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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Dwi Indah Puspitasari A83212155





Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities

State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Dwi Indah Puspitasari

Reg. Number A83212155





Puspitasari, Dwi Indah. 2016. Cohesive Devices used in SHAPING GLOBAL

SUPERHEROES FROM MALANG, an Article from Jakarta Post Newspaper.

English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor: Raudlotul Jannah M.App.Ling.

Key Word: Discourse Analysis, Cohesive Devices, Jakarta post Newspaper.

This study focuses on the using of cohesive devices in the article “Shaping Global Superheroes from Malang” from Jakarta post newspaper. This article

published on Sunday, October 19 2014 and written by Nedi Putra AW. The aims of this research are to find out the types of cohesive devices and the function of cohesive devices in the article.

The writer uses descriptive qualitative method in which the data are taken from the sentences that contain of cohesive devices in the article. The data collected are identified using Halliday and Hasan’s theory of cohesive devices.



Puspitasari, Dwi Indah. 2016. Cohesive Devices used in SHAPING GLOBAL

SUPERHEROES FROM MALANG, an Article from Jakarta Post Newspaper.

English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing : Raudlotul Jannah M.App.Ling.

Kata Kunci : Analisis Wacana, Perangkat Kohesi, Koran Jakarta Pos.

Penelitian ini di fokuskan pada penggunaan perangkat kohesi dalam artikel

“Membentuk Superhero Global dari Malang” dari Koran Jakarta pos. artikel ini

di terbitkan pada hari minggu, tanggal 19 oktober 2014 dan ditulis oleh Nedi Putra AW. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan tipe-tipe dari perangkat kohesi dan tujuan dari perangkat kohesi di dalam artikel.

Penulis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang mana datanya berasal dari beberapa kalimat yang mengandung perangkat kohesi di dalam artikel. Data yang sudah ada kemudian diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan teori perangkat kohesi dari Halliday dan Hasan.






MOTTO ... iv







INTISARI ... xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study ... 1

1.2 Research problems ... 5

1.3 Objective of the study ... 5

1.4 Significance of the study ... 6

1.5 Scope and limitation ... 6



4.1.1 Kinds of Cohesive Devices... 26

4.1.2 The Functions of Cohesive Devices ... 40




1.1 Background of the Study

Communication is the process or act of transmitting a message from a sender to receiver, through a channel and with the interference of noise (Devito 1986: 61). There are two ways of delivering messages: spoken and written. Spoken message is when people deliver their messages orally or directly. Conversation between two people is one of example from spoken message. Meanwhile written message is speakers deliver their messages to readers indirectly or written. Written message can be unprinted media and printed media. Unprinted media uses electronic media to deliver messages such as email, while printed media deliver messages by using of paper.

There are some kinds of printed media. Those are magazine, book, and newspaper. Each of them has own character of writing style and content. The first is magazine. Magazines are not published daily but they are published weekly or monthly. Magazines generally focus only one topic such as health, fashion, culture, children’s life, and etc. The second printed media is books.


and advertisements. In newspaper, we can found some of news topics such as economic, business, sport, crime, and etc. Views are opinion or way of thinking about something that contained in newspaper. In this part, the people can give their comment or critic for a certain topics. Views in newspaper can be political opinion, economic opinion, crime opinion, and etc. Newspaper can help company to introduce their product to society using advertisement that contained in newspaper. Besides product, the company can recruit their employee using job vacancy advertisement. From the explanation above, we can found much information from newspaper. Newspaper is one of printed media that have many topics. People not only read one topic but also they can read other topics in newspaper.

A newspaper is a common printed media that almost people read it every day. People get much information in newspaper to increase their knowledge. There are many various news found in newspaper like sports, economics, business, politics, and opinion. Besides serious topic, we can found entertainment topic in newspaper such as short story, game, movie, music, etc. language that is used in newspaper is different depend on the topic. Serious topics use formal language meanwhile, entertainment topic like short story use informal language.


cohesive devices are guiding the writer to make a good writing. Besides, cohesive devices can make the sentences, phrases, or clauses to be coherence. Cohesive devices are the important things that we have to know when we read a written text. Without cohesive devices, we cannot understand the meaning of the written text. Therefore, we need to know the use of cohesive devices correctly in written text. If we use cohesive devices is incorrect, it makes the readers confuse and the messages will not be delivered. From the explanation above, cohesive devices is the important thing to be discussion. In this way, Researcher interest to discuss about cohesive devices.

By the explanations above, the using of cohesive devices is important. So that, many researchers were analyzing about cohesive devices. The Researchers were analyzing about the using of cohesive devices in movie script, novel, drama, speech script, and etc. On the other hand, researcher wants to discuss about the using of cohesive devices in newspaper.

There are many newspaper is published in Indonesia, but the writer choose Jakarta post as an object of this research. Jakarta post is a daily English newspaper in Indonesia. The newspaper is owned by PT. Bina Media Tenggara, and the head office in the nation’s capital, Jakarta. Researcher used


on October 19, 2014 and the title of the article is Shaping Global Superheroes

from Malang. This article was written by Nedi Putra AW.

Shaping Global Superheroes from Malang is the article that explains

about the career of Admira Wijaya. He is the famous comic author from Malang that success in international domain. He has even handled orders from the other major US publishing firms, DC Comics and Marvel Comics. Admira is one of very few Indonesians who have proved capable of penetrating DC comics. Previously, he made illustration for several Hollywood box office movies such as Transformers, The Dark Knight and

Man of Steel. Admira was happy with his job because he can increase his

creativity. Besides his skill as a penciler, Admira has also mastered coloring techniques as well as anatomical and body gesture concepts for comics characters.

