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Pokok Bahasan 1 Distinguish Educational Administration and Management


Academic year: 2017

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/ədˌmɪn.ɪˈstreɪ.ʃ ə




1. [ U ] ( INFORMAL admin ) the arrangements and tasks

needed to control the operation of a plan or organization

Teachers complain that more of their time is taken up with administration than with teaching.

administration than with teaching.

(“The 1st sample of administration explanation is in a

Educational field, isn’t it?”)

She has little experience in administration (= in organizing a business, etc.) .

(“The 2nd sample of administration explanation is in a

business field, isn’t it?”)



/ədˌmɪn.ɪˈstreɪ.ʃ ə




2. [ C ] a period of government in the United States

the Bush administration/the last Republican administration

In the US tradition, administration is related and In the US tradition, administration is related and used in a Political and Law field. Public


Then, adopted and adapted in Education field Educational Administration.

Philosophy: non-profit (benefit) orientation.





1. [ U ] the control and organization of something

The company has suffered from several years of bad management. There is a need for stricter financial management. a management training scheme

management. a management training scheme

(“The first sample of management explanation is in business/economy field, isn’t it?”)

2. [ C + singular or plural verb ] the group of people responsible for controlling and organizing a company

Management has/have offered staff a 3% pay increase.


(US?) Popular Definition

Educational Administration is a discipline within the study of education that examines the

administrative theory and practice of education in

general and educational institutions and educators in general and educational institutions and educators in particular. The field ideally distinguishes itself from

administration and management through its adherence to guiding principles of educational philosophy.


Popular Definition

Educational management refers to the application of theory and practice of management to the field of education or educational institutions.

The same concept applies to educational The same concept applies to educational

administration. It is the application of theory and practice of administration to the field of


Educational Administration > Educational Management

The administration consists of the performance or management of organization operations and thus the making or implementing of a major decision.

Administration can be defined as the universal

process of organizing people and resources efficiently so as to direct activities toward common goals and

so as to direct activities toward common goals and objectives.

In some organizational analyses, management is viewed as a subset of administration, specifically associated with the technical and mundane elements within an organization's operation. It stands distinct from executive or strategic work.


The Difference Between Administration

and Management

The difference is rather very thin.

Management is the process of working with and through groups or individuals to accomplish organizational goals.

organizational goals.

Administration is concerned with directing and controlling life in a social system.

Administration deals with establishing a policy that guides decision-making laws and regulations.

Management deals with implementation of laws and regulations.



Management Management


Educational Administration < Educational Management

Educational Administration as


relating to work done in an educational office or school



Educational Administration ≈ Educational Management

Many writers have used the term administration to mean management.



We have the Educational Administration Department

- Educational Administration Study Program.

Since 2002 (if I am not mistaken), it become Educational Administration Department Educational Administration Department

-Educational Management Study Program.


Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Profil Program Studi

Nama Program Studi: Administrasi Pendidikan

Tanggal Berdiri: 21-05-1964

S1 (Bachelor Degree)

Tanggal Berdiri: 21-05-1964 Status Program Studi: Aktif

Nomor SK Dikti: 4251/D/T/K-N/2010 Tanggal SK Dikti: 03-11-2010

Masa Berlaku SK Dikti: 02-04-2015


S2 (Master Degree)

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Profil Program Studi

Nama Program Studi: Manajemen Pendidikan

Tanggal Berdiri: 27-03-2000 Tanggal Berdiri: 27-03-2000 Status Program Studi: Aktif

Nomor SK Dikti: 2056/D/T/K-N/2010 Tanggal SK Dikti: 03-05-2010

Masa Berlaku SK Dikti02-04-2013


S3 (Doctoral Degree)

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Profil Program Studi

Nama Program Studi: Manajemen Pendidikan

Tanggal Berdiri: 25-04-2011 Tanggal Berdiri: 25-04-2011 Status Program Studi: Aktif Nomor SK Dikti84/E/O/2011 Tanggal SK Dikti: 25-04-2011

Masa Berlaku SK Dikti25-04-2013


No. WIL. Tk. Perguran

020 2007 A 2012-09-07

masih berlaku


2 05 S2 Universitas Negeri

022 2009 A 2014-02-20



The “legally name” of the study program is Educational Administration (According to University’s document, Dikti’s document)

The name of Educational Management study program is used in Bachelor Diploma (ijazah S1), student admission used in Bachelor Diploma (ijazah S1), student admission (SNMPTN & Seleksi Mandiri), Accreditation Certificate (BAN PT), institutional promotion and “daily talk”.

Dikti was advise the department to establish the new study program called as Educational Management.

Department (only) proposes to change the name of the study program, from Educational Administration to



If any Job Vacancy for S1 Administrasi Pendidikan (Bachelor of Educational Administration),

Who are could apply for this?

If any Job Vacancy for S1 Manajemen Pendidikan, If any Job Vacancy for S1 Manajemen Pendidikan, (Bachelor of Educational Management)


My Experience

2007, ex IKIP in Jakarta was open the vacancy for S2 Educational Management.

Ex IKIP in Jakarta was reject my application. It because of my master diploma is Master of

because of my master diploma is Master of

Educational Administration, not the Educational Management.


"What's in a name? That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet.“


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