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Electronic lexicon on nursing (e-lon): a Computer Assisted Vocabulary Learning (CAVL) model to enhance nursing students` lexical retention.


Academic year: 2017

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Kristanto, Barlian. 2016. Electronic Lexicon on Nursing (e-lon): A Computer Assisted Vocabulary Learning (CAVL) Model to Enhance Nursing Students’ Lexical Retention. Yogyakarta: Graduate Program on English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Vocabulary is an essential element of a language. A significant amount of vocabulary affects the language fluency of learners. In nursing study program, the students need to master a larger number of words to enable them in understanding nursing textbooks or journal articles in their courses. In fact, time limitation and lack of motivation in vocabulary learning are the main problems. Electronic Lexicon on Nursing (e-lon) was developed to accommodate the students’ needs. E-lon is as Computer Assisted Vocabulary Learning (CAVL) model used to enhance nursing students’ lexical retention that can be transferred into LMS, Web-site, and CD. In terms of words retention, acquisition of new words from reading texts by means of strategies such as contextual deduction is not enough to extend their vocabulary. Applying explicit learning can be the solution to provide deeper mental process of vocabulary acquisition. The words to be learned presented in context and then in isolation. The theoretical concept was then integrated into the selected program application namely iSpring Suite. This study aimed at discovering CAVL model that enable to enhance nursing students’ lexical retention. The research problem discussed in this study was what does a CAVL Model to enhance nursing students’ lexical retention using iSpring Suite look like?

This study focused on designing e-lon. The researcher employed mix-method of two instructional design models and development research in developing e-lon. There were four units containing reading text, glosses, and exercises based on the topic. The target population was 62 nursing students in semester four in the academic year 2015/2016. The research was conducted in STIKes Harapan Bangsa Purwokerto. The data were taken in three steps: need analysis, design and development, and implementation and evaluation. The data were collected by distributing questionnaire, doing interview, and vocabulary tests. In collecting the data for preliminary field testing, the researcher involved some experts such as material development expert, English lecturers, nursing lecturers, and IT experts. They were asked to give their feedback and suggestions towards the preliminary e-lon design. A trial of the initial design of e-lon was done to 10 nursing students out of the targeted users. After getting the feedback from the respondents, the researcher did some revisions on the e-lon. It was about the contents and the layout of the e-lon. The efficacy of e-lon was tested by conducting postest and delayed-test and then analyzed by using paired-sample t-test. The result showed that e-lon was effective to enhance the vocabulary retention (p = .094 > .05).

The result of this study was the final version of the CAVL model containing three stages of vocabulary learning process: 1) guessing the words in context; 2) consulting the meaning of the words with glosses; and 3) retrieving the words with the exercises.




Kristanto, Barlian. 2016. Electronic Lexicon on Nursing (e-lon): A Computer Assisted Vocabulary Learning (CAVL) Model to Enhance Nursing Students’ Lexical Retention. Yogyakarta: Graduate Program on English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Kosakata merupakan unsur yang penting dari sebuah Bahasa. Banyaknya jumlah kosakata mempengaruhi kelancaran berbahasa para pelajar. Dalam Program Studi Keperawatan, mahasiswa perlu menguasai kosakata yang lebih banyak untuk bisa memahami buku teks keperawatan atau jurnal artikel dalam Bahasa Inggris di perkuliahan mereka. Pada kenyataanya, keterbatasan waktu dan kurangnya motivasi dalam belajar kosakata merupakan masalah yang utama. Electronic Lexicon on Nursing (e-lon) dikembangkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. E-lon sebagai model pembelajaran kosakata berbassis computer untuk meningkatkan daya ingat kosakata mahasiswa keperawatan bisa diunggah kedalam sistem managemen pembelajaran (LMS), Website, dan CD. Dalam hal daya ingat kata, pemahaman kosakata baru dari teks bacaan sebagai strategi belajar seperti pengenalan konteks diawal dirasa belum cukup untuk meningkatkan kosakata mereka. Penerapan pembelajaran langsung bisa memjadi jalan keluar untuk memberikan proses mengingat yang lebih dalam untuk penguasaan kosakata. Kata-kata yang dipelajari ditampilkan dalam konteks dan kemudian dipisahkan. Koncep teori kemudian digabungkan kedalam aplikasi program yang tersedia yakni iSpring Suite. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari model pebelajaran kosakata berbasis computer untuk meingkatkan daya ingat kosakata mahasiswa keperawatan. Adapun permasalahan yang dibahasa di penelitian ini yakni seperti apakah bentuk dari model pembelajaran kosakata berbasis computer dengan menggunakan iSpring Suite untuk meningkatkan daya ingat kosakata mahasiswa keperawatan?



Hasil penelitian ini adalah versi akhir dari model pembelajaran kosakata berbasis komputer yang meliputi tiga tahapan proses pembelajaran kosakata: 1) menebak arti kata dalam konteks; 2) mengkonsultasikan arti kata dengan glosses; dan 3) menerima kata-kata tersebut dalam bentuk latihan.







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora (M. Hum.) in English Language Studies


Barlian Kristanto

Student Number: 146332026




ON IYURSING (e-lon):











Brrlian Krlstanto

Student Numben 146332026

Approved by,

Dr. B. B.Ilwiiatmoko. M. A,

Thesls Advlsor






I dedicate this thesis to my beloved wife - Diannike Putri, my

adorable son – Alvaro Graviel Bratajaya, my little sunshine who is still


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Yang bertanda tangan dibawah inin saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:


: Barlian Kristanto

NomorMahasiswa :146332026

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan

Universitas Sanata Dharma karya itniah $aya yang berjudul:





Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan universitas sanata Dharma hak untuk meyimpano mengalihkan dalam bentuk media


mengeroranya dalam bentuk pangkalan datq mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mernpublikasilannp di intemet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta


dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap meneantumkan nama saya sebagai


Demikian penryataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: October idn,2016




In this wonderful opportunity for me, I would like to deliver my sincere gratitude to God and people who have given support, love, care, suggestion, and prayer for me during the thesis writing. I really thank all of them.

First of all, my greatest gratitude goes to Allah SWT for His blessing, guidance, and for always listening my prayers and granting my wishes. Alhamdulillahirobbil alamin, finally I can complete my thesis.