Admira became interested in comic as a primary school student, when his father worked with a shipping firm and brought many comic books for him. He learns about draw character in comic from TV shows and movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Admira joined with several superhero design illustration competitions and he became the winner in the contest for the character Zenith based on the story by Imansyah Lubis.


connected. So, researcher uses theory of cohesive devices from Halliday and Hasan’s as the basic theory to analyze the data. Researcher also uses

descriptive qualitative method to collect and analyze the data.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The statements of the problems that observe in this research are getting description and explanation about cohesive devices in Jakarta Post newspaper. Whereas the specific problem that observed are formulated as follow:

1. What are cohesive devices used in the article Shaping Global Superheroes from Malang?

2. What are the functions of cohesive devices used in the article Shaping

Global Superheroes from Malang ?

1.3 Objective of the Study

1. To find out the kinds of cohesive devices found in the article Shaping Global Superheroes from Malang.

2. To describe the function of grammatical cohesive devices used in the article Shaping Global Superheroes from Malang.



This research is to find the kinds of grammatical cohesive devices that used in text of newspaper. The benefit of this research to give to know for the readers about cohesive devices such as reference, ellipsis, substitution, conjunction, and lexical ties.

The writer hopes this research useful for the readers and can be a reference for the people who are interested with the subject of cohesive devices. Beside that the people can gets the information about the grammatical cohesive devices that used in newspaper.

The practical function of this research is make the people more understand and care with grammatical cohesive devices when they want to write a text. Grammatical cohesive devices are the simple item but it is very important to make the sentences to be relate with another sentences and make the text not meaningless.

1.5 Scope and Limitation


Beside the data, the writer also chooses the theory that used to analyze the data. There are many theories about cohesive devices, but the writer chooses theory from Halliday and Hassan. Halliday and Hassan distinguish five major types of grammatical cohesive devices such as reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical ties.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

Cohesive Devices : Item that consists of word that used to tie pieces between phrases, sentences, and clauses.

Jakarta Post : a daily English newspaper published in Indonesia. Article : a factual essay which made to be published in



2.1 Theoretical Framework

This chapter contains description of the theories that used to analyze the data and review of the studies. The main data of this research are some sentences that contained cohesive devices. Theory of Discourse analysis by Brian Paltridge, 2006 will help the researcher to analyze this study and the theory of cohesive devices by Halliday and Hassan’s, 1976 will also support this analysis.

2.1.1 Discourse Analysis

Discourse analysis is study about analyze of the spoken language and written language. Brian Paltridge state that discourse analysis is an approach to the analysis of language that that looks at patterns of language across texts as well as the social and cultural contexts in which the texts occur. Discourse analysis is used to an investigation of what that language is used for (brown and Yule, 1983: 1)

There are two kinds of discourse: written and spoken discourse. The example of spoken discourse are speech, speaking and etc while written discourse are newspaper, magazine, and books. Spoken discourse like speaking is disorganized and ungrammatically then written discourse. Spoken discourse is often produced spontaneously and we are able to see the process of its production as someone speaks (Brian Paltridge 2006: 17).


2.1.2 Text

A text can be defined as an actual use of language, as distinct from a sentence which is an abstract unit of linguistic analysis (H.G. Widdowson 2007:4). While Halliday and Hasan state a text is not just a string of sentences, in other words it is not simply a large grammatical unit, something of the same kind as sentence but differing from in its size. There are two kinds of text: spoken and written text. Spoken text is the utterances that produce by people like speech, conversation, and etc. while written text is a text that formed by people writing such as newspaper, magazine, books, and etc. sometimes spoken text is ungrammatical because spoken text is depend on the speaker utterances. While written text more attention with grammatical, discourse connections like cohesive device that used in text and the meaning of the text.

2.1.3 Cohesive Devices


Guy Cook (1994) state that cohesive devices are links between sentences and between clauses. Guy cook distinguish seven major types of cohesive devices, such as verb forms, parallelism, referring expressions, repetition and lexical chains, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. Halliday and Hasan’s (1976) distinguish five

major types of grammatical cohesive devices such as reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical chains.

Based on those explanation above almost the philosopher describe the cohesive devices in the same thing but in this research the writer uses the theory based on Halliday and hasan about grammatical cohesive device which explain in bellow explanation :

1. Reference

Reference refers to the situation where the identity of an item can be retrieved from either within or outside the text. The simple explanation reference is the words of which the meaning can only discovered by referring to other words or to elements of the context which are clear to both sender and receiver (cook, 1994). To establish reference, we may use lexical items. For example:

Mary is a beautiful girl

“Mary” can be used to refer to a person named Mary. Once establish the referent, we

can also refer to Mary as “she”, at least for the period of time during which our focus

is on Mary (Evelyn Hatch 1992: 223).


the text occurs for the identity of the item being referred to (Brian Paltridge, 2006: 132). While Endophora reference refers to the something within the surrounding text. Endophora consist of anaphora (to preceding text) and cataphora (to following text). For example:

a. She was reading on in the library (Exophora reference)

b. Sally is beautiful girl. She uses red shoes. (Endophora reference) c. James studied really hard for his test. (Anaphora reference)

d. Because she studied really hard, Shinta aced her test. (Cataphora Reference) In the (a) sentence the word “she” is exophora reference. this sentence is refers to the

someone who is reading in the library and the someone is not mentioned in the sentence. In (b) sentence the word “she” is endophora refererence and refers to Sally.

