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Academic year: 2017



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a final project

submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English


Dwi Linda Kusuma








This final project was approved by the Board of the Examiners of English Department of Faculty of Languages and Arts of Semarang State University on March 2010.

Board of Examiners: 1. Chairman,

Drs. Dewa Made Kartadinata, M.Pd NIP. 195111181984031001

2. Secretary,

Drs. Alim Sukrisno, M.A NIP. 195206251981111001 3. First Examiner,

Rini Susanti Wulandari, S.S, M.Hum NIP. 197406252000032001

4. Second Advisor as Second Examiner, Dwi Anggara Asianti, S.S, M.Pd NIP. 197111232002122001 5. First Advisor as Third Examiner,

Frimadona Syafri, S.S,M.Hum NIP. 197210172002122002

Approved by

Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts,




Dengan ini saya,

Nama : Dwi Linda Kusuma NIM : 2250406501

Prodi / Jurusan: Sastra Inggris / Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Fakultas : Bahasa dan Seni

menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa skripsi / tugas akhir / final project yang berjudul :


yang saya tulis dalam rangka memenuhi salah satu syarat untuk memenuhi gelar sarjana ini benar – benar merupakan karya saya, yang saya hasilkan setelah melalui penelitian, bimbingan, diskusi dan pemaparan / ujian. Semua kutipan, baik yang langsung maupun tidak langsung dari buku, jurnal, dan artikel telah disertai keterangan mengenai identitas sumbernya dengan cara sebagaimana yang lazim dalam penulisan karya ilmiah. Dengan demikian, walaupun tim penguji dan pembimbing penulisan skripsi / tugas akhir/ final project ini membubuhkan tanda tangan sebagai tanda keabsahannya, seluruh karya ilmiah ini tetap menjadi tanggungjawab saya sendiri. Jika kemudian terdapat ketidakberesan, saya bersedia menerima akibatnya dengan mengadakan perubahan.

Demikian, surat pernyataan ini dapat digunakan seperlunya.

Semarang, 29 Maret 2010

Yang membuat pernyataan



Believe in Your Ability,

Follow Your Instinct,

Do in the Right Way,

and Gain the Success


My beloved mother and my (late)father




Praise to be Allah SWT the Almighty Lord who has given everlasting blessing. Therefore, the inspiration comes during the process of writing this final project. Thanks God for your ease in every step to complete it.

The writer wishes to express her gratitude to Mrs. Frimadhona Syafri, S.S, M.Hum as her first advisor and Mrs. Dwi Anggara Asianti, S.S, M.Pd as her second advisor. Thanks for their guidance, advice, suggestion and motivation in writing this Final Project. The writer also wishes to express her thanks to all lecturers of English Department for their guidance during studying in the Department.

Her greatest gratitude is for her beloved mother, brother, and sister who give her their endless love, prayer and encouragement in her life. Her special thanks also go for all friends in A Paralel class in the English Department 2006. And thanks for all of her friends in Prizty Kos.

All people who cannot be mentioned one by one who support the writer in compiling this final project, thank you very much. The writer hopes God bless you all.

The writer realizes that there are still many shortcomings in this final project, so that she will be appreciating for suggestions, comments, and critics that could improve this final project.

Semarang, 29 Maret 2010



Kusuma, Dwi Linda. 2010. Women Career and Capitalism in Friends with Money Movie. Final Project, English Department, Language and Art Faculty of Semarang State University, First Advisor: Frimadhona Syafri, S.S, M.Hum, Second Advisor: Dwi Anggara Asianti, S.S, M.Pd.

Movie or film as a part of modern literary works is an interesting subject to be analyzed since many people will be more both enjoy and understand about the aim of the movie. Since at that point, the writer chose a movie entitled Friends with Money as the object of the study. The movie described how Capitalism works in a society and how they regard Capitalism in their life, in particular, women’s consideration in terms of their career or job. The aims of this study are to know how the description of Capitalism, Women Career and the relationship of Capitalism and Women Career revealed in the movie are.

The writer did the study through some steps, they were reading and watching, selecting, and classifying data from the movie. Then, the writer tried to analyze and interpret the collected data to do the report of the study. The writer also used some references to support the analysis. Those were taken from books, encyclopedia, and dictionary and even from internet that had relation with the movie, data and theories that underlied the study.

From this study, the writer found that first, Capitalism can works through individuals and income which may go along with elements, such as: money, labor power, and production. Individuals take a different role, as producer, consumer, and investors will play different role since it depends on the welfare they have. Second, women career also may change based on the individuals who get their own career. Considerations and reasons, such as getting more income, will influence the change of the career. The last is, if a woman lives in a condition that is covered by Capitalist circumstance she will more increase their career to get better, even if it is supported by their couple.












1.1 Background of the study ... 1

1.2 Reason for choosing the topic ... 4

1.3 Statement of the problem ... 4

1.4 Objective of the study ... 5

1.5 Significance of the study ... 5

1.6 Outline of the report ... 6


2.1 Film ... 7

2.2 Capitalism ... 10

2.2.1 The Nature of Capitalism... 10

2.2.2 Capitalism in America ... 13



2.3 Women Career ... 14

2.3.1 Career Development ... 14

2.3.2 Career Patterns ... 15

2.3.3 Feminism ... 17’s Movement ... 17 of Contemporary Feminism ... 17

2.4 Modern Sociology Theory ... 18

2.4.1 Socialist Feminism ... 18

2.5 American people ... 20

2.2.1 Characteristics of American People ... 20

2.2.2 American Social Life ... 21


3.1 Object of the study ... 23

3.2 Role of the Researcher... 23

3.3 Types of the Data ... 24

3.4 Source of Data ... 25

3.5 Procedure of Data Collection ... 25

3.6 Procedure of Analyzing the Data ... 27


4.1 Capitalism Concept as described in Friends with Money Movie ... 28



4.3 Women Career relates to Capitalism as described in the movie ... 45


5.1 Conclusion………...49

5.2 Suggestion...50

Bibliography ... 51




Appendices1 : Summary of Friends with Money Movie

Appendices 2 : Selected data from Friends with Money Movie relates to the statements of the problem