Second of all, I am most grateful to my thesis advisor Dr. B. B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. for his patience, hospitality, and guidance during my thesis writing. His feedback and advice have been very supportive and helpful. Thank you very much for being kind and encouraging me so that I can complete my thesis. I am also indebted to FX. Mukarto, Ph. D., Dr. J. Bismoko, and Dr. E. Sunarto, M. Hum. for reviewing my thesis and giving their credible inputs and suggestions. My greatest gratitude also goes to J. S. M. Pudji Lestari, S. Pd. M. Hum. who is willing to be my respondents as material development expert and to give valuable feedback toward the development of e-lon.



My deepest gratitude also goes to Reza Rahardian (IT Staff of STIKES Harapan Bangsa Purwokerto) who was really helpful for me in developing the e-lon. Thank you very much for being patient and guiding whenever I got confused about the iSpring suite application.

I express my warm thanks to Mas Thomas and Mbak Junko for being kind and welcoming me in their house during my study in Sanata Dharma University. It has been a very wonderful time to be part of your family.

I would like to give my special thanks to my parents and my sisters. For my mother and father thank you for everything. Thank you for your love, care and prayers. My greatest thank also goes to Ambar Sukesih and Intan Prestia Dewi. Thank you for your support and prayers. May Allah bless all of you.

Last but not least, I would like give my deepest love and gratitude for my little family, to my wife Diannike Putri, I thank her for her prayers, never ending love, support, and care as always. Alvaro Graviel Bratajaya and little baby in the womb, my beloved children, thank you for inspiring me and giving me spirit. My life is only for you and may Allah bless us.



Table of Contents












ABSTRACT... xviii

ABSTRAK ... xix


A. Background ...1

B. Problem Limitation ...5

C. Research Questions ...5

D. Research Goal ...6

E. Research Benefits...6


A. Review of Related Study ...7

B. Theoretical Review ...10

1. ESP Vocabulary ...10

2. English for Nursing Program ...12

3. Vocabulary Acquisition ...13

a. Aspects of Vocabulary Knowledge ...13

b. The Nature of Vocabulary Acquisition ...15

c. Memory Retention in Vocabulary Acquisition ...17



a. Implicit Vocabulary Learning ...18

b. Explicit Vocabulary Learning ...19

5. Theoretical Principles of CAVL Designs ...20

6. An Overview of iSpring Suite Application ...23

7. Instructional System design ...26

a. A Taxonomy of Instructional Designs ...27

b. Product-oriented Models ...30

c. The Adapted Product-oriented Model ...33

C. Theoretical Framework ...34


A. Research Method ...37

B. Research Procedure ...40

1. Phase I: Need Analysis ...40

a. Research Respondents ...40

b. Research Instruments ...41

1) Need Analysis Questionnaire ...41

2) Interview ...43

3) Vocabulary Size Level Test ...44

4) Vocabulary Breadth Test ...45

c. Data Gathering Procedure ...45

d. Data Analysis Procedure ...46

2. Phase II: Design and Development ...47

a. Research Respondents ...48

b. Research Instruments ...49

c. Data Gathering Procedure ...50

d. Data Analysis Procedure ...51

3. Phase III: Implementation and Evaluation ...52

a. Research Respondents ...52

b. Research Instruments ...52

1) User Validation Questionnaire ...53



c. Data Gathering Procedure ...54

d. Data Analysis Procedure ...55


A. Phase I: Need Analysis ...56

1. Syllabus Investigation in English for Nursing Course ...57

2. The Results of Interview ...58

3. The Results of Need Analysis Questionnaire...60

a. Learners’Beliefs about Vocabulary Learning ...61

b. Vocabulary Learning Strategies ...63

4. The Result of Vocabulary Levels Test (VTL) ...69

5. The Result of Vocabulary Breadth Test ...70

B. Phase II: The Process of Design and Development ...71

1. The Process of Designing CAVL Model ...71

a. Stating Goal, Learning Objectives, and Topics of e-lon ...72

b. Integrating the Computer Technology into the Design ...73

c. Designing Preliminary Form of e-lon ...74

2. The Process of Developing e-lon ...76

a. The Preliminary Field Testing ...77

b. The Trial of Preliminary Form of e-lon ...86

c. Revision ...88

C. Phase III: Implementation and Evaluation ...89

1. The Implementation of Revised e-lon ...89

2. The Evaluation of Revised e-lon ...90

a. The Result of User Validation Questionnaire ...91

b. The Result of Lexical Retention Test ...94

D. Presentation of The Final Form of e-lon ...95

1. Homepage ...97

2. Lesson ...98

3. Lexicon ...100




A. Conclusions ...104

B. Suggestions ...106





Table Page

Table 2.1. A taxonomy of instructional design models based on selected

characteristics (Adapted from Gustafson and Branch, 2002) ... 28

Table 3.1. A Summary of the Two Types of Developmental Research (Richey, Klein, and Nelson: 2007, p.1103)………. 39

Table 3.2. The Most Common Participants in Type 2 Developmental Research………... 39

Table 3.3. Needs Analysis Questionnaire Blueprint………. 42

Table 3.4. The Working Concept of Need Analysis Interview ……… 43

Table 3.5. Expert Validation Questionnaire Blueprint………. 50

Table 3.6. Interpretation Table of Agreement ……….. 51

Table 3.7. User Validation Questionnaire Blueprint……… 53

Table 4.1. EFN 1 Syllabus for the 4th Semester of Nursing Students…….. 57

Table 4.2. Students’ Responses on Memorizing Words ………... 61

Table 4.3. Students’ Beliefs on Acquiring Words in Context ……….. 62

Table 4.4. Students’ Beliefs on Using Top-down Strategy to Acquire the Words……….. 62

Table 4.5. Students’ Responses on Metacognitive Strategies ……….. 64

Table 4.6. Students’ Responses on Guessing Strategies ………... 65

Table 4.7. Students’ Responses on Dictionary Strategies ……… 66

Table 4.8. Students’ Responses on Note Taking Strategies ………. 67

Table 4.9. Students’ Responses on Note Memory/Repetition Strategies …. 68 Table 4.10. The Result of Vocabulary Breadth Test……….. 70

Table 4.11. The List of Target Words (or Lexicon)………... 71

Table 4.12. The Topics and Learning Objectives of CAVL Model Package 73 Table 4.13. The Outline of Preliminary Form of e-lon………... 76

Table 4.14. Description of Respondents in Preliminary Field Testing……... 77

Table 4.15a. The Descriptive Statistic of Experts’ Opinions on The Vocabulary Content of the Material……… 79



Table 4.15c. The Descriptive Statisticof Experts’ Opinions on The

Monitoring of Learners’ Performance ………. 81 Table 4.15d. The Descriptive Statisticof Experts’ Opinions on e-lon as a

self-learning tool………... 82

Table 4.16. The Descriptive Statisticof IT Experts’ Opinions ……….. 83 Table 4.17. The Results Summary of Essay Questions Response of the