It is different with (a) sentence because the identity or someone mentioned in the sentence. in (c) sentence the word “his” is anaphora reference. this word refers to “James”, it called anaphora reference because the identity or someone (James) mentioned at the beginning in the sentence. In (d) sentence the word “she” is

cataphora reference. it called cataphora because the pronoun mentioned at the beginning in the sentence then followed by identity or someone (Shinta)


that, those, here (now), there, then. Comparative reference is indirect reference by means of identity or similarity, for example: similar, equal, likewise, less, more, otherwise, different.

2. Substitution

Substitution is a substitute form is used for another language item, phrase, or group (Brian Paltridge 2006: 141). While Halliday and Hasan state substitution as the replacement of one items by another. According the explanation above substitution is the substitute of a word with another word that matches with the word will substituted. For example:

“My axe is too blunt. I must get a sharper one.”

The word “one” substitutes “axe”, in the sentence the speaker does not repeat the word “axe” in the second sentence but the speaker uses word “one” that refers to “axe”, means the speaker want to another axe.

Since substitution is a grammatical relation, a relation in the wording rather than in the meaning, the different types of substitution are defined grammatically rather than semantically. To these correspond the three types of substitution are nominal (one, ones, same), verbal (do), and clausal (so, not) (Halliday and.Hasan 1976: 90).


b. My axe is too blunt. I must get the sharper one.

c. I’ll have two pouched eggs on toast, please. I’ll have the same.

The word ones, one, and same is the example of nominal substitution. In sentence A, the word “ones” substitutes “coal fires”, in sentence B, the word “one” substitutes “axe”, and in sentence C, the word “same” substitutes “two pouched eggs”.

The verbal substitution in English is do. This operates as head of a verbal group, in the place that is occupied by the lexical verb and its position is always final in the group. For example:

a. The children work very hard in the garden. They must do

The word “do” is substitutes “work very hard”, because in the second sentence the speaker not repeat word “work very hard” but use word “do”. It means they (children) must work very hard.

There is one further type of substitution in which what is presupposed is not an element within the clause but an entire clause. The words used as substitute are so

and not. For example:

a. Is there going to be an earthquake? – it says so.

3. Ellipsis


While Halliday and Hasan state Ellipsis is the same with substitution by zero. For example:

Would you like to hear another verse? I know twelve.

Ellipsis in the sentence is “verse” because the word verse was omission in the second

sentence so the speaker only say “I know twelve” means the speaker know about twelve verse.

There are three types of ellipsis, nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis, and clausal ellipsis. Nominal ellipsis means ellipsis within the nominal group. Nominal ellipsis consist of the elements specific deictic (the, possessive, and demonstrative), non- specific deictic (every, neither, both, either, some, and etc), pre deictic (both, all), post deictic (same, different, identical, other, and etc), numeratives (second, first, next, last, and etc), and epithets (adjective). For example:

a. Take these pills three times daily. And you’d better have some more of those. (Specific deictic)

b. These apples are delicious. Lets by some. (non specific deictic)

c. I’ve used up these three yellow folders you gave me. Can I use the other? (post deictic)

d. Four other Oysters followed them, and yet another four. (Numerative) e. Which hat will you wear? – This is the best. (epithets)


that the speaker have some those pills. It called specific deictic because “pills” functioning as head, is omitted and replaced by demonstrative modifier “those”. In (b) sentence, the ellipsis in the sentence is “apples” because this word is omitted in

the next sentence. in the next sentence speaker only say “Lets by some” means that

lets by some apples. In (c) sentence the word that omitted is“yellow folders” and this

word called as post deictic ellipsis. It called post deictic because post deictic is adjectives and the word “yellow folders” include in adjective. In (d) sentence the word that omitted is “Oysters” and this is include in numerative ellipsis. It called

numerative ellipsis because in the second sentence the speaker only say “yet another four”. The word four includes in numerative and this sentence means four oysters. In (e) sentence, the word that omitted is “hat” and it is include in category of ephitets. It can called ephitets because the word “best” in the second sentence include in


Verbal ellipsis is an elliptical verbal group presupposes one or more words from a previous verbal group. For example:

a. Have you been swimming ? – yes, I have b. What have you been doing? – Swimming.

Clausal ellipsis is considered as the expression of the various speech functions, such as statement, question, response and so on. Clausal elements consist of modal elements and prepositional elements. For example:


b. Who was going to plant a row of poplars in the parks? – The Duke was. (prepositional elements).

4. Conjunction

Conjunction refers to words, such as and, however, finally, and in conclusion, that join phrases, clauses, or sections of a text in such a way that they express the logical semantic relationship between them (Brian Paltridge 2006: 139). Conjunction are described by Halliday and Hasan under the groupings of additive, adversative, causal and temporal conjunctions.

Additive conjunction include and, or, moreover, in addition, and alternatively. Adversative conjunctions include but. Temporal conjunction include while, when, after, meanwhile, then, finally. Causal conjunction include therefore, because, so. For example:

a. “While you’re refreshing yourself,” said the Queen, “ I’ll just take the measurements.” And she took a ribbon out of her pocket, marked in inches..

(additive conjunction)

b. He’s not exactly good looking. But he’s got brains. (adversative conjunction) c. She felt that there was no time to be lost, as she was shrinking rapidly, so she got

to work at once to eat some of the other bit. (causal conjunction)


1. Lexical cohesion

Lexical cohesion refers to relationship in meaning between lexical items in a text (Brian Paltridge 2006: 133). Halliday and Hasan state two types of lexical cohesion such as reiteration and collocation.