Background of the Study

Economic condition is a point to assign the prosperity of society in a country. Every country has tried to develop their economic sector, in order to be able to lead them to the way of managing other aspects of life for the citizen progressively and fast since economy is the main root for every nations in determining their fate both for now and future. As stated in Cultural Antropology (Bodley, 2000:298) that “all societies and cultures are now interconnected within a single economically stratified global system of nation-states dominated by giant corporations, and dependent on the flow of finance capital.” It means that economy may affect human life. All over the world show their own ideology about economy based on either the condition of the society or the history in the past time.


reflection of Capitalist life style. The life style could be focused on money. Money and money may become their belief since money may support them in collecting private properties. Getting much more money will be their effort, for example they can employ the labor power with low salary and offer the product with high price. Then, they could be more consumptive in gaining they want since they have money in great number. In addition, they will try to search for interesting and profitable places for investment. Capitalist there, are appeared due to the fact that they have much wealth that support their life. The wealth comes from the outcomes of every family there, either both work or either of the couple who works with high salary.

The family that has the couple work shows that the wife or the woman has job or occupation or career. Some women who choose to have their own career believe that they can get whatever they want without depending on their husbands or men. Therefore, the income they get will influence them in their thought and principle of life. For example is when a career woman who has got married and has children, but she is going to buy some products or shopping for her desire, she would wisely use her money from her career, not from her husband.


may lead human to the agent of change in understanding the meaning of life through literary works.

Movie or film as a part of modern literary works is an interesting subject to be analyzed since many people will more both enjoy and understand about the story. In addition, many movies reflect the reality of human life. By using author’s ability in organizing and developing the story, movie as the literary work brings on its purpose─ based on the definition of literature, that shows human’s desire, willingness, and emotion. Therefore, movie performs the author’s desire towards certain cases, in particular, human social life or culture either from his point of view or society’s.



Reasons for Choosing the Topic

First, the movie entitled Friends with Money shows a description of economic condition there; it is capitalism─ a keep-talking topic in this era, since this influence towards world economy. The United States as the dream country for life is a dream of every people all over the world. There, the diversity appears but can live peacefully. We can also get everything easily since everything is in modern and sophisticated technology. Many aspects of life are noticed, in particular, economy and its conceptualization. Many people learn how economic principle of United State is applied and develops as well as impacts towards their citizen.

Second, the movie also reveals some views of women career. Career is a hope for women nowadays. Besides, the writer can also see how life style of American society is, in particular, women who have career in their social life, affected by the condition of capitalist atmosphere. The last one is, the writer can see that this topic is rare as the topic for Final Project, especially, in the English Department of Semarang State University.


Statements of the Problem

To reach our deeper understanding, there are three problem statements or research questions that will be explored, they are:

(1) How is capitalism of America described in Friends with Money Movie? (2) How is the concept of women career in Friends with Money Movie


(3) How is the women career related to the capitalist society as displayed in Frends with Money movie?


Objectives of the Study

Dealing with the problem statements above, the objectives of the study may be taken are:

(1) To explain how capitalism of America is described in Friends with Money Movie.

(2) To analyze how the concept of women career in Friends with Money Movie is described.

(3) To elaborate how women career relates to the capitalist society based on the movie.


Significance of the Study

By conducting the study, the writer expects that, the result of the study will give more advantages for readers. First, it can be used as reference for learning literature in terms of deeper understanding human life reflected in the movie. Consequently, it may give knowledge in analyzing the movie not only from the point of social aspect, but also from economic aspect.


learning American Studies course. The last one, it is expected that this final project may perform an obvious view of capitalism upon economic life.


Outline of the report

This final project is divided into chapters and subchapters. Chapter one is the introduction consisting of background of the study, reasons for choosing the topic, statements of the problems, objectives of the study, significance of the study, and the outline of the report.

Chapter two contains review of related literature. It includes some theories that underlie the study, such as: women career, capitalism, and characteristics of American people.

The third chapter refers to the method of investigation. It focuses on the methodology which is used to compile this final project. It contains object of the study, role of the researcher, type of data, source of the data, procedure of collecting the data, and procedure of analyzing the data. Procedure of collecting the data itself consists of six methods. They are watching and reading, identifying, selecting, classifying, and reporting the selected data.

Chapter four covers the main discussion of the study. It is the result of the study.






Movie or film is one of literary works which is presented in audio visual form. By enjoying movie, people will be more understand about the value of the movie. As stated in an article, Robert Stam, as a film theorist, refers to common ways of categorizing films that:

While some genres are based on story content (the war film), other are borrowed from literature (comedy, melodrama) or from other media (the musical). Some are performer-based (the Astaire-Rogers films) or budget-based (blockbusters), while others are budget-based on artistic status (the art film), racial identity (Black cinema), locat[ion] (the Western) or sexual orientation (Queer cinema). (In Introduction to Genre Theory by Daniel Chandler)

From quotation above, it can be stated that the division of film genres are also adapted some media, both written and visualized forms. Written form, such as story and literature, and visualized forms, such as artistic status and performance. In addition, film is divided into some main film genres (http://www.filmsite.org/bestpics.html):

1. Action films

Action films usually have some characteristics, such as high energy, battles, fights, escapes, destructive crises (floods, explosions, natural disasters, fires, etc.), and non-stop motion


Adventure films are interesting films and usually consist of new experiences.

3. Comedy film

Comedy films are films which are designed to amuse the audience and give laughter through the characters and their relationship, language, and their action. These movies are often funny.

4. Crime and Gangster film

Crime (gangster) films are developed through the actions of criminals, bank robbers, underworld figure that steal and murder their way through life.

5. Drama film

This type is serious, portraying realistic characters, settings, life situations, and stories involving intense character development and interaction. Usually, they are not focused on special-effects, comedy, or action,

6. Epics or Historical film

Epics include historical, drama and war films that often cover a large expanse of time set against a vast. Epics often take an historical event, mythic, legendary, or heroic figure, and have high production values. 7. Horror film


8. Musicals (Dance) film

Musical/dance films emphasize full-scale scores or song and dance routines in a significant way. In other words, these films are the combination of music, dance and song.