Experts Validation Questionnaire……… 84

Table 4.18. The Results Summary of Essay Questionnaire in The Trial of

Preliminary Form of e-lon………... 87




Figure Page

Figure 2.1. iSpring Naration Editor………... 23

Figure 2.2. iSpring QuizMaker………... 24

Figure 2.3. Book-iSpring Visuals………... 25

Figure 2.4. Timeline Interactions……….. 25

Figure 2.5. iSpring Directory……… 26

Figure 2.6. The Model of Berman and Moore……….. 31

Figure 2.7. The Model of Seels and Glasgow………... 32

Figure 2.8. Adapted Product-Orientated Models for Designing CAVL Model……….. 33

Figure 2.9. Theoretical Framework of CAVL Model Development……. 36

Figure 3.1. On-line Test of Vocabulary Size Level……….. 44

Figure 4.1. The Result of Vocabulary Size Level Test………... 69

Figure 4.2. Vocabulary Processing Procedure of e-lon………... 96

Figure 4.3. Homepage of e-lon……….. 98

Figure 4.4. The Sample of Video in Lesson Feature……… 99

Figure 4.5. The Sample of Reading Text Elaborated with Picture in Lesson Feature……… 99

Figure 4.7. The Front page of Lexicon ……….. 101

Figure 4.8. The Outlook of Lexicon Feature……… 101

Figure 4.9. Quiz A: Multiple Choice Text……… 103

Figure 4.10. Quiz B: WordBank ……… 103




Appendix Page

Appendix 1. The Working Concept of Need Analysis Questionnaire 114 Appendix 2. Need Analysis Questionnaire………... 115 Appendix 3. The Working Concept of Need Analysis Interview with

English Lecturers………. 117

Appendix 4. Transcript of Need Analysis Interview with English

Lecturers……….. 118

Appendix 5. The Construct Mapping of Need Analysis Interview for

Students……… 120

Appendix 6. Transcript of Need Analysis Interview with Students…. 121 Appendix 7. The Result of Vocabulary Size Level Test……….. 122 Appendix 8. The Vocabulary Breadth Test……….. 123 Appendix 9. The Result of Breadth Test……….. 127 Appendix 10. The Working Concept of Expert Validation

Questionnaire………... 132

Appendix 11. The Questionnaire for Material Development Expert,

English Lecturers, and Nursing Lecturers………... 133 Appendix 12. The Questionnaire for IT Experts……… 136

Appendix 13.

The Result of Expert Validation Questionnaire (Material Development Expert, English Lecturers, and Nursing

Lecturers)………. 139

Appendix 14. The Result of Expert Validation Questionnaire (IT

Experts)……… 141

Appendix 15. The Summary of Experts’ Responses on the Essay

Questions ………. 142






Kristanto, Barlian. 2016. Electronic Lexicon on Nursing (e-lon): A Computer Assisted Vocabulary Learning (CAVL) Model to Enhance Nursing Students’ Lexical Retention. Yogyakarta: Graduate Program on English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Vocabulary is an essential element of a language. A significant amount of vocabulary affects the language fluency of learners. In nursing study program, the students need to master a larger number of words to enable them in understanding nursing textbooks or journal articles in their courses. In fact, time limitation and lack of motivation in vocabulary learning are the main problems. Electronic Lexicon on Nursing (e-lon) was developed to accommodate the students’ needs. E-lon is as Computer Assisted Vocabulary Learning (CAVL) model used to enhance nursing students’ lexical retention that can be transferred into LMS, Web-site, and CD. In terms of words retention, acquisition of new words from reading texts by means of strategies such as contextual deduction is not enough to extend their vocabulary. Applying explicit learning can be the solution to provide deeper mental process of vocabulary acquisition. The words to be learned presented in context and then in isolation. The theoretical concept was then integrated into the selected program application namely iSpring Suite. This study aimed at discovering CAVL model that enable to enhance nursing students’ lexical retention. The research problem discussed in this study was what does a CAVL Model to enhance nursing students’ lexical retention using iSpring Suite look like?

This study focused on designing e-lon. The researcher employed mix-method of two instructional design models and development research in developing e-lon. There were four units containing reading text, glosses, and exercises based on the topic. The target population was 62 nursing students in semester four in the academic year 2015/2016. The research was conducted in STIKes Harapan Bangsa Purwokerto. The data were taken in three steps: need analysis, design and development, and implementation and evaluation. The data were collected by distributing questionnaire, doing interview, and vocabulary tests. In collecting the data for preliminary field testing, the researcher involved some experts such as material development expert, English lecturers, nursing lecturers, and IT experts. They were asked to give their feedback and suggestions towards the preliminary e-lon design. A trial of the initial design of e-lon was done to 10 nursing students out of the targeted users. After getting the feedback from the respondents, the researcher did some revisions on the e-lon. It was about the contents and the layout of the e-lon. The efficacy of e-lon was tested by conducting postest and delayed-test and then analyzed by using paired-sample t-test. The result showed that e-lon was effective to enhance the vocabulary retention (p = .094 > .05).

The result of this study was the final version of the CAVL model containing three stages of vocabulary learning process: 1) guessing the words in context; 2) consulting the meaning of the words with glosses; and 3) retrieving the words with the exercises.




Kristanto, Barlian. 2016. Electronic Lexicon on Nursing (e-lon): A Computer Assisted Vocabulary Learning (CAVL) Model to Enhance Nursing Students’ Lexical Retention. Yogyakarta: Graduate Program on English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Kosakata merupakan unsur yang penting dari sebuah Bahasa. Banyaknya jumlah kosakata mempengaruhi kelancaran berbahasa para pelajar. Dalam Program Studi Keperawatan, mahasiswa perlu menguasai kosakata yang lebih banyak untuk bisa memahami buku teks keperawatan atau jurnal artikel dalam Bahasa Inggris di perkuliahan mereka. Pada kenyataanya, keterbatasan waktu dan kurangnya motivasi dalam belajar kosakata merupakan masalah yang utama. Electronic Lexicon on Nursing (e-lon) dikembangkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. E-lon sebagai model pembelajaran kosakata berbassis computer untuk meningkatkan daya ingat kosakata mahasiswa keperawatan bisa diunggah kedalam sistem managemen pembelajaran (LMS), Website, dan CD. Dalam hal daya ingat kata, pemahaman kosakata baru dari teks bacaan sebagai strategi belajar seperti pengenalan konteks diawal dirasa belum cukup untuk meningkatkan kosakata mereka. Penerapan pembelajaran langsung bisa memjadi jalan keluar untuk memberikan proses mengingat yang lebih dalam untuk penguasaan kosakata. Kata-kata yang dipelajari ditampilkan dalam konteks dan kemudian dipisahkan. Koncep teori kemudian digabungkan kedalam aplikasi program yang tersedia yakni iSpring Suite. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari model pebelajaran kosakata berbasis computer untuk meingkatkan daya ingat kosakata mahasiswa keperawatan. Adapun permasalahan yang dibahasa di penelitian ini yakni seperti apakah bentuk dari model pembelajaran kosakata berbasis computer dengan menggunakan iSpring Suite untuk meningkatkan daya ingat kosakata mahasiswa keperawatan?