Reiteration is a form of lexical cohesion which involves the repetition of lexical item, at one end of the scale and a number of things in between the use of a synonym, near synonym, or superordinate. For example:

a. There was a large of mushroom growing near her, about the same height as herself, and when she had looked under it, it occurred to her that she might as well look and see what was on the top of fit. She stretched herself up on tiptoe, and peeped over the edge of the mushroom……

b. Accordingly………. I took leave and turned to the ascent of the peak. The climb is perfectly easy….

c. Then quickly rose sir Bedivere, and ran, And leaping down the ridges lightly, plung’d

Among the bulrush beds, and clutch’d the sword And lightly whell’d and threw it. the great brand

Made light nings in the splendor of the moon…


In (a) there is repetition, mushroom refers back to mushroom. In (b) climb refers back to ascent, of which it is a synonym. In (c) brand refers back to sword , of which it is a near synonym. In (d) car refers back to Jaguar and car is supordinate of


Collocation is an associations between vocabulary items which have a tendency to co – occur, such as combinations of adjective and nouns, as real-estate

agent, the right direction and Aussie man (Brian Paltridge 2006:137). While Halliday

and hasan state collocation is achieved through the association of lexical items that regularly co-occur. For example: whole day, all day, sunset, and mountaineering.

2.2 Review of the related Studies.

The research of cohesive devices had done by many people. There are many objects that the researcher used such as movie script, drama, novel, speech and etc. There are two students that also take cohesive devices in their studies. Risna observe cohesive devices in speech and Rosalina observe cohesive devices in short stories.

Risna (2012) studied about cohesive devices in speech (spoken discourse) with the title Formal Links Approach to Grammar and Lexicon used in Barack Obama speech “Pulang Kampung nih.” This thesis analyzed cohesive devices based

on the application of Guy Cook (1989) seven classifications of cohesive devices (verb form, parallelism, referring expression, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction).


that used in speech appropriate with the time of the events and in this research the researcher find the conjunction that used in this speech is only causal conjunction. According to this research, the researcher can be judge if this speech had a logic context so the main message of the speaker can be delivered to the listener.

The next researcher, Rosalina (2008) is a student from North Sumatera University Medan. She studied about cohesive devices in short stories and the title is

The Use of Cohesive Devices in Selected Short stories of Ernest Hemingway: A

Discourse Analysis. The data taken from some short stories that written by Ernest

Hemingway. The short stories that selected of this research are The Light of the

World, Hills like White Elephants, and A Clean- Well Lighted Place. Researcher used

quantitative method in her research. Based on the analysis, reference was dominant in three short stories. Then, followed by conjunction, ellipsis, lexical cohesion, and the last is substitution. Reference was dominant in this research because in short stories there are some characters that play in the story. Therefore, in the dialogue there are many references that found in short stories.




3.1 Research Design

In this research, researcher used qualitative method to analyze the data. Qualitative research is concerned with developing explanation of social phenomena (Beverley, 1998:2). Qualitative research method is concern about question which begins with: why, how, in what way. Researcher chooses qualitative method because the researcher wants to describe cohesive devices that found in the article “Shaping

Global Superheroes from Malang” from Jakarta Post newspaper. This article was

published on October 19, 2014 that written by Nedi Putra AW. Besides, researcher wants to describe the using of cohesive device in the article is appropriately with the theory or not.

3.2 Data and Data Source


3.3 Data Collection

Researcher used some steps to collect the data. They are:

1. Researcher chooses one of article that published on Sunday, October 19, 2004 from Jakarta post newspaper.

2. Copying the online version “Shaping Global Superheroes from Malang” article from www.thejakartapost.com

3. Print out the article.

4. Researcher also read a printed version to adjust with the online version 5. Underline the sentences that contained cohesive devices.

6. Classifying sentences that contained cohesive devices into five types.


Figure 3.1 Example of Underlining

3.4 Research Instrument

Research instrument is the important thing to obtain the data in this research. Research instrument of this research is researcher herself. Robert states that if you did use an instrument, you still might find yourself doing a survey rather than a qualitative study (Robert, 2011: 103). Researcher is the only one who collecting the data, identifying, and analyzing the data.

3.5 Data Analysis

Analyzing the data means give explanation about our research to readers. Reader knows about how we collect the data and identify the data based on the theory that we used. After collected the data and understanding the theory of cohesive devices, researcher uses some steps to analyze the data, such as:

1. Identifying cohesive devices that found in article “Shaping Global Superheroes from Malang”.

2. Classifying the sentences that contained cohesive devices based on the theory. 3. After classifying the data, researcher gives explanation the cohesive devices

that used in sentences suitable with theory or not.


researcher type the sentence which categorized in cohesive devices by bold and italic writing. Besides, the researcher gives the symbol ( X ) in the table of cohesive devices that suitable with the theory.

Table 3.1

Sample Table of cohesive devices that found in article “Shaping Global

Superheroes from Malang” from Jakarta Post Newspaper


fora, the Deviantart online portfolio and Facebook. His offline seminars both at home and …..



R : Reference

S : Substitution

E : Ellipsis

C : Conjunction

LC : Lexical Cohesion




This chapter contains about finding and discussion. Researcher analyze about cohesive devices that found in article “Shaping Global Superheroes from

Malang” from Jakarta post newspaper. This article was published on October 19,

2014 and written by Nedi Putra AW. Researcher could answer the statements of the problem. Those problems are the types of cohesive devices that found in article and the function of cohesive devices.