9. Science Fiction film

Sci-fi films are often quasi-scientific, visionary and imaginative - complete with heroes, aliens, distant planets, impossible quests, improbable settings, fantastic place, technology, unknown and unknowable forces, and extraordinary monsters ('things or creatures from space'), either created by mad scientists or by nuclear havoc. Science fiction often expresses the potential of technology to destroy human being.

10. War (Anti-War) film

War films perform the horror and heartbreak of war, letting the actual combat fighting (against nations or humankind) on the certain background which is set for actions in the movie.

11. Westerns

Westerns are the major defining genre of the American film industry. Over time, westerns have been re-defined, re-invented and expanded, dismissed, and re-discovered.


2.2 Capitalism

Capitalism as an ideology relates to the economical developments. This term involves the condition of economy that is assigned from social classes or levels in society. This views property is the main thing in life. In a capitalist society, Marx declares that such an ideology leads to fragmentation and alienation of individuals, particularly those of the proletariat. (Bressler, 1998:213)

Capitalists, a community who are in capitalism, believe that they hold and control the economic structure, so they are as if the center of the economic power in society. In addition, it is stated that the character of capitalism is that classes have their own production ways─ the capitalist─ doing operation based on capital accumulation logic continuously; capital is property (money and other assets) that can be used for producing material infrastructure from economic production. (Ritzer and Goodman, 2007:438). Capitalists try to change the goods for collecting properties to get more. In supporting the theory, there will be explanation about the nature pf capitalism, capitalism in America, and theory of Culture Industry.

2.2.1 The Nature of Capitalism


change-a change in laws, attitudes, and social relationships as deep and far-reaching as any in history.”(Bodley, 2000:304)

Based on www.wikipedia.com the economics of capitalism developed out of the interactions of the following five items:

a. Commodities: There are two types of commodities: capital goods and consumer goods. Capital goods are products not produced for immediate consumption (i.e. land, raw materials, tools, machines and factories), but as the inputs of consumer goods (i.e. televisions, cars, computers, houses) to be sold to others.

b. Money: Money is primarily a standardized means of exchange which serves to reduce all goods and commodities to a standard value. It eliminates the cumbersome system of barter by separating the transactions involved in the exchange of products, thus greatly facilitating specialization and trade through encouraging the exchange of commodities.

c. Labor power: Labor includes all mental and physical human resources, including entrepreneurial capacity and management skills, which are needed to transform one type of commodity into another.

d. Means of production: Another term for capital goods – all manufactured aids to production such as tools, machinery, and buildings.


Moreover, those commodities above can work if there are also some types of elements how capitalism works or how capitalism may occur. Based on www.wikipedia.com, there are some types how capitalism works:

a. Individuals

Individuals engage in the economy as consumers, laborers, and investors. For example, as consumers, individuals influence production patterns through their purchase decisions, as producers will change production to produce what is most profitable (most often what consumers want to buy). As laborers, individuals may decide which jobs to prepare for and in which markets to look for work. As investors they decide how much of their income to save and how to invest their savings. These savings, which become investments, provide much of the money that businesses need to grow.

b. Income

Income in a capitalist economy depends primarily on what skills are in demand and what skills are currently being supplied. People who have skills that are in scarce supply are worth a lot more in the market and can attract higher incomes. Competition among employers for workers and among workers for jobs, help determine wage rates.


2.2.2 Capitalism in America

America or the United States of America is well-known as Capitalist State. Utopian Capitalism is the American cosmology. The emphasis is that American society locates economic growth and their belief that the world is stated by material (Bodley, 2000:331)

As stated by Dwight Eisenhower that:

The economy of the American people has served this nation faithfully and well….It has afforded not only material comfort, but the resources to provide a challenging life of the mind and of the spirit….Our economy has grown strong because our people have made jobs for each other and have not relied on the government to try to do it for them. Our economy is the result of millions of decisions we all make everyday about producing, earning, saving, investing and spending. Both our individual prosperity, and our nation’s prosperity, rest directly on the decisions all of us are making. (In Cultural Antropology, 2007: 332)

For American society, wealth is the measure of human’s worth and poverty is the measure of personal’s failure and they also understand the levels of society there which members conduct their own economy.

2.2.3 Theory of Culture Industry

Theory of Culture Industry was developed by Frankfurt School theoreticians such as Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer and Herbert Marcuse who view that the masses are dominated by a culture industry obeying only to the logic of consumer capitalism. (Mujiyanto, 2008:65). The principle of hegemony in Cultural hegemony is a goal to achieve for an oppressed social class.


power, and production only that may develop the economic of capitalism and the effect of money towards happiness of life.

2.3 Women Career

Career is a reflection of women emancipation form in the world. The emancipation relates to the movement from women in order to get their equality with men, involving their right to get occupation or career. Klein points out that women have at all times and in all countries taken part in the economic activities of their countries (Hansen, 1978).

2.3.1 Career Development

For women, career development is rather to the uniqueness of women to have choice for their life in terms of personal and professional working life. The following quotation will elaborate career development:

Career development is seen as a continuous, lifelong process, conscious and unconscious, from preschool to old age, with various developmental stages. It is seen as the sequence of positions one holds in a lifetime, the various choices and decisions one makes to implement a life style, and the ways in which work and leisure fit in with the kind of person one perceives oneself to be(In Career Development of Women, Hansen, et al, 1978)


2.3.2 Career Patterns

Based on the book of Career Development of Women, it is stated that:

The term career pattern originated in the field of sociology, in the study of social mobility by means of occupational mobility. The sociological term refers to the sequence of occupations in the life of an individual or of a group of individuals. This sequence may be analyzed in order to ascertain the major work periods which constitute a career.