Hasil penelitian ini adalah versi akhir dari model pembelajaran kosakata berbasis komputer yang meliputi tiga tahapan proses pembelajaran kosakata: 1) menebak arti kata dalam konteks; 2) mengkonsultasikan arti kata dengan glosses; dan 3) menerima kata-kata tersebut dalam bentuk latihan.





This chapter is about general explanation on what will be discussed in this study. It consists of the background of the study, problem limitation, problem formulation, research goals, and benefits of the study. The background section not only provides the reason why this study is worth to carry out but also situates the proposed study in the context of previous relevant studies to clarify the originality of the study. The Problem limitation explains the scope of the study. The Problem formulation specifies research questions to answer in this study. Research goals are the aims that this study wants to achieve. Finally, the research benefits state the theoretical and practical advantages for readers after reading this study.

A. Background


various situations, for example listening to academic lectures, communicating with others, reading books, and writing essays (Nation, 2001).

Generally, foreign or second language learners are aware of the fact that the vocabulary knowledge limitations affect their fluency both in spoken and written language. Moreover, Hunt and Beglar (2005) argue that foreign language learners have a deficiency in developing their lexicons to an adequate level which would enable them to function properly in different language contexts (Barrow, Nakanishi, and Ishino, 1999; Nurweni and Read, 1999, as cited in Hunt and Beglar, 2005). The learners have not found any effective vocabulary learning techniques yet to improve their vocabulary. Furthermore, they often complain about the difficulty in learning vocabulary. Some motivated learners keep trying to overcome their difficulty of vocabulary learning by memorizing words list or making their vocabulary notes. In contrast, those with low motivation in vocabulary learning will just ignore vocabulary learning which affect their overall language proficiency. Although, many researchers suggest explicit vocabulary instruction, vocabulary building is given less priority in second language (L2) classroom on assumption that learners will learn on their own through natural exposure to language or by necessity. In order to resolve this conflict over the limited amount of class time available, there is a growing interest among second language acquisition researchers and teachers in using technology for vocabulary instruction in and outside the classroom.


teacher-centered of book-teacher-centered to student-teacher-centered or classroom-based instruction (Hai-peng & Li-jing, 2007). A computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is an example of the technological implication in language learning environment. It aims to help learners acquire foreign/second language learning better. Fox (1984) notes that CALL program with exercises can provide a rich and simulating learning environment to second language learners. Moreover, CALL promotes students to be more autonomous in learning (Beaty, 2003: p. 45). In other words, a teacher is no longer as the key factor in the learning process. The emergence and popularity of computer and internet facilitate students to get more language exposures and language practices. As the consequence, many universities or even schools facilitate their students with language laboratory and multimedia supports to gain the advantages of CALL in language learning.

The use of CALL in vocabulary learning helps teachers to provide various activities which are effective to improve students’ vocabulary. It is possible for material developers or teachers to make interesting vocabulary learning by inserting audio, video, image, and text. Therefore, vocabulary learning activities do not only involve memorizing and monotonous practicing such as looking up meanings on dictionary, but also various other activities to enhance understanding and usage (Hai-peng & Li-jing, 2007). For instance, the combination of visual (images or videos) and verbal (audio and textual information) annotation to present words gives positive effect on L2 vocabulary retention (Thomson and Paivio, 1994; and Jones, 2004).


in instructional design. They are: 1) what the content is; 2) how the materials should be sequenced; 3) what the best media to present the materials is; 4) what teaching strategies need to be used; 5) How the students’ learning materials can be measured; 6) what systems for feedback are available; and 7) what methods should be used to create the learning materials. Sometimes, instructional designers or teachers expect more to have a good choice of learning tools or media to present the course materials and to have full control of it. In fact, the choices of learning tools or media are limited. These limitations must be solved and the course design must meet the learners’ needs. Hence, choosing the right instructional design model can help instructional designers or teachers to select the suitable tools, media, or applications.


Although there are a number of studies investigating the use of CALL that promotes vocabulary acquisition, most of them only investigate how effective computer assisted vocabulary learning (CAVL) to enhance learners’ vocabulary mastery and their attitudes in using CAVL application (Dewan, 2013; Ma, 2008; Joseph, 2009; Hunt & Beglar, 2005). Moreover, there is limited literature in CALL studies that investigate how a vocabulary learning using CALL application designed to help second language learners acquire and retain the target vocabulary. Hence, to response this need, the study aims to design an effective computer-assisted vocabulary learning model on lexical retention. In addition, it is expected to motivate learners in vocabulary learning.

B. Problem Limitation

The limitation of this study aims to constrain the research. There are some limitations determined by the researcher. First, the focus of this study is on developing computer assisted vocabulary learning to enhance nursing students’ lexical retention. Second, the researcher employs the vocabulary learning theories that concern on lexical retention. Third, the available application, iSpring Suite, is used to present the vocabulary learning materials as supplementary materials especially designed for nursing students. Forth, the goals, objectives, and topics in this application are arranged in accordance with the syllabus and reference books used in nursing programs in STIKes.

C. Research Questions


D. Research Goals

This study aims to design a CAVL model using available application namely iSpring Suite and to see its efficacy on enhancing nursing students’ lexical retention. The contents of the application are in accordance with the syllabus used in English for nursing programs.

E. Research Benefits

This study provides both theoretical and practical benefits. In terms of theoretical benefit, the study addresses on what vocabulary learning approaches can be used to enhance lexical retention and how the pedagogical implication is presented into a CAVL. Furthermore, it is expected to give the readers and also the future researchers a thorough knowledge on the result of this study to expand the use of CAVL for other subjects. The instructional design model used can be the consideration in designing computerized vocabulary learning with various activities.