4.1 Findings

In this chapter, researcher analyzes some sentences that contain cohesive devices based on the theory from Halliday and Hassan (1976), which classified in five categories they are reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical cohesion. Not only mention the types of cohesive devices in the article, the researcher also describes the use of cohesive devices whether it is appropriate or not with the theory of cohesive devices. Besides, researcher gives explanation about the function of cohesive devices.

4.1.1 Kinds of Cohesive Devices that emerge on article “Shaping Global

Superheroes from Malang”.

There are five categories of cohesive devices: reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical cohesion. Here are the samples as follow:


1. Reference

Reference is one of cohesive devices that found in this article. Kind of cohesive devices that found in the article is reference. Reference refers to the situation where the identity of an item can be retrieved. The main reference patterns are exophora (situational) and endophora (textual). Exophora reference means referring someone or something outside the text, while endophora reference is referring someone or something within the surrounding text. There are two types of endophora: anaphora and cataphora. It can be called anaphora when the relation refers to something or someone is given once at the beginning while cataphora is revealed or refer to the elements that are mentioned after them. In this research, researcher only found endophora reference that consists of anaphora and cataphora. However, anaphora reference is more frequently found than cataphora reference. There are three kinds of references: personal reference, demonstrative reference, and comparative reference.

Based on the analysis, researcher found three types of references that used in the article. Researcher found 25 personal references, 3 demonstrative references, and 1 comparative reference.


Data 4:

Admira feels proud of his books because several characters in the movie

Hercules, starring among others Dwayne, 'The Rock'ۥ Johnson, are based

on the strips he made while under contract with Imaginary Friends Studio in Singapore.

The word “his” is personal reference because this word refers to Admira who

satisfied with the book that he makes and the reference has a function as a possessive in the sentence. Besides, this sentence include in type of anaphora reference. It called anaphora reference because the identity of someone (Admira) is given at the beginning and followed by pronouns (his).

In this research, researcher not only found personal reference that has a function as a possessive but researcher also found personal reference that has function as a subject. Here the sample of personal reference as a subject.

Data 10:

He claims to enjoy his job very much because of the freedom given to him

for his creations. DC Comics and Marvel Comics only provide general

directives, leaving the rest of the work to the artist. He has given Captain

America a one-star and striped costume with a belt. “They were pleased

and there was no problem,”€• he noted.


Another function of personal reference is an object. In this research, researcher also found personal reference as an object used in the article. Here the sample of sentence that consist of personal reference as an object.

Data 17:

Admira became interested in comics as a primary school student, when his

father worked with a shipping firm and brought home comic books for him

from abroad.

Personal reference of this sentence is “him”. The word “him” in second line refers

to Admira. This sentence explains about the cause of admira is interested with comics. Besides, this reference has a function as an object in the sentence.

The next data is personal reference that has a function of possessive. It is different with the first data because this sentence include in cataphora reference and here example of the sentence.

Data 12 :

With his increasing knowledge and experience, besides his skill as a

penciler, Admira has also mastered coloring techniques as well as

anatomical and body gesture concepts for comic character. This has earned the father of two the position of art advisor to Tantra Komik in

Bali, which is ready to go international. “Some of those with limited

technology have finally shown the courage to explore their local creativity, customs, arts and cultures and present them in attractive packages, because packaging is an important factor besides

marketing,”• he said of Bali'™s local initiative.


revealed or refer to the elements that are mentioned after them. This reference has a function same with the first data and the function as a possessive in the sentence.

The second type of references is demonstrative reference. Demonstrative reference means the speaker can identify the referent by locating it. In this article, researcher found some sentences that contain demonstrative reference. The references have a some function, like the word “this” is showing the near location

and referring to singular something or someone. While, the word “those” is showing the far location and referring to plural something or someone. Here the sample of the sentence that contains demonstrative reference.

Data 5:

However, he was disappointed to note that the storyline and intrigue in the film are different from those he portrayed in the comic books.“Some people say my comics are easily translatable into motion pictures”, added the former

storyboard artist for this advertising agency.

The word “this” in the second line is demonstrative reference, this word refers to “advertising agency”. The use of demonstrative reference “this” has a function to show and explain the near of location. The word “advertising agency” is singular and the using of “this” is appropriate with the theory and the function of using

demonstrative reference in the sentence.


Data 12: packages, because packaging is an important factor besides

marketing,”€• he said of Bali'™s local initiative.

The word “those” in the fifth line is demonstrative reference, this word refers to “comic characters”. “Those” has a function to show the far location in the

sentence. Besides, “comic characters” is a plural thing and the using of “those” as a demonstrative reference is appropriate with the theory.

The last type of references is comparative reference. The comparative reference has a function to compare a thing in the sentence. in this article researcher only found one sentence that contains comparative reference and here the sample of sentence.

Data 5:

However, he was disappointed to note that storyline and intrigue in the

film are different from those he portrayed in the comic books. “Some

people say my comics are easily translatable into motion pictures,”€• added the former storyboard artist for this advertising agency.

The word “different” in second line is comparative reference. This word refers to “storyline and intrigue” in the first line. This reference is used to show the


movie are different with the character that portrayed by Admira in his comic books.

2. Ellipsis

Ellipsis is some essential element is omitted from the text and can be recovered by referring preceding element in the text. Researcher found 2 ellipsis in this research. There are some types of ellipsis such as nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis, and clausal ellipsis. But in this research, researcher only found one types of ellipsis that is Nominal ellipsis. Nominal ellipsis consist of the elements specific deictic, non specific deictic, pre deictic, post deictic, numeratives, and epithets. In this research, researcher only found nominal ellipsis that consist of specific deictic and non specific deictic. Here the sample of the sentence.

