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Submitted to Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Regristration Number 209220038






Chairina, Nurul. 2013. The Violation of Maxims in Hannah Montana TV Series. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan.




Alhamdulillah, the writer express her best gratitude to Allah SWT, for

giving the writer blessing, endless love and mercy, especially in the process of

accomplishing this thesis. In accomplishing this thesis, the writer was helped by so

many beloved people and the writer would like to express her gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si. as the Rector of State

University of Medan

2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum. as the Dean of Faculty of Languages

and Arts

3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd. as the Head of English and Literature

Department and Dra. Meisuri, M.A. as the Head of Applied

Linguistics Program

4. Dra. Sri Juriaty Ownie, M.A. as her thesis adviser, for the advice,

guidance, comment, and precious time in supervising the draft of

writing during the completion of this thesis, Dra. Yunita Agnes

Sianipar, M.Hum. as her academic adviser, and all her beloved

lecturers in English and Literature Department

5. Her beloved family, her father, Drs.Chairul Rahman; her mother, Ir.

Reny Rosfiarty; and her dearest sisters Nurul Musfirah and Shofi



prayer, love, motivation and financial while accomplished this


6. Her beloved friends, SEMAK (Dewi, Hervina, Juniar, Putri,

Siswantia, and Vany), thanks for your love, happiness, and

friendship. Her special thanks also go to all friends in Applied

Linguistics A and B 2009 especially for her comrades; Murdianti,

Sisna, Suci, Conny, Astri, and many others that she cannot be

mentioned one by one.

7. Her best friends, Windy, Redny, and Tari, for their support

although they have separated in different university.

8. All others whose name cannot be mentioned one by one for their

help and support. Thanks for everything. May Allah bless us. Amin.

Finally, the writer admits that this thesis still far from being perfect.

Therefore, the writer would like to invite the readers to give suggestion for the

improvement of this thesis later on.

Medan, July 2013




Appendix A Identification of Violation of Maxim in the Main Characters’ Utterances of Hannah Montana in Season Three 44





A. Background of Study

In conversation, the speaker(s) and the hearer(s) can achieved an ideal

communication when they have a good interaction and try to cooperate to each

other so that they understand and there is a correlation to the current topic

which they talk. When the speaker(s) and the hearer(s) have given a good

contribution in a conversation and use the good language, it shows that they

have fulfilled the rule of language. As Yule (1996:37) said that in most

circumstances, the assumption of cooperation is so pervasive that it can be

stated as a cooperative principle of conversation and elaborated in four

sub-principles, called maxims. This principle is the best practices in

communication in order to facilitate the process of conversation to be smoother

for the participants. But in fact, there are many people who disobey this

principle. This is called as the violation of maxim.

The violation of maxim occurs in a condition where someone fails to

fulfill a maxim in conversation. There are times when meaning deliberate



respect, to change the topic/subject and also for humor purpose (Cook,


Sometimes people express their opinion and ideas with concise,

humorous, dramatic, exaggerating and sarcastic method to achieve certain

effects, thereby people could feel content and funny, and even get

enlightenment and meditation (Pan, 2012:20). Recently, comedy cannot be

dismissed in social life. It can be occurred in daily conversation and also in

television programs to create humor. Humor is a mode of communication

which produces to entertain the hearer. A basic assumption which underlies the

following remarks is that a large number of jokes involve violations of one or

more of Grice’s maxims (Attardo, 1990: 355). It means that humor can violate

based on each type of violation of maxim, such as lying, irrelevant, or run out

from the topic.

The violation may exist not only in ordinary conversation but also in

dramatic conversation as in a television series. A television series is one of

television program which functions to entertain the audience. It is the media

instrument for human being and it is the one of the mass media orally delivered.

It used the scripts to present the story by the characters as well. In creating the

scripts that deal with social reality, the scriptwriter must be able to violate the



Hannah Montana is one of the famous television series in America and

it is a drama comedy. Sometimes the characters do not speak clear, not relate

to each other as a usual conversation and use code or another word to replace

the word they mean, or even to make a humor/funny conversation for comedy

purpose so that there is a great chance that he/she repeatedly violates the


The relevance studies of maxim violations inspires the writer to take a

study about violation of maxim, named Tarihoran (2010) entitled The Study in

the Violation of Maxim in the Play “The Boy Comes Home” by A.A Milne and

Hasibuan (2010) entitled Maxim Violation in the Movie of Pirates of The

Caribbean: At World’s End. The first study discovers that violation of maxim is

occurred in quantity, relevance and manner and the most dominant is maxim of

quantity. It proved that not always obeyed in conversation. In the second study

results show that all types of maxim were violated, and the most dominant

types of maxim which was violated are the maxim of quantity.

To distinguish this study with those previous explanations above, the

writer is interested in studying the violation of maxim of utterance used by the

characters on “Hannah Montana” because she wants to know more about

violation of maxims, especially in drama comedy, which have been learned in

Pragmatics class. Besides, the writer is also interested to take television series



communication which is using written conversation and it is the one of the

famous television series which has been nominated for some Awards in


B. Problem of Study

This study examines the following questions:

1. What type of violation of maxims is used in episodes of Hannah Montana

television series?

2. What effect do the violations provide to the comical situation in the series?

C. Objective of Study

The objectives of study are:

1. To discover the violation maxim which is used in episodes of Hannah

Montana television series.

2. To describe the effect of the violations provide to the comical situation in

the series.



The discussion of study is limited to violation of maxim. The writer will

analyze the violation maxim occurred in main characters’ utterances in Hannah

Montana television series. There are six main characters in Hannah Montana

television series, they are: Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana, Lily Truscott/Lola

Luftnagle, Oliver Oken/Mike Standley III, Jackson Stewart, Robby Stewart,

and Rico Suave.

E. Significance of Study

The research finding is expected to be useful in theoretically and

practically. In theoretically, it is hoped to be useful for expand the knowledge

for other students who are attracted in learning Cooperative Principle and

Maxims. Practically, it can give idea for other students who want to do some

researches about Cooperative Principle and the violation of maxims.

Furthermore, this study hoped to give contribution for the student to be a

source for other researchers about Cooperative Principle and the violation of





A. Conclusion

Based on the analysis of the utterances in Hannah Montana

television series in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that:

1. The four types of maxim which are violated by six main

charaters in episode one until episode three in the third season

of Hannah Montana television series. There were 94 utterances

of violation of maxims which occur in this series, they were 17

to maxim of quality, 22 to maxim of quantity, 26 to maxim of

relation, and 29 to maxim of manner.

2. There are some effects of the violations provide to the comical

situation in the series which can be done. It is to give the lack

the evidence by using the sarcasm, irony, or metaphor utterance,

to lying to the other speaker in hiding the truth, to save face the

embarrassment, to present that the statement is the strongest

information that is needed for the speaker or most informative



speaker’s mind, or evento trick the audience or the listener, even though for making a joke or not.

B. Suggestion

Having seen the result of the study, suggestions are staged as


1. For those who want to take the pragmatics study as the tool of their

research, especially on cooperative principle, they must understand and

learn more about this study. They may take the diferent object of the

research such as from movie, literary work like novels or short stories,

television show, radio program, or the others so that it will make the

research to be more interesting.

2. For those who want to be a scriptwriter, can learn this study to make

the joke or humor side in the script by creating the unusual utterance or

conversation, particularly in the drama comedy genre.

3. To every speaker is suggested to speak as clear as possible so that there




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