This chapter explains the theories and their implication to answer the questions in the problem formulation. It is divided into three sections: 1) review of related study; 2) theoretical review; and 3) theoretical framework. The theoretical review covers the relevant theories which are essential for the analyses. The theoretical framework gives description on how the theories are used in the analyses.

A. Review of Related Study

Vocabulary teaching and learning has been in a highly popular subject matter in computer assisted language learning applications since the early history of computer assisted language learning (CALL). There are a number of studies investigating CALL environment that promotes vocabulary acquisition. Some studies (Tokaҫ , A., 2005; Ghabanchi, Z., & Anbarestani, M., 2008; Li, J., 2009; Hassan, R.E.H., 2010; Shao, J., 2012; Dewan, G., 2013; Basoz, T., 2014) have examined the efficacy of a computer assisted vocabulary learning (CAVL) in enhancing students’ vocabulary acquisition. One of those studies compares the paper-based vocabulary instruction materials with the computerized vocabulary instruction materials to see which one is more effective (Li, J., 2009). Three of them extend the investigation on students’ attitudes on the use of CALL in vocabulary learning (Hassan, R.E.H., 2010; Shao, J., 2012; Dewan, G., 2013).


effectiveness of CALL on vocabulary teaching and learning. The results of the study supported the hypothesis that the experimental group liked working with computers and they learned and retained more vocabulary than control group. The study of Ghabanchi and Anbarestani (2008) probed the effect of CALL on vocabulary learning. They discussed more on the use of computer for lexical skill development. The result indicated that in using CALL program, learners have an intensive mental processing and learners retain the target words longer. Moreover, short period of time and the purpose of learning new vocabulary become the consideration in implementing CALL to extend lexical knowledge. The study of Hassan (2010) is a bit different with the others since the researcher implemented a computer-aided vocabulary learning to learn Arabic called “ArabCAVL” in blended learning setting. However, the result shows that students’ vocabulary recognition and usage were clearly higher than those who were not exposed with ArabCAVL software. The next study (Basoz, 2014) applied in 52 freshmen of English Language Teaching Department of Balikesir University in Turkey. Two groups were randomly chosen; Computer Assisted Vocabulary Instruction (CAVI) group and Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) group. A Moodle as learning management system (LMS) was used in vocabulary learning in CAVI group. Though both groups had improvement in their vocabulary, there was no significant difference between the groups in vocabulary gains. This study reported different result comparing with the other studies above.


but also discuss students’ attitudes toward the use of CALL in their vocabulary learning (Hassan, R.E.H., 2010; Shao, J., 2012 and Dewan, G., 2013). Hassan (2010) surveyed students’ perceptions on what extent the computer-aided vocabulary learning improves their vocabulary. The result shows positive responses. The majority of students reported that they like using the software in studying vocabulary. The students felt that the software support the learning process especially in terms of introducing word knowledge in different context, instant feedback, multiple word retrieval, and recognition for comprehension. In the study of Shao, multimedia application-based vocabulary acquisition has been used to explore the effectiveness of multimedia application and the interest level of Chinese college students with multimedia software they work with. This study also gives reflections on the shift of teacher’s role from conventional teaching at classroom setting to teaching with multimedia environment. Likewise, the study of Dewan (2013) shows that the CAVL package were helpful for students to learn and retain vocabulary knowledge. Dewan focused more on students’ behaviour in using CAVL package. This study reported that there was no relationship between test-scores and the frequency of word look up features though there were a large number of the students’ look-up clicks on the word features in the CAVL package.


studies are helpful for the researcher to design a CAVL model to enhance students’ vocabulary retention. In the next section, the review of theoretical literature on vocabulary learning and memory retention is highly necessary to provide deeper understanding on how a word is acquired and storage in the memory. In addition, the following explanation gives foundation information before designing vocabulary learning mediated computer to improve learner’s lexical retention.

B. Theoretical Review

In this section, some related theories from different literatures are discussed. This part presents the theories of English for specific purposes (ESP) vocabulary, English for nursing, vocabulary acquisition and retention, vocabulary learning materials, computer-assisted vocabulary learning, an overview of iSpring suite application, and instructional system design models.

1. ESP Vocabulary


understanding and use of specialised vocabulary in their subject area at university or in a professional context. In the literature, ESP vocabulary has different terms from one study to another. The terms include special purposes, specialized, technical, sub-technical, and semi-technical vocabulary (Coxhead, 2013). Although specialized vocabulary is claimed to belong to a particular subject area at university or to a professional discipline, it does not always that technical or highly technical words are not used in everyday language. In contrast, ordinary words that usually can be found in daily language possibly have very specific meanings in particular contexts. For example, treatment and care are words that can be found in everyday language but are also used in nursing studies. Hence, ESP vocabulary covers various word levels.


frequency vocabulary and technical vocabulary, but it is more closely related to high frequency vocabulary. In technical vocabulary, Nation defines that it is “a group of words particularly useful by learners with specific goals in language use such as reading academic texts in a particular discipline” (2001:316). In other words, technical vocabulary has specific use or interest to people working in specialised field such as nurses, geologists, or accountants. The last level of vocabulary, low frequent vocabulary, consists of the remaining words of English.

2. English for Nursing (EFN)


Whereas in the academic setting, students need to apply reading strategies and skills to complex reading materials in their textbooks and to master specialised words in nursing to help their understanding towards reading texts.

3. Vocabulary Acquisition

This section provides an overview of related theories by first examining aspects of vocabulary knowledge, the nature of vocabulary acquisition, and the role of memory in vocabulary acquisition.

a. Aspects of Vocabulary Knowledge

A single word is composed of different aspects. Learner may think that learning a word is only about pronunciation, spelling and meaning. Schmitt (2002) argues that words have strong and complicated features which are not discrete units in a language. There are some aspects of vocabulary knowledge that learners need to know: word’s pronunciation, spelling, word parts, meaning, grammatical properties, collocations, and contextual factors affecting its appropriate use (Nation, 2001).


spoken forms of words with the concepts successfully in order to communicate an intended message. The strength of this connection determines how effective language learners can remember the meaning of words when they encounter and use them in written and spoken language. Another essential issue regarding meanings of words in language is that words generally have more than one meaning. When learners look up a word in a dictionary, they may encounter many different meanings for the word. Thus, learners need to know the various meanings that may correspond to written and spoken forms of a single word (Nation, 2001).


learners need to have knowledge about the appropriateness of a word in particular contexts in order to communicate successfully (Nation, 2001).