Data 12:

creativity, customs, arts and cultures and present them in attractive

packages, because packaging is an important factor besides marketing,'ۥ

he said of Bali'™s local initiative.


finally shown. This ellipsis include in specific deictic. The deictic is normally a determiner and word those include in determiner. It is appropriate with the theory.

In this article researcher found another sentences that contains nominal ellipsis. It is different with the first data because this sentence include in non specific deictic. Here the sample of the sentence.

Data 18: portfolio and Facebook” because these word was omission in the next sentence.

the speaker only say “His offline seminars both at home and overseas made.” It means the speaker offline seminars both that are Deciantart online portfolio and

Facebook at home and overseas made him known to imaginary friend studio.

Ellipsis in this sentence include in category of non specific deictic.

3. Conjunction


conjunctions. The conjunction that used in the sentence has a different function like as an addition, to show contrast, as a cause, and etc.

The first type of conjunction is additive conjunction. In this research, researcher found some sentences that contain additive conjunction. There are three additive conjunctions in this research such as and, in addition, and besides. Here the sample of the sentences.

Data 1:

Hercules, a hero of Greek mythology, is portrayed in the comic strip series Hercules: The Thracian Wars, produced by US-based Radical

Comics and written by Steve Moore. The books also turn out to have

involved Admira Wijaya, an Indonesian artist from Malang, East Java.

Data 12:

packages, because packaging is an important factor besides marketing,”•

he said of Bali'™s local initiative.

Data 13:

One of the reasons is that the owners of the figures aren'™t bold enough

to introduce globally styled packages, as they remain stuck to original

outlines in story and costume,'ۥ said the movie fan and film collector. In

addition, Admira referred to the difficulty for Indonesian comic illustrators to meet in a forum, another constraint to the efforts to popularize Indonesian comics abroad.

Additive conjunction in first data is “and” this word has a function to

connect between first sentence “Hercules, a hero of Greek mythology, is


in sentence give explanation to the readers if Hercules comic series is written by Steve Moore.

Additive conjunction in the second data is the word “besides”. This sentence explains skill of Admira, not only as a penciler, but also Admira has a skill as mastered coloring techniques to support his job.

The last additive conjunction in the third data is the word “in addition”. In the first sentence “One of the reasons is that the owners of the figures………” that

explain about the reason of Indonesia superhero movie have failed to appear on the international scene and the second sentence “In addition, Admira referred to

the difficulty for Indonesian comic illustrators…..” is addition to support the first


Based on the explanation above, additive conjunction that used in the first data, second data, and the third data have a same function to give addition in the sentence. Besides, conjunction in the sentence can give support the preceding sentence to make the readers more understand about the sentence. The using of additive conjunction in the sentence is appropriate with the theory.

The next type of conjunction is Adversative conjunction. In this research, researcher only found 1 adversative conjunction that is “but”. This word has a

function to show contrast in the sentence and here the sample of the sentence. Data 2 dan 3:

“As a penciler, I drew the comics in 2006 in five editions comprising

about 150 pages for five months in Singapore,” said Admira at his studio

in Malang in mid-September. A penciler is also a comic creator, but in the


The word “but” in the sentence is adversative conjunction because this word has a function to show contrast. This sentence explains that a penciler is a comic creator but they must translating stories into visual comic too. The word “but” is the only adversative conjunction in this article.

Another types of conjunction that used in the article is Causal conjunction. There are some causal conjunction that researcher found in this article. The conjunction has a different function in the sentence. the first causal conjunction is the word “because” that has a function to give a cause. The second

causal conjunction is the word “by”. This word has a function to give a means.

Here the sample of the sentence. Data 4:

Admira feels proud of his books because several characters in the movie

Hercules, starring among others Dwayne 'The Rock'ۥ Johnson, are based

on the strips he made while under contract with Imaginary Friends Studio in Singapore.

Causal conjunction in the sentence is “because”, this word has a function to show cause in sentence. In the sentence the word “because” is support the first sentence

Admira feels proud of his books” and the second sentence“several characters in

the movie Hercules, starring among others Dwayne……….”. Means that second


Not only “because” in the sentence, but researcher also found another

causal conjunction in the article that the word “by”. This conjunction has a function to give means in the sentence. Here the sample of the sentence.

Data 13:

Yet he regrets that Indonesia'™s superheroes such as Gundala and

Godam, respectively created by Hasmi and Wid NS, have failed to appear

on the international scene. “One of the reasons is that the owners of the

figures aren't bold enough to introduce globally styled packages, as they remain stuck to original outlines in story and costume,”€• said the movie

fan and film collector. In addition, Admira referred to the difficulty for

Indonesian comic illustrators to meet in a forum, another constraint to the efforts to popularize Indonesian comics abroad.

The word“by” is causal conjunction in the sentence. This word has a function to show “means” in the sentence. The second sentence “One of the reasons is that the owners of the figures aren't bold enough to introduce globally styled….” is

support the first sentence “Yet he regrets that Indonesia'™s superheroes such as

Gundala and Godam, respectively created by Hasmi and Wid NS, have failed to

appear on the international scene.” This sentence explains that Indonesia

superheroes movie that created by hasmi and wid NS have failed appear in international scene because the creator aren't bold enough to introduce globally styled.


Data 4:

Admira feels proud of his books because several characters in the movie

Hercules, starring among others Dwayne 'The Rock'ۥ Johnson, are based

on the strips he made while under contract with Imaginary Friends Studio

in Singapore.