Super states the classification of women career patterns; they are stable homemaking (no significant work experience), conventional (work after education but not after marriage), stable working (single women who work continuously), double-track (married women who work continuously), interrupted (married women who work, then are fulltime homemakers, then return to work), unstable (in and out of the labor force at irregular intervals), and multiple-trial (a succession of unrelated jobs) as explained below:

1. The Stable Homemaking Career Pattern

In this category, they are women who have no significant work experience and they decide to get married after leaving school and having expected to do so.

2. The Conventional Career Pattern

In the pattern, women after they finish their study, go for work in several months or years. However, when they get married, they will leave their job and be homemaker fully.

3. The Stable Working Career Pattern


4. The Double-Track Career Pattern

In this pattern, after completing education or school women will go for job or work, then marry, but they keep working even they have married. Therefore, they will have two roles of career as working and homemaking. 5. The Interrupted Career Pattern

Women in this type, they go for work after they get education, then marry and be homemaking, but they return as working women. Women who do it have some reasons. First, they will be homemaking when they marry and no working. Then, after their children have grown up and could be left, they will continue for work. Another reason is that they return for work after they divorce or be widowed.

6. The Unstable Career Pattern

The women in this pattern are they who work, homemaking, and work again and back to the full homemaking.

7. The Multiple-Trial Career Pattern

This pattern consists of a succession at unrelated jobs and has no stability from one of the job.

The explanation of varieties career pattern that could be found in every women from all over the world and this leads the writer in analyzing what kind of career patterns in the movie are.

2.3.3 Feminism


Women’s movement appeared in 1960s as the form to ask women’s right and equality with men. This movement rebirth in some aspects of life, in particular relates to women’s capability in social and economic circumstances. (Mujiyanto, 2008:39) Theory of Contemporary Feminism

The Feminism theory typology is underlain by a puzzle about women, which more tends to what the role of women is. This that may lead for what feminism theory will be used. In the analysis of the movie, it can be seen in terms of women and their role relate to the economic condition. These are based on women experience from social point of view.

Women career reflects the progress of women’s movement of feminism in terms of their desire to get the equality in job or occupation. Women Career’s concept based on the movie is referred to the career patterns of the Double-Track Career Pattern which is applied by upper class and the Multiple-Trial Career Pattern which is applied by worker class. From this view, the writer may see how those patterns are done in the capitalism atmosphere.

2.4 Modern Sociology Theory


capitalism and feminism, the writer has chosen one of Modern Sociology theories, it is Socialist Feminism.

2.4.1 Socialist Feminism

It is said that the project of socialist feminism theory is developed for three aims: first, to gain distinctive and related critics towards patriarchy and capitalism in terms of woman experience; second, to develop explicit and affordable method for social analysis from developed historical materialism understanding; the last one is to unify understandings towards ideal significance through materialism analysis for human problem determination. (Ritzer and Goodman, 2007:436)

Based on the book of Teori Sosiologi Modern page 441, it is stated that in the framework of the general theory, socialist feminism can be divided into three different emphasize. First, materialism feminist that emphasizes and sticks gender relation in the structure of contemporary capitalist class system, in particular, the system which is eligible generally. The desire of materialism feminists is in the implication from global capitalism for women life and the way women labor gives contributions for additional capitalism properties. Second, it emphasizes contemporary socialist feminism at the relations of ruling. This relates to interdependent control system. The control arrangement dynamics is explained through the focus at the women daily activities and experiences. The last emphasize is cultural materialism that focuses on the body, descriptions, meaning and happiness, and politics as the effort of a group and social category to appear.


capitalism will relate to Classical Marxian theory at the method of historical materialism.

In addition to explanation above, other feminist anthropologists have argued that other variables in addition to women's role in production are keys to understanding women's social status and power (Leghorn and Parker 1981). Other feminists argue that women's housework is part of the social reproduction of capitalism (Vogel 1995). That the necessary work of reproducing the working class is unpaid allows more profits to capitalists. It is the sexual division of labor in productive and reproductive work that makes woman unequal to men and allows capitalists to exploit women's unpaid labor. Some even make this analysis the basis for a demand for wages for housework (Federici 1975)

Moreover, Hochchild (2000) points out that career women tend to pay working class women to do the second shift work at home so they can avoid that extra work, and they have an interest in keeping such wages, e.g., for house cleaning and nannies, as low as possible to keep the surplus for themselves. Kollias (1981) argues further that working class women are in a stronger political position to work effectively for women's liberation than middle class women, while McKenny (1981) argues that professional women have to overcome myths of professionalism that keep them feeling superior to working class women and hence unable to learn from or work with them for social change


relationship, in particular Socialist feminism as this theory has the aim at discussing capitalism and women experience, in which the experience here relates to the job. In other words, the writer uses socialist feminism to underlie theory that will discuss capitalism and feminism in a relationship underlying the study.

2.5 American People

2.5.1 Characteristics of American People

America or The United States of America, which is the super power country, keeps and saves many dreams from people around the world. Dealing with the history from some years ago since the discovery of the continent, America becomes the main place for many immigrants did move from their country. Consequently, The United States of America is well-known as a multicultural country since there are many diverse people in different background come and move to this country and live side by side peacefully and respect each other. The heterogonous composition of American people leads them to the high ability about tolerance and receiving the varieties that cover many aspects of citizen.


He is either a European or the descendant of a European; hence, that strange mixture of blood, which you will find in no other country. He is an American, who, leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manner, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced, the new government he obeys and the new rank he holds. Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men, whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world. Americans are the western pilgrims, who are carrying along with them the great mass of arts, sciences, vigor, and industry, which began since long time ago in the east. They will finish the circle. (Handout of American Studies, 2007:1)

It can be interpreted that since their backgrounds are different and they are demanded to live under the atmosphere of differences, it may cause new culture and distinct American culture are created. From that point, then, it is getting new and modern culture.

2.5.2 American Social Life

Social life in America is divided into some classes, in particular, in status class. There are an upper, second upper, upper middle, lower middle, and working classes. The diversity in America is involved into many groups based on social and cultural affinities.

Upper classes are those who include as the member of exclusive organizations and their participation in private schools. Those who are in this level have certain lifestyle that may protect them in economic and political power.