In this section of the literature review, the aspects of vocabulary knowledge are discussed. The literature review on the aspects of vocabulary knowledge indicates that learning a word involves learning a particular word’s pronunciation, spelling, word parts, meaning, grammatical properties, collocations, and contextual factors affecting its appropriate use (Nation, 2001). Learners need to attend to all these aspects in order to use the target language effectively and appropriately.

b. The Nature of Vocabulary Acquisition

An advanced language learner knows approximately ten thousand words (Schmitt, 2002). Although there is not a consensus on how learners learn such a large amount of vocabulary, there is a general picture of vocabulary acquisition in the literature (Schmitt, 2002). Some important features of vocabulary acquisition have been revealed through research on vocabulary acquisition.


conclusion that can be drawn from Schmitt’s study is that complete mastery of a word takes time because of the incremental nature of vocabulary acquisition.

Another aspect of vocabulary acquisition is the distinction between receptive and productive vocabulary. The term receptive vocabulary refers to the type of vocabulary knowledge that lets learners recognize and understand a word when encountered in a written or audio piece of language, whereas productive vocabulary refers to the type of vocabulary knowledge that enables learners to produce a word (Melka, 2001). According to Melka (2001), although there are certain levels of knowledge about a particular word, such knowledge should not be considered as two separate systems. They should be considered as differing degrees of familiarity dependent on each other (Melka, 2001). In other words, “knowing a word is not an all-or-nothing proposition; some aspects may have become productive, while othersremain at the receptive level.” (Melka, 2001)


c. Memory Retention in Vocabulary Acquisition


4. Approaches to Vocabulary Learning

In this study the approaches of vocabulary learning discussed are implicit and explicit vocabulary learning. Implicit learning refers to natural learning process, while explicit learning implies that requires more mental effort.

a. Implicit Vocabulary learning

The concept of implicit vocabulary learning is that words can be acquired naturally through repeated exposure in various language contexts with reading as the major source of input. Hulstijn (2003, p.349) states that implicit learning is the process of acquiring vocabulary and grammar through meaning focused communicative activities such as reading and listening. In Krashen’s input hypothesis (1993), vocabulary can be acquired by reading as long as the input is comprehensible to the learner. According to Ma (2006, p.16), the most important feature of implicit vocabulary learning is incidental learning. The term incidental is defined here as learners’ acquisition of the meaning of words as they engage in other tasks such as comprehension of reading and listening passages.


learning which the main language activity is reading where the focus is on meaning and content. Moreover, only limited attention is paid to the lexical and syntactic features of the new words. The quality and quantity of lexical processing in incidental learning is simply insufficient to enable the learner to grasp the precise meanings and correct usage of words that will lead to correct production.

To overcome the disadvantages of incidental learning, Hulstijn, Hollander and Greidanus (1996) propose the use of glosses as one way to enhance incidental vocabulary learning. They found that learners who had access to glosses perform better that those without glosses on a vocabulary test administered immediately after treatment. Hulstijn, et al. (1996) conducted research with Dutch students learning French as a second language and found that marginal glosses (L1) were more effective than bilingual dictionary use or Text-only condition (no glosses and no use of dictionary).

b. Explicit Vocabulary Learning

Another approach to vocabulary learning is explicit learning. Ma (2006) argues that vocabulary and vocabulary learning strategies should be learned or taught explicitly so that learning can be more efficient. However, Ma agrees with other scholars that context is the main source for acquiring vocabulary, but she claims that learners need some extra help to build up an adequate vocabulary and to acquire the strategies necessary to overcome with the problems of reading context. According to Coady (1997), there two main approaches in explicit learning: explicit instruction and strategy instruction.


concern here is mainly with low level learners who do not have enough vocabulary to read extensively. This can be done by direct teaching (teacher explanation, peer teaching), direct learning (using word cards, consulting dictionaries), and planned encounters with words (graded reading, vocabulary exercises).

5. Theoretical Principles of CAVL Designs

Theoretical principles role very important component to the design of CAVL model. Here theory mainly means vocabulary learning theory which is used to set up the key aspects of CAVL designs. The selection of specific or general vocabulary learning theory will serve as a guide in the selection of the technologies to be used. The different guidelines that are relevant to the design of CAVL applications proposed by some scholars are discussed below.

Ellis (1995) states that design principles provide guidelines from a psycholinguistic point of view. He suggests that CAVI programs should provide language learners with both intentional and incidental vocabulary learning opportunities. Ellis argues that several features of a given word involve implicit learning while other features involve explicit learning. For example, pronunciation, spelling, and production of a word can be learned implicitly while learning and retaining a word’s meaning can be achieved through explicit learning. He also argues that as learning the meaning of words involves explicit learning and is a conscious process, it is strongly affected by the quality of the mental processing and repetition.


meaning focused use. Explicit vocabulary learning, on the other hand, can be promoted trough online dictionaries, annotations containing explanations and sample uses of target words. Repetition of words’ meaning can be achieved by computerized drills and exercises which have been effectively implemented in computer-assisted vocabulary instruction programs. In line with Ellis, Goodfellow (1995) raised a few concerns regarding to the design of CAVL programs which are vocabulary learning should be explicit in CAVL and the design should be based on learning theories specific to vocabulary learning.

Levy (1997) discussed the nature of the computer technology in CALL applications, such as whether the computer acts as tutor (e.g., teacher) to guide the learning or as a tool to facilitate learners’ performance. This tutor/ tool distinction will impact on the development of CALL and CAVL. However, Levy also puts his attention on the way how vocabulary is learned whether in an implicit vocabulary learning in which vocabulary items should be acquired through repeated exposure to language (in textual reading mostly) or else learned with explicit attention paid to the word form and its various aspects (e.g., collocation or usage).

Regarding to the design of CAVL applications, Ma (2009, p.174) proposes four pedagogical criteria to ensure the quality of CAVL applications which are:

1) The learning activities should provide opportunities for learners to notice the word form and access its meaning as well as connect the two;

2) At least two types of linguistic information, visual, and aural, should be presented;

3) The program should incorporate or be linked to electronic dictionaries or lexical concordancers;


In designing instructional software for vocabulary teaching Josep et al (2009) suggest there are three key aspects that need to be considered: (a) what activity should the learner perform to enhance vocabulary learning? (b) through which media should the vocabulary be presented? (c) for how long and how frequently should the learner undertake the activities? These can be viewed as questions concerning task type, media, and scheduling.