Temporal conjunction in the sentence is “while”, this word is used to give support in first sentence as signal of time. This sentence explain Admira was proud with his books because he made the books based on the strips while he under contract with Imaginary Friends Studio in Singapore.

Another conjunction that used in this article is “previously”. this word has a function to connect the sentence and explain about time. Here the sample of the sentence.

Data 7:

“I'm now drawing several character guide poses of Superman against

Batman,'ۥ revealed the Jakarta Arts Institute alumnus. The film Superman v

Batman: Dawn of Justice is due for release in 2016.” Previously, the artist

who was born in 1977, made illustrations for several Hollywood box office movies such as Transformers, The Dark Knight and Man of Steel.

“Character guides are illustrated concepts for actor’s movements or style in their movies or for posters.” He said.

“previously“ in the sentence is temporal conjunction because this word as a word

to connect between first sentence ““I'm now drawing several character guide

poses of Superman against Batman,'€• revealed………” and second sentence“the

artist who was born in 1977, made illustrations for several Hollywood box office

movies” that make the sentence is coherence. Besides, this sentence has a function


office movies. The using of this conjunction is appropriate with the theory based on the function that used in this article.

The last temporal conjunction that researcher found in this article is “when”.

This word explains about the time in this sentence. here the sample of the sentence.

Data 17 :

Admira became interested in comics as a primary school student, when his

father worked with a shipping firm and brought home comic books for him from abroad. He later learned to draw without formal instruction, inspired by the pictures in TV shows and movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. As a graduate in cinematography from the Jakarta Arts Institute in 1998, he joined several superhero design illustration competitions. The bespectacled man once emerged as champion in a contest for the character called Zenith, based on the story by Imansyah Lubis.

The word that include in temporal conjunction in the sentence is “when”, this word used in the sentence to explain about the time when admira interest with comic. This conjunction is to support the first sentence and explains the cause that make Admira more interest with comic because his father always give him comic books from abroad.

4. Lexical Cohesion


Data 2 dan 3:

“As a penciler, I drew the comics in 2006 in five editions comprising

about 150 pages for five months in Singapore,”€• said Admira at his

studio in Malang in mid-September. A penciler is also a comic creator,

but in the comic industry the artist is in charge of translating stories into visual comic works.

In the sentence the word that include in lexical cohesion is “a penciler”, because this word is repeated in the third line. Repetition in this sentence is appropriate because the word is to support the first sentence and give addition explanation for the first sentence.

4.1.2 Functions of Cohesive Devices in article “Shaping Global Superheroes from Malang” from Jakarta Post Newspaper.

There are many functions use of cohesive devices in the text because cohesive devices are the important feature to get the writer in the written text. cohesive devices can guide the writer to make a good written and the written text can be understand for the reader. Furthermore, in this article researcher found some function that use cohesive devices in the article are:

1. To Avoid Repetition

In this article, researcher found many personal references that used because it makes to avoid repetition in the sentence. for example:

Data 4 dan 5:

Admira feels proud of his books because several characters in the

movie Hercules, starring among others Dwayne 'The Rock'ۥ

Johnson, are based on the strips he made while under contract

with Imaginary Friends Studio in Singapore. However, he was

disappointed to note that the storyline and intrigue in the film are


people say my comics are easily translatable into motion

pictures,” added the former storyboard artist for this advertising


For the example above, the using “he” and “his” is refers to Admira. The

writer used this word because this word is efficient and appropriate as a pronoun in the sentence then repeats the word “Admira”. A good written text is avoid repetition but repetition is needed in the text when the text necessary it to make a text become coherence and understandable.

2. To connect between first sentence and second sentence

To make the sentences to be connected with other sentences is the main point when we make a written text. So that, researcher found some conjunction in this article. Most of conjunction that used in this article is additive conjunction that is “and”. For example:

Data 9 dan 10 :

Admira has recently also finished some turnarounds, which are

design pictures of the front, rear and side views of several

characters, mostly villains, including Lex Luthor, Harley Quinn

and Joker. “They're meant for use by other artists to create

comics, action figures and toys,”€• he said. He claims to enjoy

his job very much because of the freedom given to him for his

creations. DC Comics and Marvel Comics only provide general

directives, leaving the rest of the work to the artist. He has given

Captain America a one-star and striped costume with a belt.

“They were pleased and there was no problem,” he noted.

Data 12:

With his increasing knowledge and experience, besides his skill as a penciler, Admira has also mastered coloring techniques as

well as anatomical and body gesture concepts for comic

characters. This has earned the father of two the position of art


international. “Some of those with limited technology have finally shown the courage to explore their local creativity…….”

The example above is some example of additive conjunction “and” in the

article. These conjunctions have a function to show addition. The using of conjunction in the article is appropriate because have a same function to addition or give addition of explanation to support the first sentence.

3. To compare between first sentence and second sentence.

Comparison in sentence often founded to make the reader understand and interest when they read a written text. besides, comparison can support the sentence in the article. For example:

Data 4 dan 5:

Admira feels proud of his books becauseseveral characters in the

movie Hercules, starring among others Dwayne 'The

Rock'Johnson, are based on the strips he made while under

contract with Imaginary Friends Studio in Singapore. However, he was disappointed to note that the storyline and intrigue in the

film are different from those he portrayed in the comic books.

“Some people say my comics are easily translatable into motion pictures,”•added the former storyboard artist for this advertising agency.


4. To give explanation about the time in the sentence

The function of cohesive devices in the sentence can give us explanation about the time in the sentence. This category include in temporal conjunction. Temporal conjunction can connect between first sentence and second sentence that is a function to signal the time in the sentence. here the example of the sentence.