The research was conducted in qualitative method and then presented in the descriptive form. This was regarded as the most appropriate method because the writer would not only describe about the social phenomenon in the movie related to the cultural studies, but also finding the relationship among variables that would be investigated.

3.1 Object of the Study

In this research, the writer chooses Friends with Money Movie. It was released in April 7, 2006 and produced by Anthony Bregman, Ted Hope, and Anne Carey. This film was directed by Nicole Holofcener.

3.2 Role of the Researcher

In this research, the writer is a data collector and analyst. In doing this role, it emphasizes how the writer will act towards some data that will be investigated through some procedures.

1. Data collector


conversation of characters in the movie. After listing all data, the writer then, categorized data based on the problems, such as Capitalism, Women Career and their relationship for writer’s findings.

2. Data analyst

In this activity, the writer analyzed the data based on the statement of the problems, such as Capitalism and Women Career through some steps, they were exposing the data, explaining the data and drawing conclusion. Interpreting the data was interpreting the meaning of the data that had been taken and categorized based on its function whether the data were for list of overall data or answer statements of the problems. After the writer interpreted the meaning of selected data, then, drew the conclusion in order to make the study be obvious.

3.3 Type of data

Type of data was descriptive qualitative. It means that the data were in the detail explanation and used textual data from the movie. Textual data were in the form of word, phrases, utterances, sentences and dialogues from the movie to be analyzed.

3.4 Source of Data


sociology. These sources were taken from books, dictionary, articles, journals, encyclopedia and website.

3.5 Procedure of Data Collection

In collecting the data, there were some steps that helped the writer in conducting the study. These sequences helped the writer in collecting data. They are as follows:

3.5.1 Reading and watching

Reading the subtitle of dialogues or conversation and watching the movie for several times were the first steps in the procedure of collecting data. These should be conducted to get more understanding about the movie.

3.5.2 Selecting

Selecting was the way of the writer searched for the parts of the movie related to the topic that were analyzed. The data were in the form of dialogues, conversations and utterances from the movie. The following table was used for selecting overall data related to the topic

No Data Form of Data Location

Scene Time

3.5.3 Classifying


statements of the problem stated in previous chapter. The following table was used for classifying the selected data.

No Capitalism Concept

Women Career Concept

The relationship of Capitalism and Women


3.5.4 Reporting

The last step was reporting data. After classifying based on the statement of the problem, interpreting data that was taken for reporting the analysis and supported by selected and classified data has been founded.

3.6 Procedures of Analyzing Data





4.1 The American Capitalism Concept as described in Friends

with Money Movie

The movie entitled Friends with Money is a movie that describes capitalism or capitalist society that occurs nowadays. Capitalism itself is an ideology relates to the economical developments. It is stated that the character of capitalism is that classes having their own production ways─ the capitalist─ doing operation based on capital accumulation logic continuously; capital is property (money and other assets) that can be used for producing material infrastructure from economic production (see chapter II page 10). Capitalists try to change the goods for collecting properties to get more. This term also involves the condition of economy that is assigned from social classes or levels in society. In addition, the writer uses cultural studies theory to help the writer in analyzing the movie.

The American Capitalism described in the movie is selected based on the nature of Capitalism there; they are the commodities of capitalism and classes division. First, the result of study relates to the commodities of capitalism.


commodities that will be analyzed and relate each other consist of money and labor power.

4.1.1 Money

The writer found interaction relates to money, how Capitalist societies utilize money and how the description of money that also influenced by some types of elements capitalism works such as individuals and income.

First, it is individuals. The writer found concept of capitalism which is analyzed more refers to the way the circulation of money they have― the way of capitalist society in conducting their wealth or money. In other words, it tends to how capitalism works which is influenced by individual and their income. Individuals engage in the economy as consumers and investors only in this case. For example, as consumers, individuals influence production patterns through their purchase decisions. As investors they decide how much of their income to save and how to invest their savings. These savings, which become investments, provide much of the money that businesses need to grow (see chapter II page 12). These circumstances are adapted from the movie based on the quotations:

Franny: “This shoe is 95$?”

“I don’t know why she should use this shoe?” Matt : ”Don’t worry, her feet grow up”

Franny : “That’s right. Therefore, we should buy the cheap one coz her feet will grow in two weeks”

Matt : “No. Since it grows up, we need the best shoes”

(Datum no 1)


daughter, but Franny, as a mother disagree since the shoes only will be used in two weeks. The other dialogue is:

Matt : “Hei…Franny and I have just bought billiard table in an investment”

“Will you come there?”

(Datum no.2) The quotation above shows Matt statements which reveal that he and his wife has bought new table and he showed it up when he met his friends in a party and he asked his friends in case they would come to his house and saw his new stuff.

From those explanations taken from data no 1 and no 2, it can be seen that an individual takes a role as a consumer to buy something through some considerations. Individuals influence production patterns through their purchase decisions. It means that a consumer as an individual will consider some decisions they take in gaining something for their life. This pattern influences production pattern for certain products. This phenomenon leads to the level of quality certain products will influence the desire of consumer in buying it. The consumer more prefers the best quality for their daily life, in particular, Capitalist society since they have more money in gaining everything they like. Another quotation that reveals individuals is the investor as the following:

Richard: “Where else they will put their money?”


investment in some places. This leads to Richard curiosity where else Matt would invest to get much more money.

From quotations above, it can be interpreted that Capitalist Society when they are individuals who take a role in economic system in their life, they will manage the circulation of their money, both expenditure and investment. It can be seen that a man thinks as the investor, where those people― Capitalist people put their money.

Then, the other is income. Income in a capitalist economy depends primarily on what skills are in demand and what skills are currently being supplied. The following quotation reveals the income:

Olivia: “Can you have 65 dollar an hour?” (Datum no. 16)

The quotation above took place when Olivia met her friend, who was personal trainer. As a personal trainer, he had certain skill that led him in getting money. Olivia tried to know how much money he could achieve from his skill.

Based on the explanation above, it shows the questions how to get such salary in an hour. The salary is usually achieved depends on the ability of people in utilizing their skill to earn more money for living. Having more good skill and good management in contributing the skill may influence better salary.