6. An Overview of iSpring Suite Application


iSpring Suite is e-learning toolkit that can convert PowerPoint presentation into e-learning courses. It has interesting features which lead the development of interactive language courses. The features offered by iSpring are Video Lectures, Interactive Assessments, Screen Recordings, Conversation Simulations, E-Learning Interactions, Character Library, and Extensive LMS Support. Teacher can create PowerPoint presentations synchronized with video into a video presentation format. iSpringNaration Editor allows teacher’s video presentation before publishing. The following figure is as an example of iSpring Naration Editor.

Figure 2.1. iSpring Naration Editor


Figure 2.2. iSpring Quiz Maker

In terms of drilling productive skills such as speaking, TalkMaster tool within includes a library of backgrounds and characters might be used to create conversation simulations. This allows students to practice in team’s communication skills.


Figure 2.3. Book-iSpring Visuals

The use of Timeline interaction is also possible to visualize the chronology of historical events. The scale can be divided into several periods.

Figure 2.4. Timeline Interactions


Figure 2.5. iSpring Directory

iSpring Suite application can be a toolkit to help learners acquire foreign/second language. Because teachers use iSpring for learning activities, this software also belongs to CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction) process. Moreover, it is very possible to be applied for creating vocabulary learning mediated with computer.

7. Instructional System Design Models


interrelated. Smaldino et al (2004) state that each component in an ISD is interrelated and works together effectively and reliably within a framework to provide learning activities needed in order to accomplish a learning goal. According to Dick and Carey (2009), interacting components which are made up together produce instruction to satisfy needs expressed in the goal of its instruction. A leading definition of ISD describes it as “a systemic process that is employed to develop education and training programs in consistent and reliable fashion” (Gustafson & Branch, 2007, p.11). Dick and Carey (2009) argue that using systematic approaches to instructional design is effective since the interlocking connection between each component, especially the relationship between instructional strategy and desired learning outcomes.

a. A Taxonomy of Instructional Development Models


Table 2.1. A taxonomy of instructional design models based on selected characteristics (Adapted from Gustafson and Branch, 2002).

Selected Characteristics Classroom Orientation Product Orientation System Orientation

Goal To improve a

piece of content

To improve efficiency of production

To create an instructional system Typical Output One or few

hours of instruction

Self-instructional or instructor-delivered package

Course or entire curriculum

Approach Holistic Systematic Systemic and

systematic Resources Committed

to Develop

Very low High High

Team or Individual Effort

Individual Usually a team Team

ID Skill/Experience Low Low to Medium High/Very high

Emphasis on Development or Selection

Selection Development Development

Amount of Front-End Analysis/Need


Low Low to Medium Very high

Technological Complexity or Delivery Media

Low Medium to High Medium to High

Amount of Try-out and Revision

(formative evaluation)

Low to Medium Very High Medium to High

Amount of Distribution/ Dissemination

None High Medium to Highs

Learner focus High Moderate: Learner

characteristics are taken into account during analysis phase

Moderate: Learner characteristics are taken into account during analysis phase


improved. These characteristics are totally different from the other two categories of instructional design models. Product-oriented models have an output of an instructional package and focus on making production more efficient. Whereas, system-oriented models have an output of a course or curriculum and aim to provide a complete instructional system for managing learning needs.

The other characteristics that distinguish each model are the level of instructional design skill or experience needed to use a model, the amount of front-end analysis, the complexity of technology use and delivery media, and the amount of try-out and revision (formative evaluation). In terms of the amount of instructional design skill or experience and the amount of front-end analysis, classroom-oriented models require low level, product-oriented models are low to medium, and system-oriented models are high to very high. Next, the complexity of technology or delivery media, classroom-oriented models require low level, product-oriented and system-oriented models are medium to high. Lastly, in terms of try-out and revision (formative evaluation), classroom-oriented models require low to medium, product-oriented models are very high, and system-oriented models are medium to high.


b. Product-oriented Models

The primary focus of product-oriented models is on creating instructional products. According to Gustafson and Branch (p.30, 2002), there are four key characteristics of these models: 1) the instructional product is needed, 2) something needs to be produced rather than selected or modified from existing materials, 3) there will be consideration on try-out and revision, and 4) the product must be usable by learners. To create instructional products, in some situation, the needs are not considered as the limitation of these models. It means that the needs are unnecessary to ask, but rather only what needs to be done. Then, the task is to develop several related products efficiently and effectively (Gustafson and Branch, 2002).

With the framework for models selection clarified, the ability to choose the appropriate models from Gustafson’s product development category is simplified. The models which meet most of the aforementioned qualities are the model of Berman and Moore, and the model of Seels and Glasgow. One attributes which makes these models appropriate choices are that its focus is on the production of interactive computer-based products. Furthermore, these models require learners’ participation by providing motivational features to gain learner interest and involving them to give their feedback. It is in line with one of the characteristics in instructional designs categorized into product orientation. The adaptation of both instructional designs can be suitable guideline to this study.


implementation, and evaluation though not all in the same order or as discrete steps unto themselves.

1) The Model of Berman and Moore


This ISD model specifically guides instructional developers to create interactive-multimedia products. It emphasizes on managing the process where many instructional design models do not give attention on it (Gustafson and Branch, 2002). Thus, it becomes the basis consideration to select this model. The figure 2.6 below presents the ISD model of the Berman and Moore.

There are six important activities: analysis, design, develop, produce, author, and validate. Each of them specifies input, deliverable (output), and evaluation strategies. Each horizontal row of this model is as phase. Implicitly, it reminds the reader that is not necessary to review a phase and re-examine selected activity. The output from each activity provides input for the subsequent activity. The checklist in the end of each phase is valuable in the evaluation.

Figure 2.6. The Model of Berman and Moore (cited in Gustafson and Branch, 2002: p.33)

Input Activities


Interactive Media Application

Design Application Description





Application Description

Application Design

Interactive Media


Analysis Checklist

Design Checklist

Production Checklist

Authoring Checklist


2) The Seels and Glasgow Model

This model consists of three phases: needs analysis, instructional design, and implementation and evaluation. The first phase, need analysis, includes the establishment of the instructional goals, requirements, and context. The second phase, instructional design, begins after phase one is complete and is made up of six steps: task analysis; instructional analysis; objectives and tests; formative evaluation, materials development, instructional strategy and delivery systems all of which are joined by feedback and interaction. The third phase, implementation and evaluation, includes the development and production of materials, delivery training, and summative evaluation. The figure 2.7 below presents the ISD model of the Seels and Gasglow.

The steps and phases in this model can be applied in linear fashion but they are often applied interactively. In particular, “the steps in the instructional design phase are interdependentand concurrent and may involve interactive cycling” (Gustafson and Branch, 2001, p.43).