Data 18:

Entering the digital era, Admira'฀ ™s creative capability was

further honed through practice with a computer mouse. At present

he benefits from the Wacom Tablet, while making the most of

online media via two fora, the Deviantart online portfolio and Facebook. His offline seminars both at home and overseas made him known to Imaginary Friends Studio, Singapore. Later on he introduced his works to DC Comics in 2005 and Marvel Comics in 2010, leading to his current achievements.

The data above, there is sentence that consists of temporal conjunction that has a function to signal the time. the word “while” in the sentence to

connect between first sentence “Entering the digital era, Admira'€™s creative

capability was further honed through practice with a computer mouse. At present

he benefits from the Wacom Tablet,” and second sentence “making the most of

online media via two fora, the Deviantart online portfolio and Facebook.” This

sentence explains about Admira’s creative capability to show his comic creation

into online media and the word “while” give explanation that Admira now use

online media: Deviantart online portfolio and Facebook.

5. To give explanation about the scale of proximity in the sentence


demonstrative reference. There are some kinds of demonstrative reference based on the function such as: “that” has a function to show far location in the sentence. Here the sample of the sentence.

Data 5:

However, he was disappointed to note that the storyline and intrigue in the film are different from those he portrayed in the comic books.“Some people say my comics are easily translatable into motion pictures”,

added the former storyboard artist for this advertising agency.

The word “this” in the second line is demonstrative reference, this word refers to “advertising agency”. The use of demonstrative reference “this” has a function to show and explain the near of location. The word “advertising

agency” is singular and the using of “this” is appropriate with the theory and

the function of using demonstrative reference in the sentence.

4.2 Discussions

Analysis cohesive devices in written text is the important thing that writer must use it, because there are several functions in sentence if we use cohesive devices. Beside connected the sentence, cohesive devices can give support and addition in the sentence, give comparison, and to make the sentences more simple because little repetition and the important thing is don’t disturb the meaning in the



data. this theory is appropriate with my research because the main data is an article or text from Jakarta post newspaper.

Based on the analysis above, researcher found some sentences that consist of cohesive devices based Halliday and Hasan theory. There many kinds of cohesive devices that used in article with different function. Most of cohesive devices that used in article “Shaping Global Superheroes from Malang” are personal reference “his” that has a function as a possessive in the sentence and Additive conjunction that is “and”. This conjunction has a function to give addition in the sentence and support the preceding sentence. But in this article researcher not found substitution that used in this article.

From the result of this analyzing, it is answer the problem of the study: what are cohesive devices found in article and the function of cohesive devices in article. Not only the theory that help researcher to analyze the data but also previous study. Researcher can learn from the previous study how the way writer to analyze their data although they use different object with my research.

Finally, message that we deliver from the listener must be clear and understandable, not only spoken message but also written message. Furthermore, when we make written text we must attention with the procedure and the way how to make a good written text. So, the messages that we want to deliver to the readers can be delivered and don’t make the readers confuse and not understand




After presenting the findings and discussion in the preceding chapter, then in

this chapter researcher gives conclusion for the analysis and suggestion for the


5.1 Conclusion

Based on the findings and discussion in the preceding chapter, researcher

found some kinds of cohesive devices in article “Shaping Global Superheroes from

Malang” from Jakarta Post newspaper. This article was published on October 19,

2014 and this article written by Nedi Putra AW. There are reference, ellipsis,

conjunction, and lexical cohesion. But in this article researcher not found the

sentences that contained of substitution. Reference that used in sentence is using for

refers to the something or someone. Ellipsis is used to omission to the word.

Conjunction is used to connect between first sentence and second sentence with

different function such as an addition, to show contrast, give a cause, and etc. the last

is lexical cohesion refers to relationship in meaning between lexical items in a text

include reiteration that is repetition.

In the article “Shaping Global Superheroes from Malang” researcher found

19,72 % references, 1,36 % ellipsis, 24,48 % conjunctions, and 0,68 % lexical

cohesion. In addition, the most cohesive devices used in this article is conjunction


and the using of additive conjunction in the article is more than temporal, causal, and

adversative conjunction. Beside additive conjunction, the using of personal reference

is many found in this article.

There are many functions use cohesive devices in the text. researcher found

five functions use cohesive devices. The first is to avoid repetition. a good written

text is little repetition, so in the text the using of reference is important thing to avoid

repetition the word. The second function is to connect between first sentence and

second sentence. Conjunction is the important thing to use in the sentence, without

conjunction as a connector in the sentence, the sentences is meaningless and makes

the readers not understand when they read written text. the third function of cohesive

devices is to compare between first sentence and second sentence. Comparative

reference is used to compare between first sentence and second sentence and give

support the preceding sentence. The fourth function is to give explanation about the

times in the sentence. temporal conjunction used to give explanation about the time in

this article and give explanation in the sentence. The last function of cohesive devices

is to give explanation about the scale of proximity in the sentence. Demonstrative

reference used in this article to give explanation about the distance of something in


5.2 Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, this research focus on the using of cohesive

devices in the article “Shaping Global Superheroes from Malang” from Jakarta post

newspaper. For the future researcher who is interest to analyze cohesive devices,

researcher suggests to analyze about exophora reference, substitution, and collocation

that is not found in this research. Besides, the next researcher can use different object

to analyze cohesive devices such as spoken text, because in this research researcher



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Figure 3.1 Example of Underlining
  Table 3.1 Sample Table of cohesive devices that found in article “Shaping Global


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