In addition, besides the explanation above, Capitalist societies also have some considerations in giving their money with some reasons. The quotations are:

Franny: “I will be better giving my money for you to go to the therapist and think what you will do”


Olivia : “Will you discuss with Matt about money to lend me to go to the therapist?”

“You bought your daughter 80$ shoes from France. But, you make me in difficulty”

Franny: “That’s Matt, not me” Olivia : “I have to go”

Franny: “Will you?”

Olivia : “You don’t know the feeling. Before there is Matt, you will always lend me. That’s your money, not Matt’s”

Franny: “Of course, it is his. We are in married”

The conversation happened when Olivia and Franny discussed about the decision of Olivia who wanted to borrow some money to have training, so she could get the other job with better salary. However, Franny disagreed with some reasons and she should discuss with Matt, her husband.

From the dialogue above, the capitalist society will be cautious in giving money for other people than for them selves. For the family or their desire they will spend much money is not a problem. However, they have some reason and background in giving the money for somebody who has no advantage or getting honor from giving for poor people to avoid the expenditure useless.

4.1.2 Labor Power


First, labor power relates to individual. Individuals engage in the economy as the producers, consumers, and as labors itself. As producers will change production to produce what is most profitable (most often what consumers want to buy). As laborers, individuals may decide which jobs to prepare for and in which markets to look for work. However, labors and producers in this case is similar since labors do the services or as the producers of services. In other words, the writer explained the use of labor power by Capitalist society in terms of how Capitalist societies act as the consumer of labor power and how labors do the productivity as the provider of services. The following quotation reveals individual as consumer in considering the labor power.

Franny: “Should we employ her in our house?” Matt : “For our home? No”

The conversation above happened in Franny’s house. When Franny knew Olivia worked as a maid, she asked in case they could employ Olivia in their home to help Olivia getting more money easily and it was not too exhausted for Olivia since Franny also had another maid in the home. However, Matt disagreed since it would waste their money if they have two maids.


In addition, the following quotation also shows labor power who takes a role in a production as service supplier.

Olivia : “My name is Olivia”

“I am a lady that cleans your house”

The quotation above happened when Olivia called the owner of the house she cleaned. She called the owner to talk and discuss that she wanted to meet with the landlord to talk about the last time she would finish and quit her job as a maid.

It shows Olivia as the labor power may do the production activity not as the goods supplier but as service supplier, it is service from a maid. Occupying labor power as the service supplier is usually harder than labor power as a worker in certain company.

Second, labor power relates to the income. Income that will be explained relates to how labor determines salary they should get based on the services they gave.

Jane : “Are you worried in maintaining your salary?”

The quotation above took place when Jane and Olivia went for a walk and Olivia told her that she got a landlord who seems poor but he wanted to pay a maid for cleaning his messy home. Olivia told Jane that she agreed if she was paid in lower salary since she felt that the landlord has the worst condition than her. However, Jane disagreed with the reason that whether Olivia was worried in maintaining her salary to get the standard salary.


standard income they would like to get depending on how hard they do the job by her or him self.

4.1.3 Production

Production is the act of making goods or services through the combination of labor power and means of production. The writer found production in terms of the use of labor power only, how labor power works to do the production in the form of services and how it relates to the capitalism.

(When Olivia came to a house and apply for a job as maid)

The landlord : “So, all the cleaning suppliers are in the kitchen” “Because, I’m very messy”

Olivia : “No, its’ ok. That’s why I’m here for” The landlord : “This is the kitchen”

“And I don’t have dish washer”

“So, can you come on Monday?”

Olivia : “Yeah…Monday is ok”

The landlord : “And how much it’s charged?” Olivia : “ohm…65 dollars”

The landlord : “I just can for50”

Olivia : “I don’t usually be charged that little” “Uhm…Ok”

The landlord : “Really?” Olivia : “Yeah...”

The landlord : “All right. Thank You”


cheap price for the worker. Capitalist society will try to occupy the labor power more with the lower price, but not the worker or labor power. As laborers, they will more consider how much service they have given to produce in order to gain higher salary. This may appear in the condition of Capitalist society.

4.1.4 Classes division

For American society, in particular, the upper class, wealth is the measure of human’s worth. In different setting from the movie, the thought about the influence of money also often discussed for them. The quotations are:

Richard : “I will have more sex if I have much money” “They never quarrel since they have much money”

The conversations took place when Christine had quarreled with her husband because some different opinions. Richard, Jane’s husband knew about it and he told that Matt and Franny never quarreled. It shows that a couple who’s more money than the other will be happy and they will have less compromise in occupying money for their needs. It may also be defined that money affects people in getting happiness in their life. Some people believe a certain couple seems happy because they have much money and very rich. From the phenomenon, it can be interpreted that money is the measurement of prosperity of people life. Having much more money, getting much more happiness in their life.

On the other hand, for lower class level in the capitalism, they have their own thought in the way of money. The quotations are:

Olivia: “I don’t understand about such party. They all waste all their money for a party”


Olivia told the statements when she argued with Franny about the way of rich people in contributing their money. This happened when Franny proudly showed how she invested her money through the party and she did not give to people who need it directly. From the quotations above, it shows that the way Capitalist society in contributing money through the party seems unreasonable for other people since they believe that that circumstance is similar to wasting money than contributing to people who need it. Olivia who describes as a lower class people believes that the contribution of the money should be given directly for people who really need the aid. They will think that such events just waste money and it is in vain for them.

From the writer’s findings and analysis it can be stated that Capitalism can work through individuals and income which may go along with elements, such as: money, labor power, and production. Individuals take a different role, as producer, consumer, and investors will play different role since it depends on the welfare they have. Capitalism society will have many considerations in circulating their money and they have their own way in distributing the money.

4.2 The Women Career Concept as described in Friends with

Money movie


bourgeois careerists were always in favor of the emancipation of women "one by

one, commencing with my self" (http://www.socialistappeal.org/faq/feminism.html).