Product-oriented models are normally used to produce an instructional package. It requires a team and a significant resource commitment and so calls for

Problem Analysis

Dissemination Diffusion Instructional

Strategy Task &

Instructional Analysis

Media Development Objective

& Tests

Materials Development

Formative Evaluation

Implementation Maintenance


Summative Evaluation


strong project management to stay within time and budget. A team will include an experienced instructional designer to perform some front-end analysis, develop the materials (rather than select them), and perform a significant amount of formative evaluation. The end product is likely to be widely distributed using a moderately to highly technical delivery media (Gustafson and Branch, 2001).

c. The Adapted Product-Oriented Models

The understanding of the theories concerned on instructional design models above is important to realize the implication of product-oriented models in this study. Seels and Glasgow model is proposed for developers of products and lessons, while Berman and Moore model is suitable for developing interactive multimedia products. Therefore, the combination of both models is expected to be a practical instructional model to design CAVL model. The following figure shows the combination phases and steps of both models.

Figure 2.8. Adapted Product-Orientated Models for Designing CAVL Model Phase 3: Implementation & Evaluation Phase 1: Need Analysis Phase 2:


In the modified model, there are three phases. The first phase, needs analysis, includes identifying thelearners’ characteristics proposed by both models, context that cover the analysis of constraints and resources (in Seels and Glasgow’), and the goals. The result of problem analysis is as an input for conducting the next phase. The second phase is the process of instructional development in which vocabulary learning materials are designed according to the related theories and need assessment. There are six steps within the second phase: designing vocabulary learning materials, transforming the designed learning materials into the available application, checking and evaluating the CAVL prototype by experts, testing the CAVL prototype to the small group of target learners, and developing materials. The third phase is implementation and evaluation. It includes the implementation of the developed CAVL model to the large group of target learners, formative evaluation, and the validation by doing summative evaluation for the finished product.

C. Theoretical Framework


students. To enrich nursing students’ lexical retention, the theories of vocabulary acquisition are necessary to give the information on how new words are stored and retained in the human memory. Those concepts then are used to develop vocabulary learning materials. The combination of implicit and explicit vocabulary learning is believed to be effective in delivering the vocabulary learning and improving the retention. The concept of CAVL gives the principles of the computer usage in vocabulary learning. The available application, iSpring Suite, offers interesting features which supported the vocabulary learning mediated computer. Therefore, this study needs to explore the key features within this application.


Figure 2.9. Theoretical Framework of CAVL Model Development Phase 1:

Need Analysis

Phase 2: Process of Instructional Design

& Development

Phase 3: Implementation &

Evaluation ESP and EFN

Designing CAVL Model to Enhance Nursing Students’ Lexical Retention

Vocabulary Acquisition

Memory Retention in Vocabulary Acquisition

Approaches to Vocabulary Learning

Key Features of iSpring suite

CAVL Model Design





This chapter discusses the research methodology, research respondents, research instrument, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

This research aims to design a computer assisted vocabulary learning model to enhance nursing students’ lexical retention using iSpring Suite application. It is in the area of educational technology research. Traditionally, educational technology researches involve the integration of theory and practice. The integration of theory and practice belongs to development research (Richey, Klein, & Nelson: 2007). Seels and Richey (1994: p.127) define development research as:


Development research is different from instructional system design (ISD). Development research attempts to produce the models and principles that guide the design, development, and evaluation processes, while instructional development typically builds on previous research. Stowe (cited in Richey, Klein, and Nelson, 2007) opposes if ISD is viewed as research. He argues that ISD does not have ability to discover generalizable principles and its intent to produce context-specific solutions. Research has dual function; it can result in context-specific solutions and can serve a problem-solving function.


Table 3.1. A Summary of the Two Types of Development Research (Richey, Klein, and Nelson: 2007, p.1103)

Type 1 Type 2


Study of specific product or program design, development, &/or evaluation projects

Study of design, development, or evaluation processes, tools, or models


Lessons learned from

developing and analysing the conditions that facilitate their use

New design, development and evaluation procedures &/or models, and conditions that facilitate their use

Context-specific conclusions Generalized conclusions

Looking at the objective of this study, the suitable type of development research is Type 2. According to Richey and Klein (2005), there might be various ways to construct the models of full design and development process. This type shows the application of a particular ISD model as well as the use of elaboration theory in content sequencing. Therefore, this study elaborates the product-oriented models and related theories to design a CAVL model to enhance nursing students’ lexical retention.

The implementation of development research often required multiple types of participants. Furthermore, the participants possibly vary among phases (Richey and Klein, 2005). Utilizing Type 2 development research, this study needed to consider the following the most common participants proposed by Richey and Klein (2005, p.30).

Table 3.2. The Most Common Participants in Type 1 Development Research

Function/Phase Type of Participant

Product Design & Development

Designers, Developers, Clients

Product Evaluation Evaluators, Clients, Learners, Instructors, Organizations Validation of Tool or



The participants in this study were nursing students, English lecturers, nursing lecturers, materials developer expert, and information technology expert. Each of participants contributed in different phases depends on the necessity of data collection.

B. Research Procedure

The researcher adapted two product-oriented models. Using the combination of those instructional development models constructed a suitable procedure in designing a CAVL model to enhance nursing students’ lexical retention. In line with the procedure of Type 2 development research, there were three phases containing several steps. The phases were need analysis, process of instructional design and development, and implementation and evaluation. Those three phases were the heart of instructional technology (Richey and Klein, 2005).

1. Phase I: Need Analysis

Research and information collecting were conducted earlier to identify the learners’ characteristics, context that cover the analysis of constraints and resources (in Seels and Glasgow’), and the goals. The result of need analysis was as an input for conducting the next phase.

a. Research Respondents


expected to give information about students’ characteristics including their English proficiency levels, learning goals of English for nursing courses, and the problems in teaching vocabulary. Since this study concern of nursing students’ vocabulary retention, nursing lecturers were involved to give information and suggestion on the selected words for nursing students.

b. Research Instruments

The four instruments were used to find out the learners’ need. Thefirst was questionnaire which was intended to gain the information about learners’ beliefs in vocabulary learning and the vocabulary learning strategies applied. The second instrument used was interview to gain more detail information from the questionnaire. The vocabulary s


Figure 2.1. iSpring Naration Editor
Figure 2.2. iSpring Quiz Maker
Figure 2.3. Book-iSpring Visuals
Figure 2.5. iSpring Directory


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