maybella’s first impression

of Marion.

Below is the third inter-sentential code switching data found in the novel: Data Code Text


dua evening gown, beberapa set aksesoris, dan sepasang sepatu, tapi bukan vintage boots yang keren abis itu. ARGHHH! Please someone just shoot me so I can get over it already! Masalahku sekarang adalah gimana kalau Ayah ngeliat tagihan kartu kredit bulan ini. I‟ll just say it‟s for charity, as always. Hee hee.

As stated before that this novel tells about Maybella and told by Maybella, there are times when Maybella tells the story as if she talks to the reader. The writer sees Maybella, who is also one of the main characters, narrated and re-enacted the occasion one by one.

Maybella retells the story happened in New York, in a post- party of a prestigious boutique, which she describes as a big event attended by famous designer and model, that also becomes the first encounter of Rashi and Maybella. In this moment, Maybella describes about what happened after the auction which becomes the main event of the party. At this time code switching happens when Maybella expressing her feelings after she recalls what she gets in the bid remembers about a vintage boots she wants so much which she does not get. In this context Maybella describes the situation using Indonesian, but then she switch the language she used into English in the sentence “Please someone just shoot me

so I can get over it already!”


Please someone just shoot me so I can get over it already! here expressing

connotation, because the speaker does not literary meant to shot her. The word shot here used (as connotation) so that the Maybella can forget about the vintage boots bid before.

The following data is the fourth data of inter-sentential code switching found in Unbelievable:

Data Code Text

61/42/ITES/BES “Hello, Maybella. What’s up with our favorite model?” Orang- orang media senang banget memuji model- modelnya. Mungkin karena di sana hampir nggak ada beautiful people kayak kami.

This chapter focused on the life of Maybella before the incident between Maybella, Rashi and Marion happened. In this context, Maybella tells the story about her life as a model. She tells about Hayden, a reporter of a magazine which she is being a model of.

As stated previously that the writer sees the novel as a story which is being narrated and reenacted by Maybella, all the dialogues and conversation will be seen as it is quoted.

In this context, Maybella is quoting Hayden’s utterances in English. Hayden

greets Maybella in their first meeting after a while. In the Hayden’s greetings, code switching happens. Maybella narrated the story happened in Indonesian, then


Based on the data above, the code switching occurs is in a form of sentence. Because the code switching occurs is in a form of a sentence and occurs between sentence, it is called inter-sentential code switching. The inter-sentential code switching here occurs in the Hayden’s utterances quoted by Maybella when he greets Maybella. In this context, the switch from Indonesian into English marks the differences between narrative and dialogue parts.

The last data provided found in a form of inter-sentential code switching is placed in page 70. Here is the data below:

Data Code Text

70/43/ITES/EGI Hayden menjentikkan satu jari di daguku (see, ini yang bikin aku mengira dia straight), dan tertawa lepas. “Masih, dong. Maybella, kan, selalu jadi it girlkita yang nomor satu.”

So I laughed and shrugged it off, tapi besok- besoknya kejadian lagi, saat aku hadir di premiere launching produk Lancome yang terbaru—Oscillation Mascara, yang punya teknologi getar untuk aplikasi penebalan bulu mata (neat, huh). Ada beberapa cewek yang setelah habis- habisan memperhatikan dan mengomentari dress kuning pucat Pucci yang kupakai, tiba- tiba aja menegur, “Hai, lo Maybella, kan? Temennya Rashi? Rashi- nya mana, kok nggak dateng?”

Whatever the heck happened to the Upper East Side now Jakarta- based It Girl?

Dan, itu nggak cuma kejadian sekali dua kali aja. Sadar maupun nggak sadar, suka maupun nggak suka, aku sekarang lebih dikenal sebagai Maybella-nya Rashi.


telling about her story, there are times when she adds her perspectives and expressing her feeling as if she talks to the reader.

In this context, Maybella tells about her life after being friends with Rashi.

Rashi’s name has always been stick to Maybella since then. In this case, Maybella

tells about what happens with her in a premiere launching a product named Lancôme which she meets some women greet her and ask about Rashi instead of herself. At this time, Maybella retells the story happened in Indonesian, but then code switching happens. Maybella switches her story in Indonesian into English in the next sentence which says “Whatever the heck happened to the Upper East Side now Jakarta- based It Girl?”