The movie entitled Friends with Money besides explore capitalism, it also describes women career of American women there. The movie reveals United States is a country whose Capitalist society― refer to women there who has career. It is one thing for working class women to express their concerns about the problems faced by their sex and to want to fight against these, and another thing altogether when bourgeois and petty bourgeois tendencies attempt to exploit the problems of women to drive a wedge between the sexes. The natural concerns of working class women are a kind of declaration that they see the existence of inequality and are against it (http://www.socialistappeal.org/faq/feminism.html). Moreover, the writer also uses feminism theory to help her in getting more understandable analysis. The concept of women career described in the movie consists of two aspects, they are career development and career patterns.

4.2.1 Career Development

Career development that relates to the women career is career that is chosen by women which is seen as the sequences of career she holds. This also involves many considerations of women in making decision to find out what the work that is fit for them. In the movie we can see career development for women who are from worker class or lower class level. The quotations are:


“You are the only my friend who doesn’t like to do the exercise and you want to be the trainer?”

The quotation happened in Franny’s house when Olivia came there. It showed that Franny told to Olivia why she did not come back for teaching. It was a surprising thing that Olivia dislike exercise but she wanted to be a personal trainer. Franny thought that it was really contradictive.

The other quotations are:

Olivia :”I just want to say that I can’t do that anymore” Marty :”How come?”

Olivia :”I just get the other job in cosmetics”.

The conversation happened in a phone which said that Olivia told to the employer that she could not continue to work as a maid in his home since she had another job.

From two quotations above, it can be interpreted that a woman who has this condition thinks many aspects or considerations why she changes from one career to the others that fit to her principle in having lifestyle. The changing of the career can be mentioned as the measurement of the progress in finding the most worthy job for them. She will neglect other people consideration towards her self. In other words, it can be interpreted that career development is similar to career changes from certain career to the other that she decides until she finds out the appropriate career for her.

4.2.2 Career Patterns

Career patterns are divided into many categories. Based on the book of Career Development of Women, Super stated classification of women career patterns,


after education but not after marriage), stable working (single women who work continuously), double-track (married women who work continuously), interrupted (married women who work, then are fulltime homemakers, then return to work), unstable (in and out of the labor force at irregular intervals), and multiple-trial (a succession of unrelated jobs). (See Chapter II page 15)

For women, career pattern is decided by the women’s desire themselves. Every woman has their own decision in determining the stability or continuing career. Upper class women will continue their career if it is both profitable and enjoyable work. Meanwhile, worker class women more tend to change from one job to another in order to find out the stable work and fit based on their desire. Based on the movie, only four categories for women career patterns that could be found by the writer, those are:

First, it is The Stable Working Career Pattern. In this type, after women finish their study, they embark a career which becomes the woman’s life work. She will work continuously. This is the general description from the women of the movie that they work and have long prospects for their life. These quotations support the example career as designers:

Richard : “Honey, let see. She wears yours” Jane : “Ya, but she doesn’t look good on it” Richard : “But it was you who design it”


them, career which has good prospect for a long time will be always supported as long as it may earn much money.

Second is The Conventional Career Pattern. In the pattern, women after they finish their study, go for work in several months or years. However, when they get married, they will leave their job and be homemaker fully. Based on the movie, it is described about the woman as homemaker fully or as housewife. The quotation is:

Olivia : “Franny, if you had to work, what’ll you do?”

Franny : “I feel I like any work. I feel I’ll taking care my kids as works .

The conversation happened when Olivia and Franny debated Olivia’s changing for career and Olivia was really disagreed and she asked Franny what she woud do if she must work. Based on the quotation, it can be interpreted that the woman would like to take care her children or as home maker than other works. For woman who prefers of taking care her children to her career will ignore another job and it makes her less sensitive in answering the questions about another works or career since she may believe taking care is her best way as her decision.


These quotations support the example of career women as writers: (At home)

(When writing a script of a story with her husband, David) Christine: “I have problem with this line”.

“I really think Elliot would believe her”.

The illustration above happened when Christine, a writer was writing a script of a story with her husband at home and debated about the content of the story.

These quotations support the example career as designers: Richard : “Honey, let see. She wears yours”

Jane : “Ya, but she doesn’t look good on it” Richard : “But it was you who design it”

The dialogues happened when Richard and Jane went for dinner outside in a restaurant; they saw a woman wear clothes which is designed by Jane.

The quotations above show that although they get married, the woman has been working as designer who designs some clothes and her husband supports her in her job, even he tried to ensure that his wife is good in created her works. Moreover, we can see that although she has married, she keeps working as writer at her home and she works with her husband. It shows double role a woman takes, as a mother and as a writer.


career from the lower or worker class society includes this pattern based on the movie. The quotation from the movie is:

Olivia :”Can I work in the place you usually train Franny?”

This statement appeared when Olivia met her friend who is Franny personal trainer and they talked about the job and she is interested to be a personal training like him. The quotation shows a woman who has worked but she would like to change her job again. It can be seen that Olivia from worker class has no stability in her job. From a teacher, she changes as a maid and because of persuade from a man, she would like to change as sport trainer

4.3 The Relation of Women Career and Capitalism (Capitalist

Society) as described in Friends with Money movie


understandings towards ideal significance through materialism analysis for human problem determination.

Based on the explanation above, the writer tried to find out those three aims as the answer for the third problem. By exploring the relationship of women career and capitalist society as described in the movie, these are the quotations:

Matt : “You work as a maid?”

“There’s nothing wrong working as a maid” “It is not like people think. A maid has lot money”

The statements above appeared when Matt met Olivia in a party and knew the job Olivia as a maid and he revealed his belief of her career that nothing wrong with working as a maid since it can give much money. From utterances above, it can be seen that certain capitalists believe that a maid has good salary. It is contradictory with the previous finding that Capitalist society would try to give the cheapest price for the worker and they believe that the worker has much money she or he earns. It can be seen in the following datum:

(From telephone sound which was left by Christine to Olivia) ” Hi, this is Christine. I’ve just recommend you to my business partner. She looks for somebody to clean her house. She is so rich and she’ll pay lot money”.