The code switching occurs in end of paragraph to end the topic. It can be seen that in the previous paragraph, Maybella is using Indonesian to tell the story, but then she switches the language by using English for the end of paragraph. This code switching used as an interjection from the previous paragraph to the following paragraph, to end the topic, because in the next paragraph, Maybella is no longer talk about it.


women to her and the author expressed Maybella’s responds in a thought using English.

3. Intra-sentential Code Switching

Intra-sentential code switching is the code switching which occurs within a sentence or a clause. The switch here occurs in the middle of a clause or sentence. Different from the other types, the writer found that intra-sentential code switching occurs as a phrase can occurs and be used in different grammatical function, such as subject, predicate, object, complement and adjunct. Based on the data, the writer found many intra-sentential used. The example of intra-sentential code switching is provided below:

a. Noun Phrase

Data Code Text

13/37/ITAS/TPT Sepanjang malam, fashion people paling trendi di New York keluar masuk limo dan berpose untuk kamera, sedangkan aku cipika- cipiki sana- sini dengan sesama model dan editor majalah. Kemudian, aku melihat seorang cewek yang datang agak terlambat, sedang berpose di entrance untuk para paparazziI call them vultures, you know how they‟re ALWAYS hunting for a good prey?

This chapter begins with a story happens in New York. It tells about

Maybella’s first encounter with Rashi which lead them to be friend in Jakarta


In this context, Maybella tells the story about the occasion happens in the anniversary party. She describes that all night the most trendy fashion people are coming in and out from the limousine and pose for the camera. At this time, code switching occurs within Indonesian sentence to define fashion people. She describes the people attend there as fashion people. Thisfashion people means the people who know about fashion, had knowledge about fashion and people whose job is about fashion.

Based on the data above, the speaker switches Indonesian into English in a form of a phrase. The intra-sentential code switching occurs as a phrase “fashion people” in the middle of the sentence. The phrase “fashion people” here occurs as

a subject of the sentence. In this case, the phrase “fashion people” is a noun phrase with people as the head. The code switching “fashion people” occurs in the narrative part when Maybella tells about what happen that night at the anniversary party event.

Below is the second data of intra-sentential code switching in a form of noun phrase provided:

Data Code Text

85/45/ITAS/TPT Menurut Marion, satu- satunya kekurangan Rashi adalah

keuntungan buat kami. “Rashi punya banyak banget haters. Coba, deh, lo minta orang- orang di VIS yang benci banget sama Rashi buat angkat tangan. Gue berani jamin, hampir

semuanya bakal langsung melakukannya.”


merencanakan anonymous hate mails yang dimasukkan ke dalam loker Rashi, juga gosip- gosip yang dituliskan di dinding toilet cewek dan (gasp!) cowok, semua tujuannya nggak lain untuk menghancurkan reputasinya.

This chapter also focused in the friendship of Rashi and Maybella, the two main characters of the novel. In this novel, both of the main characters are described as student of an international school named Voltaire which also being called by VIS. In VIS, Rashi is said to be one of the most influenced person because of her competence and popularity in the fashion field.

In this context, Maybella and Marion want to take Rashi down, because they are already tired and fed up to be labelled as Rashi‟s sidekick. In order to take Rashi down, they plan to make anonymous hate mails for her. In this case, there are some code switching occurs within Indonesian sentence; one of them is anonymous hate mails.

The code switching “anonymous hate mails” refers to the mails which

written as anonymous and contains hatred things. This “anonymous hate mails”

is a part of Marion and Maybella’s plan to take Rashi down.

Based on the data above, the speaker switches Indonesian into English in a form of a phrase. The intra-sentential code switching occurs as a phrase

anonymous hate mails” in the middle of the sentence.

The phrase “anonymous hate mails” here occurs as an object of the


Table 1. Result of Code Switching in Efendi’s Unbelievable  ........................  Table 2
Table 1. Result of code switching in Chapter Three of Efendi’s Unbelievable
Table 2. Data and Explanation of


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