On the other hand, it will be different condition for upper class women who has good career and may get much money since her work is good and famous.

Maya :” Jane, your clothes is everywhere”

“My friend sees in Barney’s”

Jane :”Yea…We do it well”

The dialogues happened when Jane met Maya in a market and Maya told about the success Jane gained from her career and this leads to Jane’s popularity in designing clothes. It shows that her career as designer is very famous since she is able to do the best for her work and it carries her to be famous and get wealth for her popular work. From the point of her success in getting career, she will try to talk job or another career from other people to see the other women’s career. The following dialogues may support the phenomenon:

Jane :” So, Gretchen, what do you do?” Gretchen :” We do the company together”

The dialogues happened when Jane met Gretchen, her husband’s friend and she asked about Gretchen work and she also wanted to talk about it detail to see the degree of Gretchen’s success.


change based on the individuals who get their own career. Considerations and reasons, such as getting more income, will influence the change of the career. Therefore, if a woman lives in a condition that is covered by Capitalist circumstance she will develop their career more to get better, even if it is supported by their couple.





5.1 Conclusion

Based on the analysis, it can be drawn some conclusions. They are, first about the development of economics of capitalism and based on the movie, the writer found that some of those commodities that will be analyzed and relate each other consist of money, labor, and production that also influenced by individuals and income. About money, it is shown that Capitalist Society when they are individuals, they will manage both expenditure and investment. Moreover, it can be meant that for Capitalist Society who act as the consumers they have certain reason to reject what goods or service they get. In the other hand, for the worker itself, he or she gives the service certain price to get income. Then, about Labor and production― it is service, the worker tried to get the appropriate charge or salary. However, the consumer― Capitalist Society, tried to bargain the cheap price for the worker.


money. Moreover, for the upper class women who get success in getting career, they will try to talk job or another career from other people to see the other women’s career.

5.2 Suggestion

The writer expects that this study could be used as reference for readers, in general, to enhance their knowledge about the social science relates to human and their interaction. This study is also expected to enhance English Department Students in analyzing the movie based on some theories, in particular, for Critical Theories subject and in compiling scientific research as additional reference in terms of steps or procedures.




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The movie entitled Friends with Money told about the friendship of four women, they were Franny, Christine, Jane, and Olivia. Three of them are married, but Olivia. Those marriage women lived in welfare. Christine and Jane keep working as writer and designer, but Franny did not work. Meanwhile, their friend Olivia was a young unmarried woman and lived in lacking of money. She changed from a job to the other job in order to get better salary, from a teacher, then changes into a mad, and she wanted to be a personal trainer. Those people are more interested in talking money, contribution, jobs, and welfare over. When they met each other in a party for certain contribution, they would tell what contribution they had given and how much they contributed it. Moreover, they also talked about job they had and what they had done.


In contrast, their friend Olivia was a young unmarried woman and lived in lacking of money. She changed from a job to the other job in order to get better salary, from a teacher, then changes into a mad, and she wanted to be a personal trainer. Her previous career as a teacher in a school did not bring her to the progress of her life. Therefore, she tried to change to be a mad with the better salary, she thought. Her married-friends tried to help her. When they met in a contribution party, Jane told that it was better to give the money for Olivia than to contribute children’s school. Franny asked her husband, Matt to employ Olivia worked in their home, but he disagreed. Many reasons Matt told not to employ. Christine could not help her since she had been renovating her house to get bigger house although her marriage with David was little unhappy.

The situation was changed when Franny introduced her personal trainer for Olivia, but they did not know that the trainer lied to Olivia. He told to Olivia that being personal trainer could get the better salary. His persuade made her wanted to change. She told to Franny about this and would like to borrow some money from her. Franny disagreed and she thought that it was better for her to come back for teaching, but Olivia refused it.


No Data Form of Franny: “That’s right. Therefore, we

should buy the cheap one coz her feet will grow in two weeks” Matt: “No. Since it grows up, we need

the best shoes”

Dialogues 1 0:02:07

2. Matt : “Hei…Franny and I have just bought billiard table in an investment”

“Will you come there?”

Dialogues 2 0:04:24

3. Christine: “Do you know where places to contribute?”

“I have some good ideas” Franny: “Yea…we have decided to


No Data Form of

Data Scene Time

4. Matt: “You work as a maid?”

“There’s nothing wrong working as a maid”

“It is not like people think. A maid has a lot money”

Dialogues 2 0:05:14

5. Richard: “There will be Shed sample selling next week in case somebody will come there”

Dialogues 2 0:06:05

6 Richard: “Where else they will put their money?”

Dialogues 3 0:07:16

7 Richard: “We contributed much money last year”

“I think they also contributed it, too”

Dialogues 3 0:07:31

8. Franny: “Should we employ her in our house?”

Matt: “For our home? No”


No Data Form of

Data Scene Time

9. Marty : “This is the kitchen”

“And I don’t have dish washer” “So, can you come on Monday?” Olivia : “Yeah…Monday is ok”

Marty : “And how much it’s charged?” Olivia : “ohm…65 dollars”

Marty : “I just can for50”

Olivia : “I don’t usually be charged that little”


Marty : “Really?”

Dialogues 4 0:10:33

10. Jane: “Are you worried in maintaining your salary?”

Dialogue 4 0:13:27

11. Maya :” Jane, your clothes is everywhere”

“My friend sees in Barney’s” Jane :”Yea…We do it well”

Dialogues 4 0:14:21

12. Franny: ” She taught in a very good school in Santa Monica”

Dialogue 5 0:15:39

13. (From telephone sound which was left by Christine to Olivia)

” Hi, this is Christine. I’ve just recommend you to my business partner. She looks for somebody to clean her house. She is so rich and she’ll pay lot money”.


No Data Form of certificate that I can work in a gym”

Dialogue 10 0:38:00

19. Franny: “Why you just do not come back for teaching?”

“You are the only my friend who doesn’t like to do the exercise and you want to be the trainer?” Olivia: “Should accounting like numbers?

Should navy likes kids




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